Our Readers SPH Experiences 292
By Our Readers

This reader has a fuck-up family…
One time, when I was 18 and still lived with my parents, I thought I was home alone after my parents had left with my other siblings. Since I was alone I decided to jerk off and left my door cracked open. Now, I’m average hard, but I’m also a Lead Member. Anyway, at the time, I jerked off for about 10-15 minutes before I finished and went on with my day. Later on, though, my older brother told me that my older sister was home with me and watched me jerk off for about 5 minutes through the crack I left in my door. My older sister is about 5’10 with blonde hair, bigger than average C/D cup tits, and a large, round and tight ass.
Apparently, she had told him that she thought mine was really small and hoped that wasn’t the average size for guys since, at the time, I think she was still a virgin. My older brother then told me that he said to her, “No, that sounds like the average size. Not all guys are that size, though. Take me, for example. I’m a lot bigger than that.”
He told me that after he said that, he got hard and showed his dick to her, which I know is much, much bigger than mine, she said, “Holy shit, that is a lot bigger than his. You do have a big dick!”
After that, he convinced her to show herself naked, so she did, and he told me about it and how he jerked off thinking about it earlier. I felt super embarrassed but also excited knowing that she thought mine was small and he was big, as well as hearing about how hot she was naked.
Another reader has a weird relationship with his acupuncturist…
It had been a year since I had visited my acupuncture lady. My neck tension problem was back, and I decided to make an appointment. The following afternoon, I sat in a chair across from her at her desk. She’s a middle-aged, very nice-looking brunette lady.
“It’s been a while! Tell me what’s been going on?” she asked looking over her glasses, pen in hand, my file open on the desk.
“It’s been a year of medical bullshit…all kinds of issues. Thankfully, until now, my neck tension problem has been fine.”
“Well, walk me through it. Let’s update your info,” she said
I told her about my ER visit for kidney stones, knee injury, and then my low T diagnosis.
“For the most part, the supplemental testosterone injections have been fantastic!” I told her.
“What is it doing for you?” she asked.
“Well…my knee injury healed almost immediately…lots of energy and ambition. My libido is off the charts…my wife isn’t totally thrilled about that!” I admitted sheepishly.
She smiled and raised her eyebrows as if to say: ‘Yes, I don’t blame her, I wouldn’t want sex with you either.’
I decided to be bold and told her, “My erections are frequent, rock hard, and I have the stamina of a 20-year-old!”
She was writing in my file as I told her this and she didn’t respond to it.
“There really is only one downside…” I paused
“Oh, what’s that?” she looked up at me, curious.
“Well…my testicles have disappeared,” I admitted.
Her eyebrows went up, and she paused.
“They have drawn up in my body and vanished. I rarely see them anymore. Mother nature seems to think if I’m getting my T somewhere else, I won’t be needing them I guess. Like a prepubescent, I suppose…only mine have ascended. I look rather castrated, except I’m insanely horny all the time.” I explained.
“Your stamina comment…does that mean it takes you longer to reach climax?” she asked as she scribbled notes.
“No, I get there fairly quickly if I focus, but I’m able to climax and just keep going. Three times is my record…so far. Not really popular with wife…she gets tired and has had enough way before I’m ready to be done.” I said. “I’ve tried ‘taking care of things’ myself beforehand…”
“Masturbating before sex?” she interrupted
“Yes,” I said, embarrassed. “Or after she makes me stop…I keep going on my own while she’s in the shower.”
“Anything else?” she asked.
“I think that’s about it.”
“Let’s get you set up in the usual room then,” she said as we both stood up and headed down the hallway to the small acupuncture treatment rooms.
The usual routine….she leaves while I strip down to my underwear, face up on the table with the warm blanket over me. A couple of minutes later, she usually returns to start the treatment. I’m always conscious of my ‘package’ and how it appears in my underwear. Laying there flat on the table today, I made just a small bump.
She entered, put on rubber gloves, and pulled the lower portion of the blanket back, folding it up at my waist, exposing my sports briefs and legs.
“So…your ‘landscape’ has changed, huh?” she said, looking right at the small bump my undersized package was making in my briefs.
Since she seemed curious, I decided to be bold: “Yes, take a look if you’d like. My junk isn’t anything outstanding.” I admitted. “I’m rather small.”
“Well, out of ‘clinical curiosity’ and a request by the patient, let’s have a look at your situation…” she said as she grasped the waistband of my underwear at my hips. I raised my bottom off the table, and she pulled them down to my knees.
Instantly, I could feel the cool air on my wilted little weenie and empty, shriveled scrotum. I felt a stirring in my loins and knew I was going to be very hard in just a minute.
“My, yes…quite empty…they do seem to be gone.” She grasped my growing penis head with two fingers and pulled it back and upward, and held it there out of the way.
“Why don’t you open your legs up a bit?” she suggested for better access. I opened my legs as she slid my underwear down to my ankles. She then slowly inserted a gloved finger up into my testicular cavity until she gently bumped into a testicle. “They’re hiding way up inside there, aren’t they?”
“Yup. Much smaller than they used to be.”
“Interesting that both have truly ascended. And they don’t drop down in a hot shower?”
“Nope, not anymore.”
By this time, I was semi-hard and growing. Her left hand wrapped around my stubby shaft, completely covering it, just the tip of my crowned head barely exposed. Her right hand gently pinched at my glans, sort of coaxing it upward. That did it. I was now rock hard and throbbing.
“You seem to be fully erect now, yes?” she asked as she carefully examined every bit of my circumcised, skinny little niblet of a penis…without nuts.
“Yes, that’s as big as it gets,” I said in a shamed whisper.
“And still no testicles. Interesting!” she said.
“It really is pretty tiny…isn’t it?” I asked, looking for her opinion. .”..compared to others I’ve seen anyway…”
“Yes, actually quite small flaccid, but fairly average when erect, I would say,” she offered generously. “I think the world would call you a ‘grower,’ not a ‘shower.’” She smiled as she released my undersized little tidbit from her warm grasp.
It was throbbing up and down, and I was absolutely crazy horny at this point…I wanted to cum so bad.
“Do you suppose….?” I didn’t know how to ask.
“Yes?” she acted like she didn’t know what I wanted.
“I really want to…I need to…finish.”
“Oh, of course! I’m so sorry! Shall I return in a few minutes? There are tissues right there on the table.”
“Well, I really would prefer you stay.”
“You want me to watch you masturbate and ejaculate? she said with a grin.
“I was hoping to have help!” I finally blurted out
“That really isn’t something within my usual scope of care. But in the interest of time…do you think you would climax quicker that way?”
“Oh yes!” I answered quickly
She produced a tube of warm lubricant gel from the bedside tray and lubed both her gloved hands with it. Her warm, slippery hands wrapped around my little guy, and it was pure heaven. She stroked fairly quickly at first, holding downward firmly at the base with one hand and then slowly stroking up and down with her other hand. As she pulled upward, the hard crown of my little head would pull slowly through her grip…intense! The precum welled up from my tiny hole and started running in a steady stream.
Finally, I began to grunt with her strokes, and I was close.
“Release whenever you’re ready,” she instructed, sounding genuinely eager to see the outcome.
Then it hit. I started seeing stars. “UH!” was all I could say as my first blast shot up probably three feet in the air and came splatting down on my exposed tummy. The next couple of blasts were about a foot high, then a few dribbles, and I was done.
“Feel better?” she asked, smiling.
“Yeah, wow…that was intense…thank you.”
“Have you always been a shooter? Or is the testosterone affecting that, do you think?” she asked
“I’ve always been able to hit the headboard,” I said, grinning.
With that, she grinned, handed me the box of tissue, and removed her lubed-up rubber gloves, dropping them in the trash as she stepped toward the door.
“Go ahead and clean up. I’ll be back in a few minutes, and we’ll get started with the acupuncture session, OK?”
“It’s a deal!” I said, smiling big.
Meanwhile, this female reader had a nude party…
Our nude party was my hubby’s idea. As well as the couples we know, he had also invited several of his single friends. He said most of the guys all eagerly accepted when he told them that I would be there. Hubby really seemed into it even though it turned out he was VERY tiny compared to everyone else. I was confused by this…did he know this already? Why would he want everyone to know he was tiny? His little nubbin barely poked out of his pubic hair the whole evening, and his small nuts were practically nonexistent as he walked around, playing gracious host to everyone. Honestly, I was embarrassed for him!
The biggest guys had their huge penises dangling lewdly out where everyone could see, and they were not a bit shy. Some of their cocks were actually dripping! One guest was completely shaven, and his huge hose jutted out and looked simply giant. I hadn’t actually seen many penises before, but now it seems clear that most men are MUCH larger than my husband. Several guys had very large, low-hanging nut-sacks that dangled, swung, and slapped their thighs as they walked. Their nuts were the size of jumbo fucking eggs! For crap’s sake, hubby’s little berries were barely there at all by comparison. I couldn’t help but think about the difference in the quality and quantity of their semen; it must be like night and day.
The uncircumcised cocks were a trip. They hung there like an elephant’s trunk. The loose skin hanging out off the tip – I’d never seen such a thing! One guest’s uncut cock started hardening as I spoke to him while I looked down at it…the head rapidly moved down and out of the skin until it was exposed…it ended up several times longer and much THICKER than hubby’s little dickie. It was fascinating! He just smiled at me as I admired his size. He told me I could touch it if I wanted…it felt so large, hot, and heavy in my hand! I had to excuse myself to the rest room at that point…I was so wet it was running down my thighs. As I was cleaning myself up, I simply HAD to cum…so horny it only took me a minute. I could only imagine having sex with something HUGE like that. Now I SO MUCH want a large one to fondle and play with. Big cocks look like so much fun!
A few days after our nude party, Kayla was over for a visit. She’d been there with her hot bod and nicely hung handsome husband and witnessed my hubby’s tiny display for everyone. I told her I was struggling with WHY he would do such a thing…not only show to all our friends that he was tiny but expose me to all of his much larger hung friends in such an obvious way. A couple of them had already texted me since the party. It was no secret what they had in mind. I was flattered…and very turned on!
“Maybe he wants you to know what’s out there…that you could be getting so much more!” she theorized. “Some guys are into sharing and even being humiliated. Cucking is becoming popular. Maybe he’s into that,” she said. “Lots of guys are, I guess.”
If I understood correctly, my micro-hung hubby might actually want me to fuck someone with a giant dick…and he might actually want to watch. Kayla said sometimes the cucked hubby will even suck the cock! Wow, I realized now how naïve I had been. I needed advice.
“What would YOU do?” I asked her.
“I’d fuck every big cock I could find and wave to my husband while doing it!” she laughed.
I reached for my phone and texted Kevin back first. He was single and the biggest cock at the party. Looks like a lunch date with him now. I instantly thought back to the party…hubby and his nubbin standing right next to Kevin and his giant swinging meat hanging so low. Such a huge difference! I just couldn’t wait to be with such a large cock.
I decided to tell my hubby tonight that I was meeting with Kevin for lunch to see what his reaction would be. Kayla was on the edge of her seat, wondering how this was going to turn out. She was admittedly jealous of the action. Even though her hubby was nicely hung, she said Kevin was much bigger. The promise of ‘LARGER than I’d ever had before’ was so sexy.
“Looks like you’re getting RESIZED by a REAL man!” she said, laughing.
While this reader had a humiliating chat with a girl…
When I was 19 and my girlfriend (Julia) was 18, we just started to date and were spending a lot of time talking on the phone. One day, she told me a story of her female friend (let’s call her Alice). She told that Alice started to date a guy with a really big cock, around 8 inches, and Alice was just so pleased with her sex life. She always cums when she has sex, and my girlfriend added that Alice told her that anything under 6 inches is just completely useless. I was a bit shocked (considering that I’m a Bronze Member of the small dick club, it was humiliating for me).
I said that Alice was very lucky and I was happy for her. Then my girlfriend started laughing at me. I asked her what happened. Julia said that she knew that I should be useless in sex. I couldn’t understand how did she find out about it, and then she said that when we were walking with her and her other female friends, they spotted me looking at Julia’s ass, then they looked at my shorts and saw my little boner, it could barely be seen and was really small. Alice said that it was the smallest dick that she had ever seen. Others agreed with it. Also they said that there is no way Julia should date me.
After those words, I felt so humiliated and turned on simultaneously. She said while laughing that she would try to have sex with me, despite the opinion of her friends, since she was a virgin ( she said that it would be easier to have sex for the first time with a small dick). She was a bit angry at me at that moment because, as she said, I was an attractive, nice and caring, and, what is most important Tall guy, but the ended up with a useless small dick (which is the most important factor for her and her friends), she was embarrassed with it. That’s turned me on so bad. I always remember that situation with pleasure.
This reader got caught in the changerooms…
This is nothing too great, but it was my first sort of SPH moment with a stranger. So I’m going back a fair few years here. I started putting on some weight and decided I needed to go gym. I’ve always been big, but I started getting too big. I already had a small penis, and because I was putting on weight, it started looking even smaller because of the fat pad bit where the pubes are. Anyway, where the gym was, there was also a swimming pool and sauna and stuff. There is a communal changing area and also separate men’s and women’s changing rooms, the communal changing area has cubicles.
So I was swimming one day, and I was wearing pretty tight swimming shorts, almost like women’s leggings. So obviously, I have pretty much no bulge, just probably one of my balls as I have a micro penis, so anyway I got out of the pool as I was finished and I used the communal changing area as the men’s was really busy when I went in there. I went to my locker, got my clothes, and headed to a cubicle. There was a woman with her kid walking towards to same few cubicles.
She must have been in the early to mid-40s, very pretty. I could tell she was a bit upper class, so to speak. As she got to her cubicle, she ushered her son in and turned around to call for her other kid to hurry up. Still, as she turned around, I was walking pretty much straight toward her as I was heading to the cubicle next to her, we immediately made eye contact. She then glanced down at my nonexistent bulge for maybe a second or two and then looked back up and made eye contact again, but she now had this smirky, cheeky look on her face.
It was a look of ‘Oh my god, he clearly has a small willy.’ She then just gave me a little smile as I veered off into my cubicle to change. I had to sit there for a minute and process the fact that she blatantly saw and knew that I had a tiny penis.
Another female reader is mean to her boyfriend…
When my boyfriend wanted to watch me giving a blowjob to another guy, I just couldn’t believe that he could be serious. I had only known 2 guys in my life, and my boyfriend’s penis was slightly bigger than my ex, so I didn’t actually know he had a small penis. And since, at the time, we were also discussing the idea of filming porn, he argued that for filming porn, I had to do it with a big cock, because that’s what sells.
I ended up accepting, although I was really unsure at the beginning. I filmed porn with his friend, who has a much bigger cock than him. In the beginning, it was just a huge shock by the size of his dick. It was mesmerizing. For about the first 10 times, nothing very special happened (regarding my boyfriend, because with his friend, I was having the time of my life sucking him off). Then, my boyfriend became more of a cuckold, somehow.
During the minutes prior to filming, my boyfriend wanted me to have to size-comparison talk with him while I was making his friend hard and ready for the filming. One time, he explicitly asked me to be mean to him (before his friend joined us), so I told him that the odds of having an orgasm by having his friend’s big and perfect cock in my throat were infinitely greater than the odds of having an orgasm by being fucking by his ridiculously small wiener. He really seemed to be getting off to it, and it kind of awoke something in me that made me say right away: “Stop jerking off! You can touch your ridiculous little dick when you see cum spurting from that big hard fucking cock. A cock that is so much better than your tiny dick in every imaginable fucking way. And you’ll cum in the garbage can while I swallow his nut!”
And that’s exactly what happened. But I kind of felt bad afterward for being such a bitch to him; he really seemed to like it for some reason.
Meanwhile, this reader attends a memorable party…
My friend called me up and told me he was gonna be a DJ at a party. I arrived at the party a little faded and an hour late. Greeted by security, but they didn’t want to let me in at first. So I played it cool for a bit till one of my friends let me in. I headed to the back of the party by the DJ booth and saw my friend flirting with two drunk, beautiful babes. He introduced me to both of them, and one of them was eager to get me in the restroom. She grabbed me by the hand and led the way.
As we walked into the bathroom, she locked the door and told me to relax. I could feel her struggling with my waistband, so I slid my pants down. I feel her fingertips grip the tip and guide my penis inside her wet warm mouth. She looks up and swallows every inch of my penis easily with both her hands on my hips. She pulled me closer with each thrust, making my legs shake. I looked down as she stroked me while talking dirty. Saying I was the smallest dick she’s sucked tonight and that I was lucky I was cute cause little dicks don’t deserve such treatment.
I exploded in her mouth as she mocked my little tiny cock while stroking it really fast. I watched ropes of cum escape my tiny cock as I felt helpless against her skills of pleasure. She wiggled her pinky as she laughed and said just wait till I tell my friends she took a picture and walked out.
*These SPH experiences have been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the stories have remained the same. Erect dick sizes have been edited to be either Gold, Silver, Bronze, or Average. The opinions/views expressed in these SPH experiences (and in any comments) are those of the authors and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech.