
This site contains adult sexual content (stories & pictures) and should not be viewed by those under 18 years old or considered minors in their country or locale. If you are under 18 click here.

If you’re an ADULT man (18+), and your erect penis is less than average-sized, which is 5.16″ or 13cm Non-Bone Pressed Erect Length (NBPEL) and/or your erect girth/circumference is less than 4.5″ at the widest point, then you’re a member of The Small Dick Club of life. That’s what being a member means around here. In a world where it seems that Size Matters, the small dick club celebrates the small penis. Be proud of your tiny dick, and enjoy it, for it can be an object of great pleasure. We love our small-dick guys here at The Small Dick Club, and we thank you all for your continuing support of this site. Don’t forget to bookmark us – Press ‘ctrl-d’ and do so now. We hope you enjoy your time at The Small Dick Club.

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Professional Editing for Erotica Self Publishers

Are you an author writing erotica stories that you want a professional edit for? You've found out that there's no one you can turn to in the mainstream editing industry to help you because they won't do erotica, especially the really taboo stuff. Well, we're here to help you. Our editors are ready to help you polish your manuscript for self-publishing purposes on sites like Amazon, Smashwords, Apple, Kobe, and so on.

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