The Dick Pic Incident
By WMAF_obsession.

My roommate was my buddy Joseph. Katie moved in with Irene. We heard Irene was hooking up with a white guy.
By the way, Katie, Joseph, Irene and I are all ASIAN.
Anyway, about two weeks after the sophomore year started, Katie invited Joseph and me over to her place for a party. She was super flirty, and Joseph said I might get to hook up with her.
We got to the party early. Irene opened the door, and she was wearing a low-cut dress. I could tell right away that she didn’t like me or Joseph. She just gave off this mean, rude vibe, you know. Irene’s boyfriend David was at the party. He was a tall WHITE guy, like 6’3, and he was ripped. He wore a tight shirt, a classic douchebag. Joseph, Katie, Irene, David, and I talked in the kitchen.
David said, “I live next door. Me and Irene met two weeks ago, and she’s been all over me ever since. I spent the last few nights here. Sorry, Irene is so loud, Katie. Hope we’re not keeping you up at night.”
Katie said, “Ha ha, that’s very funny. You guys could just stay in David’s apartment.”
The doorbell rang, and when Irene went to answer the door, David smacked her ass, and she started laughing like that was so funny.
David said, “You know you love it.”
Irene was really hot, by the way, like easily one of the hottest Asian girls on campus. Katie was also hot, and she was flirting with me hard. A lot more people showed up at the party, and we went to say hi to some of our friends. After a while, I got a text from Katie that said: ‘Send me a DICK PIC.’
I couldn’t believe how lucky I was. When I showed Joseph the text, he said, “Bro, she wants you. You’re getting laid tonight!”
I spotted Katie in the crowd, and she smiled all sexy. I went into the bathroom to take the dick pic and sent it.
When I got out of the bathroom, I saw Katie, and she was looking furious. Irene was standing right beside her, and she also looked upset. They walked up to me and Joseph, and
Katie said, “Why the hell did you send me that?” I had never seen her that angry.
I was totally confused. I said, “Because you told me to, you were flirting and…”
“NO, I DIDN’T! I thought you were different, you asshole,” Katie shouted at me and then walked away.
I had no clue what was going on.
Then Irene said, “What the hell made you think SHE wanted to see YOUR tiny dick. By the way, YOU two shouldn’t be sending dick pics to anyone. No one wants to see a dick that small.”
She looked at me and Joseph’s crotch. I then figured out what happened. Irene somehow got into Katie’s phone. She maybe knew her passcode or said can I borrow your phone real quick. Then, IRENE sent the text to me. Then she deleted that text from Katie’s phone. That way, it would seem to Katie like I sent the dick pic out of nowhere!
Katie ran out of the apartment, and Irene followed her. I followed them both. I saw them go into the stairwell at the end of the hallway and close the door there. I got near to the door and could hear them talking.
Katie said, “What a jerk! I can’t believe he did that.”
Irene said, “I told you he was a loser. Asian guys are like that. They’re all a bunch of little creeps with little dicks. Anyway, you dodged a bullet there, a really tiny bullet, haha.”
I guess Katie showed the dick pic to Irene.
Katie said, “I thought he was different, you know.”
Then Irene said, “God, it’s so small and shriveled up. By the way, David thinks you’re hot. You should ask him for a dick pic. Actually, give me your phone, and I’ll do it for you.”
I went back to the party feeling gutted.
Joseph said, “Where were you? We have to get out of here.”
And then David came up to me and Joseph and said, “Look what Katie sent me.”
He showed me and Joseph his phone screen: Irene had sent David MY dick pic.
“Some loser sent this to Katie, haha,” he said.
In the photo of my dick, there was a caption that said: ‘Show me what a real cock looks like! Not this pathetic man clit.’
“I’ve been fucking Irene for the last two weeks. I guess Katie got curious,” he said and laughed.
Katie and Irene came back into the apartment.
David said, “Here goes,” then he sent the dick pic.
A couple of seconds later, Katie took out her phone. I’ll never forget the look on her face. Her eyes and her mouth were wide open, and she looked at the screen for like forever. Then, she finally looked up and smiled at David. Irene was smirking at me and Joseph, that evil bitch.
Joseph said to me, “I’m getting out of here. You should go, too.”
Before we could leave, Katie came up to David and said, “I can be pretty loud too, you know.”
Katie led David into her bedroom, and Irene went with them.
Me and Joseph finally left that fucking party. Out in the hallway, I got a text from Katie. It was David’s dick pic. It was huge, like 9 inches hard and as thick as a soda can. I think I looked at it like Katie did a couple of minutes ago.
Joseph said, “Just delete it.”
I didn’t delete it.
Joseph and I got really awkward in our apartment after that. We basically didn’t talk to each other for days. Also, like a few months before the party, I found Joseph’s porn folder on his laptop. It mostly had Japanese and lesbian stuff. When I checked his folder sometime after the party, all the new downloads were white male Asian female (WMAF). The new scenes had this porn star Johnny Sins, who kind of looked like David. It was all these videos of him fucking Asian sluts. I copied the videos to my thumb drive.
A couple of weeks later, Joseph and I were in the lobby of the apartment building, waiting for the elevator. Katie, Irene, and this other hot Asian girl I had never seen before came up next to us. They were all wearing these short club dresses.
Katie said, “Hi guys,” in this mean, mocking voice. “That’s the guy who sent me that babydick pic I showed you,” Katie said to the other girl.
Katie started whispering to Irene and the other girl. The elevator doors opened, and we all got on. Then Katie said, “We’re going up to fuck David. We can’t get enough of his big white cock. His white cock is so much bigger and better than your pathetic little man clit. You too, Joseph, you fucking shrimp dick loser.”
Then, all three of them took off their panties under their dresses and handed them to me and Joseph.
That other girl said, “We won’t need these, but you probably do. It’s the closest you two will ever get to real pussy. No woman wants to fuck a small-dick Asian guy.”
Then they got out of the elevator and went to David’s apartment to be pounded by his big white cock. We headed to ours to jerk off, sniffing those panties.
Pathetic, eh?
The End.
*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, punctuation, formatting errors, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.