The Penis Size Survey

By 1000bp.

In 2017, the University of ********** began conducting interviews for a study of married women’s attitudes towards penis size. The study involved in-person interviews with married women between the ages of 25 and 55, all of whom had agreed to have their interviews and anonymized information used and published in the study.

Participants were recruited via social media advertising and features in women’s magazines and were paid $300 to fill in pre-interview questionnaires and be interviewed.

Each interview lasted for 45 minutes and an hour and was conducted by a female researcher of similar age to the interviewee. Given the observed tendency of participants to have problems accurately describing penis size, participants were provided with 35 models of penises of varying lengths and girths (between 3 and 9 inches long and 3 and 7 inches in circumference).

Over 2000 women completed the interviews — all of whom lived in the United States. Videos were stored digitally, and edited transcripts were produced of each interview, with excerpts being used to generate profiles of each participant.

In addition to biographical details about their background and sexual history, and preferences, participants were asked about their views relating to penis size, including the most significant and smallest penises they had encountered during vaginal intercourse, details of their marital partner’s penis, and their opinions of all of them.

While some interviewees gave relatively short, factual responses, most gave detailed answers. In many cases, interviewees volunteered frank and unflattering descriptions of their marital partner’s penis.

In January 2020, the University’s secure server was illegally accessed by a hacker, and the archive containing edited transcripts and profiles of all interviewees was breached. It remains unclear whether the contact details of the interviewees or the videos of the interviews were compromised. However, the transcripts and profiles themselves contain information that could potentially enable the participants to be identified, and in August 2020, these transcripts and profiles began to surface on the internet.

A preliminary assessment of several hundred of these profiles reveals some common themes:

Most women encountered their ‘smallest penis’ early in their sexual careers, typically in their first two or three encounters of full vaginal sexual intercourse. Almost unanimously, this provoked adverse reactions, ranging from boredom to dissatisfaction and disappointment to anger and rage.

Only 5% of women reported that their husband was their ‘largest penis’, and of those, only half had slept with more than five men. Moreover, none of these women reported their husband’s penis as more than 7 inches long or 5.5 inches circumference.

In contrast, over 90% of women reported that their ‘largest penis’ was over 8 inches long and at least 6 inches circumference. Participants gave longer answers to this question, were more willing to go into detail, and used more positive and descriptive language. When describing their sexual activities with these partners, very few women — just 5% – mentioned oral sex on them as taking place, while 90% reported it as something they performed on this partner.

In contrast, when describing sexual activity with their husbands, 88% reported their willingness to perform oral sex on them and/or their skill, but only 3% said they performed oral sex on their husbands.

95% of women confirmed that they had slept with at least one partner whose penis was bigger than their husband’s, and of those, 70% said that their ‘largest’ penis was at least two inches longer than their husband’s, and 63% said that it was least one inch bigger in circumference.

All women who reported that their husband’s penis was smaller than their ‘biggest penis’ said they would prefer a larger penis as their ‘perfect penis,’ often the same size or slightly bigger than that of their ‘biggest penis’ partner.

Women with children tended to say that they wanted a bigger ‘ideal’ penis in terms of girth than women without children. There was no significant difference between ages regarding preferred length, though women of lower socio-economic classes tended to prefer slightly thicker and longer penises.

Black women, who represented 30% of the interviewees, expressed preferences for slightly longer and thicker penises than white and Asian women.

The average size of respondents’ ‘smallest penis’ was 4 inches in length and 3.5 inches in circumference.

The average size of respondents’ husbands’ penises was 5 inches in length and just under 5 inches in circumference.

The most commonly cited proportions of a ‘perfect’ penis were 8 or 8.5 inches in length and 6.5 inches in circumference.

Here are some examples of the leaked profiles.


Interviewee no: 238

Location: Albany, NY

Age: 39

Ethnic origin: White Caucasian

Height: 5ft 6″

Weight: 140lbs

Occupation: High school teacher

Married since 2011 — 2 children (6 and 4)

Sexual partners: 12

Age at first PIV experience: 18

Smallest penis encountered during PIV: The interviewee chose the model of a penis 4″ long and 4″ in circumference.

Excerpt: “My first time was with a guy from high school, a very nice guy, we studied together, we had fun, and we had dated for a few weeks before and after our prom, and one night, his parents went shopping for a few hours leaving us alone in the house. We seized the opportunity. It was his first time too. I don’t have a very clear sense of his penis size, but I was aware of a sense of disappointment, a kind of ‘Is that it?’ feeling, when he pushed himself inside me. This model seems about right from memory. I recall thinking afterward that I wanted to try it again with someone else soon, and I did!

Largest penis encountered during PIV: The interviewee chose the model of a penis 8.5″ long and 6” in circumference.

Excerpt: “The largest penis I have ever had sex with was huge, to be honest. It was a guy at college. I had had a couple of encounters with guys in my first year, but they were nothing special, and I was waiting for my first ‘proper’ sexual experience. He was your classic jock, good-looking, athletic, cocky, and two years older than me and had something of a reputation as a ladies’ man, you could say. We hooked up at a party, and I went back to his room on campus, and we fucked all night. I could barely get my hand around it. He was very hard. He was thick not just at the head but down, and to be honest, it kind of scared me at first, but despite his reputation, he took things slowly, and we were able to have sex, just in a normal missionary position though, as I was too nervous to try anything else. The first time hurt like hell, but we did it again the next morning, and it felt better this time. We kind of went for every position from behind and me on top! We dated through the summer but broke up when he left the University in the fall. He loved to get me to kneel before him and suck him off in front of a mirror while he watched. After a while, my jaw would get so sore! He spoiled me for other guys for a while. Nobody measured up after him.”

Husband’s penis: The interviewee chose the model of a penis 5.5″ long and 5″ in circumference

Excerpt: “I met my husband through work, he was teaching at the same school, and while we started as friends, when he left the school to teach elsewhere, he asked me on a date, saying he’d always liked me but didn’t want the hassle of dating a colleague! Things moved pretty quickly. We moved in after six months, he proposed after a year, and we got married a year later when I was 30 and he was 33. We have a good sex life, though having kids has got in the way – he’s an amazing dad. His penis is an OK size, I guess, and he’s a considerate lover, we’re compatible, and he is also very skilled orally, which I love. I’m afraid I’ve tended not to go down on him very often in recent times — we joke about it being his birthday present! Ideally, I would like him to be longer and thicker too, but he’s a great package overall, and I feel fortunate.”

Views on penis size: “I have to say that my ideal size is pretty big, maybe not quite as big as the guy at college – or maybe just not much bigger! This kind of size [interviewee indicates the model of penis 8.5 inches long and 6 inches in circumference]. In terms of length and girth, I think the length is important, as there are sensitive parts that guy reached that nobody’s hit since, beyond my cervix, but girth is important too. That sense of being stretched and opened up is hard to beat, and to be honest, I do miss that, so I think both are important.”


Interviewee no: 640

Location: San Diego, CA

Age: 33

Height: 5ft 7″

Weight: 120lbs

Ethnic origin: White Caucasian

Occupation: PR consultant

Married since 2015 — 1 child (3)

Sexual partners: 15

Age at first PIV experience: 16

Smallest penis encountered during PIV: The interviewee chose the model of a penis 3.5″ long and 4″ in circumference.

Excerpt: “My smallest was a colleague in my first job, a classic office hook-up after a Christmas party. We had flirted a little in the office, but nothing happened until that night. I took him back to my place. My flatmates were away. Making out on the sofa, I sensed he was a little nervous, and when I ran my hand over where his dick was, he didn’t seem that big. Anyway, we got to the bedroom, and once we got into bed in the dark, I reached down to his dick, and while he was hard as a rock, he was pretty small. I’m not had that before. I’d slept with maybe six guys and had never had any issues, I didn’t know what to do, so I figured I’d go along with it, I blew him for a little while, but that wasn’t doing much for me, so I rolled over, and kind of said ‘Come on, I can’t wait any longer, and he stuck it in, which was a non-event, and things were over pretty quickly, he came, I didn’t. We fell asleep, and he avoided any awkward scenes in the morning by leaving before I woke up. That was about it for the flirting! Nice guy but no dick.

Largest penis encountered during PIV: The interviewee chose the model of a penis 9″ long and 6.5” in circumference.

Excerpt: “This is such a cliché, but it was a personal trainer I hired to get fit for a skiing holiday. I was like the classic 110 lb blonde gym bunny, five-seven, petite, and he was the classic boxer build, huge arms, broad shoulders. I realized he was flirting when we were working out, and when he asked me for a drink in the gym bar one night, I said yes, and the rest was like, wham-bam. I think we had two drinks before heading to his apartment. I’d never slept with a black guy before, and he lived up to all the rumors, just this huge thick log of a dick with a big red round head. I was so wet he had no problems getting it inside, and he had the stamina you’d expect from a trainer. Oral sex was like this kind of religious experience. We are expected to worship this huge thing! We saw each other for a few months before it became clear that I wasn’t the only girl in the gym getting the extra help if you know what I mean, and I didn’t like how that made me feel. He set me off on a black guy hunt for a couple of years, and they were all pretty big, but he was the biggest and the best of all.”

Husband’s penis: The interviewee chose the model of a penis 5.5″ long and 5″ in circumference

Excerpt: “My husband was the best friend of one of my closest friend’s brothers. We met at a New Year’s party, he made me laugh like a drain, and he’s very handsome, and that was it. We married after being together for two years. We still have a perfect sex life, though pregnancy and a young baby don’t exactly help. He can be a bit insecure about his size from time to time, which is crazy because it’s fine, and secondly, he makes me cum in many ways, mainly with his mouth and fingers. He is amazing at oral. I lie there for hours while he goes down on me. He licks me everywhere. It’s incredible. And we use toys too.”

Views on penis size: “As I’ve got older, I’ve realized that it’s not all about the size of the dick. It’s the whole body and the whole person. You ask me what kind of dick is perfect for me, so I’d have to give me something massive and solid, kind of this size [indicated model of penis 9 inches long and 6.5 in circumference].”


Interviewee no: 719

Location: Boston, MA

Age: 48

Height: 5ft 7″

Weight: 158lbs

Ethnic origin: African American

Occupation: Nursing manager

Married since 2005 — 3 children (14, 12, and 9)

Sexual partners: 13

Age at first PIV experience: 19

Smallest penis encountered during PIV: The interviewee chose the model of a penis 4.5″ long and 4″ in circumference.

Excerpt: “A guy I hooked up in my mid-twenties with after breaking up with a fairly long-term boyfriend. He was a friend of a friend, a white guy, we went on a date after work, and I felt like I needed some affirmation, so I went back to his place. It was kind of a weird experience. While he seemed pretty normal and a nice guy in the bar and bed, he lacked confidence and seemed intent on going down on me before we did anything else. I’m not used to that, certainly not on a first date. I think he was trying to make up for his inadequacies by getting me off first. It didn’t work after a while, I pulled him up to me, and he got inside me, and we had sex, and it was OK, but I didn’t feel anything. I never had at that point regarded myself as a ‘size queen’ or anything like that, but this was just not enough for me. Once he had finished, I went to the bathroom, pretended to have checked my phone, came out, and said I had been called to work for an emergency, which he believed because of my job, or seemed to anyway. There was no repeat performance!”

Largest penis encountered during PIV: The interviewee chose the model of a penis 9″ long and 7″ in circumference.

Excerpt: “I met a guy on holiday with friends in Florida, we went to a club and this guy, he was broad and muscular, he had great moves, and you know things happen in that kind of situation. We found a cab and went to his hotel, and no sooner were we in his room than in bed and having sex. He was very, very big, just huge and very hard with these big balls. As you can see, I’m pretty tall and big, and I wasn’t a small woman by any means, even then, and he just bossed me with it all night long. I have always liked the doggy style, and we just went at it for hours. I could hardly walk when I went back to my hotel to face my friends the following day! He called me that evening, and I went back for more that night, and the rest of the week, I’d got more used to him.

Husband’s penis: The interviewee chose the model of a penis 5.5″ long and 5” in circumference

Excerpt: “My husband’s dick is fine; it’s not his main feature. That’s his brain and way with words and his heart. He’s a loving guy, we still have sex most weeks, and from what I hear from my married friends, that’s not bad. So, he’s not the biggest, but that’s OK.”

Views on penis size: “I have to confess that it is essential while I don’t think it’s the only thing that matters. My ideal dick would be pretty substantial. At least this kind of size [interviewee indicated model of penis 8.5 inches long and 6.5 inches in circumference] if we are talking perfect.”


Interviewee no: 802

Location: Washington, D.C.

Age: 40

Height: 5ft 8″

Weight: 175lbs

Ethnic origin: African American

Occupation: Retail manager

Married since 2010 — 3 children (8, 6, and 4)

Sexual partners: 20+

Age at first PIV experience: 18

Smallest penis encountered during PIV: The interviewee chose the model of a penis 5″ long and 3.5 in circumference.

Excerpt: “I didn’t date white guys much, but in college, there was this guy, he was a DJ, we hung out for a while, he came back to mine one night, got naked, he has this skinny little white dick, I was like ‘Next,’ no way. But it was late, so I took pity on him, had him go down on me for a while, then we got into it, and it was like a finger in there, you know? I felt nothing, did nothing; I sent him home in the morning, and that was the last time I dated white; the risk of another itty-bitty dick was too great! [laughs]”

Largest penis encountered during PIV: The interviewee chose the model of a penis 9″ long and 7″ in circumference.

Excerpt: “My first real serious boyfriend, I was nineteen, he was twenty-four, we dated for a year before I realized he was cheating. He was not a great human being, but he was big about this size [indicated penis model 9 inches long and 6.5 inches in circumference]. And when you’ve got that kind of thing, and you get hard and stay hard, that’s a pretty big positive in your favor. He was the biggest, no question.”

Husband’s penis: The interviewee chose the model of a penis 5″ extended and 5″ in circumference

Excerpt: “He’s about this size, and I don’t feel comfortable talking about him in detail. Next question.”

Views on penis size: “I’m going to be straight and honest about this. It’s got to be big. Size matters, and for those women who say it doesn’t, I’m like, OK, girl, that’s your reality, but it isn’t mine or that of my friends, and I mean all of them. So I’d say something like this [indicated penis model 9 inches in length and 6.5 inches in circumference], my ex’s size. Sure, a little smaller maybe is fine, a little shorter perhaps, but you asked me for perfect, and that’s what’s perfect for me.”


Interviewee no: 911

Location: Newark, New Jersey

Age: 35

Height: 5ft 3″

Weight: 120lbs

Ethnic origin: Asian (Indian)

Occupation: Pharmacist

Married since 2006 — 2 children (10 and 8)

Sexual partners: 3

Age at first PIV experience: 21

Smallest penis encountered during PIV: The interviewee chose a model of a penis 4″ long and 4 inches in circumference.

Excerpt: “I haven’t slept with many guys, so it would have to be the first guy I slept with. I don’t recall too much about it, it was at college, and it was only one time, and I was too nervous to realize much of what was going on, I was so naïve in those days, but this seems about right [indicates penis model 4″ long and 4″ in circumference].”

Largest penis encountered during PIV: The interviewee chose the model of a penis 6″ long and 5″ in circumference.

Excerpt: “On holiday after finishing college, I got together with a guy staying in the same complex as my friends and me, we kind of hung out with his group of friends, he was the same age, nice guy, white, kind of sweet. We only had sex a couple of times; this is how I remember him in terms of size, it hurt a little at first, but we had fun, especially the second time, so that would be the biggest.”

Husband’s penis: The interviewee chose the model of a penis 4.5″ long and 4″ in circumference

Excerpt: “I respect my husband, and I do not wish to sound like I am denigrating him by commenting further about him; thank you.”

Views on penis size: “I have always wondered what it would be like to be truly taken and made love to by a larger man, so I guess something like this [indicated penis model 7.5 inches long and 6 inches in circumference]. I think any bigger would be too difficult to take, at least at first, but I am intrigued by these larger penises and how they would feel.”


Interviewee no: 1112

Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico

Age: 54

Height: 5ft 6″

Weight: 210lbs

Ethnic origin: White

Occupation: Retired retail manager

Married since 1999 — 2 children (18 and 16)

Sexual partners: 10

Age at first PIV experience: 18

Smallest penis encountered during PIV: The interviewee chose the model of a penis 3.5″ long and 3 inches in circumference.

Excerpt: “My second time was with a guy from our church, we had known each other for years, and one summer, we went for a drive and pulled in somewhere; it was all over very quickly, but I remember feeling absolutely nothing. He was so small that I felt bad for him, but it made me realize that you need to find out about the guy’s size before going to bed!”

Largest penis encountered during PIV: The interviewee chose the model of a penis 8.5″ long and 6″ in circumference.

Excerpt: “That would be a black guy I met at a training course when I switched careers into what I did until I retired. We flirted in the sessions; he was confident and attractive. I’d never been with anyone who wasn’t white the next thing I knew, I was in his room, undressing him, and he was very well endowed; this kind of size [indicated model of penis 8.5 inches long and 6 inches in circumference]. We saw each other — I can’t call it dating; it was just pure sex — for a few months, then he moved away. Then shortly after, I met my husband, and that was that.”

Husband’s penis: The interviewee chose the model of a penis 6″ extended and 5″ in circumference

Excerpt: “He’s an OK size, nothing special. Some of my girlfriends talk about men they’re seeing or have dated who are seven, eight, nine inches, and I think, ‘I wish!'”

Views on penis size: “I don’t mean to sound disloyal to my husband, but it would be bigger than his. Something like this [indicated penis model 9 inches long and 6.5 inches in circumference]. Because sometimes you just want to feel full, you know? Especially after having children but even before that, to be honest with you.”


Interviewee no: 1252

Location: Richmond, Virginia

Age: 30

Ethnic origin: White Caucasian

Height: 5ft 7″

Weight: 160lbs

Occupation: Lawyer

Married since 2015 — 1 child (aged 2)

Sexual partners: 10

Age at first PIV experience: 19

Smallest penis encountered during PIV: The interviewee chose the model of a penis 3″ long and 3″ in circumference.

Excerpt: “A guy at college, second guy I got together with, he was so small, I couldn’t tell he was in me, I was so wet, it just slipped in and out, and I asked him ‘Are you in yet?’ and he got kind of aggressive and finished really quickly and left straight away. I felt bad at the time, but he must have known he was small. Anyway, I guess he did afterward [laughs].”

Largest penis encountered during PIV: The interviewee chose the model of a penis 9″ long and 7″ in circumference.

Excerpt: “It was a guy I met when traveling through Europe after college. A one-night thing. I was kind of chubby in those days and lacked confidence. I spent a few days in Italy on my own while my friend went to see family and met this guy at a hostel, and my God, he was enormous. Kind of this size [indicated penis 9 inches long and 7 inches in circumference]. The size of it, when it was soft, was a turn-on, and when it was hard, it was awesome; I rode it for hours. He had great stamina and waited until I’d had my fun on top, then I climbed off and lay on my front, and he got on top of me and fucked me brutally for like 20 minutes until he came. The guy was unreal. I was sore as hell the day after, could barely walk, but it was worth it, and I’ve never forgotten it.”

Husband’s penis: The interviewee chose the model of a penis 5.5″ long and 4.5″ in circumference

Excerpt: “My husband’s kind of disappointing when it comes to size. He’s sensitive about it, so it never comes up in conversation. He brings me to orgasm with my mouth and tongue and uses his fingers well when I’m on top, so I guess I’m lucky, but it’s no substitute for size.”

Views on penis size: “Like most women, I think, and certainly most of my friends, size matters to me. Sometimes, for all the great oral orgasms I get from my husband, I just want to be taken and fucked properly by something huge. So ideally, in a dream world. it would be something like this [indicated penis 9 inches long and 7 inches thick].”


Interviewee no: 1252

Location: Des Moines, Iowa

Age: 50

Ethnic origin: White Caucasian

Height: 5ft 10″

Weight: 190lbs

Occupation: Housewife

Married since 1997 — 13 children (aged 16, 14, and 12)

Sexual partners: 12

Age at first PIV experience: 18

Smallest penis encountered during PIV: The interviewee chose a model of a penis 3.5″ long and 3″ in circumference.

Excerpt: “It was the brother of a friend who came to visit her at college, we went to see a band and sneaked out, started making out, we went to the boathouse, which I knew would be open, he made me go on my hands and knees, to do it from behind, which I wasn’t expecting. Now I think it was so I couldn’t see how small he was. I barely felt him enter me and the worst of it was, it seemed to take him ages, so I was just braced there on the floor while he poked away at me. After that, I always tried to understand how big a guy was before taking things further.”

Largest penis encountered during PIV: The interviewee chose the model of a penis 8.5″ long and 7″ in circumference.

Excerpt: “I’d just ended a long-term relationship with a guy after three years; I moved out of our apartment and stayed with a friend who took me to a party where I got talking to a visiting research student from west Africa. I’d barely had sex for months, and when he offered to walk me back to the hotel where I was staying for a few days, I hoped something would happen. Anyway, I asked him in, and one thing led to another. We were making out, and when I did my ‘size check,’ it was clear he was pretty big, but it turned out he had this huge, thick black cock — he was black, of course — not circumcised, which was a new departure for me, and these vast heavy balls. He fucked me all night, and the next day, we had to keep sending room service away. We had a relationship all summer which just consisted of sex. He always wanted me to kneel before him and suck him off and kiss his balls; then, he laid me on my back and fuck me before turning me over and doing the same from behind. He was a lovely guy and very passionate and had great stamina, and that cock was something else. He went back home at the end of the academic year but came back the following year for a few weeks, and I am ashamed to say I cheated on my then-boyfriend, who became my husband with him, several times during that period. It was just too good to pass up. He was the biggest, for sure. Others were pretty big before him, but he wins.”

Husband’s penis: The interviewee chose the model of a penis 5″ long and 4″ in circumference

Excerpt: “My husband’s not the biggest, and he knows that, but he’s good with his tongue, and I love that; he can get me off fast when I’m in the mood. We have occasionally used toys, including an extender, so I don’t miss out on ‘big’ when I need it.”

Views on penis size: “Any woman who says it doesn’t matter is a liar! The ideal size is almost too big, which for me is this [indicated 8.5 inches long and 6.5-inch circumference model], the feeling of being stretched and filled makes me feel so feminine and turned-on…it’s turning me on right now!”


The End.


*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even with limited editing. It doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed.

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