Our Readers SPH Experiences 300
By Our Readers

This reader got massaged…
My girlfriend and I went to a spa in Paris. We got a special treatment with a private room and two beautiful female attendants. They brought us to our room to change and told us the only thing you’re allowed to wear is a pre-packaged paper thong—or be naked.
When the attendants left, my girlfriend turned to me and laughed. She’s always been cool with the fact my dick is kind of small, but the prospect of seeing me in a thong with a tiny bulge or naked with my teeny weeny exposed was too much for her.
“So,” she said, smirking, biting her lower lip, “which is less humiliating?”
I decided to be naked. They’d know I’m tiny from the thong anyway.
The attendants brought us out and took us from one treatment to the next: first a hose down, then a steam bath, then a soap bath, then a massage. The whole time my girlfriend and I were looking at them for signs of noticing my tiny pecker. They acted professionally as if it were no big thing (ha).
At the end, I was getting down from the massage table. My attendant was turned around and reached for something, and accidentally grazed my dick. She turned quickly and said, “Oh, I’m so sorry, my mistake, my apologies.”
I said it was fine. But I couldn’t believe it.
They led us back to our room and thanked us for coming. My girlfriend decided to run back after them to tip in person. A few seconds later, she came back, bursting with laughter. I asked her what was so funny. She said she overheard them talking—in French, which she understood—and my attendant said to the other, “I touched his babydick!”
My girlfriend made fun of me for so long after that. She’d quote the attendant for the rest of the trip and laugh. To this day, I wonder if she told any of her friends.
Another reader chubs up at the dentist…
I work nights and forgot when my dentist appointment was. I woke up to an alarm telling me it was 9 a.m., my appointment was 9:30, and the dentist was 30 minutes away. So I brushed my teeth, pulled on some sweatpants and a T-shirt, got in my car, and drove mad. I told the receptionist I was there, and she told me they were a little behind and apologized for the wait. She was super hot, and I got a little chub on.
While I was waiting, I couldn’t stop thinking about her and getting hard. Eventually, I get called in, and my dentist (a chubby lady I know) has two dental nurses working with her. One is a student or something. I lie back on the chair and pull my sweatpants up a bit as it goes down. I guess one of the dental nurses sees a little bump or something and gives a little laugh. My dentist saw what she was laughing about and said, “OK, let’s keep it professional, ladies, and just focus on his mouth.” Then she looked at me and said, “Is that OK?”
By then, I had my mouth open so that I couldn’t answer properly. It was so hot but also so embarrassing! 🥴
Meanwhile, this reader had a medical exam for the army…
This happened more than 10 years ago when I was assigned to military service, which any Asian boy would be obligated to join after the age of 18. You would have to be tested to see if you were qualified enough to join the army, and you would be sent to the hospital with all the Asian boys turning 18. The test was eyesight, weight, height, etc. ( they checked everything). It was normal until the prostate exam. You had to strip naked and sit in the chair and wait in line.
I remembered I had to be naked and sitting with five other Asian guys, waiting to be next. But the problem was I was born with a micropenis. I knew everyone in the room would laugh when my pants were pulled down. I was shy at first, but I had to do it anyway. When my pants dropped to the floor, I used my hand to cover it and sat down immediately. All the boys sat there just messing around and saw who had the bigger penis. One saw me cover and tried to tickle me, so I moved my hand.
All the boys saw my tiny dick and laughed loud. Some joked, asking if I had gone through puberty yet. It looks like a clit. Some said it looked like a small mushroom around the bush. I was shy and asked to check by the doctor first so they would stop talking about it. But it didn’t stop after that.
When I got to the room, five doctors would do the check. The doctor who took the prostate and penis/ball exam was a female. She put gloves on and checked my penis for any diseases. When she was doing that, she told all the doctors behind to see and teach them how to do it. Some are young and female, and I noticed some giggles behind the mask. But I couldn’t do anything about it. I was just standing there naked and letting all the female doctors touch and laugh at my tiny penis.
While this reader’s girl was expecting something bigger…
So me and this girl were dating, she was 18, and I was 21, and things were getting steamy. Each time we would meet up, we’d slowly start going further and further. I knew she was a virgin and never even touched a guy before, so I wasn’t expecting any comments about my penis size. One night, we started kissing, and I slowly started fingering her for around 10 minutes. She was soaking wet. I started to get undressed, which would be the first time she’d seen me naked.
As I took my underwear off, I was already rock hard, and she looked over and said, “If your finger didn’t break the hymen, how is that going to when it’s not much bigger?”
To say I was stunned was an understatement. When hard, I’m a bronze member of the small dick club. We ended up having sex, and it did the trick, but when I asked about the comment afterward, she just said she assumed it would be bigger even though she’d never seen one or touched one before, not even in porn. I didn’t buy it.
This reader finally gets a shot at a hot girl he had a crush on…
I was at a party after I recently broke up with my girlfriend, and at the party was a super hot female friend who had been hitting on me for a while. She was this insanely hot girl with dark curly hair and a tiny waist with a very nice ass. Even her tits were kind of big. To top it off, her face was super pretty, and now that I was single, I knew she would make her move.
Although I was sad my girlfriend dumped me, I was also very excited because now that I was single, I could finally fuck my 10/10 friend, which I always fantasized about. At the party, we were super close. We were kissing, exclusively talking to each other. I was feeling up her body, especially that juicy ass of hers. It’s all going well. She looks super horny and comfortable with me. We find a place where we’re alone, and this is it. I’m finally going to fuck her.
She puts her hand in my pants and tries to grab my cock, and says, “I wasn’t expecting to struggle to find it,” and she touches it in a way that indicates she is gauging my size. She stops touching it and asks, “Are you even hard?” in a genuine tone.
I’m stunned and can’t respond, but I was rock hard then. Without a word pushed me onto a chair that was right beside us and gave me a lapdance where she ground her juicy ass on my cock probably attempting to see if my cock got hard and grew. I loved the grinding. I had always dreamed of her doing that, but it was also evident she was feeling my cock with her ass to gauge its size for the final time. She feels it doesn’t get bigger and says, “We should get back to the party.”
Then, she started talking to other guys and stopped flirting with me like always. The next time we talked, she bragged about how she fucked a guy with a huge cock. After that, she fucked a few guys from my friend group, making me one of IF, not the only ones rejected for my size, which was crushing at the moment because she was super into me before, and all my friends bragged about fucking her.
The day after, I asked a mutual friend of ours IF she said anything about me, and she showed me a screenshot from a conversation with her where she mentioned my dick was super small and that I’m even smaller than her smallest ex. The last comment was, ‘There was no way I was gonna let that man clit anywhere near my pussy.’ Ouch.
Another reader is exposed to his work friends…
Around this time last year, our boss let us finish work at about 1 pm and took us all out for some drinks as we always get really busy leading up to Christmas so he gives us a party before we get crazy busy. Most people had gone home at about midnight, but I and a few others were still partying. I had way too much to drink, and a couple of the girls who were there took me back to their flat to get me to sleep. I’d been flirting back and forth with one of them, who was also a good friend. We got back to the flat, and they put me on the sofa, took my shoes off, and told me to sleep. I was so wasted that I said something like, “Oh, I can’t sleep in my jeans,” I remember them laughing and saying take them off then.
Neither of them was interested in me because I was so drunk, but I guess they thought it was funny. I pulled my jeans off and then got up onto my knees on the sofa and pulled my boxer shorts down, and wiggled my little dick about. They both laughed, and then the girl I liked told me to stop being an idiot and go to sleep. She pulled my boxer shorts back up, pushed me down, and told me to go to sleep again. At this point, I still had on my socks, shirt, and boxer shorts. Next thing I know, I wake up completely naked on the sofa with about eight different people around me.
They had come back to her place to crash or carry on the party and had decided to strip me naked and have a laugh. It was embarrassing to know everyone at work knew I had a little dick, and I know some of them were filming or taking pictures, but I’ve never seen the pics anywhere, thankfully.
Meanwhile, this reader gets the cold, hard truth…
Recently, I was at the park with my girlfriend and her friends. I’m pretty close with them at this point. We sat on a bench while my girlfriend walked away to use the restroom.
As we were chatting, one of them received a dick pic from my friend, who I set her up with. Feeling adventurous, I asked what it looked like. She said, “Thick and decently big, probably 7 inches.”
This wasn’t too surprising, considering I had seen his bulge in the past, but it made me feel so small with my bronze member dick. I’m bi, and every guy I’ve been with has been larger except for maybe one. I’ve also always fantasized about this guy. I pushed further and asked, “What size do you prefer? What’s too small?”
They answered, “Oh, as long as they can use it right, it doesn’t matter much. But I’ve never had a problem finding guys with big cocks”
When we reached the minimum, both were unsure and told me to name a size. I said five inches. They weren’t quite sure about the minimum size scale, so I talked about the length of my phone and held it up. Her one friend said, “OK, yeah… larger than that,” and they both laughed.
The other chimes in, “Yeah, 7-8 in length is what I prefer.”
Hearing the cold, hard truth made my little guy swell in my pants, knowing I’d never be a real man as my girlfriend returned shortly after.
While this reader also got some cold, hard truth…
Yesterday, a girl I’d previously had sex with posted a story on her Snapchat of her and a friend. They were going out for a girl’s night, and both looked hot. So I swiped up and sent ‘🥵🥵🥵,’ she responded with a ‘😘.’ We made small talk a little. Just about how she’d been, how her weekend was going, and what they were doing. I, of course, told her over and over how hot she was and how I was still obsessed with how good she fucked. She humored it and kept asking me to tell her how good it was and kept bringing up how she made me cum in 30 seconds.
She disappeared for a few hours and replied when she and her friend returned home. She sent me something kind of sexy, so I sent her a video of me stroking my dick. I put the caption: ‘Seems like I have a little problem I could use your help with.’
She replied, ‘Yeah, very little is right 😂.’
I sent her another one with the caption: ‘Shhh. It’s like average size, and you seemed to like it when you came over.’
‘😂 at least I only had to fake it for 10 seconds,’ she replied with a laughing selfie.
Then she sent a picture of her friend getting ready for bed. I told her I bet $10 your friend would think it was average and fine. She took the bet and told me to send her another picture. So I worked the angle, made it look as big as possible, and sent a picture.
‘Send a video’ is all I got back.
A video was harder to fake. So I just sent one and hoped for the best. It took a couple of minutes, but I got a video back. It was the girl’s friend. Whom I’d never talked to and don’t even know. It was just her laughing. ‘Damn, Sarah told me she fucked a tiny babydick a few weeks ago, but she didn’t say it was that tiny.’
I could hear Sarah (the one I’d slept with) in the background laughing. Her friend kept on roasting me.
‘That shit looks like a baby carrot. No wonder she was embarrassed to show me your little shrimp dick!’
I watched it and replayed it and got hard as fuck.
“See. Your dick is tiny as fuck 😂,’ I was sent before I could reply to the video.
‘Clearly, it’s just the angle,’ I said, to which she didn’t respond.
This reader gets pantsed at the pool…
For backstory on this, in my senior year of high school, my friends and I loved to play little pranks on each other but it was never anything serious. On one of the last days of high school, we had a field day, and my friends and I were goofing off. At one point, I thought it would be funny to pants my friend Brandon. It was great, except I accidentally grabbed his boxers when I grabbed his basketball shorts, and our friend group of 5 all saw his dick. It wasn’t small, but Brandon still was pretty embarrassed.
Flash forward a few weeks later, and we were all enjoying the summer after graduation and went to the public pool. The pool was super crowded that day. Again, we were all goofing off and seeing who could do the coolest/stupidest trick dives into the pool. Brandon and I were the last two to go, and just as I was about to jump, Brandon yelled to get people’s attention and yanked my swim trunks to the ground, showing my shriveled-up acorn dick. He then pushed me into the pool, and I lost my trunks. Finally, after what felt like people laughing and pointing at me, he gave me my trunks back. But I can never forget when a huge chunk of people all saw my little dick. I’m just hoping they’ve forgotten about it by now, lol.
Another reader has a pool mishap, too…
James and I were splashing each other in the pool when he yelled out that the water was cold. I don’t know why, but I said, “It sure looked cold earlier,” holding my pinky up.
The guys all laughed again, but James had had it. As I turned to the guys laughing, James reached behind me and yanked my trunks down, showing off my normally 1-inch soft penis, but because of the water, it looked even smaller. The guys started hollering and laughing, which drew more attention to me. As I reached down to grab my trunks, I slipped and fell. When I got back up, my trunks had washed away. Luckily I had brought some spare shorts, but my friends kept playing keep away with them until I showed them my tiny dick again. James said the water must’ve been even colder where I was standing. I then got the nickname Shrimpy for the rest of the summer.
Meanwhile, this reader had his first taste of SPH in the bedroom…
I recently started dating someone, and we had sex for the first time a few days ago. She has quite a thick ass, and I’m a bronze member of the small dick club.
I could tell she was a little disappointed with the size when she pulled it out to suck me. She immediately started deep-throating it easily, and when she stroked me, she did so with just her thumb and index finger.
It still went OK until we moved to doggy style. I really couldn’t get much penetration, maybe only an inch or so, and so I couldn’t get much thrust without risking it falling out. I pounded as hard as I could in this situation but wasn’t getting anywhere for either of us. Until she says quite firmly, “Yeh, pound me with that short dick.”
I have never had SPH before or been into it. But when she said that, something triggered, and I came 10 seconds later to her giggles.
She asked me to go down on her so she could cum too, which I did. We didn’t talk about it at all. I’m still trying to figure out if I enjoyed it.
While this reader gave the pizza delivery guy a little tip…
Back in college, after I got teased by some friends for wearing tighty whiteys still, I made the switch to boxers. I liked them, mainly because they hid my bulge (or lack thereof), and I had a bunch of different types. My least favorite were the ones with the open fly because they always seemed to spread open, but I still wore them when I was running low.
Once, it was snowy (like today where I am), and I ordered some food to be delivered. When the guy got there, I opened the door in a t-shirt and boxers, and he had a funny look on his face. I asked him if everything was alright, and he just grinned and said yeah. After he confirmed what I ordered, he started to walk out but then turned around and said, “Um, you should check your fly, little guy,” and just walked off.
I looked down and was mortified to see that the boxers I was wearing had open fly, and they had spread open to where the guy had a clear view of my little acorn dick. I immediately threw out all my open-fly boxers, and now I wear briefs again.
This reader just couldn’t get his babydick hard…
So I have some friends who are poly and invited me to be with them. I was excited when I went over and showered at their place before bed with them. His wife pulled my pants down and saw my tiny limp penis. She assumed I was a grower so no laughed or snickered. But then she tried to suck on my dick, which is difficult to do. She tried to suck on whatever she could for about 15 minutes, and my dick was still just as tiny and limp as it was when she pulled my pants down. She stopped and said, “If it’s not gonna work right, then I’m gonna stop trying.”
At that point, the only thing I could do was give oral. So that’s what I did, and I ended up having to play with my tiny limp, broken penis myself. They did have me come back and play with her breasts and pussy, but my penis never came out to play after that.
Another reader shows a girl on Facetime…
Me and this girl were on Facetime. I was guessing her bra size, “A-cup, B-cup, C-cup.” C-cup was right, I asked for my reward, and she flashed her boobs to me. I asked her if she wanted her reward, and I showed her my rock-hard gold member dick. Her face got pink as she covered her mouth. She told me to wank it for her, and my hand covered my dick. She burst out laughing but instructed me to continue wanking it for her. I closed my camera and came. She heard me moan. Her face was still pink, but her laughter turned into a soft smile. She blew a kiss and hung up.
*These SPH experiences have been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the stories have remained the same. Erect dick sizes have been edited to be either Gold, Silver, Bronze, or Average. The opinions/views expressed in these SPH experiences (and in any comments) are those of the authors and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. Some of these “confessions” have been taken from Reddit.