Our Reader’s SPH Experiences: 100th Dive

By jonjons3.

This is a real story that I have never really told anybody, but it is definitely one that plays on my mind all the time. I’m 32, and I’m a tall, 6 foot 5, athletic guy with a solid all-around body but skinny legs. I’m definitely a grower, not a shower.

I have taken up scuba diving for the past 6/7 years and slowly made my way to a well-known benchmark, which is 100 dives.

At 100 dives, it is tradition to dive naked or somewhat naked – some people wear something silly like a Borat outfit, and some wear bikinis or just board shorts.

The culture of the dive club I’m with is incredibly fun and engaging. The club is made up of Colombians, Brazilians, Australians, and even some French.

Anyhow. At dive 95, I knew it was coming, the 100th dive, and in a mixture of excitement and anxiety, I constantly envisioned what it would be like and whether I would actually go through with it, being naked in front of my dive club.

To paint the picture, our group is made up of about 7 girls and 7 guys who regularly dive, and our instructors are split between 2 men and 2 women, including a Canadian woman named Tilly. I’m 6 foot 5, slim and athletic, and I have a cocky/funny personality.. always joking around – “I’m great at this, I’m the best diver, etc.”

At dive 97, a girl and a guy both completed their 100th dive, and it was as funny as anything. He was about 6 feet with a 3-inch flaccid, so he had a few funny comments, but mostly, everyone enjoyed the day out. As I neared my naked dive, everyone began talking about it, getting excited for the day, and making jokes about me that they would make sure they dived on the day of my 100th milestone.



Full house… a sunny mid-winter day. To cut to the chase, there I am on the boat with the crew of about 14 heading to a great dive spot out of Coolangatta. I’m wearing board shorts. It’s August, and it’s about 16 degrees, with the water being even colder.

We get to our destination at 7 am; I’m nervous and excited, in a state of regret and embarrassment. I’ve never done anything like this.

Everyone seems to forget I’m doing my dive naked until it’s announced right when everyone is ready. I am to go first and dive in front of everyone.

I have all my gear, including fins. I step up to the edge of the boat, a 50-metre boat that we tend to use for bigger groups. A loud cheer is heard on the ocean that day, as I step to the edge, and at first, I’m extremely hesitant, and everyone can feel it evidently, shouting their support. I try to jump in with my board shorts, suggesting to Tilly, our Canadian instructor I take them off in the water… she tells me that I’ll need to step into my fins, so that can’t happen. I know it could be done, but it does make it more complicated.

Tilly’s late twenties. Big boobs and a great ass. She has attitude and is almost of the boys in her attitude. She’s the heart of the boat. She has been flirting with me for years, but nothing ever came of it.

I say, ‘fuck it,’ and force a laugh, drop my board shorts, and step out of them. I’m BUTT naked. I shriveled to an acorn, uncircumcised, shaven, and zero hang. Two people already in the water treading (a guy and a girl) are looking up at me and have an absolute eyeful. Their angle is straight up to my gooch, balls, and now jiggling willy. The pair (a couple) immediately look at each other and start laughing. I don’t know what they are saying, but I know one thing: I need to get in quickly.

Fortunately, at this point, the cheering boat can only see my bum, so I reach down and quickly cover my willy. As I step into my fins, I struggle to get them on with one hand, and I am a laughing stock, with everyone commenting on my tan lines, my perky bum, and the usual banter. Tilly moves from behind me naturally to support my balance with a hand on my back, and as I nearly fall and try to fit my feet into the flippers, I stop covering myself.

Tilly consequently catches a side view of my penis – which is soft and shriveled, obviously, so it’s not much, maybe 1 to 1.5 inches. She smiles, still supporting me, and I can feel her gaze; she is right beside me and has a pinpoint position. With her help, I get them on… that’s when she says a killer line that I still find hot to this day.

“It’s tiny now. Imagine what the freezing water is going to do!”

She spanks me on my athletic pale bum with a powerful and glorious grin. After years of flirting and playful banter, Tilly has a front-row seat to my manhood in all its glory.

Ouch… everyone laughed. It’s a mixture of ages up to 50 and 14 people with about half and half male to female ratio. It was already cold being naked, so I felt it was unfair. However, she was right… I am a grower, not a shower on the best of days. I’m 6 foot 5, and yet, I’m compact… I’m uncircumcised. It’s thin and about an inch or an inch and a half.



Nothing exciting happened during the dive. The water was cold, but I was mostly covered and could avoid being close to people. The girls didn’t want to seem interested in me, so they stayed away, and the guys weren’t as important to avoid. It was when I returned to the boat that the real embarrassment began.

I thought no one really cared, and I had gotten away with it. Only a few caught a glimpse, and my butt isn’t a concern. Boy, was I wrong about what was about to happen?

Mostly everyone is on the boat when I’m getting out… I’m shivering, and as I’m about to jump back up, I have a look at the state of my Willy… and it’s pitiful.

It’s the definition of shrinkage. I’m talking about an acorn resting on a pair of shriveled balls that have become one. Barely moving, my dick bobbed and jiggled, absolutely tightened – I laughed to myself in the water.

This is where my life became complicated. There was no way I was getting in the boat without showing what I’d got. The good thing is, everyone wasn’t focused on me. Everyone was drinking and eating hot dogs, as we tend to do after a long day diving, especially in the large group.



“Tilly, could you pass me my shorts…”

“ABSOLUTELY NOT,” suggested Tilly – my instructor’s response. And she announced to everyone that I needed a loud clap to get me on. “Let’s see how cold the water is, mate.”

So now I’ve drawn attention, and the whole boat is jeering me on. There are even five or so people in the water coming up to get on the boat as well.

Tilly holds the towel as if in a child and ushers me to get it.

With an injection of courage, I let go and held the railing. I’m hesitant. It’s freezing, and here I am, hand on each railing. My flippers are off, as I already threw them, and there is a line of people on and off the boat cheering me on. I’m there negotiating with Tilly and others for about two minutes. They aren’t budging.

I finally give up and launch myself up the boat, but I don’t go nearly as fast as I would like. I thought I would shoot up, but really, it’s a slower process.

I’m met with absolute chaos. I jumped up, and I just stopped covering myself. I went to grab the towel, and Tilly whipped it away. I’m standing there naked, facing everyone. My now shriveled penis is in full view of the boat. Everybody laughed. I’m handed a beer and a hot dog. One in each hand, and I’m in a weird stasis where I just have to let go completely. Adrenaline, shock, and freezing—I forgot where I was for a moment.

The only discernible comment is people mockingly suggesting and asking if the water is cold. I place my drink down, and after what feels like forever, I finally cover my baby’s dick. The boat is howling, and one of the guys starts yelling for me to skull… I oblige; I put the hot dog on my seat, even though that isn’t sanitary at all, and try to cover my dick with one hand with the can in the other. I skull and finish my can in an instant to then be handed my boardies and a towel, which, when I’m putting them on, gave another view… truly embarrassing.

“Aww, babydick!” shouted a Brazilian girl, Ruth, who had broken English.

Met with laughs.

A number of people had moved on, but a few were still laughing and high-fived or hugged me.

Many made comments about my height, about being a grower not a shower. I still have the text messages from Tilly the day after I just can’t attach them here. She said jokingly that she knows what she’s missing now and can live with it. Randomly will call me tic tac, etc.

One girl saw me underwater as I hesitated to get on the boat with both hands on the railing, and she eventually told me she was thinking how sorry she felt for me since it was cold (trying to be reassuring).

Overall, it was very embarrassing. I regret it, but it’s also engaging, so I don’t know what to think.

Hope you enjoyed a very real and embarrassing story.


The End.


*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, punctuation, formatting errors, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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