Justin’s New Life 3
By Jessek12501.

Read Part 2 Here
Part 3…
It had been fifteen minutes since his online tutoring session was technically over, and Justin was starting to panic. He was running out of questions to ask. On the screen, his tutor spoke, explaining the finer points of the most obscure topics Justin could think of, all in an effort to keep them on the screen together. Justin flipped his workbook forward, jumping ahead to sections they hadn’t covered and then backward to topics they’d already been through, looking for anything he could ask about to keep the conversation going.
At first, the questions came easily, but now, twenty minutes over time, the writing in the workbook was starting to look Greek to him. The letters were taking the form of some alphabet he’d never seen. He couldn’t read it anymore, as if he’d suffered some strange case of sudden-onset dyslexia. Nothing he saw made sense, and the tutor was inching closer and closer to shutting down for the day.
In the past twenty minutes, Justin had heard his mother approach his bedroom twice before she realized he was still working and walked away. She was gettin impatient. He’d also heard the garage door open, which meant his father was home. Everything he was doing now was just to prolong the inevitable. His mother was ready. He wasn’t sure that he was.
“I think that just about covers it, Justin,” the tutor said.
“Wait!” Justin yelped, frantically turning the pages of his workbook, hoping just one word would register in his brain. “Please.”
“Don’t worry, Justin,” the tutor explains. “You have a firm grasp on the basic concepts. I’m glad you’re interested in the more advanced theories behind what we’ve discussed, but for your purposes, you won’t need to know this yet. It’s time to sign off.”
Justin stopped flipping in his book and closed his eyes. The temporary refuge of his online classes was over. He’d reached the end of the line. He felt afraid. He felt stiff. As if all of the blood in his veins suddenly froze. In an instant, he wasn’t in ancient Rome anymore. He wasn’t seeing the quadratic formula. He wasn’t learning the chemical weight of Boron. Suddenly, he was back in his room, back in his powder blue T-shirt and swishy diaper. Suddenly, he could feel the tight ring hugging the base of his testicles. He knew what was waiting for him, and now, he was at the end of the line.
“Read section four for next time,” the tutor said. “I’ll see you tomorrow!”
The screen went black, reading ‘Session Closed.’ Justin sat for a moment, staring at the blank screen and immersing himself in the last bit of calm and quiet he might have before bedtime. The school was over, but the class was about to begin.
Ever since his appointment, Dr. Cecily had been in almost constant contact with his mother. Their normal weekly call schedule had become daily. Sometimes, hourly. If Justin’s mom wasn’t on the phone with her, she was reading an email or a brochure that Dr. Cecily had sent her. At any hour of the day, Justin could walk through the house and hear his mother watching a video from one professional or another, talking about men with small penises and how to control them.
Three days ago, he’d seen a book he’d never seen before, sitting on the breakfast bar with a bookmark in it about halfway through. The book was face down at the time, but he managed to make out the title while he ate his cereal one morning, as his mother had opened the book and was reading it in front of him.
‘HOMESCHOOL FOR BETAS’ it was called. Underneath, in italics, it read, ‘teaching proper propriety for parents of submissive boys.’
He didn’t know exactly what was in the book. All he knew was that it was gifted to his mother by Dr. Cecily. It had apparently been written by a colleague of hers, another M.D. who had a real passion for the subject matter. On more than one occasion, during the break period for his tutoring sessions, Justin had walked into the kitchen for some water to find his mother in the adjoining living room, on the couch with one hand holding the book to her face and the other working feverishly between her legs. He would peek around the corner and stare for as long as he could until he knew he’d be late getting back.
Something had changed inside him since his appointment with Dr. Cecily. She had permanently altered the way he thought and the way he felt inside, especially about his mother. He longed for her. He desired her. He wanted her affection and approval again, but there was more to it. Something more substantial. He wanted to please her. He wanted to feel her skin. He wanted to touch her in the places he thought he’d never see. He never felt this way about her before. He’d had these thoughts about the girls at school, and he still did to some degree, but his mother was the pinnacle. She was at the precipice. She was quickly becoming the focal point of all of his lustful desires.
She truly was a gorgeous woman. Even objectively speaking. She was roughly 5’8″ with long, athletic legs that had thickened over time from motherhood. The kind of legs that looked like they had a history of running track but hadn’t done so in a long time. They ran up under a thick backside that bellowed out from her waist and sat, thick and juicy, like two honey-baked hams. Each step she took sent ripples through her butt cheeks, starting on one side and rolling over to the other.
The small of her back was accentuated by two perfectly formed dimples that guided the eye seamlessly down to her maternal hips. Her stomach, which was more of a tummy now, wiggled just slightly but was still taught when she laid down or raised her arms above her head. Her rib cage still showed through when she stretched enough, and her breasts were natural and heavy. They were perfectly formed, like two large tear drops that sat perfectly symmetrical above her sternum. She had the face and hair of someone half her age with the looks of someone you can’t help but be kind to.
Justin sat, daydreaming about his mother for longer than he’d expected to when he suddenly opened his eyes. In front of him was the blank screen that still read ‘Session Closed.’ There was an ache in his lap as his testicles had started to swell at the thought of his mother but were rebuffed by the ring and cage around his parts.
“Honey,” his mother’s voice shot into the room from the hallway before her face appeared in the door. Her hair was down around her ears and looked like she had actually styled it, though she hadn’t gotten dressed. She was still in the same baggy T-shirt. Bra-less and with the same underwear she had on at breakfast.
“If your classes are done, it’s time to come out,” she said. “Your father is home, and we’re waiting for you in the living room.”
“Y-yes, Mommy,” he said. “I’m going to put my book away, and I’ll come right out.”
“Hurry up, honey,” she said. “Don’t drag your feet. This is a very big day for you.”
Justin stood up from his desk, reaching down and adjusting the waist of his diaper before picking up his workbook and shuffling over to his bookshelf. He placed his pencil inside the book at the beginning of section four before closing it and sliding it back into the place he first picked it up from. He turned around, walking over to the mirror above the dresser. There was worry and fear all over his face. He looked down at his hands as they shook uncontrollably. Every kink and joint in his body was shaking, afraid, and unaware of what waited for him in the other room. He took a deep breath, trying to get his thundering heartbeat under control, before heading for the door and out into the hall.
Every footstep exploded against the hardwood floor beneath his bare feet. His body felt heavy like he was walking through water. As he passed his parent’s bedroom door, he caught a look at himself in his mother’s full-length mirror. He stopped, looking himself up and down, from his head, past his powder blue T-shirt, to his diaper and his bare, hairless legs. He truly was pathetic. He was so small and skinny for his age. He’d never thought of himself that way before now. He never even considered that he might be different or that the way he was built would ever cause him a problem. Now, he’d been exposed. The seed was planted and he couldn’t stop it from growing.
Justin passed through the kitchen and into the living room, where his mother and father were sitting on the couch. The front door next to the couch was closed, and the shades of the window above where his parents were sitting were drawn, cutting any incoming light or glare from the room. Next to the couch was a ring light he hadn’t seen before that illuminated a mat laid in the middle of the floor in front of the couch.
“Finally,” his mother said, her legs up on the couch and half-folded over his father’s lap. His dad’s large, manly hand gently stroked his mother’s soft, supple thigh while he grinned, watching his feeble son meander timidly into the room.
“Jesus, Con,” his father said. “You weren’t kidding. Being away on business, there’s only so much imagery I can get from an over-the-phone description, but seeing him now, it all makes sense. You’ve done a terrific job so far, baby.”
“Thank you, Mike,” she said, leaning in and planting a full-lipped kiss on his mouth. “Isn’t he just perfect this way?”
“Perfect,” Mike says.
“Kneel on the mat Mommy laid out for you, sweetie,” his mother says, motioning with her free hand toward the soft foam square on the carpet.
Justin nodded, walking over to the mat and kneeling, setting his knees down on it. The mat was soft and supportive under his legs, with a little bit of spring to it. It was easy to slink down onto. Once his knees were situated and enveloped by the soft foam material, he pressed his feet together, folding one under the other and setting his diapered butt back on the balls of his feet. The glare from the ring light took some time to adjust his eyeballs to and made him feel like this was more of an interrogation than a class.
“Welcome,” his mother exclaimed with excitement. “Welcome to your first Propriety for Submissives class, honey! Are you excited?!”
“I…” Justin muttered. “I’m… I think so, Mommy. What are you teaching me?”
“Well,” his mother said, standing up and towering over her soft, feeble son. Justin stared up at her, admiring her domineering and matriarchal form. His gaze was drawn, first to her face and then down past the outline of her heavy, natural breasts to the space between her legs where her thighs converged in a soft-looking V.
“As you know, Dr. Cecily and I have been talking a lot about what happened at your appointment. What we learned that day goes much deeper than just your diagnosis,” she says with her hands on her hips commandingly. “What we learned is that you, Justin, are what’s called a Beta. Do you know what a Beta is?”
Justin shook his head to imply that he did not.
“Your father,” she says, motioning to the large, burly man on the couch behind her. “Is an Alpha. What that means is that in a world where people look for leaders, or like animals, look for a dominant to control their herd, your father would be their choice. He’s large, strong, and very successful. He’s at the top of the totem pole. Because of him, I can stay home every day and don’t have to work anymore.
“Alphas protect the pack. Alphas are also the only ones in the animal kingdom that are allowed breeding privileges as it’s the Alpha’s genes that the females want to pass on. Somehow, in your case, sweetheart, those genes didn’t mesh how they were supposed to. This, as I’ve come to understand from my research, has largely been your choice, whether that choice was conscious or not.
“In humans, Alpha serves a higher role as, more than just having good genes; they’re also the only ones capable of providing pleasure sexually. Alphas are able to please women sexually, and that makes them desirable.
“Betas, on the other hand, are at the bottom of the totem pole. They’re small, frail, and weak. In the animal kingdom, without the Alpha, the beta would surely die. Betas are NOT permitted to mate. It’s not so different in your case, honey. As far as sexual pleasure is concerned, after seeing you in Dr. Cecily’s office, it’s clear to me that you’ll never bring sexual pleasure to anyone.
“You, Justin, are a beta,” she concluded.
Justin’s shoulders started to hunch as the information washed over him. Any self-confidence he still had about himself was slowly starting to wash away.
“You see,” she continued. “I knew the moment I saw your penis that a normal life was out of the question. I knew dating and eventual marriage were probably not a possibility. That made me so afraid because I didn’t know what kind of life you could have with that thing between your legs. So, I was afraid. But Dr. Cecily helped me understand that there is a path for boys like you, and there is a lot of information on how to mold boys like you into the people you were meant to be.”
Justin continues to listen as she performs the clearly rehearsed introduction.
His mom then said, “The changes we’ve made around here so far aren’t enough to form you into the person you need to be to be happy. They’re a start, but you need to unlearn any of the confidence you’ve carried with you up until this point. Your father and I are partly at fault for inflating your ego throughout your life. Had we known about what you really are sooner, these changes could have taken place a lot earlier.
“For that, I apologize. But Dr. Cecily has helped me understand that, fortunately, it’s not too late. There are experiences and a mindset that needs to form. So far, I’m afraid you feel like I’m just being mean to you, but that’s far from the truth. It would be best if you relearned who and what you are. That’s what we’re going to do today. Do you understand?” she asked.
Justin nodded in acknowledgment, though he was still slightly unclear on what he was there for. She was right on one thing, though. He had, so far, been looking at the changes in his life as roadblocks. Mild annoyances that he had to endure before things went back to normal. He was guessing, by what she had just said, that there was much more he needed to do.
“First things first,” she said. “I want you to stand up.”
Justin shuffled his feet out from under his diapered butt, placing them on the soft foam and standing upright. He placed his feet together as his arms involuntarily folded over his stomach in fear.
“Hands at your sides, honey,” she demanded. Justin obliged, fighting against every fight-or-flight instinct inside of him.
“Firstly,” she said. “Let’s go over the rules. You are to always refer to us as Mommy and Daddy. No more Mom and Dad. You’re not a big boy, Justin. You’re not the adult you were supposed to grow into, so you’ll only speak to us as you would when you were little.”
“Secondly,” she continued. “The diaper is a necessary reminder of how we view you. Again, you never formed into a man. Dr. Cecily said as much. Puberty is what changes boys into men, and puberty never happens for you. As far as I see it, that makes you a boy. Do you agree, Mike?”
“Absolutely,” his father replied. “You never grew up, Justin. Regardless of the reason or who’s at fault, that’s the fact.”
“Lastly,” she says. “Your father and I are the authority in this house. From this day forward, you will always treat us with respect and do whatever we ask. Is that clear?”
“Y-yes, Mommy,” he said, nodding to his father as well.
“I hope that’s clear,” she said. “Hopefully, today’s class will help you understand more.”
Justin’s mother took a step toward her son until her breasts were inches from his face. Justin could see the outline of her nipples underneath. The same nipples that had nurtured him in his infancy. Infancy he was being forced back into.
His mother reached up around her neck, pulling the chain that hung there and revealing the key attached to it. She let the key hang down between her breasts while lifting her arms above her head in a deep stretch. Justin’s mouth hung open as he admired the body in front of him. He started to bend at the waist as the cage around his penis tightened. His mother watched his expression go from fear to deep longing as she showed off her body in front of him. A smirk rolled across her face as she watched his body and mind fill with lust. It made her feel powerful inside to be wanted so badly. She lowered her arms down, resting them on her son’s shoulders and lowering her face to his.
“Do you want Mommy to unlock your babydick, honey?” she asked, licking her lips until they were wet and inviting.
Justin nodded, his mouth still hanging open, desire filling every inch of his body.
“Take your diaper down, baby,” she said, taking a step back and turning to her husband. “Watch this, Michael. This might make you cry.”
Justin reached up, ripping at the Velcro clasps of his diaper and dropping it to the mat. He stood before his mother and father, naked and exposed below the waist, save for a small steel cage secured around the base of his clinically impossible penis and balls.
“WOW,” his father exclaimed. “How is that possible?”
“You haven’t seen anything yet,” Connie replied.
She bent at the waist, an absolutely mesmerizing arch forming in her back, giving her husband an excellent view of her ass and pussy from behind as she unlocked the cage attached to her son. She took the device into her hand, gently pulling the ring away from Justin’s impossibly tiny sac. The ring slid away effortlessly as his mother took both pieces away from his body, leaving his nanopenis and underdeveloped balls exposed.
A smirk formed on her face as she looked at his parts, before she looked back up to him, her eyes meeting his. There was a split second of connection as they stared into each other’s eyes. Justin could feel, in that moment, that the woman before him, while still his biological mother, was more woman than she’d ever been before. He no longer saw a caring, nurturing, maternal presence. He saw a strong, domineering woman with womanly feelings and desires.
His mother stood up straight with the tiny cage in her hand and slowly backed up before sitting down on the couch and folding her legs into the safety of her husband’s lap again. Justin looked over at his father, who gazed at the space between his son’s legs, a smile forming on his strong, firmly chiseled face.
“My God, Connie,” he said, glancing over to his wife. “You weren’t kidding, were you?”
“I told you,” she said, leaning in and kissing his cheek and jaw. “Isn’t it unbelievable?”
“I’m shocked,” he said. “It looks exactly like it did when we brought him home from the hospital after he was born.”
“So was I,” she said while reaching her free hand down and placing it on his slacks between his legs. “I couldn’t believe what was between his legs, especially when you have this between yours.”
Justin’s father smiled, glancing down at her hand as she rubbed her hand in his lap. He turned to her, grabbing her face and planting a kiss on her lips. They sat for a moment, rubbing their tongues together and swapping saliva, before Justin’s mother stopped him.
“We’re getting ahead of ourselves, honey,” she said before standing back up in front of her son.
Justin’s mother resumed her previous place in front of him. Standing straight up, he was at eye level with her big, heavy breasts, and she wanted to get him as close to them as she could.
“The first thing we have to do,” she stated. “Watch this brief introductory video. See, Mommy has built this class on the book you’ve seen me reading. It states that once we get to the point, we’re at now to watch a video before the next phase, which I am personally very excited about. So, turn around and face the TV, sweetheart.”
Justin’s mother took her son by the shoulders, turning his body until he was facing the TV. She placed her hands on his shoulders, pressing the back of his head between her heavy breasts, before gesturing for her husband to press play on the remote control.
Justin watched the blank screen, suddenly seeing an arrow for the play symbol he hadn’t noticed walking in. A second later, a woman appeared on the screen. She was gorgeous, with long blonde hair and an obviously thickly busted body underneath another white laboratory coat.
“Pay close attention, honey,” his mother whispered in his ear. “This is very important.”
“Hello!” The woman on the screen said. “I’m Dr. Leslie Commings, and welcome to Propriety for Submissives. If you’re watching this video, then you’ve no doubt reached the point in the accompanying handbook that instructed you to be here. Let me say again, welcome to the concerned parents and welcome to the small dicked, submissive boy they care for.”
Justin watched the woman on the screen. He immediately noticed the similarities between her and Dr. Cecily. It was obvious to him that she had recommended the film. The terminology and mannerisms were such that Justin immediately thought that the two women must belong to some kind of society where control over their weak sons was the focal point.
Dr. Cecily continued on the video, “We’re here today to begin our full immersion into a lifestyle that will be rewarding for both parents and sons alike,” she continues. “Following the steps in this and subsequent instructional videos will prep both parties for the life the small dicked boy can expect. Under normal circumstances, parents raise their sons to be strong, masculine, and independent. Preparing them to be virile, Alpha males ready to conquer the world before them.
“With your son, however, we have to alter our approach. By now, you know your son has not developed normally. He is ill-equipped to face the world before him. You may also have realized that you prepared him for the wrong future up until this point. This is not the fault of parents. Being ignorant of your son’s small, underdeveloped dick is not your fault. If anything, it is the small dick’s fault for not informing his parents of his situation earlier. But I digress.
“We must alter our approach to raising our small dicks to better prepare them for the life that lies ahead. That means unlearning a lot of the confidences and assurances we’ve already imbued them with. They cannot learn these things by simply telling them, however. If it were that simple, this video would not exist. No. We must SHOW them. Allowing them to bear witness to their inadequacies is the first step to acceptance.”
Justin’s mother reached her hand around her son’s body, pressing her hand into his chest and pulling him back, deeper between her breasts until his ears were almost covered. The feeling of her full, soft breasts on either side of his head made his stomach swim with excitement. He could feel tingling between his legs as the woman on the screen continued.
Dr. Cecily continued on the video, “Today, as our first lesson in helping our small dicks accept their place, we are going to show them how real dicks function. Today, you, as the small dick’s parents, will have intense, passionate sex while your small dick watches. You must instruct, inform and include the small dick as much as possible without permitting them access to penetrative sex. Please continue to the second part of this video for your next session. Best wishes to you, and welcome to your new life.”
The video ended with Dr. Leslie blowing a kiss to the camera. Justin was stunned by the end of it. He couldn’t comprehend that there was a video like this, much less an entire culture built around breaking down small dicked boys. Before he could think any more about it, his mother spun him back around until she stood in front of him again.
“So,” she said inquisitively. “What do you think, honey?”
“I…” Justin started, sheepishly trying to formulate his thoughts into words. “I think whatever makes Mommy happy.”
“A good answer,” she said. “Although it’s the wrong one. You will learn, honey, that this life Mommy and Daddy are prepping you for is ultimately what will make you happy. And it starts with Dr. Leslie’s first lesson. Today, you are going to watch your father, and I have sex. You’re going to see, first hand, how a big dick pleases a woman. You’re going to learn how and why a big cock is desirable to women. And before we’re done, hopefully, you’ll have a better understanding of why men like your father get to fuck, and boys like you do not.”
Justin nodded, meeting his mother’s eyes, which looked filled with hope and inspiration on the surface but covered a deep sea of malice underneath. His gaze drifted from her face back down to her heavy, natural breasts. He couldn’t help admiring their perfection—their symmetry, their perfect form. The way they rested under her shirt and swayed back and forth underneath was hypnotizing.
“First,” she says. “Have you ever seen a woman’s naked body?”
“No, Mommy,” Justin replied. “Only what I’ve been able to see of the girls at school on Facebook.”
“Well,” she says, taking a few steps back. “Then today is your lucky day.”
Justin watched as his mother reached down, hooking her hands on the bottom of her loose, baggy T-shirt and pulling. She lifted it over her head, letting her perfect, natural breasts fall freely before dropping the T-shirt on the floor at her feet. She watched as Justin’s face dropped in awe of her. They were the first breasts he’d ever seen, and, objectively speaking, there aren’t many better to have as your first pair.
Justin gawked at his mother’s body, clenching his fists and fighting the urge to reach out and grab the heavy milkers hanging in front of him. He lusted over her pink areolas and her plump, perfectly placed nipples. He longed so deeply to reach out and touch them. He felt his nethers start to tingle and harden as the AA battery between his legs started to grow until it was red, swollen, and pulsing with desire.
His mother watched him stiffen, smiling and basking in the attention, before turning around and giving him a full view of her thick, voluptuous ass. She bent over, placing her hands on her husband’s knees before reaching back and removing her underwear, sliding them down until they dropped to her ankles. Justin watched as she revealed the already wet space between her legs. The meager bump between his legs, jutting outward and trembling in anticipation.
She turned back to him, revealing her body in its entirety. Justin ran his eyes over every inch of her, taking her in and fighting back the saliva filling his mouth. Running his eyes down her voluptuous breasts, stomach, and hips, he stopped at the space between her legs. He stared longingly at the sparse but well-manicured hair just above the plump lips at the base. He had never seen a vagina before, but he could see now that all of his imagination didn’t stack up to the real thing.
“So,” she said. Her heavy breasts swung in momentum, catching up with her movement before settling, full and heavy in front of him. “What do you think of Mommy’s body?”
Justin gawked again, not forming words but mustering only soft whines from the back of his throat. His mother smiled, absorbing the admiration before she turned and knelt between her husband’s legs, motioning for Justin to join her.
“Come kneel next to Mommy, sweetheart,” she said. “It’s time for you to see what a real cock looks like.”
Justin took a few timid steps forward, his feet meeting the carpet as he left the safety of the foam mat below. Kneeling next to his mother, just off from his father’s right knee, he watched as she rubbed her palm into his father’s lap. He could tell from the bulge underneath that whatever he had under his pants was going to be quite a sight to behold.
“Now that you’ve seen what Mommy looks like,” she said. “It’s time for you to see what makes Daddy an Alpha. It’s not his job or his success, although those are contributing factors. What makes Daddy an Alpha, the most important thing about him, is what’s in his pants. It’s the same for every man, so I want you to pay very close attention.”
Justin nodded as his mother reached up, undoing the button on his father’s pants. His father lifted his hips, allowing Justin’s mother to pull his pants down past his knees to his ankles. Justin’s mother reached up, grabbing and rubbing the enormous bulge between her husband’s legs.
“Are you ready to see it, sweetheart?” she asked before grabbing at the waist of her husband’s briefs and lowering them down his legs before joining them with the slacks pooled between his ankles.
Justin just stared. He couldn’t help it. His mouth hung open, and his heart sank inside his chest. His mother reached up, grabbing the behemoth attached to his father’s midsection and holding it up. It was soft and floppy but still, it looked like a 20 oz can of Red Bull. The shaft was thick, almost muscular for a penis, with a thick, masculine vein running down the length of it. In the end, there was a full, bell-shaped head that dangled, heavy, and natural like a pendulum.
“See honey?” she asked. “This is what a real cock looks like. This is a man’s cock. His head is bigger than your entire package. Do you see, baby?”
Justin couldn’t believe his eyes. After a lifetime of only seeing his, the thing he saw before him was so alien and unnatural to him. It seemed inhuman. It was so beyond big that he struggled with his internal vocabulary to define what he was looking at.
“He looks speechless,” his father said with a chuckle that was backed by the kind of confidence that carrying around a cock like his would give.
“I think he is,” Connie replied, turning back to her son. “Are you alright, sweetie? Do you have questions?”
“I…,” Justin started, unable to find traction in his mouth. “I don’t… understand…”
Justin’s gaze went from the monster in his father’s lap back down to the barely visible bump in his. Back and forth, he looked, trying to make sense of what was happening.
“Stand up, baby,” his mother said to him. Justin stood up, his babydick on full display as his mother began stroking the length of his father’s massive alpha cock.
“Do you notice a difference?!” she asked.
“Yes… Yes, I do, Mommy,” Justin whimpered. “Why is Daddy so big and I’m not?”
“Because, sweetheart,” she said. “You’re a beta! This is what we’re trying to teach you. Your father and you are built differently and intended for different things. You have different roles to fulfill. Your father’s role is to provide and satisfy his wife, and women in general, sexually. You are designed to be submissive and subservient. This is exactly what we’re trying to teach you.”
Justin nodded, the information starting to sink in. It was true if any of what the video he’d watched was to be believed. Experiencing these things firsthand definitely had more of an impact than just hearing about it. Seeing his father’s massive, intimidating cock, certainly filled Justin with feelings of hopelessness and dread he had otherwise not felt.
“Is it heavy?” Justin asked. The question came out without any effort as if it was pre-prepared.
“Yes, honey,” his mother said. “Very heavy. Here. Give Mommy your hand.”
Justin’s mother took her son’s small, feeble hand and wrapped it around the massive cock in front of them. His mother wrapped her hand around his, covering it and forcing it up and down the shaft of her husband’s enormous, throbbing cock. Justin’s penis began to ring as his mother worked his hand up and down his father’s cock, feeling it hardening in his palm.
“I think he likes it, Con,” his father said, looking down at the stiffening little reed between his son’s legs.
“He does!” she said. “And he should! Massive cocks should be adored!”
Justin watched as his father’s heavy, soft penis hardened into a stiff, pulsating cock. It must have been nine inches long. Justin could tell that it was about the same length as his skinny little forearm. He could feel the tip of his penis swell with each forced stroke. Part of him wanted to let go, but another part knew that had his mother taken her hand away, he would have continued stroking it without her.
His mother pulled back, removing his hand from his father’s shaft and taking it in her hand again.
“Didn’t that feel good in your hand, honey? Big cocks are the focal point of pleasure for women and boys,” she said. “Stroking them is just one part of the many pleasures they can bring.”
Justin watched as his mother sat up on her knees, lowering her head and wrapping her lips around the pulsating head of his father’s cock. She slurped and sucked and moved it in and out of her mouth. Justin watched as her lips rolled in and out, caressing the head and shaft until it glistened, wet and slippery. His father leaned his head back over the couch as his mother moaned and slurped at the rigid baseball bat between his legs.
As she slurped, she slid her hand up and down the length of it, working it into and out of her mouth. Justin looked further down his father’s cock, noticing the huge sac hanging beneath. The two balls inside were thick and imposing, pulsing inside the warm, fleshy bag with each stroke from his mother’s mouth.
Before long, his father grabbed his mother’s arms, lifting her, her mouth lifting off of his cock with an audible ‘pop’ His father stood up, grabbing his mother around the waist and pushing her down, on all fours, onto the couch.
“Oh my God, Mike,” she moaned, locking eyes with her feeble, nano dicked son. “Come here, honey. Lay down on the couch under Mommy.”
Justin slid down onto the couch, sliding his legs underneath his mother’s body and pulling himself down until his feet were between her legs. Her eyes were locked onto his as her heavy breasts rested on his stomach. Her hair hung down, forming a sort of shell that just he and his mother were inside of.
“Your father is going to fuck me now,” she whispered. “Did you see how he forced me into this position? Alpha’s take what they want. This is what having a huge cock like your father earns you. Now, please watch me closely. Okay, baby? I want you to watch what Daddy’s big cock does to Mommy. Please pay close attention to my facial expressions. I need you to really understand what a real cock does to a woman. Please watch and understand that your little pee-pee is incapable of doing what Daddy does. With our lessons, soon, you won’t even want to try. So watch closely, honey.”
Justin listened and watched as his mother’s face began to change. Her body shifted forward slightly as her husband began applying pressure, splitting her lips and entering her from behind. He watched as her expression changed from anticipation to ecstasy. Suddenly, she started rocking back and forth as hard, wet, slapping sounds filled the room. She moaned and cried with delight as her husband pushed every inch of his massive, intimidating cock inside of her. His father followed suit, moaning and whispering her name in pleasure as he fucked her in places no man had ever reached before.
“Stroke, honey,” his mother moaned to her son. “Stroke…your…tiny…dickie…for…Mommy.”
Justin couldn’t take his eyes off of her, doing as he was told. He reached down, taking the head of his penis between his forefinger and thumb. He began to stroke it feverishly as his mother lifted herself with her arms. Her breasts were front and center for him as the slapping sounds intensified. He saw his father’s hand grab her shoulder, pulling her back into an arch and fucking her deeper than he already had been.
“Tell Mommy you have a tiny pee-pee, baby,” she said between intense moans of pleasure.
“I…” Justin gulped, pinching the head of his cock between his fingers. “I have a tiny dick.”
“Apologize to Mommy and Daddy,” she moaned. “Apologize for having such a tiny, underdeveloped dicklette.”
“I’m sorry, Mommy,” he said, still pulling at the tiny bit of flesh between his legs. “I’m sorry, Daddy, for having a small, underdeveloped dicklette.”
Justin’s mother started to scream in pleasure until she was almost crying. She turned her face back to him as sweat was starting to form on her face. She looked into her son’s eyes, hanging her mouth open as she began to climax.
“Oh my God, honey,” she moaned. “He’s going to make me cum!”
Justin stroked the entirety of his inch-long erection as his mother started to squeal in orgasmic intensity. Her body convulsed and shook as she screamed before she went limp, still rocking back and forth from the forceful fucking being delivered from her well-hung husband. Justin felt a rush to his tip as his mother’s orgasm reached its peak until a small droplet of cum left the tiny hole in his head. Justin whined a quiet moan before going limp himself.
His father’s thrusts intensified until it was clear he was about to finish as well. Justin’s mother hopped off the couch, looking down at her son’s lap and noticing the pitiful pool of cum just above his meager head.
“Aw,” she said. “Look, Mike. Our little baby made cummies.”
“If you can call it that,” her husband replied.
“Time for the best part, honey,” she said, looking back at her husband, who was stroking a pulsating and ready monster cock just inches away. “Sit up, baby.”
Justin sat up at the waist until his father crept forward. His father’s cock was inching toward his face. Justin tried to wiggle backward, but his mother helped him in place.
“Open your mouth, honey,” she said, grabbing his chin and holding him steady.
Justin’s father lowered the tip of his enormous cock down to his son’s face until it was angled perfectly with his open mouth. Suddenly, Justin felt something smack the back of his throat. His father began to moan as Justin watched more and more hot, white fluid shoot out of the tip and into his mouth. He felt the warm, sticky fluid on his tongue. It tasted salty and sweet at the same time. His mouth was becoming so full that more of the gooey fluid ran down his chin, dripping down into his lap.
With a final gasp, his father fell back onto the couch, and his mother closed her son’s mouth.
“Swallow baby,” she whispered. “It’s important that you swallow it all.”
Justin looked his mother in the eye as he opened his throat, letting the hot liquid in his mouth run down into his stomach. He felt his entire body start to warm from the inside as the hot cum filled his belly. He opened his mouth, sticking out his tongue to show his mother that he had done as he was told.
“What a good boy,” she said. “Wasn’t that great, Mike?!”
“Incredible,” his father said between heavy, panting breaths. “Next time, you’ll have to teach him how to get the cum out himself.”
“Would you like that?” she asked, turning back to her son. “Would you like to learn to make Daddy cum yourself?”
Justin nodded as he felt he was supposed to. Inside, he was a mess of emotions. He had never touched, much less seen, any penis before. The sensation he’d gotten from holding his father’s was something he wasn’t prepared to understand.
“Congratulations, sweetheart,” his mother said with a smile and a soft kiss on his cheek. “You took a very big, very important first step today.”
Justin couldn’t help but smile as this was the first time he’d had any affection from her since before Dr. Cecily’s office. This was the positive reinforcement he’d been waiting for. This was what he had been longing for. He’d finally learned what he needed to do to regain her favor.
His mother leaned over him, pressing her breasts to his face before settling back in front of him. In her hands was the little cage.
“Stand up baby,” she said. Justin shuffled himself off of the couch, standing up in front of her. She slid the base ring around his tiny balls, followed by the cage, which fit loosely around his nano head. She slid the key into the lock, securing it in place before letting the key drop-down between her breasts again.
“Did you like your Daddy’s cummies?” She asked.
Justin nodded with approval, swirling the taste around on his tongue. He could still make it out clearly. Inside his belly, he could still feel the warmth from the cum settling in.
“Daddy’s cum will help you learn your place, honey,” she said. “I’m very proud of you. You did very well today. Didn’t he, Mike?”
“I think so,” Justin’s father said. “Better than expected. I think we discovered a new interest for him, too. Didn’t know you liked cock that much, did you, son?”
“No, Dad…um…Daddy. I didn’t,” Justin said, giving him a big smile that his father returned.
“Go to the bathroom, sweetheart, and Mommy will be there soon to get you cleaned up,” she said.
Justin turned from his parents, basking in their approval and heading back toward the kitchen and down toward the hallway. Something had clicked inside him. He had learned something, although he hadn’t really had enough time to process what it was exactly. Regardless, something about this “new life” everyone was talking about suddenly didn’t feel so bleak.
To Be Continued…?
*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, punctuation, formatting errors, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.
11:02 pm
Great story! Hope you keep it going