Why is Modern-Day Culture So Obsessed with Penis Size?

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It’s no shocker that most men are dissatisfied with their penis size, but yearning for a large member was hardly the case in ancient times.

By Jim Larkins

smallDoes penis size really matter? The answer to this question largely depends on who you ask, but in today’s society there does seem to be a direct correlation between the dimensions of a man’s wood and his perceived worth (and oftentimes the size of his ego). Even those who are not completely fixated on their phallic endowment seem more confident if they know they have an impressive package tucked neatly in their trousers.

Sigmund Freud first coined the term “penis envy” nearly 100 years ago, but it had nothing to do with competition in the testosterone jungle. (It referred to a stage in female psychosexual development in which young girls experience anxiety upon realizing they do not have a penis.) Despite the original meaning of Freud’s terminology, modern society’s adoption of his theoretical catchphrase is alive and well, pervading our modern ultra-competitive society. Even those who preach the penile “quality over quantity” sermon can’t deny that there are many men who wish they had more quantity.

“Close to 95% of men are dissatisfied with their penis,” says psychoanalyst Dr. Ana Robles. “For some reason they equate size with manhood. Even men of adequate size often feel there’s something wrong, that they’re small.”

This may be solely based on the perception that some women and gay/bisexual men prefer a large penis over a small one, but it is most likely especially true among gay and bisexual guys because men are known to be aroused primarily by visual stimulation. So while a well-hung stud may seem threatening to a “bottom” for obvious reasons, the very sight of his oversized organ is deemed exciting as well.


Man-Hammer History

Today’s massive member fixation is far removed from the beliefs of many historic cultures. In fact, if you traveled through time and asked a citizen of Ancient Greece or Rome if penile size matters, they would probably answer, “Of course, a smaller penis is almost always preferred over a large one.” We can assume that the term “well-hung” never even came up back then, and if it did, came with a different meaning altogether. That’s the reason some of the world’s most famed statues (we’re looking at you, David) surviving from ancient times are donning shrinkydinks.

This notion is also evident in paintings and other artistic remnants salvaged from the ruins of these times. We may presently refer to these chiseled, handsome studs as Adonises, but it’s interesting that, like other portrayals of mythic figures from ancient civilizations, according to modern-day standards, they fall short in the area below the toga sash.

Historians have various theories for the popularity of phallic shortcomings in early art, but what we do know is that at the time, it was generally accepted that an uncircumcised, small penis was coveted by the male population; large, circumcised cocks were considered comical. Oh, how things have changed.


Contemporary Cock Culture

That was then, and this is now. Today’s men live in a world of ever-increasing competition where bigger, faster and stronger are the goals everyone seems to be clawing for, and no matter how advanced we become, that which lies below the belt is no exception to the rule. A sizable phallus is considered in many modern-day cultures to be a symbol of high masculinity, dominance and power. Just take a look at Asian cultures that openly march giant artificial penises in parades celebrating the relationship between large cocks and fertility.

It’s worth mentioning that there has developed some methodology to measuring one’s member, generally with two classifications—the “grower” and the “shower.” Until aroused, the “grower“ sports a somewhat infantile penis, as opposed to the “shower,“ who pretty much maintains his size even during a flaccid state.

The good news for those men sporting the former is it’s typically understood that the measurement which counts is the one taken at full salute.


The views expressed in this article are the authors and do not represent smallest-dick-on-earth.com



  • DocFev

    Bigger always looks better, be it cocks, tits, or T-Bone steaks. Our views on many things are influenced by today’s media, be they magazines,video, photos, etc. This is very good to the point article that does identify a changing in times and the why behind it. Good thing that not one size fits all and not everyone has the same taste, opinions, likes. While I am a Bronze Member myself, I do like seeing better physical specimens than my own and am happy for those individuals and at the same time, content with my own ‘membership’.

  • Rocco Mandeley

    Growing up and becoming aware of penis size in 8th and 9th grade locker rooms, fate sent a friend to sleep over. The next morning he had wood and he was huge compared to me. He asked me to hold it and I did. I couldn’t get my hand around his shaft, by quite a large amount. The length as long as my forearm has given me a craving for large cock that continues to this day. I am a Bronze Member and now in chastity for a black master. It is said nature for thousands of years, mankind has developed an instinct in men and boys, that we know with one view who is superior and who is inferior. As white males we boldly went for white females, now with media exposing the differences to us, we realize we have been as male cultivated to achieve, and breed. Now we see the superior man as black, bigger, stronger, faster, and massive black cocks. My cravings for big cock ,just exploded and I realized all along I am deep down inferior to alpha black males. I have a feminine side too and it drives my desire through the roof to be submissive. I believe all white males have inside this feeling too. It rings our bell when we see a huge black cock. I am on my knees in submission for huge cock. I need to feel the power of a real man taking me over totally, and his cock inside reinforces who is in charge and my desire happily is still there from the 8th grade. I love being locked and a black mans bitch. I love my fate and living my desire for big cock. Being a sub sissy boi, I like my small dick now, it fits with feminization, not alpha male status and breeding.


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