Big Brother’s Baby Boner

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This fictional story is the artistic expression of the author who wrote it. The Small Dick Club strongly believes in freedom of speech, and the right of artists to be heard, especially if what they say pushes the boundaries of what is acceptable in society. If you think you won’t like the content of this story, then don’t read it. It’s that simple. The Small Dick Club wishes to advise readers that any similarities in these stories to actual or real people or events is purely coincidental and unintended. That any story marked as a ‘true story’ shouldn’t be taken literally, as we have no way to verify if stories submitted to us are true. The Small Dick Club takes no responsibility for the imaginations and literary creations of authors who post their stories here.
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by MildManInVa

I just returned home from college for Spring Break, and was on top of the world as a 20-year-old college student. My parents went away for the weekend, and how my 16-year-old sister, Stacey talked my parents into letting her have a slumber party with four of her silly giggling friends while they went away for the weekend, is beyond me. Without my parents around to bug me though, it did mean that I could have a little more freedom, even though all I planned to do was check out some new x-rated videos I borrowed from my roommate.

I headed downstairs around 9:00 p.m. in my bare feet, shorts and t-shirt to get some snacks before I made myself comfortable to watch the babes sucking and fucking. I exited the kitchen with a sandwich and chips on a plate, and just as I turned towards the stairs to head back to my bedroom, I was tackled and the sandwich went flying. Everything was a blur as I was forced face down on the floor by the five screaming 16-year-old girls clad in panties, t-shirts and
sheer nighties. My arms were twisted roughly up and behind my back immobilising me, as one young teen set on my head, two held my arms, and another laughing duo sat on my legs to hold me firmly in place.

My t-shirt was roughly removed, ripping it to shreds, then I panicked as I heard Jenny, my sister’s best friend yell “Okay, now the shorts.”

I kicked with all my might and tried to buck them off, but it was useless, and I felt my shorts and underwear being slid over my ass and down my thighs and calves. I lay there face down, captive, totally naked before my young sister and her cheerleading classmates.

“Okay, now let’s turn him,” Stacey yelled.

I let out a blood curdling scream, “Noooooo!”, but it did little good because after about 30 seconds of struggling with all my might, I was flipped onto my
back by these determined girls.

Immediately all movement and noise stopped. The 10 seconds of silence was deafening as all five teens held me firmly, arms and legs spread wide, while all eyes were on my penis.

“My God,” Stacey whispered in disbelief, breaking the silence. Immediately there were quiet giggles and mumbles, “It’s so tiny.”

“My little brother is bigger,” a blonde girl said.

“It looks like an acorn,” anther brunette teen girl said screwing her nose up.

“I didn’t know they made them that small,” which caused the room to fill with teenaged laughter.

Stacey rose from my chest and said, “This is too good to be true. My Mom keeps a ruler in the kitchen drawer. I’ll be right back.”

I was mortified.

As a 20-year-old grown man; a Senior in college, who had taken constant verbal abuse from other males over the years in gym class because of my meagre size, I was now the total laughing-stock of my sadistic little sister and her bubbly little nymphet classmates. Stacey quickly returned with the ruler in hand and placed it at the base of my shaft. The room once again became silent as my sister studied the ruler, then looked up and in a jovial voice announced “We have a winner, ladies and gents my big bossy brother who has beaten me up more times than I care to count, is a towering 1 inch soft.”

All I could do was try to block out the laughter, cheers, clapping and wolf whistles was squeeze my eyes as tight as they would go, and try to make the horror end.

Jenny once again spoke up and said, “I wonder how big it can get? Let’s turn him on and see if he can break 3 inches.”

Rachel Walters added “Great idea. How do we do it?”

“Well it drives my boyfriend when I sit on his face, so let me give that a try.”

Jenny proceeded to slip out of her panties and move to straddle my head. I opened my eyes long enough to see her large round ass and dark triangle of
black curly hair move slowly closer to my face, until it was covering my mouth and nose completely and making breathing nearly impossible.

Perhaps under different circumstances, I would have become aroused as she moved up and down my face, spreading her warm juices and scent in her wake, but my tiny organ remained dormant.

Rachel became exasperated and said, “Nothing Jen. You’ve been at it ten minutes. Let me try something.”

She moved to the side of my chest and bent over to slowly run her tongue in and out of my ear, up and down my neck and over my lips as she lightly ran her fingernails up and down my chest and crotch. She gave up after 10 more minutes of no success. “Shit! Okay who else wants to try?”

Stacey broke the silence and said, “I have an idea. I’ve heard this works for some guys.”

She moved around Ginger and Mary and kneeled between my legs. Before I knew it, she placed her right had on my ball sac and gently began to massage up and
down my little prick. Then all of a sudden, she squeezed with all her might, causing me to see stars and roar in pain.

“Look!” Mary screamed. “It’s working. It looks like one of those cute little Vienna Sausages”

“Damn. You’re right” Stacey exclaimed. “Give me that ruler again.”

She carefully took another measurement and bellowed, “We have two inches. Shall we go for three inches?”

She proceeded to once again grab my balls and apply excruciating pressure. Rachel and Jenny began to understand that pain was somehow causing me to get excited and my little meat to grow, so they began to roughly twist and turn my nipples, making them grow hard and red. Ginger and Mary, each holding a leg immobile began grabbing my toes, and twisted them until I thought they would fall off.

My whole body was in incredible pain, and Stacey continued to roughly crush my balls, first pulling and separating them and then squeezing them together with all her might, while all four girls cheered her on. All I could do was twist against their restraining hands and shout in agony as my little penis continued to grow to its maximum length.

Satisfied that I had grown all I was going to grow, Stacey grabbed the ruler and once again measured.

“Ahhhhhhh. Too bad big brother. 2 and a half inches. Afraid you didn’t break the 3″ barrier. I guess I am just stuck with a Big Brother who has a Baby Boner for life.”

“Let’s make him cum,” Rachel suggested with a wry smile.

All the girls clapped and laughed and my taunting evil sister was once again crushing my balls, as she started to milk my full 2.5 inches. The pain was incredible, but the more she pumped my member, the more I could feel the pressure build in my tiny organ, until I couldn’t take it anymore and shot a huge load into the air, causing all the girls to hoot and holler.

Watching the cum spurt out a good foot in the air, and continue for about 15 seconds, Stacey looked closely at my little spud, and exclaimed, “Well my, little fellow. You may be a tiny little thing, but you sure pack some punch.”

I was exhausted both from the hour of fighting with the teen bitches, and being forced to cum like I had never done before.

It’s going to be a pleasure Big Brother to bust your balls until return to school. Too bad you will probably get almost as much enjoyment out of it as I will.

Totally naked, in front of the snickering teens, I grabbed my shorts, shredded shirt, cleaned up the sandwich and chips and headed toward my room. I’d like to say I mounted the stairs with dangling balls and swinging cock, but once again it had shrunk to its normal half-inch and clung to my body. I knew life around my sister would never again be the same, and as much as I felt the incredible pleasure when I came, I dreaded the thought of the pain she would inflict on me in the future, to pay me back for the abuse I had shown her ever since we were small kids.

The End


  • sizedsmall

    This is my favorite story so far. My sister used to pop the lock on the bathroom when I was showering and she knew I was tiny. I bet she told all her friends who would come over.

  • bambiegirl

    great story. one of my sisters did also humiliate me in front of her friends.

  • vici

    very nice my sister also knew that i was on the small side almost 3 inches she busted in on me while showering with a few of her girlfriends to laugh and humiliate me and my nick name of pinkie started at 15yrs old and she still refers to me to this day at 55yrs old … but she knows i like SPH .. lucky for me i have fun sister

  • Tinyboypp

    My older brother would make me pull down my pants in front of his friends and they would laugh at me i liked making them laugh till I got older and relized why they laughed!

  • stubtail

    I was camping with a few other couples and we were all drunk and stoned, this one guy pulls out his fucking thick ten incher and says, ” lets all pull our pamts down and measure our dicks, the guy with the smallest dick his to lick the others poles in front of the girls…


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