True Stories: In Defence of My Small Penis

by Ant Smith A study released recently informs us that the average penis size worldwide is 5.16 inches long when erect. According to the BJUI, the urology journal, which published the findings, this should help to “reassure the large majority of men that the size of their penis is in the normal range.” I’m sure it does, but that doesn’t mean these results are all good news: My life does not change one bit waking up to find that, today,

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Does Size Matter: 25 Women Have Their Say

It’s a topic that has yet to go away and probably never will: does penis size matter? Well, does it? Is this something about which you genuinely care? Studies have found that when it comes to penis size, 84 percent of women are just fine with what their partner has. In fact, the people who seem to be the most concerned with penis size are men, as if a smaller penis suggests he’s less manly, and to attain excessive manliness

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