One Tiny Problem 5

By ChrisEva.

It had been a challenge to find the right combination of the small cage for his tiny little dick and the larger mounting ring to go around and under his generous ball sack. He found the best one he could, but still, it pinched him every time he moved. I guess that’s the point, he thought with a wry smile, that I’m aware I’m wearing it. So that I know I’m locked up. He hoped Shannon’s idea to wear it here had been good. It certainly upped the intensity of the event for him. He also wondered what she had planned for afterward. It was so cool that she thought up that plan for him–it didn’t even matter if she was good at it or not. Even just having her try was going to be hot. And he expected to be pretty horny at the end of watching a sorority hazing.

More sorority girls walked up the sidewalk, so Amelia pointed Shannon and her beau on their way, happily marking notes on her clipboard. With a peck on his cheek, Shannon ushered Jake to the external stairs that led down to the sorority assembly hall–it ran under the length of the house–and gave him a nervous wave, popping up the front steps through the porch.

Well, fuck, he thought, standing there at the top of the stairwell, looking back at the pretty Amelia who was sending yet another set of well-prepped and scantily clad young women to their places. Heading into a sorority initiation rite. And with a cock cage. He laughed and thought. And I thought that my sex life wasn’t interesting enough!

He was surprised, though, when the hall was empty.

“Up here,” a male voice said. Jake looked to the far end of the rectangular room where a thin guy, maybe Indian or middle-eastern, was waving to him from a small, slightly raised stage. He made his way down to him.

“How’s it going, brah. You haven’t done this before, right?”

“Fuck no,” Jake said, holding out his hand. “I’m Jake.”


“Do we just hang out?”

“Yep. It will be a while, maybe half an hour. I got you a drink. Here.”

“You did? Thanks.” Jake took a cup of unknliquid; it smelled heavily of alcohol. He gestured at the room and said, “So you’re like a pro at this?”

“Haha,” Rasheed laughed confidently. He was an older guy; must have been an upperclassman or maybe even out of school already, Jake thought. As an eighteen-year-old himself, it seemed a little weird, even pervy, that this guy was here in the hall for the ceremony of a bunch of eighteen-year-old rushees. “Yeah, I guess you could say. I’ve been doing this for years.”

“Wow, cool,” Jake said, even though he knew he didn’t like the guy. Then the two men went quiet. Jake added, “So how does it work?”

Rasheed gave a knowing look with a smug grin. “It’s supposed to be a secret. But it’s hard to say, anyway. It all depends on the emcee. I don’t know who they got this time.”


“There was this girl. Cristal was her name. Damn, she was fine. She always did it before. But she ran off to make a movie in LA. She and I were close.”

“That’s how you got to do this so much?”

“Yeah, I suppose. Plus, each time, the girls–the rushes–get to pick their shap. I got a good reputation.”

Jake humphed at that and went quiet, sipping his drink. Rasheed wasn’t a bad guy, but he seemed too full of himself for Jake’s taste. Good looking dude, though, no doubt, with a chiseled face, cheekbones, chin. And the idea that the girls picked him was believable. He had to give him that. He was smooth and probably turned it on real hard for the girls. Maybe this is the guy Shannon would have picked for herself if he hadn’t been around.

He heard noises upstairs of college girls squealing and being excited together, getting ready for the event, so eventually, something interesting was bound to happen. Still, in the meantime, there seemed to be some time to kill, so he amused himself by wandering around the stage aimlessly, poking his nose into the various boxes of props that were stacked on each side; it looked like years of odds and ends from skits and other performances. Then he sat and gazed out the opposite window onto the street, nursing his drink.

Eventually, some noises on the stairs alerted him. Rasheed waved him over urgently. “Come back here. We go behind the curtain.” He obeyed and ducked himself undercover alongside his new compatriot. But something didn’t seem right.

“Where are the other guys?” Jake whispered.

“What other guys?”

“What? All the other guys. Doesn’t each girl have a shap? I thought that’s how it worked.” He was confused.

Rasheed laughed. “You and I are it, brah. Three girls picked me up. You must have one girl, right? I told you I was popular. Shit.”

“Three girls picked you? No shit. But wait. Aren’t there more than four girls rushing?”

“I think it’s eight total. But it’s only four girls tonight. The others go tomorrow. It’s our show, dude. Our time to shine.”

“Fuck? Just you and me? And all these girls?” Jake’s anxiety jumped several notches upwards on hearing this. His preconceived image of a night of standing in the back, unnoticed with his cock cage firmly holding his dick and balls and silently observing some cute first-year student–and sure, maybe some titties or something–seemed to be floating out the window. He didn’t want to be center stage and have attention drawn to him.

“Oh yeah, ain’t it great?” Rasheed continued, obviously stoked in a high-energy state and beside himself with anticipation. He was doing that nervous fast-foot-shaking thing that Jake had seen those nerds do in class when they work hard on a math test. “I wait all year for this, man. This is the fucking shit. You lucked out getting in here. But quiet now,” he added with a finger to his lips as they heard the girls enter the hall from the stairwell.

The girls also had gone quiet. At least there were no voices. Whatever official ceremony was to happen was beginning, and the sound of silent footsteps increased the tension he felt. A whole shitload of footsteps, Jesus, Jake, though. It was a hoard of these girls. He assumed they were all girls.

Shannon must be out there too, but he didn’t dare peek out the edges of the thick blue curtain shielding them. Was she dressed up in one of those medieval black initiation capes with an oversized hood covering her head, holding a lit candle out in front of her? He’d seen some of that shit on pornhub–before they yank their panties down and stick fucking fruit into each other or make them eat each other out, which was quite hot, he had to admit–but it seemed pretty fake in those videos. Like “Suck this pussy!” and “No, mistress sister, there’s no way I can do that; I’m so embarrassed!” then, a minute later, the pledge is gnawing away happily on the sorority girl’s clit, moaning like crazy. In contrast, some other pledge chews on her ass in a daisy chain.

Did they do that shit in reality? He had mixed emotions because his hormones and dick–hey, even a tiny dick has inclinations–wanted some hazing like that so he could watch it go down. It would be a lifetime experience. But his brain and heart were anxious on Shannon’s behalf. He didn’t want her to be forced to do sex stuff.

He knew she was keyed up about joining this house, though, and he feared that she might let herself get talked into things she wouldn’t otherwise allow if she had a clear head. She was a bright girl but an emotional and impulsive one, not to mention devoted. He remembered what she did for him back at Mary Sue’s party, Jesus. She let that guy stick his big fugly dick in her mouth to save him from having to do it himself.

It became silent out there, not even any footsteps, and he strained to hear; then a few more shuffling sounds as they seemed to be moving back and forth in a pattern. Then he did smell something–fuck, it was candles. No shit. For some reason, this triggered his anxiety; it leaped up into his throat, sticking there. His confidence started to fly out the window as he realized what he had gotten himself into. Why the fuck was it just one other guy and him up here on stage and tons of girls out there in this formal ceremony?

And why the fuck did he go ahead with this idea to put on the cage on his dick? Fuck fuck fuck. That was about the stupidest thing he could have done. He shook his head to himself. I’m always getting too excited about some big idea, he thought, jumping in with both feet when it sounds so amazing, then being stuck in some shit over my head, some situation to deal with. Just when I think I’m a man, acting all brave and proud, something happens, and I melt back into a little boy again, holding my little pee-pee. Fuck.

Then it became perfectly silent again. The girls had all stopped, the sound of heels walking up to the stage, right next to them. A woman cleared her throat.

“Ladies. I am Leslie, president of Alpha Phi. Welcome to initiation night for winter recruitment.”

Then, there were some murmurings in the crowd, just small sounds of nervous laughter and whispers to fellow sisters.

“It’s my pleasure to introduce the emcee for tonight’s event. Please give a warm welcome to Michelle!”

There was a round of applause and some shuffling sounds as people changed places on stage. The name triggered a thought in Jake’s mind, a memory of the dick game back at Mary Sue’s party.

“Guys, guys guys guys guys!” came her greeting to the audience, and Jake’s heart flipped. Oh fuck, it was that Michelle!

There was a noise behind them, at the back of the stage, the sound of a door opening and a person entering and banging into some cardboard boxes on the floor awkwardly, working their way towards them. Jake looked at Rasheed, who looked back at him in the dark and shrugged, obviously annoyed.

A prominent figure popped up next to them, still hidden by the curtain. “What’s up, boys?” a male voice said too loudly.

“Bo?” Jake was shocked. But then his brain quickly did the math because Michelle was out there on stage, leading the ceremony. Having her boyfriend part of this shouldn’t have been that big a surprise. Bo was equally taken aback.

“Jake, buddy! The fuck are you doing here?” Bo’s whisper wasn’t so gentle, and Jake was afraid the girls out there would hear, but it was an unfounded worry because Michelle was stirring them up real good with her patter.

“That’s right. This is the night you’ve been waiting for! Let’s bring up the pledges. PNMs, sorry, Leslie. There you go, get your pretty little asses up here. Make a line across the stage, like that, right there.” Fuck, Jake thought. She wasn’t messing around taking control already. But then it made sense. That’s the only mode the girl seemed to have.

She paused to let them assemble. “What do we have here, six, seven… eight? Have a look at these eight potential new members, sisters!” She said this last part with a true emcee’s flourish, the timing between carefully enunciated words over the microphone and speaker system.

The boys heard the shuffling sounds of girls moving to their positions. Rasheed wasn’t happy. He tried to stand up to Bo’s dominant figure in the shadows. “Brah, you can’t be in here. What are you doing?”

“That’s my girlfriend out there, running the show,” Bo said, moving closer and looming over Rasheed, tapping his chest. “She invited me.”

“She invited you? It doesn’t work that way, man. You have to be picked by one of those girls. They didn’t pick you.”

“Guys,” interjected Jake. “Shhh, they’re going to hear you.”

“Fuck,” said Rasheed, resigned and slumping back to his side of the space behind the curtain. He was about half the size of Bo and knew it would be an uphill battle to get this mega-testosterone guy out of here now that he caught the whiff of college girl initiates up on stage. It would be like trying to take a meaty bone away from a hungry dog.

He hoped it wasn’t going to fuck things up for the night. He was eager to feel up some cute tiny innocent freshman titties and had looked forward to this for months. He hadn’t even nutted for nine days in preparation, which took discipline that he was proud of; he read in a sex column this was the idea wait time to build up the male hormones to their maximum level, and he didn’t want to fucking waste it after all that preparation.

“My Alpha Phi sisters, just take a moment to look at these pretty little pledges. They could not be sweeter. And sexier, too. Right? You think?” Some hooting and cheering went up from the crowd as they started to get into it, being infected with Michelle’s energy.

Then came the moment the boys were waiting for. Or dreading, already, in Jake’s case.

“And let’s bring out the chaperones! Come on, boys, we know you are hiding in there! We got a crowd of horny sisters out here that want to see you!” More hoots and hollers came from the sisters in the hall as they started to get into it.

Michelle was absolutely in her element. She loved working with a crowd, controlling it, being the one to say what was going to happen next. As Leslie and Amelia watched from the floor, they realized they had picked their emcee perfectly. Leslie smiled and nodded approvingly to Amelia, and she got the message. She was thrilled to have made this happen for the house, to save a victory from the jaws of defeat.

Rasheed opened the curtain and stepped out, and Bo looked at Jake with a what-are-you-waiting-for look, stepping past him to the stage. The girls all erupted in applause on seeing these two handsome men. Bo was less attractive in the face than both Rasheed and Jake, but he had the impressive physique of a college quarterback. And confidence. The man had confidence spilling over from the nine inches of cock in his pants to all parts of his person.

Bo looked back at the curtain where Jake was still hiding. He pointed back, and Jake shrunk into the darkness.

“We have one more, I think,” said Michelle to the crowd. “Shy, is he? Let’s give him some motivation to get out here, girls. What do you say?” The sisters fired up, and the sounds of twenty-five girls were louder and more demanding than Jake expected. Even some of the pledges in the lineup on stage joined in–Shannon clapped to encourage Jake. He saw that and steeled himself, then popped out. The applause grew, especially as they realized what a hunk this reluctant chaperone was. Jake was the whole package with a face, body, hair, and a beautiful smile. The entire package, at least from what they could see, anyway, Shannon mused to herself.

“Now, as you know,” Michelle continued, carrying the energy forward as the applause died down, striding around the stage dramatically across the pledges, positioning the three boys around them. “Each PNM gets to select their chaperone. Let’s have the lucky four for tonight step up. You other girls, thank you, and we will see you tomorrow night–we will see a LOT more of you cuties, know what I mean?” Michelle exaggerated her voice to make the innuendo, and there were a few nervous giggles across the crowd. They weren’t used to such a bold emcee.

There was a bit of rearranging on stage with the four deferred girls making their way back down the tiny stage to their seats in front–relieved to be out of the limelight, it was clear–and the four girls that were tasked to remain standing in a line, with Jake and Rasheed immediately to the side of them next to Michelle. Bo waited on the wings, visible but not center stage.

“Now, girls,” she paused, eyeballing them slowly and referencing a notecard in her hand. “For your shap, three of you have picked Rasheed! And one of you has picked Jake!” She stopped at that moment for the first time connecting the dots–realizing that one of the shaps was her boyfriend’s best friend. She hadn’t spent much time with him that fall since she started dating Bo, but she had watched him at the football games. She was a skilled performer, though, so she didn’t let this phase her more than a few seconds before catching up with her patter again. Nobody noticed.

Small applause rose and fell before Michelle resumed. Fuck, she loved this sensation–that everybody in the entire hall was waiting for her to make the next move. Nobody would speak next until she did. All the pretty freshman girls lined up in their tight pastel tank tops and jeans and shorts, looking at her, nervous as hell being on stage to face so many people, unsure of what was going to be asked of them, and the guys– especially Jake, wow, did he look wound tight–hanging on her every word. She had total control.

Jake was doing the best he could to hold still and not pass out from his nerves. Somehow when he came out from behind the curtain, the cock cage had snagged in his pants awkwardly and was now pulling on his scrotum painfully, adding to his feeling of already being utterly awkward on stage. He didn’t dare try to adjust it through his pants, or all the audience would see, so he had to endure it for the moment, hoping he would get moved off soon to let the girls go through whatever shit Michelle or the others were going to make them do for the initiation.

He saw Shannon in the lineup on the stage, of course, with whom he exchanged silent glances of camaraderie and the three other PNM girls. They were all cuties, that was for sure. Rasheed was one fucking lucky guy if they picked him. Looking out to try to make out who was in the crowd was tough because they had set up bright lights facing the stage that made it hard not to squint. It was a sea of oval faces, long straight hair, open chests, curves wrapped up in tight, low-cut shirts, and bare shoulders and arms. It intimidated him how much raw female power was amassed. It excited him.

“Let’s meet our girls, shall we?” Michelle swung back up to the front of the stage.

“First up is Deidre. Step up, honey, and let everybody have a look. Spin around for us, that’s it. Check out this tight little hottie, sisters. Short but full of fun. Wow, is she packing!” Deidre giggled nervously at the comments, her generous breasts shaking gently in her black tank top. “Okay, that’s good, good.”

“Next is Shannon. Hey, I think I know this girl. For real! Come on up here. This is a beauty, I’ll tell you. And if you ever need someone to slide into a tight space, she’s your girl!” There was some scattered laughter. Shannon blushed, but she figured there would be some attention to her very slight figure tonight. She knew she didn’t have the tits and hips that the other girls did. But she hoped her good looks would get her through any necessary judgment rites.

“Let’s take a look at… Jackson! Cool name, huh? That’s your first name?” Jackson stepped up and nodded at Michelle’s question, biting her lip. She was a shy girl, medium build, with long black hair. “Spin around, honey. Let’s look at that figure that wants to be an Alpha Phi girl. You think that ass is going to fly, sisters?”

There were a few hoots in support. Leslie caught Amelia’s eye. This might not have been the emceeing either girl was expecting after all. But they could do nothing but wait to see how this would play out. The die was cast.

“Last girl, yes, this neat little number in the purple cami. Step forward. You must be Molly. Sounds like it’s a sexy party whenever Molly shows up,” she added as an aside and got a few giggles for the drug reference. “Spin around there to show the girls. Nice.” Molly was a slender blonde, or perhaps a touch of red, with an A cup and a tall ass covered in jeans.

“Well, we have a full schedule for tonight, sisters, and we will jump right in. The first thing is we’re getting ourselves some PNM ass! Are you ready, girls?” There was nervous laughter in the room. Then it went quiet.

Leslie looked again at Amelia with more genuine concern on her face this time. This wasn’t the way things had gone for previous initiations. They would play some easy games, make the girls chant and do some silly things, and then, in the end, let the shaps fool around a little with some kissing or secret nip grabs or something like that to embarrass everybody feeling like they went through something. Going for naked ass straight up out the door was a new and bold concept.


Continued on the next page (link below).


*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even with limited editing. It doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed.

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