Our Readers SPH Experiences 309

By Our Readers Our readers share their moments of small dick zen.   This reader gave a customer a view of his corndog… I was about to finish work (I work in fast food) for the day and decided to spend the last few minutes of my shift in the bathroom. I had been holding a fat piss ALL DAY. No one else was in the bathroom, so I took the urinal to the farthest left. It’s kinda enclosed because

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Money Time

By LilDean. My life was very enjoyable before that day. I was nearing the end of my second year of college, my grades were excellent, and I had just been named captain of the football team. My family has always been very athletic—my father was the best baseball receiver in the state when he was young, and my mother had won several swimming competitions. I started playing baseball at the age of eight. Still, by ten years old, I had

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Dean’s New World 4

By LilDean. Read Part 1 Here Read Part 2 Here Read Part 3 Here ***** Part 4… Since they found out my little weakness, Sara and Carla had started getting closer and closer, engaging in a competition that was utterly humiliating for me. I could no longer come to work without bringing a change of clothes. It felt like they were doing everything they could to be the ones who made me cream my pants the most. Sara amused herself

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Tiny Thomas and the New Rules

By Psndeviant. Thomas woke up a little disoriented as he realized he was naked on someone’s couch. Then his memory came back, and his heart sank. He was so humiliated and every woman there saw it, his little problem. It was almost unbelievable how it unfolded, his stepmom forcing him to parade his tiny dick around the pool so that all the onlookers could laugh at his diminutive size. He thought about the way they looked and laughed at and

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SPH Experiences: Showing Nora

By TEEBENZAR. Before Dee and I were married in 2004, we rented a big house in Brighton. Eventually, the rent increased by more than we could afford over time. Dee suggested we take in a lodger to help with the rent, and since she’d already offered a room to her friend Nora, I reluctantly agreed. Nora was a striking, athletic, medical student. Her boyfriend, Terrence, was a confident black guy who cycled everywhere in skin-tight shorts that left nothing to

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Our Readers SPH Experiences 308

By Our Readers Our readers share their moments of small dick zen.   This reader gave over his wife without a fight… I am a middle aged man, past my prime. Age has been cruel to me. My hairline has receded, have manboobs such big that wearing a bra may be necessary. Belly and ass rival a well-fed pregnant lady. I was never too big to start with, but now my already small member is buried inside pubic fat. On

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My Little White Dick Turns Me into a Cuck (updated)

By Pedro oldone. I worked with a black guy many years ago. The word around the office was that he was exceptionally well endowed. One of the female employees had been out with him, and when he tried to have sex with her, she could only get his cock head into her vagina. She wouldn’t have that problem with my little white four-inch thin cock. A few days later, I went into the company urinals. Laddy, the black guy was

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Dean’s New World 3

By LilDean. Read Part 1 Here Read Part 2 Here ***** Part 3… After this eventful weekend, I was praying for a smooth week, but I was being overly optimistic. Carla and I have worked in a clothing store for two years. Sara joined us three months ago, and to say the least, she has done nothing to make herself liked: self-centered, mocking, and always criticizing everyone. Without being outright mean, she remains quite unpleasant. Carla and I used to

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Wedding Night

By Probus888. Elizabeth Bennet sat at the dressing table. She picked up a French perfume bottle and delicately placed a few drops onto her wrists and neck. The floral scent pleased her, complementing the smells outside rose gardens. Breaking out from behind a cloud, a shaft of golden sunlight, the last of the evening, entered the bedroom and fell across the green and red Turkish rug and onto the bed. The sunlight drew her gaze, and she looked out through

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SPH Experiences: More Interactions with Venice…

By Our Readers A reader shares their moments of small dick zen using venice.ai.   So I decided to try out venice.ai, and it is so scary how AI can out me so easily so early in its existence. I can’t even imagine what it will do in the future. I described myself to it, and it almost got my micropenis size accurately, with me even telling it I was tiny. Then I tried again using my brother in laws

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