True Story: My best friend has been fucking my wife for years 2
By Anon.

Read Part 2…
Last year I submitted a story called ‘True Story: My best friend has been fucking my wife for years.’ I had no idea it would be so popular! It has made it all the way to #2 on the most popular SPH stories of all time. When I realized it had so much interest, I thought that I should share more stories since the last year has only seen my wife’s relationship with my best buddy get even hotter and more out in the open. To bring you up to speed, my wife and I started dating in college. My best friend Adam and I were roommates all through college, and he has a much bigger dick than me. He’s at least 7.5 inches. Me? Not so much. Closer to 4.5 inches.
One night when we were still in college, I witnessed Carol touching Adam’s dick during a party. Years later, I approached the topic and told Carol that I had seen her do that. She promised that it was a one-time thing and nothing else ever happened between. Well, Carol lied. Apparently, they began a sexual relationship behind my back that had been several years.
I had been fantasizing about exactly that scenario, so it’s not like I would’ve been upset. I was routinely jacking off while thinking of Adam’s great big cock inside of Carol’s little pussy. But, the truth came out on our wedding night, when she confessed that not only had she been fucking his big cock for years, she had even managed to have sex with him on our wedding day. When she confessed, I pretended to be upset, but actually, I was just turned on. I asked several follow-up questions, and when she told me about how much bigger he was than me, I was nearly busting a load from my little cock because I was so excited.
She basically said he was way bigger than me, could last way longer, and made her cum at least twice every time they fucked. That pretty much catches you up to the new stuff. As I said, if I had known our story would be so popular, I would’ve shared more and more frequently. As you may have guessed, Carol and Adam have certainly continued their sexual relationship all throughout our marriage.
We’ve been married almost four years now. About a year ago, I had taken a job in a hospital that required me to be gone overnight several nights per week. Carol was totally supportive of it. I wasn’t surprised by that because she is supportive of my career. However, what I determined shortly after starting was that she was happy with it because it meant she could fuck Adam several nights per week while I was gone. It’s actually kind of funny how I confirmed my suspicion of those two continuing to fuck.
One night while I was at work, she accidentally sent a text message to me that said, “Last night was amazing. I wish we could do it every night.”
The only problem was that I had been at work the previous night. I immediately knew that it was supposed to have been sent to Adam. I wasn’t mad at all. I was actually thrilled that I finally confirmed that they were still fucking, and now I had a good way to bring it up to her. A few minutes later, she sent some lame text attempting to cover up because she had realized that she had sent it to the wrong person. It was actually pretty cute.
It said something along the lines of: ‘I said last night, but I meant last weekend when we had that amazing sex.‘
That was hilarious to me because since I have an undersized dick and can only last about 5 minutes before cumming, any sex with me is hardly ‘amazing.’ I just sent back a text with the eye roll emoji.
She sent back a text that simply said, ‘?????.’
Again, I thought it was funny that she was trying to cover it up. So, I just sent back a text that said: ‘ We’ll discuss when I get home.’
Fast forward to the conversation at home later the next day. Carol was sitting on the couch wearing some tiny little shorts and a tank top. Her little nipples were hard and poking against the fabric. I’m not exactly sure why she picked that outfit because she usually doesn’t dress in too slutty of fashions. Anyway, I had worked up my nerve pretty well.
I basically just asked, “Are you still having sex with Adam?”
No answer from Carol.
“Carol, I just want to know. Was that text supposed to go to him?”
Still no answer. I gathered up all of my courage and grabbed her face looking her straight in the eye.
“Carol. I just want you to know something. I think about him fucking you all the time. I’m totally okay with it.”
She breathed in deep. “Are you serious?”
“Yes! Really. I’ve been fantasizing about that since college. I wasn’t even really upset about it when you first told me about how you had been fucking him. I don’t want a divorce or anything. I just want to know what is going on.”
She gasped again. “Oh my God, that is awesome. I thought you’d be pissed and want to get divorced.”
“No. I’m not pissed. I just want to know the details. I want to know what’s going on with you two.”
The conversation progressed from there. She began to understand that I was asking her to basically make me a cuckold. I told her about how much I enjoy having such a small little dick. I even showed her some of the small dick websites I frequent. By the time it was all said and done, we even wound up fucking. I squirmed around in her little pussy and lasted about five minutes before I filled her full of cum.
She made a really hot comment when we were done. “I don’t understand how such a small dick can shoot such big loads!”
I asked, “Are you going to fuck Adam tonight?”
She laughed. “Definitely, since you seem to be okay with it. That was just a warm-up for me. Ha!”
As the weeks went by, Carol became more open about the arrangement. I started asking Carol about how their sex was when I would get home after work. Initially, she was a little shy about sharing, but eventually, she started to get more and more graphic. She would go on about his big cock and talk about how sore her pussy was from getting filled by Adam all the time now. The best was when she started saying how much bigger he was than me. She confessed that Adam’s soft cock was much bigger than my little hard dick. Adam sent me a text and told me he was excited to finally be out in the open.
He basically said he was glad he could have her tight pussy anytime he wanted with no responsibilities or consequences. I essentially said that I was sure she was happy with the arrangement. I only asked that he send me some pictures and videos of them fucking. The reason that this stuff is important is that it led to what was the hottest thing I have ever participated in, so hopefully, you are still reading.
A few weeks went by, and I had to go back to my original hometown for a family emergency that really turned out to be nothing. It was about 6 hours away, but I was most bummed because there was a beer fest in town that weekend that I had been planning on attending with Carol and several of our friends.
Carol asked if I wanted her to come home with me, but I said no, that she should just stay and enjoy the craft beer fest. As I was sitting around in my hotel room doing nothing, my phone lit up with a text message from Carol. It said, ‘We are having a blast. I wish you were here. Expect some pictures soon.‘
A few minutes later, I got a text from Adam. It read, ‘Recognize this?‘
It was attached to a close-up picture of Carol’s pussy. She still had her little pink lacey panties on, but they were pulled to the side, exposing her little hole, and Adam had two of his fingers in her. She was crouched down on what looked to be the seat of a car, but I couldn’t really tell. I immediately started getting a little boner.
I replied, ‘Awesome! You must be having a good time.’
‘Yeah. This is happening right now in the parking lot at Beerfest.’
I looked at the picture again and realized that I recognized the interior of Adam’s car. ‘Wow. In public, dude?‘ I replied.
‘Yeah, drunk people are sort of walking by, but we are in a far corner of the lot. Plus, Jamie is being our lookout.’
I was blown away at that point. Jamie is Carol’s hot little sister. I couldn’t believe that Carol would let her in on the secret arrangement. ‘Does Jamie know what you guys are doing in there?‘ I asked.
A few seconds later came Adam’s reply. It was a picture taken from the inside of his car through the windshield. Sure enough, Jamie was sitting right on the edge of the hood of the car, presumably making sure no one got close enough to see what Carol and Adam were up to. Obviously, she knew exactly what was going on. Several minutes passed, and my phone lit up again. This time it was a video about thirty seconds long. There was Carol’s left hand, still displaying our wedding ring. She reached out and slowly started rubbing Adam’s dick through his shorts. She pulled his big cock out and smiled. She licked her lips and took his big dick all the way into her mouth, slurping loudly and greedily.
The video panned down and showed Carol’s cute little nipples. She was lying across the center console of the car with Adam’s dick in her mouth. By this point, she only had on her little pink panties and some high heels. Adam rubbed her back and slowly let his hand slide down her ass, and began finger fucking her from behind while she sucked his cock. Suddenly, the video cut off. This was really turning me on. Just knowing that my little wife was getting a big dick from my best friend was too much.
My little dick was straining, and I started stroking it again. A couple of minutes later, my phone buzzed with another text notification. This time it was a text from Jamie. She never texts me, and I knew this could only be about one thing. However, she still managed to surprise me. It was a selfie. She had moved around to the passenger side of the car and taken a selfie with Carol and Adam in the background. Jamie’s sexy little smile and blue eyes stood out, but the background was what I really focused on. The picture background showed the back of Carol’s head. Obviously, she still had Adam in her mouth.
The text caption on it read: ‘This is what your wife is up to right now!‘
I responded: ‘Ha-ha, and you are there supporting this?!‘
Seconds later from Jamie: ‘Hey, I have to help my big sis out. She told me about your little cock. From the looks of it, Adam doesn’t have that problem. I’m happy to help!’
A few minutes later, a new message from Adam. This time it simply read: ‘Hey, I just wanted to really make sure you know that I’m about to fuck your wife while her little sister looks out for us. Thanks for understanding. Did you know that she was such a cum slut when you married her?‘
I was nearly losing control. A minute passed by, and my dick was throbbing. A new text from Jamie arrived: ‘ They’re fucking now. She’s on top of him in the front passenger seat.’
I responded quickly: ‘Wow. You’re like two feet away.’
She answered right back: ‘Fuck yes. I had them put the window down a little, so I could hear. It’s actually pretty hot. She’s definitely moaning really loudly. I’m glad no one is walking by right now.‘
I replied: ‘That does sound hot. Wish I was there. Send more vids plz.‘
A few minutes go by while I’m pacing around the room, playing with myself. I was dying to know what was happening now. Just then, my phone buzzed again. It was from Jamie. It was a video. It started out with a view of the parking lot. Though the lot wasn’t packed, there were still plenty of cars around, and people were no more than fifty feet away. I could hear in the background Carol’s loud moans, even on Jamie’s phone from outside the car. Then Jamie turned the camera around and focused on my wife. The window on the passenger side was over halfway down. They were tinted, but anyone walking up would’ve been able to see them fuck. Jamie held the phone camera on a side view of Carol.
She was aggressively working her hips. She was arching her back and thrusting forward, rotating her hips while Adam was deep in her. I was jacking off furiously at this point. I knew I wasn’t going to last much longer at this rate, so I forced myself to sit on my hands on the desk chair in the hotel room. I took a swig of my soda and continued to watch the video. Carol just kept riding him. I could see the sweat glistening on her skin as she struggled to go faster and faster, grinding her pussy on his dick. She would never have been able to do that to me.
My little cock would’ve slipped right out. She was moaning louder and louder. Jamie kept the camera at the side view but panned out so that I could see her face twist with pleasure as she continued groaning. She leaned forward and kissed Adam with her tongue while she continued to fuck. He was squeezing her little tits, and she started to cum. She cried out, and I heard Adam say, “Yeah. Do it. Cum on that big cock.”
Carol continued grinding, and Adam was thrusting his big dick in and out. Jamie moved to include more action in the shot, and suddenly it cut out again. Several minutes passed, and finally, a new message from Jamie. It said only: ‘The epic conclusion.’
Just then, a new video came through. This time the passenger side door of his Lexus was partially open. Jamie had moved in for a close-up view. Carol continued to furiously fuck. Adam thrust and lifted her with every deep dick movement. Her little brown-haired pussy was getting destroyed by that big thick cock. I heard Adam say, “Do it again, baby. Cum for me. You know you want to.”
Carol was nearly screaming at this point. She yelled out, “Cum WITH me, baby! I want to feel you cum inside of me. Please! Please!”
Adam continued thrusting even harder now. “Yeah? You want me to cum in your tight little pussy?”
“Please! Please! Do it, please!”
Adam began pounding her, and Carol was nearly hitting her head on the ceiling of the car every time Adam pushed deeper with his dick. He bucked a few more times, and suddenly Carol shivered as she cried out. “Yes, baby, it’s so good. Cum that big dick off.”
I had never heard her talk like that. Usually, in sex with me, she seems pretty disinterested. Not in this case. It was like she was possessed. She could’ve had a future in porn! A few more thrusts, and Carol went limp on top of Adam. She straddled him for another minute, panting heavily as she kissed him. She slowly climbed off, and his big dick slipped out of her, dripping his cum. Jamie zoomed in on her pussy as Adam’s cum dripped out of her down the inner thigh of her right leg. The video cut off again. I replayed the last 20 seconds twice more and jacked my little cock as I reviewed Adam cumming in her. Finally, I let myself cum all over my chest as I jacked my little cock. I breathed heavily for at least two minutes after cumming. Then my phone buzzed again.
It was from Adam this time. ‘Your wife’s pussy is fucking amazing.’
This was one of the hottest times that Carol and Adam have fucked that I know of, at least. She’s told me a lot more stories since then, and they’ve sent more videos as well. But this one was the hottest for me. Jamie hasn’t brought it up since then, but I’ve been looking forward to seeing Jamie again when we go home to Carol’s house in Wisconsin for Christmas this year. It’s not so bad having a little dick
The End.
*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed.
7:01 pm
This story is Really Hot & Almost as Hot as the 1st & Cant Wait Til You Post More & Get Even More in2 SPH & Would Love For Her To Make You Watch her Get Fucked By Your Friend & Have Him Show Just How Small You Really Are But Hell You Are Bigger Than Me
12:13 am
Thanks Brad! I’m glad you like hearing about my sex love. I’ll post some more when I have time. Carol and Adam are fucking all the time now, so I have plenty of material. It’s great having a small dick!!!!