Cuckold Cum Conversion
By ForbiddenTales.

Dr. Jones, the endocrinologist, gulped and tried not to stare at his client’s bulging cleavage.
“Miss—Mrs Wright…. Will your, uh, husband be joining us?”
“I’m afraid he’s otherwise engaged.” Said Skyler, taking a seat and crossing her long, supple legs.
“It’s just these are his results, and they have some pretty big, uh, big ram-”
Skyler handed the Dr. a large brown envelope.
“Right now, my husband is in a pretty, albeit tacky, frilly latex pink maid’s outfit, almost certainly on all fours, partly because of all the scrubbing and brushing he has to do, partly because he is still learning to walk in the heels I’ve locked on his feet. He signed this” Skyler stabbed at the paper with a perfectly manicured nail “so I could make the choices, and he could stick to what he’s good at.”
The Doctor looked down silently at the table for a long time, then mumbled, “We have good news and some very important recommendations for our next steps.”
Dr Jones handed the hotwife several documents containing graphs and data. Jones went to explain, but Skyler cut him off.
“This is the baseline -5-6 ppm of testosterone. Just barely within the expected male range. And this, I’m guessing, is the first night we let Sean breed me bare.” Jones nodded, his face bright red. “And John ate it all up like a good boy, so he had 53pm the next day in his bloodstream. Isn’t that wild?” She looked Dr. Jones in the eye. “That Sean had 10x more manliness in just one of his big, thick loads than my little sissy of a husband does in his whole body?” Skyler kept poring through the data. Some days, John spiked to 100, 150, even 200, depending on how well fed he was. In others, he dropped to near single digits. That had been an early lesson: that her husband must be fed daily if this experiment was worth doing.
They’d been very consistent for the last six months. There were three days with big dips in testosterone and DHT and sudden, sharp rises in estrogen.
“We were wondering about these…” Jones asked
“Those are the days he came.”
“I see. So unlocking him-”
“We didn’t unlock him. We haven’t in ten months. He came with my strapon in his ass, half passed out as he choked on Sean’s cock. Ah…. I see. Is this your good news?”
She pointed to the graph covering the last 4-5 months, which showed a line steadily rising, taking her husband’s average ppm from roughly 50 to roughly 75.
“Yes,” said Jones excitedly, “plus here….” her husband’s penis size, estimated from the tensile strain on the cage, had increased by about.25 inches in length.
“Wow,” Skyler said sarcastically. “So he could be almost half Sean’s size in another six months? God. I’m so wet.”
“Well… no…. That’s an exciting number because it’s all derived from hormone management. In practice, though… keeping him locked for as long as you did without any erections, breaks, etc…”
“What’s the number?”
“Probably an inch. Factoring in the growth from… From Sean’s loads.”
The blonde did some quick math.
“So, my husband’s dick would be about 3″ long if I let him get hard right now?” Jones nodded a little solemnly. Skyler chuckled in response, “So cool. Tell me why we like the numbers.”
Jones cleared his throat.
“When we began this treatment, the hope was that an intense increase in natural testosterone levels would, if sustained for long enough, produce a kind of homeostasis. Instead of trying to get rid of the ‘excess’ T, John’s body would yield, accept the new, higher level, and start making its own to match. “Match” is the operative word here — johns endocrine system recognizes it didn’t make this, so they can’t rely on it. So it’s trying to make the same quantity — a little more ideally — so Sean’s testosterone is supplementing John’s, not overwhelming it. As you can see, John has been making a little more daily, week by week. A fortnight ago, he hit 40 ppm!”
Skyler looked at her watch. “So, soon they match… Then what?”
“Well… if they did match, John would, for probably the first time in his life, have a strongly testosterone-dominated hormone system, as most men do. It’s already skewing that way, hence the bottom growth. You may begin seeing some reluctance to be submissive soon. Taking that power back would boost his T level more. A virtuous circle if you let it happen.”
Skyler sat there and listened, taking the occasional note but mainly playing with her hair. She listed John’s options and her own and wondered which list would prove more relevant.
The house was spotless — every kitchen tile, every inch of windowsill. He had even hoovered under the carpets. When he heard the key in the door he felt sanguine, confident he had done his very best for his Goddess.
Skyler may be a cruel woman. Sadistic and addicted to enslaving and humiliating weak men — and, sometimes, women. But she is not arbitrary or unfair.
“You did so good for me!” she beamed, pulling John’s head into her ample bosom and rocking him gently. Then, idly looking at her watch, she spat a full mouth of hot saliva onto the pristine kitchen floor.
“Clean that up. No. Don’t get a towel. Use your face. Get down on all fours and rub your face in it until the floor is dry again.” She took the sub’s seat as he obeyed her and waited until he was sitting facing her cross-legged on the frigid tile floor. His face was glistening with her drool, but his eyes sparkled with love.
“The doctor had a lot to say. I made him write it all down and sign it. Because when you make a choice, I want you to; I need you to know it’s not a trick or a game. I want you to know exactly what you’re doing.
It got pretty complicated with all the hormones, processes, and endocrine primacies, but this is the short version. Right now, your body is trying very hard to be a boy. The hardest that it’s ever tried. It saw how strong and manly Sean is, and now it wants that. The problem is that your body kinda wants to be the alpha. It needs Sean’s testosterone. But it — you — are also really scared of it. Sound familiar?” He nodded dumbly. “Your body is trying so hard to be as strong as Sean… well, to be as strong as one of his alpha loads… your body is trying so, so hard that it’s going to break if it keeps going. Like you’re trying to run a marathon every day, forever and ever.
So, the options are pretty simple. You either need to clean less of his cum, or make more T of your own. Dr. J had a lot of ideas about the second one.
Oh, and I need to tell you the third option. The third option is to let it happen. If you change nothing at all, it could take six months, it could take a year. Whatever your body can’t match, it converts to estrogen. Right now, you use about two parts T to 1 part e. You could let your body keep struggling and failing, making a little less T each day, converting more of his load into cute girl juice. Your balls probably won’t die completely. At some point, they’ll just give up fighting and go back to making a teensy, tiny trickle of boy flavor, only to watch the rest of your body aggressively feminize it.
And in case you’re wondering, yes. That would be enough. It wouldn’t happen immediately, but change how you feel, look, and treat others.
“What if I went cold turkey?”
Skyler shrugged, laughing a little as if the idea was absurd.
“If you succeeded? Your body would try and fail to replace Sean’s loads, and you’d break yourself. You probably wouldn’t turn into a girl, though. You’d just go back to being the same weak, submissive, broken, horny, sissy femboy cuck I met a few years ago. And you’d beg for me back. And I’d say…” she shrugged again.
John looked into blank space.
“What should I do?”
She shrugged.
“What do you want me to do??”
“Whatever you want… I mean, I assume that’s being a real man? You remember what real men get to do, right?” he whimpered. He’d never…
“Please, will you help me?”
“If… I could, when I clean you, I could just have half. And you could tell me when to stop and not let me have more.”
Skyler reached between her legs and slowly removed a pink, jeweled princess plug. It was dripping with cum.
“I’ll tell you to stop when we’re halfway, and I won’t let you have more than you want. OK?”
He nodded dumbly as Skyler made him suck the plug clean, then she pulled his scared, anxious, hungry mouth toward her dripping pussy.
“Take it as fast or slow as you need to. I can feel how full I am. I’ll let you know when it’s time to stop.”
She let him lick up the cream that had oozed out across her pussy lips, lapping up glistening droplets of jizz from her fat, ripe clit with his eager tongue. Then she spread her legs and let him inside. Most of his load was pooled in front of her, and he was able to slurp it down in a couple of huge mouthfuls. The rest- genuinely around half — was deeper inside.
“That’s it, baby. That’s half. You need to stop now.”
But she left her hand resting softly on the back of his head. No hint of force, just a gentle weight there. It would have been so easy to shake off.
“Sweetie, you said I needed to make you stop when you had half unless you want more. Do you want more?” She asked sweetly, opening her legs wide again and applying the gentlest of pressures to the back of John’s skull. His face dropped into her snatch like there’d been a power cut in his brain, and he licked and slurped till every last drop was gone.
Skyler felt a warm, wicked wave of power ripple over her body. She grabbed her husband’s head and ordered him to hold out his tongue, holding tightly to his hair as she ground herself into the tip. At her third climax, she growled.
“I trained you, sissy. I trained you to want this, to want to be a cumdump more than a man.”
John said nothing but held himself incredibly still between her legs. She lay there, tingling, and wondered about inviting Sean over.
The End.
*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, punctuation, formatting errors, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.