Displaying his tiny penis to his crush…
By MsMHMacdonaldF.

Observing the interchange intently, Verity giggled at the extra tinkling from Foofoo’s many shaming bells, seeking further unwanted attention for their source, just as was intended. For seen and most definitely heard were Nikki’s wishes for her shy, bashful house pet.
For those of keen hearing, the bells were momentarily joined by a barely audible snivel of indignation at the gratuitous reprimand. Nonetheless, knowing any sign of petulance would do him no good, Foofoo continued his slow revolving on the small coffee table in tight circles before his audience, gradually recovering after the prolonged cold shower Nikki had made him take to intentionally shrink his cock as much as possible for supreme humiliation in front of Verity.
Head raised and eyes front, masking his chattering teeth, Foofoo presented his best attempt at a Vegas showgirl-type smile, catching glimpses of shared mirth between Nikki and Verity as he rotated. At his rear, his freshly waxed and painted toes, complete with white daisies, were pointed skyward, meaning his revolutions were propelled by already sore knees and his palms. Every ten rotations, as instructed, he switched from pointing his toes to splaying his toes and then back to pointed toes after the next ten turns, which at least helped prevent cramps, if not his dignity.
“I must apologize for the distraction, Verity. I rarely have to raise my voice with him, but Foofoo is somewhat coltish today; I can’t think why!” Nikki smirked at her friend, who rolled her eyes in response.
“Now, where was I? Oh yeah, I was telling you. As you can see, I think Foofoo’s little penis must have stopped growing after day one of his becoming a teenager. But despite its inadequacy, it’s for the best, the little thing is his greatest weakness, especially when he gets all worked up, all dumb and horny, and I just say no, not today or even this month to him. It’s hilarious; he doesn’t know what to do with himself and gets emotionally fraught over it, leaving him in greater awe of my severity.” Nikki shrugged, beaming. “Besides, look how adorably harmless his junk looks out of his cage, bared to us, limp, tiny, and rouged. I can’t be certain, but in the years since I’ve had him caged, what started small has gotten even smaller. His ever-smaller cages attest to shrinkage, atrophy, or something along those lines, right, Foofoo?”
“WHMPR!” answered shrilly, dismayed; his big smile faltered through nearly a full rotation. He managed only a wavering grimace when he came round face to face with his onlookers again.
“Poor pet,” Nikki smirked without the slightest hint of sincerity.
“Love it, love it!” Verity exclaimed gleefully, looking alternating back and forth between Nikki and the comical sight of the rotating, naked Foofoo and his ever-changing toes, wondering what kind of guy would submit to doing such a thing.
Struggling to turn his grimace back to a big cheesy smile, Foofoo continued to rotate and tinkle, warmer but now discombobulated by the idea of suffering atrophy to the family jewels. His biggest concern during the thrill of the early days serving Nikki had been over how she restricted his access to his cock; so the loss of his favorite toy had been his concern rather than fears of shrinkage. Chastity, tease, denial, and even his virginity were all wrapped up in the exhilarating complexities of his coming to terms with his beta-sexuality and thus being a service-orientated submissive towards women.
To be kept utterly chaste for all intent and purpose was a whole other ball game and not something he’d anticipated nor welcomed. It had been well over a year now since Nikki had permitted him an orgasm due to his infringement of her beta-line directive when he’d nearly bumped into Verity accidentally and, as a result, been caught inadvertently looking up at her, his gaze trapped by her beauty and his feelings for her. He knew as a male sub not to pin his hopes too high on the frequency of his orgasms, but he couldn’t help but think the nickname that Brad, Nikki’s boyfriend, used for him of ‘The Monk’ had become all too accurate!
“You know what guys are like, Verity? When they get lucky and start going regular with someone, wanking takes a back seat for something way better.” Nikki opined. “That switching from burgers to fillet steak never happened with Foofoo. He kept wanking himself silly, raising women on a pedestal, fascinated by them, desiring them from afar, getting infatuated crushes, and so on, but never getting anywhere. Much like he has with you!”
“Nikki!” Verity giggled, her cheeks reddening a little.
“Soz, couldn’t resist!” Nikki flashed a grin. “You see, when we met, when Foofoo, his little nub leading the way no doubt, came to the rescue of my broken heel, and out of the blue, he discovered a shot of courage for once, disclosing his fascinating proposal of further service to me; well, it at first surprised me, then intrigued and ultimately inspired me. Never having to lift a finger about the house ever again appealed, but it grew into more than that; his virginity amused me, and his bashfulness around me, too. Something dormant within me had been awakened.”
Pausing, looking over at the rotating naked man on her coffee table, Nikki smiled, recalling fondly the circumstances that had led to her present lifestyle of ruling the roost. Continuing, she turned away from Foofoo, back to Verity, and shared, “I’ve probably told you some of this previously, but for completeness, I researched things, using terms Foofoo had expressed like ‘femdom’ and abbreviations I’d never heard of before but had noted down on my phone as he talked, terms such as ‘CFNM,’ ‘cbt’ and ‘sph’; making discoveries I liked and others that I did not. I quizzed him at length, too, discovering he is the sort that would rather be told what to do, especially by women, finding obedience easier and a turn-on.
That’s how and when my Mistress Nikki persona developed, and as it did, I realized I would take him up on his proposal, but my way, using my own rules and ideas; zero input from him once we got going, and certainly no ‘topping from below’ as it’s called. I had next to no interest in catering to his wank-bank fantasies beyond things that made life either easier or enjoyable for me. It led to a series of frank conversations between us before I ultimately set him his circumcision challenge with the final warning that there would be no safe words or consideration to his thoughts on matters once started; lo and behold, here we are. Needless to say, he passed with flying colors, turning up at my door a few weeks later, having done the deed of getting himself tied up down there and thereby earning himself a new life, a new name, and his happy ever after, living as my take on a modern-day Cinderella.”
“He does look a very smiley boy,” Verity joked.
“Doesn’t he just!” Nikki laughed. “Looking back, I think his brain must have gone into autopilot, the brain in his pants taking over as he lapped up what I was telling him. I’ve been working on his subjugation ever since. His is a life without decisions now, he has only to provide obedient, pleasing service without hesitation to earn his keep. I’ve even removed the burden of his cock thinking for him, along with the wearing of any pants. I decide what’s good for him, what he needs, and he blindly complies.”
“Like a trained puppy,” Verity giggled.
“Less cute though, Verity,” Nikki retorted with a pleasant chuckle. Then, as a matter of fact, “I discovered I loved control, not just locking away his pitiful appendage in chastity but micromanaging his whole existence appealed to the control freak in me. I mean, it was given in his proposal that things like football, beer, TV, books, computer time, sitting down to relax or even eat, and going out by himself would all go; in their place, sixteen to seventeen hours of menial toil to fill his days, every day and eating and drinking from pans on the floor. But I have loved taking it further in determining his behaviors, diet, attire, toileting, speech, everything! Which, incidentally, he loves too; all this being treated harshly turns him into a simpering delight. And oh my god, how I love the unprincipled sybaritic power of it all! It’s such an aphrodisiac Verity, one I wouldn’t want to give up now, so, given his nature, it’s a win-win for us both.”
“I get that. It’s said power is an aphrodisiac.” Verity nodded, utterly rapt, much as she had been ever since first being introduced to Nikki’s lifestyle, witnessing Foofoo at her friend’s beck and call. Voicing what she had wondered moments earlier, she asked, “But the mind boggles at what kind of guy would submit to all this?”
Nikki grinned salaciously, flicking her head towards the rotating Foofoo, and laughed, “That kind would. The small-cocked, virgin kind. Just look at him there, on his umpteenth pointless revolution up on the table, his toenails, bright red, each painted with cutesy white daises, pointed up, and there we go… now obediently splayed for us, whether we’re observing him or ignoring him, around and around he goes. He’s in his element submitting to us like this Verity. Incidentally, talking of his toes, do you like what I have done with his toenails? I’ve had him grow them slightly longer to make more room for his toenail art, much to his umbrage.”
“Love them!” Verity giggled. “They’re very pretty, Foofoo!”
“That’s what I tell him, too,” Nikki chuckled, knowing how mortified Foofoo felt about his long and painted toenails. “More prone to scuffing, though, so he has to be extra careful with my property as he does his chores not to get them scuffed. Then, of course, today, given it Valentine’s Day, I’ve done something extra special with Foofoo in uncaging him and rouging his cocklet head so that he could show that off to us too. He’s a bit like a prize pig being displayed at a county fair, complete with a nose-ring through his snout, though I guess he’s missing a rosette and has little to be prideful about, his sperm without value.”
Verity giggled, amused at Nikki’s comparing Foofoo to a prize pig.
“Of course, those full achy giggleberries we can see may be attached to him, but they’re mine, all mine!” Nikki asserted smugly. “I own them completely. He’s my hardworking skivvy, and right now, I haven’t let him squirt for his longest period of denial yet, a consequence of his own doing, a lack of self-control. Poor pet, he’s going through an intense frustration experience, and he’ll continue to do so until I can be assured he’s learned his lesson. Fourteen months, but who’s counting right, Foofoo?”
“Whmpr!” answered obediently, masking his consternation at how long Nikki had kept his unjust punishment going, aware the situation wouldn’t change until she decided otherwise.
Clicking her tongue in response, Nikki said, “One way or another, Verity, he’ll learn not to leer at women. Still, somewhat ironically, his denial works wonders for me; the poor boy can’t win!”
“Tee-hee Nikki, I do love all your femdom frolics, particularly the chastity stuff. I always have such fun when I visit you guys. And, I must say, I simply adore how you’ve rouged Foofoo’s bell-end today! Such a vibrant red, it helps it stand out, it’s like his willy is playing peekaboo with us as he revolves around!” Verity giggled, turning away from Foofoo to face her friend. “Catching glimpses of red between his thighs, it’s too funny!”
“Well, you know Verity, if it doesn’t have much use, and Foofoo’s most certainly doesn’t, the least it can do is provide some hilarity.” Nikki almost snorted in her amusement. “Besides, as you were visiting us, the least I could do was prettify the little thing, granting it a rare outing for Valentine’s Day!”
“Thank you, Nikki.”
“I’m sure Foofoo would say you’re very welcome if I let him speak; after all, he’s the sort who loves attention, and as you know, he LOVES YOU so very, VERY much, Verity!” Nikki teased.
“Nikki!” Verity exclaimed, playfully pretending to fume. Guffawing, she turned to study Foofoo to hide a heated flush in her cheeks. Moving the focus back to Foofoo, she commented, “The bright red certainly catches the eye for something so minuscule!”
“Ah yes, Verity, that’s the rub; oops, don’t get excited. Foofoo, a Freudian slip, my bad!” Nikki giggled at herself and then, as Foofoo’s smiling face flashed before her on his latest rotation, added, “I meant the nub of it! Oh, there’s another one! Teehee! I’m such a tease! Sorry, not sorry, there’ll be no slow and slippery hand-job for Foofoo today just because he’s dangling freely. Display purposes only Foofoo, for our guest, and because I know the pet has powerful feelings for her; it’s a chance to make an impression, to show off what he’s packing, in the hope Cupid’s arrow strikes!”
“Oh, he’s making an impression, all right!” Verity giggled.
Feeling his face heat up at Nikki’s mention of exactly what he was hoping for, followed by Verity’s giggles, Foofoo was relieved. His blush was soon hidden as he rotated away from facing them.
“Rest assured, Verity,” Nikki smirked, “Once he’s warmed up enough to start getting a sexual thrill out of this before he starts leaving a slug trail on my coffee table, I’ll be sure to pop him back where he belongs, safe and sound in a secure location.”
The conversation trailed off momentarily as both women enjoyed seeing Foofoo rotating up on the coffee table.
Verity observed him turn around and around in a tight circle like a music box ballerina, amused at the thought of Foofoo being returned to his chastity cage as soon as he’d recovered from the effects of his cold shower. Under the management of Nikki’s strict chastity enforcement regime, he wasn’t even given the chance of a full penis stretch to the almost four inches she knew from pictures of his erection alongside a ruler to be comical.
Nikki looked on, hoping with each tedious turn, any lingering fragments of her special project’s male pride were being eroded, displayed mortifyingly as he was in front of his crush. It wasn’t often he spent even minutes out of his cage for anything other than hygiene, but turning the tables and diminishing him and what was left of his family jewels was a fitting reason to remove his chastity cage for a while.
Eventually, sharing glances and smirks, their amusement intensified as one or the other would set each off with a clipped giggle here and there. Eventually, the two friends shared uncontrollable cackles while Foofoo continued turning helplessly obedient.
Picking up the conversation again, Nikki spoke with sprightly enthusiasm, “But as you’ve observed Verity, before he has to run back to his chores, given the special day, I don’t mind letting Foofoo distract us as an object de’ art, his limbs showcasing the benefits of his exercise and diet regimen. And, of course, with nature’s tarp out of the way, Foofoo’s bell-end has found a purpose as a laughingstock, in resembling a poisonous red mushroom.”
“As I said, a button one!” Verity exclaimed with a giggle.
Absorbing the ridicule as best he could, Foofoo was pretty sure any sense of machismo related to his cock that he’d ever had, had abandoned him long ago. As their giggles continued to reverberate around him like surround sound, he felt wondrously objectified and thus perfectly submissive. Bashful obedience was his modus operandi, and serving Nikki and her friends ensured that daily. Accustomed to Nikki rarely missing an opportunity to show him off in nothing but his work uniform of a collar, cage, and bells to her friends, he wasn’t so used to having a humiliatingly bright red bell-end, so in front of Verity his humiliation levels had been significantly intensified to a place where he was both loving and hating every moment of the experience. His special kind of beta bliss.
Earlier, shivering, covered in goosebumps, his teeth chattering, as Nikki had prepared him, he’d got all angsty on discovering it was Verity visiting and that Nikki intended to have him rotate on the coffee table, his manhood bared to Verity for the first time. Then upon her arrival, discovering him rotating on the coffee table, Verity had almost squealed with delight and observed more than loud enough for him to overhear, “Isn’t he just adorable Nikki, with his little wee-wee, so small and the bell-end rouged so brightly. It looks so much like a real penis, only much, much smaller… like a genetically modified red button mushroom.” his infatuation with all things Verity had grown exponentially. For a good while after her remark, he’d rotated and swooned adoringly with masochistic delight, freefalling into sub-space, ever the sucker for female ridicule.
Alas, woefully to his mind, a corresponding tingle in said small penis still hadn’t occurred in response to any of the ridicule he’d been on the receiving end of as yet, the effects of his cold shower long-lasting. Embarrassingly aware, his nether regions were still shriveled, pulled up tight to his body as he rotated, but even in that, Foofoo still experienced some joy, hanging freely for once rather than pressing against his cage. While his knees ached abominably after so many rotations on the table’s hard surface, and his cheeks ached too from maintaining his big smile, he persevered. He had to, so as he endured, he listened to the exchanges between Nikki and Verity, perturbed at how well they understood what made him tick. He accepted that this was his life now, welcomed it, and knew that just as night follows day, at some point, he would be ordered down from the table to be dismissed to do the housework. When all was said and done, all was good in his condensed world with Nikki, as far as he was concerned, even more so whenever Verity visited.
“So, let me see if I have remembered this right, in terms of the bases Foofoo has reached, or rather not reached as the case may be, Nikki,” Verity asked. “Not only is he still a virgin, but no girl has given him even a BJ? He’s only ever jerked himself off?”
“Diddly squat, Foofoo’s never been blown or laid,” Nikki confirmed. “Poor pet. He’s hung like a tic-tack, so, honestly, Verity, in the unlikely event he’d ever managed to be in a position to be on the verge of getting it on with someone, who do you know, who’d be interested in that sad little disappointment, like ever?”
“No one,” Verity admitted. “Not even for a sympathy fuck.”
Valiantly striving to stifle a snivel at such derision, Foofoo’s nostrils flared, his descent into sub-space accelerating. Despite being familiar with his manhood size being discussed disparagingly and his submissive buttons pressed frequently over how much ‘size matters,’ Foofoo finally felt spring arrives after a long winter brought on by his cold shower, for his cock tingled at Verity’s comment.
“Excuse me, did the pet just make a noise?” Nikki snapped.
“Whmpr, whmpr!” a speedy denial, accompanied by a stronger tingle. His penis was back!
“Hmm.” Nikki harrumphed, unconvinced. “Sorry Verity, you were saying?”
“Yes, only that my answer was a no, as I don’t know anyone who would! Not a single one.” Verity replied, looking over at Foofoo, her gaze lingering until he turned so their eyes met briefly. Taking delight in seeing how upset and mortified he looked yet remaining dutifully obedient, smiling, and turning, she smirked, “I mean, if you couldn’t feel it, would it even count?”
Then, waiting till Foofoo faced her again, Verity added with a wrinkle of her nose, “Ewww, just new, it would be closer to putting a tampon in than anything sexy. So no, no one would, and personally, given I’ve seen from the pictures you shared, his little erections don’t make four inches, I’d miss the deep penetration.”
Thankfully facing away from them when he heard what Verity said, upset by Verity’s openly scornful disparaging of his size, Foofoo closed his eyes, breathing heavily through his nostrils like a snorting bull, hard enough to disturb the tiny bell in the nose-ring through his septum.
“Exactly, no one I know would ever either. Foofoo’s utterly inadequate for that. I should add for clarity’s sake, though I think you have a good understanding already,” Nikki grinned, enjoying the chit-chat at Foofoo’s expense. “He doesn’t get to jerk himself off anymore, either. Such an immature habit he used to have, and it ruled his world. But now I rule his world, and it’s been entirely out of his hands and in a chastity cage since he entered my service, quite literally!”
“Oh yeah, that I knew! A vast improvement for him, no doubt.” Verity managed through a fit of giggles, enjoying seeing the mortification in Foofoo’s eyes each time he rotated round to face her again. “Hilarious! I love it!”
“Look! Quick Verity!” Nikki urged abruptly, pointing, “I do believe all this talk about Foofoo’s sex life is warming things up for him; his tiny nub is showing a few signs of life! It’s twitching for us! Look at the little thing go! So twitchy!”
Squinting, pretending to look as hard as possible, Verity taunted, “It is? It’s hard to tell Nikki; it still looks like a limpy, wimpy, shrimpy button mushroom to me.”
All but helpless, foofoo lived in the moment, relishing it as only a submissive could.
“Well, Verity, better safe than sorry, lest we forget ourselves as ladies and come over all unnecessary,” Nikki said mockingly. “Stop rotating, foofoo, time to clean up and re-cage the pet while he’s still nice and small. Get him back safely to his housework unmolested. Playtime is over, and my home won’t clean itself. That’s what the pet is for. Kneel up and present for re-locking chop-chop. Foofoo knows the drill.”
Stiffly, wincing, shaming bells creating a cacophony that covered most of his groans, Foofoo changed position on the coffee table, stretching out his limbs as best he could. His knees were killing him from all the crawling, but he knew better than to complain. Instead, he knelt on the coffee table and respectfully lowered his gaze, obeying the beta-line protocol, trying not to be too despondent. Nikki hadn’t permitted time to gain a full penis stretch. Cold showers were a dastardly thing! Relieved to finally take the weight off his knees and relax his toes, he shifted about till he was kneeling up and obediently placed his hands behind his head, sporting what was now, for him, a lively semi.
“Just in the nick of time!” Nikki jested, eyeing the early-stage swelling of one of the Foofoo’s small erections that bobbed about before her. “Come now, Verity, look, how could you say the pet’s teeny weenie nub is limp and floppy! What a naughty pet! Is the pet showing off again, sticking out like a stick of ChapStick, for Mistress Verity’s delight? Can the pet no longer hide his feelings for her? Well, isn’t Foofoo a lucky boy? I spotted what was happening before things got out of hand; there’ll be no need to pinch him down to size, as I think I can still just about squeeze him back into his cage without resorting to a hard pinch to his bell-end! A cold, wet wipe will suffice. Stay still now, Foofoo. Let’s get this coloring cleaned off you first, and then we can put this little thing back where it belongs.”
The End.
*AI has edited this story to fix spelling, punctuation, formatting errors, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story was submitted directly to this website. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.
5:38 pm
thoughts boys?
can you see yourself being foofoo? could you handle the shame and mockery he endures?