Locked out in the Buff


There was a pause as they stood in the blackness.

Brian came up with not the brightest of ideas, “have you got your mobile ‘phone on you?”

Suzie’s glare was withering – not that he could see it, “And where do you suppose I have that? Stuffed up my vagina? Perhaps yours is stuffed up your bottom. Bend over and I’ll see if I can find it.”

“Oh yeah, sorry.”

“I don’t like the car park and I don’t like here.. I feel trapped here between these walls. Let’s take a look at the reception. And I’ll have my towel back, please.”

Once more the towel changed hands.

They peered out and then idled around the building towards the reception.

Towards reception they could see a lot of people coming and going. The bar was open.

The sheer awfulness of having to go to the reception in just a skimpy towel came to them now. It was not just a matter of being seen in a skimpy towel by the receptionist, not a bit of it. They could see just how many people were there – and they seemed mostly to be women. It was not a nice empty reception with one receptionist – anything but.

“It’s the conference, the teaching conference for junior school teachers,” explained Brian. “I’m sorry Suzie I can’t do it. Let’s wait for it to quieten.”

“I suppose that’d be a good idea. There are a lot of people there. I wouldn’t want to go, so I can see you wouldn’t.” She had to accept he was being reasonable. She could not really ask Brian to do that.

The little white towel making a brave attempt at covering Suzie showed up in the dark almost as much as a high-viz jacket – and what would they have given for a pair of them? Brian pointed it out. It was so irritating but he was right to suggest they would be better off without the towel. It had to go if they were to be unseen. It had to be left behind. Suzie had to lose any vestige of modesty. She had to be as naked as Brian. She dropped it slowly and very reluctantly.

Quickly they made their naked way away from the car park, away from the brightly lit reception into the safe gloom of the hotel gardens.

“Grass feels better on my feet than the tarmac. Lucky it’s such a warm night.” Brian was being positive.

“Luck! Fuck!”

“I’ve said no once.”

Something in Suzie snapped and she began to hit him. Brian’s infuriating humour was just too much. The whole dreadful predicament came to her and she lashed out. She could not quite remember what came next.

Suzie was on the grass, Brian’s hand was over her mouth, his free hand holding her down and his whole body pressed hard down upon her preventing her moving. It seemed like being raped, she thought – was Brian raping her?

“Sssh, ssh, it’s alright. We’ll get out of this mess but don’t make a noise. We’ll be heard. Come on Suzie, be calm. I’m sorry I joked.”

Suzie could feel his small cock pressed against her thigh – it was hard. It must have been a bit like rape for him – it had excited him but that was perhaps understandable. She was embarrassed she had lost control and would, again, have to apologise to Brian. It was the third time his cock had touched her in less than half an hour. She relaxed. Very obviously relaxed. He could feel her do so. His hand left her mouth.

Inches from his face she spoke, “Sorry Brian. Sort of snapped. It won’t happen again. Can the jokes though.”

Slowly she got back to her feet. It was dark out on the lawn away from the bright lights. She could hardly see Brian. And that meant she could not see his erection.

“What’ll we do: where shall we go?”

“Perhaps somewhere to sit.”

They walked across the dark lawn. At least it was comfortable on the feet. They searched, not at all aided by the pitch blackness, but a seat, a bench seemed elusive. It really was very dark and not at all easy to avoid bumping into things and each other. It did not please Suzie when Brian knocked against her or she touched him by mistake in the dark. Hands outstretched to feel ahead meant they did just that – feel. Suzie was less than pleased when one of Brian’s hands closed over one of her breasts and squeezed. The snatched away hand and the instant ‘sorry’ did suggest it was not deliberate – but it could just as easily have been. They had to move carefully and feel their way. Almost they tripped over a low hedge separating the lawn from a path.

“Shhh, someone’s coming. Down!” Suzie pulled Brian down right on top of her. They froze as they heard footsteps on the gravel of a path. Not just two but four feet. It was a couple, probably a couple of the teachers out for a walk. They were talking quietly and then they stopped. Stopped walking and stopped talking right next to the low hedge where Brian and Suzie were lying not daring so much as to breathe. It was pretty obvious why the couple had stopped – they were kissing. Suzie wondered if this was some illicit affair away from home or simply a romance.

What she also wondered was why she had pulled Brian down so clumsily right on top of her. She had just been quietly talking to him and had acted on instinct. Had just pulled, but there he was right on top of her, really on top of her and facing her. It was the way she had pulled him down quickly but, yes, just as much as the couple were positioned for kissing, she and Brian were almost positioned for that and intercourse. His legs were between her legs. His face was inches from hers and as for his cock… She could feel it once more lengthening and touching her; touching her intimately; touching her in such a way that just a slight push could very easily mean he would be inside her! Suzie stiffened but dared not push Brian away and so the smooth poking little thing remained touching her where she had never dreamt Brian would touch. And it was so much worse that she had done it; she had been the cause.

“Fancy a swim, a dip in the pool?” It was the male part of the couple.

“But I haven’t a swimsuit.”

“So? It’s dark.”

“But we might… touch.”


“I’m not sure I’m ready for…”

“It’s just swimming.”

‘No, it’s not.” Thought Suzie. “It won’t be.”

“Oh… I suppose, well, it’s a warm night – all right.” Was it feigned reluctance?

The thought came to Suzie; it came to her straightway, that they could ‘nick’ their clothes. Well, borrow them, that was what she meant. They would only need to be borrowed long enough to get into reception, get their keys, nip to their rooms, change and bring them back. The couple would not, if they were quick enough, need to know they were gone and that somebody else had been wearing them. Certainly if the couple moved from swimming to fucking – as seemed very likely to Suzie – that would give Brian and she plenty of time. If she and Brian were not quick enough well, then, the couple just replaced them as a naked pair out in the gardens and, at least, they had a reason for being naked together!

Suzie and Brian were careful to lie still until they were sure the couple had moved safely on and by the time she and Brian had whispered about the existence of an outdoor pool, Suzie had been able to explain her plan and had listened to Brian’s tiresome objections to the idea they could already hear the couple in the pool.

The idea was simple, brilliant even, but try as they could in the dark, Suzie and Brian could not find where the couple had put the clothes! The sound of splashing led them to the pool. Sensibly fenced in, Brian and Suzie did not dare enter the immediate fenced pool area. Even in the dark the risk of being seen was too great. Perhaps, even probably, the clothes were inside the fence, perhaps neatly piled on a bench or something.. The couple seemed not to have left them outside. Brian and Suzie felt around for material outside by the gate but there was nothing there. They could not find the clothes. It was very frustrating. The sounds of swimming and splashing turned to giggles. Suzie grimaced – the couple was evidently having a jolly time: unlike her.

By the time the couple came out of the pool, the moon was just rising and they were in silhouette. Really not very far away at all. Sitting, Suzie could see Brian leaning forward with interest. Typical man, even in their predicament he was still interested in naked women; not that he could see much – which was not strictly the same for the man. An erect penis in silhouette was just as much an erect penis as when in full Technicolor. Suzie’s surmise had been correct. They were kissing and she knew exactly what would come next. There would be intercourse and likely as not right by their clothes. The silhouette really was rather graphic, the very clear shape of the erection between them. the man’s hand coming to hold a breast and the woman’s hand moving to hold the penis – she could even see the hand moving it! Even with them fully occupied it was unlikely she could creep up and whisk the clothes away: more likely she would suddenly find herself grabbed by a naked stranger – with or without an erection. It was all rather frustrating. She so wished the couple would decide to go and fuck somewhere else, better still decide it would be a really nice idea to walk around the garden naked and petting, or play an erotic tag game running around naked on the lawn leaving their clothes unattended. Perhaps unsurprisingly they did not do any of that.

Watching intercourse in monochrome was at least something to do, to while away the time. Brian and Suzie had nothing else to do. No plan or anything. Brian watched, even Suzie watched – it passed the time and was quite interesting really. Brian seemed to like it. His monochrome little penis was standing up. Suzie could see it. He had better not wank, she thought (the wanker).

It was amusing really to hear the noises the couple made. Brian might find the whole scene erotic but really it was just funny. Human intercourse was comic when you came to look at it and Suzie was looking at it – by moonlight, not very far away and, really, right there in front of her eyes!

The inevitable climax came. Even in monochrome but with sound Suzie knew when that was and then the couple dressed and moved on. Unaware that sitting not feet from them in moon shadow their tryst had been watched and listened to.

“Shall we have a swim then?”

Suzie had not really thought to do so but again it passed the time. It was nice to slip into the water. No need to undress when you are already naked! Really rather nice swimming in the quiet of the night and by moonlight only able to see a limited amount. All, actually, a rather pleasant experience, a novel experience, if it was not for being with Brian and the whole predicament of having lost her clothes. There were no giggles.

Getting dry was a little more of a problem given they had left the little white towel behind. She suggested the obvious alternative – vigorous exercise, though not of the kind the couple had engaged in (fuck, no!). Suzie found herself, instead, running up and down the lawn with Brian to get dry. Unrestrained her boobs bounced around and she caught Brian looking, indeed very clearly watching her bouncing breasts in the moonlight and it had predictable results.

“Up and down like a yo-yo aren’t you, Brian?”

Restraining them in her hands was an odd way to run but seemed a solution. Never in her dreams could she have imagined running in the dark naked on a lawn holding her boobs and with a naked Brian by her side and being able to see in the moonlight his erection bouncing up and down as he ran. She could not get over what a little thing it was – barely three inches tall and not at all thick. Wait until the girls heard that!

Running up and down certainly aided drying but Suzie was not as warm as she had been. Perhaps it had not been such a good idea to go swimming. The couple had warmed themselves with copulation and had clothes to get back into afterwards. Well, she was not going to do that – neither copulate nor, alas, get into clothes!

The reception, if anything was busier than before. The bar was immediately off it and the overspill from it was all around the reception area. There must have been almost one hundred people in there. It would have been too awful to contemplate just walking in naked. They looked longingly but did not take a step nearer.

Suzie shivered.

“You’re none too warm.” Brian put his arm around her. She stiffened but he clearly meant well. It was sensible. They walked to keep warm and in the moonlight found a summerhouse sort of affair, open on one side but with a wooden seat. They sat together. It was strange but as they sat there they, near as dash it, cuddled. Not to Suzie in a sexual way but in a companionable way for warmth. She pressed herself close. It was warmer for both that way. The more skin that touched, the warmer they would be. They knew they had time to kill before the reception might empty and leave just a night porter. They talked.

It was surprising. Sitting there in the dark Suzie found Brian remarkably easy to talk to. It came as quite a surprise. He was a much better listener than she would ever have expected.

After a time she found herself talking about her recent breakup, the hurt and the pain. His usual flippant and jokey persona was put away and he listened and asked questions. It was good to talk, good to unburden. It more than passed the time.

It must have been an hour later when Brian speculated whether perhaps a window was open somewhere on the ground floor of the hotel and they might be able to get into somebody’s empty room and grab towels and get out into the corridor. Probably unlikely but the prize would be the ability for one to go to reception for a key as if the locking out had only just happened.

Out into the moonlight once more and back towards the hotel. No luck on the service side, no luck on the reception side but on one of the garden sides of the hotel a window was indeed a little open. But try as they might it would not open more than three inches. A safety stay in place. It was not enough to permit a person, even a naked person, to enter. They stepped back and looked at it.

“Bugger,” said Brian.

“Bloody nuisance. It would have been so simple and….”

And actually they would have been caught in someone else’s room. The door into the room from the corridor opened and the light flicked on. Had Brian and Suzie found the window opened easily they would probably just have got into the room and been caught in the sudden illumination. Perhaps the improbable explanation would have been accepted with laughter… perhaps not.

It was two people, no sooner had the door closed than they were kissing, kissing with passion. It rather suggested another affair though it might have been the actions of a couple desperate to get away and be alone together. Already the man’s hand inside the girl’s dress cupping a breast. It was a dress to be admired. A black sleeveless dress with straps across the girl’s shoulders. The girl was tall, willowy and blond and the dress’s slinky blackness was as perfect upon her as on a model. Suzie was impressed. She was also impressed by the man. Well over six foot and handsome with it, his blue jeans hugged a nice tight bottom and the crisp white shirt and suede jacket gave him just that air of casual sophistication Suzie liked. The white shirt so contrasting with his black skin. She would very much have liked to be on his arm for a date!

“We’d better move – they might see us.” Suzie whispered. Indeed, worried Suzie, someone else might see them in the light coming from the window.

Brian, however seemed fascinated by what he was seeing. Indeed his miniature penis had risen again. He did seem easily stimulated! Suzie pulled him by the hand and they retreated across the lawn. Perhaps just in time, for the man came and pulled the curtains shut. Even with the glass acting as a mirror with the light of the room he might have seen Brian and Suzie outside. The curtains, though, were not fully drawn.

“Let’s take another peep. It’s something to do.”

Suzie had not really taken Brian to be a Peeping Tom; perhaps it was only the circumstance; and she was intrigued herself to see more, which made it a bit difficult to criticise him!

Returning, they stood together looking through the gap in the curtains. Suzie gasped. Things had certainly progressed! Not only was one of the girl’s breasts out in the open but so was the man’s penis. The girl had presumably been in quite a hurry to unzip and extract it. Suzie could see why – and it was only poking out of the fly of his jeans: not fully revealed. It rather confirmed what she had been lead to believe about black men. Probably apocryphal but certainly not in his case! Was he endowed or was he endowed! It was fascinating to see for real. They were kissing whilst the man’s fingers stroked the girl’s hard pale pink nipple and the girl fondled the man’s impressive erection.

As Suzie watched the girl tugged the slinky dress up and off. Again she was impressed. The girl had some style! Under her black dress was matching underwear all in lacy red, not just panties and a brassiere but red suspender belt holding up stockings. Reaching up she undid her blond hair and let it cascade down her shoulders. Suzie had no sexual interest in girls but she could see the sexuality of the girl. Even still wearing her black high heels added to the ‘look.’ Better still, for Suzie, the man took the opportunity to pull his jeans and pants down and to kick them off together with his shoes. The penis was even bigger than she had thought! Hung? What a word! He was ‘hung’ all right, though his penis was not in the slightest bit hanging at that moment, rather standing at a forty-five degree angle. It was his balls that were hanging.

“He’s like a fucking bull,” whispered Suzie and then rather regretted it. It revealed she was not unmoved by what they were watching. She glanced down. The comparison with Brian’s little thing was rather dramatic – the same as the black man’s only in miniature!

The man was undoing the girl’s brassiere, his erection pressed close to her. Suzie could not help thinking how nice that would be if it was herself rather than the girl, or even being there with them – a threesome. She had never done anything like that but certainly the man had cock enough for two! But what would she wear to compete with that girl! What could she do to draw the man’s attention to herself rather than the willowy blond?

The man was not permitted to undress the girl completely. Instead she sat on the edge of the bed and slowly unclipped and rolled down her stockings one by one. The man watched as spellbound as Suzie and Brian, whilst his fingers undid the buttons of his shirt. Suzie’s eyes moving from the erotic sight of the girl removing her stockings to the big black penis sticking out from the man’s white shirt – pointing at the girl.. She was teasing him with her slow undressing. It was a very erotic sight.

Finally the girl slipped her panties down.

“Brian!” Almost more than a whisper (the little wanker). He was touching himself but then Suzie realised her fingers were stroking one of her own nipples.

For a few moments within the room the two people stood naked and apart. That dreadful McCartney/Stevie Wonder song, ‘Ebony and Ivory’ came to her mind. If the scene had been staged it could not have been better. It was like watching a really well made porn film – not that Suzie had seen many of those, well made or otherwise. Even the lighting from the wall lights and lamps gave a soft, romantic, sexy feel. The man such a specimen of manhood and the girl so well formed and pretty.

The girl put her arms around the man’s neck and whispered in his ear. In one smooth movement she lifted herself up, the man’s hands came up under her bottom as her thighs opened and both Brian and Suzie had the momentary sight of a denuded sex open and willing making contact with a penis before the big thing slipped within her and all was hidden. The whole movement had a sort of athletic or balletic grace to it!


Continued on the next page (link Below)

One comment

  • Anonymous

    this was actually a sweet and not too humiliating story which I prefer much more often than the cuckold and big cock cheating themes that come out more than often on this site


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