The Handjob

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These stories are the artistic expression of the authors who wrote them. The Small Dick Club strongly believes in freedom of speech, and the right of artists to be heard, especially if what they say pushes the boundaries of what is acceptable in society. If you think you won’t like the content of this post, then don’t read it. It’s that simple. The Small Dick Club wishes to advise readers that any similarities in these stories to actual or real people or events is purely coincidental and unintended. That any story marked as a ‘true story’ shouldn’t be taken literally, as we have no way to verify if stories submitted to us are true. The Small Dick Club takes no responsibility for the imaginations and literary creations of authors who post their stories here.
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by CuckoldGuy

The events in this story happened at a time when there were no Sexual Harassment Laws. It was a time when I didn’t know that I was a cuckold or what my wife was doing to me.

My wife and I were married only a year and a half when this event took place. One afternoon we were at a barbecue when I saw one of our friends feeling up my wife’s ass. His name was Phil and he was a close friend of my wife’s manager. They didn’t think that anyone could see what he was doing.

My wife was wearing a light summer sundress and he was rubbing his hand all around my wife’s buttocks. What made me angry and jealous was that my wife was enjoying it. Even backing into him as she used her body to conceal from the other guests what he was doing.

I was furious. I wanted to storm up to him and punch his lights out. Break his nose, blacken his eyes, knock out his teeth, disfigure his pretty boy looks and let his wife know what he was doing but I stood there frozen, unable to move. Passively watching as he gave my wife pleasure and for some unknown reason, I didn’t want to interrupt them. What was wrong with me?

I stood there passively watching them until Phil’s wife came over to them and they broke apart.

After the party, we drove home and I said nothing, I was so angry. I had this sick feeling in my stomach, knowing that he was going to fuck my wife. I had watched them have their foreplay, now all they needed was to set the time and place.

When we got home, my wife asked, “What’s gotten into you? You’re so quiet.”

I told her what I witnessed and how angry I was. I guess I started talking loud and cursing her and Phil. She replied, “Oh honey, please, please calm down. We can talk. You’re so ugly when you’re angry.”

“Well, I’m pissed! I’m not going to have a wife that runs around! I won’t stand for it! If I ever see him touch you again, I’m going to punch his lights out and I don’t care where we are!”

She went on in her soft voice, “Please Honey? No one is running around. Calm down. Keep things in perspective. Phil was only playing around. He meant nothing by it. If you saw Phil touching me, why didn’t you stop him?”

“I don’t know. Maybe I didn’t want to make a scene.”

She continued, “Well that’s why I didn’t stop him. I didn’t want to create a scene especially in front of his wife.”

She pressed her body up against mine and she began fumbling with my belt buckle, frantically trying to get my pants down, saying in a soft sensual tone, “I just want to feel your little peter. Let me pull your zipper down. Ahh that’s it. I just want to hold it in my hand. I always feel so safe when I’m holding it.”

She began to lightly stroke it saying, “Here. Sit on the couch with me. Let me stroke you. That’s it. Push your pants all the way down. Oh that’s it. Now I have all of you in my hand. I love stroking you.”

By now I had an erection and I asked, “Can I put it in you.”

In her soft sexual tone, “Not today baby. Maybe tomorrow.”

The wife of a cuckold is always in command of her sexuality. She dictates when and how her cuckold will have sexual gratification, if he gets it at all. She never gives her cuckold oral sex even though he is expected to give her oral whenever she wants it.

When she was single and dating boys, she always gave them oral. She knows that she’s very good at it. Then she dated the one boy who she knew would become her cuckold. She knew that this would be her special boy so she never gave me oral.

As usual she refused to have intercourse with me so I asked, “Will you suck it for me?”

In her sensual, sexual tone she replied, “Oh baby. You know I don’t do that. I’m not that kind of girl. Just lie back and let me stroke you. That’s it. Stretch out and I’ll kneel here on the floor.”

I was lying on my back, my t-shirt pulled up away from my genitals and my pants down around my ankles binding my feet together. She was kneeling on the floor at my genitals. She cupped her hand and brought it up to her mouth and filled it with her saliva. Then I felt the warm slickness of her hand as she engulf my cock and began her stroking.

My wife can make my masturbation sessions last a very long time or a very short time depending upon her intentions. She will make it a long session if she’s interrogating me or if she wants to dispel my suspicions of her infidelity.

If she feels that I’m becoming too aggressive or trying to regain my male dominance, she will very quickly masturbate me into submission. It’s all in the rhythm of her stroking.

She continued stroking me and whispering in my ear, “There baby. Close your eyes and pretend I’m sucking you. Pretend that your penis is in my mouth. You know that Phil means nothing to me.”

I went on, “I see the way he lusts after your breasts.”

“Oh baby can you blame him. His wife is a skinny rail. She has no curves and she’s flat chested. So he patted my ass. Don’t get so upset with me. Lots of men pat my ass.”

She continued her slow stroking. Making her hand feel like it was her mouth. She brought her hand up to her mouth and filled it with more saliva. Continuing her stroking she whispered, “Keep your eyes closed and imagine that I’m sucking it and it’s all the way down my throat. Relax baby. Rest.”

I lay there enjoying the sensations of her hand and I asked, “You said lots of men pat your ass. Who?”

“Oh lots of men. It doesn’t mean anything baby. There’s a Mr. Seagal. He’s a very wealthy investor and he’s on the company’s board of directors. When he comes into the office all the girls run and sit down. They don’t want to give him the opportunity to feel their behinds.”

Her hand was having its intended effect on me. I could feel I was getting close to climax. I began to squirm and my body started shaking. I asked, “Do you run and sit too?”

In her soft sexual voice she whispered, “No, I don’t. He’s a harmless old man so I stand still and let him get all of his feels in.”

When she said those words, I began ejaculating. When she knows that I’m on the verge of ejaculating, she speeds up the rhythm of her stroking. This causes my penis to become extremely sensitive so the ejaculations are very strong.

Unlike fucking, I have no control over the intense sensations. As I begin ejaculating, my legs kick uncontrollably, my body jerks and shakes, my hips thrust up into the air, I gasp, cry out and moan to the violent eruptions, one after another as my semen bursts out of me, filling her hands. All the while she is saying, “Cum my baby. Get all of that anger and aggression out of you. Cum some more.”

After my violent climax, my body relaxes with diminishing shudders as she milks the last drops of semen from my balls. She knows that my aggression and suspicions have been eliminated or reduced because of her milking. The conflict is over. I settle back down as she slows her stroking of my now deflating penis.

I have to beg her to stop as my penis is now too sensitive. I don’t know why but whenever I climax in her hands, I’m always overwhelmed with feelings of remorse, shame, humiliation and emasculation. I open my eyes and she looks at me with her hands covered in my semen. I ask her, “Is Mr. Seagal the only one who gropes you?”

She nods her head, “No.”

I ask, “There are others?”

She nods her head, “Yes.”

I ask, “Who?”

She replies, “They all do. That’s why I got that big bonus?”


This event happened after I was only married a year. I was young, naive and didn’t know that my wife had made me her cuckold or maybe I didn’t want to acknowledge it.

It was a Friday night and my wife always had to work late on these nights. She would go out to dinner with the people she worked with and then they would all return back to work.

Later that night we were getting ready for bed and my wife was taking off her bra when I noticed a bruise on her breast, right next to her nipple. Pointing to it I said, “What’s that? It looks like a hickey!”

She was startled. She didn’t know it was there and her face flushed with guilt. She recovered quickly, saying, “It’s from my bra strap.”

“No! It’s a hickey.”

Getting a little annoyed she continued, “I said it’s from my bra strap. Stop trying to make something out of it.”

By now we were both nude and we got into bed. She snuggled up to me and began to fondle my penis saying, “I love how your little peter responds to my touch.”

I got an erection and I asked, “Why do you always call it little? I’m average size.”

She responded, “No, you’re not average. You’re small!”

“How do you know? Do you have something to compare it to?” I asked.

“No! The married women at work talk about their husbands, and they are all nine and ten inches long so they say.”

“I think they exaggerate but what I want to know is how did you get that hickey?”

By now she was lightly stroking my erection as she said, “Here, let me use some vaseline and make it nice and slippery for you.”

I protested, “No, no. Let me put it in you.”

In her sultry voice she replied, “No, no! I’m too tired but tomorrow night I’ll take a shower and then you can lick me. Would you like that?”


“Tonight just let me stroke you.”

I didn’t know it at the time but I was her cuckold and as such I had very limited access to her vagina. She never wanted to have sexual intercourse with me. She only wanted me to provide and care for her and worship her pussy like a good cuckold.

She began smoothing the cool jelly on my member saying, “Just lie back, and let my hand work it’s magic. Doesn’t this feel pleasurable?”

I had no resistance to her, I was always so anxious to have her take me in her hand, I replied, “Yes it does but how did you get that hickey?”

She went on, “You’re not going to drop this are you?”

“No.” I answered, “You never allow me to fuck you so I think you’re sleeping around.”

She went on, “Baby, I’m sorry but I’m always too tired for intercourse. It’s always so much more pleasurable to lie naked along side of you like this, and stroke you.”

When my wife masturbates me she starts by clutching her hand above the head of my cock and very slowly and firmly slides her hand downward over the head and on down the shaft, squeezing it firmly to maximize the pleasurable sensations she’s giving me.

When her hand reaches the base of my shaft, she releases the pressure of her hand and quickly slides her hand back up over the head where she reapplies her firm grip and begins her slow downward stroke over the head and down along the shaft.

With each down stroke she whispers in my ear her intentions by timing her strokes to the length of her sentence so that she reaches the base of my shaft at the same time she ends her sentence. It goes something like this:

She begins sliding her hand down over the head of my cock saying, “I told you it was from my bra strap. Why don’t you believe me?”

Her hand is now at the base of my erection. She quickly slides her hand back up to the head and begins her firm downward stroke saying, “Do you think I’m sleeping around? Is that what you’re accusing me of? Is that it?”

She brings her hand back up to the head of my cock and she pauses waiting for my reply. “No! I don’t but I know that Warren is fucking you. I just know it.”

She begins her slow downward stroke whispering, “Warren is my manager, nothing more but if you want to think of him as fucking me then you can.”

She brings her hand back up and begins another down stroke saying, “You don’t have any proof now do you?”

Before she begins another down stroke, she waits for my answer. Meekly I answer, “No.”

She strokes down whispering, “Baby, if you have no proof then you must not say that.”

She had a firm hold on my erection as she slowly stroked it, whispering, “You can think of Warren fucking me all you want, but you must not ever say anything.”

She slid her hand back up to the head and as her hand began pressing downward she said, “You must never speak of it. Always remain silent like a good trusting husband.”

She did not want me to acknowledge that her boss was fucking her. If I would remain silent and not speak of it then we both could keep our self-respect, our pride and dignity but I lost all of those attributes when she cuckold me.

She began to increase the rhythm of her stroking and my body responded by shaking uncontrollably. I cried out, “I’m going to cum!”

When she knows I’m about to ejaculate she cups her hand over the head of my cock and she massages just the head. This prevents me from shooting my semen all over the bed-clothes and the warm sperm intensifies the sensations of her stroking hand.

As I’m ejaculating I hear her soft sensual voice, “Cum my baby. Cum for me. I’m a good wife. You love how I make you cum… That’s it!! Cum for me… Easy babe… easy. Try not to thrash about so much. That’s it. Cum some more… Now it’s all out of you and you can now be at peace… Rest my baby… Be calm and rest…Now kiss me.”

We kissed but I felt so ashamed so I said, “I’m sorry. I came but I didn’t do anything for you. I didn’t make you cum. I didn’t gratify you. I feel so inadequate.”

Wiping her hands with a hand towel she replied, “That’s alright, baby, I get a lot of gratification knowing that I took care of you. I love how your little penis grows hard when I fondle it. How it spurts in my hand, and then you get so restive and peaceful while your penis shrinks back to its little boy size. Now close your eyes and don’t think about anything. Just sleep my love.”

The next morning she was getting dressed, putting on her bra and she saw me looking at her hickey. By now it was very pronounced and I got these feelings of humiliation as I realized that another man had marked his property. I was about to say something when she put her finger tip onto my lips to remind me to remain silent and I did. She made me feel like I had become a silent witness to her infidelities.


This event happened in the third year of my marriage. I was twenty-three years old and I was struggling with the humiliation and shame of knowing that I was a cuckold.

I should never have married the girl but I did and I loved her unconditionally. I could not leave her and she knew it so she took advantage of my love.

She never wanted to have sexual intercourse with me. One night in the second year of our marriage I insisted that we have intercourse. She made me feel like I was a selfish, oversexed pervert and when we did have relations she made it so unpleasant that I never tried to initiate sex with her again. She preferred to masturbate me at her discretion.

Married men my age kept an ample supply of condoms in their night stand. My night stand contained a jar of vaseline and a supply of hand towels.

But let me get to my story.

It was a week day night and we were settling in to watch a little TV before retiring for the night. I was in my pajamas, sitting in an easy chair when my wife came into the living room. She was in her pajamas after having just taken her shower.

She sat on the sofa as she was applying moisturizer to her face and hands. When she finished she placed the lotion on the coffee table in front of her. Then patting the cushion next to her she said in a sensual tone, “Honey, why don’t you come over here and sit next to me?”

I moved over to her and put my arm around her as I sat. Reaching into my pajama she began to fondle my penis. Whenever she gets a sensual tone in her voice I always get an erection. I hate myself for being so gullible and pliable in her hands. She began to very lightly stroke it saying, “Your day went well?”

I replied, “Yeah. It was uneventful.”

She continued, “Uneventful is good. What did you do after work?”

“I came home, took a shower,you know.”

She went on, “You usually stop at the diner to have a cup of coffee with your friends?”

“Yeah I do but today I came straight home.”

She continued her probe, “So you didn’t see any of the guys today?”

“No I didn’t. Why do you ask?”

In her soft sexual voice, “Oh I know that you like to be around those men, I don’t know why. They’re all so crude”

“Yeah, I know. How was your day?”

In her sensual tone, “My day was interesting. Let me put some of this lotion on your peter and I’ll tell you about it. Why don’t you take these bottoms off. That’s it, just slip them down and off. Now lie across my lap. I’ll put this cushion here for your back and this throw pillow for your head like this. Now just put your butt in my lap and lie back. That’s it. Are you comfortable?”

“Yes. Now I am.”

She usually gives me a hand job when we get into bed but tonight it seemed like she was going through a lot of gyrations just to set me up to masturbate me.

I was now lying across her lap so that she had my erection in her hands and she began applying the lotion.

She began stroking me as she continued talking, “This morning we finished the Capital project so Warren said he wanted to take me out for lunch as a celebration. He took me to the Fireside Inn.”

I asked, “Oh, what did you have?”

Slowly stroking me she replied, “I had the tuna sandwich with a glass of wine. After lunch, we drove back to work. Warren parked in the parking garage. After he turned off the engine, I thanked him for the lunch and he told me what a great job I did and with that he put his arm around me and kissed me. It was just a quick little innocent peck.”

She stopped to put more lotion in her hand and then she continued stroking me saying, “Here’s the thing, I was getting out of the car and your friend Mel was standing there. He saw Warren kiss me and I’m sure he’s going to say something to you. When he does, I want you to be able to tell him that you already know. That your wife told you all about it.”

She was stroking me very slowly pacing her words to her strokes as she continued. “It was creepy seeing him just standing there watching me. Is he your spy?”

I was surprised by her question and I answered, “No. No. I would never do anything like that. Honest.”

She seemed content with my answer as she said, “I don’t think you would ever stoop that low and besides, I know that you trust me.”

She didn’t get a reply from me so she asked again. “You do trust me. Don’t you?”

I didn’t trust her but I didn’t want to say anything that would interrupt her pleasuring hand, I answered, “Yes. I do.”

A smile of satisfaction crossed her face as she nodded her head “Yes” and saying, “Good boy.”

She had accomplished what she set out to do, to minimize the impact of what she knew, Mel would tell me. It was also another opportunity to reaffirm her dominance over me by keeping me passive and submissive.

It was now time for her to end this masturbation session. She picked up the pace of her stroking and with her free hand she lifted up her pajama top exposing her breast. Leaning over my face she said, “Here! Suck my tit. Suck the nipple. Suck it. That’s it baby, suck it.”

I cupped the soft globe in both my hands and began sucking on the nipple. As she was stroking me she put her mouth over my ear and licked it and then pushed her tongue into it. My body began to shake uncontrollably. With her mouth against my ear she whispered, “Suck my tit. Pretend that it’s a cock. Suck it like you would a cock. Get it all the way into your mouth. That’s it baby, suck that cock. I always knew you were a cock sucker.”

I began ejaculating as she continued whispering, “Oh yes! Fill my hand with your hot, gooey cum. Give me another shot. Shoot some more. Oh, it’s so hot and slippery. Give me some more. I want to get it all.”

After I finished ejaculating, she went back to stroking it very slowly as it deflated in her hand. Then it became too sensitive and I had to beg her to stop. She slid her hand down to my balls and cupped them as if to weigh them saying, “We still have a lot of cum in these. I’m going to have to work on them.”

Reaching down she picked up my pajama bottoms and wiped her hand clean. Then handing them to me so I could clean my genitals. After I did she said, “Oh baby, you’re too heavy on me.”

I got up off of her saying, “I’m going to get a clean pair of bottoms.”

She replied, “Why don’t you stay the way you are? I like you this way. You remind me of a little boy standing there with just your top on and your little penis sticking out.”

A couple of days later I met Mel. We said nothing about my wife. I should have asked him about what he saw but I was afraid of what he would tell me. I knew that he and our friends now knew that my wife was unfaithful. Whenever I came into their company they would get all quite. They didn’t know what to say. When I left the room then they would laugh and start talking. They lost respect for me and because of my shame and humiliation I could no longer be around them.

It would be many years later that I found out that Mel had watched my wife giving her boss a blow job.

The End

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