Dignity Dash: Session 03

By username55. Read part 1 HereRead Part 2 Here ***** Part 3… In a barely lit room with a few occult like artifacts in it a woman in a black and green witch like outfit was biding her time. There was a number in her crystal ball. This number seemed to represent the number of souls she’s caught thus far. She smiled as the number 599 eventually gave way to 600. “Finally I swore that took much longer than usual.”

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Dignity Dash: Session 02

By username55. Read Part 1 Here ***** Part 2… Diego and Rina woke up, dazed and confused. “Where are we?” she asked “I’m not sure, all I remember is us sitting down to play some dumb board game and now here we are.” They both looked around, everything looked plastic including the ground they were walking on. They appeared to be on a beach but all of it looked fake and flat. The sea was just a unmoving blue piece

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Dignity Dash: Session 01

By username55. So, before we begin, I’d just like to briefly touch on what this story actually is. I came across a board game in Tabletop simulator called, Dignity Dash. The premise of the game is that you have awoken on a beach on the other side of town, completely naked and now must streak all the way back home. Along the way, you’ll encounter situations that will embarrass and humiliate you. Each player is given 15 DP (Dignity Points)

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Spectacular Spider-Cuck 3

By LoverOfCuckoldry. Read Part 1 HereRead Part 2 Here ***** Part 3… Swinging through the New York skyline, sailing over rooftops, and narrowly diving between buildings, Spider-Man swings at a breakneck speed. The feeling is an absolute rush that, in his years of crime fighting, has never grown old. With one last powerful swing, the webhead launches himself over the main street leading into ESU. He lands gracefully balanced in a low crouch on the tips of his toes. Overlooking

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Micro 3

By penguinsfly. Read Part 1 hereRead Part 2 here *** Part 3… • Kelly • I found myself staring at Mike’s impressive physique as he walked into the dining room and sat down at the table. Last night was game night, which means this morning is bacon and crapes for breakfast. It’s been our tradition ever since his parents passed away in eighth grade. It was his mom’s favorite meal, so when he moved in with me, I thought it’d

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Spectacular Spider-Cuck 2

By LoverOfCuckoldry. Read Part 1 Here ***** Part 2… Mary Jane Watson could hardly contain her excitement. Arms wrapped snuggly around none other than Peter Parker, a boy who she had recently come to understand her feelings for, which might just be love. Pressed into his back, she took stock of the brunette. He was only slightly taller than her and around the same weight, unlike most of her lovers who towered over her greatly. His adorable face twisted in

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The Obscene Truth

By Babydicklover. “Great game yesterday, Jared,” Alli, a cute girl, said to the well-known football player across the university campus. He stared at her, confused about why someone like her was talking to him. She was undoubtedly nervous with sweaty palms, but she drew a smile for him. He smiled back and stated, “I don’t know why you are talking to me, but don’t waste your breath.” Jared walked away from the disappointed girl. It was just an ordinary encounter

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Getting (Un)Lucky

By smallweiner90. Dates don’t normally go this well, at least not for Paul. Usually, by this time Paul has dropped his date off and is on his way home, but things with Kelsey were different. A 5’2″ cutie with curly blonde hair, tiny little breasts, and a thick butt, he found Kelsey to be irresistibly pretty. They were a good match, as Paul was skinny himself and stood just 5’7″. They rounded a corner, and she stopped in front of

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Spectacular Spider-Cuck 1

By LoverOfCuckoldry. On a late night in New York, like almost every night finds Peter Parker in his bedroom of his aunt’s house as he desperately strokes his tiny little penis while hiding behind his window as he watches Mary Jane get fucked doggy style on her bed through the window across from him, her massive tits bouncing as she moans for the big black cock in her pussy to ram her harder. The small dicked cuck desperately trying not

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