Humiliated In Front of the Intern

By uppishcarrot.

I sat nervously in the doctors waiting room. Every few minutes I glanced over at the clock on the wall in anticipation.

After an abysmal sexual episode and my failure to achieve an erection during a one night stand, I convinced myself that there was something seriously wrong with me. In hindsight, it was probably due to the overwhelming amount of alcohol I consumed on the evening. I was simply way too drunk to get it up.

The main thing I remember from that night is her laughter ringing in my ears and her snapping photos of me in my flaccid state. It was such a humiliating experience that I vowed to never let it happen again.

All this brought me here. Sitting nervously in the doctors waiting room in an attempt to get a prescription for boner pills.

I had never been to this clinic before, but it was the only place that would see me on such short notice. My regular doctor was booked solid for months. So I found Doctor Patterson online. His online form was simple and easy to complete. I put in my details; name, age, address, etc… Where it asked ‘why are you seeing the doctor?’ I simply typed ‘erectile dysfunction’. Hopefully that was self-explanatory. I hoped that he’d fill out a prescription and send me on my way.

As I was replaying my failed sexual escapade in my head, I was taken out of my daze by a familiar, calming feminine voice.

It was Tatiana Restacova. I hadn’t seen her in years, since college to be exact. For years I pined after her, she was the object of my affection and part of many masturbatory fantasies from my youth. Of course, she was way out of my league and I was far too afraid to even approach her. She was popular, pretty and always had a muscular muscle-bound macho asshole attached to her arm.

Of course I had changed allot in the last 10 years. I was now fit, having sculpted my body to perfection. I was fairly well off and in ordinary circumstances, I am quite a confident guy.

She hadn’t aged a bit in the last 10 years.

She was tall, towering over me at 6ft. Her brown hair was neatly tied back in a ponytail. Her high cheekbones, her pink pert lips and her piercing blue eyes made me tremble and reminded me why I was here. To avoid disappointing women like her. Her body was to die for, she was fit, overwhelmingly so. She wore a black mini with a tight white blouse.

To my surprise, she remembered me. I leaned in for a hug and kissed her on the cheek.

“Oh my god, It’s been at least 10 years hasn’t it?” I asked

“Yeah, you look…” She smiled, looking at me up and down with an approving smirk, “good”

I chuckled, feeling my confidence coming back.

She led me through to the doctors office as we continued to make small talk.

I told her that I was in finance and that I had just gotten back from a vacation in Milan. She told me that she had recently started working at the clinic with hopes that it could lead to bigger and better things.

As she led me into a cold, clinical examination room she gave me a sly smirk, once again looking me up and down in an approving gaze. I was being admired. It was then and there that I decided to ask her out. After all, as soon as doctor Patterson would prescribe me those magic pills, I’d be a sex god and rock her world. I imagined her telling all her snooty, snobby friends how she bumped in to me and I completely rocked her world.

“You know, I was quite intimidated by you back in the day. Always hanging around Kirk Thompson and those guys” I quipped

“Oh yeah, Kirk. I haven’t seen him in years. He turned out to be a real asshole”

I decided to move in for the kill, “What time do you finish up today?”

“Actually, I’m done in a half hour” she added

“How about we have a coffee and catch up?” I asked, flashing a sly smile.

She was blushing. She bit her lip and flicked her bangs out of her eyes. “That would be great, I’d like that”

Just then, doctor Patterson waltzed in. To my dismay, doctor Patterson was a woman.

“Oh, and the doctor is in” Tatiana added, nervously laughing.

Doctor Patterson had to have been at least 40. I made the assumption she was from the Mediterranean due to her darker skin completion. She had jet black hair, dark brown eyes and was dressed in a white lab coat. I would describe her body type as busty. She had a ‘no nonsense’ vibe about her, similar to a stern principal or headmistress. To be honest, she intimidated me from the get-go.

“Thank you Tatiana” she said without looking at her. She was too engrossed in her clipboard. Clearly she was looking at my file. I felt my stomach turn.

“It was great seeing you Tatiana, I guess I’ll meet you at reception when I’m done” I said in an attempt to usher her out before the doctor began her diagnosis, which I hoped would just be a very quick chat.

“Oh no, Tatiana is my intern” Dr. Patterson announced.

The color left my face. I looked at Tatiana in shock and desperation.

“Yeah, I’m training to be a doctor. Just pretend I’m not even here” she added.

My stomach further twisted as my anxiety went into overdrive. My cheeks and ears burned. I’m sure I turned bright red.

“Okay, let’s begin” Dr. Patterson continued, “I understand you are having trouble maintaining an erection”

I must’ve looked so silly.

I could tell Tatiana was embarrassed for me. She nervously looked down, her eyes widening and her lips puckering. I could also tell, she found it mildly amusing.

“No, no, not at all. I don’t think so” I locked eyes with Tatiana, “No, that is not true. I seriously don’t have that problem,” I looked back at the doctor, “No. Are you sure you have the right file?”

Dr. Patterson was abrupt, rude and slightly condescending. “This is your file and you have written” she showed the file to Tatiana, “erectile dysfunction”

Tatiana looked at me and hid an obvious smirk with knowing eyes.

“Umm…” I was lost for words. I felt like I had been hit by a freight truck.

“It’s okay. We are professionals. Impotence can be ‘hard’ to deal with.” She smirked, cocking her head. “No need to be embarrassed.” Tatiana added, still smirking at me.

“I’m not embarrassed, because it’s not true. It’s just not… I don’t have that problem at all. I’m okay down there” I said, pleading. I must’ve looked so silly.

“Okay” Dr. Patterson said with condescension and a hint of mockery. She glanced over at Tatiana and the two of them shared a look “So why are you here?” Tatiana added.

I made a foolish attempt to normalize the situation, “I wanted to get some pills for… umm, you know… like Viagra or something” I trailed off.

Tatiana was marveling in my humiliation. She stood confidently, hands on her hips, grinning from ear to ear, enjoying my embarrassment a little too much.

“Aww, that’s too bad” Tatiana teased, “such a shame when a man can’t get it up and he really wants to, when he’s rearin to go and nothing is happening” she teased, smirking all the while, “when you’ve just got a wet limp noodle dangling there” she chuckled.

“So, you DO have problems functioning as a man?” Dr. Patterson asked.

“No!” I pleaded again. “I just, I want those pills, because… I have heard they can heighten the sexual experience” I added.

Tatiana raised an eyebrow and tilted her head, slightly confused. Dr. Patterson chuckled. “Okay” she added, outwardly mocking me. “Well, I can’t just prescribe you this medication without examining you first”

I cleared my throat, “Examining me?”

“Yes, can I just get you to undress?” Dr. Patterson added, demanding it.

“What?!” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

“Aww… What’s wrong? Are you shy?” she teased.

“umm…” I was more than shy. I was terrified. I tried to save face, I tried to make excuses, but somehow she’d made me feel guilty for even taking up her time. I felt like a child. I felt powerless and, to my horror I felt myself submitting as an amused Tatiana looked on with an impish smirk.

“There is no need to be shy. I’ve seen it all before. Just a quick look and we can take it from there. It’s all very normal really” Dr. Patterson added, trying to reassure me.

“I er…” I turned into a stuttering bumbling moron. A few minutes ago, I was an able-bodied alpha male who’d just snagged a date with a goddess from my youth. Now she was seeing me in a totally different light. I could feel her eyes burning on me in anticipation.

The truth was, I didn’t want her to see me naked. Not like this. Not in a bright fluorescent room. Not in my current state of nervousness. Not in such a cold and damp room. I knew what I looked like when flaccid and it was far from impressive. I had always been embarrassed by the size of my manhood. It’s really not impressive at all. Especially when I am cold, scared and nervous. To put it into context, in my flaccid state, it looks like a pink thimble resting on a pair of walnuts.

“Go on!” Dr. Patterson demanded as she slipped on a pair of rubber gloves.

“I’m having second thoughts about this. I’m fine, I don’t need…” I caught eyes with Tatiana. She was biting her lip, trying not to laugh.

“I don’t have time for this. I have other patients waiting! Remove your clothes now!” Dr. Patterson demanded once more.

Slowly, I unbuckled my belt and lowered my pants to the ground.

“Shirt too!” Dr. Patterson added.

I looked down at her, confused.

“It’s in the way” she declared.

Reluctantly, I removed my shirt. At least Tatiana could see my barrel chest, my chiseled physique, my muscular arms and my toned midriff. “Oh my, you’re in very good shape” Dr. Patterson said in approval. Tatiana arched her head and raised an eyebrow in admiration.

Maybe not all was lost, she clearly found me sexually appealing. I was taken out of my daze when Dr. Patterson said, “Now those” motioning to my shorts.

I let out a sigh of defeat and in one swift move, I lowered my shorts.

Dr. Patterson stared at my genitals for what seemed like an eternity. She kept her composure and her face displayed no real emotion. Just blank as she started at my manhood.

Tatiana jolted away, covering her mouth, suppressing an obvious giggle.

I looked down in unison. To my horror, my flaccid insignificant penis jutted out of my thick nest of pubic hair. It was short, pink and thin. It looked like a turkey timer. Clearly, I had missed out on a sexual conquest with Tatiana. Where she once saw a man, she now saw a little boy with a little boys penis.

I felt like I could cry.

I just wanted to get this over with so I could leave and bury my head in the sand.

Dr. Patterson reached out and pinched the tip of my penis with her thumb and index finger. “Oh my,” she said to herself. “Tatiana!” she called out.

Tatiana reached for a stool and sat beside the doctor.

“As you can see, our little friend here is very underdeveloped.” She said to Tatiana as if I wasn’t even there, “I wouldn’t classify this as a micro penis, but I certainly wouldn’t classify this as a man’s penis either. Even his testicles are small, all tight and firm. It would appear as though they haven’t even dropped,” with her other hand she grabbed a hold of my balls and gave a slight squeeze.

“Most women prefer a ‘man sized’ cock” she said, making a fist. Tatiana smirked as her eyes met mine. Dr. Patterson added, “Something heavy, low hanging and masculine.” She looked back up at me, “by comparison you have a very petite penis, very underdeveloped and little, it’s quite dainty. It’s almost polite. You have a very polite little dick. It’s really quite sweet.” she looked back over at Tatiana, “What do you think?”

Tatiana chuckled, “Yeah, his manhood certainly isn’t very manly. I’d say my boyfriend is at least ‘double’ his size,” she crossed her arms and snickered at me.

I looked so foolish and crestfallen. All of a sudden she had a boyfriend! Where was this boyfriend when I asked her out for a coffee? When she was eyeing me up and down? I suddenly felt every little bit emasculated. With every second, I was become less and less of a man. I felt foolish to even think I had a chance with her.

Little did I know, it was about to get much worse for me.

Dr. Patterson looked back up at me, “I think I understand why you are here. Unfortunately, Viagra will not enhance the size of your little penis. I would surmise that you haven’t gone through puberty, at least not all the way…” I was lost for words, my nightmare was unfolding before me. She shook her head disapprovingly with a sly grin, “Are you a virgin?” she added.

“No! I’ve had many sexual partners. I’m just… I’m nervous and it’s cold. I’m a grower, I look like a normal man when I’m big” I said foolishly.

My statement caused Tatiana to snicker. She stopped herself from erupting into full blown laughter. She looked up at me apologetically, “Sorry.” I looked down with pleading eyes.

“hmmm” Dr. Patterson mused, almost condescendingly. “So, how many sexual partners have you had then?”

“Umm, I’d say 8 or 9” I said lying. The truth was 4. Three long term relationships and one failed one-night stand. So… in actuality, it was only 3.

“Really?” Dr. Patterson clearly didn’t believe me and was now openly mocking me. “How often do you masturbate?”

I couldn’t believe what she was asking, I was gobsmacked “masturbate?”

Dr. Patterson smirked, “how often do you play with your penis?” she rephrased, speaking to me as if I was a child.

“Umm… Afew times a day” I said once again lying. I played with myself all the time. Multiple times a day.

“Okay” Dr. Patterson she said, chuckling. Slowly, she stood, slipping off her gloves. She was grinning from ear to ear. She shared a look with Tatianna as the two of them shared a chuckle.

“Maybe we should examine your prostate, just to make sure everything is working properly” she added, flashing her pearly whites. I didn’t know what that meant, but I was soon going to find out.

She motioned me over to a cold steel bench and ordered me to ‘lay down’. With that, she flicked on afew more light switches. I felt every little bit exposed. I had never felt so naked in my entire life. In fact, I felt my penis and my testicles further retract inside of me.

To my horror, she pulled out the stirrups and ordered me to put my legs up. This was silly, stirrups were for childbirth. I couldn’t understand why I had to put my legs up. It soon made sense when my legs were spread further apart and pushed back past my chest as far as they could go.

All of a sudden, there was a knock at the door, which was literally adjacent to the exam table.

To my utter shock and surprise, Dr. Pattersen responded, “Come in”

I looked up between my legs and from my point of view, I saw the door fly open.

I was well and truly mortified, for I was on display in front of the entire waiting room. Most of which seemed to be women. Three female interns barged in, all three of these beauties had to have been no older than 21. Clearly, they had been bickering, had had some type of disagreement and were in need of some guidance, hence barging in on my private session.

I was paralyzed with embarrassment to the point where I was unable to speak. I was so perplexed and humiliated, I couldn’t even fathom to make a sound in protest. I was hot, I was cold, I could feel my heartbeat in the back of my throat. I could feel beads of sweat form on my asscheeks.

All three of these beauties were to die for and were the type of girls I’d spent my adolescence trying to impress. Now here I was, sprawled out on display.

One of them spoke, oblivious to the situation before them, “Dr. Petersen, can you please explain to Jen—–” that’s when they noticed me with my legs spread apart and up in the air, with my little flaccid pink mushroom jutting out, pointing at the ceiling. It was so utterly obvious I was all head and no shaft.

All three of them stopped in their tracks and looked down between my legs, smirks slowly followed.

Neither Tatiana nor Dr. Pattersen made an attempt hide my modesty.

“I’ll be with you in a minute girls!” Dr. Pattersen sternly responded.

“Umm, okay” one of the beauties replied, upon which the three of them turned to leave, their laughter echoing in the hallway.

I could only imagine what they thought of me as they left the room, clearly amused by what they had just seen. I had an image in my mind of them chatting of my shortcomings amongst their entire group of friends, comparing me to their much more, better endowed boyfriends.

I whimpered in shame and embarrassment.

It was only then that I noticed, to my mortification, that they’d left the door wide open and I was completely on display for the entire waiting room. I could see some were looking on intently with wide eyed grins.

Either Dr. Pattersen didn’t notice, or she didn’t care.

“Okay Tatiana, it’s all you now. Put your gloves on and get in there” she announced.

Tatiana fumbled with the gloves as Dr. Patterson looked down at me with a cruel grin.

Tatiana stepped between my legs, grinning from ear to ear. As a final humiliation, Dr. Patterson rubbed lube onto Tatiana’s middle finger, insinuating her finger was larger than my penis. Which it was.

“Okay, so you just want to insert your finger into the patients anus” I grimaced as she penetrated me.

“Ngh! Mpf!” I exclaimed.

“All the way, that’s it. Do you feel the prostate?” Dr. Patterson asked.

“I am not too sure. What am I feeling for?” she responded.

“You’ll know it when you feel it. Just keep going,” they spoke casually as if I was some sort of experiment, a learning aid. At this point, that’s all I was. I stared blankly up at the ceiling, hoping this would just end. All of a sudden, her slender finger reached the depths of my soul. At first it was uncomfortable, with a feeling of immense pressure and tightness. I grunted through my teeth.

“I think I feel it. It feels hard” she said whilst prodding.

“Good, good, just massage it for afew minutes” Dr. Patterson added.

The whole thing felt surreal and all of a sudden I felt myself becoming aroused. To my mortification, I started to become erect.

Dr. Patterson was the first to notice. She wasn’t subtle either.

“Oh my my my!” she said condescendingly in a mocking tone, “would you wook at that!” she turned to Tatiana, “Looks like you woke up the little guy”

Tatiana couldn’t help it, she burst out in laughter. Laughter from within, all the while her finger still firmly up my ass.

I heard further mummers in the hallway. Looking over Tatiana’s shoulder, I could see some women approaching the door to look in. Some were holding up their phones, recording, others were outwardly chuckling and pointing.

This time Dr. Pattersen noticed. She approached the door with a grin, “Let’s give the tiny trooper some privacy, sorry ladies. This little gun may go off at any minute” she said, closing the door. Laughter engulfed the room on the other side of the door.

I looked back down at my eager little peter, just in time for Tatiana to give her input, “That’s so impressive!” she mocked, teasing, her eyes meeting mine with a smile and a wink. Her wide eyed grin was somehow cruel.

Under the harsh lights, it looked far from impressive. It was bright pink and pulsing along with my heartbeat. As I reached my full four and half inches, it twitched and throbbed, bobbing from side to side.

“That is so sweet!” Dr. Patterson declared, still mocking me. “Such a polite little penis” she said openly belittling me, “and aren’t we excited! Look at how ‘big’ you are?” she teased, putting an overemphasis on the word ‘big’. “I bet that feels nice!” she added, teasing me some more.

“It looks so ornamental!” Tatiana chimed in, “I just want to knit it a little hat” she said as they continued to laugh, “so adorable” Dr. Patterson chuckled before adding, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a ‘feminine’ penis before” more laughter ensued, “It needs a little pink ribbon.”

All of a sudden I felt a gush of excitement wash over me followed by a dark emptiness.

My sphincter involuntarily clenched and trembled around Tatiana’s slender finger as I ejaculated all over my pelvis. It took me completely by surprise and was powerless to control it. I just came and came. I let out a whimpish wail and panted.

I didn’t come in thick powerful ropes like a normal man. Instead, it pathetically oozed out of me. I didn’t even realize it at first, not until I felt the warm fluid dribbling down my slender shaft. I leaked down by my anus and I felt it around my sphincter. Of course, the warm goo quickly became ice cold and I experienced a new kind of discomfort.

“nngpfh!!!” I panted as my face turned bright red in embarrassment.

Dr. Patterson gasped, smiled down at me and cocked her head. “Awwww…Would you look at that! Feel better now that you made cummies?” she teased, in her baby voice.

Tatiana recoiled in disgust and quickly pulled away, “Oh my god, I can’t believe he ejaculated. I think I got some on me”

She quickly tore off her gloves and went for the hand sanitizer, all the while Dr. Patterson continued to laugh.

“That is so disgusting!” Tatiana announced in utter repulsion.

“It’s perfectly normal” Dr. Patterson responded, then looking down at me she added, “and now we know everything works, you stud!” she grinned, emasculating me with her smile, taking away more of my masculinity as I lay there, helpless, red-faced and dripping in my own juices.

“Sweetie, you do not need that magic pill. I’m sorry, but I cannot fill out a prescription for you” she looked over at Tatiana, “Clean him up” then back at me, “You’re all good to go big boy” she teased.

With that, she left the room. Leaving me alone with Tatiana.

I was defeated.

I had never felt so uncomfortable and awkward in my entire life. I was so embarrassed and humiliated, I could barely look at Tatiana. I lay there paralyzed, still in shock. I didn’t even bother to cover myself as she stepped back in between my legs.

With a damp towel she cleaned me up. I felt silly, my legs up in the air, being cleaned like a baby. My member shrunk and shrunk and before too long, it was a flaccid noodle of a worm, much like an earlobe. It was less than an inch once more. Minutes later, she helped me up, occasionally glancing over at my shriveling nub with an almost sympathetic, yet cruel smirk.

“I guess you can get dressed now” she declared.

“Urm, thank you.” I said, looking down at my feet.

“Oh I just remembered, I have a small thing this afternoon. So, I don’t think I can meet you for that coffee”

“Small thing?” I quipped.

“Yeah, something really small and I can’t see you because of it” she teased, with a cruel grin. I knew what she was doing, delicately choosing her words.

“Maybe another time?” I asked in desperation.

She laughed and shook her head, “Yeah, yeah of course little man” she teased, “Just get my number from reception” she laughed some more, “It was nice seeing you, I can’t wait to tell the old gang I ran into you.” She turned to exit, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I knew she was openly making fun of me. On my way out, I didn’t even bother to ask for her number at reception. I couldn’t handle the humiliation anymore. I heard chuckles and whispers from the three pretty young receptionists as I made my way out of the clinic.

In the corner of my eye, I could’ve sworn I saw one of them wave a pinky at me. Laughter engulfed the room as I left, red faced and every little bit humiliated. I was shaking as I finally made my way to my car.

I knew I’d never be able to show my face around there again.


The End.


*This story has NOT been edited by this site. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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