Femdom Student and her Professor!

By MildmaninVA. You sure know a lot about numbers,” Samantha said to her professor after the room emptied. Doctor Small sat behind his desk, scribbling on some papers. “You know, professor, there is a rumor about you going around campus,” she says coyly, placing both hands on top of the desk. He put his pen down and looked up at her. “And what is that, Miss Gray?” he asked, pushing his spectacles up. “Well,” she said slowly, “some of the

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The Neighbours!

By Unknown. Tina and I moved to the city a couple of years after we got married. Our new next-door neighbors, William and Margaret, were very similar to ourselves, in as much as they too had only been married a short time, although they had lived together for a few years before tying the knot. Tina and Margaret hit it off immediately, and we soon became regular visitors to each other’s houses for drinks, meals, barbecues, and suchlike. It wasn’t

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The Night Watchman

By Anon. For over a year now, I have been working as a night guard for Newton Labs. The pay is good, and I get to carry a gun, but it can get quite boring at times. Turns out tonight was not going to be one of those nights. I was sitting at my post, thumbing through a Playboy, when I saw camera six shut down out of the corner of my eye. I gave the monitors a little tap,

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The Night Nurse!

By Anon. “Hello, Mr. Walker. I’m here to shave you.” My heart was pounding. I could not believe this all was happing. I could not even look at the nurse. “Wow, is that you, Jon?” she asked, squinting her eyes at me lying helpless on the bed. I recognized her voice before I even looked up at her. The nurse was my gorgeous next-door neighbor Gwen. I have had a crush on her since she moved in three years ago.

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My First Time Naked in Public!

By winkee. I have always been aware that my penis was not as big as others, but I was never bothered by this. I would not go to great lengths to cover up in the locker room but had never actually tried to show it off. All that has changed now, and I put it down to a single event. My girlfriend and I had been going through a rocky time. She had slept with a male friend but still

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Sorority Girls & the Professor!

By mildmanInVa. I had been grading papers late in my office and was walking across the Quad at the University when my arm was shoved up into the middle of my back, causing me to drop my briefcase. Before I could even react, I was thrown to the ground face first and felt a knee holding me in place, putting a quick end to my struggling. A ball gag was roughly put in my mouth, and I was blindfolded. The

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Gymnasts From Hell

By MildmanInVa. After kissing my wife goodbye for the weekend, I grabbed the morning paper and headed back into the house, dressed only in my robe and briefs. She was off to check on her ailing mother, which left me to fend for myself with my new stepdaughter. This was the second marriage for both of us, and 18-year-old Traci was part of the package my wife brought with her when we married two months ago. Traci was an incredibly

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Friend of the Family Part 1

By tazsis1 I’m a very successful man… really I am. I have a great job and I’m very rich. I invented a piece of tiny mechanics — essentially a fancy carbon fibre hinge – that is used in millions and millions of mobile phones. I get to go on lecture tours and last year I went to a Buckingham Palace tea party to meet the Queen in recognition of my contribution to British industry. My name is Tim Lang. You

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The Job Interview!

By Anon. I sat in the spacious office with the gigantic walnut desk separating me from Darla Worthington, President of Armstrong Industries. I was sweating bullets, being 53 years old and out of work for the past six months. I had to have a job fast, or I would soon be on food stamps. I nervously watched Ms. Worthington slip through the pages of the rather large folder containing my application, aptitude test, resume, and medical exam results. “I see,

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