True Story: The Trainee EMT

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This fictional story is the artistic expression of the author who wrote it. The Small Dick Club strongly believes in freedom of speech, and the right of artists to be heard, especially if what they say pushes the boundaries of what is acceptable in society. If you think you won’t like the content of this story, then don’t read it. It’s that simple. The Small Dick Club wishes to advise readers that any similarities in these stories to actual or real people or events is purely coincidental and unintended. That any story marked as a ‘true story’ shouldn’t be taken literally, as we have no way to verify if stories submitted to us are true. The Small Dick Club takes no responsibility for the imaginations and literary creations of authors who post their stories here.
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By TinyCock1

About 10 years ago I decided to change careers. I wanted to do something in the medical field. However, because I was already in my early thirties my choices were limited. I decided that I would become an EMT to see if I like working in health care because the class for it was only 3 months long. I got through that and started working and decided to try nursing school.

I had been in nursing school for about a year and a half when this story takes place. It can be kind of awkward in nursing school since you are in a female dominated field. Most of the time it’s not an issue but people frequently think that I’m gay. I’ll admit that when I was younger I fooled around with my old room-mate and sucked his dick several times when we were drunk.

However, most of my life I’ve only slept with girls so I would consider myself more bi-sexual than gay anyway. Well, to pay for school and gain experience in the nursing field, I took a job as an EMT at a local hospital emergency room. I was in training for several days and was learning a lot of information fairly quickly. As part of the EMTs responsibility at this hospital we had to insert catheters on patients. However, before you can insert a catheter on someone by yourself you must get signed off by your training supervisor.

My training supervisor was a super hot brunette with a perfect body named Katherine. The day that I was scheduled to work with Katherine she let me know that we would help any of the nurses with catheters if there were any ordered for a patient. As luck would have it, about midway through the day we got an order to place a catheter on a patient. Katherine led me through the set up and sterile procedure required for the catheter. We began the procedure. As we began I noticed that the patient had a relatively small dick.

I would say it was probably 3 inches or so while soft. I didn’t think much of it at the time. I completed the catheterization and Katherine took me to the training room to review how I did. She congratulated me on a successful procedure and said she was ready to sign off on my training sheets. She went on and on about how well I did during the procedure. She said the next one will be much easier because hopefully the guy will have a bigger dick. I was shocked that she would say that and apparently the shock threw me off because I just blurted out, “Seriously? He’s actually way bigger than I am.”

Katherine’s mouth dropped and I immediately started to turn red. I could feel the humiliation rising in my face. But instead of making fun of me, she just said “Really? No way. Let me see it.”

I was embarrassed and was definitely not going to let her see my little dick. I barely knew her and it was embarrassing enough as it was. But she wouldn’t let up. I kept telling her “No, no I’m not going to show you my cock at work.”

She still wouldn’t relent. After about 5 minutes of this she said, “If you don’t show it to me right now, I’m going to tell everyone here what you said.”

I couldn’t believe it.

I really didn’t want my embarrassing secret getting out. So I decided to just show it. I finally agreed and started to pull down my pants. I grabbed the waist of my underwear and my scrub bottoms and quickly pushed them down and pulled them right back up to try to block her view as she looked on. But I wasn’t fast enough and she caught a good two second view I saw a smile flash across her lips. She immediately tried to comfort me and was saying things like “Oh, it’s not that small. It’s actually kind of cute. I like it.”

She was going on and on and after a minute she was like, “Can I see it again, please?” I figured what the hell. She already saw how small it was. Fortunately, because of all this my little dick had started to fill up and was trying to get hard. When blood starts flowing down there my cock actually starts to look a little bit bigger. It was probably about 3.5 inches or so at this point. So I just grabbed my pant waist and pulled my scrubs and underwear down to the floor to show Katherine what she asked for.

She started laughing and making jokes about how it was trying to get hard but was still so little. Then she said, “Thank God my boyfriend doesn’t have a baby dick like you.”

I was so embarrassed that I just pulled up my pants and practically ran out of the training room. From then on out Katherine would always hold up her thumb and forefinger to make the small penis sign any time we were alone together. It was so embarrassing that I eventually quit that job a few weeks later. I still occasionally bump into someone from my old job and sure enough, they always make the small penis sign at me.


  • keith slater

    That is quite a sad story really

    • Zac

      What makes you say it’s sad? At first I was embarassed, but now when I think about it, it turns me on. It’s actually pretty fun to know about my little secret.

      • Zac

        Also, thanks for your comment! Nice to know that someone read my story


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