Just a Walk
By fantaseeboy.

Before I describe myself, let me mention that I know I have a small penis. But it actually matches my body perfectly! When it’s soft, it doesn’t dangle. The pink head and just a little bit of the shaft poke out almost straight. Twin marble-sized balls are usually pulled up pretty snugly in a pretty little pink sack. When it gets excited, it pokes up to almost three inches, that’s about as big as my first finger.
As I said before, I think it matches my body perfectly. Standing right about five foot four and not quite breaking the 125-pound mark, I am not the usual size of a 22-year-old boy. My butt is cute and bubbles out a little bit, and it wiggles when I run. Bright blue eyes that I’ve been told look innocent. My wavy hair is light brown and hangs to just about my shoulders; this has always driven my mother crazy; she insists that it makes me look like a girl. Not that I mind; most times, I think of myself more as a girl than a boy anyway.
This might be hard to understand, but I have found myself attracted to both men and women. I have the hardest time imagining sticking my little penis in someone. So, my attraction to women is more of a motherly kind of thing. I guess my mother spoiled me, not sexually or anything. She took really good care of me while growing up. And having not left home until a few months ago, she still called daily to check on me. Now, when I see a lady who looks anything like her, I can’t help but imagine her taking care of me. This is where Sandra comes in.
There I was, running from tree to tree, not wearing a thing, not even shoes. Even to this day, I get nervous and embarrassed when I am out flashing, but there is no way I would want to stop doing it. I had planned to make it all the way around the small park. I had seen only three groups of people scattered around before ducking into the trees. I only made it about a quarter of the way around when I saw her standing beside a bench really close to where I started. She stood there looking right at me, smiling. I know I blushed deeper than usual, most women will either laugh or look away after seeing me. But Sandra just kept staring.
After breaking the trance she had placed me in, I saw her pointing to the bench. Lowering my gaze, I saw all of my clothes in a neat pile. They had been hidden in the trees not far from her. Biting my lip and quivering, I saw her smile brighten and wag her finger at me in a come-hither manner.
Nothing like this had ever happened to me before. I’m not stupid; I knew there was always the possibility of being caught and, even worse, being arrested. But I tried to be as careful as I could. Now, here I was, in the middle of a sunny day, in a public park, not wearing a thing. With no other choice, my car keys were in my pants pocket. I blushed more than ever and kept to the trees as I made my way back toward her.
As I got closer and closer my mind was running wild. Trying to think of different ways to get out of this, all the different things this woman might say to me when I got close enough, all of the terrible things that could happen to me if she were a policewoman. Through it all, my lil penis never softened a bit, even though I felt like I was going to throw up.
Taking the last dash between trees, standing less than ten feet away from her now, I poked my head out and got my first good look at her. She was older than me; I later learned she was almost eighteen years older. She was dressed tastefully in khaki shorts, a baby blue t-shirt, and white tennis shoes. She had a large chest and wide hips, and her honey-blonde hair was pulled back. Immediately, I imagined her taking care of me. She looked so much like my own mother. The helpless feeling I had added to this I’m sure.
She didn’t say a word, she just stood beside my pile of clothes and looked at me and the tree I was hiding behind. In my squeaky, naturally high pitch, I politely asked for my clothes. She smiled brighter than ever, left my clothes behind on the bench, and walked toward me. She stopped about 5 feet from me. I stood kind of facing her, covering my penis with my hands and squeezing my thighs together. On the verge of either making a break for the bench or bursting out in tears, but not doing anything for some reason
“Well, aren’t you a shameless little thing?” This wasn’t a question. Her voice sent a chill running up my spine that made me shiver. My chin dropped. “Running around naked as the day you were born.”
She closed the distance between us, setting her finger with its long, perfectly manicured fingernail under my chin and lifting it until I looked up into her eyes. At this point I realized how much taller she was. She must have stood 5’10 or taller. As our eyes met, the whole situation must have gotten to me as a tear formed and rolled down my cheek. She quietly whispered, “It’s okay, sweetheart, you aren’t in trouble. There, there, I’m Sandra, and everything is going to be alright.”
With this, she took my naked body in her arms and hugged me. My skinny arms wrapped around her, and I hugged her back before I even had time to think about what I was doing. She held me there and whispered such sweet things to me. I tried to tell her I was okay, but she kept shushing me. Her warm, soft hands sliding up and down my bare back had me squirming in her arms.
All too soon, the hug broke, and when it did, she held my hand firmly. This left me only one hand free to cover myself. Sandra looked down at me, smiled sweetly, and told me there was no need to hide myself. After all, she had already seen me.
Slowly my hand moved to my side, exposing my very stiff and excited penis. Sandra’s eyes locked down on my lil penis. Never had anyone seen me up so close before. A smile spread across her face, the kind of smile I hadn’t seen before. She gently laid a single fingernail on my bare thigh.
Goosebumps rose on my tingling skin, and my lil penis jumped when her solitary fingernail slowly drug from my thigh clear up to just below my nipple. I couldn’t help but giggle. Before this giggle even stopped, she took a step out toward the middle of the park. I tried to remain where I was, but her firm grip on my hand dragged me out from behind my tree.
With that warm smile, she said, “Sweetie, we’re just going for a walk. No need to be nervous.”
Feeling helpless again, I regretted not making a break for it when I had the chance. I took a timid step toward her and glanced around quickly. The same three groups of people were scattered around. My hand shot down, and I covered myself bashfully. I took one step after another until we stood on the main pathway around the inner part of the park. Thankfully, the thick trees hid everything from the roads.
As she slowly led me around the park, she told me things that made sense at that moment. She told me this was the reason I was out, to be seen by strangers, wasn’t it? And I was so cute that I should show myself off. She pointed out each group of people and told me how I would make their whole day with this walk. She went on about how seeing me had definitely made her day, if not her week. Over and over, she reminded me not to cover myself with my hand. Eventually, Sandra had me feeling much more comfortable about being naked in a public park.
Even from a distance, I felt eyes watching me from all around the park. Shivers of excitement shot throughout my body. My lil penis was so stiff it was leaking like crazy, making the pink head glisten in the sunshine.
My stomach started doing somersaults as we got close to three elderly men sitting around a picnic table. The conversation at that table stopped when we got within twenty feet of them. My chin was down, looking at my bare feet on the sidewalk beyond my lil penis. That lil penis was standing straight up, pushing against my trimmed pubic hair. Of course, Sandra had me on the inside of the sidewalk, closest to them. When I glanced up, I saw all three of them staring at my bare body.
One of the men started to say something about taking me home, but Sandra cut him off. She politely told him that we were just out for a walk. Sandra said more after that, but I can’t remember what. When she started talking, she turned me to face them, let go of my hand, and laid it on my bare bottom. One of her long fingers was nestling between my cheeks. I popped up on my tip toes when the pad of her finger gently pushed between my cheeks and brushed against my hole.
My eyes popped open wide, and a high-pitched squeak escaped my lips. The men around the table stared so hard at me. Sandra gave them a few moments in silence to devour me with their eyes before taking my hand and leading me further around the park.
When we were out of earshot, Sandra asked in her sugary, sweet voice, “Did your lil peepee almost squirt its juice in front of those old men back there?”
With a moan, I answered, “Yes.”
We started walking slowly again while she told me she felt my lil wrinkled hole quiver and knew I was really close. She leaned down close to my ear and whispered that she might take care of it for me if I were just as good on the rest of our walk.
This gave me something to think about. Never had I had an orgasm with someone else. It had always been just me and my fingers. I knew right away that I would do what it would take to earn my prize.
The next bench we passed had a couple in their late twenties or early thirties. They only stared as we passed. I didn’t think even to lower my chin or attempt to cover myself. Both the man and woman first stared at my bouncing lil penis, then my bouncing bottom as we walked away from them.
Sandra didn’t even wait until we were far enough from them not to hear before praising me loudly, “You did so good! You didn’t cover up or look away or anything! I’m so proud of you!” Her praise continued until we nearly reached a picnic table with four women about her age sitting around it.
We hadn’t even reached the table when one woman asked, “Out for a walk today?”
Sandra waited until we were right next to their table before answering. She turned both of us to face the women before answering. “Yes, we are. It is such a nice day. I thought some sunshine would do us both some good.”
The table broke out in quiet laughter and giggles. Then another of the ladies asked where my clothes were. Sandra answered so calmly and without hesitation. She told them all that she had a hard time ever keeping me dressed. We moved a step closer to the table while Sandra kept talking. She giggled with the ladies when she whispered that I didn’t have much to hide anyway.
Blushing and feeling about an inch high, I looked over and up into Sandra’s smiling eyes. She patted my bare bottom while moving behind me. Unable to look back at her, I was forced to stare at the three ladies around the table. I only managed to make eye contact for a second before looking down at the sidewalk. Her hands never left my skin. Wanting to run away and hide, to get out of there any way I could. It must have been my terminally stiff penis that kept me in place.
Sandra’s arms circled me, and her hands gently caressed me in front of them. My hips would grind or lurk forward every time her fingertips neared my penis. I had never been so turned on before in my life.
The three ladies kept talking and asking questions. They talked about me as if I weren’t even there. When one of the three ladies mentioned the cute, shiny, pink head of my penis, the entire conversation turned to how horny I looked standing there.
This is when Sandra’s fingertips slowly snaked their way directly toward my throbbing lil penis. I looked into the eyes of these women while their eyes wandered from my penis to my face and back again.
I nearly jumped out of my skin when Sandra’s first finger and thumb lightly pinched down and held me. Quivering as I stood there, Sandra began to slide her fingers up and down very slowly. Telling the ladies to watch closely won’t last long; I squirt so easily.
Having no idea how she knew, in less than ten strokes, my whole body went super tight. I fell back against Sandra, and my eyes squeezed tightly shut. My toes curled up tight, and my arms flailed around wildly at my sides. My lil balls pulled up tight, then popped inside me while I squealed at the top of my lungs. Then my penis squirted its juice in four blasts onto the sidewalk in front of my audience.
In the wake of my first orgasm at another person’s hand, I stayed led back against Sandra, trying to catch my breath and calm down. I was not even aware of the conversation going on around me. The warm sun shining down on me, Sandra’s arms holding me from behind, my head nestled between her boobs, it felt so perfect.
When I recovered, I became extremely self-conscious—this isn’t anything unusual. I reached down to cover myself up, but Sandra’s arms kept them away. After quickly finishing up their conversation, she took my hand and led me further down the sidewalk. While we walked, she told me how much those ladies had enjoyed my little show. She went on to apologize to me, just in case she hurt my feelings when she talked about me back there.
In a daze, and knowing I was completely in love with her, how could I possibly be upset with her? After all, every word she said was true. Even if, when she spoke them, I was more embarrassed than I had ever been before. I quickly answered that I wasn’t mad or upset.
In no time at all, we were standing at the bench where the adventure had begun. I even surprised myself when I didn’t make a single move to pick up my clothes or cover myself with Sandra’s eyes wandering up and down me.
Just as I was about to try to say goodbye, Sandra looked into my eyes. Actually, she looked deeper than that; it felt like she saw the real me behind my eyes. Tilting her head to the side, she whispered, “You are just adorable.”
“Where do you live, sweetheart?”
I didn’t hesitate to tell her my exact address.
“Do you live alone?”
I answered that I did.
With this, she smiled warmly. Bending down and scooping up my clothes, she stood back up and looked down into my eyes. She told me that she really enjoyed our time together and couldn’t imagine it ending so soon. While she spoke, the first finger of her free hand rolled around on the slippery head of my lil penis, coating her finger with whatever was left of my orgasm and precum juices.
Sandra slowly raised her shiny finger right in front of my eyes while asking if I would like to spend a little more time with her. Before I could answer, she began to slide her fingertip along my lips. I couldn’t help but moan and part my lips for her. After generously painting my lips, she withdrew her finger and licked it clean.
Staring into her eyes with pure love and licking my own lips, I whimpered softly that I never wanted our time together to end. She smiled so warmly that it made me feel dizzy.
Sandra took my hand and led me off toward my car. I tried to figure out how she knew which way to go, but I realized that we must be parked near each other. After all, she had stood so close to where I started with my clothes earlier in the day. We broke past the trees, and I became exposed to the street and houses; I got nervous again.
I was trying to cover myself with my hands and blushing furiously. Sandra released my hand, patted my bottom, and told me to relax. No one was in their yards across the street, from what I could tell, and the traffic was sporadic. What cars did drive by definitely saw me. Horns would honk, and I could see every eye in every car staring at me walking along the outside of the park.
Sandra stopped beside a Lincoln Towncar and told me this was hers. I pointed to an older Toyota Corolla and let her know that was mine. She paused and thought for a moment before she asked where my keys were. After I told her, she fished them out of my pocket, and we walked back to my car. Before stepping off the curb, Sandra looked down into my eyes and asked me if I trusted her.
I had no idea what she was up to, but knowing my answer without even having to think about it, I told her that I did. She giggled and told me to wait where I was. Stepping off the curb, she opened the trunk and laid all my clothes inside. Looking back at me and showing me the keys, she shut the trunk, locking my clothes away. Before even coming back toward me, she slipped my keys into her pocket.
Now, I thought I had felt helpless before, but this situation put a whole new meaning to that word. I saw Sandra smile that warm smile before coming back to me, taking my hand, and leading me to her car. I wanted to ask where she was taking me when I would come back and get my car, and so many other questions, but I didn’t utter a sound. I had told her I trusted her, and I meant it.
Sandra held my hand as I stepped off the curb into the street just as a carload of people my age drove by. They repeatedly honked the horn and shouted rude things from the window. Sandra commented about how a kid couldn’t appreciate a cutie like me. Her comments seemed always to make me feel better.
She unlocked and held the passenger’s door open for me as I slipped into her plush car. Leaning down, she said with such excitement, “We are going to have so much fun together!”
After she buckled me in, the door shut. It dawned on me how helpless I truly was. I had no identification, no car keys, no nothing! But watching her walk casually around the car, keeping eye contact with me the whole way, I relaxed a little.
The End.
*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, punctuation, formatting errors, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.