One Tiny Problem 5

By ChrisEva.

But Michelle pushed through with her momentum. “Girls, turn around and face that back wall, and hands go on your heads.” They obeyed, not knowing the difference between what they were being asked to do and what usually happened at this ceremony. “Rasheed, you’re Deidre’s shap, and you’ve got a job to do. When I say ‘go,’ you get over here and get those pants off. I want to see some butt cheeks in less than ten seconds. Ready?”

Rasheed looked confused but didn’t say anything. He glanced down to search for Leslie in the seats below him. He wanted some kind of signal that he should follow these instructions.

“Go!” Michelle yelled into the microphone. He waited, not sure if he should do this. Deidre was standing there waiting, facing away from him, her hands obediently up in her hair and her nice ass sticking out, and he would surely enjoy stripping her down, but he didn’t want to make Leslie mad.

“Go, man! Ten seconds!” Michelle said again and started counting loudly from one to ten. Without receiving any other signal to the contrary from the sorority sisters, he kicked into action this time. He jumped in behind Deidre’s curvy ass, crouching down to reach around her waist. She had an excellent figure for a short girl. Down went the shorts exposing pink panties. Rasheed looked over to Michelle, questioning.

“All of it!” Michelle yelled in between eight and nine. Rasheed yanked Deidre’s panties down to her ankles in one skilled motion. The girl held still in her position while twenty-five girls and three guys stared at her naked ass. Deidre wasn’t that shy a girl, but she had never been in this situation before and held her breath, waiting to see what was going to happen now that she could feel the cool air wafting across her butt. Rasheed pulled back and stood up.

“Nice! Check out that ass, ladies!” Michelle yelled, satisfied. “Now she’s going to give us ten seconds of twerking. Let’s turn on that music.” Suddenly the steady beat of the City Girls’ “Twerk” song shot out through the hall. Leslie looked at Amelia with a what-the-fuck expression. Amelia wasn’t sure if Leslie was pissed or impressed, but she pointed over to the aisle where one of the exec chair committee sisters had her phone plugged into the PA system. Their newly recruited emcee must have coordinated all this.

Michelle started counting loudly as the beat pulsed, encouraging all the sisters to join in. They started slowly, unsure if this was cool or not, but everybody was yelling and getting into it by the end, even Leslie and Amelia. Deidre twerked her rounded ass finely, bouncing her butt cheeks up and down on stage, seeming to overcome her initial embarrassment and embrace the ritual. It almost looked like she was having fun, even.

Jake watched all this in wonder. One of the sisters from the audience hopped up to move a little tripod holding a cell phone closer up to Diedre’s ass while she twerked. It was the first time he noticed the existence of a camera and then saw on the wall beside the stage that a projector had been set up to show the image from the camera. Diedre’s ass filled the entire wall as it bounced around in time to the music, and when she bent on the downstroke, a little pussy was visible in the crack.

“Well… damn! Wasn’t that fiiiiine!” said Michelle, recovering from all the energy in the room after that. “No, keep that ass out,” she interjected as Diedre started to pull her panties and shorts back up. “Hands back on your head. We’ve got three more girls to go.”

And one by one, Michelle went through the others. Jake had never seen Shannon twerk, actually–especially not the image of her jiggling ass cheeks blown up by a projector to cover an entire wall–so he even relaxed and enjoyed it. At first, when he crouched behind her and pulled her pants down, Shannon seemed nervous, but afterward, she didn’t seem overly embarrassed; he knew that she liked and was proud of her ass. And it was just a bunch of girls here if you discount her boyfriend and two other random dudes catching a free show. So this was the first initiation test, and she passed it without trouble.

When they were done, from where Jake was standing next to the half-naked PNMs, he could look across the stage and see the line of asses sticking out. It was hot; all those girls stood obediently with their hands on their heads, not moving, waiting for their next order. An ass cheek would twitch now and then as a girl shifted her weight between her feet. It was a nice view, which was also not lost on Rasheed on the other side, who was taking in the sight as well.

Bo went one step further–taking advantage of not being in the limelight. He slipped towards the rear of the stage to get a good angle on the girls’ naked bottom halves from the front while they stood at attention for Michelle. He made no secret of ogling Shannon’s pussy, shooting Jake a big thumbs up after with a goofy grin. Shannon had no way to hide from the direct and obvious stare with her hands on her head. Jake instantly got hot under the collar and turned on by that–simultaneously–the same feelings he got when he was cucked by that big fucker Kai.

When Michelle had ordered the girls to be stripped, it wasn’t clear if she would carry the momentum. Still, the combination of the music, the enthusiasm of the crowd, and the pledge’s willingness to twerk for the hall’s entertainment won over the audience. It gave Michelle the confidence to push on. The room was hers now, no question. The ice was broken, and now the audience was a bunch of fired-up and horny sisters, and they wanted more.

“This shit is getting real, sisters. Getting real!” Michelle emphasized each word as she walked back and forth on the line of naked asses, lightly slapping each one. “Ooh, bubble butt on this girl! Keep that music on, sister,” she encouraged the girl serving as the DJ in the aisle.

“But we got to give a hand to our chaperones. Right?” The audience cheered. “Come on upfront, guys. Look at these beautiful men, Rasheed and Jake. Give it up for them!” The cheering grew louder.

“They come here tonight to represent their girl to assist them. To help get them over the line in joining Alpha Phi.” Michelle dragged this out, speaking her lines–each word–slowly. “The girls put their trust in them, and they will do whatever it takes to make that happen. Whatever it takes! And they are looking fine, let me tell you.” There was some more clapping.

“Girls, we should see more of these fine men, right?” The cheering grew. “I think we should get their shirts off. What do you think?”

All the sisters cheered, even some PNMs standing with naked butts. They turned their heads–smiling–and put their hands together above their heads to support this idea. They didn’t want to be the only naked ones up there. Shannon was one of these. Jake and Rasheed looked at each other; it was a development they didn’t expect. Jake didn’t mind, though, as long as it stopped at shirts. If this got to show his cock, it would be a showstopper.

They both pulled their shirts off, and the girls went nuts. It was like being at a Magic Mike show. Twenty-five active members of Alpha Phi plus the eight PNMs started to scream when Rasheed and Jake flipped off their shirts and spun them around their heads dramatically, throwing them into the first row of the audience.

“Oh yeah… Oh yeah!” Michelle echoed the energy of the crowd. “We’re going to keep this going. Girls, you want to see some cocks and ass? Right?” The cheering increased further with more hoots and calls.

Rasheed and Jake stared at each other in panic, eyes wide open. What the fuck, they both thought to themselves. Jake wasn’t just panicked. He was petrified. Leslie pulled her chair over to Amelia and whispered, “Should we stop this?” Amelia looked around at all the cheering sisters and shrugged, shaking her head. Why not give them a show, she thought.

“You heard them, boys. You cannot deny these girls what they want. Strip it off! All of it!”

They didn’t move. Michelle wasn’t worried. She knew how to handle this situation. It was all psychology.

“Boys, boys. I need you to do something for me. You see these girls lined up behind you.” She pointed to the half-naked PNMs, and the guys took a quick look back, nodding. They weren’t sure where this was going, but they knew it probably wouldn’t be good for them.

“These girls are putting it all on the line tonight so that they can join Alpha Phi. So they can join these wonderful sisters out here!” She cued the audience to get another round of cheering at that. “And they picked you. Their trusted and most admired men. To support them and stand beside them.”

Jake and Rasheed shifted their weight back and forth, looking concerned already, and she wasn’t even halfway through her speech. She knew she had them. But it helped to have something to push them over the top, to make it a no-questions-asked.

“Attention, PNMs!” she barked. “Listen up! When I say ‘go,’ I will count to ten, and you’d better be fully naked and standing again like you are now. Do you understand?”

There was silence. She asked again, “Do you understand?”

A few “yesses” and “yes ma’ams” came from the line.

“Go!” She barked it out so loud that it scared some of the girls. They jumped. A few looks left and right as Michelle counted, then one girl started stripping off her top, and the others followed. Soon all four girls were bare-ass naked, hands up again in position on their heads, facing the back of the stage. Bo watched all this from his spot in the corner, smiling. He loved tits. Well, hell, he loved ass and pussy too. He reached down to openly fondle his growing nine inches through his shorts as he watched the strain grow on the girls’ faces while they held their positions.

“Now, isn’t that a pretty sight,” Michelle continued, pointing to the line of girls’ asses and backs, and looking again at the two boys. “That’s what courage is, you see, boys? You owe it to these girls to catch up. When I say ‘go,’ you will strip it down. That’s how you become men, not just little boys. You stand by your girls. You stand naked with them.”

She didn’t give it much time until the “Go!” and the boys were caught in a terrible dilemma. Michelle had set it up so they would be shamed if they didn’t go along with it. And Jake knew he would be extraordinarily shamed if he did go along, given how he was built down there and what he was wearing for his penis adornment.

Fuck, fuck. Rasheed started pulling off his pants. Jake looked back at Shannon, who looked terrific, naked, from the back like that, her little round ass. He knew that she wanted this Alpha Phi shit. Wanted it. Fuck. What would she think if he bailed on her because he was a scared little boy that couldn’t show his pee-pee? I mean, fuck, she had even sucked cock for him. That’s loyalty. That’s devotion. So he had to find the courage and show his cock to many girls, right?

His brain said, but he just couldn’t do it.

Bo appeared next to him. “Brah, you gotta do it,” he whispered urgently. “There’s no way out of this.”

“But Bo… you know, fuck. How do I…?”

“Time to be a man, Jake.” Bo slapped him on the shoulders. “Shannon’s pussy is fucking awesome, by the way. Nice going on that,” he added into his ear as he stepped back.

The girls in the hall started shouting “Jake! Jake! Jake!” repeatedly, louder and louder. Rasheed was already bare-ass naked, covering his junk with his hands nervously crossed over his groin while hunched over like a schoolboy.

“Okay, okay!” Jake shouted and bent down to pull his pants and boxers off in one pull. He stood up with his arms at his side, and the hall went quiet. What the fuck, he noticed–one of the sisters from the audience had moved the tripod camera right in front of him, on the stage floor, looking up. It was aimed right at his groin. He couldn’t even open his eyes to see how his caged dick looked projected on the wall.

Then laughter broke out when the audience comprehended what they were seeing. It grew, and Michelle came over to inspect what the camera showed with her eyes.

“Oh holy fuck,” she said, slowly, into the microphone. Jake clenched his eyes shut, unable to meet the gaze of anyone there. He wished for the sake of his life that he was just back in the bedroom alone with Shannon, with her telling him that she didn’t mind his tiny dick. Even if it was a white lie, he wanted to hear it instead of the pounding laughter in his ears.

“Get those hands on your heads,” she barked, and Jake complied. He was already exposed, so it didn’t matter to him. Rasheed refused, though. He had had enough and was ready to take a stand. Naked he would do, but no more humiliation than that. Michelle dropped the microphone so she could speak with him privately. Jake and Bo could hear, but the sisters couldn’t.

“Rasheed. You are my little boy tonight. If I want to see your dick, I will see your dick.”

He stood his ground, shaking his head back and forth nervously, hands clenched over his junk. “This isn’t right.”

“The right way is any way I decide. You’re a law student, right?”

He was taken aback, confused. He didn’t answer.

“Come on. You are second-year law. It’s not such a secret. Congratulations! Now, you want to have a nice, long career, maybe be a prosecutor or a judge or work for one of those fancy, famous corporations. Right?”

He stared at her blankly.

“Am I getting through to you? Do I have to spell it out?”

No answer.

“Let’s just say Leslie showed me some pictures. A lot of pictures. From the last four fucking YEARS! Many pictures of you putting your hands into innocent eighteen-year-old tits and ass, not to mention some pussy licking.”

“It wasn’t that much,” he protested softly.

“It was a lot, kiddo,” she emphasized. “Imagine any of those pictures getting out.”

“Are you threatening me?” he asked, trying to put some strength into his assertion but having it come out like the squeak of a weak plea instead.

“No, no. Of course not. Let’s just say that after all, you’ve taken from these sweet girls over the years that it’s time for payback. Wait, many of them are even in this audience, right? If they were freshmen when you fucked with them, yeah. I think that calculation’s right. You are my bitch tonight. Say it.”

“What? You can’t be serious.”

“I am serious. Say it. Say, ‘I am your bitch tonight.'”

“Fuck no. Michelle, why do you want me to do this?”

“Because you are my bitch tonight. Say it. You deserve it.” She pointed out to the crowd. “They deserve it. Get your hands on your head. And we’re only getting started.”

He didn’t move.

“Rasheed, Rasheed. I didn’t want to have to go here, but you left me no choice. The faculty at the law school is excellent. I’ve already exchanged emails with them, and they were quite interested in my concern with a particular student. I haven’t told them any names yet. Let me see, do you happen to know Prof. Cleveland, Prof. McClellan, Prof. Sandaskar, Prof.–”

“Okay, okay. Fuck.” He closed his eyes. Was she fucking serious? Everything about how she’d behaved so far seemed to indicate that she did not fuck around. Okay, okay, he thought, there is no way out. He caved, clearing his throat and saying quietly, “I am your bitch tonight.”

“What?” she asked, holding the microphone closer. “And get your hands on your head.” He obeyed reluctantly. His pencil dick had shrunk under stress. Had he been able to see how small it had become, he would have been even more petrified.

“I am your bitch tonight.” This time it was amplified somewhat to the crowd. They muted their murmuring to listen more closely.

“Louder now, Rasheed. So the sisters in the hall can hear. What are you?”

“I am your bitch tonight!” he roared. The crowd went quiet, then into an uproar. Every girl in the audience couldn’t believe it and was chattering to the girl next to her that she couldn’t believe it. The whole evening had just taken on a different tone in that instant. Leslie and Amelia were right in the thick of it with the other sisters but stuck to their seats, unable or unwilling to do anything to change this course of events.

“And you too, Mr. Caged Dick,” she said, swinging the microphone over to Jake. “Can you tell the girls what you are tonight?”

“I’m your bitch tonight,” Jake echoed into the mic. He’d had a lot of practice with this line, so that part wasn’t so hard. He was still bright red from letting everybody see this ridiculous cock cage that he had put on for some damn reason. Why the hell hadn’t he thought this through more carefully?

Leslie and Amelia had pushed their chairs together to whisper to each other by this point. Like the other girls in the hall, they absolutely couldn’t fucking believe what Michelle was making these two boys do on stage. Forget a few naked tits and pussies. This night was looking a whole lot more interesting than anyone imagined. Even the four PNM girls had covered up with their hands and swung around to look at the bare asses of the two boys facing outward at the front of the stage.

Michelle was good at improvising. She had planned to humiliate these two boys by comparing their dicks with Bo’s–who hadn’t even had a chance to shine yet, but she had no idea that they would make that job so easy for her. Piece of cake. The Indian guy’s dick wasn’t super small, but it was a pencil dick, thin and not so long. Easy to humiliate that one. And Jake’s, Jesus Christ, Michelle thought. She wondered how big it got, hard. Bo had never spilled the tea to her about this fucker. Maybe it was a bro code thing, she thought indignantly. The bro code was now blown fucking wide open.

“Okay, okay, quiet down now, ladies. First, we have to take a closer look at this equipment here. What the fuck,” she added as she crouched down by Jake. The girl with the camera zoomed in real good as Michelle tapped the little metal bars surrounding his tiny cock. “I can confirm that this cock is a prisoner!”

Michelle looked up at the line of PNMs and had a brainstorm. “And I bet who holds the keys.” She pointed to Shannon, who looked surprised.

“Shannon! Shannon!” the crowd began shouting in rhythm. They were getting into this hard. Her face showed the terror of Jake’s embarrassment mixed with pride at being recognized by the entire hall. She was overwhelmed and blushed a bright red.

“All right, all right. Settle down,” Michelle said, knowing how to work with a crowd, the flow of the group’s emotions. “Get back in line, PNMs. Face me. Remember, this is still your hazing. We’re just going to add two more girls to the line-up.”

It didn’t take Jake and Rasheed long to figure out what that meant.

“All six of you girls, get in line, now. You aren’t done with your initiation. Not by a long shot.”

“I’ve got something to show you. Since these two sissies you picked as shaps don’t have dicks to speak of–” and the hall went abuzz at that, “I want to give you a chance to see something you might not have seen before. A real, bonafide man cock. Bo, get on out here–Rasheed, remember, you are my bitch tonight; get your hands back on your head.” She said that last line because the slim law student had dropped his hands back to his groin. He reluctantly moved his hands back up, exposing his private parts.

Bo sauntered out towards Michelle at the center of the stage in a swoll, confident manner. He even winked at Jake, who was standing with his eyes half-closed in defense against the lights on the stage as well as the emotional embarrassment, trying to just get through this fucking thing with his dick hanging out there in a little cage for everyone to see, probably up on the wall screen too. Jake didn’t know what to make of the wink of his alpha-male friend, not reacting as Bo walked past; he just shook his head in resignation.


Continued on the next page (link below).


*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even with limited editing. It doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed.

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