Our Readers SPH Experiences 303
By Our Readers

This reader gives a girl he hates an eyeful…
There was this chick I knew in college. For this story, we’ll call her Ally, who I absolutely could not stand. We were pretty much complete opposites. She was a lit major and was about as stereotypical as you could get: super artsy and woke, obnoxiously preachy, condescending etc, etc. She wanted to be a writer and was all too willing to share her cringy poetry and awful romance stories where the protagonist was a Mary Sue self-insert. I was on a wrestling scholarship. I’m tall, in great shape, and unapologetically masculine. Suffice it to say we butted heads a lot. The only reason we ever really interacted with each other was because we had mutual friends, so if we were all doing something in a big group, both of us would often be invited.
The most frustrating thing was that as much as I hated her, she was kind of badass. She wasn’t someone I would have thought was my type, and I don’t know how to describe her look. The word that comes to mind is goth, but she wasn’t. She had pale skin and long, really dark hair. She wasn’t chubby, but she had a softer body. She also had these big red lips that looked like they would feel like heaven wrapped around your cock. They also gave her this smug, obnoxious smile that was kind of hot but infuriating. The highlight, though, was her tits. They almost made dealing with her worth it. She had these nice big tits that she seemingly loved to show off with low-cut tops and tight sweaters (and then bitch about it if she caught you looking, of course).
The incident happened during Winter break. Some mutuals of ours came up with the idea for some of us to stay at a cabin their family-owned. I didn’t get to do much during breaks because wrestling practice usually still ran, but we were always off for winter break. We were all sitting in the sauna, wearing only towels. Ally came in last, and it worked out that the only place to sit was beside me. I was annoyed at first but didn’t mind it too much since I could lean back and get a peek at her cleavage now and then.
I and a few others had been there longer than everyone else, so we got out early. As I leave, my towel does not come with me. I turn around as the only thing protecting my dignity seemingly unravels around me, trying to catch it, which leaves me standing right in the middle of the sauna completely naked, giving Ally a full frontal view. As much as I hate to admit it, I’ve had to face the reality that I am not well-endowed downstairs. The worst part was that I couldn’t blame the cold because we were in a warm sauna.
The look on Ally’s face when she saw my manhood is burned into my mind to this day. I remember the feeling I felt when I saw it, but I can’t quite describe it. It was like nothing else I’d ever felt before. It kind of felt like I didn’t feel like myself. Like I had just realized everything I thought of myself was wrong. Her reaction stunned me so much that I didn’t even cover myself right away. She didn’t look shocked, angry, or even disgusted. She looked ecstatic.
She said aloud, “Oh my God, I knew it,” before quickly covering her mouth as if she hadn’t meant to say it.
I did manage to cover myself, as well as figure out the reason why my towel fell. Ally had been sitting on part of it. To this day, I don’t know if that was on purpose or an accident. We were kind of crammed in there after all, but at the moment, I was furious. I started yelling at her, cursing at her, I called her a “stupid bitch” at one point, and as soon as I started doing this, she burst out laughing. I’d never heard her laugh like that the entire time we knew each other.
She was laughing so hard she was snorting. I yanked my towel out from under her, and honestly, the thought of ripping her towel off in return did enter my mind. Fortunately, I didn’t do that because that wouldn’t have been a good look for me at all (although, according to a friend that hooked up with her, she had a fat hairy pussy that I’m sure everyone would have gotten a kick out of seeing, he also said she was a terrible lay). Instead, I stormed out angrily, covering myself the best I could with my towel.
I didn’t speak to her for the rest of the trip after that, and honestly, it was hard for me even to look her in the eyes (and not for the usual reasons, if you know what I mean). We also didn’t ever do a big group outing like that again, so I never really interacted with Ally after that, which was probably for the best. You better believe I still jerked off to her, though, and those tits.
Another reader puts on a show in Denmark…
So this one is a bit self-imposed, but I was in Denmark with a few hours to kill, so I went shopping for a bathing suit for my friend as a birthday present. I found a nice bikini for her to wear. Her size is pretty easy since she’s thin with an A-cup tits. And then the cashier asked me if I wanted to try it on first. It was like a light switch clicked in my head. And I said yes.
She was slightly surprised, as if it were a joke, but I just played it cool and entered the dressing room. So I tried it on, rolling my briefs under the bikini to look like I had nothing else on. I nervously stepped out into the hall, where the main mirror was. My heart was pounding.
A few people in the store turned and looked with about as much expression as you’d expect from Nordic people, but it was such a rush.
“You are wearing something underneath?” the cashier asked.
“Yes, of course,” I answered, rolling my brief out to show her.
I did an amateur model strut down the hallway and turned to look at my bum. The cashier gave a sympathetic smile.
“What do you think?” I asked, my voice surely quivering.
“I think it fits you,” she said flatly.
I looked down at my tiny bulge. It did fit me. I changed back into my clothes and bought the suit. However, I ended up giving my friend something else instead!
Meanwhile, this reader is putting on a show at the beach…
Does anyone else know what I mean by the look? That split second (which is all it takes) where you’re sized up and found lacking? I worked up the courage to wear Speedos at a beach once when it was practically empty, and while walking, I passed this woman, probably in her mid-thirties, who just gave my tiny package a look and then a smile as if she were just embarrassed for me. Like, “Wow, you’re tiny. Like ‘only a real man should wear speedos.”
While this reader also has a problem with Speedos…
This one time, some buddies and I decided to take an impromptu trip to the beach. I told them I didn’t have a suit, but my buddy Kyle said he had an extra pair I could borrow. When we got to the beach, Kyle handed me the Speedos. I didn’t realize that the extra suit was Speedos, but he said those were all he owned. I figured it was better than nothing and changed.
When Kyle and I finished changing, I noticed he filled out his Speedos much better. His looked heavy even. Meanwhile, the suit was a little small for me, and you could easily make out an almost button-shaped bulge in the front from my acorn dick. When I stepped out, my friends all kind of chuckled. I tried to lie and say it was cold and blushed, but I was standing next to Kyle, who had no temperature issues in his Speedos.
We later played around splashing in the water, and throughout the day, I heard jokes about how small my bulge was. I finally had enough and said I wasn’t that small. That’s when my friend Andy came up behind me and yanked my Speedos down, showing my even more shrunken than normal acorn dick. The guys all laughed and played keep away with my Speedos until I stood and let them get a good look at how small I was. My new nickname is Shrimpy in the group chat.
This reader has some prostate problems…
This year, the worst nightmare for a gold member like me (flaccid Inny when soft) happened. I was diagnosed with an enlarged prostate (not cancer), which meant I had to see a Urologist to get a consult. That wasn’t too bad because my GP warned him in her referral letter that I had a micropenis due to 36XXY Syndrome, so he was kind to me. However, he diagnosed me with chronic urinary retention and said that was a bigger problem than my enlarged prostate. He told me I had to do self-catheterization 4 times a day to empty my failing bladder. That is not great news. He booked me into the hospital to get taught how to do it.
So, on the day, there I was explaining to this nice female nurse that I would need a small catheter due to my micropenis. She wasn’t expecting that. So, I have to do this with her watching me sticking a catheter down my tiny dick several times. Talk about embarrassing. She was very professional, though, and I was glad. The last time I did it in front of her, I was having a little trouble pulling my dick out far enough so I could see the end of my dick to slip the catheter inside due to my pot belly. I said something like; I might have to use a mirror at home as it’s sometimes hard to see my little fellow.
She said, “Maybe you’d be better off sitting while you do it.”
I told her, “Then my penis would disappear inside my body, and I’d never find it.”
She just frowned and said, “Oh.”
It was mild SPH and didn’t turn me on, but I was in a situation where I just had to roll with it and take it all with good humor. I still wonder what she thought of my tiny dick, but she was too professional to say anything about it to my face.
Another reader’s privacy was intruded upon while he was showering…
I stayed at my dad’s place for a couple of days over the holidays along with my mom, sister, stepmom, and extended family (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.). About 20 people crammed into one house. He’s got a pretty spacious house, but with that many people, it was crazy crowded. I was sharing one of the bigger bedrooms, which had an attached bathroom, with my sister and two of our cousins, me being the only guy.
Everyone was getting ready for a big dinner at a nice restaurant my dad had booked for us the day after Christmas. I was in the bathroom in the shared room and had just gotten out of the shower. So I’m standing there bare ass naked, and here comes one of my cousins just barging in without knocking or anything like a fucking zoo animal. I just sort of yelled what the fuck, and she said sorry…
Then I saw her look right down at my dick (about an inch long when it’s soft). She half said, “Oh my god,” and started laughing, though she tried to stifle it.
I threw a half-empty shampoo bottle at the door and yelled at her to get the fuck out. She shut the door, and I could hear her laughing on the other side.
That was the last night we were there. I left the next morning so I could mostly avoid her. It was beyond awkward twelve-ish hours, though, with me mainly just avoiding eye contact. She’s honestly a huge bitch, and we’ve never really gotten along when we weren’t forced to interact, so it’s not like that aspect was any different. She didn’t explicitly say anything about seeing me like that or anything about my size to me anyway, but the way she was acting, it was like she wanted to.
Meanwhile, this reader discovered that size doesn’t matter until they see your tiny dick, then it suddenly matters a lot…
So, I started dating this new girl, and things have been going well. She’s repeatedly told me dick size doesn’t matter. She just wants someone to love and it to be reciprocated. I suppose I’m lucky, even though I can be self-conscious at times because I know how I can get and she doesn’t.
I asked the last two women in my life to summarize my dick. Would it be tiny and grow to just below average? Would it be a babydick with baby balls that grew to be a tiny hard dick, or would it be a babydick that grew to be average?
They both said the same thing: babydick and baby balls that grew to a tiny hard dick. Of course, my ex was one of them, and she went into detail and was like, “Except it stays thin. You can easily wrap your hand around it, and it’s deep throatable with your balls included if it gets hard.”
I was like, “Jesus Christ. I get it. I get it.”
So, all of that turned me on, and my new girlfriend was coming over, so I was horny as fuck. I was ready. As she gets there, she’s said, “I’m hungry.”
I said, “No problem. I’ll whip up some nachos or something.”
We finished eating we were both full. I’m no longer in the mood, so we go to my room, lie down, and put on something to watch on TV. As we lay there with no warning, she reaches over and puts her hand on my dick area, and I mean, it was pretty cold in my house. I was just lying here relaxed. My dick was hiding. She grabbed around for a little bit. Then she looked at me and said, “Where is it? Are you tucking it?”
I blurted, “What?”
I didn’t even realize she was trying to feel my dick. She then grabbed my shorts and underwear from the front and pulled them down to expose my freshly shaven dick and balls—shriveled and hiding. The look on her face, when she saw there was nothing there but balls and an innie dick, was soul-crushing. She erupted into laughter and yelled, “Where is it? Oh my God, it’s sooo tiny and cute,” as the tip of my head peeked out.
I laid there with a straight face, looking at the ceiling in embarrassment, and she looked at me with this empathetic look and said, “Aw, poor widdle baby.” I made this face, and she suddenly realized I was not taking her reaction well and said, “Oh, uh, I mean, babe, you know I don’t care about that.”
But the damage was done. I felt violated and humiliated. It was probably the worst humiliation in person I had experienced. Suffice it to say, this girl who was just looking for love and didn’t care about dick size dumped me a week later.
While this reader forgot that small-dick guys should never use a urinal unless they have no other choice…
I recently started a new job at a movie theater. The bathrooms there have no dividers at the urinal, and one day, I was using the urinal when a coworker walked in. He is about 19 or 20 and around five foot six, while I’m 27 and six foot five. Admittedly, my dick is about an inch soft.
When my coworker walked in, he said, “Jesus!”
I looked over, and his eyes were directly on my dick. He kind of chuckled, but I tried not to think of anything. He then stood right next to me and pulled out a cock that had to be five inches soft and thick. It was bigger than my hard dick.
Since then, he’s made some subtle jokes any chance he could. For example, I showed a customer the size of our popcorn bucket, and she said, “I thought it would be bigger.”
My coworker mumbled, “Not the first time he’s heard that.”
He also has started calling me ‘Little Guy’ now and then. My coworkers seem confused, but I turn red whenever he makes those jokes. Work sucks.
This reader was outed by his drunk girlfriend…
After a month of dating, my girlfriend, Amy, had a girl’s night with a few friends. I told her to call me if she needed a ride. Eventually, she called me to come get her. She said she missed me and wanted to cuddle, so I drove 30ish minutes to her friend’s house to get her.
When I got there, she was hammered like absolutely drunk. So I packed her stuff up and got everything together. I took it out to the car and returned to get her. All the girls were in the living room, and I went to help her off the couch. She asked if I got her stuff, and I told her it was all ready to go. We just needed to get to the car.
She looked up, and I’m sure she thought she was being sweet and said, “I like you so much. You’re so good to me. You’re always taking care of me and being sweet to me. I don’t even care that you have a tiny dick. I know it embarrasses you, but it’s okay. I don’t care. He’s my little friend.” As she said this, she started rubbing my crotch.
“Okay, Amy… Ahhh, let’s… Ahhh, let’s go…” I said awkwardly.
The other girls almost spit out their drinks and covered their mouths laughing. I reached down and picked her up off the couch. On the way out the door, she told me how she was going to suck my little dick like nobody ever had once we got home. Needless to say, I never looked her girlfriends in the eye again.
Another female reader witnesses a prank on a guy she doesn’t like…
I (24f) was at a Christmas/New Year’s party this past Saturday with eight other people of mixed genders all around my age, including my boyfriend (23m), his best friend, I’ll call Nick (23m), and another of their friends who I’ll call Matt (22m). They’re the only ones who are relevant to this story. I should mention Nick hates me. I’m pretty sure it’s because he feels like I stole his friend away or something, plus the guy’s perpetually single and honestly kind of a misogynist dudebro type in general.
Anyway, the house we were at is a nice suburban McMansion with a big hot tub in the backyard, which we wound up using. We were all sitting around in the hot tub playing games like ‘Never have I ever’ and ‘Would you rather.’ At one point, Matt got out to use the bathroom. While he was gone, someone else dared Nick to take a double shot of straight gin (he hates gin). Nick got out to grab the bottle, and a shot glass off the table next to the tub, poured it out, then came back to take it. But instead of getting in the tub, he stood on the little staircase you use to get in and out of it. As this was happening Matt was coming back. Nick took the shot, and like immediately after, Matt, who was right behind him, got the idea to yank Nick’s bathing suit down as a joke. Leaving him naked in front of everyone.
And, oh my God, his penis was tiny, like it was about as big around as a nickel, and there was zero penile shaft on it at all that you could see, just his little tip poking out above his (also small as fuck) balls. Looked like a gumdrop on a beanbag or something. And because of where he was standing, his lil guy was pretty much exactly at eye level for everyone.
We all just started laughing. He was furious, calling Matt a motherfucker this and a bitch that. Someone asked him if he was “really that cold,” which set him off even more.
He cursed us all out, got dressed, and left despite my boyfriend apologizing on Matt’s behalf and trying to get him to stay.
I figured he could always be a grower. I’ve been with guys with small soft dicks that grew to nice-sized fuckable ones. But based on how enraged he was when it happened and how aggressively he reacted to honestly pretty mild teasing (he’s made way meaner jokes about me and some of the other people there before), I’m guessing it’s not any more impressive when it’s hard. Can’t say I’m surprised. Honestly, he’s always struck me as the compensating for-something type. The small dick energy of this guy is off the charts.
*These SPH experiences have been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the stories have remained the same. Erect dick sizes have been edited to be either Gold, Silver, Bronze, or Average. The opinions/views expressed in these SPH experiences (and in any comments) are those of the authors and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. Some of these “confessions” have been taken from Reddit.