The Study
By Little Timmy.

I still had this irrational fear that I couldn’t stop thinking about. You see, I’m not very well endowed “down there,” and I have this recurring vision of the whole medical staff laughing, pointing, and joking about my diminutive, not-so-masculine appendage. I finally decided they wouldn’t even see it as they focused on my rear end, and besides—they were all professionals, right? When the time came, they wheeled me in, had me lay on my side, exposing my bare butt, and told me to count back from 20. I got to about 16. The next thing I knew, I woke up in the prep room feeling groggy. “Dr. Karen will be back soon to tell you how it went,” the nurse said.
After 20 minutes or so, Dr. Karen returned with good news. “No polyps, no issues. Just a few pockets, which you’ve always had.”
“That’s great, doctor. That’s what we were hoping for, right?”
“That’s right, Mr. Cole. You should be all set for 8-10 years. There is one thing I wanted to talk to you about, though, Mr. Cole.”
Oh boy. Was there something else? A skin lesion or lump?
“As we began the procedure, we had to re-position you, and I couldn’t help but notice you have a very small penis, quite a bit below average size.”
My jaw dropped open, and I didn’t know what to say. I was mortified and envisioned the whole staff snickering and joking about my minuscule member.
“Please don’t be embarrassed, Mr. Cole, ” said Dr. Karen with a wry smile. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s the penis you were born with, and I’ve seen plenty of them in my line of work. I’ve even seen a few smaller than yours.”
That wasn’t reassuring, but I wondered why she would even mention something like this. Then came the answer.
“My colleague, Dr. Riley, and I are starting a very informal, preliminary study of small penises like yours. She is a urologist, so she, too, has seen all sizes of penises, including some that are smaller than yours. But we’re curious about some things, physical and psychological, and would like to examine further your penis, testicles, scrotum, anus, rectum, and prostate. This would be done at our offsite office and would be completely confidential. Would you consider consenting to the examination?”
I found something about Dr. Karen trustworthy and was stunned to hear myself say, “Sure. Tell me when and where”.
She said, “That’s great. How about this Thursday at 6 pm? You should plan on at least two or three hours for the full examination.”
“I guess I can try being your subject, as long as you promise never to publish or share my name or face in any pictures, ” I said.
“I can promise complete anonymity, but we will ask you many personal questions and document your answers and reactions. Give me your number and I will text the address, ok?”
On the way home, I thought I must be nuts. But Dr. Karen was very beautiful and seemed kind and professional. Since basically nobody but me had touched my small penis in 20 years, a part of me just couldn’t say no. I know it wasn’t sex, but at least it was something. Still, I was terrified. A day later, came the text “137 Buckley Street, Thursday 6 pm”.
I pulled to the address, a nice two-story house in an upscale neighborhood. Before I could ring the doorbell, Dr. Karen opened the door with a smile and welcomed me in. She was still wearing her white doctor’s coat, so I assumed she might have just gotten home from work.
“Please come in, Mr. Cole. This is Dr. Riley.”
Dr. Riley, also clad in her white coat, was a slightly chubby woman in her mid-thirties. She had a pretty face and a calming smile.
“It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Cole. I’m hoping that you’ll be the right person for our study. Please follow me to the examination room.”
The exam room looked like a very large bathroom. There was a toilet, shower, two sinks, many lights, and what looked like video equipment. In the center of the room was an examination table with a large video screen attached to the ceiling above. Two other video screens were fastened to the walls. “Let’s have you take off your clothes now, Mr. Cole, and sit on the exam table.”
Dr. Karen gave an encouraging smile and a nod.
I stripped naked and sat up on the table, with my circumcised penis looking just about as small as it ever had. It was receding into my pubic area, covered with dark brown hair, and the tip barely poked out. My scrotum was tight, making it look like I didn’t even have any balls.
“Let’s have you lay back so we can get a better look at your genitals, Mr. Cole,” commanded Dr. Riley. “Good. Ok, as Dr. Karen reported, the patient has a very below-average-sized flaccid penis.” As I looked up at the ceiling, I saw a video screen showing a split-screen close-up of my privates from two different angles.
Dr. Riley had a metal measuring ruler. “Yes, it looks like just under 1.5 inches or 3.75cm. Girth is 5.1cm or 2 inches. We’ll, Mr. Cole, certainly qualify for one part of our study. You certainly have a very small little penis, although it seems to be getting a little less tiny at the moment.”
Dr. Karen started to stimulate my little guy, and a minute later, I had a raging little hard-on. “3.75 inches, or 9.5cm, and a 4.5-inch circumference. Well, I think we can scientifically state that you have a little penis, Mr. Cole. Not a micro-penis, but a very small little phallus, that functions. How often do you masturbate?”
“What…..I, uh, once or twice a day,” I sheepishly confessed. The two doctors looked at each other and nodded.
“Mr. Cole, I want to introduce our intern, Erin Chang. She will assist us in prepping you for further examination and document our exam as our video operator.”
Erin was a beautiful Asian woman of about 26, with dark hair, beautiful skin, and a perfect face. “Hello, Mr. Cole. We’ll be getting to know each other quite well very soon. It’s nice to meet you…. and your little phallus,” she giggled. Then she got serious and said, “I’m especially interested in this study, as many Asian men are considered to have small penises like yours, although I haven’t seen one that small yet.”
“Erin will get you shaved and washed for the next part of the exam, said Dr. Karen. “Are you warm enough?”
I nodded.
The two doctors left the room, and Erin went to work. “Ok, Mr. Cole, I will start trimming most of your pubic hair. Please stand right here over the toilet if you would. I need to record your urine flow.” I proceeded to urinate in the toilet, and it took a while. When I was done, she cleaned the end of my penis. She then made a circle with her left thumb and forefinger and took hold of my penis halfway to the base and gently pulled, but my small penis slipped through. “Oops….not a lot to grab there,” she said. “I’ll have to grab it a little more tightly.” This time she tightened her grip and pulled upward as she deftly made several strokes around the base of my penis with the trimmer. She then made a few light passes to the area above. I looked down to see a hairless little penis and a pair of hairy little balls. She took hold of my testicles and gently pulled the skin taught over my little orbs.
“Hold still now. I don’t want to nick you.”
She had some difficulty but worked carefully and managed to remove most of the hair from my scrotum without nicking me. She went to the shower, took the portable shower head, and ran the water to warm it. “Let’s get you over to the shower and have you sit on the stool. Good, now sit forward just a little bit. This might tickle.” Erin then proceeded to spray the shower head on my genitals. I jumped at the sensation. “Too hot?” It was pretty hot, but I said no, it was ok. She then sprayed the hot water on my privates for about a full minute. My balls were starting to hang pretty low. She then lathered up my nether region with soap and stayed on my eager little member until it got fully erect. Then came the rinse. “There, nice and squeaky clean,” she said as she dried off my privates and legs with a towel. “Ok, back over to the examination table, please.”
I lay back on the table, all 3 3/4 inches of me pointing to the ceiling. The video cameras were still zoomed in and displaying my little erection on all the video screens. “Next, I’m going to apply some Aloe Vera to your little balls and all around your pubic area. That will moisturize your skin to help protect it from the depilatory cream.” As I looked down to see, I could see Erin’s small but perfect little breasts under her loosely fitting top. My penis was throbbing. I was ready to explode, but Erin stayed clear of my little cocklet and applied the lotion all around it. “There, we’ll let that sit for a few minutes,” as she placed a towel and heat pad over my crotch. “We want to keep your scrotum loose. I’ll be right back. Now, no touching yourself, OK?” Ten minutes later, she returned with a bottle of Nair and repeated the procedure, coating my scrotum, inner thighs, and the area around my penis and above. “Ok…..another 5 or 6 minutes, and we should be done.” She covered me with the towel again.
“Ok, Mr. Cole, back over to the shower again.” I sat on the stool and glanced down as Erin sprayed and soaped me again. After another long and delicious rinse, she dried me off and led me back to the table. I was completely hairless between the legs. “Ok, these rubber exam rings will fit snuggly over each testicle, pulling your scrotum tight and separating your little balls. This will make it easier for us to measure and examine each little testicle. She stretched open the thick, clear rubber o-ring, put it over my left testicle, and then repeated for the right. Then she placed the towel and heat pad back on top of me. “I’ll let the Doctors know you’re ready.”
A few minutes later, Dr. Karen and Dr. Riley returned, looking quite flush. I wondered what they were doing and had a pretty good idea. “These two could be a lesbian couple,” I thought. They regained their composure and removed the heat pad and towel. My erection was gone.
“My, my, what a beautiful little set you have there, Mr. Cole,” exclaimed Dr. Riley. “You look just about how you looked as a little boy or maybe even an infant. Too bad we don’t have some photos to compare and study.”
“I do,” I blurted out. “I found some naked family pictures of me as an infant.”
“Can you bring them next time? We seldom can make a comparison like that. We’d be very interested to see this little guy’s appearance back then.”
“Let’s examine those little testicles now. Erin has your little privates so clean; I don’t think we need gloves. It appears that the left testicle is quite below average size”, said Dr. Riley as she rolled the testicle between her thumb and fingers. “No lumps or issues there. The right testicle is very small. It’s common for one to be smaller, but this is quite smaller. Have you ever had an injury to your right testicle?”
“When I was 7, it was operated on. I don’t know why. Who knows if there are any records of it? I still have a scar.”
“So you do. Do you see it, Doctor Karen?”
“Yes, it looks a little jagged.”
“I may have torn my stitches out on vacation that summer.”
“Dr. Riley, do you think this may have contributed to the lack of penile and testicular growth?” asked Dr. Karen
“I doubt it. His other little testicle seems functional, although it may have contributed to the lack of development. Do you think your mother would remember details about this surgery and your lack of penile development? Maybe we could call her?”
“She passed away,” I lied.
“I’m sorry. Do you remember any injuries to your testicle?”
“Well, yes. When I was about 3 or 4, I remember being examined by our pediatrician. He squeezed my balls hard and twisted them. I’ll never forget it.”
Let’s talk about your urine flow. Erin noted that it seems steady but not very robust. Have you ever had your little organ reamed out?”
“Yes, I have. When I was about 16, I worked on a roof and fell, catching a roof truss between the legs. About 14 years later, I had problems urinating, so they went in and removed some scar tissue. I think maybe it’s still a problem.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Well, I bought some sounding tools a few years ago. Three of those blue vinyl ones. I could only get the smallest one in about 6 inches or so and ran into some sort of an obstruction or something. Later, I used more lube, twisted the sound, and probed the area below my testicles with my fingers, and the sound finally passed by and went all the way in. The sound is 8 inches long”.
“Erin, please get the sounding kit. Is it sterile?”
“Yes, Doctor, it’s ready.”
“Mr. Cole, we plan to use sounding rods on you, as most little penises like yours need to be stretched out from time to time. We should repeat this at least once or twice a month in the future. “Erin, get me the syringe and lubricant, and I’ll show you how we do this,” said Dr. Riley.
Dr. Riley inserted the syringe into the lubricant tube and pulled back the plunger, filling the syringe with lubricant. “Hold his little penis like this: straight upward, to let gravity do some of the work. We want to get his urethra full of lubricant as far down as we can. She put the syringe end into my penis and pushed it firmly. “If you push it against the meatus, you’ll get a better seal, and less lubricant will leak down his little penis. That’s not a problem, but just a little less messy if you’re careful. Now, slowly inject the lubricant. When you see it start to back up or leak around the urethral opening, take your fingers, squeeze gently, and move down the bottom or underside of his little shaft, pushing the lubricant along and down deeper into his penis. Then, inject some more lubricant. Now Erin, which sounding rod do you think we should start with?”
“Given the size of his organ, the smallest one?” the intern guessed.
“You would think so,” said Dr. Karen, but we want to be careful not to perforate the urethra.”
“Maybe a couple of sizes up then?”
“Perfect. Take the syringe and put some lube on the sounding rod. You can use any lube that might be leaking out of the end of his penis too. Ok, that looks good. The most important part of this, other than to make sure the sound is clean and sterile, is to go slowly. The patient may object and be uncomfortable the first time, and as we increase the size of the sounding rod, but just go slowly and gently like this. You can rotate the rod, too, so try not to get lube on the end of the sound so you can grab it and gently twist it into his little phallus. Ah, here we go….the little roadblock you mentioned, Mr. Cole. Notice we’re about 6 1/2 inches in, or just about where Mr. Cole said he noticed a possible obstruction. Now, as you hold the sound with one hand, probe with your thumb and forefinger deeply into the root of his little organ, just below the scrotum. Go ahead. Do you feel the tip of the sound and the tissue below it? ”
“Yes, Doctor, I do. Do you think it’s scar tissue?”
“Perhaps. What do you think, Dr. K?”
Dr. K probed the area and agreed. “Let me take the sound,” she said. “I’ll massage the tissue as we push and twist, and …there we go…it’s in.”
“We’ll have you into the office soon to remove the scar tissue. It can be done as outpatient surgery. Okay, now I’d like to withdraw the sound and re-insert it 20 or 30 times. Go slowly. Is this comfortable, Mr. Cole?”
“Yes, it’s starting to feel better. It hurt like hell at first, but now it feels good.”.
“Well, we’re getting down to your prostate. You’ll feel it more as we increase the size of the tool. Let’s get the next size and repeat maybe three sizes.”
The three women took turns reaming out my little cock. That third sound was excruciating initially, but I got used to it soon. “You’ll pee like a racehorse for a while,” joked Dr. Riley., “as we’ve stretched you out pretty good.”
“Now it’s my turn,” said Dr. Karen. “Please get on all fours, Mr. Cole. We need to examine your anus, rectum, and especially your prostate. Have you had any issues with your prostate?”
“My doctor says it’s a bit enlarged, but normal for my age. I usually have to pee every few hours.”
“Well, we’ll soon see.” Dr. Karen lubed up the fingers on her gloved right hand and began to insert a finger. I winced. “Relax now; it’ll go much easier if you don’t tense up. Have you ever had anal sex?”
“No, doctor.”
“Have you ever stimulated your prostate?”
“I don’t even know where it is. I’ve tried to insert a couple of things, but I don’t get this butt stuff at all.”
“Ok, well here is where it is….and Dr. Karen began putting pressure on the gland.
“Oh…..Oh……I see…. that’s a very different sensation.”
“Yes, a bit enlarged, but probably normal. We’ll have some tests done when you’re in to have the scar tissue removed from your urethra. Ok, then we’ll return when we get to the milking process to empty all your fluids.”
“So, how are you doing with all of this, Mr. Cole?” asked Dr. K, seeming friendlier and almost nurturing. “Are you up for one more big test?”
“What sort of test?” I asked.
“Erin, please bring up the close-up photos of Mr. Cole’s little penis.” My penis was on display everywhere. “Ok, do you see the bruise marks on your penis, just below the glans on the top side, and just below the frenulum on your left underside, and halfway down your little shaft on your right side? These marks show that you’ve been using what we call the ‘two-fingered death grip’ when masturbating. It’s very common for men with small penises to pleasure themselves this way, using a lot of pressure on the shaft. You don’t use lubricant, do you?”
“Very rarely. You’re right. I’ve played with it the same way since I was about 13.”
“Frankly, this is what we were hoping for. We think you may have caused a condition referred to as ‘dead dick syndrome.’ You’re not able to orgasm any other way, and certainly not in a vagina, especially since you have such a diminutive little penis. And we think it’s unlikely that you’ve ever been able to achieve orgasm during oral sex, either. Is this correct?”
I turned bright red and barely nodded.
“This is very common, and it’s one reason we want to study your small penis and possibly try to reverse it—restore your sensitivity. Do you notice that formerly sensitive areas of your penis are no longer very sensitive?”
“Yes, fairly recently, especially my…frenulum, I think it’s called? Also, my glans.”
“Mr. Cole, we have a device that will let us measure the sensitivity of every inch of your penis. We can chart your nerve response against a healthy penis to show and measure the sensitivity degradation. As we do treatment, we will measure it to chart any change in sensitivity.”
“We think we have a shot at making your little penis nearly as sensitive as it was when you first started playing with it, and if we’re successful, you’ll be able to orgasm during oral sex or perhaps even in a vagina despite your small size. I have to tell you, the sensitivity measurement will be a bit painful and takes an hour for the full scan.”
“An hour,” I moaned. “Really?”
“Well, yes,” said Dr. Karen. “Be grateful. If you had a normal-sized penis with more skin surface area, it would take twice as long.”
“Will you give me anything for the pain?”
“I’m afraid not. It just wouldn’t be accurate.”
“Ok, but can we quit if I can’t take it?”
“Sure, but let’s give it an honest try. Now, we’re going to have to restrain you so you don’t hurt yourself. Erin, get the device, and we’ll get started.”
Erin went over to the cabinet and returned with what looked like a penis pump with a million little metal spikes inside and a long cable extending from it.
“Ok, let’s get you restrained.”
With that, all three began strapping my legs, arms, and torso to the table. Dr. K took a rubber cap off the end of the tube. She then took a hold of my flaccid penis and coaxed it into the tube. She reached in from the other end and grabbed hold of the head of my soft penis with her thumb and forefinger and stretched it out of the end of the nearly 4-inch tube. “Ok, Erin, the rod, please.” Dr. Riley took the thick metal rod and lubed it up. It had a rubber coating on one end and a wire cable extending. She inserted it about 4 inches into my penis, leaving an inch or two of the rubber-coated end sticking out.
She then fitted the cap over the end, and I felt the small pins against my tiny dick head. The rubber cap is sealed tight around the tube and the rod. She then plugged the cables into a computer-like box and then began to squeeze a pumping bulb. The tube was somewhat transparent, but the probes and wires made it difficult to see anything. Still, as I looked at the video monitor overhead, I could make out my penis growing into the tube and felt a million metal probes pushing against my forlorn little organ.
“There are about 4000 metal probes, but they shouldn’t penetrate the skin. They will randomly direct a small amount of electric current through each probe. The rod acts as a ground, so the current will travel through the penis to the negative rod, stimulating any nerve endings. After an hour, it will have fired approximately 4000 low-level electric charges into your little penis. We have hooked up sophisticated monitoring equipment to check variances in breathing, heart rate, and brain activity, and the computer will also note any audible reactions and Erin’s notations when you react. The computer will process all the data, and we should soon have a very accurate map of the sensitivity of your little penis.”
“Mr. Cole, this may be very unpleasant. Just focus on this…..when we’re done, we need to get a sample of your semen. We’ll be milking your little penis to do that, and then we will be giving you a prostate massage to empty the last of your seminal fluid. After that, we’ll install your chastity cage, and you can go home for two weeks.”
The sensitivity mapping took an hour, but it seemed like six. There were times when I felt nothing or a slight shock. Then, all of a sudden, I would let out a yelp as an intense pain surged through my little member. Dr. K held my hand and reassured me through the process. Finally, it was done. Erin took off the end cap and removed the rod. Dr. Riley carefully slid the device off of my tortured little organ. As I looked at the monitor, it looked red and peppered with little dots. “That’ll go away soon. Erin, rub his little penis with some of that aloe salve.”
Erin smiled and slathered my dick with the gel. It felt amazing. I squirmed and shuddered. “The process does tend to activate the nerve cells a bit. Your little penis probably hasn’t felt this sensitive in many years.”
“Ok, Mr. Cole, let’s view the results,” said Dr. Karen. “If you look at the screen, you’ll see your little penis with an overlay of your nerves as it would have been when you were about 15. Now, let’s see where you are today. As you can see, more than half of the nerve sensitivity from the first picture is gone. As you reported, there is very little sensitivity on your glans and frenulum. We can scientifically claim that you have what is called “Dead Dick Syndrome” as a result of constant masturbation of your little penis with the “death grip” method.”
“Have you ever constricted your little penis?” asked Dr. Riley
I looked puzzled.
“Have you ever wrapped rubber bands or straps tightly around your penis?”
“I confess I have, for short periods.”
“Well, that could have contributed to your condition too. You shouldn’t do that, but we would like to see how you do it to help decide if it is a factor. Could you bring in what you have used for our next visit?”
“Sure. I guess worrying about embarrassment and humiliation is a little late now.”
“Oh, Mr. Cole, you shouldn’t feel that way,” said Dr. Karen. “I know our descriptions don’t always sound professional, but we all adore your little penis, and we are very interested in helping you recover the sensitivity you once had. We also want to help you master the technique of oral sex so that you’ll always be confident that you can please your partner sexually.”
“We enjoy having you so exposed and vulnerable,” said Dr B. “Also, we may use the electric probe on your scrotum next time. We find that many small-penised men are interested in sex change operations. We want to collect sensitivity data on that area, as it may be used to construct labia in the operation. Do you think you would ever consider such a surgery?”
“No, I don’t think so.”
“You love your tiny little penis, don’t you, Mr. Cole?, .said Dr. Riley with a smile. “Well, if you ever change your mind, let us know. We could remove your testicles and start treatments to shrink your tiny penis down even further into a super sensitive little clitty.”
“Ok, Mr. Cole,” said Dr. Karen, “Just a couple more things, and we can get you on your way. We are going to milk your little cock. Dr. Riley will masturbate you the way that you are used to, and Erin will use the suction hose to vacuum up your semen sample into our specimen bottle.”
Dr. Riley grabbed my small, flaccid cock with her thumb and forefinger, tucking her middle finger below on the right side of my rubbery little shaft. Soon, I had a raging little stiffy. She yanked my little dick with a precision that I thought only I was capable of. I looked down to see the beautiful Erin bent toward my crotch with a suction hose. As her v-neck smock loosely fell forward, I could completely see her beautiful, small breasts. Dr. K sat beside me, caressing my scrotum and whispering in my ear.
“Ok, Timmie….just concentrate on the wonderful feelings in your sweet, tiny little penis. Dr. Riley is furiously tugging at your cute little shaft, and I’m caressing your tiny little balls. Erin is ready to catch every drop from your sweet, tiny little cocklet…..come on now….it’s time….let your little cock spew with joy…..such a perfect, tiny little penis….”
I let out a slow and steady yowl…..”I’m coming…I’m coming….oh my…..oh my little penis feels so good…..ahhh..”
Erin was there to vacuum up every drop as the streams kept coming from my tiny dick. Finally, the spurts stopped, and so did Dr. Riley after a minute.
“Let’s roll that video back, Erin. I think the little guy might have spurted a half dozen times,” said Dr. Riley. “I counted 10, said Erin.” “It was more like 8 or 9, said Dr. Karen”
“Ok,” said Dr. Riley, “whoever is closest gets to go first.”
I wasn’t sure what they were talking about, but they rolled back the video to just before my orgasm. “Ok, slow it down to half speed.” Here we go…”
All three counted together…..1…2…..3……4……….5….6.…….7….8…………..9…..”Nine it is,” said Dr.Riley. “Wow. Have you ever come like that before, Mr. Cole?”
“Maybe once about 6 years ago.”
“Do you have any videos of you masturbating your little dick?” asked Dr. Karen
“I do. I suppose you would like to study them, too?”
“Yes, we would.”, the excited women said in unison.
“Ok. Mr. Cole, I’m going to massage your prostate now to get any remaining fluid out. Erin, get ready with the vacuum again.”
Dr. Karen inserted a finger into my rectum and immediately massaged my prostate. My half-hard little cock was soon tiny and soft. Erin held it with her thumb and forefinger near the vacuum pump. As I looked up at the monitor, I saw more fluid coming from my tiny soft cocklet, and Erin deftly vacuumed up every drop.
“There,” said Dr. Karen, “You are officially and completely milked. We’ll be running an analysis on your semen to see how well those tiny testicles are working.”
And with that, Dr. Riley appeared with a small, metal chastity cage and handed it to Erin.
Pull his hairless little balls through the ring, one at a time. Now pull his scrotum, though. Ok, now, push his little penis inside the ring and pull it through. Now, the plug. Put some lube on it and push it into his little penis. And we put the cage around his dicklet and lock it down.
“Ok, Mr. Cole, almost done,” said Dr. Karen. “As we’ve discussed, a small-penised man like you needs to be very proficient at oral sex. So, you’ll start with me. I hope you don’t mind large clitorises because mine is huge. Don’t worry, I’ll guide you. We all will. You will be a world-class licker when we’re done studying you.”
The End.
*This story has been edited with AI to fix spelling, punctuation, formatting errors, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story was submitted directly to this website. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.