Conference Sex

By smithluck2007.

My plane touched down at Nashville International Airport at about 2pm. It was Wednesday afternoon, and I was just arriving for a work conference that would last through the weekend. This was the first time I had been away to a conference in over 15 years. As a dentist I had been busy running my own practice and tending to my children through their high school years. Now that they were both graduated and off to college I thought this would be a fantastic opportunity to attend our national professional association meeting for a little inspiration and a little rest and relaxation all by myself.

At 56 years old I was now looking forward to the next phase of life. I had done well enough financially that I could start to pick and choose how much I wanted to work going forward. Thankfully, I’d been able to maintain my fitness throughout my child-rearing years. As a collegiate cross-country runner, staying fit was part of who I was, and 6 day/week runs had kept me in shape and, I’d like to think, relatively young-looking. At 5’7″ and about 120 lbs., I was still pretty lean. My legs were still toned and lean, and my butt, while not voluptuous, was firm. I’d avoided the middle-age sag and swell of most women my age.

Once we were off the runway and taxing to our gate, I swiped down from the top right of my phone’s screen and disabled airplane mode. A few minutes later, my phone buzzed with a text message from my husband.

‘Have fun, honey. Relax. You’ve earned it. Me and the dog will be fine on our own. And be good ;)!’ he wrote.

I replied, ‘Thanks, babe! I’m excited to have a room to myself for once. Just kidding, I’ll miss you.’

I deplaned, collected my bags, and hopped in an Uber for the 30-minute ride to the resort that was hosting this year’s conference. Upon arrival at the resort, the check-in area was a hive of activity with professionals, both young and old, drifting about. I immediately felt a little self-conscious in my casual yoga pants and sweatshirt, but I didn’t really care. I didn’t know anyone here, so I wasn’t worried about running into someone I knew.

I checked in and headed to my room. It was beautiful, with a king bed, a small living room, and a luxurious bathroom. A small couch in the living area was immediately designated as the place where I would curl up with a book later that evening and enjoy my solitude. But the first thing on my agenda was to go for a quick run and shake out a bit of the jet lag.

I quickly unpacked my suitcase and put away my clothes. I took some extra time to hang a few dresses, an orange summer dress, a black dress that fell just above my knees, and a sexier little black dress that you always should bring with you to events like this. I definitely overpacked, but since I hadn’t been to a conference in so long, I wasn’t sure what exactly to bring.

I slipped into my running clothes, some short white running shorts, a sports bra, and a light blue tank top. I performed a quick mirror check, put my hair in a ponytail, and headed out the door with just my phone and Airpods for a nice, easy one-hour run. About 65 minutes later, I approached the resort after a relaxing 7.5 miles. It was fairly warm at 85 degrees and humid, so I was a sweaty mess.

My legs glistened with sweat, and I’m proud to say they still looked great. Even at 56, I had the legs of an athlete. My slight tan complimented the white shorts nicely. My tank top was sweated through as was my sports bra. I have small breasts, an occupational hazard of running and staying lean, but I could still feel the sweat dripping between them, running down my modest cleavage. I was so sweaty that I hoped my nipples wouldn’t show through.

I cooled down by walking back and forth outside of the hotel near the front entrance. The business of earlier was now replaced by a much calmer atmosphere. Apparently, I had checked in during the busy time. I walked up to a planter that helped divide the valet area from the front doors, and I leaned into a deep calf stretch. I held the stretch for about a minute, and towards the end, a car pulled up beside me.

A young man, maybe mid-thirties, hopped out of the back seat. He was dressed in a pair of jeans and a nondescript black t-shirt. He had short dark hair and looked very athletic. Sort of a cross between a runner and a bodybuilder. He wasn’t tall. In fact, I’d say he was fairly short at about 5’7″, but he radiated confidence in the way he moved. The driver popped the trunk, and he effortlessly fished out his suitcase with one hand. I could see the muscles in his arm ripple as he did this, and I was impressed. He tipped the driver and began to head into the hotel when our eyes met.

“Good for you, getting a run-in during the heat of the day. How was it?” he asked in a friendly and energetic way.

“Not my best, but it was OK. I always like getting a run in when I get off of a plane. It helps me feel better.” I replied.

“Are you here for the dental conference?” he asked politely.

“Yes, I am. I guess that answers it for you, too, huh?” I said.

“Haha, I guess so. I’m Chris. It is nice to meet you.”

“I’m Jessica. Nice to meet you too, Chris.”

“I don’t mean to be forward, but I know I’m going to be hungry soon, would you want to grab dinner with me? It might be fun to venture outside of the resort and see what is going on tonight?” he asked politely.

I hesitated for a second but then said, “Sure, let’s do it.” I joked, “That sounds better than eating room service by myself, although I’m not going to lie, that has some appeal too!”

“How about we meet back down here in the foyer in an hour?”

“That sounds perfect. See you then,” I replied.

We walked in together, and as he headed for the check-in desk I walked towards the bank of elevators to head up to my room. I couldn’t believe that I had just agreed to go to dinner with a complete stranger. But I guess he wasn’t a total stranger. He was obviously a dentist and was here for the same reason I was. Also, I couldn’t deny his charisma. He was easy to talk to and I really liked that. It would be nice to explore Nashville a bit, too, I thought as I walked towards my room. After all, a big part of conferences is the networking and idea sharing you get from meeting new people.

I got undressed and jumped in the shower. After a run like that, it was absolutely essential that I wash and dry my hair, so the hour I had before I was to meet Chris would need to be spent wisely. As I showered and lathered my body, my hands slipped down between my legs to clean myself. I felt a slight bit of stubble and decided that I had enough time to shave my legs and my more intimate areas.

After I had showered and thoroughly dried my hair, I decided to get dressed in a pair of tight blue jeans and a white sleeveless top. I selected a white, slightly padded bra and a white thong to go with it. Nothing special, just what I would typically wear with this setup.

An hour later, on the dot, I headed out of my room and towards the lobby. As I approached I could see Chris sitting on one of the couches in the middle of the expansive hotel lobby. He had on dark jeans, fashionable shoes, and a black polo shirt and was chatting on his phone. I found myself noticing that it fit him right.

I also inwardly laughed at myself for the butterflies I was feeling as I approached. Although this was just dinner with a new colleague, it was the closest thing to a first date that I had been on in over 30 years. My husband and I married right after I finished dental school at 25 years old. We were happy, but as marriages typically go, things were a bit too familiar, leaning on the stale side.

Our sex life was minimal at best. A fault of my work schedule and his lack of enthusiasm. His sex drive had fallen precipitously in the last 15 years, resulting in my high sex drive having been forced into a cycle of self-satisfaction at which I’d grown quite skilled. Give me a vibrator and a large dildo, and I could make myself cum in just a few minutes. I loved to cum and needed to every day or so to avoid feeling extremely horny. Because of this I had been sure to pack my favorite toys with me on this solo trip.

As I got closer, he noticed me and gave me an enthusiastic wave. He finished up his call and greeted me, “Hey Jessica, wow, you clean up well! Hungry?”

“Very. I hardly ate on the plane,” I responded as I felt my face flush slightly from his casual compliment. “What do you have in mind?”

Chris replied, “I was just on the phone with some friends, and they are headed to a BBQ place nearby if we want to join them.”

“That sounds great!” I said. I wasn’t really a huge fan of BBQ, but being with a group would minimize some of the awkwardness of being on one with a stranger.

Chris ordered an Uber, and as we waited, we started to chat and get to know each other. It turned out that he wasn’t a dentist but actually a business coach who worked in healthcare. He was 36, over 20 years younger than me, but was wise beyond his years. He had spent twelve years in the military as a Navy SEAL, which explained his physique and also helped to explain his quiet confidence and the intensity I knew was hiding behind his kind eyes. He wasn’t married and was in between relationships at the moment.

Chris was easy to talk to. He asked me questions about my life, my work, my hobbies and made me feel truly heard and understood. It was fun to get to know someone, and in the half-hour car ride, I felt like we had developed a level of comfort with one another that would typically take weeks for a man and woman to form. It was refreshing to talk to someone that listened more than they talked.

I kept thinking to myself, gosh, if I was 20 years younger I might need to be careful around this man, married or not. I felt myself being pulled into him. His charm, charisma, and confidence were intoxicating. I began to get self-conscious for multiple reasons. One, I was married so I shouldn’t be attracted to someone, at least not like this. Attraction is one thing, but sexual attraction is another, and I was sexually attracted. The other reason was that I knew I was much older. Why in the world would he be interested in someone my age in the first place?

When we arrived at the restaurant, Chris helped me out of the car by gently offering me his hand. When I took it, I felt a surge of electricity through my body. I stared up at him, and even though he wasn’t a big man, he looked imposing as his eyes darted side to side, subtly looking for threats from which he needed to keep me safe. As I got up, out and walked past him, he put his hand on the small of my back, and I felt an unfamiliar tingle throughout my body, particularly a tingling in my vagina.

Dinner was fun and I enjoyed getting to meet Chris’ friends. They were mostly younger, late 30’s and early 40’s and we all shared several adult beverages. Chris made a point to dote on me, but not overly so that it would raise suspicions from others. I still wasn’t sure if he was interested in me in a non-plutonic manner.

As dinner ended, the group was discussing what to do next and most were excited for a night out at the country bars in Nashville. As fun as that sounded, it was already getting close to my bedtime, and I was tired from a long day of travel. I told the group that I was just going to head back to the hotel and get some rest.

I could tell that Chris wanted to go out, but he insisted that he accompany me back to the resort before attempting to link back up with his friends in downtown Nashville. I thought it was a sweet but unnecessary gesture. However, he insisted, and a few minutes later, we were climbing into another Uber on our way back.

As we sat in the back of the SUV, I was surprised by just how buzzed I had gotten at dinner. This had the effect of making me extremely flirty, and I found myself sitting right next to Chris in the back seat. Our legs, hips, and shoulders touched while we talked and laughed. For as long as I can remember, alcohol has always had the effect of making me really horny. Even married, I think both of my children were conceived after nights out on the town with my husband.

When I boarded my plane earlier that morning, I had zero intention of cheating on my husband. It wasn’t even on my mind, but right now, in the back seat of this SUV, sitting next to this young, confident stud, my inhibitions had left me. I was horny and getting more so by the minute. Chris made a joke and I laughed a little too hard and a little too close and ended up grabbing him by the arm and cuddling into him in a playful way.

Chris leaned in and asked, “Are you going to go straight to bed?”

Without thinking, I responded, “Not before I cum.”

He looked at me with a curious smile and said, “Oh really? How is that going to happen?”

I looked up at him with the sultriest eyes I could muster and said, “I can take care of myself unless, of course, you’d be willing to come to my room and help me.”

And with that, I moved a hand to his leg and started sliding it towards his crotch.

As I did so, he leaned in and said, “I see your ring, and I know you’ve been drinking. Are you sure?”

I let him know I was sure by looking into his eyes and giving his package a gentle squeeze through his jeans. Gosh, I was horny, and the feeling of his dick through his pants started to get me a little wet. I was a little surprised by my audacity. This was the first penis other than my husband’s that I had touched in over 30 years, and it belonged to a man young enough to be my son.

The other thing that surprised me was the size of his dick. My husband stands at about 6’3″ and, while not super huge, is very well-hung. I’d never thought about it much. I thought most guys were about the same as my husband since the few men I’d been with were similar, but feeling Chris’ much smaller penis, at least in its current state, was quite different than what I was used to. It didn’t turn me on any less. In fact, it made me more curious. Could I cum on a smaller dick? Maybe he is a grower and not a shower? Either way, I wanted to find out.

We arrived back at the resort and quickly headed to the elevator. Chris was a perfect gentleman the whole way. He opened every door and didn’t make any overt moves to grab or grope me in public. As we exited the elevator on my floor and I guided us down the hall toward my room, I felt a wave of nervousness wash over me.

Was I really going to go through with this? Was I really about to fuck a young guy that I had just met? I turned to look at Chris. He was walking right behind me and just to my right. His body, his eyes, and his smile made me want him so bad. Yes, I was going to fuck him. Thank goodness I had taken the extra few minutes to shave my legs and pussy and throw on some reasonably attractive underwear this evening.

We reached my door, and I swiped my keycard. Chris pushed the door open and allowed me to pass through first. As I entered, I dropped my clutch and phone after making sure that it was in airplane mode. I didn’t want my phone’s voice assistant accidentally making a call in the next few hours.

In the meantime Chris had made himself comfortable on the couch. I grabbed a couple of bottles of water and offered one to him as I sat down on the other side of the couch from him. I wasn’t purposely trying to put distance between us, but I also didn’t want to come off as too forward or desperate. Once settled, I brought both knees up and onto the couch. I kicked off my flats and looked at Chris.

He stared back with a little smirk and then said, “What are we doing here?”

“That is entirely up to you,” I replied.

“And you are sure about this?” Chris asked.

“Yes, I might regret it tomorrow, but right now I am damn sure,” I said.

And with that Chris put down his water bottle and crawled over to me on the couch. While not a big man, his presence was still commanding, and I found myself looking up at him in awe. He grabbed me behind my knees and quickly yanked me down and onto my back. Spreading my legs as he climbed on top of me. His strength and measured aggression were so sexy.

He leaned down and gently kissed me a few times, attempting to go slow, but I countered by placing a hand behind his head, pulling him in, and kissing him hard. Our mouths opened, and I slid my tongue into his mouth. He reciprocated, and our tongues swirled and danced around each other as our hands explored the other’s body.

I was in heaven. My husband hates French kissing, but I have always loved it. This was amazing. Chris kissed me like a Greek God. If we spent enough time doing it, I thought it might be possible to cum from the sheer eroticism of our kissing.

My hands found his broad shoulders and then his well-muscled arms. He doesn’t have that overbuilt figure of a bodybuilder but rather the very solid cut of a professional athlete. Lean in all of the right areas, but with enough muscle to know he possessed tremendous strength. I ran my hands over his arms. His biceps and triceps and then down to is thick forearms.

As I did this, I could feel his left hand rubbing my leg and butt through my jeans while his right arm propped him up over me. He would slide his hand up and down my leg, then gently squeeze and knead my butt. Every now and then, his hand would rotate to the front of my leg and down my inner thigh, sending a surge of electricity through my body.

I couldn’t wait any longer to see him naked, so I lifted his shirt up from the hem. Chris helped by removing it the rest of the way. His abs were well-defined, and his chest was strong and full. I ran my hands down his pecks and abs towards his waist.

My right hand settled on the button of his jeans while my left hand continued down to feel his penis. I was pleasantly surprised to find him already nicely hard. I gave him a firm squeeze and rubbed his shaft and balls through the denim. This elicited a lovely little groan from him that emboldened me further.

I managed to unbutton his jeans, but as I did, he climbed off of me and pulled me to my feet. I suppose he didn’t like the imbalance in our current state of clothing, so he lifted my shirt up and over my head. He then reached around my back and unclasped my bra as he kissed and nibbled on my neck.

I let my bra fall to the floor, and Chris glanced down at my small breasts. Running has had the benefit of keeping my frame lean, but an unwanted side effect is that my breasts are small, A-cups, but his look and smile told me he liked what he saw. My hunch was confirmed as he palmed one of my breasts and took the nipple of my other one into his mouth, and started to lick and suck on it.

The sensation was amazing, and I started to get even more horny for him. I then felt both of his hands on my ass and felt the firm squeeze of his strong hands. Those same hands then slid to the front of my jeans, where they unbuttoned and unzipped them with expert dexterity.

Chris pushed my jeans down, and as he did, he dropped to his knees to help me out of them. While tight jeans look great, they can be a pain to remove so Chris’ assistance was welcome. Now I was standing in only my panties with a man I had just met several hours ago, kneeling with his face right in front of my pussy.

Chris looked up at me. With his intense eyes, I could tell that he was politely asking me for permission. I nodded at him and bit my lower lip. Chris then dove his face right into my panty-covered pussy. He licked my clit through the material and inhaled deeply.

With the fingers of his left hand, he moved the thin material of my panties to the side and said, “You smell incredible.” Then he flicked my bare clit with his tongue, and fireworks went off in my head.

Those words of affirmation were all I needed. I pushed my panties down, and Chris helped them all of the way off, quickly resuming his tongue’s attack on my clit. I wanted more so I worked to give him slightly better access by lifting my left foot onto the couch to open my legs a bit more for him.

I was already in heaven. My husband has never really eaten me out. I guess that is one downside of being with a partner with a large penis. He has never really seemed to be that interested in doing anything but pounding me. But the work Chris’ tongue was doing was driving me wild. He spent about a minute deftly licking my labia and my clit while gently probing my hole with the very tip of his tongue.

He then took his left hand and snaked it up my stomach, pausing briefly to squeeze my right breast, and then brought his hand all the way up to my face, where he placed two of his fingers on my lips. It was clear what he wanted, so I obliged. I grabbed his hand with both of mine and sucked his two fingers all the way into my mouth. I licked around and in between them, completely soaking them and hopefully giving him an idea of the pleasure my mouth was capable of producing.

Now that his fingers were sufficiently moistened, Chris brought his hand back down to my pussy and gently inserted his two fingers as he continued to lick and suck on my clit. It was the most amazing feeling. I knew I was with an experienced lover and one that was putting my pleasure first. After a couple of minutes of this my breathing started to get deeper and my moans more consistent.

I was being very vocal tonight. This is a departure from my usual, reserved lovemaking that my husband and I have. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’ve moaned with my husband. Any woman who tells you 8 inches doesn’t make her moan is lying. It is a lot of cock to handle, so moans are only natural. But tonight, I was letting the pleasure wash over me, and I was letting Chris know that his efforts were much appreciated.

Chris could sense that I was building towards an orgasm, and he upped the ante by inserting a third finger into me. This additional stretching helped to push me over the edge, and I began to cum and squeeze down on his fingers. My orgasm took me by surprise, and as far as I could ever remember, this was the only time I had ever cum from being eaten out. Certainly my first orgasm in a standing position. It was magnificent and my knees felt weak.

When I came down from my amazing orgasm, Chris led me to the bed.

He told me to lie down, and I complied. As I did so Chris took the liberty of stripping his jeans and underwear off. I watched in awe as this well-chiseled man became naked in front of my eyes. I was happy to see that he was already rock-hard. It gave me quite the ego boost to know that I did that to him without really having touched him yet. Typically, with my husband, I have to spend a significant amount of time sucking his dick to get him to a place where his dick is in a fuckable state.

While he was rock hard, his dick was still quite small compared to what I’m used to looking at. He had grown a significant amount from what I first felt during our Uber on the way to the hotel, but it was 4.5 inches at best and wasn’t very thick. It was a far cry from my husband’s very thick 8-inch penis. Overall, it looked to be about half the size of what I was used to. Despite his size, Chris possessed more confidence and sexual energy than any man I’ve ever been with. I found him incredibly sexy and wasn’t bothered in the slightest by his modest package.

At this point, I was laying on my back, with my knees bent and legs spread, giving him an unobstructed view of my now very wet pussy. He climbed onto the bed and kneeled in between my legs. He caressed my knee and calf with one hand, and with the other, he grabbed the shaft of his penis and firmly fisted a few strokes.

Watching him grab his small penis was so sexy. So hot. I couldn’t believe that I was here at this moment, looking at a sexy man who wasn’t my husband and was 20 years younger than me. He then lowered himself on top of me and began to passionately kiss me.

As our tongues danced and we gently sucked and bit on each other’s lips, I reached down and grabbed his rigid dick and lined it up with the opening of my pussy. With my free hand, I grabbed his firm butt and pulled him into me as I whispered, “Fuck me, baby,” into his ear.

Chris didn’t fight me. He pushed his dick into me, and my soaking wet pussy allowed him in without issue. He buried himself balls deep with one push, and we both moaned as he bottomed out in me. Gently he began to pump in and out, carefully sliding all but the very tip of his dick out before plunging back in. This was a man who knew how to make the most of what he had.

I’ll be honest. It felt much different than with my husband. There was much less stretching, and stretching is something that I, and most women think is quite pleasurable. But on the plus side, there wasn’t that feeling of immense pressure that a long dick can cause. And not having him slam into my cervix was also a benefit.

This was different, but it was incredible in its own way. Chris’ technique allowed me to experience the insertion and extraction, the travel if you will, of his entire 4.5-inch penis. It felt to be about the same amount of travel that my husband has since he prefers shorter strokes. Combine the feeling of his perfectly adequate penis with the sexiness and confidence Chris possessed, and I was on could nine. Size be damned, it didn’t matter. My perception on the issue of penis size had been changed in the first few minutes of our fucking.

I only hoped that I was tight enough for him and that he would enjoy this experience, too. I wasn’t planning on making this a regular thing, but my innate competitiveness had me wanting to know that I had a great pussy that was providing amazing pleasure for him. I wanted to be his best.

In between our deep breathing and moaning, I kicked off the dirty talk. “How do I feel for you?” I asked boldly.

“Amazing,” he said. “You are so tight and so fucking wet.”

His words drove me wild, and I found myself bucking up and trying to meet his thrusts for even more penetration. “Harder,” I begged. “Please fuck me harder.” I wanted more. I could take more. I wanted to use Chris’ athleticism for my benefit.

Chris responded by grabbing my legs and placing them on his shoulders. In this position, he was able to generate more force and go just a little bit deeper. He began to fuck me extremely hard. His pubic bone would crash into mine on every thrust, and I could feel his heavy balls swing up and slap my ass on each stroke. He looked so powerful and strong above me. It was a sight to behold.

“How’s that?” he asked.

“Perfect, don’t stop fucking me,” I replied.

And he didn’t. He kept pounding me without respite. “I’ll fuck you as long as you need, cum for me again,” he said.

And cum again, I did. This time my pussy could squeeze down on his dick. It was so rewarding to see the fruits of thousands of Kegels play out on his face when he felt the intense grip my muscles could generate around his manhood. I heard him moan in pleasure as I yelled during my own release.

As I came down from my exceptional orgasm, I had to admire Chris’ staying power. My husband was a quick fuck. A minute or two at most, and that was what I had grown accustomed to. Chris was fucking me strong and going on at least 10 minutes of hard sex.

“Oh my God, you can go forever,” I said.

At this point, he had slowed down a bit, but there was still plenty of movement from his hips. “I can go as long as you need. I’ll only cum when you tell me to and only after you’ve had your fill,” he said.

My gosh, what an amazing specimen of a man I had between my legs tonight. He lowered my legs to the bed and withdrew his dick from pussy, and said, “Climb on top of me. I want to look at you.”

We switched places, with Chris lying on his back and propping his head up with a pillow. I was about to climb on top of him but stopped and instead knelt beside him and kissed him while my hand started to fondle his balls.

I broke this kiss after a few seconds and moved my mouth down to his penis. I hadn’t yet had the pleasure of feeling him in my mouth, and I wanted to then. I slowly lowered my mouth over his penis. I did it gradually and used my tongue in a back-and-forth motion as I descended to increase his sensation. I spent about 15 seconds working my way inch by inch until I had him all the way in my mouth. I thought if I went slow, it would make him think it was more of a challenge for me. Plus, I wanted him to relish the experience. I gently bobbed up and down on his shaft while my tongue played with the crown of his penis, and my hand rolled his balls and gently squeezed them.

I had never been able to take a penis entirely into my mouth. Deep-throating wasn’t a skill I had, so halfway was about the best my husband ever got. But I swallowed Chris’ dick to the base, and I was damn proud. The look in his eyes told me he liked what he was seeing and felt.

I gave him what I thought was a nice little blowjob and made sure to clean off as much of my pussy from his dick and balls as I could before climbing on top of him and mounting him. I reached behind me and grabbed the base of his dick to line it up with my slit, and then I sank all the way down. As I did, Chris moaned deeply.

“Am I big enough for you?” he asked between moans.

“Yes, you have a great dick,” I replied.

I was a little surprised by the question because of his level of confidence throughout the day/night and so far in fucking. But it was also pretty sexy.

“Have you had bigger than me?” he asked next.

I paused for a second. ”

You can be honest,” he said.

I replied, “Yes, my husband is quite big, huge actually.”

Chris moaned in pleasure at that. “Have you had smaller than me?”

Again, I paused.

“Be honest,” he encouraged.

“Honestly, I haven’t fucked that many guys in my life. But to answer your question, no. You have the smallest dick I’ve ever seen or had sex with.”

With that, he grabbed my hips with his strong hands, pulling me onto him while simultaneously lifting his hips. The result was another inch of penetration, and it was delicious. He alternated grabbing my ass, holding my hips, and squeezing my breasts. In short order, I was cumming again. This orgasm might have been the biggest so far, but at this point, it was getting hard to keep track. I’d never cum like this, and I wanted him to know it.

“You might be the smallest, but I’ve never cum like this before.” I then sat straight up, grinding myself into him and sinking as far down as his length would allow. “And I never get to sit up like this,” I moaned as I threw my head back and enjoyed the depth.

You see when I ride my husband, I always have to lean forward to prevent over-penetration, but with Chris, I could sit upright and really start to buck my hips without fear of inducing pain. I continued in this position for several minutes. Sitting upright, grinding up and down, back and forth with my hands on Chris’ muscular chest. He was so good at natural dirty talk, and it only served to heighten the experience.

“Your pussy is so tight. I can feel you squeeze with every orgasm. You make my dick feel huge,” he said.

“I can feel you, trust me. It feels incredible,” I replied between breaths.

I wasn’t patronizing him. I was being honest. It felt amazing.

One thing I reflected on after what felt like my tenth orgasm was just how hard my pussy was squeezing down. I realized that I’d never really cum like this before. I suppose that while a big dick feels great because it stretches you, it dilates the pussy enough that it can’t contract as forcefully. But on Chris’ much thinner penis, my vaginal muscles were able to contract at maximum strength. The result was a deliciously hard orgasm that rocked me deep to my core each and every time. I thought to myself that maybe women have it wrong. That big cocks aren’t the best in bed. That smaller cocks can produce even more amazing orgasms, even if you do have to work a little harder for the orgasm compared to a big dick.

I knew Chris loved being on the receiving end of these contractions, and I have to applaud his amazing staying power for not cumming during any of my multiple orgasms. This man was a king in bed. But alas, I was starting to get a little tired and a bit sore. My vagina was not used to this much work, and I was by now more satisfied than I had ever been from sex.

I leaned down and kissed Chris deeply. I took complete control of the kiss, plunged my tongue into his mouth, and swirled it around. Then I broke the kiss and whispered, “I want you to cum for me now.”

“How do you want it?” he asked.

“I’d like to taste you. Is that OK?” I asked him.

“Of course. I have to warn you, though. After this much sex, I’m going to cum a lot,” he said.

That turned me on so much and only served to drive me even more wild in anticipation of tasting his cum. “I want it in my mouth,” I whispered as I swirled my tongue in his ear.

Chris grabbed my hips and lifted me off of him. His dick fell out of my pussy, and smacked him on his hard abs. I moved down the bed between his legs and rubbed his thighs for a few seconds before leaning down and grabbing the base of his dick with my index finger and thumb and pointing it straight up. I didn’t grab it with my whole hand because I wanted Chris to have the visual illusion that his dick was standing nice and tall. I also didn’t want to rub off my juices. I wanted to taste them.

His dick had felt hard inside me, but in my fingers, it felt like steel. I slowly licked up from my fingers to the tip on the underside of his dick. My bitter juices were everywhere. His shaft, head, balls, pubic region, and ass were covered in my wetness. I made every effort to clean him up completely. I used my tongue on every inch of his dick and balls.

I then grabbed his dick and balls with one hand and lifted them up and out of the way so I could lick my juices off of his tight little asshole. He moaned deeply when I did this, and I knew that he’d like a little ass play while I finished him off. This is something that I always wanted to do to my husband but that he never let me do.

Once his ass was clean, I moved back up to Chris’ dick and proceeded to suck, lick and engulf his dick with my mouth while simultaneously using my thumb and index finger to jack him off. My other hand alternated between squeezing and tugging on his balls and teasing his ass. I sensed him getting closer, so I upped the ante and slowly sunk my entire finger into his ass while I kept up the pressure with my mouth and another hand.

Chris moaned and yelled, “Yes, yes, yes. More.”

I took the hint and sunk a second finger deep into his ass and began to finger fuck him in time with my mouth bobbing and slurping. His moans and grunts grew louder, and I could feel his hips starting to pump up into my mouth with each stroke.

There is something so satisfying about focusing on satisfying a man, especially when he’s spent the last 30-45 minutes satisfying you. I wanted to give him the best orgasm of his life. One that he wouldn’t soon forget. Chris’ staying power meant that I was working extremely hard trying to bring him to orgasm. I was starting to get a bit tired even though I was so turned on, so I took a chance to try to push him over the edge and slipped a third finger into his very tight ass.

He grunted loudly, “Argh.”

I could tell he was in a bit of momentary pain, but I didn’t withdraw. Instead, I held my three fingers deep in his ass and tried my best to rub his prostate. I must have hit the spot because he started groaning and moaned, “I’m going to cum.”

Besides his warning, my first indication that I had pushed Chris over the edge was the spasming of his anal sphincter. It squeezed down on my fingers and threatened to push them out, but I pushed in harder and kept up the pressure on his prostate while my three fingers spread him out wide.

I then felt his small dick start to twitch, and it felt like it spasmed and swelled in my mouth as he started to moan loudly. His warning about his high volume of cum was warranted. The first rope of cum shot straight to the back of my throat, and I hurriedly swallowed it down while aiming the next spurts onto my tongue. I kept jerking him off hard with my two fingers, and he rewarded me with several larger ropes of thick, creamy cum. I swallowed as much as I could, but in between the head of his dick and all of his cum there just wasn’t enough room in my mouth, and some cum started to leak out the sides of my mouth and down his penis.

I removed my mouth and grasped his small dick with my whole hand to finish him the rest of the way through his orgasm. With my hand wrapped around his dick, only the tip was visible. I felt so in control of his small member, and it felt incredible to bring this man through his hard orgasm. I marveled at how hard he had made me cum. Size definitely wasn’t everything, and this man really knew how to use what he had.

As his orgasm subsided, he beckoned me up to him and pulled me in for a deep kiss to share in the taste of his cum.

“Thank you for playing with my ass and making me cum like that,” he said.

“I loved it,” I said. I asked him, “How long are you here for?”

“Five days,” he replied.

“Good, me too. If you are up for making me cum like that again, I’ll make sure to take incredibly good care of you, too,” I said.

And with that, we headed to the shower together.


The End.


*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, punctuation, formatting errors, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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