A Naked Introduction
By uppishcarrot.

Sadly, when the global financial crisis shook our world, I, like most of my colleagues, found myself unemployed for the first time since college and utterly terrified. Thankfully, I had a reserve, so I didn’t have to alter my lifestyle too much. Thinking back, I should’ve been more careful, but I always assumed that things would eventually get better and I’d return to my old life again. I was wrong.
My savings completely eroded in time, and I was in dire straits. The first extravagance to go was the Porsche. It was particularly difficult to part ways with my baby, and I broke down and cried when she was gone. The odd thing was, I saw that car almost as an extension of my masculinity and now that it was gone, it drove home the fact that I was no longer the man I used to be. Shortly after that, I defaulted on my mortgage. Eventually, my home was repossessed, and I found myself jobless, homeless, and penniless.
With no other options, I moved back home to my childhood home.
My parents still lived in the same middle-class suburb, and nothing had changed since I moved out when I was 18; they even kept my childhood bedroom as I left it. It was mortifyingly humiliating to move back home, and I felt like the ultimate failure. I lost everything, and now, I had very much reverted into a teenager. I lost all zest for life and became a layabout. I spent days sleeping and spent nights playing video games. In other words, I had given up.
Eventually, my father approached me with an ultimatum: get a job, pay rent, or move out.
Bear in mind my parents lived in the deep burbs and no roles were available that aligned with my qualifications and experience. In other words, I had to look for something outside of my discipline. I had no idea where to start, and I certainly didn’t want to end up working in a department store or a fast food joint; I still had some pride. A small part of me still clung to the hope that one day, I’d reclaim my image and get everything back… after all, I was just going through a rough patch.
My mother was close with our next-door neighbor, Jane Kirkland, who just happened to be an office manager at a medical distribution firm. I always had a thing for Jane. She seemed to be an independent career driven individual and always donned tight power suits. On some level, I was always rather intimidated by her, but I found her quite intoxicating. She was in her mid-fifties and was in tremendous shape, thanks to a strict exercise regimen. I often saw her jogging around the neighborhood during the early morning hours. She was tall, overwhelmingly so. She had long brown hair and piercing green eyes. In other words, she was an absolute goddess.
I recall coming home one fateful day only to find my mother and Jane deep in conversation. They both glanced at me as I froze like a deer in headlights. Yes, Jane still intimidated me. I’d known her since I was eight years old, and despite now being well over thirty, I still felt like a small child in her presence. Of course, this was mostly because I was still smitten, still holding on to a silly boyhood crush, puppy love. Somehow, she made me feel weak. Just a simple grin, or her crystal stare, was enough to make me shudder, it was enough to make me lose all my cool, and I quickly turned into a stuttering blubbering moron.
“Timmy!” she called out to me. I hated being called Timmy. My name was Timothy, and back in my old life, everyone referred to me as either Mr. Johnson or Sir. Now I was being called ‘Timmy’ like a little kid. It had been well over twenty years since I had been called Timmy. My cheeks burned red in embarrassment as a shiver went down my spine. I certainly didn’t want her to see me as a kid. I was a grown-ass man and wanted nothing more than to impress her. I was a captain of industry and a juggernaut in my old world. I was a man. An impressive, powerful, masculine man. I wanted to show her this side of me. I wanted to show her I was more man than she could ever handle. Unfortunately, all that came out was, “Hi Miss Kirkland…..” in almost a whimper.
My mother and Jane shared a knowing look, followed by muffled giggles. “You’re still such a sweet little boy,” she said with a wide-eyed grin.
“Your mother told me you’re looking for work,” she added, eyeing me up and down.
I swallowed the lump in the back of my throat. I couldn’t speak. All I could do at that moment was nod. “Well, we have a position open if you’re interested. You’ll be working in the bullpen in quotes and tenders. How does that sound?” she asked.
Before I could respond, my mother chimed in, “That’s right up his alley.”
My fate was sealed. My mother made all the arrangements with very little input from me. Jane occasionally glanced at me with a sympathetic yet impish grin as they discussed what I needed to do for my interview with her. Essentially, the job was mine, but I still had to go through the process as part of a set of mandatory procedures. So, an interview was set for the following day. I was told to dress well and be prepared to go through a physical assessment. On her way out the door, Jane leaned into me and, in almost a whisper, said, “Don’t bring your mommy. Put your big boy pants on and come alone, okay?” She shot me a condescending grin and practically waltzed out the door.
That evening, I rubbed myself raw with images in my mind of her panting, heaving underneath me, gasping for more, more, more. Yes, she was still part of my masturbatory fantasies, and in these fantasies, I was a sex god. I was an impressive specimen of a man, and she would fall to her knees in adoration, both overwhelmed and impressed by my masculinity and my prowess as a lover. In my mind, I was an alpha, a dominant, confident male specimen with plenty of machismo to boost. In my mind, I left her heaving and satisfied, begging for more as she gazed over my impressive body with an approving, lustful gaze.
This was a silly fantasy but one I’d had of her for years and years.
The next day, my mother dropped me off at the front gate fifteen minutes early, and I told her she should not come in after me. I wanted to go at this all alone. My mother was always intrusive and did not respect my boundaries. This was worse as a child, but since I’d moved back home, she’d become particularly smothering. I found it to be quite suffocating and also rather embarrassing. I was a grown-ass man, not a little kid. I had to be firm with her, but I’m sure she didn’t take me all too seriously.
Fletcher and Felicity Medical Supplies was quite a large company. There were a series of warehouses and workshops throughout the site. In the distance stood an office building and an administration center. Shaking off nerves, I followed the ‘yellow line’ marked on the asphalt towards the office. I simply couldn’t believe the sheer size of this place. Furthermore, it was extremely busy with forklifts and trucks whizzing back and forth. Most men working in the warehouses and workshops leered at me, almost in judgment. All too suddenly, I felt out of place and uncomfortable. I wore Italian leather shoes in an expensive black and grey suit. I looked out of place here in suburbia and sensed hostility, resentment, and irritation at my sheer presence… But it didn’t matter. I didn’t have a blue collar; I had a white one. I was an educated professional, and as I made my way towards the main office, I furrowed my brow and charged with an unfounded, false show of dominance. I’m sure to them, I just looked like the ultimate entitled asshole.
The lady behind the reception desk was an attractive, curvy middle-aged woman with long bleach-blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. She gave me a judgmental up and down as I entered the building before locking my eyes. “Timothy Johnson here for Jane, honey,” I said arrogantly. I knew the job was mine and that all of this was procedural. I was keen to display my dominance to make it known that I was better than this place and that this was just a pit stop. She didn’t appreciate my tone, but she remained professional. With that, she reached for her phone and into the receiver said in a monotone voice, “Your eleven o’clock is here, Miss Kirkland.”… I listened intently, trying to make out what Jane was saying to her. I examined her face as a smile slowly formed from the corners of her mouth as she gazed up at me. With that, she put her phone aside, and with a wide-eyed grin, she said, “Go ahead, Timmy, she’s waiting for you.”
Suddenly shaken, I inhaled sharply and entered the main bullpen.
It was huge. All that could be seen was a sea of cubicles occupied by at least thirty drones, all glued to their screens, all focused on the job before them. It was an odd atmosphere, and as I walked on through, I couldn’t help but notice that a woman occupied every single cubicle. It then dawned on me that I’d be the only man working here. I looked over the horizon, and in the far corner of the bullpen were two separate offices next to each other. All too suddenly, Jane emerged from her office and, with a warm grin, waved me over.
I swallowed the lump in my throat and made my way on through, projecting confidence.
That’s when I heard a familiar voice calling, “Timmy?! Is that you!?” I paused and turned, only to lock eyes with Eliza Smith. I went to high school with Eliza, and even after all these years later, she still retained her youthful good looks. In other words, she had stayed the same one bit. I was a little obsessed with Eliza in high school, especially after I asked her on a date, only to be publicly rejected. All of her friends, in turn, laughed and teased me for entertaining the idea that I would even consider myself worthy and think that I was in her league. She was a tall, leggy brunette with dark brown eyes and a busty figure. As my eyes wandered over her body, I was transported back to that fateful day and how hurt, humiliated, and embarrassed it left me. “What are you doing here? It’s so good to see you!” she said, leaning in for a hug.
“Girls! Look who it is!” she called out, looking over her shoulder.
My heart sank as I realized I’d attended high school with at least half of these women. They all instantly recognized me, and in unison, they all rose to greet me. It was awkward, to say the very least. It was clear that they had all remained in the same suburb since high school, got married, had kids, and got a job close to home. They all looked particularly incredible and all too suddenly, I felt weak at the knees. Close by, there was Helen, Becky, Jasmine, Wendy and Zoe… and as I recall, they all made my life a miserable living hell back in the day, especially once Eliza had publicly rejected me. I was always the butt of some kind of joke, and even though it was a whole decade ago, I still felt the pang of humiliation. “Uhhh…. I have a thing,” I said, desperate to disappear. I simply motioned to Jane, who waved me over this time rather impatiently.
“Sorry, I’ve got to run, ladies. Get back to work!” Without another word, I turned and powered on through. I decided to be arrogant, to project that I was indeed better than this. Gob-smacked, they all looked on as I walked off, largely ignoring them.
As I approached Jane, she grinned. “It’s good to see you’re on time,” she said. Yes, of course. I’m nothing but punctual,” I added, trying to project confidence and show that I was, above all, a man. All I did, though, was come across as arrogant. This heightened as I walked past her, heading inside her office without an invitation. ” Let’s get this over with, shall we?” I said blankly.
“Right….” Jane softly said to herself as she sighed sharply before closing the door behind her.
What followed were a series of dry, bland, standard interview questions. I sat before her as she read off a single sheet of paper, practically ticking items off as she spoke. “Where do you see yourself in five years?” she asked, responding, “Hopefully with your job,” I said with a deadpan leer. She snickered at this as she continued to go through her list. “Are you planning on taking any time off over the next three months?” she asked. I shook my head no as she ticked another checkbox before moving on to the next question and then the next,
Once she was done, she placed her document aside and looked me over with an arch of an eyebrow. “Do you know what we do here, Timmy?” she asked.
I hadn’t researched the company and knew this would certainly count against me under normal circumstances. I decided to be honest with her and responded, “Not really. But I have a good phone manners, I’m highly computer literate, I have a strong work ethic, and I’m very career-driven,” I said with unfounded confidence.
She stared back at me, deep in thought. “Would you be willing to help in the workshop occasionally?” she asked.
Not thinking clearly, I simply responded, “Yeah, sure.”
Jane rose from her seat, maintaining her crystal stare with me. She aptly reached over her desk and flipped open a manila folder, extracting another document. With that, she handed it to me with a warm grin, “Keep the attitude in check, Timmy, and you’ll get along just fine,” she added rather sternly. This was enough to rattle me. She added before I could even fathom a response, “Take this and head next door. Karen will be with you in a few minutes to administer the P.A..”
“Err… the P.A.? What’s a P.A.?” I asked, suddenly uneasy.
“The physical assessment, sweetie,” she responded with mockery. It was almost as if she knew I’d find it confronting, embarrassing, and nerve-wracking. “oh…..” I said softly. Nervously, I rose to my feet and was quickly ushered out the door. “Good luck!” she added as she practically slammed the door shut behind me, alerting almost everyone in the bullpen to my predicament. I heard muffled chatter and stifled giggles. From across the bullpen, Eliza locked eyes with me and hid an obvious grin. Helen turned away and let out a giddy chuckle. Sure, I must’ve looked silly standing there with my tail between my legs, but for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out just what the hell was so goddamn funny.
So, as I stood by the second door, waiting in anticipation, my heart dropped as the busty receptionist walked on through the bullpen towards me. From across the room, I met her gaze. She smiled at me. It was then that I realized that she’d be running the P.A. and that my job relied on passing a series of tests, all administered by her. “I’m Karen,” she said with a satisfied smirk. She was going to go out of her way to make this particularly memorable, not just for her but for me, and it would be something I would never forget.
From there, she ushered me into the smaller office, shutting the door behind me.
Instinctively, I handed her the document in my hands. Without a word, she glazed over it before putting it aside. “Right, this shouldn’t take too long. We’re just going to run through some exercises, and then I will do a brief physical examination to determine your suitability for the role. It should take no more than twenty minutes. How does that sound?” she asked me with a mischievous grin. All I could do was nod, almost afraid to speak. “Great!” she said, pointing to a small brown box resting underneath a small brown wooden table.
I slowly gazed over the room.
A series of dumbbells were positioned towards the far wall, as a bright pink exercise ball and a series of medicine balls. Furthermore, there was a treadmill and an exercise bike. A cold steel bench was on the other side of the room. The walls of this room were adjourned with various diagrams of human anatomy. The whole thing felt cold, sterile, and clinical. When she approached me, Karen took me out of my daze, clasping a grip strength machine. “So, I’ll just get you to pull on this lever as hard as you can,” she said before adding, “It’ll measure your grip strength and how strong you truly are…. Honey!” she added, almost condescendingly, throwing my word back at me, sensing my unease.
Anxiously, I clasped the contraption and squeezed it with my right hand, which I repeated with my left hand.
With a wide grin, I watched as Karen jotted down the results. “Uhhh… How did I do?” I asked meekly.
“Not too bad… The right hand is stronger than the left,” she joked as I felt my cheeks burn in embarrassment.
With that, she handed me a tall glass of pink liquid and said, “Drink this, please. We’ll need a urine sample once this is all over.” Reluctantly, I took the glass and quickly inhaled it, not knowing what to expect next.
“So….” she began, reaching for a pair of blue latex gloves, “I’ll just get you to disrobe,” she said almost casually.
I couldn’t believe my ears. My eyes widened in shock as I stood there with my mouth agape, “disrobe?” I asked, terrified and anxious.
“The sooner we do this, the sooner it’ll be over!” she added. Sensing my hesitation, she rolled her eyes and said, “If you don’t, I can’t continue the P.A., which will mean I’ll have to fail you.” She paused for effect before adding, “To work here, you need to pass P.A…Honey.”
“Urr…” Once again, I hesitated, not wanting to show this lady my body. I wasn’t in bad shape, but I was well aware of my sagging man boobs and growing beer belly. At least while dressed, I could mask my insecurities and hold onto my dignity. At a glance, I seem fit, trim, and terrific. But without a shirt on, I looked out of shape and was shamefully embarrassed about my appearance. “Now, please!” she demanded sternly.
Conceding defeat, I slowly removed my jacket, followed by my shirt. I could’ve sworn I heard her snicker at my profile as I turned to fold my clothes neatly. I then turned to face her, shuddering in embarrassment but trying hard to save face. She scowled at me and motioned towards my pants. I swallowed the lump in my throat before inhaling sharply. Slowly, I knelt over, removing my shoes and socks before unbuckling my belt, unzipping my trousers, and letting them fall.
I stood awkwardly before her in nothing but a pair of blue shorts.
She stared me down as she confidently folded her arms. Her eyes burned into my soul as I stood there, shuddering in humiliation. After what felt like an eternity, her eyes cast downward towards my midsection. Slowly, her lips parted as a satisfied grin washed over her. I looked down in unison, confused. In desperation, I glanced back up at her, vulnerable and terrified. “Those too,” she said almost sadistically.
I couldn’t believe my ears. Surely, this had to be some kind of joke. Surely, she didn’t expect me to stand before her in my birthday suit. I hesitated and quickly became a frightened, nervous little boy. With my eyes, I desperately pleaded with her, “You’re kidding? Right?” I asked with almost a whimper.
She simply shook her head at me, “sorry, sweetie. Everyone has to go through this,” she added, maintaining that bemused grin.
“But, but I uhhh….” My voice trailed off as I struggled to come up with an excuse. “It’s okay, I’m a registered nurse. I’ve seen it all before,” she added, trying to reassure me, although it still felt like I was being taunted on some level.
The truth was, as ashamed as I was of my body profile, I was even more ashamed of my penis. I was always embarrassed by the size of my genitals. I’m not a big man; I’m downright tiny. It has always been my shameful secret and, as a teen, I always avoided situations that involved public nudity. As I got older, I grew more and more self-conscious about my smaller-than-impressive manhood. When erect, I barely pass 4.5 inches. When flaccid, it disappears completely, almost resembling a little worm or a pale thimble. To make matters worse, I keep myself clean-shaven to appear bigger. Unfortunately, all this does is make me seem prepubescent. I was well and truly ashamed about my penis and had long accepted that I was inadequate where it mattered most. As this went through my mind, Karen said, “If you don’t comply, I’m afraid I will have to fail you… honey.”
With no other options, I conceded defeat.
Slowly, I reached into the waistband of my shorts and, in one swift move, lowered them to the ground.
For the first time in a very long time, I stood naked before a woman. My insecurities are on display.
I was expecting some kind of reaction. To my utter surprise, there was none. She looked me over before quickly jotting something down on her notepad. Slowly, she peered over at my mid-section once more before gazing back up at me. With that, she gave me a sad yet sympathetic smile. It was almost an attempt to comfort me, but it still felt condescending.
“Okay honey….I’ll just get you to hop up onto the table here,” she said as she motioned me over to the steel bench on the far side of the room.
As I shuffled towards her, my little penis bobbed up and down. I was shamefully aware of my insecurities and how tiny I was, and I’m sure, in that moment, I turned three shades of red. As I sat on the bench, she stood before me and said, “Just relax, honey. This will be over really quickly.” With that, she proceeded to move her gloved hands all over my body. She applied pressure to my stomach before moving towards my upper chest, gently thumbing my chest almost methodically. I lay flat, staring at the ceiling, willing this to end as soon as humanly possible. From there, she clasped my right arm, rubbing her hands over my elbow and towards my torso. With that, she refocused her attention on the lower half of my body. She clasped my ankles and folded my legs, pushing them up towards my chest. She ran her hands over my joints and applied pressure before gently spreading my legs apart. “Can I get you just to hold your thighs up here please?” she asked. Nervously, I clung tightly to my thighs as she ran her hands down towards my little bits and pieces. My entire manhood fit in the palm of her right hand as she gave it a slight squeeze, causing me to wince, “Ungh!”
She stood back before snapping off her gloves, “very good,” she declared.
Slowly, I forced myself up, instinctively shielding my privates from her, cupping my crotch in a desperate attempt to hide my insecurities. “Can I go…get dressed?” I nervously asked.
“Oh, not yet honey,” she said before reaching for her notepad, making further notes. “I’ll just get you to hop off the table,” she added before motioning me to the treadmill.
“Uhh… Okay…” I responded meekly, all my confidence completely gone.
“Just hop on and try to relax,” she reassured me. With that, she turned on the treadmill and set a ten-minute timer. It was easy at first, but with each minute, she’d increase the speed and incline. After the four-minute mark, I was desperate for this whole ordeal to end. It was a struggle and made me realize just how unfit I was. I caught her glancing down at my little winky occasionally as it bobbed up and down. It must’ve looked so silly to her. When I hit the ten-minute mark, I was drenched in sweat, gasping for air like a dying fish, struggling ever so hard to catch my breath. I was so out of it I even forgot about my nudity for a very brief second.
Suddenly, there was a faint knocking at the door.
To my utter mortification, Karen called out, “Come in!”
I stood there in shock, like a deer in headlights as Jane barged in, indifferent to the fact that I was well and truly naked. “Timmy! I uh-” I looked on in horror as her eyes peered down to what was dangling between my legs. Her face painted the picture of someone who was both amused and confused. I, too, looked down only to confirm my greatest fear: my little penis had completely betrayed me, retracting completely inside of my body. To her, I must’ve looked so ridiculous and pathetic. ‘God no!!!’ my mind raced as I pleaded, ‘Please! Come out just a bit!’ In desperation, I looked back up at her. She met my gaze and gave me a warm yet sad smile. She was sorry for me. It was also clear that I did not, in any way look like a man, at least not to her. At that moment, I was too in shock to even shield myself. I was simply frozen in fear, paralyzed.
This was the last woman I wanted to see like this. Words simply could not express how embarrassed I was at that moment. I was so humiliated that I was actually on the verge of tears.
However, she was quick to change the subject, ignoring my nudity. “For your security pass, would you like Timothy? Or Timmy?” she asked.
“Uhhh….” I cleared my throat, unable to concentrate, and without thinking, I responded, “Timmy,” with almost a whimper.
She snickered at me before returning to my little pee pee once more. “Okay, thank you.” With that, she was quick to head out the door. To my utter mortification, she failed to shut the door behind her, leaving it wide open, in full view of the entire bullpen. To my surprise, no one really seemed to notice just yet. Before I could protest, Karen quickly ushered me to the next part of the assessment: the exercise bike. “Only five minutes this time,” she declared as I was practically forced to sit on the bike seat, butt naked.
Like the treadmill, she increased the intensity every minute. I decided to just power on with hopes that this would be the last exercise and that after this was done, I could finally get dressed and put this whole nightmare behind me. Halfway through this portion of the assessment, I caught her staring at my privates. Her face painted the picture of someone who was disgusted, amused, and sorry for me. Instinctively, I glanced down only to realize that my little dick was well and truly gone. The tip barely poked out of my pubic mound. It looked like I had no penis at all.
Once it was over, I was quick to hop off the bike. To my mortification, my little winky did not pop back out of my body. It simply stayed in there.
To make matters worse, Jane barged back in, this time unannounced.
Again, I froze in shock as I stared back at her with my mouth agape. She, of course, couldn’t tell that I was so utterly humiliated. She seemed to ignore my nudity and did not appear to be aware of my angst and insecurities. “So, it’s all done Timmy. We can start you on Monday. I’ll have Eliza run through the basics with you, and you can shadow her for the first two weeks,” she declared.
All I could do was nod. I was too perplexed, flustered, and anxious even to speak. Then, she said something that shook me to my very core.
“I’m heading out early today, so… if you like, I can give you a quick tour of the site and maybe introduce you to some key team members. How does that sound?” she asked me.
“Urhhh… Yes. Thank you,” I responded softly, meekly.
“Great!” she exclaimed before turning toward the door, expecting me to follow.
“Urm… Just hang on a second. I’ll just put my clothes back on,” I said, anxiously reaching for my trousers. Karen was quick to stop that, “Bec!” she called out, “We’re not quite done yet. I still haven’t done the prostate exam. Best for him to remain nude,” she declared.
Jane paused briefly before saying, “Okay, dokie! It’ll only take a few minutes anyway. Come on!” she added.
This must’ve been some sick joke. I stood before her, terrified. Surely, she didn’t expect me to prance around the site completely naked. I froze in absolute terror. By this point, I had lost all my confidence, and my dignity was long gone. I shuddered and whimpered, reluctant to follow her to the crowded bullpen. She paused in her tracks, sensing my angst, “Oh don’t worry,” she said, trying to put me at ease, “Everyone is an adult. No one will care.”
I couldn’t believe my ears.
I also couldn’t believe the power she had over me. I felt myself complying, with little to no fight as I, rather reluctantly and beyond mortified, followed her out to the crowded bullpen, completely naked.
I stood with Jane by her office door, looking over the entire bullpen. “Ladies! Ladies!” she announced, garnering everyone’s attention, “Ladies, just a quick second!” Slowly but surely, almost every woman stopped what they were doing and looked over in my direction. I stood awkwardly as thirty sets of eyes gazed over my pasty, naked body. My little dick barely jutted out of me. I looked and felt sexless. From across the room, Eliza locked eyes with me before hiding an obvious grin. Wendy looked on in shock and shielded her face, covering up that she was on the verge of laughter. Other ladies were not as subtle. Zoe and Helen chuckled amongst themselves, amused by the whole display and my complete and total public emasculation. It amused most of the women there, and they were not making much of an attempt to hide it. Some women even waved pinky fingers at each other.
Jane loudly said, “Ladies, I’d like to introduce you all to little Timmy. He’ll be starting with us next Monday.” Murmurs and muffled giggles filled the room as I stood there, red-faced, beyond humiliated. Just when I thought things couldn’t possibly get any worse, Jane turned to me and said, “Why don’t you go and introduce yourself? I’ve just got a few things to finish up, and when I’m done, I’ll show you around the main warehouse,” with that, she turned and headed back into her office, leaving me standing there on display before an amused sea of women, naked, vulnerable, self-conscious and exposed.
“Uhh….” I began, feeling practically flush. Slowly, I approached the nearest cubicle. “Urm… Hello. I’m Timmy,” I said with a whimper, my voice quivering. The buxom blonde seated behind her desk looked me up and down before erupting into laughter.
I quickly moved to the next cubicle. ” Our…. Hi. I’m, umm… I’m Timmy,” I said softly. The redhead before me stared down at what little I possessed and shook her head at me before completely ignoring me.
I then moved onto the next cubicle, “Hello. I’m Timmy,” I said meekly. The bronzed goddess before me rose out of her seat and extended her hand, “Hello widdle Timmy,” she said in a mock pouty baby voice. This, in turn, garnered a raucous round of laughter by those in our earshot. Red-faced, I kept my head down and headed onto the next cubicle and the next, and the next. I was either ignored or mocked. A snide comment here and a snide comment there. As soon as I moved on, chatter, muffled giggles, and murmurs intensified.
Eventually, I made it to Eliza’s cubicle. She looked me up and down with an amused grin. She’d clearly been laughing. “Uhhh….. I’m told I uhh…. I’ll be working with you,” I said with a faint whimper. She responded by laughing in my face, “FOR me!” she reaffirmed, enjoying my predicament perhaps a little too much, “you’ll be working directly for me,” she paused for effect before looking down at my tiny little dick, “So nice of you to show us all your little friend.” she added before laughing in my face once more.
I shuddered as I moved to the next cubicle, coming face to face with an amused Zoe. ” You were always overcompensating for something back in the day… now I know why!” she said confidently as she stood before me.
I then moved on to Wendy, who stared down at my groin with disdain and disgust, “why the fuck are you naked?” she asked me, borderline irritated. “Uhhh…. I umm… I don’t know,” I admitted on the verge of tears. Nearby, another round of laughter followed, all at my expense, and I continued to the next cubicle, the next, and the next.
When I finally returned to Jane’s office, she locked her door. I must’ve looked like I was having the worst day of my life. I stood before her, whimpering, on the verge of having a breakdown. She, of course, either didn’t notice or didn’t care. “Good timing!” she said out loud. “Okay, I have a few minutes to show you around before I go… try to keep up!” with that, she turned and barged on through the bullpen. I inhaled sharply before following her out the door and headed outside. I trailed behind, struggling to keep up with her. She looked incredible in a tight beige dress with a blazer and heels. I looked pathetic, wet, limp, and naked.
She led me out to the main warehouse.
Under the harsh sun, the asphalt burnt the soles of my feet. I was uncomfortable, wincing and grimacing as she led me through the warehouse. I stood out like a sore thumb as everyone had to stop what they were doing just to look at me. Pickpackers, sorters, and laborers looked on in shock and disgust as I shuffled down the walkway following a confident Jane. “Hey Chris!” she called out, “this is little Timmy,” she said motioning to me. Chris looked me up and down in utter disdain before scowling at me. “Little Timmy needs to be wearing safety goggles to be down here,” he said, practically barking at me.
“Oh, you’re right! I’m so sorry,” Jane exclaimed out loud.
With that, she riffled through her bag and extracted a pair of pink-brimmed safety goggles before handing them to me. “Put these on sweetie,” she said, almost adoringly. From there she powered on as I continued to follow close by. We continued as she introduced me to almost every person we passed. “Hey Jeff!…. Hey Greg!…. oh hi Jerome!” she’d call out, drawing attention to me. When it was over, I was a frazzled mess, exhausted and overwhelmed. Eventually, we’d made it to her car, “and that’s it!” she declared before looking back down at my little nubbin. An amused smile washed over her as she got into her vehicle, “you’re okay to head back into the office on your own?” she asked, not paying much more attention to me.
“Uhhh… yeah. I guess so,” I said meekly.
“You’re such a sweet little boy. You haven’t changed one bit in all these years. You’re so cute and adorable,” she said as she turned over her engine, “see you Monday little Timmy,” with that, she tore out of the driveway, leaving me all alone. As embarrassing as the whole ordeal was, it was utterly terrifying, shuffling back to the main office all alone while nude. It sounds odd, but I felt safe near her on some level. Now that she was gone, I experienced a new level of vulnerability.
The same crew that leered at me earlier leered at me once again. This time, I almost felt unsafe. I shuddered as I power walked towards the office, desperate to run and hide. Once inside, I sighed in relief, feeling safe and comfortable for the first time that day. Thankfully, the novelty had died, and most ladies had returned to their duties. As I powered on, I walked past Eliza, who shot me a mischievous grin. Helen and Zoe were huddled in a corner, deep in conversation, and as I walked past them, they glared over at me before sharing wide-eyed grins. Muffled laughter erupted behind me as I powered on. Trying to block it out, I inhaled sharply and continued walking onward the entire bullpen length towards Karen, who patiently awaited me.
“I was beginning to wonder when you’d come back,” she said aloud.
“Uhh…yeah. I’m here,” I said, my eyes cast downward in a soft, defeated voice.
Karen smiled warmly at me to put me at ease, “good boy,” she said almost sympathetically with a sad expression as a sincere smile washed over her. From there, I was ordered to complete a series of compound lifting exercises using two dumbbells. This was done in increments; she’d add more weight with each set and encourage me to push myself even further. From there, I spent fifteen minutes undertaking various exercises using a medicine ball. Exercises included rolling pushups, the overhead toss, the shoulder press, the overhead circle, and the hollow hold sit-up. This exercise required me to lay on the floor with my legs held together and in unison, I’d lift the medicine ball while simultaneously raising both legs in the air, giving Karen a perfect view of my entrance. It was mind-numbingly humiliating, but by this point, I had more than conceded defeat and just wanted to get this over and done with as quickly as humanly possible. Somehow, in doing these exercises, my little penis managed to pop back out of my body. At least I half resembled a normal naked adult male again. Once I finished my exercises, Karen handed me a small plastic cup. I looked up at her in shock until it clicked, and the wheels in my head began to spin: she wanted a urine sample, and….she wanted to watch me do it.
She looked on intently as I stood before her, holding the cup with my left hand, and with my right, I held my flaccid little penis with my thumb and index finger. She quickly grew impatient as I struggled to commence. “Just give me a sec,” I said softly as I closed my eyes, trying ever so hard to concentrate and block out the entire world. After a whole minute of trying, I relaxed enough to the point where a steady stream of piss flowed out of my little dick, filling the small cup almost halfway. “Good boy!” she said, almost enthusiastically when I was done.
I shuddered as I handed her the cup. I hated being called a ‘good boy.’ In my mind, I was an able-bodied alpha male… The events of the day would alter how I viewed myself and have a long-lasting effect on my confidence moving forward. I had been symbolically emasculated, and in no way did I feel like a man. I did feel like a small child, and it wasn’t very comfortable. It almost felt like she was taunting me, and as I stood before her, completely naked, I found myself involuntarily shaking, suddenly overcome with crippling fear.
I let out an exasperated sigh. “Urr, are we uhh… are we done yet? Can I please get dressed now?” I asked with a whimper.
“Almost,” she said as a smile washed over her once more, “We just need to complete your prostate exam first.”
I had no idea that things could get any worse. “I’ll just get you to bend over the bench, please,” she said sternly, “and stick out your posterior,” she added. Reluctantly, I approached the cold steel bench and slowly placed my open palms on the bench before crouching over, sticking out my rear. “spread your legs, honey,” she said as she took her place behind me. I shuddered and inhaled sharply as I slowly repositioned myself, spreading my legs for her. This wasn’t enough; I felt her foot tap my ankle, almost forcefully, as I begrudgingly spread my legs even further. I winced as she placed her hands on my hips, forcing me further down onto the table with my ass up in the air. I grimaced as I struggled to hold that position for her, visibly shivering and trembling in angst and unease.
“Hmmm… ” she mused out loud. I don’t think this is quite working,” she declared. I glanced over my shoulder at her. She was deep in thought, pondering. Her eyes met mine as she shot me a grin. “How about…” she began, “you hop onto the table?”
“The…. um… on the table?” I asked with a whimper.
“Yep. On your hands and knees. Like a little doggy,” she added with a smirk.
Reluctantly, I crawled up onto the cold steel bench on all fours. I looked and felt silly. “Very good!” she said almost sarcastically with glee. That’s perfect,” she reaffirmed. Just hold that position,” she added.
I stared ahead as I heard her behind me, fumbling with a pair of latex gloves. I winced, not knowing what to expect, but I did know that it would not only be embarrassing but also rather uncomfortable and intrusive. “Just relax, honey,” she said softly as I felt her stepping into position.
All too suddenly, there was a faint knock at the door. “Come in!” Karen called out.
In horror, I looked over to my left, realizing I was parallel to the door. My face turned three shades of red as the door swung open. I locked eyes with Eliza, who looked me over with a long, wondering gaze and an amused yet satisfied grin. At that moment, I couldn’t have looked more pathetic. Me on a steel bench, completely naked on all fours with my butt up in the air, ready to be penetrated. At that moment, I felt myself becoming flush and began to sob out of sheer embarrassment and humiliation.
Eliza of course, let out a chuckle, wildly entertained by my predicament.
“Is everything okay, Eliza?” Karen asked.
Eliza struggled to compose herself, on the verge of erupting into laughter. ” Yeah… uhh… there’s someone in the waiting room,” she said while maintaining eye contact with me. She arched her eyebrow and ran her tongue over her top lip, perhaps trying to control herself and keep from breaking into full-blown laughter.
“Oh shoot!” Karen grimaced, “Do you mind telling them to wait a tic? This should only take a few minutes,” Karen said.
“Sure, yeah of course!” Eliza was quick to retreat, disappearing back into the bullpen and powerwalking toward the main reception area.
She left the door wide open.
I was well and truly exposed to the entire team.
Karen either didn’t notice, or she simply didn’t care. At that moment, I reached a whole new level of humiliation. As I looked over at the open door, I noticed a group of women milling about, most looking on with wide-eyed grins and knowing smirks. I locked eyes with Zoe who simply shook her head at me before extracting her phone, presumably recording my embarrassing predicament. Helen stood close by with her mouth agape. Jasmine struggled to contain herself, she simply erupted into laughter, laughter from within. Before too long, most of the women looking in were all laughing at me.
I began to sob, and as tears welled in my eyes, I looked over my shoulder back at Karen, who was in the process of applying a generous amount of lubricant to her right index finger. Through my tears, I pleaded with her, “They’re laughing at me. Please make them stop laughing at me,” I said through labored breathing as tears streamed down my face.
“Shhhh…shh….” Karen responded, almost as if she were trying to console an upset child. It was clear that she wasn’t listening to my words. “Just relax, honeybunch,” she added.
With that, I felt her enter me.
I let out an exasperated wail as I instinctively clung to the edge of the bench, grunting, grimacing, and panting in unison. It was uncomfortable, unbelievably so. Furthermore, I felt violated. I let out a whimper and a “ngh!!!! Mfppphh!!!”
This garnered another round of laughter from the ladies nearby, who were all looking on, wildly entertained.
Karen prodded my asshole yet very gently drove her index finger into me. After a few seconds, I felt her insert another finger, followed by a third. I felt an underwhelming amount of pressure and a whole new level of discomfort.
Instinctively, I looked down at my flaccid tackle. From my vantage point, it looked like a lifeless, pale, puckered skin flap. Useless.
All too suddenly, the pressure intensified as I closed my eyes, clinging to the edge of the bench for dear life, “Ugh!!! Oh garrr!!! Waaaa!!!” I whimpered, groaned, and grimaced as Karen continued to prod and stimulate my prostate. Then, just as quickly as it began, I felt something deep inside me. Something building up. It wasn’t quite the same as when I played with myself, this was a different feeling altogether. The pressure continued to build, and I felt an odd tightness from within; something was building up and becoming more intense. I was powerless to stop it and in that moment, had no idea just what the hell was happening to me. I instinctively let out a wail and a whimper, followed by a high-pitched scream, “Whhhhaaaa… Ungh….. what’s happening to me?” I managed to say in between labored breaths.
“shhh… Shhhh,” Karen responded, “just relax, honeybunch,” she added.
Then, it happened.
A pulsating sensation washed over me with such intensity that my entire body jerked and convulsed. I let out a rather loud whimper and groan, and, in that moment, I achieved total transcendence as I ejaculated.
My eyes widened in absolute shock as it happened. I gazed down between my legs. A clear watery liquid slowly oozed and dribbled out of my flaccid little penis. “Ungh! Ungh!! Ohh!! Argh!! Mfphhh!!!” I grunted and wailed as I continued to cum, largely without any sensation where it would otherwise matter.
Once it was over and I returned to earth, applause followed.
“Ngh!” I whimpered as I struggled to form coherent sentences. I gazed back up at Karen, perplexed and exasperated. “What… what… What did you do to me?” I managed to ask.
She smiled back down at me warmly, “aww honey,” she began, “you don’t know?” she asked, almost condescendingly. Of course, I knew, but I was far too startled, overwhelmed, and exhausted even to comprehend what had happened. Before I could even fathom any sort of response, she added, “You made cummies.”
I had just ejaculated through my flaccid little penis while my prostate was being stimulated.
She grinned at me triumphantly. “Was that the first time you’ve made cummies?” she said, both mockingly and with concern. “Did it feel nice?” she asked as the crowd before me erupted in laughter once more, “I’m so happy for you. I bet it felt just wonderful!” she added with a satisfied grin.
It was clear to me that, based on the size of my genitals, she assumed I hadn’t yet reached puberty. At that moment, it dawned on me; she probably assumed that it was the first ever time I had achieved an orgasm. I was sure she also probably assumed that I was permanently impotent and unable to function as a man. Instinctively, I glanced back down at the flaccid little flap of skin dangling between my legs, a long string of clear liquid still dripping out. It was clear to me that she found it utterly hysterical.
“Can I please get dressed?” I asked in a soft whimper, desperate to leave.
“Yes. We’re all done now, honeybunch,” she said, struggling to keep a straight face.
I was quick to leap off the table. Everyone looked on, wildly amused as I frantically threw my clothes back on. I was a frazzled mess and was more than eager to make myself scarce. Once my trousers were on, I wore my blazer and carried everything else. So there I was, holding my socks, shoes and shirt. “Can I go now?” I said meekly, softly.
Karen smiled at me, “Of course honey. See you on Monday.”
With that, I very quickly turned and practically bolted out the door. Like a parting sea, the crowd moved aside as I shuffled out of the bullpen towards the main reception area. Muffled chatter, giggles, and laughter took over as I exited. At that moment, I simply didn’t care. I just had to get out of there. I kept my head down and powered on, desperate to run and hide.
To my mortification, when I made it to the main reception area, I found Eliza in deep conversation with my mother. They both looked over in my direction as I emerged. My mother looked me up and down with curiosity while Eliza maintained that wide-eyed, amused grin. “Your mommy is here to pick you up,” she said mockingly, on the verge of laughter.
“Timmy! Did you know Eliza worked here? I’m good friends with her mom!” my mother said out loud, to which I shuddered. Eliza stifled a giggle.
“Small world huh?” she added.
“Can we get out of here please?” I said with my head down, more than eager to leave. I would need more time to explain.
Eliza said, “It was fun seeing you Timmy. We also enjoyed seeing your little friend,” she mocked as she waved her pinky in the air at me.
I kept my head down and walked on through, exiting the building.
I’m sure my mother had no idea what was going on. But I heard her say, “Tell your mother I said hi,” as she exited, struggling to catch up with me.
On the drive home, I sat in the passenger seat, staring out the window, defeated, lost, and a shell of a man. “Mom….” I began, “I don’t think it’s for me,” I said softly, to which my mother simply responded, “I’m sorry, Timmy. You don’t have a choice. Swallow your pride and suck it up. You may not be a big shot anymore, but a job is a job!”
“But mom-,” I pleaded.
“Enough!!” she barked at me, cutting me off. “I will personally take you to work on Monday in your birthday suit if need be!”
I had no choice. I had to return the following Monday. But… that’s a whole other story.
The End.
* AI has edited this story to fix spelling, punctuation, formatting errors, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.