Micro 1

By penguinsfly. Part 1… • Kelly • “Oh. My. God.” Her eyes widened, and her jaw dropped before her mouth curved into a mischievous grin. “It’s so small!” She burst into laughter. “Let me see you stroke it.” With puckered lips, she held up her pinky finger, and in a voice one might use with a small child or a pet, she playfully taunted, “Stroke your teeny weeny like this!” Using only her index finger and thumb, she mockingly stroked

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Little Me (Gay SPH)

By Spanglemaker. During a week-long trip to a mind-numbingly dull conference just outside Swindon in the UK, Jeff, a work colleague of mine, suggested we make use of the hotel pool on one of our free afternoons. The alternative was doom-scrolling in my miserable single room with an exquisite view of the hotel rubbish bins and probably having a lonely wank in the shower before joining the others for yet another stodgy buffet meal in the evening. I hadn’t even

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Mommy May I

By tinybetacuck. “Mommy, may I please put my peenie in you?” My wife lowered her book and looked at me through her reading glasses. “Are you sure, honey?” I gulped. The fact was, I wasn’t sure. I didn’t even know I was going to ask. My little peenie was just so hard, and I couldn’t stop looking at the rise of my wife’s breasts under her T-shirt. It just kind of blurted out, and now I had no choice. “Yes,

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