The Yes Game – The Halloween Party
By OopsyDaisyNaked.

“Ahh, this is more like it,” James thought as he lay naked on the massage table, waiting for Monique to come in. He’d parked two blocks away in front of a restaurant where he was currently “eating lunch” if Sara happened to turn on the find my phone feature to check up on him.
Of course, he had to quit going to his last spa and was trying to find another one where he could replicate that old humiliation magic.
So far, he’d tried two others, but they hadn’t worked out. Oh sure, the girls had snickered when he rolled over and exposed his little, clean-shaven penis, but they had no interest in teasing him any further.
“But hey, maybe the third time is the charm,” he thought as he waited for Monique.
It wasn’t.
Sara was in a Zoom meeting, bored out of her mind. She’d checked her stocks and updates on Meta and Bluesky. She’d even checked on James. It looked like he was eating lunch at that new burger joint. She thought about going into street view and cruising a few blocks in either direction looking for Spas, but she was pretty sure she’d cured James of that habit.
Suddenly, her phone started buzzing, and she saw that Katie was calling.
“Damn,” she thought.
She immediately texted-“in a meeting. Can I call you in 10?”
Ten minutes later, she was on the phone with Katie.
“Sorry to bother you; I just wanted your advice.”
“Of course,” Sara replied.
It concerns the party. It’s Halloween-themed, so costumes are required, but do you think everyone should just come as whoever, or should I try to theme it like 50s dress-up, superheroes only, or famous actors and actresses?
Sara had to smile. This question was so breathtakingly stupid that it had to be the “lame excuse” that Jenny had predicted.
“Oh no, don’t limit it; it will be much more fun to see what everyone comes up with on their own.”
“Right, right, yeah, that’s what I was thinking too.”
And then Katie spoke up again. “So, how are you? How was your meeting?”
Sara had to stifle a laugh. “Oh, you know, it was a meeting.”
“Yeah, and um, how is James? Has the poor dear recovered?”
“Oh, he’s getting there. It probably doesn’t help that I keep teasing him about it.”
“Well, it was pretty funny.”
“Um listen, Gwen and I were talking and…”
(Here it comes through Sara)
…and well, we just wondered what your feelings would be about something similar happening to James at the Halloween party?”
Before Sara could respond, she continued, “I mean, we aren’t talking much, just a quick accidental exposure like at your house, but it wouldn’t really be an accident, of course, but it would be quick, very quick.”
“I would love it,” Sara said.
“Oh really,” Katie said, sounding so relieved.
“What did you have in mind?”
“Oh gosh, I don’t know, we haven’t given it much thought. Maybe James could come as a lifeguard and accidentally get knocked into the pool.
Oh, and he’d be wearing one of those prank swimsuits that sort of disintegrate in water, so he’d be naked when he came out.
Oh, the heater wouldn’t be on in the pool so that the water would be freezing, and he wouldn’t want to stay there.
Oh, and because of the cold water, his small issue would look even smaller.”
Sara laughed. “Haven’t given it any thought, huh.”
“Oh well, maybe a little,” Katie giggled.
“Okay, I’ll work on James, making him think it was my idea. I’ll dress as one as well, so he won’t suspect. Now, should I get the suit?”
“Oh no, I’ll take care of that,” Katie said. Listen, I’ll get you one so you guys will match. Of course, no one will throw you in the water. Just wear yours over a one-piece, and you will look straight out of Baywatch.”
“Perfect,” said Sara. “Talk to you soon.”
Katie smiled when she got off the phone.
“Perfect indeed,” she thought.
Katie was not one to leave anything to chance.
She had ordered one of these “gag” suits and had her husband wear it in their pool.
She hadn’t told him about it. She wanted to gauge his surprise and panic.
No surprise. No panic.
The suit came apart slowly, in big enough pieces to still be used as a cover. And the inner lining stayed intact!
So these suits, she figured, were designed to cause mild embarrassment, nothing more.
Well, that wouldn’t do!
She ordered another suit and took it to a seamstress she knew. She told the woman what she needed. The woman took one look at the suit and went to work.
“Part of your problem is that not all of it uses water-soluble thread. So that’s step one. Then, we’ll have to cut and re-sew parts of the suit so that no one piece is bigger than, say, 3 inches by 3 inches.”
“Can you do that without making it look like Frankenstein’s bathing suit?”
“Sort of. I can make it look like a regular bathing suit. Could you tell me why we are doing this? Are you pranking your husband?”
For some reason, Katie told this woman the whole story, including the bee incident and the plan for the Halloween party.
The seamstress howled. “Oh God, how I’d love to see that!”
“Oh, you should come,” said Katie.
“Could I?! That would be great. I’ll work extra hard on this! Can I bring my daughters?
“Oh, sorry, no children allowed.”
“She laughed again. They’re nineteen and twenty-one.”
It was Katie’s turn to laugh.
After she left, she chastised herself for inviting more people. It was supposed to be a neighborhood party for about thirty people, and now she’d invited her seamstress, her two daughters, and Jenny, Sara’s friend, who was also bringing at least two people.
And then there was Frank. She just knew he was inviting extra people.
After experimenting with the not-so-disintegrating swimsuit, she told him what was up.
She had come home the afternoon of the bee sting incident and told Frank all about it.
He, of course, had loved it.
“I should have figured that loser had a little dick,” he roared.
So when she told him how she wanted to embarrass James at the Halloween Party, he was all in, happy to help.
And then, every day, it was, “Oh God, I’ve got to invite so and so; they’d get a real kick out of this!”
Gwen was doing the same thing. She and her husband were swingers. Amanda and her husband were the only other neighborhood couple in their little clique. On the way home from James and Sara’s house, she had called Amanda to tell her to scratch them off their wish list laughingly.
Amanda reminded her that she had domme tendencies, so she’d love to get her hands on someone like James.
She called her again later to ensure she was coming to Katie’s Halloween party.
Their thinking was things might get quite kinky that night, and there might be some real recruiting that could take place, so Gwen invited a few other couples so they, too, could enjoy the fun.
Sara couldn’t wait to call Jenny and tell her how right she had been. She filled her in on the phone call with Katie and the plan to expose James to a few people at the party.
Again, Jenny’s turn was to educate Sara on the world’s ways.
“Now you know Katie wouldn’t go to all this trouble just to have James flash a few people who happen to be standing around her pool at that moment.
Flash five people, hell, you did that and…”
“And, of course, she’ll have to top me,” Sara interrupted.
“Exactly,” Jenny said. “Are you sure you want to submit poor old James to whatever she has in mind?”
“Poor old James, my ass! He has started up again. He thinks I don’t know. He thinks he’s out-smarted me, so I’m ready to enjoy any humiliation that comes his way.”
“Well he hasn’t been back to our place, so I guess that means he’s cheating on us! So I guess I’ll be enjoying the show as well.
By the way, I’m bringing Scarlett and Margaret. Sonia and Jordan passed. Their loss!”
Party Time!!
It had been ridiculously easy to convince James to go as a lifeguard.
He was not a big fan of Cosplay, so wearing a t-shirt, a swimsuit, and flip-flops seemed like a gift.
She did have to improvise a bit, though. She convinced him that with the T-shirt, he just looked like a guy going swimming. She was right.
So off came the shirt, replaced by a whistle on a string around his neck and some zinc oxide on his nose.
As planned, Sara wore a red one-piece, matching red shorts, a whistle, and zinc oxide.
Since Katie lived only about four blocks away, they decided to walk, as did most people in the neighborhood. Seeing so many adults walking the streets in strange outfits was strange.
Sara took some satisfaction in James’ discomfort as it gradually dawned on him that he was going to a party wearing only one piece of clothing, unlike everyone else he saw.
Everybody was giddy as they approached Katie’s house, complimenting each other on the creativity of their costumes.
Two neighbors approached James and Sara and complimented them on their costumes. Each woman took an extra beat, staring at James’ crotch before smiling broadly and walking off.
“Damn,” thought Sara, “just how many people are in on this?”
As they reached Katie’s door, Sara pulled James aside and said, “Hey, before we go inside, I want to show you something. You left your phone at home, right?”
“Of course,” he said, patting his bare chest and swim trunks.
“So if I wanted to know where you were,” and here she pulled her phone out of her swim trunks and pressed a few buttons,
“voila! You are at home!
But wait, that can’t be right because you are right here. Oh, wait a minute, though. You’re wearing your Apple watch, so,” a few more taps on her phone, “there we go, you’re right here! So, your phone is in one place while your watch is in another. Huh.”
She stares at him and waits for him to catch up.
His face goes white, and he says, “Oh crap!”
He starts to apologize, but she cuts him off.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. Just don’t look to me for help tonight,” she says with a little laugh as she turns and walks into Katie’s house.
“Help,” James thinks, “why would I need help?”
Margaret, not a big drinker, volunteered to drive Jenny and Scarlett so that they could get “shit-faced,” as Scarlett so eloquently put it.
Margaret was dressed as Cleopatra, or more specifically, as Elizabeth Taylor dressed as Cleopatra. She was pretty sure that this distinction would be overlooked.
Jenny was dressed as Mary Ann from Gilligan’s Island. As someone of Korean heritage, she always enjoyed playing with uniquely American iconography.
Scarlett was dressed as a dominatrix.
Jenny had regaled them with the story of the faux bee sting and assured them that tonight would be even better.
They were giddy with excitement.
Katie was also giddy with excitement. Planning things with Gwen had been fun, and she had to admit her husband was also an enthusiastic partner.
She had breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Sara and James arrive. How ridiculous she would have felt if they had canceled at the last minute or not bothered to show up.
Not long after that, she spied Gwen to come through the door.
“Hey, partner,” she called out from across the room.
Gwen smiled and gave her a wink.
And what a room. Katie’s house was an open floor plan on steroids.
When you walked in the front door, you took in a huge living room with two big couches and chairs scattered throughout, none of which blocked your view of a dining room table laden with all kinds of food. And from there, to your left was a hint of the kitchen and straight on was the pool.
There didn’t seem to be any walls blocking your view of the pool because there weren’t any.
They had those glass doors that could be turned and rolled flush against each side of the room.
“There is our host,” Jenny said to Margaret and Scarlett.
“Where?” asked Scarlett.
“There, the woman in the cheerleader costume.”
“Damn, she’s hot,” said Scarlett, “and who is the lady next to her supposed to be?”
“Good lord,” said Margaret, “she is the spitting image of Anna Nicole Smith!”
“Who,” said both Jenny and Scarlett.
“Never mind,” said Margaret.
Jenny spied on Peggy and brought the girls over to meet her.
“Wow, great dominatrix costume,” Peggy said to Scarlett.
“Yeah, we’re not sure it’s a costume,” Jenny muttered.
Peggy gave a nervous laugh.
“And what is your costume?” Margaret asked. It looks a little incomplete.”
“Right,” said Peggy, “I am the first half of a centaur costume. I am looking for a man willing to kiss my ass to complete the costume!”
An hour or so into the party, it was obvious there were more people than had been planned—even after Katie figured there would be more people than she had planned!
The food was already starting to run out, but plenty of booze remained.
People Katie didn’t even know were approaching her and asking her, with a wink and a nudge, when the show would start.
She found Gwen and Sara for a quick huddle.
“I thought we’d do the thing at 10:00 or so, but the natives are getting restless, so maybe we oughta move things up a bit?”
“Oh goodie,” clapped Sara. “Now, where has James gotten to?”
“I’ll wrangle him,” said Gwen, “and meet you by the pool.”
“And I’ll get the photographers in place,” said Katie.
Katie had done the latest, hippest thing for this party. She had three photographers mixing throughout the party, taking pictures. To receive copies, you had to give your cell phone number, and batches of pictures would be sent randomly, which you could save or delete.
Everyone had been sent an email (and there was a sign on the front door) that stated that by entering the premises, you were giving consent to be photographed.
One was dressed in old-timey clothes, with a tripod and that curtain thingy you put over yourself. Another was dressed in a sports jacket and a fedora and had one of those cameras with the big flash bulb attachment, like in the 40s. Finally, a woman who looked like Annie Leibovitz had a Canon camera with a huge zoom lens attached.
The catch was that the cameras were all props. All photos were taken with their respective phones, and group emails were set up and ready.
This list included Katie’s (Frank’s) humongous big-screen TV, which took up most of the right wall of the living room.
Gwen noticed that James was drinking a light beer, so she grabbed one from the fridge and brought it with her.
“Here, hon, that beer must be getting warm, so I brought you a cold one,” Gwen said as she grabbed the other bottle out of James’ hand.
“Oh, um, thanks,” said James, taking it from her and taking a swig. “Crazy party, huh?”
“I would expect no less from Katie.”
Gwen could tell James was still nervous around her, so she took advantage.
“Let’s just hope no bees are buzzing around tonight.”
James gave her a weak smile and took a long pull on his beer.
“Oh, I almost forgot. They are taking pictures of couples by the pool, and Sara’s looking for you.”
A line had formed and the photographer with the tripod camera was taking pictures of couples with the pool as a backdrop. Although it was dark outside, Katie had so many outside lights on that you couldn’t tell.
James was looking around for Sara when Katie sidled up to him.
“Enjoying yourself?”
“Oh sure, thanks for doing this.”
“Did you see that Jenny’s here?”
“No,” James said, a little flummoxed, “I didn’t know you invited her.”
“Oh, I couldn’t have her miss this. We kind of bonded over, well, you know.”
And she gave out a little giggle.
James couldn’t meet her eye and looked around desperately for Sara. He finally spotted her; she was talking to Jenny. He then did a double-take. She wasn’t just talking to Jenny. She was also talking to Scarlett and Margaret!
He finished up his beer and headed over to Sara.
“Well, there you are,” she said.
“Jimmy!” Exclaimed Scarlett and Jenny, each giving him a bear hug and a playful swat on his butt.
“James,” said Margaret, giving him a big smile. “Are you behaving yourself tonight?”
When Scarlett spoke up again, James was having trouble with the world’s colliding of it all.
“Look at you all, lifeguards. No shirt, a bold choice. If I fall in, will you rescue me and give me mouth-to-mouth?”
James struggled for words when a woman tapped him on the shoulder. “You guys are next,” she said.
“We’re next what?”James asked.
James hadn’t even realized he was in a line, so Sara explained.
“To get our picture taken, silly. Have you not noticed the flash every few minutes?”
“Well, I…”
Sara grabbed his arm and turned him toward the photographer.
He looked around and saw that everyone was staring at him. Katie, Gwen, Scarlett, Jenny, Margaret, other people he knew and plenty he didn’t, stared at him and smiled.
He was just starting to piece together that something was off when…
Before he could get his eyes to refocus, someone (Frank) had shoved him, and he was in the pool.
FREEZING, that was his first thought.
As he surfaced, he heard cheering, which he thought was odd. However, he didn’t linger on that thought; he was focused on getting out of this pool.
“Hey there, clumsy. Let me help you out of there,” said Frank. Frank was dressed as Tarzan and had been wearing only a little more than James, but he was now.
“Mike, give me a hand, will you?”
Mike, an employee of Frank’s and almost as big as Frank, was wearing jeans and his old college football jersey.
Both men knelt to help pull James out, although it initially seemed to him that they were doing the opposite.
They could see what James was too distracted to notice: little pieces of suit floating away.
“Okay, everybody, on three. Ready?”
And as Frank and Mike began, the crowd echoed the countdown.
One. ONE!
Two. TWO!
Three. THREE!
And with that, James was pulled out of the water and hoisted to his feet.
The laughter was deafening.
Relieved to be out of the water, James was confused by all the laughter.
Maybe if he had been dressed as a pirate or werewolf, it would have been funny to look sopping wet, but what was funny about a wet guy in a bathing suit?
And that’s when it hit him.
Katie and Gwen were arm in arm, laughing so hard. The look on James’ face when it dawned on him was icing on the cake! And the cake, well it looked even smaller than last time.
“Oh my God,” Jenny laughed, “how did you make it even smaller?”
“I didn’t do anything,” Sara said, “I have never seen it so small; it must be the water.”
“I thought he was circumcised,” said Scarlett.
James was having more or less the same thought.
His mushroom head had retracted, and it looked like he had a one-inch uncircumcised penis.
He desperately wanted to cover himself, but when Frank spoke out, he was reminded that each arm was holding him.
“Damn, somebody checks the pool; I think his dick might have fallen off!”
“I think we are going to need a magnifying glass glass,” someone called out.
“I have one,” a man dressed as Sherlock Holmes called out.
A woman snatched it from him and walked up to James, making a big show of bringing it up to his penis.
Just then, the mushroom head suddenly popped out as James’s penis spasmed and doubled in size, causing the woman to shriek and everyone else to start laughing again.
Frank looked to Katie for the signal to let James go.
She looked forward to the moment he covered himself with his hands and realized he had nothing to cover himself with.
She was about to give Frank the OK when that friend of Jenny’s suddenly spoke up.
“Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy,” she yelled to get everyone’s attention.
“You are such a naughty boy, running around without any clothes. So rude! ”
And now she was pacing back and forth in front of James.
“You need to be taught a lesson! You need to be punished.”
“And what punishment would be appropriate?” she calls out to the crowd.
“A whipping,” someone calls out!
Scarlett puts her hand on the whip coiled on her hip and smiles.
“No,” she says, that costs extra.
“A spanking,” someone else calls out.
“A spanking,” Scarlett echoes, holding up her large glass of red wine as if in salute.
“How many?” She calls out.
“10, 100, 50” are shouted back to her.
She smiles at her audience and says, “I like 50.”
She directs Frank and Mike to turn him around and gives James a good slap!
“One,” someone yells out.
“I like this crowd,” Scarlett thinks.
Whap and the crowd call out, “Two!”
Whap, Whap, and then Scarlett notices something at the pool’s edge.
She walks over, picks up one of James’ flip-flops, and raises it to the crowd.
They cheer.
She then smacks it hard into her palm, and her audience winces.
“Oh, let’s start over,” Scarlett says, hoping that James enjoys the little private joke as much as she does.
At around spank number 17, James notices that he is rock hard. He can’t figure it out.
He is enjoying no part of this. The spankings are starting to sting, and he is truly humiliated by what is taking place, and yet, he is very erect and desperate for relief.
With James facing the pool, almost everyone is behind him and mesmerized by the spankfest, so no one else has noticed.
Until Lauren, the 19-year-old daughter of the seamstress, calls out, “I think we got a ‘grower’ here.” She has been diligently filming since James went in the pool and went to the other side to get a different angle and vary her content, as any experienced live streamer knows to do.
Scarlett stops mid-spank and takes a look at herself.
“Whoa, Nelly,” she calls out. “Turn him around, boys!”
Frank and Mike do as they are told, and the audience gasps and laughs at the sight before them.
We aren’t talking Grinch-type numbers here, but James’ penis has doubled and then some, getting him in spitting distance of 4 and a half inches.
Compared to where he started from, he looks positively ginormous!
“Somebody should take care of that,” Scarlett says, and a woman’s voice from way back in the living room calls out, “I’ll do it.”
Everyone laughs.
Everyone except Frank. He has been enjoying James’ humiliation and feels like this almost normal-sized dick is going to take away from that.
Never mind that Frank calls out; Mike and I got this.
And before anyone can even start to wonder if Frank means that they are going to jack him off, they walk him over and dunk him back in the pool from the waist down for a few minutes.
When they pull him back out, Scarlett says, “Teeny weeny is back!”
There is laughter mixed with “awws” from the crowd.
Scarlett directs Frank and Mike to move James away from the pool and right into the thick of the crowd, bringing everyone closer to the action and ensuring that no part of James is left unexamined.
“Should we start over?” Scarlett asks, laughing at her joke.
She does not wait for an answer but connects with number 18.
James cries out. Something about his ass being wet again and partially frozen has added to the pain threshold.
At 21, he cries out so loudly that someone calls out, “Maybe only 30!”
“Only 30,” calls out Sara. “30,” yell Jenny and Margaret. “30,” call out Gwen and Katie.
“I guess it’s 30 then,” says Scarlett, but only if Jimmy says, “Thank you, Mistress Scarlett,” after each spank. You guys start the countdown now from nine.
“Aaargh, thank you, Mistress Scarlett!”
NINE from the crown.
At seven, James was rock hard again, and this time, everyone noticed.
Still standing with Gwen, Katie gave her a slow smile and then laughed.
“I feel bad we didn’t tell Sara.”
“I know said Gwen, I’ll confess soon.”
Dressed as Anna Nicole Smith, Amanda approached Gwen and pulled her out of Katie’s earshot.
“I think I got us a new couple.”
“Really! Who?”
“The Garcias,” Amanda said, pointing to a couple yelling “Three” along with the rest of the crowd.
“Oooh, he’s tasty!” Gwen said.
“Hey,” Amanda said, “that erection, you didn’t by any chance?”
Gwen just smiled.
“NO!” Said Amanda.
Gwen laughed, “Yes, yes, I did.”
“Oh my God,” said Amanda, who then yelled ‘TWO’ with the rest of the crowd.
James hoped that with one more spanking, Frank and Mike would finally release him.
He was already thinking about how to satisfy himself, which he knew would be awkward and complicated. For now, he’d settle for just being able to run his hands over his sore butt cheeks in hopes of lessening some of the sting.
SMACK! ONE! Everyone roared.
James could feel the hands about to release him when someone shouted out, “One more for luck.”
The grips tightened.
“How about our host administer that one?” Scarlett suggested, holding up the flip-flop.
“Katie, Katie, Katie,” everyone chanted.
Katie initially hesitated, but the thought of running into James at the grocery store and talking about the weather while both thought about this moment was too irresistible. She milked it for all it was worth; it was her party,
She acted like she was lining up a golf shot, walking right up to his butt, backing away, taking a practice swing, and then she stepped back about ten paces and, with a running start, raced up and took a swing that looked something like a softball pitch, like the ones she threw on her college softball team.
Scarlett was begrudgingly impressed as she had to admit that James’ last scream was louder than any she had solicited.
James was finally released from the grips of Frank and Mike and did proceed to rub both butt cheeks. People finally started to drift away, sensing that the show was over.
It wasn’t.
Frank gave Katie a bear hug and a deep kiss. “That was so hot!”
Mike’s wife came up and they also hugged and kissed.
A lot of couples just started making out in place.
Sara approached James and said, well, what do you think, cured now?
She grabbed his erection and gave him a tongue-filled kiss, which he gave right back to her.
She was stroking him while they continued to kiss.
He was breathing heavily, and she suddenly let go.
“Nooo,” he moaned.
Sara laughed, “What, you want me to jerk you off right here!?”
“Yes, please, I don’t care, I can’t, I can’t stand this much longer.”
“Oh my, you are quite the exhibitionist, aren’t you?”
“No,” James said, “I just really need relief!”
Sara chuckled. “Okay, baby, close your eyes and promise to keep them closed.”
She stood behind him and massaged his butt.
“Damn, that is warm! Keep those eyes closed, promise?”
“Yes, yes,” he said, squeezing his eyes shut. “Please, help me.”
“Sure, baby. I waited for more people to walk away so we wouldn’t have an audience. Or gosh, I don’t know with you anymore. Did you want an audience?”
“No, please, no audience, but please hurry.”
Meanwhile, Sara waited while Gwen, Katie, Jenny, Scarlett, Margaret, Amanda, and that Lauren girl whose phone had never once stopped pointing at James all gathered silently.
She reached around and started stroking James’ erection as he moaned in pleasure.
A few more women drifted over and instinctively knew to keep quiet.
Again, Sara pulled her hand away.
“No,” James groaned.
“Shhh,” Sara said. “Tell you what, baby, why don’t you go ahead and finish.”
James was all too happy to take over.
It didn’t take long. He stroked himself about five times and then started to say, “Oh God, oh God,
I’m coming.”
“Open your eyes, baby!”
And he did and saw everyone watching him as he exploded and exploded and exploded.
Before anyone could even comment, their phones all started to ding.
The photographers had all started sending batches of pictures, most of which, unsurprisingly, were of James in humiliating poses.
As the ladies scrolled through their phones, smiling at some and chuckling at others, the laughter inside was even louder as everyone else was doing the same thing.
Although some were content just to watch the pictures as they popped up on the big screen TV.
“Could I, um, get a towel or something?” James asked.
Katie took James by the arm and escorted him back into the house.
“I don’t know about a towel, but I’ve got the cutest little apron that will be perfect, and then you can help me serve drinks.”
“Could I get a quick interview?”
Sara pulled her eyes away from James’ receding naked butt and saw Lauren.
“What?” Sara said, “Interview, what do you mean?”
“I’ve been live streaming all of this, and it would be great to have your perspective.”
“You’ve been what? Is that legal?” Sara asked.
“Well, technically, no, but Katie did me a huge favor, emailing everyone that they might be photographed if they attended the party, and posting that sign on the front door was just icing on the cake.”
“Huh,” said Sara. And then she giggled. “Oh my God, how many people have been watching?”
Lauren looked at her phone, “the number fluctuates, but around 4 thousand.”
“Oh my God,” Sara laughs again.
“Oh wait, another influencer just picked it up, we’re up to 7 thousand.
So, interview?”
“What’s your audience breakdown?”
“Well, they must be over 18, but most are younger than 30. They skew mostly female.”
“How many in town?”
“In town?” Lauren asks. “Not many, I guess. It’s very international. It looks like the majority of people on right now are from India, Japan, and Germany.”
“Oh,” said Sara, “in that case, interview away!”
“First question. Is this real, or did you and your husband set this up?”
“Oh no, he had no idea.”
“Why would you do this to him? Do you hate him?”
“Oh No, quite the contrary.”
“Then again, why?”
Sara sighs. “It’s complicated. He has done some things that ticked me off, so it is partially revenge, but I must admit I’ve come to enjoy it.”
“So this isn’t the first time?”
Sara smiles, “No, not the first.”
“The last?”
“Oh, I hope not,” Sara says with a laugh.
“How would you feel about doing this on a grander scale?”
“Good lord, grander than this? There must be at least 50 people here.”
“Mmm,” Lauren says, “I’m thinking 10 times grander.”
“Oh, do tell,” Sara says
“Oh, we can talk about that later.”
“Last question. Why do you suppose everyone was so into your husband’s humiliation tonight?
No one found it offensive. No one tried to stop it.”
“I have no idea,” Sara laughed. “What about you, any theories?”
“I do,” Lauren said. “Two words, covid-politics. With covid, I think your generation…”
“Whoa,” said Sara, ‘my generation.’ I am not that much older than you.”
“I’m 19.”
“Right, and I’m, oh God, I’m almost twice your age! Sorry, you were saying.”
“Your generation always needs a reward for going above and beyond, and I think you’re still looking for that after COVID-19. And politics, well, it’s just become so sordid and exhausting.
So, things like this become reward substitutes.
People think, “I should step in and stop this,” but then they think, “It’s kind of fun, though, and I deserve some fun.”
“Well, what about the woman who yelled out 30, cutting James’ s spankings by two-fifths?”
“Yeah, that was me,” Lauren said.
“Ok, you win; your generation is better.”
“Not necessarily,” Lauren says; I’m the only one monetizing your husband’s humiliation.
Speaking of which,” Lauren says as she turns off her phone, “we have a conference coming up in a few weeks in San Francisco. As I mentioned, I have a business proposition for you that would take your husband’s humiliation to a whole new level.”
“So business and pleasure,” Sara says.
“I guess so,” Lauren laughs.
“Sarah smiles, “I think I need to become your accountant.”
“Excuse me,” Gwen says, “would you mind if I borrowed her for a minute?”
“Not at all,” Lauren says. She turns to Sara and says, “We’ll pick this up later.”
She then turns back to Gwen. “Any idea where James is?”
“Oh, Katie has him working in the kitchen, cutting up limes and pouring shots for everyone.”
“Is he still naked?”
“Oh no, she has him in a cute little apron,” she says with a wink.
“Oh, I’ve got to get this,” Lauren says, “turning her phone back on as she walks away.”
“Who was that?” Gwen asks.
“I’m not sure, either the next Steven Spielberg or the next Warren Buffet or both!”
“What’s up,” Sara asked.
“I have a little confession to make, well, two.”
“Okay,” says Sara, drawing the word out.
“First, Chuck, my husband and I are swingers. We love to mix it up with other couples in and out of town. There is another couple here tonight, who…”
“OMG!! Is it Katie and Frank?”
“No,” Gwen laughs, “it isn’t, and Katie doesn’t know, and I’d appreciate you not telling her.
And no more guesses! As you can imagine, confidentiality is important to us.
I am only telling you because I know I can trust you and…”
They stare at each other for a few seconds, and Sara figures it out.
“And you thought we might be interested?”
“You’ve seen James, right?”
“I know,” Gwen laughs, “and frankly, I’m not interested, but at least one other has expressed interest specifically because of James’ size and demeanor.”
“Huh,” Sara says. “This playing with James is still brand new to me. I’d like to marinate before I even consider exploring other things.”
“Of course,” says Gwen, but before I drop it completely, remember that the partner swapping isn’t always male-female.
“Huh,” says Sara again, staring off into space a bit as her mind conjures up an image of Scarlett. Again, new things.”
Gwen put her hand on Sara’s. “No rush. The offer is out there now.”
“So what’s the other thing?”
Gwen inhales sharply and says, “I spiked your hubby’s beer earlier.”
“Cause I don’t think it worked. He isn’t drunk.”
Again, Gwen just looked at Sara and gave her a few seconds until Sara said, “NO! Viagra!?
“Well, sorta. Let me explain. Being a swinger has obvious advantages if you like a varied sex life, but there are other advantages.
Everybody shares, you know, so maybe it’s theater tickets, or maybe it’s a good deal on a car or insurance, or maybe it’s these, Gwen said, holding up a baggie with a few pills.”
“Is that the Viagra,” Sara asks.
“Well, again, not exactly. One of our group is a pharmaceutical rep and she got hold of a cache of these. They were never FDA-approved.
They are more potent than Viagra. One pill gives a man three massive hard ons, one right after the other. The urge to relieve those hard ons gets more intense one after the other, and the release is rather explosive.”
“Are there bad side effects?” asks a concerned Sara.
“No, absolutely not.”
“Then why haven’t they been approved?”
“A drug that makes men desperate to have sex was not something anyone was asking for, but for swinger parties and home use, it can be pretty great.”
“So that’s why James was desperate to jack off just now?
“Yep, and the next time he is aroused, it will be even worse. And if that happens here, I would advise getting him home ASAP so you can experience the third one together, if you know what I mean!”
Sara and Gwen walked back into the party, and the first thing they saw was James in his little apron. It was a pretty hysterical sight. His backside was exposed, and the apron was tented a bit in the front due to James’s raging hard-on.
“Uh oh,” said Gwen to Sara, noting James erection. “Eruption number two is coming soon. Pardon my pun.”
“Oh my God,” said Sara, “I really should get him out of here.”
“Now, James,” Katie said, handing James a tray full of Jell-O shots. “Please be careful with this tray. It is a family heirloom handed down from my grandmother.”
Before Sara could stop him, James was off proffering shots to a passionate crowd.
The three women leaned against the kitchen wall and watched.
“Family heirloom, huh,” asked Sara. “I didn’t know they had Walmarts back in your Grandmother’s Day.”
Katie gave Sara a sly smile as Gwen chuckled.
“We have the same tray at home,” Sara said, shaking her head, “and that goofball doesn’t even realize.”
“I picked it for him special because of the glass surface,” Katie said.
“As the shots are taken, more and more of James will become visible.”
“Well, yeah,” says Sara, “but with the apron on, it won’t. Oh, wait. I stand corrected.”
Just then a woman had tugged at James apron strings until the apron fell to the floor.
With both hands holding onto the family heirloom, there wasn’t much James could do.
It wasn’t long before all the shot glasses were gone and not a moment too soon.
With all the fondling of his rear, James was again in a state of arousal that he was struggling to keep under control.
He thought he might make it back to the kitchen when suddenly a hand ran down his right buttock and then continued between his legs, where it gripped his penis and gave it a quick little tug.
James pulled away, but it was too late. His hips bucked forward, and to his horror, stream after stream of cum went splat against the underside of the tray. While James had a unique view of this event, he certainly was not the only one who witnessed it. Most people at the party had since it was hard not to pay attention to the almost always naked, little dicked man.
James stood there frozen, his humiliation compounded as little stalactites of cum started to form on the bottom of the tray before eventually dripping to the floor.
Katie sighed and grabbed a dish towel. She looked at Sara and winked, “It looks like somebody has a mess to clean up.”
After watching James on his hands and knees mopping up his cum off of Katie’s floor, Sara decided it was time to take James home, wanting to keep his third explosion of the night all to herself.
As they walked home, James still stark naked, Sara couldn’t decide what excited her more, the incredible sex Gwen guaranteed her she was about to have or the prospect of having James humiliated at Lauren’s conference on a scale even more epic than tonight.
She was simply thankful that she didn’t have to choose right now!
The End.
*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, punctuation, formatting errors, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.