Drawing a Comparison
By uppishcarrot.

I was putty in her hands. Like an idiot, I skimmed through the document before me and aptly signed.
“And this one too, honey,” she added, placing another lengthy document before me.
“Ugh, yeah, sure….” I signed this one without a second thought. I guess you could say I was intimidated by her beauty. Needless to say, it clouded my judgment. I should’ve paid more attention. Alas, before I knew what was happening, I was handed a white hospital gown and ushered into a small private booth.
“Okay, so just get undressed, and I’ll have the head nurse fetch you when she’s ready,” she left me flustered. I could feel my pulse in my ears as I tried ever so hard to maintain the image of a red-blooded alpha male.
I didn’t even get her name, but already I was fantasizing about her. She was tall. She was busty yet athletic. Her piercing blue eyes burned through my soul. I kept daydreaming and fantasizing as I disrobed, to run my hands down the nape of her back, to clasp her hips, and to press that body close to mine. I imagined what lucky asshole got to see her naked, got to experience her. What it would be like to have our bodies entangled in post-coital bliss.
I stood before the mirror in nothing but my briefs. I looked and felt foolish, feeling my cheeks burning. I quickly put on the little white gown and sighed sharply, anticipating what was to come. This was my last shot. I was desperate.
You see, I lost my job roughly a few months ago. After my savings ran out, I began relying on the kindness of friends, which was short-lived. Now, I was on the verge of being homeless. At first, my roommate, Brad, was sympathetic, even offering to pay my share of the rent until I got back on my feet. Unfortunately, this put quite a strain on our relationship.
Angela, his partner, moved in to pick up the slack. In another world, it would have been me that ‘got’ Angela. Alas, Brad swooped in and won her over. I was the one that saw her first in a crowded bar. I was the one who approached her and offered to buy her a drink. It only took Brad minutes to barrel me down and overwhelm her with his display of machismo that just turned her into putty in his hands. It was over. He bedded her that evening and the evening after. It was torture, making love to my hand while he made love to her on the other side of the wall.
Soon after, they became an item. Every time I saw her, it stung. I’m sure she was oblivious. I’m sure of it. Angela was my dream girl: busty, tall, leggy, brown eyes with confidence, attitude, and moxy. My god, I’m crazy about her… Having her see me like this was utter torture. I must have seemed like less than half a man to her. Every time I saw her, I felt utter shame.
To my surprise, she offered to help. Angela suggested I participate in a study for male sexual health at the clinic for male wellness. At first, I was thrown aback and flat out refused, “Are you sure? It pays two hundred bucks per session! And if they like you, they’ll use you again and again. The previous subject was used at least four times the other week,” she said.
It sounded too good to be true. “Thank you so, so much! I can’t believe it! I can’t believe you’d offer to help me like that!”
“Oh, of course, silly! I care about you,” she said, adding, “You’re so sweet. You’re like a little sister.”
Brad snickered, trying to hide an obvious chuckle. But it’s true, that’s how she saw me, an emasculated effeminate broke weirdo. Oddly enough, being embarrassed before her only seemed to drive me crazier. In short, I wanted her more than ever. Knowing that it would never happen aroused me beyond comprehension.
As this was going through my mind, the head nurse emerged and extended her hand. “Good afternoon, I’m Nurse Elizabeth.”
I rose, awkwardly shaking her hand, not knowing what to expect. She was a breathtakingly beautiful middle-aged woman with long blond hair, piercing blue eyes, and luscious pouty lips. Her scrubs clung to her body tightly. God, she was tight with curves in all the right places.
I swallowed the lump in my throat and followed her.
She led me into a small Amphitheatre.
In the center of the room was another man dressed in a matching white gown. “Hey, bro,” he said as Nurse Elizabeth instructed me to stand beside him.
“This is Carl. He’ll be part-taking in the study with you today,” she said before adding, “If can just get you both to remove your robes,” she instructed.
Greeting him with a warm grin, I said, “Hey man, nice to meet you.” I suddenly felt very awkward. “Just out of curiosity, what is hap—” I was interrupted when the doors from above swung open as Nurse Elizabeth’s class filed in. I counted twenty female nursing students.
To my mortification, Angela was front and center. She met my gaze and smiled at me, “I’m so glad you’re doing this!” she said to me in almost a whisper.
I still had no idea what I’d just agreed to, but I would soon find out.
Nurse Elizabeth began, “Okay, gentlemen. Today, we will be doing an in-depth analysis of the male organ. We will examine you erect and study your seminal fluids. This is the first of four sessions. Thank you for agreeing to take part. It was very, very brave of you both.”
The color left my face, and it felt like I suddenly had heart palpitations.
“Well, start with you!” Nurse Elizabeth pointed to me, “I’ll just get you to disrobe.”
My ears began to ring. It felt like I couldn’t breathe. Suddenly, I had become overly self-conscious about my body.
“Urm…. Excuse me?!” I asked, beyond terrified.
“Didn’t you read the agreement!?!?” Nurse Elizabeth responded, practically barking at me.
I examined the crowd, twenty sets of eyes burning through my soul was terrifying. There were muffled snickers and giggles. Most of the ladies before me were beyond amused, some sitting forward in anticipation. Angela met my gaze and arched her eyebrows. She knew this would happen.
I must’ve looked so mortified.
Carl stood beside me, slightly annoyed that I was holding everything up, “Come on, dude! We don’t get paid if you don’t play ball!” he said, irritated.
I knew I was far from impressive. I knew what I looked like when I was nervous, cold, and afraid. I looked like a frightened pale turtle. I certainly did not want a room full of women, especially Angela, to see me like this.
Alas, I had no choice.
I slowly placed my fingertips into the waistband of my briefs, and in one swift move, I lowered my shorts to the floor.
Standing stark naked, I examined the faces of the twenty nurses before me for any kind of reaction. There was none. They all looked on stone-faced.
I locked eyes with Angela, and she gave me an almost sympathetic smile with the arch of an eyebrow.
Slowly, I looked down only to confirm my greatest fear: shrinkage, extreme shrinkage. My little Peter looked like a pale thimble resting on a walnut.
Oh god, this was bad. With pleading eyes, I looked up at Nurse Elizabeth, who stood before me, looking down at what little I possessed. A sad expression plastered on her face, “Very good,” she began before turning her attention to Carl, “Your turn, Carl.”
“Yeah, no problem,” he didn’t seem to care, and in a few seconds, I knew why.
Audible gasps filled the room as he lowered his briefs.
I examined the crowd, all of whom were transfixed on Carl. Some were in awe. Others were hiding obvious grins. I heard a few women murmur, “Oh my god!” and “Holy shit!” and another say, “Woah! Jeez!!”
Curiosity got the better of me, and I soon found myself glancing down at his midsection. Carl was…anatomically gifted. Although he was flaccid, he was far larger than I, even in my most erect state. It hung low, jutting outward, covered in thick blue and purple veins. The head was large and bulbous. His testicles were like large plumbs.
I looked down at my member, drawing a comparison; my little pee pee almost resembled a turkey timer. The head barely sticking out of my thick nest of pubic hair. Suddenly, I felt smaller than I’d ever felt in my entire life.
I also knew that no one was interested in examining me. They all wanted to examine the almighty Carl.
“Very good!” Nurse Elizabeth announced. Okay, so we need two volunteers. Our subjects need to be erect. ” Nurse Elizabeth locked eyes with me. Do you think you can manage that, sweetie?” she said consolingly. I heard snickers and chatter from the crowd as she spoke to me like that, like a frightened, lost child.
I was unable to fathom a response. I simply nodded.
“Very good!” she added, “Cassandra, you can attend to Carl and….” Her eyes wandered the room momentarily before she announced, “Angela, you can attend to our little friend here,” muffled giggles followed from the crowd.
Angela grinned from ear to ear and approached me. God, this was happening. I was beyond mortified. This couldn’t be happening.
Minutes later, Carl and I were seated beside each other on a cold steel bench as Angela and Cassandra sat before us on two adjoining stools.
I looked over at Cassandra, who simply shied away from me, almost as if to say, ‘Don’t fucking look at me looser!’ She clasped Carl’s member gently, rubbing and tugging. In a matter of seconds, he was erect. “I think we’re good to go here, Elizabeth,” Cassandra announced as she continued to ‘play’ with her subject. He was so long and thick that she held it with two hands on each other. Her fingers barely touched. He was so girthy.
“Aherm!” Angela cleared her throat in an attempt to capture my attention. “Don’t worry about him, just focus on you.” She pinched and prodded my little member with her thumb and index finger in an attempt to get it to life. Almost as though she was fishing it out of my pubes.
It was then that I noticed she was wearing surgical gloves. Cassandra wasn’t.
Despite my nerves, it didn’t take long for me to achieve an erection. Angela stood back with a look of confusion plastered on her face. She hefted my member, giving it a slight squeeze. “I urm… think we’re good to go here too,” Angela announced with a tone of confusion.
“Very good! Let’s begin with measurements,” Nurse Elizabeth declared.
Angela went first, rolling out tape along the underside of my erect organ. “4.5 inches,” she announced to the group. “Long,” she added for comical effect. Muffled chatter and giggles followed from the crowd.
“And you, Cassandra?” Nurse Elizabeth asked.
I watched Cassandra mimic the action before announcing, “9.7 inches,” she declared. A small round of applause followed as Casandra let out a giddy laugh, suddenly overwhelmed. She continued to tug at his member, staring deep into his eyes with a wide-eyed grin. I could’ve sworn she’d whispered to him, “My god, you’re a big boy,”….. or maybe it was just my imagination.
“Very good! Now, let’s extract those samples, ladies!” Nurse Elizabeth added.
Angela smirked at me as she tugged me with her thumb and index finger. “Are you okay?” she asked me, almost with mock concern. All I could do was nod as my roommate’s hot girlfriend proceeded to massage my erect member in front of an audience full of women.
It dawned on me, however, that very few of the women in the audience were paying attention to me. It was clear that I didn’t matter. Everyone was transfixed on Cassandra and Carl. Even Angela was eyeing the party between Carl’s muscular manly legs.
Cassandra was enjoying this perhaps a little too much. Beads of sweat formed on her upper lip as she ferociously tugged him for all he was worth. It was almost like she was churning butter, up and down with a twist to the right and then to the left. Somehow, they both seemed to be glistening with sweat. His member seemed oddly shiny, almost as if he were lubricated. She continued to pump him harder and faster without breaking eye contact.
They both seemed to be enjoying themselves.
I scanned the room and examined the faces of the eager women watching. The whole display aroused some. Here was a man in every sense of the word, proudly on display for all to see. My god, he was impressive—an impressive specimen.
I looked down between my legs as Angela tugged me with her thumb and index finger. She was giving me a gentle tug, not applying much pressure. Her eyes would wander over to Carl and Cassandra every few seconds, looking on in envy and lust.
I felt an odd pang in my chest. I don’t know what came over me, but I suddenly felt compelled to ask, “Is urm….” I began, “Is Brad that big?” I asked her quizzically.
Angela chuckled as she met my eyes with an impish smirk, “No, sweetie. Carl is honestly a freak of nature. That is thing fucking crazy. He’s got a mutant eggplant between his legs. That thing is insane!” she said, clearly overwhelmed.
“So… You’re saying he’s more like me?” I asked.
“Aww, honey… ” she began. “No, sweetie. He’s not like you. ” She grinned at me, making me feel two inches taller.
I suddenly felt eyes on me, and my ears began to burn. Some were listening in on our conversation. “How….” I began again, desperate to know, “How does he compare to me?” I asked as she looked at me, confusion washing over her, “Just out of curiosity,” I added.
“He’s bigger than you, honey. Is that what you wanted to know?”
I heard muffled giggles in the distance. I prodded further, “A lot bigger??” I sounded pathetic.
Angela suddenly stopped and clasped my member at the base, gently waving it about. “You’re almost half his size. Yes. He is much bigger than you, honey. I’m so sorry,” she admitted, almost sympathetically. “But, you have other qualities….”
Laughter erupted from behind her, and we soon realized that at least half the class was listening to our conversation. She looked over her shoulder and said aloud, “Brad is my boyfriend, his roommate.”
Chatter followed from the group, “Oh, that makes sense,” one girl said.
“Poor widdle guy,” another added mockingly.
Angela resumed tugging me. “I just need you to produce a sample. Can you do that for me?” she asked, almost impatiently.
“I’m sorry, Angela,” I responded, my cheeks beet red.
I felt inadequate, insecure, exposed, pathetic, and silly at that moment. I don’t know what came over me, but I suddenly wanted to prod even further. “Do you think…” I asked again, “Do you think you could’ve been with someone like me?”
Angela smiled at me, “Of course, honey. You’re such a sweet pumpkin pie. You’re like a girlfriend practically.”
“Urm, that’s not what I…” my voice trailed off momentarily. ” That’s not what I meant,” I added.
“You’re a really….” She paused, trying to find the words. “You’re a nice guy. More guys should be like you,” she added, trying to save face.
Again, I wanted to prod even further, “What do you think about my cock? Is it… Is it okay?”
“Oh, it’s just fine. You have a very friendly little penis,” she said, almost condescendingly.
Laughter and chatter continued from the group. Suddenly, I could feel it gathering in my loins. I was on the verge of an explosive eruption. I had to prod even further.
“Do you think… Mrpf!!! Argh, Oh god….” I began as she reached for the beaker, holding it by my member as she continued to stroke with her thumb and index finger. “Do you think I’m big enough to please you?”
She met my gaze, confusion washing over, followed by a sudden realization of what I wanted her to say. She smirked at me, a coy smirk. “To please me?” she said, on the verge of laughter. “You mean sexually? You’re kidding, right?” She picked up the pace as I felt the world begin to spin around me, “You’re barely a man. Not quite a boy. Look at you. Look at how pathetically little you look next to a real man. If I were you, I’d be ashamed—ashamed of what I possessed between my legs. Ashamed that I had a little pickle where a man’s cock should be. You’re not a man. You’re a babydick freak.”
I let out an exasperated wail and a curdling yelp as I climaxed, going off like a firecracker. Angela held the beaker over my erupting member, catching the ‘sample’ as I caught my breath. I slumped back, collapsing on the bench as I came back down to earth. An applause followed as Angela rose, slipping off her gloves and tossing them in the trash receptacle beside her.
“I meant it, you know,” she said, smirking. “All of it,” she added before turning her attention to Cassandra, Carl, and the rest of the group.
All I could do was look on.
I looked on in envy and jealousy.
Cassandra and Angela were sitting between Carl’s open legs, egging him on, “Come on, baby,” Cassandra said under her breath.
“Cum for us,” Angela added as she reached forth and fondled his balls while Casandra picked up the pace even more.
Suddenly, I was very aware of my shortcomings, even more so given that I was rapidly deflating. I crossed my legs and covered my shame as I looked on with the rest of the group.
It didn’t take long for Carl to reach an orgasm.
He came in thick white ropes, the first plastering Angela and Cassandra in the face, the second with even more force, flying across the room. The entire group gasped before erupting in laughter.
“Beaker, Cassandra!” Nurse Elizabeth called out, irritated.
“Oh shit, yes. Sorry.”
Frantically, she grabbed a hold of the beaker, catching the rest of Carl’s sample. He continued to come in thick ropes, practically filling the beaker to the top. I counted at least 12 powerful ropes of come until he finally subsided, falling back and catching his breath.
“Holy fuck!” he exclaimed.
Angela and Cassandra erupted in laughter as they both pointed out to each other the fact that they were coated in Carl’s cum. Angela looked over at me, cum dripping down her face.
“Is it bad?” she asked me mockingly.
Nurse Elizabeth intervened, handing Angela and Cassandra a wipe to clean themselves off. It felt like it happened so quickly. It was over in a matter of seconds. Nurse Elizabeth then held up both beakers; Carl’s full to the top and mine, barely making it even halfway. It dawned on me that Angela was right. I was not a man. Not in any way, especially not after what I’d just gone through.
Everything after that was a blur. I was quick to put my briefs back on as Carl stayed behind chatting with his adoring fans. He remained nude from the day he was born. His proud, spent cock swaying back and forth.
“Can I head out?” I asked Nurse Elizabeth.
She dismissed me with a wave before adding, “Oh yes, sure. We’ll email you the results, and you can find the video online.”
“Video?” I asked, panic setting in.
Angela perked up, pointing to the tripod at the top of the stairs. “I’ll personally email you the link,” she added, chuckling.
“Oh, erm, thank you.”
God, I sounded pathetic. I was quick to make myself scarce.
The End.
*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, punctuation, formatting errors, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.