The Andrea Arrangement 4
By John_salen.

Read Part 2 Here
Read Part 3 Here
Part 4…
The next few days were surprisingly normal. Nothing sexual happened, and I had my cage on, but we had done normal relationships type things. I showed her around the city, which she rarely had experienced living in the rural outskirts, and we went to several restaurants. Turns out she loves to eat out. We talked a lot about her life. It wasn’t very complex, but did confirm that she had grown up pretty poor. She said she realized at a young age that men wanted her body, so she had a lot of boyfriends but liked to be the one in charge. The problem, she said, was that until me she never found a guy that was genuinely submissive…except one guy but she wouldnt say anything about him. i gathered that it was a long time ago. I wasn’t sure how to feel about all that but I decided not to ask.
Toward the end of the week I felt like we were starting to get much closer. I finally admitted to her that I didn’t really have a full time job, and told her the truth about my inheritance. We were sitting in my kitchen eating takeout food. That was when she proposed the first stage of an arrangement. Of course, she was smoking cigarettes but at this point I couldn’t tell her no.
“Look. I know I’m exactly what you want. You’re what I want too. And so… I’m kinda thinkin’ I should move in.” I was totally surprised. It was so sudden. And also, what about her home and work? I asked her about all of that.
“John. I’ll move in here and I’ll drive to my job every day. And I’ll help pay your mortgage.”
“The house is already paid off, you know that.”
She smiled. “I know John. I was fuckin’ with ya. So what do ya say? Huh? You know that little dicklet of yours would love to have me live here.” She reached across the table and rubbed my cage through my jeans. I could feel my dick starting to swell inside the cage.
“Well… I think this could work.”
She quickly took her hand away. “What do you mean work? I thought we were really becoming a couple. I thought you wanted this? Now you’re making me feel like a fuckin’ mooch??”
I back paddled fast. “No! Not at all! I really want you to stay. Sorry, it’s just happening so fast.”
She then sounded more relaxed and put her hand back over my cage and started to rub it. “Good. I know this seems fast, sweetie but it’s for the best–for both of us. Now stand up and take your pants off and then sit back down.”
I did as she said. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the chastity key. She stared into my eyes as she unlocked it. She then got up and moved behind me as I sat on the kitchen stool. She reached around and started to stroke my dick with two fingers. She leaned right next to my face and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Then she whispered into my ear. She smelled like a mix of cigarettes and perfume.
“Doesn’t that feel good, John? Having your baby dick out of the cage? I can feel it starting to get hard.” With just a few tugs with her fingers it was as hard as ever.
“Yes it feels amazing.”
“Wouldn’t it be nice to have this all the time? With a girl that knows what you need?”
“Oh my god yes!”
“You’re not worried that I’m older than you, right baby?” I really hadn’t thought about it much, but she was 11 years older than me, in her early 40s. She started to have some rough edges and she definitely didn’t care about shaving, but she was still as hot as any 30 year old.
“Not at all.”
“Good boy.” She stroked harder. “You like it when I use my fingers on your dicklette don’t you? Does that cum need to get out? Tell me.”
“Yes. Yes! I need it out!”
“Good boy. Now stand up.” I got up off the stool and stood there. She told me to cup my hands under my dick. “I want you to catch your yucky cum for me so you don’t make a mess. Understand?”
“Yes!” She then stood right behind me and began stroking harder with two fingers. Her other hand started to squeeze my ass. And then I slowly felt one of her fingers work its way into my ass cheeks. I began to moan. I’d never felt any fingers in that area.
“Hold still. I want you to think about how fuckin’ awesome it’s gonna be having me live here with you!”
Right then she pushed her finger that was already between my ass cheeks directly onto my asshole. I instinctively jumped forward slightly. She pushed it in just a centimeter or two. It felt amazing. I wasn’t sure if it was the actual feeling or just the mental aspect, but I felt very vulnerable and horny at the same time.
“Ohhhh, John, you like that, don’t you baby boy? What a good boy.” I moaned, and she pressed her finger harder against my hole. “Think about how much you’ll love me, and how much I’m gonna own this hot, tight ass of yours!” And then I lost it. Cum squirted out of me and into my hand, as I let out a loud moan I could feel the hot sperm cover my hands and squirt into my palms and fingers.
“Ohhh! What a good boy! Doesn’t that feel so good??” She kept stroking and it felt really good.
Finally she stopped and also pulled her finger away from my ass. I stood there with cum filled hands and suddenly felt embarrassed.
“Quick, go clean up in the bathroom, you’re a mess.” I walked in and started to wash my hands. The post orgasm clarity started to kick in. Was this really happening? That felt amazing but was I really going to have Andrea move in?
Almost as if she could hear my thoughts, and came into the bathroom at that exact moment and gave me a hug. It felt good.
“Did that feel good? I hope it did.”
“Yes, it felt really good. I’ve never….uhhh…”
“I know. I’ve actually only touched one other guy down there. I think every guy would actually love it, but only certain guys seem willing to try.”
We walked back out of the bathroom and I started to put my boxers and pants back on. Before I could pull them up, and started to place my cage back on. I had hoped she’d forget about it.
“What certain guys? What do you mean?”
“John, you know what I mean. Fuckin…. Like sissy….i mean… guys like you. Ya know…guys that like to be submissive. Like, not macho kind of guys.”
“Like Ron?” Ron was the mechanic that owned the small dumpy shop where I had met Andrea. The muscular tattooed guy that didn’t seem to like me.
“Ya, like Ron. You think he’d ever let a woman touch his ass? Ha! Fuck no. He only goes straight for the pussy.”
I didn’t respond. In that moment I realized she really saw me differently than the kind of man I always thought I had to be. But wasn’t this what I wanted? I never felt satisfied with all the standard women, no matter how hot they were.
“See John? You need me. Trust me. Me moving in will be so fun for both of us.” She then jumped over to me and gave me a big hug. She seemed really excited, which made me feel good.
After that conversation she wanted to begin the process immediately. We decided she’d move into my room upstairs and we’d keep the guest room downstairs open. We drove to her house that evening with my jeep to pack all her stuff. When we got there, I was reminded of just what a dump her place really was. We went into her place and she began to grab a few bags and told me to place them in the jeep.
“This is all?” I asked.
“Ya honey. Everything else is shit. Don’t worry, Im still working here so I can always grab anything i forget.” The thing was, there’s no way she had more than a few weeks of clothes. I didn’t understand it at the time, but looking back it was clear she had planned out everything.
We brought her bags to my jeep and I began loading them into the back as she sat into the passenger seat. Suddenly Ron came out from the garage, having been working on some car. He wore a tank top which showed off his enormous muscles and tattoos. He was dirty and greasy and looked pissed off, as usual. He stopped at the passenger door and started talking to Andrea. They were practically whispering, but I figured it was about work. i dont know what he said but she was quiet and seemed sad when i got back into the car. i tried to ask but she brushed me off. by the time we pulled into my driveway she was crying. Not a hard cry, but a few tears were visible. And she was silent. Turns out, leaving that shit hole was a lot harder than she had expected. Moving into a house like mine in a wealthy neighborhood was just too strong of a change–or at least, that was her concern. She felt like it wasn’t really her.
“Well,” I said. “I’m not really sure what you want. I mean, what if you don’t fully move in and we just keep doing what we’re doing?”
“No! I really want us to live together. It’s just…my whole life is back there and I don’t know anyone here and I’m not one of these rich asshole types like that guy.” She pointed to one my neighbors who appeared to be putting golf clubs into his BMW.
She grabbed my hand and looked at me. “Honestly, John, what I really want is for you to move in with ME.” Once again, I was surprised. I mean, that whole place was a shithole. As I’ve gotten older I could see how someone like her wouldn’t or couldn’t want to leave her roots but there was no way I was going to live there. Or so I thought.
“Andrea. I mean…. I reeeeallly like you, as you know, but I mean… ”
“I get it. You already have a house. I know. I get it.”
“Well, it’s late now. Why not just stay tonight and think about it? Maybe you’ll change your mind?” She looked at me and grinned.
“Or maybe you’ll change yours? How about this…I’ll stay for the rest of the week. Try it out.”
We got out of the car and went inside. We brought her bags in.
That night, and for the next five nights, was torture. In a good way, but still torture. We had our normal days – she would go to work and come home, and I would do my normal errands and play video games and such — but every evening she had me going down on her with zero reciprocation. She wouldn’t allow me to ask about it either. The last few nights she just sat in the living room on the couch and opened her legs and said “make me cum John” as she smoked her cigarettes. As much as I loved doing it, it was life torture. My dick would swell so hard against the cage. No matter how much I tried to yank on it I couldn’t cum. And then I would have nearly sleepless nights. When Andrea would drive off for work I would look everywhere for the keys and try everything to get my dick to cum. It was all for nothing.
Finally, on the 6th night, when she opened her legs and asked me to go down on her, I put my foot down.
“Andrea. I’m dying over here. Please. I need to be let out of this damn thing!”
She stared at me from the couch. “What’s wrong? Can’t handle it? Come over here.” She patted the couch. I went over and sat next to her. She lifted up her t-shirt. She liked to wear old raggedy t-shirts for some reason. Underneath, her beautiful breasts popped down. They were so perky and big. She hadn’t showed them to me for a long time. “Suck on these, John.”
I dove in and sucked on each nipple. I kept going back and forth. “No, no sweetie. Just one at a time. Here.” She cupped one of her tits and gently put it in my mouth. “Don’t lick, suck. I’ll let you know when to switch.”
We did this for a long time as she watched TV.
“Feel better baby?”
I stopped sucking. “A little.”
“Aw. My poor baby. That cums all built up inside isn’t it? Your little baby ball sack can’t hold all that cum can it? Get up and take your clothes off.”
I can’t describe my excitement. 5 days and nights of being caged while going down on her delicious pussy and sleepless nights…finally about to get some action.
I undressed. She then instructed me to get on the couch facing behind –on my knees– with my hands on the back of the couch. She then stood up and put her hands on my ass. She rubbed all around them, and occasionally one of her hands would rub my caged dick. I moaned.
She stood back and suddenly I heard her opening something. I heard a bottle open. Then I heard her putting on gloves. I started to turn around.
“Face forward.” So I did. And then I felt it. I felt a cold, wet, gloved finger pressed directly on my asshole.
“Remember this??” She said.
“Oh my god yes.”
She pressed it harder. I felt the tip of her finger starting to enter my hole. Her other hand rubbed my back.
“That’s a good boy. Keep face forward. Come on, open up for me. I know you want this. And I know you want to get that cum out, don’t you?”
“Yes. Please. ”
My dick had swelled so hard against my cage that its skin was seeping out of the cage. Her finger went further and further into my ass, until suddenly I felt it stop. It was pressing against something. I got scared for a moment. Was this the wrong direction or something? What was she hitting? She could tell was nervous.
“Face forward! Just relax. If you tense up I can’t get it all the way in. Just fuckin’ relax and take it. You can do this. Breathe. You’re just very tight that’s all.”
She kept rubbing my back. I started to relax. She kept moving her finger inside and out up against this spot.
“Come on John. She me how you can open for me. Show me you’re my bitch!” And right then she pushed forward her finger right passed what I thought was some kind of blockage. Whatever it was, it felt unbelievable once her finger was all the way in.
“Ahhh! Ohhhhh!” I moaned. She moved her finger in and out and all around. I looked down and saw that my couch was soaked below me. Had I came?? No, it was all leaking precum. Tons of it.
“Goood boy!!! You’re doing great John. Keep going. Keep that hole open for me.” Then and pushed her finger in and out and all around more aggressively. I felt streams of precum leaking out of me. She started to keep her finger entirely in. She was pressing against one spot.
“Yep. That’s your special little girl spot John. That’s what I call it. Hit that fucker and all that cum will start to come out. It’s what we call milking, John.”
It felt amazing. I remember realizing that what she was talking about was probably a prostate massage. I had only seen them in porn clips.
Turns out, it really does work. I started noticing that not only was a leaking more pre-cum, but that what I was releasing was thickening. It was cum but without the orgasm. We did this for about 30 minutes.
“I think we’re done John.” She continued to move her finger around. There was a large thick puddle of cum below me on the couch.
“Ohhh,” I moaned. “Please no!” I didn’t want it to end. I felt like maybe I could had an orgasm if she kept going. I felt a little relief but no less horny.
“You want to REALLY cum don’t you John? But we just got all that cum out of you! We milked it out, together. You did such a good job. Look at that mess you made.”
She pulled out her finger and took off her glove. I started to get up.
“Stay right there.” She stood up and pulled down her shorts and underwear. Her tight, tan thighs looked so amazing. She walked over to the other end of the couch. She sat down and spread her legs. Her hairy bush seemed bigger than in past weeks. It extended down her legs a bit. Even her legs were hairier than usual.
“I bet you want to stick that little thing in this pussy don’t you?”
“Oh wow. Yes! Yes I do!”
“Stick your finger in it.” I reached down and slide my index finger in. “Now pull it out and suck on it until tell you to stop.”
She watched as I shoved it into my mouth. It tasted so good. “Your finger felt like your little dick! Just as skinny.” She laughed. “suck that finger good.” As I sucked, she reached down and started to unlock me. I couldn’t believe it. As soon as the cage unlocked my dick sprung up straight and hard.
“Now sit in the couch.” I sat down and she flung her legs over me. She placed her hand behind me on the top of her couch and slowly started to sit into my lap. Then she brought her pussy directly over my dick and sat right on it. Oh my god. My dick went straight into a wet, hot hole and it was very hot.
But she didn’t move. She said and stayed there.
“How does this feel John?”
I had no words. I instinctively started to try to move my hips up and down. She slapped me lightly on the face. It probably would have hurt if I hadn’t been so incredibly horny.
“NO! Do not fuckin’ move. I know this feels good for you. Do you want more? Answer me.”
“Do you want to cum?”
“Yes!” I honestly think if she had sat there in that exact stationary spot I would have eventually came.
She looked deep into my eyes and brought my hands to her tits. The she wrapped her hands around my neck and gave me a very long kiss with her tongue deep into my mouth.
“Baby boy. Move in with me to my place. I’ll give you everything you need. Do that, and I’ll let you cum. Right inside of me. Just like a real man.” Then, she slowly lifted her has in the air and the quickly plopped it back down onto my dick.
“Ahhh” I moaned.
“Come on baby. What’s your answer going to be?”
“Yes! Yes I’ll move in with you!”
“Oh good boy!” And then, to my surprise, she just hopped off me.
“Wait?? Where are you going??”
“I told you, I’ll let you cum when we get to my place. First I want to be sure you’re serious.” Then she came back over and sat next to me. And grabbed my dick with two fingers and started stroking. “You were serious, right? You want me to make this little baby dick cum right?”
“Yes!” And then she stopped and started to put her clothes back on. I swear, if she had stroked it one more time I would have came.
“Can we go tonight? Please?”
She laughed. “Oh John, I love when you’re this desperate. This is when I know you’ll do anything for me. No, we’ll go in the morning.”
“Don’t be so pathetic John. If I let you cum now, will you promise you’ll still move in with me??”
“Yes, of course! I want to! I PROMISE!!”
“Are you going to pay my fuckin’ rent??”
“Yes! Yes I will!”
“All of it? All of it John. Not your little hand-me-outs. It’s a lot.”
“Yes, all of it!”
“Ok John. You’ve earned it. I don’t even know if you have any cum left in those little balls. Let’s see. Lay down on the couch.”
Naked, I laid down and looked up at her. She was all dressed again at this point. She looked down at me. “Jerk yourself.” I quickly grabbed my dick. It was the first time I had touched it in what felt like weeks.
She then lifted her foot and placed it directly onto my mouth and nose. I breathed in hard and immediately started stroking fast. She moved her foot up and down as I stuck out my tongue and licked the sweat and dirt. In less than 30 seconds I came all over myself.
“Ha! So pathetic, that was like 10 seconds. Feel better?”
I laid there exhausted.
“Good. Start packing your shit.” She grinned.
I wasn’t sure what I had just signed up for, but I did know that she was the hottest woman I’d ever met. As these thoughts were going through my head I heard her on her phone in the other room. i couldnt make out everything, i heard her say this:
“yes, we’ll be there tomorrow. i cant wait either. ya, this will change everything.”
Then a pause. And then: “Yes, a collar.”
Part 5…
The next morning we left with all of my clothes. I started to think that maybe I’d rent out my house, but another part of me recognized that this whole situation might end in a week or two. I really liked Andrea but I also could see what was going on. She was like my ultimate fantasy in real life. She knew I wanted to be dominated and I knew she wanted me to pay for her rent. At the time I really felt I was using her….but as if find out soon enough, I was the one being used and owned. She might have been a poor hick, but she was a lot smarter than she let on.
We pulled into her place late morning. As you may recall from chapter 1, the main house in the front was attached to the garage shop where customers cars were worked on (mostly by Ray who owned the business). Andreas spot was a little in-law type apartment in the back.
We carried my three suitcases inside. She was only 30-45 minutes away from my house so we knew we could go back anytime for more stuff. We walked into her apartment and a wave of cigarette smell hit my nose. I had forgotten what a dump this place was. Very low class. Ashtrays every where, and it really didn’t seem that clean.
It was a two bedroom apartment. Andrea had me use the guest room closets to store my clothes, since her room was full of her clothes.
By noon we had finished and we sat down to have a drink of water.
“Well, I guess you’re all moved in.”
“Yep! Sooooo what now?”
“Ha! I’ll tell you what now. I want you to get to work cleaning this place. I need to go over to talk to Ray about work stuff. When I come back I want to see everything nice and pretty. If you do that, you might just get lucky tonight.”
I could feel my dick start to swell against my cage. I said ok and got to work after she left. I mopped and cleaned the kitchen as thoroughly as I could. I then worked on the bathrooms. These took me 3 hours. I couldn’t believe how dirty they were. By the time I had finished up the living room she came home.
“Wow!” She seemed genuinely happy. She inspected each room and then said she needed to take a shower.
When she came out she wore skimpy cotton shorts and a white t-shirt and no bra.
“Come to the bedroom John. I’m giving you a reward.”
I walked in and she was standing there. She looked incredibly sexy.
“Get on the bed and lay down.” I did and she then took my clothes off and unlocked my cage. She then started to stroke my dick with two fingers.
“Are you happy to be here?” She asked.
“Ya, I am. It’s really cool that we’re going to ….mmmm….live together.” Her fingers felt so good.
“That’s good sweetie. I’m happy too. For now, I expect you to Venmo $2000 every third Friday. I don’t want to have to ask for it. This is our rent. Understand?”
“Ahhh. Yes.” I couldn’t help but moan. My dick was so hard.
She then stopped and got up.
“I want you to cum for me tonight. Your treat is over here.” She walked over to her dirty laundry basket. All that was in it was the outfit she had worn that day before taking a shower. The clothes she had packed and unpacked in, and then worked in. “You can pick any item – but only one – and hand it to me. Pick something you know willl make you cum, little one.”
I saw her dirty socks, tight spandex type shorts, and thong underwear. I couldn’t decide. As I was about to reach in to choose she pushed me aside.
“Too fuckin’ slow. Next time don’t take so long.” She reached in and grabbed her socks. “Get back on the bed, in your back.”
She then laid right next to me. “Start jerking yourself.” I did. She then took her dirty sock and shoved it into my face, covering my mouth and nose.
“How do these smell? You’re such a perv. It’s gonna make this arrangement so easy. Doesn’t take much to get that cum out of your little balls. Fuckin’ perv!” She then pushed the sock hard into my mouth.
I could taste dirt but also they were still slightly damp from her sweat that day. I stroked fast and hard. She pushed harder and the smell was overwhelming. Before I knew it, cum squirted out of me and all over my chest.
“Ahhhhhhh!” I moaned.
She laughed.
“Oh my god you ARE a perv! I know you like my feet but I really didn’t think my socks would do it. Good boy.” She kissed me on the cheek. “Now clean up.”
I cleaned up, she locked me, and we slept. Laying there post orgasm I remember thinking that I’d probably have to call it all off after about a week. I mean, this was absurd. What was I? Sort of a boyfriend? I felt more like a money slave. She wasn’t even using me for sex. It was a once in a lifetime thing, so why not enjoy it? I could just leave anytime I want the fantasy to be over.
Or so I thought. The moment I started to actually get anxiety was the next morning when I looked outside and no longer saw my jeep. As I cooked breakfast – Andrea had requested coffee and scrambled eggs, which quickly became a daily chore — I asked her about the jeep.
“Oh, I don’t know.” She said casually. “I think Ron is using it for something.”
“Ron?? I mean…that’s my car.”
“No, it’s not your car. It’s OUR car and I told him he could use it when he needed to.”
“Oh.” I guess it didn’t matter much. But I remember getting anxiety because that was my only form of transportation if I had decided to leave.
As we sat eating breakfast we didn’t talk much. Andrea wasn’t much of a talker anyway, but she was going over bills and other paper work for the mechanic business.
“I really don’t want to be doing this job forever, I’ll tell ya that.”
“Don’t like it?”
“Fuck no. Who likes to work?” She got up and put on her sandals. “I’m going over now to get the day going.” The front “office” was basically the kitchen in the front house where Ron lived.
“After you clean up the kitchen, start on the laundry.”
The laundry? I wasn’t about to become a maid.
“What??” I asked.
“Please? Do you want a reward again?” I felt my dick in my cage.
“Plus, what else are you doing?? I’m the one going to work. You need to help out around here.”
“But your laundry basket isn’t even full!”
“I know. I do Rons laundry too. The washer and dryer are in the back. His laundry is always right at the back door of his house, outside his bedroom. Grab it, wash it, and fold it. Then bring it back. I promise I’ll do something special for you tonight.”
Before I could protest, she walked out. What the fuck was I doing. As I got up, though, I started to feel horny. Maybe I’d really get something special for doing this?
I went over to the house through the back door and grabbed Ron’s large laundry basket. I got back to my new apartment and began to separate the colors from the whites. I had done a lot of laundry in college. He had the usually stuff – white t shirts, jeans, all greasy from his job. His boxer briefs made me gag. They were huge. I figured he must have a big package. As I sifted through it all I suddenly paused. Right in the middle of the pile was a womans thong and bra. What the fuck? Was this Andrea’s? First I was angry but then I remembered that it could have been anyone’s. Maybe he has a girlfriend? I sniffed them. I could have sworn they smelled like Andrea. I threw it in to wash.
It was a long boring day but eventually I folded everything and placed it back at Ron’s house. Since I was over there already I decided to walk around to the front kitchen and visit with Andrea. She seemed happy to see me.
“All done?”
“Yep! Thought I’d go hang out and watch a movie or something.”
“While I sit here and work?”
“Oh….uhhh…well what do you want me to do?”
“You can help. See these?” She pointed to a pile of payment statements. She then proceeded to show me how to enter them into a spreadsheet she had set up on an old computer. It was a desktop which sat on the kitchen table. I figured why not and sat next to her and began inputting numbers while she took customer calls and worked on other things.
About an hour into this, Ron burst through the front door. He was very sweaty and greasy from working. He went to the fridge and grabbed a beer and opened it. He looked at Andrea.
“Laundry done? By the way, that Ford is all done so let them know.” Ron said.
“Ok sounds good. Yes, laundry is all done.”
“Good. I need to change my shirt.” Ron then walked out of the kitchen toward his bedroom. As I sat there I thought about how Andrea’s voice and general demeanor changed with Ron. With him she didn’t seem dominant at all. And sounded and acted like a little girl. It was weird.
Ron came back with a new t shirt on. His pecks nearly burst through the t-shirt. He looked at me.
“what’s your name? John? Go put everything in my drawers. You left it all on the cabinet. Andrea, I’m cleaning up now and I’m done for the day. Make sure you call them about that Ford before you finish up. Don’t forget.”
“I won’t! I’ll do it now. Bye Ron!”
He left and I sat there frozen. Why was he telling me what to do? I felt dumb enough just having done his fucking laundry. Before I could come to any conclusion Andrea looked at me and said,
“John! Go do it. I should have told you that he likes his stuff in his drawers once it’s folded. That’s my fault. Just go do it, quickly. Then I’ll see you back at the apartment. Ok?”
“Sure.” Her panicking made ME nervous so I went and did it. Still, I felt ridiculous. I couldn’t stop thinking about how she sounded so scared and submissive. Like the opposite of how she sounded when it was just us. In fact, as soon as she got back home she was her dominant self again. So I asked her about it.
“I don’t understand. Are you afraid of him or something?”
“No. Ron and I dated for a long time. But not any more. I’m with you. But you have to understand that he’s my boss.”
“Ya for your job, but he seems like more than just your work boss!”
“Well, he’s also my landlord. And he’s helped me when I couldn’t pay the bills. Look, it’s complicated but I don’t want to talk about it. Did you put his laundry away in his drawers like he asked?”
“Good. Now go shower and I’ll give you your treat. Then we can have supper. And shower really good. Everything.”
I followed her instructions. When I got out of the shower she told me to dry off and get on the bed on all fours, facing the wall.
She unlocked me and my dick started to get hard immediately. She stood behind me and I could tell she was putting on gloves and lub. Her hands massaged my ass cheeks and then aggressive and spread them. Exposing my hole. It was embarrassing and hot as hell all at the same time. If you’ve ever allowed yourself to be this vulnerable then you know what I mean. You almost have no choice but to enter into a subspace.
“Look at this hole.” She slowly entered her index finger. I moaned. Even just having the tip of the finger felt so good. She brought her other gloved hand around and under me and gently rubbed my dick.
“You’re so tight. It’s like you’re a virgin bitch, aren’t you? Aren’t you John? Are you a tight virgin bitch?”
“Yes!” I moaned. Her finger was up against that really tight spot. It hurt a little but then she pushed through and I gasped. It felt so fucking good.
“Should I let you cum or should I just milk you, like last time?”
“Cum! Please let me cum!” I was so horny.
“Are you going to stop asking so many fuckin’ questions or are you going to be my good obedient boyfriend? Huh?”
“I’ll be good.”
“Good.” And then she stroked me harder and I moaned. She then only used two fingers to stroke me. Very slowly. It was torture but her finger was still going in and out and felt so good I thought I might pass out.
“I’m gonna tell you something. Ron is the fuckin’ boss. Do you understand that?”
“Uhhh….yes.” I could hardly focus. I felt like I was going to cum at any moment.
“You’re mine, but what Ron says goes. He’s the boss around here.” She then pulled her finger out and stopped stroking me. I looked over at her.
“Face forward!”
“Oh…sorry.” I turned around.
“One more bullshit thing like that and you won’t cum for weeks. Face forward. Keep that ass open for me.”
I then felt something else enter my ass. It felt very big, much bigger than her finger.
“Come on. Open up for me.” I stared to breathe heavier. It was hurting. “Relax. Open up for me. We are going to push this through.” Right then and thrust it in and it moved past that tight point and closed back down. It felt painful and even more amazing than her finger all at the same time.
“Ohhhh!! My god! Oh…god….”
“Feels good don’t it?”
“Oh my god yes. What is it?”
“This is a butt plug. Now I don’t have to hold it.” She then moved to the side of the bed and began gently rubbing my dick. “Look at this little thing. No wonder you’re such a simp.”
She continued stroking and occasionally moved the plug around. Waves of different but very good sensations went through my body.
“Ron is the boss. I want to hear you say it.”
“Ron is the boss.”
“I will do what Andrea says. But Ron is the boss.”
“I will do what you…what Andrea says. Ron is the boss.”
“That’s a good bitch. Very good.” She let go of my dick. “Don’t touch yourself until I say.”
She got up and stood closer to my face. She pulled down her shorts and took her thong off. She held it in front of my face.
“Do you want to smell this?”
“Yes!!” I knew it would mean I’d be able to cum.
“Tell me you’re my bitch.”
“I’m your bitch!”
“Now tell me you’re Ron’s bitch.”
I hesitated but I wanted to cum so badly. “I’m Ron’s bitch.”
“Would you wear a collar for me? Be my pet?”
As soon as I replied she shoved the thong into my face and nose. I took huge whiffs.
“Smell my pussy, and make yourself cum like a good bitch.”
She had slept in these and worn them all day. The smell was very strong, and I could feel some of her public hair rubbing into my nose. In about 30 seconds I came everywhere.
“Ahhh!!!” My ass squeezed the plug as I came and my legs shook. It lasted longer than ever. The plug made such a difference.
She slowly took the plug out and then told me to wash it and clean up. After that we cuddled and watched a movie. Every few minutes she’d look over at me and say “I am sooo happy!! Ron too!” And she genuinely was. I have to say was anxious. The whole thing felt totally out of my control. But if there’s any cure to anxiety it’s being horny.
She let me sleep that night without being locked up. It was nice but I stayed hard the entire night. I think she knew I’d have second thoughts so it was intentional. It must have been, because around 3am she woke me up. It was super dark and we whispered.
“Hi baby. I just noticed that you’re so hard! I want to give you some relief.” She gave my dick a quick hard grab.
I moved closer and rubbed up against her.
“That’s it, little one. Hump my leg.” She pulled her shirt up, exposing her beautiful tits. She cupped her right breast and brought it to my mouth. “Suck on this. Keep humping.”
I wanted to be inside of her so badly. I kept humping her leg but slowly started positing my body as if to enter her missionary.
“Oh you’re so desperate for my pussy aren’t You John?”
“Please?? Just once??” She rubbed my cheek.
“Only this once. This is our little secret, and I’m only doing it because of how good you were earlier. Remember..our secret. Otherwise we’ll both be in deep shit.”
I wasn’t sure what she meant but it had to have something to do with Ron. I didn’t care. I needed my dick inside of her. I moved between her legs and shoved it in. It went in easily. She didn’t moan or make any noise. I realized it wasn’t please her at all and she was doing me a favor but I didn’t care. It felt so wet and hot. She wrapped her arms around me and I felt loved in that moment. She whispered in my ear.
“Come on sweetie. Make your little pumps!”
I tried to thrust hard into her it didn’t seem to feel like anything to her. She kept encouraging me as I humped away. I felt all over pussy hair against my stomach.
“It’s so cute watching you pump your little dicklette in me. Come on! Keep going. Cum inside of me little one. Come on, you can do it! Make your little pumps!”
I was so close. And then she said one more thing that I will never forget. It made me cum immediately. She said it as sweetly as you can imagine. I don’t know why it was such a turn on but it was. A combination of sweet seduction and fear.
“I own you, you little bitch. And so does Ron.”
“Ahhhh, ohhh!!!!” I came inside of her. It was the last time I ever was inside her. She rubbed my back.
“Good job, little one. Remember it’s our secret. I’m not allowed to fuck anyone but Ron.”
I was wide awake the rest of the night.
Part 6…
Fortunately, I woke up to a pretty normal day…but it quickly changed. I made breakfast and got dressed. Andrea gave me my daily list of chores and reminded me to put my cage back on.
When I looked at the list is when I knew she was serious about everything she had said last night (previous chapter) regarding Ron. Here was the list:
1) clean Ron’s house – start with the two bathrooms and then the living room. Kitchen is last, since I’ll be working in there. Do this room after I’m done for the day.
2) clean his windows – this make take most of the week
3) do his laundry and fold his clothes – put back into the drawers like he’s asked you to do
4) cook dinner for both of us – go grocery shopping for both houses.
5) when Ron is done working immediately make him his rum and coke
6) rent is due – be sure to Venmo Ron You’ll now be paying the full mortgage: $2800.
I was shocked. I was now truly his bitch and their maid. And I was paying the full mortgage. I had a moment of great pause until Andrea walked out wearing the hottest sundress. It hugged her hips and revealed not only amazing cleavage, but her tight firm ass. I could see the outline of a thong as she walked out the door.
“Heading over to work for a bit. I’ll see you over there.” She walked over and kissed me on the cheeks. “Like what you see?”
I looked down at her beautiful tits. “Yes. So much. You look so hot.”
She reached down and gently placed her hand on my caged dick. “If you’re a good bitch today and do everything I’ve put on that list you’ll get a very nice treat tonight.”
I moaned. “Ok.”
“Good boy.”
As she walked out my dick ached from trying to get hard in my cage. So, I got to work immediately.
After cleaning the bathrooms – which were absolutely disgusting – I started to clean the living room. Around lunch time Ron came in.
“Where’s my lunch?” He looked at me.
“Oh my god! I’m sorry Ron, I didn’t put it on his list. That’s my fault.” She looked over at me. “Stop what you’re doing and make his lunch.”
He looked at me. He was in his greasy clothes from working on vehicles. His muscles were huge. He said “turkey sandwich. And don’t forget that Venmo.”
“I won’t,” I said.
“You won’t, what?” He said. He looked pissed.
“I won’t forget!”
“I won’t, Master Ron. Or Master. Fuckin’ understand? You want to be looking at Andrea’s tits all day? Then show some respect.”
At first I thought he was kidding, but his look was very serious. “Ok…Master Ron.” I half expected him to laugh and say he was kidding but he didn’t. Instead he reached down and groped Andreas breasts. “Fuck these look nice. I can’t wait for later.” Then he walked out and I continued to make his sandwich.
He was extremely cold with me and barely made eye contact. He came in a few min later and finished his sandwich.
Later in the day I had done all that was asked including the Venmo, but the windows would have to wait until the next day. I went in around 5pm when Andrea was finishing work expecting to clean the kitchen.
“Change in plans. You’re going to get your treat after all. Make Ron’s drink and Follow me.”
Holding his drink of rum and coke we walked out of the house and over to the large garage. He was underneath a car tightening something with his wrench. He rolled out and looked incredibly sweaty and dirty. His wifebeater shirt was almost brown from sweat and dirt.
He stood up and grabbed the drink. “I guess you’re horny huh? I thought we were waiting until later.”
She walked over and grabbed his dick through his jeans. I could practically see his whole dick, outlined in his pants. It was enormous.
“I want to get fucked now. I’ve been waiting all day. I don’t even want you to shower.”
“Good girl.” He then slapped her ass and walked back into house. She followed and motioned me to follow as well. They went directly to his room. Again, she motioned for me to go in.
“Sit down bitch,” said Ron. He pointed at an old raggedy leather chair in the corner.
I sat down and watched. Ron began finishing his drink as Andrea undressed him. I could smell his sweat. His muscles glistened with the sweat and she lowered his jeans, revealing his large thick white cock. Seeing a large dick in person makes you realize why so many women want it. It just looks attractive just sitting there. It hung down. It was twice as big as mine and it was still limp.
Andrea got on her knees and slowly put her mouth up to his cock and wrapped her lips around it. She began to suck as she moaned.
Ron finished his drink and put it on a nearby stand. He looked down at Andrea. Still in her dress and on her knees, sucking his now hard cock.
“That’s a good girl. Take it.” He then grabbed her head roughly and started to face fuck her. Slowly at first as her through adjusted. She gagged. He started going harder. I could feel my dick desperately trying to get hard but the cage wouldn’t allow for it. I could feel my precum leaking out of my like a hose.
He then pushed her head away. “Get on the bed. Get on all fours and lift up that dress for me.” She climbed up and lifted her dress. She stuck her ass high in the air, exposing her pussy and her ass. She was completely bald! I couldn’t believe it. She must have shaved that morning. Her asshole was beautiful and pink.
He yanked off her thong and threw it on the floor. He got up on the bed and shoved his thick cock into her. She let out a loud yelp, almost like it hurt her. He grabbed her hips and grunted as he thrust into her very hard. His thighs were massive, and even his ass was extremely muscular. The AC was not on in his room so they were getting incredibly sweaty. Andreas hair looked like she just got out of the shower. His whole body was drenched in sweat.
He kept thrusting harder and harder. She moaned a combination of pleasure and pain. I was so hard and horny that my mouth was starting to drool from being open. Watching a real alpha male like him was both fascinating and a turn on. I was and am not gay or even bi, but this scene was so hot.
“Ahhhhhh! God damn!” He gave one final thrust and she screamed. “Fuuuck yes.” He came inside of her. As he started to catch his breath he slowly pulled out. I watched as a large glob of his thick cum dropped out of her pussy and on to the bed sheets.
“Your turn, bitch. You want to cum?” He looked right at me. His cock was drenched in cum and her juices.
“Yes! Please….uhh…Master Ron.”
“Ok. Go get a wet wash cloth and take off your cage. Here.” He threw my cage key at me where it had been sitting on his nightstand. “Andrea, don’t move.” She was still on all fours with her ass high in the air.
I did as he said and came back in, not having any idea what was in store.
“Clean my cock up first.” I hesitated and looked at him, probably conveying a look of ‘are you serious??’ to him, because then he said “just fucking do it. I’m not gonna tell you again.”
I took the wet wash cloth and started to wipe his cock clean. I couldn’t believe how massive it was, both in girth and length. It had a lot of cum, sweat, and Andrea’s pussy juices all over it. It took me almost a full minute. I then held it and stepped back, indicating i was done.
“Balls too.”
I wiped his balls, which were extremely sweaty and I could smell them. Intern stepped back. I noticed my skinny little dick was rock hard and standing straight up.
“Good. Now…you want to cum right?”
“Yes Master Ron.”
“I’m gonna give you a treat. Andrea said you deserve it. Take that wash cloth and wrap it around that little fuckin’ dick clit you got.”
I did as he said. I could feel his cum and all the other wet hot substances around my dick. It felt good.
“Now get down there and clean out her pussy. Just like you cleaned me. Except with your mouth.”
I got up on the bed and shoved my face right into her ass and pussy. There was cum every where. I’m not sure how, but she had cum over her asshole too. I started to lick. The taste of his sweat and cum grossed me out at first but I began to stroke my dick with the cum drenched wash cloth and it was hard again in an instance.
Andrea moaned as my tongue went down to her pussy. I couldn’t belong his much cum there was. I started stroking faster.
“You like that cum, don’t you? Fuckin’ horny bitch. Hurry up.”
That made me stroke faster and just as I licked up and swallowed the last glob of his cum dribbling out of her I came and my legs started to shake.
“Ohhh! ” I moaned.
Andrea turned around. “I bet that felt good didn’t it?? Such a good bitch!”
I sat there with my dick still in the wash cloth, which now has my cum in it as well.
Ron started to head into the bathroom to shower. And he said “THAT was a treat. Not usually gonna be that good. But since we did that for you, I want you to send Andrea and me $500. Got it? Tonight.” Then he left and I heard the shower going.
I looked at Andrea. She gave me a kiss on the cheek. “You did good. He likes you I can tell. Put your cage back on and pick up his clothes and clean up and I’ll see you over at our apartment. Oh, and don’t forget to send the money.” Then she walked out.
I sat there embarrassed and also grossed out tasting all the sweat and cum in my mouth. I kept thinking that I needed to just get up and run outside and jump into my jeep and go home. But then I realized I didn’t even know where the keys were, and before I could even think about it Andrea popped back in.
“What are you doing?? PUT your cage back on. PICK up his clothes. CLEAN up. You were doing good. If you’re still here when Ron gets out of the shower he’s gonna be fuckin’ pissed. Go. Now!”
I quickly did as she said and rushed back to “our” home. I was legitimately scared. What had I gotten myself into? I didn’t know if I could handle it. I was still thinking of running for it when Andrea came over to me and grabbed my cage which was in my hands. She was helping me put it on but then stopped and started to stroke me.
“Hey. I know this is new and a little scary but if you just make sure you do what he says I promise it’ll be very very pleasurable for you. “. My dick was getting very hard in her hands. Suddenly I was right back in it.
“See?” She said. “You need this. You’re a natural submissive. You’re a cuck, too. A beta. And it’s ok. We need people like you. It’s nothing to be ashamed of at all. Ron is an alpha. He was just born that way. You were born with this little thing AND a natural need to please others. Right??”
I moaned, as her strokes were getting faster and her grip tighter. “Yes. You’re so right.”
“I’m not supposed to give you another release but I’m going to.” As she kept stroking she used her other hand to pull down her dress, exposing her breasts. She didn’t have in a bra. Her nipples were hard and she was very perky.
She looked at me as she stroked. “Thaaats a good boy. Look at my tits sweetie. Ron loves sucking these when I’m riding his big fuckin’ cock.”
I moaned again. She could tell I was so close. Everything she was saying was right. I absolutely loved being their bitch.
“I LOVE riding his big cock. You got to see it don’t you? Did you like it? I bet you did, didn’t you? I bet you loved seeing it inside my pussy where it belongs. Did you like cleaning it like a little sissy? Did it feel good in your hands?”
And right then I exploded. I came harder than before and I let out a loud moan. Cum shot up on to my face. I heard her giggling.
I sat down to catch my breath. As my cock went limp, Andrea put on my cage. “See? This is where you belong. Don’t tell me you don’t love it. Now go and send us each $500. Don’t forget.”
To Be Continued…
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