Sister Takes Control
By Smallray4.

She put a pair of my sister’s soiled panties on the table.
If looks could kill, I’d be dead.
The last time Mum found my weed, she wanted to punish me with a spanking, but I tried to say I was too old to be spanked, but she gave me the option to accept it or move out. I had no choice but to accept it, and if I ever brought drugs into the house again, I’d be kicked out. So I knew what to expect and tried apologizing, but it had been no good.
Mum told me, “You have a week to find somewhere else to live.”
I gasped.
She said, “Go to your room and keep out of my sight.”
The next day after work, I went straight to my room and kept a low profile. I worried about where I would live and didn’t earn enough money for my place. I started looking online for a room in a shared house, but with no joy. A few minutes later, Sue knocked on the door and entered my room. She is a year younger than me, at 18. In the past, we have not always got on with each other and often had fights, and I would usually get the blame. Mum would take her side, and I’d get punished. She could see I was upset and asked how I was feeling.
“I’m sorry I took your panties. I feel ashamed of myself. But can I ask you not to tell anyone? It’s so embarrassing,” I told her.
She said, “Don’t worry, I won’t say anything, but it doesn’t mean I forgive you.”
I thanked her and asked if she thought Mum would change her mind and let me stay. “I’d do anything, absolutely anything, if she’d let me stay. As I don’t think I could survive on my own,” I said.
She said, “Mum is still angry today, so I don’t think so but I will try and put a word in for you.”
I thanked her again.
I’d finished work on my third day and had the next 4 days off. I thought I would have to look for somewhere seriously. I was thinking of the local hostel. Later that evening, Sue came to my room again and started saying how Aunt Julie came over, and Mum was telling her about all that had happened and how she punished you last year, and now you have brought drugs into the house again and had taken the panties.
Aunt Julie had said, “You didn’t punish him hard enough. But if you kick him out, he’ll probably end up doing more drugs. What he needs is some long-term discipline and kept under control. Give him chores to do and make him respect you.”
Sue told me, “I told them how we had a conversation, and you said you’d do anything, absolutely anything, if he could stay. Mum said she hadn’t the time to see anything like that through as her business takes all her time. Aunt Julie said I’m not starting college for another few weeks. Aunt Julie said I was mature enough and could be assertive when needed. I told them you wouldn’t accept me being your younger sister but would tell you about the idea.”
I was stunned and stared at her with bulging eyes.
Sue said, “You must realize I will be in complete control of you 24/7 for at least six weeks and won’t be taking it easy on you. You’ll have to do everything I tell you, and I will punish you as I feel fit. So are you sure you want this because if you accept this and later back out, you’ll have to pack and leave immediately?”
“Yes,” I said, “If it means I can stay, and I appreciate you doing it for me, Sue.”
Sue then went to tell Mum I had accepted and told me she would be back shortly.
When Sue returned, she said, “Mum has also agreed to it, and you don’t now have to leave. But now I will ask you a few questions, and I want you to give me honest answers.”
I promised her I would be honest and whatever you ask.
“How often do you use drugs? Are there any other drugs you use that we don’t know of?” she asked sternly.
“I only do pot once a week, and occasionally I do coke,” I replied.
“OK. How long have you been taking my panties?”
I told her red-faced, “About two months ago, I noticed a pair in the wash basket and picked them up. They just felt so soft, and I started stroking myself. I realized I shouldn’t, so I stopped. The next time after a shower, I did it again and stroked myself until I cum. I was doing it about once a week. Until I decided to take them back to my room. I’d try them on, making sure I was careful not to soil them until the other night I tried them on and began stroking, and before I realized I had cum in them. I didn’t know what to do so I hid them in my wardrobe. I was intending to clean them and put them back.”
I could see Sue was furious but kept calm. “Is that the only time you played with yourself?”
I found everything really embarrassing, but I had to answer truthfully: “No. I do it every day and sometimes twice a day.”
“OK, so from now on, that has to stop. I need you to hand over your laptop and phone. I also want passwords, and in the future, you will have to get my permission to go online, and it will have to be on the kitchen table. And I want you always to leave your bedroom door open like you do when you’re in the bathroom. Is that clear?”
I had no choice and nodded my head. She wanted to make sure I didn’t play with myself.
“I’m very angry about you using my underwear in that way. I have decided to get the first punishment session out of the way because I don’t want to wait any longer. Go shower and come to my room and not get dressed just to wear your dressing gown,” she ordered.
It was obvious she was planning it to be bare bottom. No one had ever seen me naked since I was about thirteen when the other boy’s puberty took over their bodies. I only grew slightly, if anything, and I’ve made sure no one had seen my penis because I felt embarrassed about its size. Even when Mum punished me, it was over my trousers or occasionally over my boxers.
I was putting my dressing gown on after the shower. My penis was the smallest I’d ever seen it. I knew I couldn’t escape it and slowly went to Sue’s room. When I entered the room, Sue was sitting on the bed. Also on the bed was a leather strap and the panties she found in my room.
“The panties are a reminder of why you are in this situation,” Sue said with a stern face. “Now, take your dressing gown off and lay face down on the bed.”
With tears in my eyes, I shook my head and said, “I can’t do it. Please let me at least wear my boxers.”
She reminded me of what I said, ‘anything, absolutely anything.’ I then turned and took my dressing gown off, and put my hands over my genitals. When I turned back around, she had the strap in her hand, and with one swipe, she hit the back of my hands, and I removed them instantly.
“Wow! What have we here?” Sue said with a big smile on her face. “I always thought you had a small dick, but I didn’t think it was that small. It’s tiny! It explains everything about you now, why you’re a loner and never had a girlfriend, and why you look at porn all day. And why you’ve been stealing my underwear? It’s all because you’ve got a tiny dick.”
She was humiliating me, and now I had to accept a thrashing from her. I lay on the bed face down when she swiped the first one on my buttocks. It seemed like I was going to hit the ceiling. It was that painful. She counted them out one at a time until she had reached ten. She then told me to go to my room. And make sure I am up and dressed by 8 am.
Usually, if I am not at work, I’d stay in bed until 10.30 am but I hadn’t slept most of the night thinking about what I had just gone through and feeling the pain from being punished. I was up early at 7.30 am and dressed. I made the coffee and set the table for breakfast, something I had never done at home before. When Sue came into the kitchen, I could see she was surprised.
Mum soon followed but didn’t say anything. She had a cup of coffee and left for work.
Sue asked after Mum had gone, “How did you sleep? How’s your bottom?”
I told her, “I didn’t sleep much, and my bottom is slightly bruised, but I’ll live.”
After breakfast, I did the dishes.
Sue said as I was doing the dishes, “One of your new jobs here is washing dishes. You have to do them anytime they need to be done. Even if there is only one dirty thing in the sink, your job is washing, drying, and putting it away. Got it?”
“Yes, Sue,” I said.
After breakfast, she gave me some gardening chores while going to the gym. Mum had a cleaner come in for a few hours each week, and Sue was having a quiet word with her, obviously asking her to keep a watch on me. I hoped to go to my room, but Sue still had my laptop. So I carried on gardening.
Over the next few days, Sue gave me other chores to do around the house, and I tried my best to obey her as I remembered her saying that the punishment I had endured a few nights ago was only my first, and I didn’t want to be embarrassed like that again. The next day, I was back at work for three days. I was so looking forward to it.
To Be Continued…?
*This story has been edited with AI to fix spelling, punctuation, formatting errors, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story was submitted directly to this website. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.