Aunt Trixie’s Class

By uppishcarrot.

There is that one time in a man’s life, on the very cusp of adulthood, when you feel just about anything can happen when you’re filled with such optimism and hope. You generally look at the world through a glossy lens when there is so much excitement about what lies ahead. ‘World, here I come. I can be anything, do anything, achieve anything. Anything is possible, and I can’t wait. For me, it was when I turned 21. I worked off and was accepted into an exclusive corporate law program.

I had roughly two months before I officially began, so I planned a big weekend with a group of friends like any young man wanting to sew old oats. The plan was to do nothing but drink and party. I remember feeling that twang of constant excitement, always giddy and gaudy about what was to come. To say I was optimistic about my future would have been an extreme understatement. On that trip, the plan was to lose my virginity. Lord knows I had plenty of opportunities, but I always put my studies first, so I largely avoided parties as the focus was always on securing good grades… well, I’d achieved that, and now, I was going to celebrate and party hard.

There were four of us in my crew, and we planned a weekend trip down south. It was perfect as my Uncle Hector lived that way, and I could save on accommodation. Thinking back, I probably should’ve forked out the four hundred dollars and bunked with my friends… For two reasons. One, it was next to impossible to get around as my uncle’s house was way out in the burbs, and two, I stayed in my uncle’s house due to the situation I found myself in. For the whole weekend, my friends partied without me and had fun without me, and I also realized I didn’t care that I wasn’t there with them. I’m pretty sure they didn’t notice my absence all that much.

I mistakenly flew out a day early, while the rest of my crew opted to fly out together the following day. My Uncle Hector picked me up from the airport and congratulated me on entering corporate law. In context, Uncle Hector was my father’s brother and had a successful environmental lawyer career. To put it mildly, he had done very well for himself. He lived in a huge house atop a hill, boasting breathtaking panoramic views of the city below. It was simply an incredible view. His house was an ultra-modern monstrosity with the most amazing backyard I had ever seen. There was a plunge pool, a grotto, a series of slides, and waterfalls… In other words, it was paradise.

Uncle Hector was a high flyer and had spent most of his adult life single. Eight years prior, he married, and everyone was completely gob-smacked. A self-proclaimed bachelor, living the life that most men dream about… had finally met ‘the one’ and had decided to settle down. The woman he married was Trixie, and I must admit, even as a teen, I had a crush on her. I had spent many times in my room, manipulating my eager member, just picturing how amazing she’d look in a two-piece swimsuit. Yes, Aunt Trixie was to die for. She was in her late forties and had long golden blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, bronzed skin, and a toned, tight body. It was almost as though the gods had sculpted her to perfection.

I figured things had changed since I was a man, but as soon as I saw her, I turned again into a nervous, mumbling schoolboy. I felt like a kid again and was suddenly overcome with nerves and an incessant need to run and hide. “Oh my, my, my, you’ve grown so much!” she exclaimed, which made me weak at the knees. Yes, the last time she saw me, I was just a boy, and I’d grown a lot since then, but she was still speaking to me as if I were a little kid. I wanted to say, “I’m a grown-ass man now, lady,” but all that came out was, “Urr… yes, thank you, Aunty Trixie….” in almost a whisper.

My cheeks burned red in embarrassment as she and Uncle Hector shared a knowing look, followed by muffled giggles and knowing glances. All I wanted to do was hide. It was clear that I still harbored feelings towards my boyhood crush… they both knew this, and it was clear that they both found it mildly amusing. In seconds, I’d reverted into that shy, awkward kid.

As my heart pounded, Uncle Hector gave me a grand tour of his prized home. I was in a daze, still in my world, not realizing what I was looking at. I just went along with the motions, lost in my mind. It was all a blur and when I came too, I realized I was standing in the guest room. “Wash yourself up and come down for dinner,” he said as he shut the door behind him. My heart was fluttering, butterflies made me physically sick, and all too suddenly, I felt queasy. I ran to the bathroom and vomited. When I came back down to earth, I realized that nerves and anxiety had contributed to an upset stomach, all caused by the crush on my hot Aunt. “What the hell is wrong with me?”

Halfway through dinner, my Uncle received a call from a distressed client and aptly excused himself. Time stood still as I sat there with my Aunt Trixie, who just gazed at me with an impish grin, clearly finding my reaction to her amusing. ‘Say something,’ I told myself, ‘anything! Be cool.’ Yes, I still had a crush on her, and I wanted, more than anything, to make a good impression, to show that I was a man with ambition and a happy, confident, popular young guy. To impress her. But before I could say anything, my Uncle barged in, all business, “Sorry baby, I’ve got to fly out first thing tomorrow!”

“What happened?” Aunt Trixie asked.

“I’ve got to head out east; the less said about it, the better. Someone screwed up, and I’ve got my work cut out for me. I’ll be gone for a few weeks,” he said.

My world began to spin as I realized, ‘Oh shit! Alone with her!!!’ I didn’t know how to react or even how to compose myself. I gazed up at him, confused and lost, “Don’t worry, Trixie will drive you into town to meet with your friends,” he added, to which I simply nodded, ‘Okay….’

I slept in the following day, not realizing my Uncle had left early or that my Aunt had gone for a morning jog, which I later learned was often a social call, ending in a latte and brunch with friends. So when I awoke at noon, I found myself alone in a big empty house. The first thing I did was check my phone. My friends had arrived and had just checked in. I received the text, ‘Bro, where are you? It’s about to go off!’

Frustration coupled with sadness fell on me. I realized I had no way of getting there. I was trapped there. So all I could do was wait, and wait and wait. I became increasingly agitated as the day went on. It didn’t help matters when Scott, my friend, sent me picture after picture of the crew lounging by the pool, drinking and hanging out with girls. Jealousy and anxiety took over as I began to pace up and down, desperate to leave nervously. I stared hard at the front door, waiting for Trixie to arrive so she could take me into town. Before long, I found myself outside, standing by my uncle’s pool.

I gazed over the horizon and pictured myself there with my buddies, having the time of my life. Returning to earth, I realized I was alone, missing out on what should’ve been the time of my life. Looking back down at the pool, a thought popped into my mind, ‘they swim; you should too.’ I’d planned to jump in and snap a selfie, just so my friends didn’t feel sorry for me. Thinking back, it was my desperate attempt to be included, not to be forgotten. So, I stripped down to my underpants and dove in. In my haste, my phone slipped out of my hands and fell into the pool… in other words, my phone was destroyed, as was my only chance of salvation. Now, I was unable to contact any of my friends. I was well and truly alone.

In frustration, I tossed my phone at the heavens and conceded defeat, swimming alone. Eventually, the jets turned on, and I felt a new sensation. It was incredible. I made sure I was alone once more, gazing back at the house, and, in one swift move, I slid off my underpants and positioned myself in front of the jets… in other words, the pool was stimulating my privates. It was pure nirvana. I closed my eyes and pictured Aunt Trixie in a two-piece bathing suit, lounging on a deck chair, motioning for me to rub lotion on her. Underneath the water, I had sprouted a boner, the water pressure giving me one hell of a sensation that just seemed to intensify and intensify until… I climaxed. As I returned from cloud nine, I caught my breath, reveling in my post-orgasmic bliss. This was interrupted by a blood-curdling shriek.

From my vantage point, I was facing Aunt Trixie’s feet. I slowly gazed up at her, meeting her disapproving and disgusted leer. She was dressed in a pink skin-tight jumpsuit, which left little to the imagination. “What the hell!?! Are you naked in there!?” she scowled at me.

“Uhh… I was uhh-”

“OUT!!” she yelled, “OUT NOW!!! What are you? Some kind of pervert?!!”

“No, no, I uhh-” This was bad.

“You don’t go to someone else’s house and have a naked swim! You’re disgusting!! Get out of my pool now!!” she said in a tone that sent shivers down my spine.

I could only nod as I swam over to the nearest steps. She stood before me, arms folded, beyond annoyed and irritated. A deep, seething scowl plastered on her face as I slowly emerged from the water, desperately clutching my shrunken privates, shielding them from view.

“Well?!” she said, hoping for some kind of explanation.

“I’m sorry” was all I could say.

“You’re a pervert! Aren’t you!? Wait till I call your Uncle and tell him about this!”

This was mortifyingly bad; I had been caught fucking her pool. I wasn’t even sure how much she saw, but I knew one thing: she was now repulsed and disgusted by me. This was a feeling unlike any other, and the shame I was feeling at that particular moment was enough to send me into a full-blown panic attack, “no, no, I’m not…” was all I could say as I studied her face, hoping for some kind of sympathy, some kind of break.

Instead, she grimaced and continued to scowl. “nothing but a pervert!” she said again as I stood before her, shivering, suddenly chilly. “No, I’m not!” I pleaded once more. “I’m not a pervert!!” I said again, “Please don’t tell anyone about–….” In a desperate, last-ditch attempt, I blurted out, “I’m a nudist. Not a pervert,” I said, hoping she’d believe that lie.

Her eyes widened as she arched an eyebrow at me, “A nudist?” she asked skeptically.

“Uhh, yeah. I’m really into the lifestyle. But, I know it makes people uncomfortable so I just, when I’m alone… I prefer to be naked.” I said, shivering.

I studied her face, not knowing what to expect. To my surprise, her expression softened as she gave my body an ‘up and down’ glance. “You’re just a nudist?” she asked again.

“Yes, that’s it. I’m sorry. It makes people uncomfortable, and I-”

“-no,” she said, cutting me off, “it doesn’t make me uncomfortable,” nearby, a pin dropped. I couldn’t believe she bought it, “I’m sorry I misunderstood you. If it’s a lifestyle choice, you shouldn’t feel embarrassed. I’m okay with it, and the male form does not put me off. You can be naked all you want, I won’t judge,” she said, this time with a genuine smile.

I let out a deep sigh of relief; it worked. But little did I know, I had talked myself into a corner I couldn’t escape. “Well?” she said, almost impatiently.

I knew what she was waiting for. I knew at that moment if I didn’t expose myself to her, she’d know it was a lie, and she’d not only call my uncle but also my parents. Now, I had to own it. I had to be a ‘nudist’ to show off my body so she didn’t think I was some kind of freak pleasuring himself in her pool.

Reluctantly, I let my hands fall to my sides. Her eyes slowly cast downward as she got a decent eyeful of my manhood.

Or lack thereof.

I studied her face as she stared at my bits, I desperately hoped for some kind of reaction.

After what felt like an eternity, her eyes slowly met mine. “I see… ” she said, almost sympathetically.

I looked down, only to confirm my greatest fear: my penis had retreated back into me. All that remained was the little uncircumcised mushroom tip. It looked like a pink puckered-up nub, a worthless little worm. To make matters worse, I always kept it clean-shaven. It was silly now that I think back, but I’d convinced myself that I’d look bigger if I had no hair down there… all it did was make me look prepubescent. I looked back at her with desperate eyes.

“You’re a very sweet and brave little boy,” she said, this time with concern. “You don’t need to cover up your precious little bits around me; you can stay as naked as the day you were born; it’s fine.” I was no threat to her, for she did not see me as a man. I’m sure at that moment, she saw nothing more than a little boy. I’m sure it looked to her like I hadn’t gone through puberty yet. It was shockingly embarrassing, and as I willed my dick to grow, it seemed to twitch and retract inside of me even further. She looked back down at my sad little penis with a sympathetic smile before she added, “Have you eaten? I can make you some lunch, sweetie.”

Minutes later, I sat naked before her as I forced down the egg salad sandwich she’d prepared for me. She towered over me, standing before me, watching with sympathy and sorrow as I ate. She smiled at me, almost adoringly. At this point, my cheeks were beet red; I felt flush as a surge of embarrassment washed over me. Out of instinct, I looked down between my legs and, in that position… it appeared as though my penis was completely gone. She caught me looking and glanced down between my legs as well before looking back up at me with a sympathetic grimace. “How long have you been a nudist?” she asked me.

“Uhh… just, like, a few years now. Umm….” My voice trailed off, wondering where else to take the conversation.

“Have you ever been nude around other people, sweetie?” she asked.

“Urr…. I just urm…” I swallowed the lump in my throat as she stared back at me with those piercing blue eyes burning into my soul, “No, mostly whenever I have the house to myself,” I lied, “I just like feeling free.”

“Well, you don’t have to hide again, honey. You can be free as you like here,” she said, giving me another sad smile. You’re so brave!” she added once again. My body tingled as I was suddenly hit with a whirlwind of emotions, and I found myself smiling, feeling both proud and embarrassed. Thank you, Aunty Trixie.”

“You’re just a little cutie pie!” she said again, with a big grin, which caused me to shudder. I lost myself in her eyes for a moment. Still smitten, still very much intoxicated by her beauty, very aware that her image of me was that of a little boy. Not a man. This was a woman I’d fantasized about for years; now, she knew my little shameful secret. This was not how I wanted to be viewed by any woman, let alone the one woman in the world I wanted to impress.

“Uhh, Aunty Trixie,” I began, “I don’t suppose you could give me a lift into town?” I asked, meekly, softly.

“Huh?” she paused before it all returned to her. “Oh, that’s right, your friends,’ uhhh,” she stretched, not too concerned about my plans; it was more of an afterthought for her. Sure, of course, but… I have some things I’d like to do around the house first. Maybe later?” It was more of a statement than a question.

All I could do was nod ‘yes’ as I conceded defeat. “May I be excused?” I asked softly.

“Well, aren’t you the sweetest little thing!” she declared, almost condescendingly, “You’re so adorable! So polite and sweet! Haven’t changed since you were a little boy!” she let out a slight chuckle before adding, “Of course, but maybe you can help me with the dishes first?”

Moments later, we stood, side by side, manually washing a very big stack of dirty dishes from the previous evening, opting not to use the dishwasher but rather to do everything by hand. It was time-consuming, labor-intensive, and exhausting. Although, I largely followed her lead. It was almost as if I was on an invisible leash. Every now and then, she’d glance down at my little penis and smirk to herself. Needless to say, I felt overwhelmingly vulnerable and exposed. She’d lather with soap, and I’d rinse and dry. The whole thing took close to twenty minutes.

She said before I could run and hide, “I was thinking maybe you could join me for a swim.”

Still embarrassed and vulnerable, I paused as I gazed back at her. ” Urrr, me and you? Swimming?” I asked, trembling.

“Yes. I often do after a walk. You can join me if you like.” She said

“Urr, yeah. Okay. I guess,” I said, shivering. As anxious and embarrassed as I was, I wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to see my hot Aunt Trixie in a swimsuit. Just like my fantasy, this was going to happen. Her very scent made me weak at the knees. Not only was I hooked, but I wanted much more, and it was all that mattered at that moment.

So, from there, I found myself outside, lounging on the deckchair, waiting for Aunt Trixie to emerge from inside. I was crazy with desire, panting and heaving, unnecessarily excited for her to join me. I pictured that toned, bronzed figure rubbing up against me, fondling me, sticking her tongue into my ear, and…… uh-oh…I gazed down between my legs and found my little friend pulsating and throbbing to its fully erect state of 4.5 inches. This wasn’t good. If she came out and saw me with an erection, I knew she’d put two and two together, realizing that the whole ‘nudist’ thing was a lie. Terror took over as I heard the ‘click-clack, click-clack’ sound of her flip-flops coming from inside the house as she approached the pool.

Instinct took over as I leaped from the chair and ran into the bathroom. Never had I moved so quickly, and as I locked the door behind me, I let out a deep sigh of relief. Through the other side of the door, I heard, “Are you okay, little sweetie?” Oh, thank God, she didn’t see my rigidity.

“I’m fine,” I called out, “I’ll be a few minutes,” I gazed back down at my rock-hard member. I was so excited, I was trembling, shivering, violently shaking. Quickly, I reached for a wad of toilet paper and folded it once, twice, thrice… With that, I clasped my eager member with my thumb and index finger and yanked it like no tomorrow. In a matter of seconds, I’d climaxed all over the folded-up wad of toilet paper, turning it into a wet, sticky mess. As I came back down to earth, I let out a satisfied sigh. ‘That was a close one’.

Cleaning myself up, I realized that, post orgasm, my bits looked particularly small and shrunken.

This was confirmed by the fact that as I approached Aunt Trixie, I caught her looking at my midsection and hiding an obvious giggle. Yes, my appearance amused her. I was not a man. That was clear as day, and as I sat next to her, it took every fiber of my being not to stare at her perfect body. She might not have seen me as an able-bodied male, but I sure as hell was and wanted nothing more than to bend her over and fuck the shit out of her… Which I know was physically impossible given my meager size.

Her body was just as I’d imagined. Toned, tight, firm and bronzed. She was dressed in a little yellow polka-dot bikini, leaving little to the imagination. She had a strong upper body with well-defined, toned arms and shoulders. She had washboard abs, strong swimmer thighs, and a tiny butterfly tattoo on her lower back. I shuddered as I got a decent eyeful. She caught me looking and smiled at me before glancing down at my little flaccid member. I’m sure she wondered why I hadn’t gotten aroused.

With her, I, too, looked down between my legs before gazing back up at her, almost apologetically. “Have you ever had a girlfriend?” she asked me.

“Urr, no, I haven’t had the time because of my studies. So, I’ve not been interested, you know…” my voice trailed off.

“Maybe you should see a doctor,” she said with concern.

“A doctor? What do you mean?” I asked, confused.

“Oh, uhh… never mind,” she responded, almost awkwardly.

It was then that I realized what she was hinting at. She had assumed I hadn’t reached puberty, given my small size and the fact that I was bald down there. She didn’t know I’d kept it clean-shaven and had just blown my load… to her. I smiled up at her. She smiled back, “You seem a little embarrassed.”

“uhh… I um…” This caught me completely off guard. It was as if she could see right through the façade.

“Rest assured, sweetness, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. I think you’re very cute. You’re so brave….and you don’t have any hair down there either…” she noticed, pointing out casually.

Inside, I was dying. I was mortified, paralyzed in fear, and unable even to fathom a response. Despite my obvious unease and discomfort with the situation, she continued, “Some men go to so much trouble to be hairless, but you… you’re naturally smooth.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. She believed that I was naturally hairless. As she was saying all of this, she was staring at my little flaccid pink member, which seemed to twitch and tremble as I grew more and more embarrassed with each remark. I was tiny and hairless, and she made it clear that, in her mind, I was not a man. What drove this home was when she asked, “Does your penis ever get hard?”

My eyes widened in shock. ‘How could she possibly think I hadn’t gone through puberty yet?’ I was dying from embarrassment, turning three shades of bright red. “uhh, yes. Of course. I get hard,” she glanced up at me with a sympathetic grin as I desperately tried to save face, “it gets big,” I added, feeling every little bit pathetic.

This time, she snickered to herself, holding back an obvious chuckle, “Oh, I’m sure it does, sweetie….” she said with a wide-eyed grin, trying hard not to laugh, “It’s okay, darling. You’re still young. Still growing. Even if it doesn’t, your penis is just fine. I’m sure you’ll find a girl one day… Even if it doesn’t happen, you know… down there for you like it has with everyone else your age.”

Before I could respond, she held up a bottle of lotion and said, “Can you do my back, sweetie?”

Desperate for a distraction from my little bits, I eagerly took the lotion from her as she sat up, turned her back to me, and unfastened her bikini top. Slowly, I lathered up my hands with lotion and rubbed her down. Her back was semi-muscular and oh-so-defined. Such an incredible specimen. I took my time, massaging her perfect back. Slowly, I leaned in and inhaled her musk, which, at that moment, caused me to shudder. Alas, it was all over as quickly as it began, “thank you, sweetie,” she said before adding, “Let me do you now.”

So I turned my back to her in anticipation.

She reaffixed her top and proceeded to rub lotion into my back. As she worked me over, her hands moved around to my chest and stomach. Her body pressed into mine, her breath hot in my ear as her hands went down below my waist. “uhh….” I began, suddenly terrified. “What are you doing?” I asked in fear. Again, we both looked down at my flaccid tackle. At that moment, I was simply too terrified and anxious to get a boner. Although, I’m not convinced that’s what she was trying to achieve. “We can’t let your little friend down there get sunburnt.” My entire manhood fit in the palm of her right hand as she proceeded to rub and massage my lifeless little organ. Gently in a circular motion before applying pressure in an almost rhythmic fashion. It felt incredible, and just when I thought I couldn’t take anymore, she gave me a gentle squeeze before releasing me, “you poor little thing,” she said softly, “so delicate and precious… so very brave,” she added in almost a sad whisper. “It’s okay, honey. Sex isn’t for everyone.” We both looked down at my flaccid little sex organ. I was feeling mortifyingly embarrassed, perhaps even a little emasculated. She was looking down with sympathy. Needless to say, the whole situation left me a flustered mess.

Eventually, she broke away from me and dove into the pool, splashing me.

I sat there, gobsmacked, looking on, still coming to grips with what had just happened. Never had a girl ever touched me down there. She’d massaged and rubbed it and… with nothing happening, clearly assumed that I was sexless, not reaching puberty. Saddened and sympathetic to the assumption that I was not yet a man despite my age. Embarrassment and nerves further contributed to my flaccidity; not only that, I felt it retract inside of me even further. She had concluded that my penis was nothing more than a lifeless, flaccid little nub. Nothing more than a useless flap of skin. Useless to a woman. Useless sexually.

“Join me, sweetie!” she called out, taking me out of my daze.

We swam for what felt like an hour. Before too long, the sun began to set, and with the darkness of night came an odd chill I was not used to. Following her lead, we emerged from the pool. I was grateful to be given a towel, partly because it was cold but mostly to shield my privates from her completely.

“Maybe you could help me out this afternoon?” she announced as she dressed before me.

“Urm… yes. Of course,” I responded meekly.

“I teach an art class on Saturdays. Normally, we sketch fruit, but… Maybe you could model for us?” she asked, batting her eyes at me.

I was putty in her hands. At that moment, I felt so weak that I couldn’t even think clearly. “Great!” she said before I could even respond, “Why don’t you grab a shower first?”

I could only nod meekly as I quickly retreated into the bathroom, red-faced. It dawned on me that I had to expose myself to her and her whole class. In my mind, I pictured a group of elderly women. I shuddered, thinking about how I would be displayed, exposed, and judged. However, I also knew I had no choice in the matter.

As the water sprayed on me, I fondled my lifeless little noodle, which stayed limp. I was so damn nervous and afraid. I began to wonder if she’d broken it once and for all. If the whole experience had physiologically damaged me and if I was destined to become exactly what she assumed I was. A grown man with lifeless genitalia, useless, impotent, and pathetic. Needless to say, I was not feeling sexy.

When I emerged from the shower, I realized I had no towel.

Emerging from the bathroom, I called her, “Aunty Trixie, can I borrow a towel?” She did not respond, so I called out again, this time more desperate.

All too suddenly, the doorbell rang, startling me and shaking me to my core. “Oh, there you are!” she announced as she emerged from the den. She was dressed in a short brown kimono and bright pink yoga pants. “Perfect timing!” she declared.

To my absolute horror, she swung the front door wide open, exposing me to a group of young women. I froze, standing there like a deer in headlights, unable to move, vulnerable, exposed, and overwhelmingly terrified.

There were five women in total, and all were young students doing Aunty Trixie’s art class for extra credit. There was Lucy, a tall, statuesque buxom blonde. There was Karen, a petite red-haired beauty with porcelain skin. There was Georgina, an athletic goddess with raven black hair. There was Sarah, a shapely blonde with piercing blue eyes. Lastly, there was Brenda, an athletic African princess whose body was sculpted perfectly.

“Lucy!” Aunt Trixie called out as she went in for a hug. “Hey Trixie, good to uhh-” she glanced back at me, giving me the up and down, gazing upon my naked and exposed pale, wet body.

All women paused, looking me up and down. “Did we interrupt bath time?” Brenda said aloud, meeting my gaze with a warm grin.

Aunt Trixie looked over her shoulder at me and then back at her class. “Oh, that’s just my little nephew. He’s agreed to help us out this afternoon,” she paused before glancing back at me with a knowing grin. The little thing likes to be naked,” she added.

I felt my cheeks burn, still too terrified to move. I was frozen in fear.

All of these women were fairly close to my age. I assumed they were either 21 or 22. As they tried to figure out what was going on, I found myself shuddering, suddenly terrified. There was a long, awkward pause, and before too long, Karen said, “My little brother is the same. He also likes to prance around the house naked all the time.” Lucy glanced back at me, “Hey there, little guy,” she said in a playful tone, calling out to me as if I were a child.

Aunt Trixie smiled before adding, “He’s agreed to be our model today. ” Looking back at her class, she said, “I hope that’s okay.”

There were murmurs for a few seconds as they took turns looking me up and down, and before too long, they all gave Aunt Trixie an enthusiastic nod. “Yeah, that’s fine. It’s not a problem,” Sarah said, almost cautiously.

All too suddenly, the phone rang from the other room. Aunt Trixie was quick to excuse herself, “Give me a second, ladies,” she said as she retreated back into the den, leaving me alone with these five young women. It was awkward, to say the very least. Eventually, Georgina asked, “So, what grade are you in?”

‘Grade?’ I began to think.

“I have a brother your age,” Lucy added.

Something was fishy here. Something was off… It was then that I realized, and it hit me like a ton of bricks… they didn’t recognize that I was a grown man. They had just made the assumption, based on the size of my meager genitals, that I was a kid. My mouth hung open in shock, and at that moment, I’d hit a new low and an entirely new level of deep humiliation and embarrassment. They all thought I was a kid.

I examined Lucy, my eyes gazing over her perfect physique. This was the type of girl I wanted to impress, party with, have fun with, and get silly with. Instead, I stood before her, naked as the day I was born, my little pink wet nub on display as I stood paralyzed with fear, beyond mortified, struggling to put together a response, any kind of response. As this went through my mind, my aunt waltzed back into the room.

“Oh yeah, he’s just here over the weekend. A small holiday before he starts a new job? Or a new course? Something to do with college, I think,” Aunt Trixie announced.

Lucy scrunched up her face, confused, before gazing back at me, “College?” she asked, not quite getting it. My heart sank as I caught all five ladies lowering their gaze to my mid-section, all in unison. Brenda furrowed her brow at me, beyond confused, “How old are you?” she asked curiously. My stomach turned as I suddenly felt very nauseous.

Before I could answer, Aunt Trixie said, “He turns 19 next month?” she was way off, but at that moment, it didn’t matter, and I was far too anxious even to say anything.

“Oh my god….” A smile formed on Lucy’s lips as she arched her eyebrows, taking another decent eyeful of my little bits and pieces, “You’re 18?!?” she said aloud in disbelief before pointing to my privates.

Without warning, all five ladies erupted in laughter, laughter from within as they struggled to contain themselves. “Oh my god… that’s just…I can’t believe-,” Georgina said in between fits of laughter.

To my mortification, Aunt Trixie joined in on the laughter. I stood there red-faced, not knowing where to look.

Slowly, I squeezed my legs together and cupped my crotch in a silly and desperate attempt to hide. Alas, this just exasperated the whole situation. All this resulted in more laughter and genuine amusement. This went on and on, and to me, it felt like time had suddenly decided to stop, “he’s like a little boy!” I heard Brenda exclaim in between fits of laughter.

Eventually, Aunt Trixie ended it: ” Now, ladies… let’s be mature about this!” This was mortifying, and just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, Aunt Trixie locked eyes with me. “Get those hands out of the way,” she barked at me before adding, “Well? Aren’t you going to say hello?”

Stifled laughter filled the room as I let my hands fall to my sides. I stood there, red-faced, beyond mortified, as five sets of eyes met mine, judging me, silently mocking me. I was so humiliated I could not even speak. I was paralyzed in fear, and at that moment, I was stone.

All of these women could have been runway models, and as their eyes burned through my soul, I felt my member retract further inside of me. My penis completely disappeared, and I’m sure they all noticed. I’m also sure my skin changed to a bright pink. To put it mildly, I was embarrassed. More embarrassed than I had ever been in my entire life.

As I stood there, studying the faces of the goddesses before me, it was clear that they were well and truly struggling to contain themselves. It was obvious that they were amused by my little bits on display. I felt every urge to cover myself but realized I couldn’t. I had talked myself into this corner, and now, I was trapped. I had to play along to avoid getting into trouble, “or… hello,” I said meekly, softly. This was met with muffled giggles.

“You can do better than that!” Aunty Trixie said sternly.

I cleared my throat and glanced back at her with pleading eyes.

“I want you to introduce yourself!” she said bluntly. My eyes practically bulged out of my head as she flashed me a devious smile, a truly sadistic, evil request. What… urrr… do you mean?” I managed to ask, which resulted in an eye roll. ” Go and say hello to everyone,” she practically barked back at me as she retreated back into the den, preparing for her class.

I simply couldn’t believe she was making me do this. I slowly approached the ladies before me and introduced myself to them individually. Their eyes were transfixed on my little penis as it jutted out of me, looking particularly useless and pathetic. They could all see every little humiliating detail of just how little and unimpressive my tiny excuse for a penis was. “Uhh, hello,” I said, extending my hand for a handshake before moving on to the next person, “uhh, hello….”

Lucy gave me an up-and-down gaze with an exasperated smirk. Brenda chuckled to herself in disbelief. Karen said, “Maybe if you water it, it’ll grow,” Georgina added, “Such an ornamental little pickle,” this began a barrage of light-hearted insults that quickly led to raucous chatter and giggles amongst the group. Eventually, this evolved into laughter. All of them laughing at me or my lack of manhood. I’d never felt weaker, more vulnerable, and more exposed than I had at that moment. It was mortifying, to put it bluntly. “Such a polite little pee-pee,” Lucy added. That comment got a particularly loud response.

When I thought it was over, Aunty Trixie emerged from the den and announced, “We’re all good to go now! Places, ladies!”

Moments later, I was ushered onto a small platform.

I scanned the room and noticed all five ladies seated behind five identical easels. This was indeed a class, and I’d foolishly agreed to be their very nude, very exposed male model. I shuddered as I took my place on the stage, directly underneath a glowing spotlight.

Aunt Trixie looked me over again before shooting me an almost evil grin.

From there, I was given instructions on how to stand. I was told to arch my back, spread my legs, bend my right knee, jut my butt out. I was given so many instructions that it left me feeling particularly flustered. There was no escape, no hiding. I was so vulnerable in that moment. What heightened my embarrassment was the murmurs, chatter, and muffled giggles that did not end. All five women were amused by my nudity, by my lack of masculinity, and were outwardly judging me. For some reason, in that moment, something inside of me switched and I felt something inside of me begin to stir. Somehow the nub that was my penis all of a sudden felt unusually sensitive, and before too long, I felt myself becoming aroused. I fought with every fiber of my being to keep from becoming erect; alas, I was completely powerless to stop it.

Shocked gasps and audible snickers filled the air as I stood before the crowd with a raging little hard-on. Aunty Trixie, of course, found this utterly hysterical, “Well, well, well! Would you look at that!! The little thing works!!” she said aloud in genuine shock and surprise, albeit with a strong tone of mockery and condescension, “I bet that feels nice!” she added with a smirk, “and look at how ‘big’ you are!!” Red-faced, I stood there, feeling overly self-conscious, like I was being examined under a microscope. I could tell that everyone was genuinely shocked just at how tiny I was, even in my aroused state.

Sensing my unease, she stuck her bottom lip at me with mock concern before adding, “I’m just teasing, sweetie.” At that moment, more than anything, I just wanted to hide.

Unfortunately, hiding was not in the cards for me.

My hardness remained as I continued to pose for Aunty Trixie’s students almost all afternoon. She made me change poses multiple times, and the final stance was facing the wall. It would be a painting of my rear. I let out a deep-winded sigh of relief, thinking that at least I would be hidden for a brief period.

Eventually, the class was over.

Once I was done, my body fell limp as I exclaimed in relief, grateful to no longer be posing with my arms up in the air with my butt out. As I turned around, I saw the group talking amongst themselves, some still amused by my display, others waving their pinkies at each other. Yes, my little penis was the primary topic of conversation at Aunty Trixie’s class, and they all realized that whilst facing the wall, my modest little erection had withered.

Brenda locked eyes with me and said, loud enough for everyone to hear, “You’ve morphed into a young lady.”

“huh?” was all I could respond before looking down.

My eyes widened as I soon realized that I, once again, had significant shrinkage. It was as if I had no dick. It completely retracted inside of me. Perhaps it was the nerves or the anxiety, but my body had completely betrayed me. There was absolutely nothing between my legs, and in my haste, I reached down and proceeded to pinch it to fish it out. Of course, this caught the attention of everyone, and the snickers, muffled chatter, and giggles commenced once again.

I locked eyes with Aunt Trixie, who simply shrugged and shook her head with a large grin. I’m sure she found it funny: the grown man with the underdeveloped little boy’s penis. I just wanted to run and hide. This was so terrible.

I was taken out of my daze when Georgina said, “You’re quite courageous and brave to be a practicing nudist. ” My eyes darted back to her, beyond humiliated. “Uhh… I’m brave?” I asked with almost a whimper.

“Your penis is so small. I commend you; you’re so fearless. Show it off like that in front of everyone. Most men with your condition would keep it hidden, but you….” She paused, genuinely impressed by my ‘supposed’ guts, “You’re fearless.”

“Uhh… my penis is umm… it’s not that small,” I responded defensively.

Of course, this resulted in another fit of laughter. My Aunt Trixie said, “Oh, of course not, sweetie pie!” Joking aloud, she caused more laughter to follow at my expense. “It’s man-sized,” she teased before holding her thumb and finger in my face.

Not quite sensing I was on the verge of a meltdown, she continued to press on even further, for her amusement: “His Uncle has an honest-to-god ‘coke can’ between his legs. Poor little thing must take after his mother’s side of the family. ” She flashed her pearly whites at me and arched her eyebrows: “Don’t worry sweetness. I’m sure you’ll grow to be big like him one day. After all, you’re still just a delicate little boy.”

I stood there, red-faced and embarrassed, as everyone laughed and laughed. I’m sure they all wondered how I could be so underdeveloped and prepubescent-looking. Eventually, the laughter died down, and they started to leave individually.

“Bye, tater-tot,” said Lucy.

“Toodles, toddler dick,” said Brenda.

“Ta-ta, peanut,” said Georgina.

Almost everyone had their little nickname for my lack of endowment.

Once everyone had gone, my Aunty Trixie leaned in and squeezed me tight. “You’ve been such a good little boy today. I’m so proud of you.”

She gazed down at my flaccid little nub once more as a smirk washed over her, “Why don’t you finally cover up that little thingy,” she said rather bluntly, “peanut,” she added with a slight chuckle.

It was clear to me, then and there, that she knew I’d made the whole ‘nudist’ thing up. She’d just decided to tease and torture me for her amusement. I looked up at her quizzically; all she did was smile, flashing her pearly whites, knowing full well that I could never look at her in the eyes again. I was simply far too ashamed. I was also far too terrified to ask for a lift into town… For the remainder of the weekend, I was stuck there.


The End.


*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, punctuation, formatting errors, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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