Cody Sugar’s Shower Streak
By Onlysorta.

Steaming water cascaded down the sportsballer’s toned body in the curtained shower stall, making highlights of his silky auburn hair, the thick pectorals and six pack he worked so hard for, the taut ass he’d caught so many girls staring at around campus, and perhaps most notably, his itty bitty micropenis.
The reason he kept himself single.
You can imagine that having a tiny dick was quite the embarrassing secret for a sensitive young man, and if Cody’s horrible, humiliating memories from high school taught him anything, it was that keeping his meager endowment hidden would be the only way to avoid becoming the laughingstock of campus.
Cody considered his very dignity to be a good reason to shower alone after practice, and to avoid the risk of exposure that comes from being in a relationship. At least, he told himself he was happy single, no matter how badly Cody wished he had a fairytale romance, and a cute, sugar-sweet girlfriend to cuddle and cry at sappy movies with.
And though he didn’t want to chance it, there was a certain girl attending Smallwood U he was crushing on pretty bad. Her name was Elfie, and he often fantasized about the redheaded volleyball player; thinking about her 6′ tall, toned body, her lightly freckled face, and her kindhearted nature. She was sweet, athletic, beautiful, and in the back of Cody Sugar’s mind, there lived a faint hope she could look past something like his… teeny tiny shrimp dick.
The faucet shut off like any other day, and the hopeless romantic shook thoughts of romance out of his head along with the water in his hair, but when Cody reached for his towel, he found only a bare bar where terrycloth should have been resting. A panic ran up his back, and the tall, muscular sportsballer poked his head past the shower curtain to see if it had perhaps fallen onto the tile during his ablutions. Instead, he came face-to-face with several members of the football team; each of them wearing a wicked grin and street clothes, unlike the showering man– who was wearing only an uncomfortable grimace to go with his birthday suit.
“H-hey, guys. Are you, um, are you sure you’re in the right spot?” Cody asked with a worried stutter, hiding his crotch behind both hands while the other collegiate sportsballers yanked the shower curtain open. “There’s another locker room right by the football field, and I hear it’s really nice digs. Just let me get dressed, and I’d be happy to show y-”
“Nah, we’re not lost. We’re just a little sick of the girls around here fawning all over you, Mr.Sensitive.” The most imposing Sophomore informed him with that same sinister expression before breaking into laughter. “Hahaha! And it looks like what those chicks said about you is true.”
“E-excuse me?” Cody yelped, terror stricken by the thought of someone knowing his little secret. The crimson blush crept down to his chest while he shrank away from the footballers.
“We heard Bethany’s friends say you’re just soo shy that ain’t nobody’s even seen you without pants on, so we figured we could give all them girls the show they’ve been waiting for.”
“Y-you don’t mean-?”
“Oh yeah. We’re going to throw you outside. Butt. Naked. You know, right when classes are letting out.”
“Oh good God.” Tears of embarrassment were starting to well up in the baseball star’s green eyes. “Any chance you all could just… let me live my life in peace?”
“Ahahaha! Pretty boy’s got jokes! Yeah, not a fucking chance, Cody.” The angrier, wider man said rather definitively. “Here’s what’s gonna happen: You’ll be totally humiliated out there, the girls will see you crying like a baby, and they’ll lose all interest in dumb ol’ Mr.Sensitive– I mean, it sounds like an amazing prank to me.”
Cody’s body went motionless in fear when the football team picked his large frame up like an underfilled sandbag and compelled him toward the exit facing the quad. He kept his tiny dick hidden under his hands so firmly–even while being carried–that none of the rival sports team could see exactly why he was so scared of being seen naked. But it didn’t make much of a difference to his predicament when the mortified young man was chucked onto the grassy quad without so much as a towel to his name.
“Have fun streaking back to the dorms, Cassanova! God, you’re already red as a fucking tomato! Hahaha! Oh, this is gonna be great.” The lead bully chuckled, blowing a raspberry at the man he was gleefully sentencing to public humiliation.
The heavy metal doors to the locker room slammed shut before his eyes, and Cody heard the click of the lock echo inside his head. He could also hear the football team laughing hysterically and high fiving from behind those imposing doors. Fighting with the shower room’s locked handles would prove utterly fruitless, and Cody had to face it; there was no chance he could get his clothes back in this situation. His phone was in there too, which meant there was no calling for help either.
Now he was naked out in broad daylight with no recourse, and ringing through the air was the bell signaling the 3:00PM classes letting out. If Cody Sugar didn’t want every mischievous, horny co-ed that took afternoon lessons to know exactly what his bare ass looked like when it was dripping wet, he had to hurry and find someplace to hide. Best-case scenario, he sneaks back to the dorms at the far end of campus unmolested. Worst-case scenario, a girl snaps a high-definition photo of his micropenis, posts it to the college gazette, and the entire female student body knows the baseball heartthrob is hung like a goddamn hamster.
Hands still held firmly over his undersized package, and praying no prying eyes were anywhere near him, the nude man made a mad dash to anywhere he could possibly find cover. The only benefit to that ringing bell was that its din meant there was no way to hear the mortified boy’s manic strides.
It’s just like making it to home plate, Cody. Running is kind of your thing. Just ignore the fact that you’re buck-naked, about to be surrounded by dozens of pent-up female students, and almost half a mile from your dorm.
Cody immediately regretted letting himself think about that, but he was at least right about being fast. Like a streaker of lightning, he sped past the main exits into the quad, and tried his luck dashing by the less traveled faculty doors. With far more luck than he was expecting, the nude hunk had yet to see a single soul on his chosen escape route.
You know, until he crashed right into somebody and was sent flat back onto his ass.
Peering back up while he rubbed his head from the impact, Cody was now locking eyes with a very sexy woman. Professor Drake: a history teacher beloved on campus for her passion for her subject, her lenience for students’ personal engagements, and her absolutely colossal, button-straining mommy milkers.
The curvaceous older Black woman Cody had just bowled over was seemingly too shocked by the sight of the embarrassed nude male to be upset about the impact, her enchanting face stuck agape while she ogled the buck-naked hunk in front of her, a pair of owlish glasses resting on the ground beside her pencil skirt. Teardrops stung at the corners of Cody’s green eyes, mortified and horrified to know that a beautiful woman he saw on the daily was looking right at his exposed body. That she saw his itty-bitty little secret.
Too distraught to utter a single word, the naked man staggered to his feet, covered up his undersized package far too late, and raced like a bat out of Hell away from Dr.Drake; all while the winsome professor fought against her huge breasts to try and grab her spectacles and restore her abysmal vision. But the busty teacher only managed to reach past her G-cups and get her glasses on in time to see a split-second view of the sexy streaker’s jiggling ass while he vanished around a corner.
“Holy Halibut, now that’s a man…” Professor Drake huffed in some combination of sexual frustration and horny glee. Stupid glasses, stupid giant breasts, I could’ve seen his freakin’ dick if you weren’t giving me so much grief! Ugh, a tall, handsome man like that probably has an absolute whopper hanging between his legs, too. By the Gods, I wish I at least knew who that was…
Cody for his part, was hyperventilating in humiliation while he escaped the buxom teacher’s “”sight””. He could only pray that Drake had the professional decency to not tell too many people about his micropenis. But a busty professor seeing his tiny cock was hardly the unhung hunk’s only worry when he rounded the corner and came face to face with a sizable group of young women walking to their engagements between buildings. Their mouths all stretched into exuberant grins, smiling like hyenas when they caught sight of his wet abs and grimacing, beet-red face.
“Holy shit, Bethany, isn’t that Cody Sugar?”
“Sweet mother of God, he’s totally naked.”
“And he looks totally embarrassed!”
“Daaaaamn, why is he so shy with a body like THAT?”
“Hahaha! Move your hands, Dude! I wanna see your cock! Your big, meaty cock!”
“Yeah Cody- give us a REAL show!”
The streaking victim grit his teeth through his burgundy blush, knowing his only real option was to make a break for it between these lusty, catcalling ladies on his desperate search for cover. It was either rush onward, or give Professor Drake another free show whilst moving in the direction opposite his dorm. For all Cody knew, the bespectacled, busty lady had already called campus police on him.
“Whoa! Look at the size of that thing! This guy’s ass is huge!”
“Hell yeah! Streak like the wind! You should strip naked more often, Sugar!”
“Laura, hold my books, I NEED to get my hands on him!”
“Holy shit, girls, don’t just let him get away without a proper goodbye!”
At least half the mob of beaming co-eds Cody ran past took the opportunity to slap his bubble butt as hard as they physically could. And so a series of spanking sounds echoed across the quad while he streaked by, his face burning hot in embarrassment. Cody felt tears pool at the corners of his eyes once more while the girls wolf-whistled and laughed at his bouncing posterior. The poor guy was mortified, but none of the co-eds around were fast enough to keep pace and watch when he dove into the bushes around the corner of the courtyard.
While a pack of those giggling women jogged right past his hiding spot, his heart pounded like a V8 engine in his ears, his body was naked as the day he was born, but Cody was safe from view at last. Ensuring he was hidden well inside the foliage, the shy guy wiped his face dry, and wracked his brain– trying to think up some way to get back to the dorms without turning the most humiliating day of his collegiate life into the most humiliating day of his entire life. It was bad enough that a member of the faculty saw his little cocktail wiener, but now an entire crowd of his female peers had caught him streaking, and Cody was loath to risk any further exposure.
At least he was safe to plan his escape for the time being, as there wasn’t a soul in his immediate vicinity. Still flushed scarlet in shame, the nude baseball star peeked out toward the few paths he could reach without leaving the shrubbery. His search for a possible beacon of hope was mercifully swift.
Not far at all from his hiding spot, Cody spotted a giant, wild mane of blonde hair, belonging to a girl he recognized from around campus, but whom he didn’t know by name. She was standing in the path right beside the hedges, sketching in a large book. He’d mostly heard his teammates and some of their girlfriends call her ‘Weirdo’, ‘Creep’ or ‘Greasy Perverted Argentinian Rat Girl’ behind her back, which always rubbed Cody the wrong way because she seemed like a nice girl to him. She greeted people with a crooked smile even if they returned it with a sneer, and she ran errands for a few of Smallwood’s sports teams, if he was remembering right. There were definitely a few times she played watergirl for his baseball team, although she was too busy helping hydrate to talk to him, even when he tried to say hi first.
But finding out this lady’s name, or why the students around here didn’t treat her with any respect could wait– right now, Cody just needed some help to get back to his dorm without humiliating himself any worse than he already had been today. The handsome young man snuck through the hedges until he was a scant few feet away from her, though he wasn’t entirely sure what to say to get her attention away from her drawing.
From this closer vantage point, the naked boy had a much better view of the blonde, and to be honest, she looked pretty normal to him. She was very much on the short side, and had a seemingly average build, though her actual body was largely obscured under an oversized blouse, an ankle length skirt, and a large eyepatch over the right side of her pallid face. Dressed in all black, she had the posture of a frightened pet rabbit let loose in a dog park, and it sounded like she might’ve been mumbling to herself in Spanish? Okay, so he had to admit that ‘normal’ was a terrible descriptor of the woman; If anything, Cody found the sketching blonde more ‘sympathetic in a way that’s cute but mostly sad’ than creepy.
Actually, she was pretty cute, focusing her big blue eye intently on her work like that…
Most importantly though, he felt like this shivering Chihuahua of a girl was safe to talk to about his streaking predicament; after all, the only things he really knew about her was that she liked being helpful, and was as bashful as a church mouse around everyone he knew. If any woman on this campus would actually respect his need for modesty, it would be this one-eyed nervous wreck, right?
Well, his first choice of girl to help him out of this nightmare would’ve been Elfie, his tall, kind and beautiful crush. She had tried to keep him safe from embarrassing situations before, but naked beggars can’t be naked choosers. Even if it was an incredibly risky gamble to reveal his predicament to anyone, Cody was willing to take a chance with this particular girl.
He just had to work up the courage to ask.
Cody drew in a quiet breath to prepare himself for this risky conversation, and since he didn’t have this quavering little woman’s name, the man addressed her as politely as he could think to, “Hello, ma’am, I was wondering if you could–”
“AAAHHH!!” The blondie shrieked like a banshee dropping a bowling ball on her foot as she slammed her sketchbook shut. Clutching the pad to her breast like a shield, she cast her panicked gaze toward the hedges, “Fuc-f-fucking mierda– is that bush talk-talking to me?”
Cody slowly rose out of his hiding spot until his muscular bare chest met the fresh air, just enough to make certain the frightened girl knew he was, in fact, “Not a talking bush. I’m just a guy who cou-”
“Eep! Sexy shirtless guy! Wait, d-don’t say that out loud– or that! Or this! Oh get a fuc-fucking grip, Guillermina!” All of the shorter woman’s face was glowing the same shade as a stop light, except what was hidden by her eyepatch. “Uhh, SHIT, sorry, I m-mean, hola señor hermosa, pleasant day to-t-today, right?”
Even if he was worried about someone coming to investigate her shouts about a ‘sexy shirtless guy’, Cody was still relieved to catch her name without having to admit he’d never heard anyone use it until now. The embarrassed hunk retreated all but his face back into hiding before he replied to the stammering, sailor-mouthed sketcher.
“Uh… hello, Miss Guillermina. I, I’m Cody Sugar, I’ve seen you around the baseball diamond, but I don’t believe we’ve formally met, and… Oh, let me just get to the point, I’m stuck in these bushes without a stitch of clothes, and if anybody else catches me naked, I’ll DIE of embarrassment, please help me out here.”
“Th-the Sugar-sweet Cody? Y-you know my fucking name!? And, uhhh, you know my-my name!? Wait– did you say you’re n-n-naked!?” The pasty Latina stammered in response to the gorgeous man addressing her, and it was pretty clear to Cody that this lady’s brain was having a hard time playing catch up with her hyperventilating mouth. “Wait, but if, if if you’re too shy to be seen de… desnudo, then why w-would you be streaking across campus? Shit! Lo siento p-por mirar, I’ll stop looking.” Guillermina turned her cute face away from the nude man, sketchbook still squeezed firmly into her boobs.
“Look, I was locked out of the showers by some jerks on the football team, and if there’s any way you can help me get back to my dorm, I’d love the help.”
“¡Hijos de puta! That’s horrible! Oh, pobrecito, I, I, I’d kick those jock’s stupid asses for you if I c-could!”
“That’s nice of you to offer, Guillermina, but right now, I could really just use something to cover up.” The embarrassed nude male whispered to her skirt-clad backside.
“Hey there! We heard something about a sexy guy?” Came a voice that did not belong to the woman offering Cody help.
A mob of co-eds holding cameras, and wearing expectant smiles were looming over Guillermina, having arrived to investigate her earlier shouting. It was the same crowd of girls chasing after Cody not 15 minutes ago, drooling and casting their gaze over the courtyard like big cats on the hunt. This left the poor ‘little’ man terrified; these women were too close to his enclave in the hedges, he could smell their perfumes and raging hormones.
“So, Eyepatch girl, did you see something… interesting around here?” A girl from the photography club asked, a trail of drool running down her chin.
“Something interesting like a sporty hunk running buck-ass-nude across campus?”
“Yeah, just a super sexy naked guy. We’re trying to see his cock, corner him, maybe take a few hundred pictures– he’s around here, right?”
“A s-sexy naked guy?” Guillermina asked back, fidgeting with her ankle-length skirt, biting her lip so hard it made a sound. “Yeah, I just saw a guy who was c-cr-crazy fucking hot, and, and he’s trying not to get c-caught streaking because he’s so em-embarrassed, but I can tell you exactly where he is!”
Cody’s veins ran with ice, and the frightened naked male prepared himself to run like Hell away from this pack of horny co-eds. He cupped a hand around his stiffening, diminutive member, ready to call the pale Latina his enemy for life when she told the huge group looking to immortalize his nude body on film, “His hot ass w-was just running up past the fffountain, and i-if-if you fucking hurry, you might be able to catch him!”
“Hell yes! Give it up for the Smallwood Pervert!” two girls cheered, high fiving.
“Thanks for the tip, weird chick!” another cheered, slapping Guillermina’s back hard enough to make the petite blondie lose balance.
Just as quickly as they had arrived, the horny co-eds hankering to humiliate the hapless hunk stampeded out of view. For whatever reason, Cody could feel his cock stand fully erect behind his hands after that close brush with embarrassment, and he was exceedingly aware of the breeze caressing every inch of his bared skin. Did the threat of exposure feel almost… thrilling? Things to unpack later.
“Psst.” Guillermina whispered into the shy streaker’s last known location. “C-Cody, are you still ins-inside these bushes?”
“Yeah. Yeah…” Cody replied in a harried whisper. If he didn’t think she was cute earlier, the way she looked now. “My God, you almost gave me a heart attack back there.”
“Mad-d-dre de Dios! C-Cody, sh-should I call the nurse?” The woman looked distressed. “S-sorry, lo siento! I p-p-panicked, but the coast is clear n-now. Mierda, I’m s-sorry!”
“Wait, Guillermina, you don’t need to apologize. If anything, I should be thanking you. I thought my life was over for real.” The naked man stood up, revealing all of his muscular body above the adonis belt as he gave Guillermina a very sincere, “Thanks. You know, for saving my butt.”
“O-oh, de nada. I’m j-just happy to help, b-but it means a lot to hear you say that.” Guillermina said, brushing the hair away from her blue eye with an adorably awkward smile. It was woefully rare for her to be thanked at all, let alone by the kind of naked hunk that occupied her lecherous fantasies. Her heart was pounding so hard it was almost audible, and the space between her thighs was soaking fucking wet. “Uh, m-maybe we should sneak up near the dorms, in c-case they check the c-courtyard again.”
Cody agreed and his heart skipped a beat at the look of sheer happiness on her blushing face. He followed the eyepatched cutie closer to the northernmost point he could still hide all six feet, and three inches of his naked body inside the shrubbery. He thought to ask a couple questions along their brief… walk? Walk didn’t seem like the right word when he was crouching awkwardly and nudely behind some plants, holding his stiff micropenis, and trying not to stare at Guillermina’s surprisingly thick ass while she spoke. She was easily more than a foot shorter than him, but it seemed like her hips didn’t get the memo.
“How about the sketchbook? Any chance I could see your work?”
“NO!” She yelped, “Er, I m-mean, y’know, i-it’s private. For my art class. B-but I’d be happy to show you some of my my other drawings– I’ve got some pieces I’m r-really proud of.”
“Hey now, I’ll hold you to that. Third question, you got a favorite color?”
“B-black, my favorite color is d-definitely black. H-how about you?”
“… don’t tell anyone else, but my favorite color is white.” Cody said, letting this sweet girl know things he typically wouldn’t share. “And you don’t need to answer this if it’s a sore subject, but… why do you wear an eyepatch?”
“Oh, that’s an easy one. It’s just a f-fashion choice.” Guillermina answered, a smile audible in her voice.
“Wait- Really?”
“Y-yeah. I think it looks w-way cooler than my glass eye.”
Cody snickered out loud at her answer.
“Huh? I w-wasn’t joking, even mi Mamita thinks my eye eyepatch looks sick as f-fuck.”
“Well, your mom clearly has good taste.” He said, stopping as the hedges came to their end. Despite the deeply embarrassing situation, Cody found himself comforted by this girl’s company. Why was Guillermina known around campus as some kind of creepy eyepatch-rat-pervert if she was so sweet, and funny, and cute, and sexy, and oh crap, his dick was throbbing hard again.
“Ok-k-kay Cody, I’ll g-go get you something to wear, so just sit tight. There should be a t-towel or some shorts around here s-somewhe–”
“–Excuse me, who the Hell are you talking to?”
Guillermina’s sentence was cut short by yet another girl’s voice. Peeking out between the leaves just enough to see who, Cody could recognize the newcomer as Elfie: The statuesque redhead on the volleyball squad he had been crushing on so badly. Her perky B-cups were practically defying gravity under a tight sports bra, while her loooong, shapely legs stretched alluringly out of a tiny pair of short-shorts.
“GAH!! Oh, hola, Elf, uh, Elfie. I, I, uh- I am chatting with a raccoon that’s hiding in these fucking bushes, and d-definitely not an insanely hot g-g-guy!”
“Uh-huh. Look, Eyepatch, do you honestly expect me to believe that you were chatting up a raccoon? I know you love to harass guys, but really? You’re bugging animals now, too? Although, I am looking for someone right now…” The redhead moved closer to investigate the hedges, raising one eyebrow as she adjusted the towel around her nape, but Guillermina stepped between her and Cody’s hiding spot.
“And if I said I was t-t-talk-talk, fuck, talking to myself…? Talking to myself can h-help me a shit sh-shitload when I’m s-sk-sketching.”
“Well, that sure sounds like our college Weirdo to me. I’m glad your stuttering and foul mouth aren’t contagious– I can only imagine how humiliating that must be for you.”
“W-well, mi Mamita says I sh-shouldn’t be ashamed of the things I can’t fuck-fucking help.” The shivering blonde woman stuttered back, dwarfed by the jock. Any semblance of comfort she had earlier now gone. “And sp-speaking of help, Elf-Elfie, I could get that towel back to t-, to the gym for you!”
“You know what, Eyepatch? I’ll take you up on that offer, I’m in kind of a hurry right now. Catch.” Elfie said, throwing her towel hard enough at Guillermina that the tiny Latina staggered back and dropped her art supplies.
Her sketchbook landed face open by the volleyball player, who picked it up only to recoil at the drawings inside. “Ugh, Holy Hell, I can’t believe you haven’t been expelled for this pornographic crap. Let’s just be glad there isn’t actually a hot streaker hiding in the bushes. God only knows he wouldn’t be safe around a creepy little pervert like you.”
“Wait, th-th-that’s mine! D-don’t look at it! Please, I need that fuc-fucking book! Give it back!” Guillermina yelped, hopping up and down to try and retrieve her work from the vastly taller co-ed.
“No need to freak out, Eyepatch, you’ll get this filth back as soon as I find out why my friend hasn’t been answering his phone.”
“El-Elfie, I need that for class! I c-can’t let anyone s-see it!”
“Not exactly my problem that you’re a pervert.” Elfie said, shoving the begging blonde to the ground as a way to end the conversation. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to see if he’s okay.”
From his vantage point inside the hedge, Cody didn’t know if he was seeing or hearing things. There was no way that the Elfie he knew could treat someone like that– like her own personal punching bag. As he watched the statuesque bitch sashay away with the sketchbook tucked under her arm, he was left aghast and guilty. He could’ve stepped in.
“H-here,” Guillermina’s voice quaked, her eye pooling with tears while she held out the towel from her position on the ground.
Cody accepted the towel Guillermina had faced this bullying just to get for him, and wrapped it around his waist before he emerged from the bushes, taking the crying artist’s hand in his own to help her stand up properly.
“Guillermina, listen,” he spoke softly, holding the distraught woman close. “Elfie was a close friend of mine, I’ll try reasoning with her. You are getting that book back today– I promise.”
When the taller man heard Guillermina mumble something about this not being nearly the first time Elfie bullied her like this, he switched gears, and figured that ‘reason’ could go screw itself.
Each step was resolute while Cody went after the art thief. His face was red with anger in addition to severe embarrassment when he called out to the oversized bully waltzing away with Guillermina’s book, “Hey! Elfie! Why the Hell do you think you can treat her like that!”
A scant few feet up the path, right by the northernmost end of campus, Elfie stood like a deer in headlights. She was stuck silent and gawking after she turned and saw her gorgeous, nearly-naked crush Cody Sugar step towards her; hand in hand with the foul-mouthed deviant she was just putting in her place. Only a towel separated the last few inches of his flawless body from the outside world, and it took some serious effort for the 6 foot tall redhead to pick her jaw off the ground.
What!? Was the streaker I’ve been hearing about actually Cody!? Why the fuck would Cody of all people be running around practically naked out on the quad? He’s hot as all Hell, but he would never be caught dead without his clothes on. So why!? Elfie was dumbfounded by the glorious sight in front of her, before coming to her own conclusion.
“What the- Hold on, Cody, blink twice if that creep is blackmailing you.”
“This girl you were just bullying isn’t blackmailing me, she’s helping me. And she has a name.”
“What does her name matter? Dude, she’s the Greasy Perverted Argentinian Rat Girl, just get away from her before she does something horrible to you!”
“Elfie. You are going to apologize to Guillermina, and you’re going to give her that book back.”
“What? I am not gonna do that! Stop being weird, Cody– Don’t you know she draws porn in this thing?”
“It’s not porn! Th-th-those are for my f-fucking art class!!”
“It’s literally just drawings of naked people!”
“Th-they’re called artistic nudes!”
“Elfie, what the heck is your problem!?” Cody asked, trying to ignore the asinine arguments his crush was throwing around. “All the time I’ve known you, have you been picking on people smaller than you? How could you possibly have this much beef with Guillermina– she’s a nice girl!”
“You know what Cody? This is bullshit! I’m just trying to keep you safe right now!” The redhead shouted, frustration sharpening her beautiful features. “I am nice to you all the time, and you barely give me a second look, but this weirdo deviant pretends to help you out just once, and suddenly you’re her white knight!?”
“Are you seriously complaining about her being nice to me?”
“She’s only being nice as a trick!”
“And what, you’re only a bully out of kindness?” The blushing baseball player got tired of Elfie backing away, and grabbed onto the sketchbook in hopes he could just wrench it away from her without further argument. But once he had Guillermina’s sketchbook solidly in his grasp, the redhead started tugging on the towel around his waist, too upset now to keep this civil in the slightest. Cody’s face lit up scarlet as he realized he was about to risk exposing his humiliating little secret, heck– he was risking his very reputation and dignity just to stand up for this girl he barely knew, and her sketchbook filled with ‘artistic nudes’.
He hadn’t noticed this until it was too late to do anything about it, but in following Elfie up the path, the trio of co-eds were standing right nearby the road off the northern edge of campus.
In the scramble to take back what the other had, Elfie had successfully stripped Cody of his towel. Faced the opposite way from the struggle, the naked young man was holding Guillermina’s sketchbook up in front of his face, and flashing both girls his beautiful bare ass while he stood with his tiny package right where it was visible to the main road, and the women driving by him on it.
Two extremely loud gasps sounded out behind his stark naked behind, stammers and quiet anathemas voiced in response to the incredible view both girls had. The first among the pair to construct a real sentence was Elfie, who had something unsavory come to mind. “Wait, I could always force you to come to your senses! I can make you stay safe. If you’re so shy, Cody, I’d guess you don’t want nude pictures of you to spread around campus.”
“H-hold on- WHAT!?” Guillermina and Cody shouted in synchronized horror while the volleyball player drew her phone.
“Pfft, why didn’t I think of this sooner?” Elfie rhetorically giggled as she aimed her phone camera at the bare-naked object of her affection, “I can just blackmail you into staying away from any girl who doesn’t deserve you. I guess sometimes you’ve gotta be cruel to be kind.”
To make matters yet more complicated beyond blackmail, Cody was holding the sketchbook open, and stood face to face with one of Guillermina’s private art pieces. One that helped explain her reputation as a pervert. In this instance, a beautifully rendered portrait of a blue haired woman masturbating in bed. He took in the sight of her nude form, involuntarily studied the curve of her petite breasts, and felt his undersized cock stiffen until he was rock hard. A page flipped in hopes of finding a safer image, but this only revealed to Cody an entire collage of video game characters performing and receiving passionate oral sex.
And since the unhung hunk was facing the main road, his frontal nudity was on full display to the public driving past. The sounds of laughter, catcalls, wolf-whistles, and hysterical laughter rang in Cody’s beet-red ears as the humiliation of his situation froze him like a Greek statue. With artistically accurate anatomy, courtesy of his micropenis poking out toward the cars packed with rubbernecking women rolling slowly past.
“Holy crap ladies, look! That guy’s naked! And he’s hung like a peanut!”
“Oh hellooooo, Handsome~ Such a shame about your penis.”
“Hahaha! What’s the deal with streakers having such tiny dicks anyway?”
“Woof! Bark bark! Woof!”
“Hey, Kendra, could you please try to be normal around hot guys?”
“Hot? How can he be ‘hot’ with that ridiculous little nub between his legs?”
“Hahaha! Dudes, is that dude with the tiny cock somebody we know?”
“I’ve got a couple theories…”
Cody could, to his utter horror, recognize several of the voices coming out of those vehicles as belonging to girls that attended Smallwood U. With the book hiding his face, his identity would be nearly impossible to prove, but that didn’t help his humiliation much, since Cody’s throbbing cocktail wiener was still being mocked and laughed at by several girls he would have to see tomorrow. Wolf-whistles and giggles pierced the air as vehicles ferrying sorority chicks moved past at an agonizingly slow pace.
He could hear Elfie’s phone shutter click behind his naked ass, accompanied by the mischievous giggles from the main road. The mortified hunk only had two real options in this situation, and both were atrocious. Either he could keep flashing his shrimpy little erection to the laughing ladies driving by, or he could turn back to face the entitled volleyball player trying to blackmail him, and give that cruel redhead and Guillermina a flawless view of his micropenis.
This had to be the second most humiliating moment of Cody’s relatively brief life, and the poor guy thought he might straight up collapse from the shame of it all, from this situation with no escape when a scramble and a loud *WHUMP* sounded out behind him. The naked hunk didn’t dare to move so much as a muscle despite his body screaming at him to do something. At least to check what was making those noises.
Cody was still shielding his face from the myriad women pointing and laughing at his underdeveloped cock, when he felt something fuzzy and warm envelop his hips. Once the painfully shy stack of handsome finally dared move his head, he saw a towel wrapped around his waist to shield his modest endowment, and a pair of small, lightly calloused hands securing it firmly in place.
When at last he felt safe enough to turn back, Cody found Guillermina standing there, and trying to lead him away from the bustling street. He was compelled gently yet swiftly behind a building’ archway by the petite blonde, and when he felt safe enough to, Cody moved the filthy sketchbook from in front of his scarlet face back into its owner’s hands.
She could see clearly that he’d been crying from the sheer embarrassment he’d suffered in his efforts to stand up for her, but nothing so much as a sentence came to her mind while she walked with the mortified boy deeper into the cloister. As luck would have it for the first time today, these were the halls leading to Cody’s dorm, and the two beet-red collegiates held hands while they approached his door.
Cody couldn’t stop his racing thoughts, nor his racing heart. The sight of his savior’s blonde tresses, her eyepatch paired with that big beautiful blue eye; the feelings of safety and arousal that came from nothing more than being near her. The thought that he wanted to do whatever it took to repay her for protecting him.
Guillermina herself felt guilt, relief, and a soul-crushing lust just looking at him. It was beyond her that a guy like this existed, let alone one that was willing to not just look past her myriad social deficiencies, but risk his very dignity for her sake. She found herself lost in his green irises as Cody stopped with her in front of his room.
The pair stood in silence under their private enclave, neither making a sound but both looking at the other, with concern and gratitude evident in their deep blushes and wide eyes. In lieu of all the words that refused so adamantly to escape his lips, Cody swept her up into a hug and pressed Guillermina’s smaller body against his very bare, very muscular torso. Both of them felt electrified, aroused, intimate in the embrace. The artist could barely breathe from the raw arousal of everything she’d seen and felt that afternoon, and the jock relished in the feeling of her breasts squishing into his exposed skin. He was genuinely shocked by how curvy she felt underneath those oversized black garments.
Once one of his hands found its way to Guillermina’s plump ass, the dam broke. She moaned aloud, quaked with bliss, and pressed her lips into Cody’s mouth in a passionate, inelegant kiss. Which he all too eagerly returned with a moan of his own,.
There was no concern for their technique, as both the students were focused solely on showing the other how they felt in that moment. Desperate to show their gratitude and lust, they groped and made out like they didn’t need to breathe. Guillermina found herself pinned against the wall, nearly a foot off the ground in the muscular arms of the baseball heartthrob she’d always assumed was miles and miles out of her league. An assumption proven wrong by Cody leaning eagerly into her lips as she held his nape and sucked his face.
It wasn’t until they ran completely out of oxygen that Cody and Guillermina ended their impassioned embrace; gasping and panting with flushed red faces and gentle smiles. With a final peck planted on her cheek, Cody lowered the petite artist until her boots met the ground.
Her loose clothing was stuck with sweat, adhering closely to her body and showing off the sheer width of her hips; the curves that her gothic getup usually served to obscure now emphasized.
She was radiant. That is, she was radiating heat and light from just how immensely flushed her pale face had become. Hyperventilating, teeth chattering breaths escaped her lips, but the adorable woman was still struck by complete wordlessness.
Cody was thinking of telling her that he wanted to take things slower than this whirlwind romance– perhaps ease Guillermina into the concept of dating a guy with a micropenis. See if things could actually work out for him, if he could just ask the girl out without humiliating himself as badly as he had in high school.
When the man did finally muster the courage to talk to her again, he was horrified to discover why she was so much less animated than earlier. It was because his towel had slipped loose during their make out session, and the hourglass-figured Argentinian was gawking directly at his throbbing, three inch erection.
“T-tiny, penis.” the beet-red girl stammered between chattering teeth. “You-you-you’ve got a… fucking t-t-ti-tiny p-penis…”
The sheer humiliation left Cody wishing he would just keel over. Guillermina beat him to the punch; collapsing right on the threshold of his dorm room. Foam gathered at the corners of her open mouth when she lost the battle to stay conscious in the presence of the truly nude boy.
Although mortified beyond description, Cody still felt accountable for the insensate co-ed’s current state, and carried her inside the dormitory. He frisked Guillermina for her phone, in hopes of calling a nurse or someone to make sure she woke up alright.
The poor guy had assumed when he got out of bed today that it would be a normal, relaxing afternoon after baseball practice. All this drama and embarrassment, but Cody’s day was somehow not over just yet.
To Be Continued…?
*This story has NOT been edited by this site. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.
9:32 am
Yes please continue very hot story
Love it!