Paying For It!

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This story contains adult sexual content and should not be read by those under 18, or considered minors in their country or locale. If you are under 18: CLICK HERE

This fictional story is the artistic expression of the author who wrote it. The Small Dick Club strongly believes in freedom of speech, and the right of artists to be heard, especially if what they say pushes the boundaries of what is acceptable in society. If you think you won’t like the content of this story, then don’t read it. It’s that simple. The Small Dick Club wishes to advise readers that any similarities in these stories to actual or real people or events is purely coincidental and unintended. That any story marked as a ‘true story’ shouldn’t be taken literally, as we have no way to verify if stories submitted to us are true. The Small Dick Club takes no responsibility for the imaginations and literary creations of authors who post their stories here.
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by david73

Part 1

Brian’s heart pounded in his chest as he drew closer to the black door. Walk past or go in? It was decision time. He paused for just a moment, staring at the door in front of him. Nothing about the door indicated what went on behind, but everyone knew. He wiped a sweaty palm on his jeans, and stepped forward. Everyone knew what happened behind this door; if he stopped for too long everyone would know why.

Still time to walk by; he didn’t have to go in, he wanted to go in. His step faltered and he suppressed a shiver as he pictured again, what would happen if he entered. He started down the steps toward the door, his shoulders hunched, his eyes down, not daring to look around, certain that people were watching and judging. He jabbed at the buzzer and then waited impatiently, shifting from foot to foot and feeling more and more exposed with every passing second.

How many people were watching him now, knowing exactly what he was. He closed his eyes, a shudder ran through his body and his cock stirred in his pants. He couldn’t believe it had come to this, but he needed this so much. A harsh buzzing noise startled him and he opened his eyes. A soft click followed and he pulled the door open and stepped inside.

* * *

An overweight man behind the counter smiled at Brian; a smile that never reached his disinterested eyes, an expression that bespoke boredom and nothing more. Brian felt some of the tension in his body easing as he stood in the dark entranceway. Straightening up, he looked at the fat man and tried to hide his revulsion at the greasy hair and tattoos. He licked his lips, uncertain what to do next. The fat man studied Brian for a moment and evidently decided that he was no threat to anyone.

“Through that door,” the fat man nodded his head toward a battered looking door. “Make yourself comfortable. A few girls are available this afternoon,” his face contorted into a crude leer.

Brian’s cheeks heated on hearing this blatant statement; he found he was glad for the gloomy darkness of the entranceway. Not entirely trusting his voice, he nodded to the fat man and shuffled to the battered door. The door creaked loudly as it opened, causing him to wince. He stepped through into a warmly lit room and glanced nervously around as the door shut behind him.

The room’s furniture was surprisingly nice, but appeared well used. In one corner, a TV set played and several scantily clad women sat on sofas watching. They all turned to look at him as he entered and Brian felt his cheeks reddening. The women appeared unconcerned by the way his hungry eyes studied them.

One of them, a short blond woman who Brian guessed might be thirty, rose gracefully to her feet and walked over to him, smiling the smile of a professional hostess. Brian drank in her curvaceous body, well displayed by her thin, silky nightgown. He licked his lips again while watching her breasts jiggle as she approached. His face felt like a furnace and he was certain it must be bright red, but the woman showed no reaction to his face, or his leering stare. He felt his cock pressing against his jeans and prayed that it wasn’t too obvious.

“Hi, I’m Amber. Have you been here before?” the blond woman asked, seeming completely at ease despite her skimpy attire.

‘Obviously a fake name,’ Brian thought. “Ah, no,” he managed to gasp, completely flustered by the proximity of her chest. The briefest of condescending smiles flickered over Amber’s face and Brian felt his cock twitch again.

“Well then,” Amber paused, obviously waiting for him to say something. Brian gazed at her stupidly for what felt like hours before he realized what she was waiting to hear.

“John!” He blurted a little too loudly. She wasn’t the only one who could use a fake name. The same smile on Amber’s face again; she knew. He resisted the urge to wipe the sweat from his palms again.

“Well then… John,” the pause before his name was accompanied by just a hint of a smirk, “Why don’t I show you around?” Without waiting for his answer, she turned and walked through a doorway on the far side of the room. Brian followed, his eyes now drawn to the swaying curve of her ass, so clearly visible against the thin silk of her underwear.

Amber led the way down a dimly lit hallway and into a brightly lit changing room. She turned smoothly as she came to a halt in the middle of the room and a smile flitted across her face as she caught here Brian’s eyes had been focused.

“There are showers here for you to freshen up,” she gestured with one hand, her eyes now studying Brian curiously, “and you can put your clothes an empty locker.” She pointed again, her eyes boring into him. Brian nodded and started unbuttoning his shirt.

“So eager!” Amber let out a peal of laughter and Brian felt his face redden again, “We have changing rooms over there, baby.” She pointed to a row of curtained cubicles behind him.

Blushing, Brian hurried over to a cubicle and pulling the curtain closed, he shut his eyes and tried to calm his pounding heart. ‘She’s just a whore,’ he told himself, ‘You’re paying her to do what you want.’

Taking a deep breath, he removed his clothes, with trembling hands he pulled his shirt off and dropped it on the bench. When he was naked, he peered cautiously around the curtain. Finding no sign of Amber or anyone else, he scampered over to the shower, feeling incredibly vulnerable. Safely inside, he turned on the water and closed his eyes, trying to relax.

The sound of the curtain opening jolted him back to reality. Instinctively he reached down and covered his crotch. Amber stood in front of him holding a white robe.

“Something for you to wear when you come out to join us,” she said. “Unless there’s something you’d like them all to see?” She looked deliberately at Brian’s hand covered crotch.

Brain’s cheeks heated again, “Um, thank you.”

Amber looked up, a curious look on her face, “No need to be so shy baby. We all know why you’re here, after all.” She grinned and he felt his face flushing even redder. Amber thrust the white robe against his chest and he quickly held it up blocking her gaze. Amber looked him up and down for a moment, and then giggled, “Come on out when you’re ready baby. Take your time. You can pick any of the girls who take your fancy,” she paused again, her eyes studying his face, “If you ask nicely, I might even say yes.” She grinned before turning and walking away. Brian pressed the robe against his stirring cock.

* * *

The women watched closely as Brian re-entered the lounge room wearing only the robe. He fought the blush spreading over his cheeks as their eyes scanned him. Unconsciously adjusting the short towelling robe, he chose one of the free seats and sat down. Even though all the women were wearing less than he was, he felt terribly under-dressed. Amber grinned at his obvious discomfort and sauntered over to him.

“Can I get you something to drink?” She asked.

“Ah, just a juice. Thank you,” Brain said, clearing his throat. He glanced at the other women. They remained in their seats but were now all sitting up and seemed to be paying very close attention to him. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, trying to think of something clever to say, trying not to stare at all the flesh on display, trying not to expose himself to their view.

Amber returned with his juice, leaned forward and handed it to him. When he reached for the glass, he realised he was staring directly at her cleavage. She remained in that position for a moment, her eyes locked on his face and a knowing look in her eyes. Without taking his eyes from the luscious mounds of her breasts, he raised his glass to his mouth and took a gulp of the juice.

“See anything you like?” Amber teased. Brian took another gulp of juice. Amber gave him another appraising look, waiting.

“Ah… Would you… Um… Please would you massage me?” Brain forced the question out.

Amber smirked and he heard giggles from some of the other women. His cheeks flushed again.

“Well you did say please, just like I told you to,” Amber teased, “I like an obedient boy. Follow me.” She didn’t wait for him to get up, certain that he would follow. She walked into the hallway at the back of the room. Brain stood, tugged the robe tighter, and with his face was bright red he trotted after Amber, accompanied by amused giggles from the other girls. Their amusement caused his cock to twitch and grow.

Amber led Brian down a short flight of stairs into another hallway and from there into a dimly lit room, half filled by a king-sized bed. She walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge, propping herself up with her arms so that her chest was thrust forward. Brian gulped, he knew he was staring at her breasts, but he was unable to resist. Amber watched him with an almost mocking smile.

“Close the door baby, unless you want an audience? That costs extra, you know.” Brian hurriedly closed the door, his cheeks still bright red. “Is that what you’re into?” Amber watched him closely, “Come on baby, what’s your kink. You can tell me.”

Brian blushed, and fidgeted as he stared at the half-naked woman lounging on the bed. “Come here baby,” Amber crooked her finger at him, and he found himself walking toward her. As he drew close, she reached out, ran her hand down the robe and tugged the belt loose. “Let’s see what it is you want me to ‘massage’,” she giggled. Pulling the belt out of its loops, she flipped the robe open.

Amber stared for a moment, and then giggled before hastily smothering the laugh. Brian’s cheeks burned with shame at the sound of her laughter. His cock twitched and hardened, now free of all confinement and open to her gaze. Amber quickly schooled her features, then looked again at his exposed cock.

“Well I wasn’t expecting that … John,” he noticed the hesitation as she spoke his name, but his mind was on other things. “No wonder you’re so shy. Is this why you had to come here?” She couldn’t quite keep a note of derision out of her voice. Brian closed his eyes in shame.

“Oh don’t worry baby. You’re not the only guy with a small cock,” Amber cooed. Brian groaned and his cock twitched again. Amber watched his reactions with growing amusement, “Although this might be the smallest little dick I’ve ever seen.” Brian gasped, his cock throbbed and Amber’s grin was triumphant.

“It’s a nice… little… cock,” she cooed, “and you like being told that don’t you? You like it when I say you have a baby dick. You like me staring at your little prick?”

She rose to her feet and slipped behind him. Leaning in with her lips close to his ear, her body almost but not quite, touching him, she whispered, “I knew you were a dirty pervert from the way you couldn’t stop blushing. It was only a matter of time before I discovered your little kink.” She giggled again, making no effort to hide her amusement. Brian gasped.

“So what do you want? Huh, little dick?” Amber’s voice became harsh and demanding, “You want me to rub your mini-prick? Can’t get a girl to touch a cock that small?” Brian shuddered; his eyes squeezed shut, her words assaulting him.

“Say it,” Amber hissed.

“I… I want you to touch me,” Brian gasped.

“Touch what?”

“My cock.”

“Your what?” Amber smirked.

“My… little cock,” Brian whispered.

Amber laughed, “Sure honey. All you have to do is pay. Women don’t play with cocks that tiny for fun. But you knew that,” she laughed coarsely, “That’s why you came here isn’t it?”

Brian shuddered, his face crimson with embarrassment. He wanted to argue, to tell her she was wrong, but he was here wasn’t he, and his cock was begging for attention.

Suddenly she was back in front of him, the look on her face all business. “I can rub you for $100.” In emphasis, she reached down and very gently ran her fingertips over his stiff cock. Brian gasped, his whole body going rigid. “Or we can have some tongue action for $150,” she grinned as she said it, her tongue darting out to lick her lips ever so quickly.

“That seems um, expensive,” Brian struggled to regain control of this conversation.

Amber just shrugged, “You can always jerk your baby prick at home honey.” Brian bit his lip. She was taking advantage of him he knew, but it was hard to think clearly right now.

“Now, if you want more than that,” she continued, “We’ll just have to negotiate. Assuming you don’t cum too soon.”

“Um, a rub will be fine,” Brian managed to squeak.

Amber sighed, “Very well.” She held out her hand and he stared at it in confusion. “Pony up little dick,” she snapped.

“Ah… um,” Brian stuttered, thoroughly embarrassed, “I… ah, thought I paid afterward.”

Amber shook her head, “If you want me to rub that little cock of yours, you’re going to pay first. You do have the money, right?”

Brian nodded, “Yes, In my locker upstairs.”

“Then let’s go, Tiny.” Amber casually looped the belt of Brian’s robe around his neck and gave it a tug. Brian found himself stumbling along behind her as she led him out of the room and back up the stairs. As she dragged him along, he struggled to hold the robe closed with one hand.

Amber’s steps took them back to the changing room, which to Brian’s horror wasn’t empty. A skinny brown haired woman was showing a large middle-aged man the facilities. They turned and stared at Brian as Amber led him into the room. He pulled the robe tighter around himself.

“Which is your locker?” Amber asked, ignoring their stares.

Face flushed, Brian pointed silently at one of the lockers, trying not to look anyone in the eye.

“Well,” Amber said impatiently, “open it.” Brian reached into the robe’s pocket to pull out the key, as he did so the front of his robe fell open. He tried to pull it closed again, but Amber reached out and stopped him.

“I’m sure they’ve both seen dicks before,” She said, smirking. “Now hurry up and get the money before your little dickie goes soft.”

Brian bit his lip, burning with shame, but he somehow he couldn’t resist this manipulative woman. His dick was doing anything but getting soft. All he could think about was Amber’s hands pressing against his shaft. He unlocked the door and pulled it open, but when he leaned forward to get his wallet, his robe opened further. He forced himself not to look over at the audience; maybe they couldn’t see anything from over there.

He pulled his wallet out and opened it to get the money, but again Amber’s stopped him, “Bring it with you baby. You’re going to need it.” Her grin was triumphant, “Oh, and leave the robe, you won’t need it.”

Brain stared at her in horror, his brain rejecting her words. Amber’s grin turned into a sneer, “Think of it as a reminder to bring your wallet next time you come to visit me baby. Little dickie does still want my attention doesn’t he?” She reached over and oh so gently brushed her hand over his cock head. Brian gasped, his cock twitched in response to her touch. “Course he does,” Amber continued, “so leave your robe. You weren’t shy about showing me your dicklet. Now it’s time to let everyone else see it too!”

Brian could feel beads of sweat forming on his overheated face. He glanced at the audience, and closing his eyes in shame he struggled free of the robe, allowing it to fall to the floor. A snort made him open his eyes again. The skinny woman tried to keep her expression blank, but laughter showed in her eyes. The middle-aged man didn’t even try to conceal his contempt, but laughed openly.

“Come along little boy,” she ordered. Brian followed her out the door. As they left, he heard the mutter of conversation, closely followed by bursts of laughter; humiliation coursed through his veins, hot and shameful. His cock throbbed painfully.

“Close the door,” Amber instructed when they reached her room, “I see your teeny-weeny is still hard. Did you like showing your little cock to total strangers?”

Brian closed the door, cheeks scarlet with shame, but he couldn’t deny his cock. Amber took the wallet from his hand and wandered over to the bed; she sat down, opened it and leafed through. “Kacey has a big mouth you know,” she said conversationally while pulling bills from his wallet, “she’ll tell the other girls as soon as she gets a chance.” Brian fidgeted uncomfortably.

“Three hundred, not bad. You really needed to cum didn’t you?” She said. Brian, watching her, bit his lip. Amber snorted, “Jesus, you can’t stop staring at my tits can you pervert. Fine, that’s your first fifty.” Reaching up she slipped out of silk top she was wearing, leaving only her bra and panties. “Do you want me to stop baby?” She mocked. Brian shook his head and she deftly unsnapped her bra and let it fall onto the bed, arching her back as she did so. Brian stared hungrily at her luscious, full breasts. His cock twitched and throbbed impatiently.

“Close your mouth pervert,” Amber mocked. Brian felt himself blush again; he couldn’t seem to find his balance around this woman.

Amber sat on the bed again and looked at him; making no effort to cover herself, she picked up the wallet and flipped it open. “Let’s see. Who are you really… John?” She grinned at him. Brian trembled, but he was rooted to the spot.

“Hmm, all these credit cards say Brian Samms. I like credit cards Brian. They let people buy me presents. Don’t lie to me again Brian,” her eyes sparkled, “I think you owe me an apology, don’t you?” Brian nodded nervously, anything to keep this woman calm. Amber stretched out her legs, “Kiss my feet and say you’re sorry you baby dicked pervert,” she ordered.

To his horror, Brian found himself obeying this demeaning command. It was as though his brain had short-circuited; all he could think of was his throbbing cock as he sank to his knees and pressed his lips to her bare foot.

“Perfect,” Amber giggled. Brian looked up to see her aiming a

camera-phone at him. Before he could voice a protest, she turned the phone round and the image on the small screen was unmistakable. There he was, kneeling, tiny erection clearly in view, his lips on her foot.

“Now, unless you want me to send this lovely picture to your office,” she waved his business card carelessly in her other hand, “You’ll be a good little horndog from now on.”

“Oh God, please,” Brian’s voice trembled as he begged. How had things gotten so far out of control? Amber just smirked at him, clearly reveling in her mastery of him.

“Stand up,” she instructed. He struggled to his feet again.

“Good boy. I see little dickie is still hard. You really are a fucking pervert aren’t you?”

Brian closed his eyes, shuddering as she sneered at him. He felt her cool fingers caress his cock and he groaned and opened his eyes again.

“Like that huh?” Amber cooed. Brian nodded and pressed forward against her hand. She pulled it away, “Poor little dickie wants to cum doesn’t he? So what do you do normally? When you’re not paying for it, I mean?” Amber teased mercilessly. Brian ducked his head, red cheeked and shamefaced.

“Are you a bed humper?” she asked, “I’ll bet you are. Show me how you fuck your bed with your dicklet.” Brian stared at her in renewed horror. “You want to cum right?” she said in an exasperated voice. “So get on the bed and start humping.”

Brian climbed trance-like onto the bed and lay face down. Pressing his cock against the hard mattress, he muffled a groan as the sheets made contact with his stiff shaft.

Amber laughed, “Come on Brian, I know you hump it harder than that.”

Burning with shame, Brian thrust against the mattress, trying to stifle the moans as his hard cock rubbed against the cool sheets.

Amber kept laughing, “Oh, look at you go Brian. Does anyone at the office know what a little horndog you are huh?” Brian just grunted and thrust faster. Amber showed him another picture on her phone; his naked, pale ass in the air as he humped the bed. “I could show them if you like,” Amber teased.

Brian whimpered, still humping away, unable to stop himself.

“No? Then you be a good boy for me,” a hint of threat entered Amber’s voice again.

Amber climbed onto the bed and sat down in front of him, her legs spread widely. Brian slowed his frantic thrusting to stare at her panty-clad crotch. Grinning, she pulled her panties aside exposing her pussy to his view.

“Now if you want your little dicklet to have a chance of cumming today, your tongue better get real busy Brian.”

It was obvious what she wanted and Brian didn’t hesitate, reaching forward, he pressed his mouth against her already damp pussy lips. His tongue slipped between them and Amber’ thighs tightened around his head.

“Mmmm…that’s a good boy,” she moaned, “and to think I’m letting you do this for only $150.”

Brian pressed his cock hard against the mattress as his tongue pressed deeper into Amber’s cunt.

“You’re good at this. I guess a guy with a mini-cock has to practice other skills huh?” She taunted him, “Don’t worry, I’ve only had a couple of guys in there so far today.”

Brian paused, shuddering.

“You don’t lick, you don’t cum,” Amber warned, squeezing his head with her thighs. Brian thrust his tongue back into her crotch, licking and sucking her juices.

“Mmmm… what a good little boy,” Amber moaned. He felt her hands on the back of his head, pulling him hard into her cunt. “Oh yeah, I’m going to enjoy my weekly sessions with you,” Amber gasped, her hands tugging his hair, urging him on. She panted and ground herself against him.

Suddenly, she pushed him away. Brian looked up at her nervously, still thrusting against the bed, his cock painfully hard.

“Is your dicklet ready to cum now?” Amber panted.

Brian nodded, shamefaced.

“Well what are you waiting for huh pervert? On your knees on the floor and jerk that mini-dick!” She snapped at him.

Eager to end this humiliation, but unable to simply walk away, Brian obediently crawled off the bed and knelt on the floor. Taking his cock in his hand, he squeezed it. Amber laid back on the bed smirking, her eyes fixed on him.

“Faster pervert, I have other clients!” She snapped impatiently.

Brian stroked faster, his eyes drank in her luscious body as he jerked off at her command.

Amber locked eyes with him for a moment and laughed, “You are so fucking pathetic aren’t you. You little prick, jerking off on the floor.” Her laughter rang in his ears and he squeezed his cock harder, feeling it twitch and throb.

“Ooh. Look at you squirm. Is your baby dick ready to cum?” Amber continued mocking him mercilessly. Brian just gasped, continuing to fuck his own hand faster and faster. Amber, using her phone again, took picture after picture as he whimpered and stroked.

“Come on baby, squeeze the juice out of your dicklet,” she mocked.

Unable to withstand more stimulation, Brian’s cock twitched and spurted, sending his cum shooting to the floor. Amber was already on her feet and at the door before he’d even finished cumming. Straightening her clothes, she opened the door and made ready to leave. Brian stared at her back, still on his knees, cock half-hard and a pool of cum in front of him.

Pausing, Amber turned round and looked at him, “Clean that shit up,” she ordered, “If this place is a mess when I bring my next guy down, I’ll save his used condom and feed it to you next week.” Turning, she walked away, leaving the door wide open.

* * *

The other women were silent as Brian shuffled past them heading for the exit. Their silence was almost worse than the laughter he had expected. He could feel their laughter; he could picture the giggles and grins they exchanged behind his back, he burned with shame.

“See you next week,” the fat man said in a snide voice. Brain shuddered and left hurriedly.

He tried to push the whole thing to the back of his mind. It was done, it was over; it had been a mistake and he wouldn’t do it again. Several rounds of stiff drink finally blurred Amber’s smirking visage in his mind. It was well after midnight when he stumbled into his apartment and climbed into his bed.

The painfully loud sound of the phone woke him. Glancing at his clock with blurry vision, he saw 2:30 A.M. Who would call him so late? He grabbed the receiver and held it to his ear, the other hand rubbing sleep from his eyes.

“Hello Brian,” the familiar voice burned straight into his brain, “or should I just call you ‘Little Dick’, that’s what all the other girls are calling you now.” Amber’s laugh sent a jolt shooting through Brian’s cock.

“You cleaned the room up real good today Brian,” Amber continued, “but I just wanted to remind you that you better bring a nice present for me next week. You wouldn’t want those pictures ending up all over your office, would you?”


Part 2

It was a long week. Brian spent his time alternately sweating from fear and stroking from his arousal. He knew he was in trouble, probably a lot of trouble, but every time he thought about what had happened to him, what Amber had done to him, his cock got hard.

When he tried to think of ways out of the situation he had put himself in, he ended up imagining what she would do to him next. His nights were spent tossing and turning and jerking his cock again and again. By Friday, his colleagues at work had started commenting on how distracted Brian seemed.

What could he say? Sorry I didn’t catch that, I was too busy thinking about the whore I visited last week and how she laughed at my small penis? That would go down well. He could just picture the looks of shock, outrage and disgust he would get if he said something like that. Instead he just shrugged and grinned, muttering something about lack of sleep.

And now it was Friday afternoon. He could feel the pressure building as the minutes ticked away. He wouldn’t be able to avoid what was happening for much longer. Tonight he had to visit her again. He had no choice. And what would she do to him?

“Daydreaming again Brian?” Lynne tapped him on the shoulder, making him jump. She smiled. “You coming for a drink after work?” He shook his head

“Ah, not tonight, no. I have… plans.” He suppressed a shudder at the thought.

Amber had left another message last night reminding him that “Little Dick” had an appointment at 6pm that Friday, not to be late and absolutely not to forget her “present”. She meant cash of course, but she wasn’t stupid enough to say that when she could be taped. Amber wasn’t stupid at all, that was very obvious.

“Oh?” Lynne looked at him, questions written all over her face. “Plans, huh?” Her emphasis was unmistakable and he couldn’t help noticing how she pulled ever so slightly back from him. Brian cursed inwardly. An attractive, single, young woman had asked him to join her for a drink and he acted like he had a better offer.

“Yeah, ah… family stuff. You know?” He hastily improvised. If anything Lynne’s smile widened and she inched closer to him again.

“Not even time for one drink?” She asked. Was he reading more into this than there was? It seemed like she really wanted him to join her. And she looked so damn cute.

“Sure.” He said smiling back at her. It wouldn’t take anything like an hour to get to sauna.


In the end, it seemed like half the office went for that drink. It wasn’t quite the intimate date Brian had pictured. But Lynne made a point of sitting next to him and engaging him in small talk despite his wandering mind. She paid him so much attention in fact that he got several angry looks from her other admirers.

“So… I guess you’ve got to be going yeah?” Ellen said, bringing Brian back to reality again. He gazed at her blankly for a moment and she tapped her watch. “Plans… family… you know?” She smiled teasingly. “Man, you are spacey tonight.”

Brian’s heart sank as he looked at his watch. He had to be at the sauna in less than fifteen minutes. He’d never make it. How would Amber react? He’d already seen that she had a mean streak if provoked.

“You okay?” Lynne asked, reacting to his panicked expression.

“What? Oh, yeah. Just, I’m running late. I have to go.” He said, abruptly getting to his feet, almost knocking the table over in the process.

“So, about that movie?” Lynne ventured tentatively. Movie? Shit! He hadn’t been paying attention. The woman had been sounding him out for a date all this time and while he was sitting there in dreamland. It was a miracle she hadn’t given up in disgust.

“Call me.” He said. “I always have my cell phone with me. We’ll set something up for the weekend yes?” Lynne’s beamed a smile at him.


It was well after six by the time Brian reached the sauna. Late, but not too late surely? This time he couldn’t afford to hang around nervously outside. He stabbed the buzzer with his finger, tapping his foot impatiently. What some stranger thought of him going into a whorehouse was the least of his problems right now. When the door clicked, he pulled it open and almost ran inside.

The place was every bit as dingy and seedy looking as the week before. It was cheap dressed up to look classy and failing miserably. The same fat man sat behind the counter with the same greasy hair and tattoos. But his expression when he looked up and saw Brian was very different.

There wasn’t even the pretence at good manners. The fat man’s lips curled into a sneer as he stared at Brian, not speaking, just watching him squirm.

“Um… I have an appointment.” Brian began, feeling his palms start to sweat. The fat man’s smile grew bigger and Brian was sure that he had been recognised.

“What’s the name?” The fat man wheezed. Brian felt his cheeks heat as the fat man smiled his smug smile. Amber had been very clear about who had the appointment and this bastard probably knew that too.

“Little Dick.” Brian muttered. The fat man coughed and sniggered.

“On you go tiny, she’s waiting for you.” The fat man waved him on through, his body shaking with laughter.

When Brian walked through the door and into the lounge area he immediately drew the attention of all the women in the room. Eight pairs of eyes were all focused directly on him. They must be expecting a busy evening he thought, trying not to cower under all the attention.

He recognised several faces from his previous visit. They weren’t hard to spot after all; they were the ones who were hiding their smiles behind their hands. Forcing himself to stay calm, he looked around and confirmed that Amber wasn’t here. He paused in the doorway, not quite sure what to do next.

He found himself almost paralysed. On the one hand there was a lot of exposed female flesh to look at; on the other he was scared to draw any attention to himself. His problem was solved by one of the women he recognised from last week. She was a curvy redhead and unlike the others, she was making no effort at all to hide her grin.

“Hi Dick.” She said, sauntering towards him. “Or do you prefer to be called Little?” Brian flushed with embarrassment at her casual humiliation of him, trying to block out the sprinkles of laughter that had greeted her question. What exactly had Amber said to them, he wondered?

“You’re late.” The redhead said. “Amber’s with someone else right now. She said you’d wait.” Her tone of voice made it clear she had no doubt that Brian would do whatever he was told. He cringed at how pathetic he must appear to these women.

When he had entered the room, they had taken up their poses, trying to attract his interest. Now they had relaxed again. Still watching him, but not caring what he thought. He could feel the heat in his cheeks, and just like last time, his cock twitched to life.

“So…” The redhead murmured, obviously not yet finished with him. “Just how little are you really?” This time the laughter from the other women was louder. Brian felt his face burn bright red.

“I’ll just go freshen up.” He muttered, shuffling towards the shower and locker area. As he left the room, the women erupted in open laughter. Brian shuddered, trying to ignore his stiffening cock.

In the locker area, he hurriedly stripped, showered and put on one of the thick, white robes that they made available for the clientele. Not sure what to do next, but scared to go back out and face the other women, he hung around in one of the changing cubicles. Amber had obviously been revelling in her control over him and at least round here she wasn’t going to keep it a secret. He had to find a way out of this mess before it got worse.

It was only a few minutes before the redhead came looking for him though.

“Thought I’d find you hiding back here.” She smirked. “Amber says to get your ass down to the deluxe suite right now. Guess you’re paying extra huh?” Brian shuddered to think how much he might end up paying. Not trusting his voice, he just nodded and tried to walk round the redhead to get to the door, but she stepped directly in his path.

“First you got to pay the toll.” She gave him a look of evil delight as she held out her hand. Brian stared at her in confusion.

“Toll?” He wasn’t sure what she wanted, but he had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. Whatever it was, it wouldn’t be good for him. Was he going to have to pay her as well?

“Give me the robe.” She said coldly. Reluctantly he shrugged the robe off his shoulders and slipped it off. Her eyes coolly assessed his exposed body, lingering on his crotch. Brian forced himself not to cover up. He wasn’t sure if this was something that Amber had dreamt up or just an amusing game the redhead had come up with all by herself. Either way resisting would make things worse.

“Tiny.” Was all the redhead said before walking off with the robe.


Brian walked into the deluxe suite with a sense of dread and a knot in the pit of his stomach. This was easily the most impressive room in the whole sauna. Up on the wall in one corner was a TV, switched on and showing scenes from some porn movie. Below it and taking up most of that corner was a walk in bath.

But the bulk of the room was taken up by a luxurious bed. Sprawled naked on top of the red satin sheets was Amber.

“I’d recognise that dicklet anywhere.” She sneered, making no effort to cover herself up. “Oooh look! Little dickie is getting all excited. Does it like what it sees?”

Brian nodded, licking his lips, his eyes roaming all over Amber’s exposed body. Even her taunting only added to his excitement.

“Hey.” Amber snapped her fingers. “Eyes up here loser. You’re late and you’d better have my present with you.”

Brian raised his head to look Amber in the face as he held out his hand showing the crumpled bills he had been holding since he left the locker room. Amber laughed.

“What a good little boy.” She taunted. “Put them on the stand there and go run me a bath.” She stretched languorously across the bed. “I just finished entertaining a client and I’m all sweaty.” Brian bit his lip, staring at Amber’s lush body.

“Hurry up.” Amber said coldly. “Bounce that pencil prick of yours over to the bath and get it ready for me.”

Brian hurried to obey. He shook his head in disgust at his own eagerness as he filled the bath. Something about the force of Amber’s personally just made him want to do what she said. Every time he glanced over at her she was watching him, an amused smirk on her face.

“You must really like looking at me today. I think your dicklet has grown. It might even be 4 inches now.” Amber laughed crudely. “What are you thinking about? Are you picturing me with my last customer? He was big. Very big.”

Amber slid off the bed and sauntered over to the bath. Brian couldn’t take his eyes off her as she paraded past him and slipped into the hot water with a moan.

“Make yourself useful tiny. Soap me.” She commanded and he eagerly obeyed. Part of him was alarmed at how easily she was training him to obey all her commands, but another part just revelled in the opportunity to touch her.”

Reaching out with lathered hands, he timidly caressed Amber’s shoulders, his hands gently caressing her soft skin. She moaned again, arching her back slightly. Getting braver, Brian’s hands explored her flesh.

“Mmm, not bad. I could get used to this.” Amber groaned, glancing over at him.

” Ooh baby, your dicklet is twitching again.” She giggled, as her eyes focused on his crotch. “Do you like cleaning me off after I fuck? Does it turn you on perv?” Brian blushed furiously, and didn’t say a word, his hands still caressing his blackmailer’s body.

The door to the room swung open suddenly and Brian looked round in horror as a scantily clad young woman entered. His hands instinctively dropped to cover his crotch. The young woman quickly surveyed the scene, a smile curving her pouting lips as she scanned his body. Without a word of apology or explanation, she sauntered over to the bath, taking far more time than was necessary and handed a phone to Amber who took it with an evil smile. Brian stared at the familiar looking phone with growing alarm.

“Thanks Rose.” Amber said. “Tiny, did I tell you to stop soaping me?” Brian looked up from the phone in horror and the young woman gave a high-pitched giggle. Reluctantly he returned to rubbing soap on Amber.

“That’s a good little boy. After all it’s not like you have anything to hide now is it?” Amber laughed and Rose joined in with another high-pitched giggle.

His cheeks flaming red, Brian worked his hands along Amber’s thighs, trying to ignore the way his erect cock was jutting out towards the young woman. Rose for her part, couldn’t seem to take her eyes of it.

“Smallest you’ve ever seen right?” Amber observed as Rose continued to stare at him. Brian fought the urge to squirm and hide from this intense scrutiny.

“I wonder.” Rose murmured, reaching into a pocket she pulled out a measuring tape. “Just how small is it?”

Brian looked at Amber in horror. Surely even she wouldn’t force him to suffer through this new embarrassment. But Amber just leant back in the tub and smirked at him. “You can wash me off now.” Was all she said.

Biting his lip, and trying to ignore the other woman, Brian took the washcloth and slowly worked it over Amber’s legs. He gasped in surprise and pleasure as Rose wrapped one cool hand around his shaft, expertly milking his cock.

“Just making sure this is as big as he gets.” Rose said in response to Amber’s questioning look. Brian whimpered as Rose gripped the head of his cock unrolling the tape along his length.

“Oh yes, this is definitely the smallest prick I’ve ever seen.” Rose laughed delightedly and Brian felt his toes curl with embarrassment. “I wish I could take a picture. The other girls will never believe me.”

“Oh we can.” Amber purred, holding the phone in Brian’s direction and pressing a button. His mind fuzzy from humiliation and lust, Brian reacted too slowly, his hands covering himself only after the damage was done.

“See you next week Tiny.” Rose laughed, blowing him a kiss before sauntering out of the room.

“What did she mean by that?” Brian asked nervously. Amber’s smile was pure evil.

“Rose did me a small favour, so I’ll be loaning you to her next week. It should be quite an experience for you. Rose specialises in customers with… different tastes. She has all sorts of ideas for you!” Amber laughed at Brian’s look of horror. She lounged back in the tub, her breasts exposed to him.

“Are you going to start drooling?” She mocked, trailing a finger along her cleavage as he stared at her. Brian swallowed audibly, his cock twitching and throbbing. He couldn’t believe how easily this woman manipulated him.

Amber stood and stepped out of the bat, droplets of water scattering in all directions as she padded towards the bed. Anticipating her next demand, Brian grabbed one of the towels next to the bath and hurried over to offer it to her. She accepted the towel with a smile and he found himself strangely grateful for her approval.

“Such an obedient little man. I can see you’ll be easy to train.” Amber mused almost to herself. “You know I was really just looking to take your money this week, but turns out playing with you is just so much fun.”

Amber spread the towel out over the bed and lay down on her stomach. Brian stood waiting for her next instructions, his eyes captivated by her exposed ass and pussy. She lifted his phone in her hand and idly pressed some of the buttons.

“My, that pictured turned out great. You can even see the numbers on the tape!” Amber glanced back at him. “Well? What are you waiting for? Lick me!” It was an order that Brian was only too happy to obey. Crawling between her legs, he bent his head to her pussy.

“Uh, uh, uh!” Amber giggled. “My ass, lick my ass.” Brian shuddered as she wiggled her butt in his face.

“It’s your choice.” Amber shrugged, waving his phone in her hand. “Lets see. Who shall we send your picture to?” Brian ground his teeth helplessly, trying to think of a way out of this.

“Well?” Amber looked back at him. Shuddering, Brian leant forward and ran his tongue along the crack of her ass. “Oooh, good boy.” Amber moaned as he pressed his tongue against her asshole. “That’s it.” She squirmed against his face.

“Oh you’re a natural ass kisser aren’t you Dicklet? Is this how you keep your girlfriend happy?” Amber taunted him. “You do have a girlfriend right?” She smirked over her shoulder at him as his tongue probed her ass. “Well?”

“Um, sort of.” Brian mumbled, pulling his face away from Amber’s ass long enough to answer her, his face red with embarrassment. Amber rolled over to watch him, her smirk widening.

“Stroke your little dicklet for me.” She ordered him. Brian didn’t even hesitate, his hand reaching down to grasp and squeeze his stiff cock. Amber knelt up in front of him, placing her body only inches away from his. Leaning in towards him, her lips brushing against his ear, she whispered.

“It feels good doesn’t it? Squeezing your little prick. What’s your girlfriend’s name? Mmm?”

“Lynne.” Brian blurted out before he even realised what he had done. His hand stroked his cock faster as Amber’s presence overwhelmed his senses.

Amber edged even closer to him, her nipples grazing his chest. “You’re such a horny little boy.” She cooed. “I think you’d do just about anything to cum right about now, wouldn’t you?” Brian nodded, barely able to think through the pleasure.

“Does Lynne know about your little problem?” Amber casually ran a hand over his buttocks as Brian shook his head. “Well… she’s in for a big disappointment then isn’t she?” Amber laughed.

Brian gasped, his cock twitching and throbbing in his hand as Amber continued her teasing caresses, her words hammering at his fragile mind. He could feel himself getting closer and closer to the edge.

“And that’s why you came to me isn’t it?” Amber was whispering in his ear again. “Because you want, you need a woman to touch you. And no woman will waste her time with that tiny cock unless you pay them.” Brian groaned, squeezing his cock, Amber’s words almost more than he could stand.

“And right now you really want someone to touch your dicklet don’t you?” Amber pressed her breasts against Brian’s chest. Her fingers caressed his thighs briefly before gripping his wrist and pulling his hands away from his needy cock.

“I can take care of that for you.” She cooed. “Just ask.”

“Please.” Brian moaned.

“Ask properly.” Amber teased.

“Please… touch my dicklet.” Brian whimpered, shivering with humiliation and lust.

“You need to cum, and you will.” Amber whispered in his ear. Her hands caressing his thighs again. “Just do one little thing for me.” Her fingertips grazed his shaft, making it jerk and twitch. Brian moaned helplessly.

Amber raised the phone to his ear. “Record a new message for me. Tell the world what a tiny cock you have.” She laughed, her hand curling around his dick, squeezing it ever so softly.

Brian groaned, shaking his head, squirming at her touch. Amber giggled.

“That’s all you have to do baby.” She whispered.” Say I’m Brian and I have a small cock.” Brian shuddered, closing his eyes, trying to clear his head.

“Don’t you want to cum baby?” Amber’s hot breath tickled his ear as her fingers continued teasing his throbbing cock. He whimpered, with need. “You can always delete it afterwards.” Brian shuddered, taking the phone, dialing with trembling fingers.

“That’s a good little boy.” Amber purred, her hand squeezing and stroking his cock now, making him gasp and pant for breath, his hips thrusting towards her.

“Hi, this is Brian and I have a small… cock.” He blurted into the phone before snapping it shut as Amber deftly worked his cock, taking him the brink.

Amber pulled the phone from his hands, releasing his shaft and slowly laying back on the bed. “Oh very good.” She grinned up at him, spreading her legs apart. “Now start licking.” Brian blinked in confusion.

“Remember who’s in charge here dicklet.” Amber wagged her finger at him. You don’t get to cum before me. Brian clenched his fists uselessly before obediently lowering his face to Amber’s sex and lapping at her pussy.

“Mmm… that’s my good little boy. Don’t take too long now. You won’t get your phone back until I’m done with you.” Amber laughed, her hands pulling his face tighter against her cunt.

Brian worked furiously, his tongue probing and teasing at her sex. His guts were clenched with fear as he tongue fucked his blackmailer. He tried to remember who exactly had his cell phone number as Amber writhed beneath him, moaning in pleasure. Finally she gasped and wrapped her legs tight around his head, cumming on his face.

“Not bad. You really are a natural.” She panted. “You won’t embarrass me with Rose next week.” Brian shuddered at her reminder that she owned him.

“Now, are you ready to finish? I can see you are.” She smirked again. Crawling towards him, she reached out and casually grasped his stiff prick.

“Make it quick little dick, I have clients to see.” Her hand jerked his cock roughly.

Brian moaned in a mixture of pain and pleasure at her roughness, but he was too close to the edge from all the teasing. In a matter of seconds his cock spasmed and he shot cum onto the bed sheets.

“A tiny dick and a fast shooter. You really are fucking pathetic.” Amber laughed as she climbed off the bed, casually draping a robe over her body. Brian knelt, panting, on the bed as she walked towards the door. His body spent, his mind slowly clearing from the sexual fog Amber had created.

“See you next week loser. Don’t forget to clean up before you leave. You can pick up your phone at the front desk.” Amber left the room without even a glance in his direction, finished playing with her toy.

Brian let his head rest on the bed, shuddering with a mixture of relief that it was over and disgust at how easily she manipulated him. He stared at the pool of white cum that was soaking into the sheets. Even at the end she had denied him proper release.


Leaving the building was even worse than the week before. The women were openly giggling and laughing as he slunk out of the door. The greasy fat man at the door couldn’t keep the sneer off his face as he handed the Brian his phone.

It was obvious that everyone knew what Amber was doing to him and they found it funny. They were laughing at him.

As soon as he reached his car, Brian pulled out his phone. It wasn’t until he had recorded over the previous message that he realised he had one voicemail already waiting for him. His heart started pounding in his chest. He didn’t recognise the number. Maybe it was just some marketing call. Maybe.

Palms sweating, he pressed the button to play the message and raised the phone to his ear. There was a long agonising silence before a familiar, but distinctly flustered voice started speaking.

“Ah… hi… Brian… It’s Lynne.” The message began, followed by a nervous sounding laugh. “Um… I’ll call back.”

One comment

  • Joe

    Very good in deed, loved to have been him only with a smaller penis and no pubes


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