Our Readers SPH Experiences 303

By Our Readers Our readers share their moments of small dick zen.   This reader gives a girl he hates an eyeful… There was this chick I knew in college. For this story, we’ll call her Ally, who I absolutely could not stand. We were pretty much complete opposites. She was a lit major and was about as stereotypical as you could get: super artsy and woke, obnoxiously preachy, condescending etc, etc. She wanted to be a writer and was

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Penis in Aspic

By MH Macdonald. Glancing at Foofoo as he stood up on the balls of his feet, hands on head, eyes lowered, Nikki smiled indulgently at the sight of her oh-so obedient and blushing servant-boy, as she considered Teresa’s question over whether his motivation to go through the trials and tribulations that he did was related to the size of his tiny cock. Turning back to Teresa, she saw that her friend’s eyes were still wide, like saucers, at the sight

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My Loving Wife Cucks Me

By Tcs1956. My sexy wife and I have been married for 10 years. She is my 5th wife, and I am her third husband, so obviously, we have both fucked a lot of others. I am 70 years old, and she is in her youthful 50’s. For the first five years of our marriage, we lived an amazingly beautiful Cuckold/Hotwife relationship. I loved every minute, and she undoubtedly loved it even more! “Free Love” or unbridled sex is key to

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Maxing Out

By Jamisonsdecree. I have always been weak. In high school, I was bullied relentlessly. I was thin and weak. My one weight training course for 18-year-old students my senior year proved a constant humiliation, as I couldn’t even bench press the bar, and by the end of the semester, the only thing that had changed was that I could lift the bar. I had earned the nickname tighty whities, an obvious nomenclature that invited bullies and repelled girls. The fact

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Our Readers SPH Experiences 302

By Our Readers Our readers share their moments of small dick zen.   This reader got an eyeful in the showers at his gym… A true story took place at my old gym. I’ve left there now as the prices have risen, and I can’t justify the expense anymore. After working out, I always like to dip in the jacuzzi. Heading back to the locker room, I stripped off and showered. I’m one of those guys that shrink after a

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Humiliated at a European Sauna 2

By Jamisonsdecree. Read Part 1 Here. ***** Part 2… ‘Are you seeing anyone?’ Lucia asks me one day in the sauna. It’s still only us, and while she is not completely revealing herself, she is comfortable enough around me to wear the towel only around her waist. It is a wonderful view, her jet black hair cascading upon her bare shoulders, doing nothing to hide her breasts. A few weeks have passed since I was made to slip out of

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Arranged Marriage

By uppishcarrot. Despite my religiously conservative upbringing, I had a relatively normal childhood. I grew up in the mid-west, and my childhood was typical. I had the same group of friends since kindergarten and we all grew up in a suburban paradise together. Everything was what you’d call normal from elementary to high school. I owned an old, beaten-up Ford Mustang that would make all the girls swoon, but I was too shy to approach them despite my good looks,

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Yes, Chef

By Whitfrey. Whit was a classically trained chef that had just opened a new restaurant. Like most chefs, Whit ran his kitchen like a drill sergeant. All the cooks answered “Yes, chef” or “No, chef.” cleanliness was a top priority, and every invoice was meticulously filed. As for the front of the restaurant, he had Sarah. Sarah, at 26, already had years of experience running fine-dining restaurants. She was a certified sommelier and liked the expensive bottles. Whit trusted Sarah

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Humiliated at a European Sauna 1

By Jamisonsdecree. I was an international student in Germany, and, long story short, I needed some PT after hurting my neck. I’m super thin and unable to put on fat or muscle, and to top it off, I’m pretty small down there. Barely an inch when soft, and I don’t even measure when I’m hard because I don’t want to know deep down. My one and only girlfriend broke up with me before I left to study, leaving me a

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Our Readers SPH Experiences 301

By Our Readers Our readers share their moments of small dick zen.   This reader was humiliated in the hospital… I recently had been suffering from a severe case of kidney stones, so after a couple of days of excruciating pains all over my body, I decided that it was time to go to the hospital, so I went there. Two doctors examined the pictures of my kidney. They decided the best thing to do would be to hospitalize me

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