Mock Porn Audition with Mum & Sisters
By Pete.

Over a year ago, we watched a humiliation video where two women were mocking a naked guy for having a tiny cock, and my wife said, ” Have you ever thought about starring in these videos. Wouldn’t you like to be made fun of by these gorgeous women? I said I have fantasized when they’re humiliating a guy that it’s me that they are making fun of but never really thought about starring in a clip.
Over the next few weeks, I started looking into what I needed to be in a film. I found a site that specializes in CFNM and SPH-themed clips. My wife and I discussed it, and she wanted me to apply as she loves humiliating me. We spoke about it several times over the next few weeks, and the more we said, the more I wanted to do it.
We sat down one day and made a list of pros and cons if I decided to star in a clip. There weren’t many pros except for getting a buzz from it. There was no pay. You basically did it for free and got a free subscription to their website. As for cons, the list was long, and we had things listed like being recognized by work colleagues, neighbors, friends, family, which could be embarrassing for our families, etc.
We decided it would be best to speak to the family before I apply as they may be embarrassed by it, mostly my sisters. My Mum is tough as nails and is very outspoken. If she’s got something to say, she says it. She isn’t scared to speak her mind.
My wife and I went to see her. My sister was upstairs in her room. We sat with my Mum, and I said, “I’ve come to ask your permission for something.”
My wife rolled her eyes, but I didn’t know how to start the conversation.
Mum said, “Permission for what?”
Me: “Uh um, I thought of doing something you might not like.”
My wife nudges me
Mum: “Like what? just spit it out and get to the point.”
Me: “Um. I was thinking. The wife and I were thinking about actually, um, I was thinking of doing porn!”
Mum burst out laughing. I was bright red. “Are you serious?” and the wife nodded to her.
Mum: “You want to do porn. Are you sure you got the equipment for that line of work?”
Me: “It’s not regular porn. It’s like fetish porn.”
Mum: “What kind of fetish porn? Just get to the point. You know I don’t like these drawn-out conversations.”
Me: “It’s, um, porn about making fun of guys who aren’t big.”
Mum: (confused) “Huh? What does that mean?”
Wife: “It’s a fetish called small penis humiliation. It’s where tiny dick guys get naked, and women make fun of them.”
Mum: “So what your saying is you have got a tiny cock, and you want women to make fun of it?”
Me: “Ah, yes. But I won’t do it if you are embarrassed by it.”
Mum: “Why would I be embarrassed? It’s your penis, do what you want with it. I’m assuming your wife is OK with it, so you don’t need my permission.”
Me: “So you’re OK with it?”
Mum: “I just said do what you want. So, do you have sex with the girls, or do they just laugh at you?”
Me: “There’s never any sex, maybe a handjob, but it’s mostly just verbal humiliation.”
Mum: “What kind of porn is where there’s no sex?”
Wife: “Do you want to see it? I’ve got a few clips on my phone.”
Mum: “Yes, show me the clips cos I’m fucking confused by this fetish porn.”
Wife: (to me) “I think you should leave us ladies alone for a bit.”
So I left the room and sat in the kitchen while they watched a clip. I could hear Mum laughing, saying look at his micropenis. That’s fucking pathetic. My wife texted me saying I can come back in. I walked back into the room wife had switched off the video, and both were still laughing.
Mum: “So that’s the porn you want to do? If I had known you were into that, I would have stripped you naked every day and told you some home truths.”
Wife: “You could still do it. Suppose he does star in a clip. You’re bound to see it.”
Mum: “If I see his pecker, I will be so brutally honest he won’t star in any more films.”
Wife: (to me) “How about a mock audition? See if you could even have the guts to get naked in a room full of strangers.”
Me: “I think I would be fine. I don’t think I would be scared to get naked for a scene.”
Wife: “Lots of people will be there. There will be the actresses who will be making fun of you. Then you got camera people, sound person, makeup artists, producer, director, and other people if it’s a multi-clip shoot.”
Me: “Yeah, I know. I think I could do it.”
Wife: “How about you do a mock audition now for your Mum. If you can get your kit off in front of her, you probably won’t be shy in front of strangers.”
Me: “Uh-um, I think I will pass.”
Wife: “Oh, go on. I see you naked all the time, and your Mum has seen you naked many times as well.”
Me: “Yeah, but she ain’t seen me naked since I was 11.”
Mum: “And? By the sound of things, you haven’t grown much since then. How about you give us an audition. I need a fucking good laugh anyway.”
Wife: “Go on. Prove to us you can go through with your porn ambitions. Anyway, if you make a scene, everyone will see it, so you might as well do it.”
Mum: “Fuck, yeah. I will watch that clip, and you know it.”
After a bit of persuasion, I got talked into stripping for them. I took off everything, and I was down to my underwear, and Mum said, “Boy, I’m telling you, if you get your pecker out and it’s tiny, I will make fun of you and tell you my honest opinion of it. And it won’t be kind words.”
Wife: “Go on, drop those shorts. Shall I help you?”
I nodded, and she got up and slowly teased my underwear down, took my clothes, and threw them out of the room into the hallway. I stood in the middle of the room, facing both of them with both hands over my crotch.
Mum: “Move your hands. Let’s see if it’s tiny enough for this fetish porn you want to do.”
Me: “I’m a bit embarrassed.”
Wife: “Aww, let me help you.”
She came and stood behind me and wrestled my hands away. My Mum burst out laughing.
Mum: “What the fuck is that? That is fucking tiny holy shit, that’s so tiny. Is that erect? If you say that’s erect, I will die laughing.”
Me: “No, it’s not hard.”
Mum: “Well, how long is hard?”
Me and wife at the same time: “Three inches.”
Mum: “Fucking hell. It looks like a baby mushroom. What is it now? An inch?”
Wife: “Yeah, just an inch, but it gets even smaller if it’s cold.”
Mum: “Well, you want some humiliation. You came to the right house. Wait, let me call down your sister. She needs to see this.”
Me: “No, don’t call her.”
Wife: “Yes, call her.”
Mum gets up and walks out of the room: “AMY. AMY. WHAT ARE YOU DOING? COME DOWN; YOU NEED TO SEE THIS.”
Mum walks back in laughing. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I cover up my genitals as she walks in.
Amy (as she walks in): “What’s— (she sees me) WHAT THE FUCK, MUM. WHY IS HE NAKED?”
Mum: “Sit down. I will tell you.”
Mum: “If you sit down, we will explain.” (Amy sits down). “Well, your brother has a fetish and wants to do porn, so he’s come to ask my permission if he can do it. He’s auditioning for us right now.”
Amy (looking at me confused): “He wants to do porn? Are you serious? Well, good luck with it. I don’t want to see your thing. It’s gross. I’m going back to my room.”
Mum: “Sit down. I ain’t finished. He doesn’t want to do regular porn. He wants to do fetish porn.” (Looking to wife). “What’s it called again?”
Wife: “Small penis humiliation.”
Amy(laughing): “You mean he’s— (holding up her hand and wriggling her tiny finger).”
Mum and wife together: “YES!”
Mum: “Move your hands. Let her see it.”
Amy covered her face saying, “I’m not sure if I want to see it.”
I slowly move my hands, and Amy slowly parts her fingers and bursts out laughing.
Amy: “Like a cocktail sausage but half-eaten.”
Mum: “Look at it. It looks like a doorbell. You just want to press it and see if he plays a melody.”
Wife: “Haha, that’s so funny. Maybe I can leave him at the front door. The postie can press that button if he has a parcel for me.”
Mum: “Well, if it’s like you said, he won’t have a button on show during winter.”
Amy: “Phone Kelly (older sister) and tell her to come over quickly.”
Mum: “Good idea,” and she picks up her phone. “Hi, Kelly, what are you doing? Are you free? Ah, good, can you come over soon as possible. Nothing is wrong, I just got something you need to see. Five minutes? Great, see you soon. Bye.” (She puts the phone down). “She said five minutes.” (Kelly only lives two roads away).
A few minutes later door knocks and Mum goes to get the door. I hear Kelly saying, “What up? Is everything OK? I can’t stay long. I got to pick up the little one from the nursery.”
Mum: “Everything’s OK. Your brother here has got something to show you.” (The door opens, and I cover up again).
Kelly walks in and has the same reaction as Amy: “WHAT’S GOING ON? WHY ARE YOU NAKED?”
Amy: “Sit down. You’re going to love this.”
Mum: “Your brother has a porn fetish and wants to make porn. So he’s asking for our approval.”
Amy: “He’s got a small penis fetish.”
Kelly: “He likes small dicks?”
Amy: “No. He likes to be made fun of.” (Whispers). “He’s got a tiny weewee.”
Kelly: “Ohhhhh. Haha. I’m guessing he’s small, and I’m going to be shocked.”
Wife: “Yeah. You will be shocked.” (To me). “Show her, sweetie.”
I move my hands, and everyone laughs like crazy.
Kelly: “Holy shit, that’s so small.”
Mum: “Hung like a mouse.”
Amy: “I’ve seen mice with bigger dicks.”
Kelly: “Aww, it’s so cute.”
Wife: “Any of you seen a penis as small or smaller than his?”
Mum: “Fuck no. I’ve seen a lot of cocks in my time but never that small.”
Amy: “Not even close.” (Holding her hands up and apart, showing around 6 inches).
Kelly: “Same. Even Jason (her son) is easily double his size.”
Mum: “You hear that? Your nephew is bigger than you, and he’s five. When you were little, I used to think you were tiny, but you were only a boy. So I thought it must be normal and grow when you hit puberty. What the fuck did I know? I was raising a dickless boy. I could have raised you as a girl and got you to wear your sister’s clothes she had outgrown. I could have saved a fortune in clothing.”
Kelly: “Mum, leave him alone. He’s my lovely little teeny weeny brother.”
Amy: “Can I call him little brother?” (She’s younger than me).
Mum: “Call him what you like.”
Wife: “This is hilarious. Keep it up.”
Mum: “Girls, his cock only gets to three inches.” (They all laugh). “Can you cum?”
Me: “Yes.”
Mum: “Do you shoot it out in powerful shots, or does it dribble out? Do you have normal sperm or micro sperm?”
Amy: “Defo micro sperm.”
Mum: “I think you need to find a guy with a huge cock and get him to shove it up your arse to see if he can push your cock out a bit.”
Wife: “But then he won’t be able to do his porn videos.”
Mum: “Then fucking hammer it flat.” (They all laugh).
Kelly: “Sometimes when I change son’s nappy and I wipe his penis, it starts growing, not much, but it’s probably close to three inches. But it’s skinny, so it’s hard to say how long it’s exactly.”
Mum: “Five-year-old got bigger cock than you already. That’s just shameful.”
Kelly: “I think he’s had enough.”
Amy: “No, this is the best day. I want to keep looking at his hamster cock.”
Mum: “You had enough?”
Me: “I think so.”
Mum: “Well, girls, what do you think. Shall we let him do his humiliation porn?”
Amy: “Only if I get to watch it.”
Kelly: “Me too. I want to watch it.”
Mum: I want to go and be on camera doing this shit and get paid to humiliate him
Wife: “Does anyone want to see his erection?”
All three reply: “YES!”
My wife pulls out her phone, finds a photo of me naked and erect, and passes it around. They all laugh.
Mum: “Fuck, that is tiny. Send that to me. I’m going to put that on his next birthday card.”
Kelly: “Send it to me. I want to show my friends.”
Amy: “Me too.”
Wife: “Sent.” (They all get pings and check their phones. She did it so fast I didn’t have time to protest). They all laugh.
Mum: “You can put your clothes back on, and you got our blessing.”
Amy: “WAIT! Let me take a photo.” (Amy gets up and takes a close-up photo). “THANKS.”
MUM: “Send me the photo to see if I can enlarge it.”
Kelly: “Enlarge? The photo or his dicklette?”
Mum: “The photo, of course, so I can see it without squinting my eyes.”
They all laugh while I get dressed. I got more humiliation till we left.
We got home, and I filled out and sent the application form to the porn website. I had to fill out all my details but my measurements and send several nude photos (front, back, close up of penis soft and hard, etc.). I think I had to give permission for images to be used at their discretion. I got a reply a week later saying due to covid, they are not filming any scenes currently and will put me on their shortlist (nice pun). They said they would be in contact if there’s an opportunity to star in a clip for them in the near future. It has been a year, and I’m still waiting. But at least I got the mock audition from my family. That was a humiliating experience.
The End.
*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even with limited editing. It doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed.