The Impotence Files: Take Your Medicine, Honey: Part 8

Micky D


The story continues…


One Thursday evening, about two weeks later, Angela and I were sat watching a movie on TV. Jason had paid Angela another visit last weekend after I’d ‘lost’ another round of the game, and I had already drawn another four cards.

The film was a typical Hollywood potboiler, and I watched the show with only cursory attention – until once scene suddenly engaged my interest: An unfaithful wife and her unknowing husband had gone to a bar and were sat nursing their drinks and talking. The wife’s gaze snaps to the door as her lover unexpectedly walks in. It’s apparent that although the three of them know eachother socially, the meeting wasn’t planned. The husband spotted the newcomer, and invited him to join them at their table. The wife shows great aplomb in greeting her lover cordially, and without overt affection. The trio duly exchanged small talk – the husband doing most of the talking. The wife’s gaze gradually begins to linger hungrily on her lover. He covertly returns her meaningful stares as the husband prattles on, totally oblivious to the slightly lustful glances his wife and her lover are exchanging. The wife become even more brazen, and under the table we see her toes begin to slide up her lover’s instep. We then see a flashback through the wife’s eyes: she and her lover in bed, fucking like animals.

This brief scene instantly aroused me. For the last few weeks a niggling extension to my cuckold fantasies had been growing in my lecherous mind. I had begun to imagine Angela and Jason’s ostensibly clandestine trysts becoming a far more open affair, to coin a phrase – where Jason and I actually met, and he was even made aware that I knew of and complacently accepted his sexual relationship with my wife. I had even gone so far as to imagine him openly ‘dating’ Angela – blatantly embracing and kissing her in front of me – and I was startled at how incredibly turned on this idea made me. I strongly suspected that the card game that Angela and I were playing amplified these new fantasies. Whatever the reason, the kinky ideas sprouted like weeds in a new garden bed.

I sat riveted to the TV as the wife’s flashback ended, and her toes surreptitiously wriggled up her lover’s trousers under the table. I suddenly pictured Angela, Jason and myself in a similar situation to what was occurring in the movie, and I felt my pulse quicken.

Angela chose that moment to fortuitously remark: “Hmm – I wonder how I’d react if we went to a bar, and Jason came strolling in.”

I was still wistfully contemplating my new fantasies, and I replied without thinking. “In a way, it would be kinda hot.”

Angela’s head swiveled sharply towards me. “You think so?”

Realising my indiscretion, I tried to ameliorate my remark. “Well, I mean – after everything that’s happened recently, it would certainly give me a buzz for the three of us to be sat together talking – like in the movie.” I gestured to the TV, hoping to forestall any further discussion of the topic.

Angela, however, was not so easily distracted; I now had her full attention, and she brushed the fluff from my reply and cut to the meat. “Really? It would turn you on if we did happen to run into Jason in a bar or something?”

I realised it was now too late to pull back – but a large part of me was titillated by Angela’s eager curiosity, and I found myself breathlessly wondering how she would react to my thoughts about her relationship with Jason becoming far more open. My arousal skyrocketed, and I took a deep breath and plunged shakily ahead. “Yes. To see you openly sitting with him – chatting and laughing and stuff – as I sat watching? Yes, it would turn me on.”

My wife appraised me for several seconds. “Ahhhh… I see.” She paused briefly and sent me a knowing glance. “And how would it make you feel if I started flirting with him right in front of you?”

Seeing how the subject was now well and truly broached, there was no point holding back. “I think I’d cream my fucking jeans.”

Angela’s eyebrows lifted at my frank admission. “Oooh – would you now?” She turned her whole body toward me, the movie now forgotten. Her expression took on an impish slant, and her sexy grin started forming on her lips. “So if you were sat next to me as I flirted with him, it would turn your crank, lover?”

“Uh-huh – very much so.” I softly admitted. I could feel blood rushing to my face – and it was also rushing elsewhere; my cock gleefully awoke from slumber at the unexplored but delightful course our conversation had taken, and it began to harden.

My wife warmed to the subject. “I see. So what if we change the location; we’re not in a bar – instead, let’s say we’re here at home. Let’s say that I was sat with Jason right here on the couch, and you were over there in the armchair – how would it feel to watch us sitting so close together?”

I felt my mouth go dry. “It would drive me out of my fucking mind.”

Angela’s sexy grin was now fully formed. “Sooo – you seeing Jason and I together – without you hiding in the spare room – would push another button?”

I cleared my throat and paused for a few seconds. “Yeah – a big one. I guess it would take that fantasy to a whole new level if everything was completely in the open.”

Angela raised her eyebrows again and then nodded, as though I’d just confirmed something she had long suspected. “Completely in the open? You mean if Jason knew that I was free to play? That I had your permission to go to bed with him?”

“Yes.” A sudden wave of almost unctuous humiliation danced through me; during their numerous couplings, Angela had often told Jason that he was much bigger than I was, and that he fucked her far better than I could. To imagine actually meeting Jason in a social setting, and having him know that he surpassed me in both size and performance suddenly sent a fluttering masochistic ripple through me – especially if he was aware that Angela was completely at liberty to spread her gorgeous legs for him.

Angela’s grin curled into a sensual leer. “Ahhh – I see. So if Jason was sat next to me on the couch, it would just make you hornier if Jason knew that he could have me anytime he wanted?”

“Yes,” I replied shakily. Her use of the term he could have me anytime he wanted simply added fuel to my rapidly growing inferno. “I think I’d melt watching you…”

“Watching me do what?” my wife prompted playfully.

I paused for a few seconds. “Flirting with him… Seeing you sat very close to him… Seeing you kiss him…” My voice suddenly faltered as the incredible eroticism of what I was saying washed over me. My cock joyfully hardened even further.

Angela’s sexy eyes glittered; she was obviously relishing this new information. “What else, lover? What else would really drive you fucking insane?”

“Seeing him fondling your tits through your blouse.” I blurted.

“Through my blouse – or would under my blouse be better?” my wife teasingly asked.

“Under it,” I panted.

My wife tilted her head and her smile spread even wider across her face. “With or without me wearing a bra?”


Angela giggled briefly. “Mmmm! So you’d like to see Jason fondling my bare tits under my blouse right in front of you, hmm? And what if you saw me caressing his cock through his jeans – would that be okay too?” she blatantly inquired, going into what I thought of as her ‘Domme’ mode.

“Uh-huh,” I almost squeaked. “That would be more than okay.”

My wife crossed her long, smooth legs. “And how about if I took his hand, and led him into our bedroom and shut the door behind us, Cuckie? Would you sit here on the couch and wait and listen as he fucked me in our bed?”

“Christ – Yes!” I yelped. My cock gave a delighted vicarious throb at her words as it began pressing against my fly.

Angela tilted her head and gazed at me intently for a second or two. “Are you telling me that you’d really like that to happen, my little cuckold?”

I swallowed. “I guess I am,” I replied breathlessly.

“You want me to be that open with Jason in front of you?”

“Yes!” I panted. “I’ve been thinking about it for weeks…”

“Ahh!” my wife replied. “Have you now? What things have you been thinking, my little Cuckie?”

“Just like you said – him knowing he can take you to bed, and me hearing him fuck you as I sit waiting!” I told her in a tight voice. I could feel my cock swelling even faster at my depraved admission.

“Mmmm! – and wait you would!” my wife assured me. “What else?”

“Imagining that you’re dating him,” I blurted.

Angela’s eyebrows lifted again. “Ooooh!” she drawled. “Dating him? Like I was his girlfriend, you mean?” she asked with another sexy grin.


“Ahhh!” Angela replied smoothly. “That would be very, very kinky, wouldn’t it, my little lover? Jason and me going out together, and kissing and petting in front of you when we got back – and you having to sit there, waiting and watching it all…” Her voice trailed off for a few seconds and she gave a soft, almost imperceptible quiver of delight. She eyed me for several seconds. “Would you like me to try and set it up with Jason the next time you lose the game, my little Cuckie?”

Almost against my will I found myself nodding. The sheer magnitude and carnality of what she proposed washed over me like a salacious drug. Another pang of almost delicious humiliation surged through me as I again imagined meeting Jason fact-to-face, and him being fully aware that Angela could freely and openly cuckold me. My cock was now totally hard – or as hard as it was going to get – and it pressed urgently against the front of my trousers.

Angela uttered her sensual chuckle. “Okay, my little lover – I’ll see what I can arrange. You’re sure that you’d be okay with it if I could swing it?”

I simply nodded again. Angela glanced down at my hard on tenting my trousers, and her lips curled in a leer once more.

“Hmm!” she intoned throatily. “Looks like something else is excited by the idea of you openly watching!” She uttered her sexy chuckle again. “Wanna pick another card, my little Cuckie?” she mischievously asked; this was her new euphemism for us having sexual intercourse – me ‘picking a card’.

I huskily told her I did, and she rose from the couch without another word, and led me into our bedroom. A minute later I was moaning her name as my pliant cock gradually slithered into her warm, moist pussy.

Angela glanced up at me through half-closed eyes. “Are you sure you wanna openly watch me and Jason together, Cuckie?”

“YES!” I moaned. I began thrusting almost desperately into her.

“You know if I do set it up that you’ll have to sit there and watch me kiss him, don’t you?”

“YEAH!” I wailed. “I want you to!”

“I bet you do!” My wife spread her legs wider, opening for me more fully. “And I will let him play with my tits as you watch – and I’ll even look at you and wink as he does it!” she hissed.

“Jesus! – DO IT!” I practically shrieked. My semi-hard cock spasmed as the clinging friction of her velvet-smooth cunt caressed it. Climax hovered like a circling vulture.

“Mmm, I will do it, cuckold! And I might even do what I said – bring him in here as you sit outside in the lounge room and wait! Just imagine hearing me scream as he slides that big cock of his into me, Cuckie!” Angela tilted her head back and giggled. “I’ll even yell out nice and loud how huge his cock is so you can hear!”

I gave a strangled choking gasp, and climaxed.

Several minutes later, Angela held out the now familiar deck of cards. This would be my fifth card, and I apprehensively picked one.

Angela smiled softly as she saw I had drawn a pair.

“It looks like Fate is trying to tell us something, Cuckie?” she said. “I’ll call Jason tomorrow, and see if he wants to come see me again – next Friday night, maybe,” She looked sideways at me. “And if he’s able to make it, I’ll ask him about your kinky little ideas, hmm?”

I simply nodded. Immediately after climaxing, the notion of Angela and Jason’s relationship becoming more overt had less appeal – but I knew that within the hour I would be as receptive to the idea as I was before I’d made love to Angela – and possibly more so.

Ten minutes later, my wife smilingly handed me one of those evil little pills, and she watched as I swallowed it – the first of six or so that would start another period of enforced impotence, and culminate in my wife cuckolding me yet again.

I looked at her briefly; here was a woman who had once said that she would most likely never cuckold me for real – and here she was, eagerly doing it and apparently loving every second of it. I shook my head at the vicissitudes of sexuality, and wondered where this carnal odyssey would take us. I did know one thing.

I didn’t want it to stop.


Jason duly visited just over a week later. I was again ensconced in the spare room – naked, cuffed and bound to the office chair – watching through the mirrored window as he and Angela stripped and settled into the spa. Earlier in the week Angela had once again asked me if I really wanted her to pursue the possibility of her intimate relationship with Jason becoming an open secret. I softly told her that I did, and as the week drifted past the notion of watching Angela and her lover with no need to hide simply become stronger – no doubt augmented by my drug induced impotency.

As I now watched my sexy wife easing herself into the hot water of the spa, my stomach fluttered as I wondered whether she would broach the subject with Jason. My heart raced and I panted in tingling apprehension.

The pair made small talk in the spa for only a minute or two before Angela said to him: “By the way – how’d you like to take me out to dinner in a week or so?”

“Sure, babe,” Jason replied. “Is Michael going away again soon?”

“Nope,” my wife told him. “Michael will probably be right here at home.”

Jason’s eyebrows vaulted high, and Angela laughed at his puzzled expression. She announced that she had made an interesting discovery; she told Jason that she and I had recently discussed the idea of swinging. Jason sent her an inquisitive stare, and my wife went on to explain that ‘swinging’ was perhaps the wrong term. Instead, she had ‘discovered’ that the idea of her having sex with another man excited me, and I had strongly hinted that I would give her ‘permission’ to do so if an opportunity presented itself.

Jason evinced surprise, but told Angela that he was quite familiar with ‘open’ relationships. In fact, he went on to reveal that when he was nineteen years old, he had become involved in a sporadic threesome with a friend named John, and John’s girlfriend, Mary-Anne. The trio engaged in sex on more than a dozen occasions over a period of about eight months, and Mary-Anne would ardently service both men in turn. Mary-Anne had privately told Jason that John had coaxed her into the threesome because it drove him wild to ‘watch another man shagging me’.

Jason finished his tale by telling Angela that John and Mary-Anne had eventually broken up over an unrelated matter – but the situation had given him new insights into both human sexuality and polygamous relationships.

I could see Angela’s eyes glittering as she listened, and I realised that Jason’s admission of previously engaging in a threesome had played beautifully into her hands

“Sooo,” Angela drawled, leaning back in the spa. “You used to bang your buddy’s girlfriend as he watched, hmm? Very kinky! And let me guess – you were a little bigger than John was?”

Jason chuckled modestly. “Yeah – by a couple of inches. In the end, Mary-Anne would openly tell me – in front of John – to fuck her with my ‘big cock’.” Jason chuckled again and gave his head a rueful shake. “John seemed to lap it up, and at the time I thought the whole situation was crazy – but they both seemed to really get off on it.”

“I’m sure they did,” my wife replied smoothly. “And how did it make you feel to be able to screw her in front of him – to basically take your buddy’s girlfriend?”

Jason’s eyes swiveled towards her. “I gotta say that it made me feel pretty cocky – no pun intended!” He laughed briefly. “Mary-Anne often told me – again, in front of John – that I was the best fuck she’d ever had, and that’s always good for any man’s ego, I guess. But I gotta admit that screwing Mary-Anne as John watched, and knowing I was doing it better than he could, made me feel pretty damned smug.”

“No doubt,” my wife commented, her face curling into a grin. “I’m sure that you made Mary-Anne a very happy and satisfied girl!”

Jason laughed. “I sure gave it my best shot.”

Angela chuckled. “You gave it quite a few shots by the sound of it,” my wife tartly replied, leaning over him to reach for her cigarettes and lighter. She kissed him briefly before settling back and lighting a smoke.

“So, sexy,” she said, exhaling a stream of smoke. “It seems that my hubby is a bit like your friend John – Michael actually told me that he’s been fantasizing about another man screwing me ever since we got married.”

Jason turned his head towards her and nodded. “He sounds a lot like John.” Jason shrugged. “I’ve heard that plenty of guys have that fantasy.”

“Quite a few, I’m betting,” Angela replied. She sent him a long, appraising stare. “How would you like to repeat what you did with Mary-Anne and John?”

Jason looked at her for several seconds. “Are you talking about you and Michael and me having a threesome?”

Angela shook her head. “No – not a threesome. Michael’s main kink is to simply know that I’m having a ‘bit on the side’, as the saying goes. He told me he’d like to watch, but it’s not an absolutely crucial part of the fantasy. For example, he said it would drive him out of is mind to just hear me fucking in our bedroom as he was sat out in the lounge.” Angela’s eyes twinkled mischievously. “Oh – and like your friend John, Michael told me that he’s always imagined me being with a guy who had a big cock – a big cock like yours.”

Jason grinned briefly at her ego-stroking remark. “And you’re sure he’d actually let you do it?”

Angela nodded. “He’s already told me that he’d be very open to the idea. So if I can swing it, would you be interested?”

Jason rubbed his chin. “I dunno,” he replied uncertainly, but I could see that he was giving the idea serious thought. “I’d have to be sure that Michael was totally cool with you and me hooking up – there’s a difference between fantasizing about your wife screwing another guy, and her actually doing it.”

“True enough,” Angela said. “But knowing Michael as I do, I have no doubt that he’d be fine with it.” She further dangled the carrot by telling him that he would be able to enjoy her considerable charms a lot more frequently if she had my approval to ‘play’. This aspect naturally appealed to him, and I could see that he was giving the idea even more serious consideration.

“How often would we be able to play?” Jason asked her.

My wife pondered for no more than a second. “Each weekend, at least,” she replied. She stared towards my hiding place and immediately added: “And maybe more if my little hubby really gets off on it. Would you mind driving over here on weeknights?”

Jason grinned at her. “Not at all – I’d drive over each night if I could!”

Angela giggled. “You’re too horny for your own good! Well, let’s just say that if it makes Michael as hot as I think it will, then you’ll probably be seeing me some weeknights, as well!” Angela leaned toward him and playfully added: “So – would you like to have free access to some married pussy, honey?”

Jason chuckled. “I like access to your pussy, married or not! But it is kinda hot to imagine us doing it, and Michael knowing about it.”

Angela mirrored his grin and rolled right along. “I think so too,” she said. “In fact, thinking about you and me screwing as my hubby waits is making me quite frisky.”

Jason laughed. “Is it now? Kinky girl!”

Angela smiled demurely. “I’m a lot kinkier than you think!”

They then idly discussed various methods to ‘introduce’ Jason into the picture. Angela’s approach was direct – she suggested that she’d simply inform me that they had met at a local store, and she’d noted that he did landscaping work. She would get him to call around for a ‘quote’ on a new rockery for the front garden – which Angela and I had previously discussed – and things would go from there.

In the spare room, I sat bound and naked, and once again admired my wife’s deviously lecherous planning. What she was proposing was, of course, a considerable distortion of the truth – but Jason would never know that. All he would know was that Angela’s husband had just essentially sanctioned her having a ‘bit on the side’.

In fact, he again told Angela that it would be ‘hot’ to be able to bed her, knowing that I was fully aware he was doing so. Angela giggled softly, taking a last drag on her cigarette before butting it, and promptly told him that he should really think about bedding her right now.

He duly obliged her on the bench-press – with enough zest and skill to make my wife climax three times. My cock and balls tingled as Angela’s squeals of ecstasy gushed from the speakers. Perhaps to further tease and torment me, my wife loudly told him that she agreed with Mary-Anne – he was the best fuck that she’d ever had, too.

Jason eventually gave a husky moan of his own, and his large, full balls suddenly hoisted themselves tightly to the base of his shaft, spasming joyfully as his rock-hard cock sank into my wife’s cunt to the hilt. Her long, sexy legs convulsed around his clenched buttocks as his cock began pumping his semen into her creamy depths. Angela actually climaxed again as he exploded more than eight inches inside her, underscoring her orgasm with a pleading yell for him to fill her up! Her unbelievably lewd exhortation sent a masochistic ripple dancing through me, and I uttered a choked gasp as a thin stream of his semen oozed from the base of her slit and trickled, with almost sensual slowness, into the crack of her ass.

A few hours later I was again leaning forward as I sat bound to the chair, licking their combined juices from my wife’s sopping cunt. After she had climaxed to the warm, wet rhythm of my tongue, Angela again slowly masturbated my soft cock and teased me about what she and Jason had planned.

She gave a brief chuckle and her sexy green eyes gazed into mine. “That reminds me – I had better officially ask for your permission to play, I guess!” She uttered her wicked giggle. “Is it okay if I hook up with sexy Jason anytime I want so that he can fuck my brains out, baby?”

“Yes!” I gasped.

“And while I was giving Jason my pussy tonight I thought of some naughty changes to the card game, Cuckie,” Angel began. “Wanna hear them?” I quickly nodded as her warm, soft fingers rubbed and tickled my glans. My wife grinned up at me and began explaining.

The changes she suggested were not only major, but also had diabolically lascivious consequences. As the game stood now, I selected one card each time that Angela and I made love in order to trigger her next liaison with Jason – and for me to subsequently spend a week taking the medication that kept me completely flaccid until the pair had intercourse.

Angela now proposed what amounted to an almost complete inversion of the game. I would start taking the pills that kept me flaccid permanently until I drew a pair – and only then could I stop taking them so that I could harden enough to fuck her. The sting in the tail was that I would only be able to draw a card each time Jason fucked her, instead of me!

“So my little Cuckie?” Angela drawled. “How would you like that? For you to be kept soft and limp until Jason has fucked me enough times for you to draw a pair of cards, hmm?”

With Angela gently cupping and stroking my soft but desperate cock, my sexual excitement once again reaching an incandescent level, I openly moaned at her statement.

“Aww, does the new and improved version of the game excite you, my limp little Cuckie?” Angela teased. “To imagine Jason screwing me seven, eight, nine times or more before you’re able to get hard enough to do the same?”

“YES!” I shrieked

Angela flashed me an evil grin. “And, of course, if Jason plays ball and takes up your generous offer to let me play, then it’ll all be out in the open, won’t it? Jason will meet you, and he’ll know that he can fuck your wife anytime he likes! In fact, you’d better hope he fucks me plenty – because it’s the only way you’re gonna get to pick another card!” Angela tilted her head back and giggled.

“Jesus fuck!” I practically screamed. “DO IT! DO IT!”

“Okay, my soft-cocked little man!” she replied. “We’ll play the new version of the game from now on.” Her eyes bored up into mine. “And – just so it’s absolutely clear – while your taking those pills and waiting to draw a pair of cards, I won’t touch your limp little pecker, or stroke it, or suck it, and you definitely won’t fuck me with it! While we play this game, you won’t cum at all – you’ll be completely cut off! Understood? The best you can hope for is that I’ll let you lick my hot, steamy cunt every so often – probably after Jason’s just creamed it!”

“OH MY GOD – YES!” I wailed. Her dancing, stroking fingers found that perfect spot under my glans. I arched my back as orgasm beckoned to me!

“But of course I’ll suck and fuck Jason while you wait, honey!” my wife added almost merrily. “You wont have to worry about me going without – my young lover will pop over every weekend or so to make sure that my pussy gets a good, hard serve of decent cock!” She smiled sweetly, uttered her sexy, teasing giggle again. “And I’ll give him plenty of THIS, too…” She leaned down and took my soft, twitching cock into her hot, wet mouth.

I came almost immediately.


An hour or so later we were lying in bed, having our usual gentle chat about the evening’s sizzling events. Angela once more asked me if I was sure that I would be okay with both the new version of the carnal game, and also about her openly hooking up with Jason.

I briefly wondered just how it would feel to sit in the same room with my wife’s young lover – and to know that he was fully aware I had given Angela total permission to spread her long legs for him whenever she felt inclined. Another poignant ripple of almost masochistic waves ebbed through me as I imagined the pair drifting into the bedroom, and hearing my wife’s ardent gasps and squeals trickle from within. Even more titillating was the prospect of waiting until Jason had fucked Angela enough times for me to draw a pair of cards.

“And I’d draw a card each time you and Jason fucked?” I shakily asked her.

My wife nodded. “Yes – each time. Tonight, for example, you would have been able to pick two cards because we screwed twice.”

I suddenly realised that even if the pair hooked up once a week and had intercourse twice each time, the odds were that it could take several weeks for Angela’s lascivious game to run its course and for me to cease taking the wicked medication.

I quietly mentioned this to Angela.

A slight grin floated across her face. “Uh-huh,” she nodded. “It could take a few weeks – but that’s part of the tease, don’t you think, honey?” She propped herself up on her elbow beside me and stared into my eyes. “I kinda worked out the game so that the more often Jason gets to have me, the faster you’ll get your reward, my sexy little lover! So – the more he gets my pussy, the sooner you’ll get it! Am I evil, or what?” She finished with a cheeky giggle.

“You’re evil, alright,” I softly replied.

“But you love it, don’t you, my little Cuckie?”

I gulped. “Yeah,” I told her softly. “I do love it.”

Angela chuckled. “So do you want me to get Jason to come over and give us a ‘quote’ for a new rockery this week?”

I slowly nodded, the impious little buzz screaming into life.

“Okay, honey,” Angela said. “I’ll ring him tomorrow and see if he can make it over on Tuesday then. I’ve got the day off work on Tuesday, so I can be here and tell him what I want him to do – in the garden, and elsewhere.” She flashed a suggestive smile at me.

We both fell asleep, spent and exhausted, soon after


I didn’t get to talk to Angela much early Monday evening; she had to grab a bite of dinner, and then drive to her sister’s house for a Tupperware party, or something similar. She did say before she left that she had called Jason, but that she would fill me in on the details when she got home later that evening.

As I sat waiting for Angela to get back, the evil little buzz had a grand old time teasing and tormenting me. The medication was wearing off, because my cock started to harden on several occasions.

Angela duly arrived home at about 10:30pm. We were in bed thirty minutes later, and Angela softly informed me that in their phone call that morning, she had announced to Jason that she had spoken to me again about getting my ‘permission’ for her to engage in sex outside of our marriage. She told Jason that I had eagerly encouraged her to do so, and that I was highly excited at the notion of her discreetly taking a lover. In reply, Jason had confirmed that as long as I was agreeable, he would love to broaden and expand their sexual relationship, adding that it would even be a lot of ‘fun’ to hook up so blatantly. Angela had concurred, impishly telling him ‘the more blatant, the better’. Angela also told me that he would be arriving to do the ‘quote’ tomorrow at around 11:00am.

I glanced at her; as she had told me, she wasn’t working tomorrow, and another masochistic pang slithered through me as a lewd thought popped into my mind. “Are you going to go to bed with him while I’m at work?” I asked shakily.

Angela turned her head towards me. “Would it be okay if I did?” she asked with a slight, almost knowing smile.

“Yes,” I found myself answering breathlessly.

Angela smiled. “Then after he takes a look at the garden bed, I’ll show him another sort of bed – and I’m sure he’ll enjoy that a lot more than writing out the quote.” Angela’s eyes crinkled, and another soft giggle escaped her lips.

As our conversation progressed, my cock had naturally begun to harden, Angela felt it pressing against her soft belly, and she reached down and started stroking me.

“Is it making you hot to think of Jason fucking me while you’re working, my Cuckie?” she asked gently.

“Uh-huh!” I panted.

“And if he takes me to bed tomorrow,” my wife continued. “I think we should start the new game right away – don’t you?”

“Oh my God – YES!” I croaked. My underworked cock grew rapidly at both her soft ministrations and her lascivious suggestion.

My wife smiled softly “Good,” she breathed. “C’mon, baby – let’s get that little pecker of yours a bit harder for me…”

I gasped and shakily slid my fingers down to her pussy; to my surprise, she was already soaking wet. Angela continued stroking my cock; it grew to just over three-quarters erect, and Angela decided that it was firm enough to enter her. She rolled over onto her back and spread her long legs, pulling me up on top of her.

Angela maneuvered the head of my stiff but slightly pliant cock between her labia, and I gasped as I shakily thrust forward. As my cock slowly inched inside her, Angela uttered a soft moan, and her legs curled around my hips.

“Fuck me, lover,” she drawled, her sea-green eyes staring into mine. Her breasts pressed into my chest as I began shakily thrusting. I uttered a long groan of sheer ecstasy as the heat of her cunt enveloped me.

“Fuck me,” she repeated. “Give it to me with your rubbery little pecker! And as you do, just think: this will probably be the last time for weeks that your tiny lil cock will be inside me. After you cum tonight, you’re going to have to wait until you get another pair of cards, my poor little cuckold – and that’s only going to happen after Jason has fucked me – over and over and OVER!” She giggled.

I gave a thin wail as I climaxed about five seconds later.

As I lay panting on my wicked wife, my deflating cock gave a poignant twinge, as if it knew that this was the last time it would explore the warm, moist confines of my wife’s pussy for many weeks.

I knew it too – and I couldn’t wait for it to start…


To be continued…



  • Fantastic story. Keeps me intensely hard as a read and dream of having those evil pills

  • Paul

    From an impotent mans point of view quite accurate I love how you started to move into the humiliation and fem Dom genres she seeing it as fulfilling his fantasy but then turning into her full control
    His erections no longer full and suffering from premature ejaculation and then involved in cleaning her lovers cum from her cunt as a cleanup submissive
    it could get so much better/worse for him if the story progressed
    My life is different in that I can only gain any semblance of an erection with tablets so I am very rarely a REAL man just an impotent loser who when semi hard suffers from extreme premature ejaculation
    so his tablets have given him my reality
    but what is truely accurate and obviously researched is his ability to orgasm when flaccid a lot of people think this isn’t possible trust me it is and for impotent men often their only way of sexual release however for me even though I need this release afterwards I feel even less of a man and the humiliation is even more apparent and intense
    Great storyline thanks !!


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