Body Image
By uppishcarrot.

I was actually hoping for a male trainer, but didn’t really think much of it at the time.
Gyms in January are quite often chaotic. My gym was no exception, there were so many people it was hard to navigate through the chaos. As I looked for the main office, I passed a few familiar faces along the way.
“Roger! Happy new years!” a sweet feminine voice called out to me. I turned only to notice, Carla my receptionist. Carla was a young 25 year old buxom beauty with piercing blue eyes and an amazing figure. If it was allowed, I would certainly make a move. Alas, the last guy who tried to date his subordinate got his ass fired rather quickly.
Carla just so happened to be there with a small group of ladies all from the office. They were all apparently getting ready to part take in a spin class. Gina, Sandra, Helen, Lina, Wendy and Carla were all wearing tight spandex that hugged their bodies, leaving very little to the imagination. The all formed a circle around me as we engaged in idle chit chat. I decided to excuse myself and make myself scarce when I felt my little member begin to stir. I was only human, any able bodied man would get aroused at the sight of a group of young fit women in their 20s wearing next to nothing.
I’m sure they all thought it was odd as I quickly excused myself and walked on past them. On my way, I bumped into a few more people from the office and Veronica, my next door neighbor. Veronica was someone I actually hoped to date in the near future. I was always playing it cool around her. She was in fantastic shape and was in the middle of her workout when she caught my gaze. She leaped up off her bench and gave me a quick hug as we shared pleasantries. God she looked amazing. I really wanted to ask her out, but I was simply too afraid. I politely excused myself and made my way through to the back office. I’m sure she also found it odd that I was quick to exit the conversation, I’m sure she was flirting with me.
The bald muscle bound testosterone fuelled asshole behind the desk introduced himself as Derek. “I’m here for a P.T. session. I think her name is Jenna” I nervously said. Derek smirked at me and ushered me through to the back room where he motioned for me to sit down on the cold steel bench and wait.
Roughly fifteen minutes later Jenna walked into the room.
My heart began to pound hard in my chest.
Jenna was a goddess. She towered over me, well over 6 feet tall. She was slender, she was toned, she was olive skinned. She had high cheek bones, pert lips, brown eyes and long brown hair. She was wearing the tiniest little bright pink and yellow spandex outfit which left very little to the imagination. As she smiled at me, I felt weak at my knees. Smitten, I turned into a stuttering, blubbering moron.
“Roger Sampson? I’m Jenna. Nice to meet you” she said, extending her hand to shake.
Before our workout, was our ‘consultation session’ where we would discuss my fitness goals. I honestly just wanted to loose a few pounds and loose the beer gut. I let her talk and it was ultimately decided that I would be put through her ‘bronze’ work out package. I had no idea what I was signing up for. She did most of the talking. I was so overwhelmed by her beauty and I was so smitten that I struggled to even speak. I simply just nodded and agreed with whatever it was she was saying.
Eventually, she ordered me to stand and strip down to my underwear.
I thought she was kidding at first.
She wasn’t.
“What’s wrong?” she thought it was amusing that I was so shy, “Go on! Strip!” she ordered.
Reluctantly, I began to remove my shirt, followed by my shorts. Before too long I was standing before her wearing nothing but a pair of sneakers and a pair of grey boxer shorts. To say I was embarrassed, would be an extreme understatement. I felt silly.
I stood awkwardly, trying to cover both my man breasts and my crotch at the same time. I fought with every fiber of my being to stop from becoming erect. I knew it would be particularly embarrassing and the end of our session.
She approached me holding a measuring tape as she proceeded to measure my arms, followed by my chest and then my waist. I was dead silent as she was busy at work, an impish grin plastered on her face the whole time.
I panted in fear as she got down on her knees before me. She leaned in and wrapped the measuring tape around my calf muscles and then, moving up my legs to my thighs.
That’s when it happened. I was powerless to stop it. I tried desperately to think of something else, anything…. But all I could focus on was her bare bronzed shoulders, her toned abs and her feminine scent. I found this goddess intoxicating and to my mortification, I found myself becoming aroused.
I knew I wasn’t particularly well endowed. Being this close to me, she would get a decent eye full of my little peter. It didn’t take her long to notice the tent in my shorts.
She looked up at me with an impish, almost condescending smirk “What’s that little lump between your legs sweetie?” she asked, almost mockingly.
“Urm” I was too mortified to even speak clearly. I mumbled incoherently as she began to giggle at my embarrassing predicament, “awww” she teased, “you like me don’t you?” she teased some more before letting out a slight chuckle. I stood there fed faced, humiliated and embarrassed beyond comprehension.
After her giggle fest, she rose to her feet, “You’d better take care of that ‘little problem’ before we begin our workout. I’ll give you five minutes. Get dressed and meet me outside so we can begin…..” she casually walked out, leaving me standing there with a raging hard on.
Surely she didn’t mean for me to masturbate. Of course not. I began to get dressed as my mind focused on unsexy topics. War, famine, open heart surgery, sports…. It was enough to do the trick and pretty soon, my erection had all but disappeared.
When I emerged from the back office, Derek grinned at me. A wide eyed mocking grin. I was the butt of some kind of joke. Red faced, I walked on past him, my cheeks burning in humiliation and shame.
When I found Jenna, she was doing her pre work out stretches. “Oh great!” she said noticing me, she motioned for me to come and stand next to her, “I’m glad you got rid of that small problem. You can’t really work out with a tiny chubb in your pants,” she said out loud, casually as if it was nothing.
My heart jumped out of my chest as I heard muffled chatter and giggles behind me. I looked over my shoulder and to my mortification, Carla, Gina and Helen were standing there. Carla was hiding an obvious smirk. Gina was nervously looking down, avoiding eye contact. Helen was simply looking at me dead on, a large mocking wide eyed smile directed at me.
My cheeks burned as I turned three shades of red.
Jenna snapped me out of it, “Come-on! Do as I do!” she ordered.
I tried to block out the snickers behind me as I proceeded to mimic her; stretching and flexing all prior to our workout, the ‘bronze’ workout. Whatever that was. This session itself was probably more than I needed and after five whole minutes of stretching muscles I didn’t even know I had, I was sore all over.
“Okay! How do you feel?” she asked, perky.
“I’m fine. A little sore,” I responded.
First, she led me over to the bench press and ordered me to lay down on my back. I was never really much of a weight lifter and doubted my ability. “We’ll start you off at fifteen pounds,” she said as she proceeded to load weights onto the bar.
It was then that I noticed Veronica occupying the matching seat next to me. She gave me an encouraging grin, “You’re brave aren’t you!?” she playfully teased.
Jenna then took her place, stepping over me, standing over my chest. I looked ahead and made eye contact with her camel toe. She noticed this and grinned, “concentrate! We don’t want your little friend coming back and embarrassing you, don’t we?” she teased.
I nervously glanced over at Veronica. She heard that, but had no idea what it was all about. She gave me a friendly smile.
As I proceeded to bench 15 pounds, Jenna leaned in closer, spotting me.
Again, I felt it starting to stir. Despite all the attention and focus on lifting weights, I felt myself becoming aroused yet again. I looked back at her cooch, inches from my face. I peered up, gazing up at her toned body.
I suddenly lost all concentration and muscle, causing a ruckus. Everyone looked on as Jenna struggled to get the bar off of me.
Veronika, Carla, Gina, Helen and even Derek also came to my aid.
“We’re okay! We’re okay!” Jenna announced, insisting she had control of the situation. Jenna looked down at me, I must’ve had a panic stricken look on my face as she was looking down at me with concern and sympathy.
She threw her leg off of me and stood by my side.
In my haste and because of all the drama that had just unfolded, I must’ve forgotten the engorged state I was in.
Carla chuckled to herself before promptly running off. Helen and Gina followed suit, their laughter ringing in my ears. I slightly raised my head and noticed a small circle of gym goers had formed around me, all were amused at my pathetic display.
I looked down.
Poking up from under my gym shorts was a small, noticeable throbbing erection.
“Mr Sampson, that is not appropriate,” Derek said with genuine disapproval.
I looked over pleadingly at Veronica who almost looked disgusted. She scrunched up her face and quickly made herself scarce.
“I’m sorry,” was all I could say. I heard muffled laughter in the background as the crowd began to slowly disperse.
Hanging my head in shame, I aptly adjusted myself, “Maybe I should just go,” I said, humiliated.
Jenna chuckled out loud, “Oh no! You’re not getting out of this that easy! We’ve barley just begun our set!”
She was serious.
For the next hour she forced me to workout with an audience; with an erection. I was the star attraction and everyone was looking on with mocking eyes. Most were disgusted, others were amused. Almost all of my colleagues were hushing and whispering to themselves as I worked out, feeling every little bit exposed.
It was mortifying.
When it was finally over, Jenna gave me an encouraging pat on the back, “You did very good today, despite your little friend making an appearance.”
Out of nowhere, Derek emerged, draping an arm around this glistening goddess before me, “Hey babe, I’m almost done here. You good to go?”
She looked up at him with a look of adoration, “Just another five minutes” they then shared a passionate kiss before me as I stood there, red faced, still with a very visible throbbing erection.
I felt silly. I felt foolish.
As Derek took his leave, Jenna looked at me and grinned, “Okay, so I guess I’ll see you tomorrow at 5am sharp and we can officially begin our Bronze program. Just make sure you take care of that little guy before you start. If he makes an appearance tomorrow, I’ll make you do your set completely naked!” she teased.
It was a joke to her. But upon reflection, I began to worry…. What if she wasn’t joking?
The End.
*This story has NOT been edited by this site. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.
6:12 pm
The story had a lot of potential but I think it could have gone better.
3:14 pm