Close Friend Found Out

By JessieOye.

I’ve been pretty closeted into the whole SPH kink most my life. Having a micro penis has definitely played a big part of why I don’t approach women as much as I’d like to. With an early crush in high school, my confidence was too low to really do anything about it and we ended up being friends instead. Melissa was her name. Many years passed and other crushes came and went, and now we’re well into adulthood but still good friends. Though, recently our friendship got even more interesting.

So I suppose my story started with a change of attitude in gym changing rooms. Like I’ve said, I have a micro penis so in the past I would always try to hide my embarrassment when changing. Take a towel to the showers, quick shower and hide until I can get to my locker and get dressed. Not uncommon thing to do. But I always admired the older guys with the confidence of just walking around naked. One day I decided, ‘fuck it,’ and just went naked too. Maybe because I’m older too, maybe cause a part of me is accepting of who I am. Who knows.

I’ve grown so accustomed to it now that I’ve even walked around naked around my best friend. That’s a funny story too, considering I used to lie about having a huge cock. I guess he believed me cause the shock of seeing my tiny shame made him joke about it. I told him I was a grower, but he doesn’t believe that anymore, haha.

Now the most interesting encounter is when I flew back to the town where I grew up to visit family. I went to the town gym and ran into my friend Melissa’s husband Josh. We had a friendly chat, casual talk while we worked out. Then I hit the showers and that’s when it hit me that maybe I shouldn’t be so comfortable around this town. Too many people might recognize me if I just walked around naked. The hesitation didn’t last long before I opted to accept the humiliation if it even happened. I even hoped so. The thought made me so excited.

So I walked to my locker naked. I didn’t think of it when I first came to change, but my locker was by the door too. I couldn’t pass the chance. With it being such a small town, I was alone in the changing room so I just stood there completely naked facing the door, my towel over my shoulder. My tiny cock in plain view for anyone walking through the door. Hell maybe others in the gym might see me too.

It couldn’t have been more than 20 seconds, but to me it felt like minutes had passed. Then to my surprise, Josh walked in. Josh too was surprised, standing there just blinking in what I assume was him confused. And after giving him an eyeful, I tried to play off as if I’d been walking to my locker all along. He quickly apologized for opening the door and I just dismissed it saying we’re just dudes, it was fine. Honestly part of me hoped he’d just stare and laugh, and I tried to stay naked all while he showered and came back. But the real story is he probably felt embarrassed for me and avoided looking while we got dressed again.

Now here’s the kicker.

What happened next was the best SPH moment of my life.

When I got home I was still thinking about my encounter with Josh. I was so flustered, but it got even worse when I got a text from Melissa. I had to find them again, but here’s how the texts went, with some privacy details altered and her name changed to “Lissa” to make it easier to read.

>Lissa: HEY

>Lissa: lol

>Lissa: What’s up

>Me: Oh hey

>Lissa: Ur in town and didn’t txt me?

>Me: Lol. Yeah sorry. Just here for a few days visiting so and so

>Lissa: lol

>Lissa: Fun

>Lissa: So I hear u ran into Josh

>Me: Yeah, haha. Was nice to meet him. I guess that’s why you’ve been so busy if you’re helping him at the business.

>Lissa: Oh ya. It’s a pretty BIG business. He keeps me pretty busy.

>Lissa: How’s your little thing going.

At this point I was pretty suspicious, but what came next was incredible.

>Me: My little thing?

>Lissa: LOL

>Lissa: I’m sorry. Josh told me he caught u and I had to ask him some details.

>Me: Oh god

>Lissa: LOL

>Lissa: SORRY

>Lissa: I’m so sorry


>Me: It’s fine lol

>Lissa: I’m sorry lol.

>Me: You’re fine

>Me: Cat’s out of the bag I guess lol

>Lissa: lol. I won’t tell anyone dont worry.

I was so flustered I had to put my phone down. I thought about so many things about what josh might have told her, why Melissa had asked him and how much she now knew. She hadn’t explicitly said that Josh told her I had a micro penis, hell maybe he thought I was just a grower, but now I was three inches hard fantasizing about how giggly she might have been when she found out. I had to push my luck. It’d been a few minutes since the last text, but I couldn’t help myself.

>Me: Kinda a relief that you know, haha

>Lissa: Huh lol

>Me: Idk. Pretty girl I had a crush on in high school knowing it’s small lol.

>Lissa: LOL

>Lissa: Ya I know now 😛

>Me: Haha

>Lissa: Well u def aren’t shy anymore. That’s a plus right?

>Me: A small plus I guess lol

>Lissa: Just a tiny plus

>Me: Lol. Goddamnit it

>Lissa: LOL

>Lissa: Too far?

>Me: you’re good

>Me: It’s all in good fun

>Lissa: Lol

A few minutes passed of nothing. I hesitated saying anything more, but I thought maybe I’d miss a big opportunity if I didn’t. So I hit her up again.

>Me: Well I’m glad you asked

>Lissa: Asked what?

>Me: Asked Josh

>Lissa: What did I ask Josh?

>Me: About my tiny cock lol

>Lissa: Ooooh LOL

>Lissa: He just said you had a lot more confidence now and I pried a little

>Lissa: Ur really enjoying this huh

>Me: Yeah lol

>Lissa: Tiny cock lol

>Me: Yes haha

>Lissa: Sexy Tom had a tiny one all along huh

>Me: Yup

>Lissa: How small is it?

>Lissa: You measured I’m sure

>Me: 3 inches hard

>Lissa: That was quick!

>Lissa: LOL

>Lissa: 3 inches lol

>Lissa: Poor u

>Me: Haha

>Me: 3 inches I think is a micro penis yeah

>Lissa: Aw

>Me: But it’s exciting lol

>Lissa: What is?

>Me: Telling a girl about my micropenis lol

>Lissa: Oh lol

>Lissa: Want me to tell Ashley and Jen too?

>Lissa: I’m kidding!

>Me: Sure

>Lissa: LOL

>Lissa: Lol I’m not doing that

>Me: You could lol

>Me: I’d even send you a pic

>Lissa: No

>Lissa: Don’t fucking send me a dick pic

>Me: Lol alright

>Me: Can’t blame me for trying lol

>Lissa: Typical guy

>Lissa: Wants to send us dick pics even when he’s got nothing to show

>Me: I told you it’s exciting for me

>Lissa: Lol

>Lissa: Well I gtg

>Lissa: Come for dinner one night before u leave ok?

>Me: Will do

>Me: And thanks for the fun chat lol

>Lissa: Lol

I exploded so many times that day over those texts. I couldn’t get over the fact that I had told Melissa in black and white about my tiny little cock. Hell part of me regrets even calling it a cock, but that’s another whole thing. I was happy with just the SPH

And best part? Later that night she texted me with just

>Lissa: Send it

I didn’t respond immediately. I didn’t question it either. I pulled my pants down and got as hard as I could, as fast as I could. Well, probably not as hard as I could. It was probably close to my full length, made sure I was still grabbing it as I took a picture and sent it.

My micropenis being held between my index and thumb shared to one of my closest friends.

It was one of the most exciting SPH moments of my life. I just stared blankly at the screen waiting for a response. And what I got back was even better.

She sent back a picture. It was her and her friend Jen, both with big grins and holding up the small penis signs.

And the final texts I’ll share from her were these.

>Lissa: Hahahahaha

>Lissa: Sorry she told me

>Lissa: We’re drunk 😛

>Me: You’re good lol

>Lissa: Tiny dick Tom

>Lissa: Hahaha


The End.


*This story has NOT been edited by this site. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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