Our Readers SPH Experiences 286

By Our Readers

Our readers share their moments of small dick zen.


This reader sends the wrong photos…

I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s experienced shrinkage due to putting on weight, etc. If I am, then apologies! I’m a gold member, and my wife loves that I have a tiny penis because it suits her fine. She has a rare condition that prevents her from being able to fit much inside her (this is explained badly, I know!), so I’m perfect for her, apparently. Plus, we both love those small penis-related fetishes.

Anyway, after being in a minor road collision, I was restricted in my movement for a long time, but my wife being a feeder and the medication I was on meant I put a lot of weight on. This then meant my wife said for my health, I should join a slimming group, but also so that she could actually see it as cold or soft—it was nonexistent.

So joined a slimming group and did the same routine weekly of taking photos of my progress, which, to make it a bit funnier and spicier, after a semi-clothed photo, I would remove my shorts and undies and do the same pose naked.

After a year I was enjoying the group and actually the feeling of being much healthier and fitter and was nominated for an award. My group leader needed a before and after photo. It’s not a problem, as we had documented it. In a bit of a rush, instead of selecting and sending just two photos, the first and last in shorts, I emailed my group leader the entire album. It wasn’t until later that my wife noticed and immediately called up the group leader. After a matter of minutes, I could hear them both laughing.

When I attended the next group, during the weigh, the two much younger ladies supervising commented on me looking much tinier these days. As part of the process of me having to sign a form, the lady there wiggled her pinky before pointing it at the place for me to sign. After the group, the leader took me to the side and updated me that she had deleted the nude photos of me, but she opened the pictures originally in front of the other ladies who helped her, so they all knew my little secret. She laughed and finished off by encouraging me by saying, “It may be tiny, but it’s the cutest we have ever seen.”

Every group since, I’m greeted with “Here’s the little guy,” and my wife finds it hilarious


Another reader discovered someone he considered a friend was anything but…

I went to college with quite a few buds of mine that I’d known for a long time. Because of our long history, they knew all about my tiny dick. As a joke, they gave me the nickname ‘Lil Smokie,’ basically saying that my dick was the size of a cocktail weenie. I was a good sport and let them call me that, but I made them promise never to say it in front of others. They all agreed that it would be an inside joke whenever the group of us was alone.

One night, some of us were out at one of the bars in our college town. We had all been drinking, and some girls had started tagging along with us. One of my buds was particularly wasted and I kept seeing him smirking at me from across our highboy table as I chatted up one of the girls. I kept giving him the eye to go fuck off, but finally, he walked over, to my annoyance. Right in front of her and some of the other girls in earshot, he said, “What are you all talking about, Lil Smokie?”

I told him to fuck off and that it was none of his business.

He smirked and replied, “Come on, I’m just being friendly, lil Smokie.”

The girl was really confused and asked me why he kept calling him that. I told her I had no idea, and I kicked him, which seemed to shut him up, and he eventually went away. Unfortunately, at some point, I left to use the bathroom, and I came back to see him talking to her, and they were laughing about something. When I walked up, she giggled and walked away. I got pissed and asked him over and over what they were talking about, but he wouldn’t tell me. Deep down, I knew, though.


Meanwhile, this reader didn’t impress his girl…

When I was 18, this happened with a girl I was dating at the time. We were up in her room at her house ‘studying’ for school. Mostly just chatting when eventually we started making out. She started feeling me up and undoing my pants. I was pretty nervous. I was a virgin and had never done anything like this before. I slide away from her off the bed and stand up.

She asked me what was wrong, why I got up so suddenly. I told her I wasn’t hard yet and how nervous I was. She reassured me that it was fine and that she could make me hard. I gathered my courage and pulled down my pants in front of her as she sat on the edge of the bed. I watched the expression on her face change when she saw it (1.5 inches soft). I watched her expressions go from excitement to disappointment in almost an instant.

She looked back up at me, and I could tell she was trying to hide her disappointment for my sake. She told me it’s okay to be that small when you’re soft and not to worry about it. She took her thumb and pointer finger and started to stroke me with the tips of both fingers. Because of my nervousness and embarrassment, I couldn’t get hard. I tried to focus on getting aroused. But all I could think about was her calling me small. When, after only a minute or so, I came, I dribbled out all over her fingers and my balls.

She sat there in shock. A mix of disgust and anger was on her face despite her attempts to hide it. She didn’t say anything just got up and went to the bathroom to wash her hands. While she was gone, I got dressed and was extremely embarrassed. When she came, she seemed normal and told me, “It was your first time. It’s okay. You must have just been really sensitive or something. Let’s just go back to studying.”

It was impossible to focus on anything after my pathetic display. After that incident, we never fooled around again and ended up breaking up about a month later. She never brought up what happened, but I’m pretty sure this was why she dumped me.


While this reader has a moment at the gym…

There’s a black guy at my local gym, and he’s absolutely packing. This thing hangs halfway down his thigh. It’s slim but so long. He’s down there almost every day and spends probably half the time swanning about the locker room naked, pretending not to be too obvious but clearly just showing off. I’ll be honest I do try and coincide my visits for when he’s down there, I’m straight, but that cock is a thing of beauty.

Anyway, the other day, I bumped into him in the shower. He was standing in the aisle, toweling his hair off, blocking access to the cubicles. I just stood there waiting for him to notice me and let me pass. I’m 6’4” and stocky, but I’ve never been blessed in the dick department, and after a workout, my dick was little more than an acorn sitting on my balls. The guy was maybe average height, very slim and fit. I’m probably twice his build, but the contrast in penis size just made me feel so inferior.

I kept thinking, ‘Don’t get hard, don’t get hard,’ so, of course, I got a rock-solid Bronze Member boner. He then noticed me. He looked down at my stiff boner and smirked in that way that again made me feel so inferior. I sat in my cubicle feeling like a complete idiot, and it seemed to take ages for my boner to go away.


This reader got a job in an all-women kitchen…

Fourteen years ago, I took a job in a commercial kitchen. Even the interview ended under a seemingly bizarre circumstance. The kitchen manager, Susan, and the scheduler/purchasing agent, Amy, conducted the interview. As Susan offered me the job, she gave me this warning: “ I do have some reservations about bringing a man onto our female crew. Three of your coworkers have had recent and bitter divorces. If you have any issues, I want you to come to me directly.”

Well, I told her I was confident I could work on a crew with ten women and that I could get along with anybody. Another hire would bring the total to 12 workers, two of whom were supervisors.

I started the next week and met my supervisors Lynne and Rhonda at the time clock on my first day. Each had a specific role. Rhonda was the prep lead. I started with her. She started me cutting up vegetables with Kris. Just meeting Kris and talking, I could tell she was not happy that Susan had brought a man on staff. Within 10 minutes, I could tell we didn’t care for each other, I wondered if I had made a mistake accepting the job!

After lunch, I worked with other women and got along fine, so my confidence was renewed. Over the next three days, I worked with everyone on the crew for at least a couple of hours. One of the two floats, Tia, was assigned as my long-term trainer. Training would take six months. I was happy. Tia had a good sense of humor, and we seemed to get along well.

After two weeks, Lynne and Rhonda met with me at the start of the day and told me Tia had been giving me “glowing” reviews, that they were both pleased, and that the manager, Susan, had been told all this. I was elated and went to my job assignment, but I had had a little too much coffee and stopped at the employee restroom first to pee. We all had to share a one-stall bathroom. When I came out, Gina was waiting to go.

I worked for a few hours. I passed the job board where Tia, Lynne, and Rhonda were talking. Tia stopped me as I walked by. She had a scowl on her face I had never seen before. She said, “We need to talk! You must be the type of guy who needs to STRADDLE the toilet when you pee!”

She proceeded to make the motion of stepping over something and straddling it and put her hand to her groin with a finger pointed down.

“See, guys like you need to do it this way. Other guys can do it like this.”

She proceeded to switch her hand so that it was cupped and like it was holding something. Lynne and Rhonda were smirking.

Tia said, “You left a dribbled spot on the floor. You can go see for yourself and then clean it up!”

Well, they had outed me. I have a flaccid innie, a micropenis. I said nothing and went and cleaned my mess.

Another two weeks passed, and I was hired. Susan felt so confident after my success that she hired a second man. Phillipe was a West African immigrant fresh off the boat, wanting a chance to succeed in America. He was a nice guy and spoke English well, but his accent was a mix of French and native African languages, sometimes hard to understand. In that fifth week, there was a day we had fallen behind on the dishwasher. Thirty minutes left, I boasted to Kris that I could get it all done by myself before the end of the day.

She called me out to Lynne and Rhonda, and I doubled down, betting them that I could, and if I did, everyone had to bring in a picture from high school, and if I didn’t, they could make me bring a picture of myself, ANY picture! Well, Kris took my bet, and I got the job done. At the end of the shift meeting, Lynne explained the circumstances of the bet and the outcome. The only coworker that was hesitant was Phillipe and that was because he had no such photos. They told him just to bring in the oldest one he had.

At home, I looked through some old pictures, and one jumped out at me: a wrestling photo. Ah, when I was young and skinny, athletic and muscular. I explained the ‘bet’ to my wife and showed her the photo I selected.

“Are you sure that’s what you want them to see?”

I was confused.

“Well, they’ll definitely have a more complete picture of you, for sure!”

I didn’t get her reluctance. I got to work and posted it on the board. I was happy to see about 2/3 of the women had done the same. As I worked I noticed that it seemed like there were always two or three coworkers standing by the board. I thought I had really done a good job with a team-building exercise. Shortly before the first break, I asked Kris what she thought of everyone’s pictures.

She said, “You’re exactly what I expected!”

Well, that wasn’t what I asked her, but I moved on and went to the board to see everyone’s pictures now that they were posted. As I walked up, I could overhear Tia telling Cammi, “Yeah, that’s why you don’t marry a guy from high school.”

They walked away as I walked up. I looked over the pictures. It was interesting to see how people change. I noticed Phillipe had put his picture next to mine. He was shirtless and wearing white bicycle shorts that left nothing to the imagination. He certainly had a lot to be proud of!

I was the only smoker and went outside for a break. Upon returning, I bumped into the other float, Jill, and asked her what she thought of my photo after I told her how great she looked; she hadn’t aged at all.

“Yeah, that’s quite the picture of you,” is all she said.

I bumped into Lisa next and asked her the same question. “Kinda small package,”

I kind of frowned when she said it. I was confused and went directly to the board. Looking, it all sunk in. There were my and Phillipe’s pictures right next to each other: me in a wrestling singlet and him in practically see-through biker shorts. You see, the singlet left nothing to the imagination: even if you’re wearing a jock, your sack and flaccid penis are easily visible. The only problem was, I didn’t have a flaccid penis, it was an innie.

Well, now I understand my wife’s warning! Lynne and Rhonda walked up, and I asked them what they thought. Both said they would have been happy to have their daughters bring me home from school. What a handsome boy. They were smirking, and both laughed as they walked away. My confidence kept dwindling. I passed Kim, who flirted with me regularly and seemed to have had a crush on me. I asked her as she passed.

She said nothing and didn’t even acknowledge me. I finally asked my trainer, Tia. She said, “You were in amazing shape, but for me, you came up a little short.”

In the afternoon, we had a staff meeting, so Susan and Amy showed up. They were at the board, and I walked over. Susan said: “You’re a brave man.”

Both were smiling. I lasted a year there, and the teasing was relentless after that day.


Another reader has an embarrassing encounter with his aunt…

My aunt lives far away from where we live. I live with my mom, and I have no siblings. A few months ago, my aunt came over to stay for 1 or 2 weeks. Her kids stayed with her ex-husband (at that point, she was freshly divorced). The next day after her arrival, my mom left for work early in the morning, and my aunt was alone at home. While she was sleeping, I wanted to take a shower so nobody had to wait for their bathroom turn.

So I undressed, stepped in the shower, and started cleaning myself until my aunt came in without knocking on the door. She screamed at first and closed her eyes, and I screamed too and covered my soft dick and my balls with one hand (my soft dick is close to an inch, and my balls are smaller than average | I guess). I told her to get out, but she slowly opened her eyes and started looking at my body, and then she said: “Remember back when you were younger, I used to wash you.” And with that, she stepped closer and said, “I’m sorry. I made fun of you for your small size back then.”

I nervously smiled and said, “It’s okay, Auntie, but please get out now.” My face is all red.

She then, without saying a word, took my hand and removed it, and then she smiled as she saw my throbbing gold member boner appearing.

She said, “Once a small one, always a small one,” and left the bathroom laughing.

After she left the room, I stepped out of the shower, locked the door, and then stepped back in the shower. This kind of embarrassed me and made me horny at the same time because my aunt is really sexy for her age. I jerked off in the shower, thinking about her and what happened. I’m not sure if she told this to anyone, but since then, she always smiles and calls me her ‘little one.’


Meanwhile, this female reader gets an eyeful…

I find this site fantastic. I enjoy reading these stories and seeing some of the pictures submitted. I never really thought about dick sizes until witnessing firsthand a micropenis on full show. I was dating a guy for almost five years (he turned out to be a total jerk), and he shared a house at the time with two other guys.

One of those guys (I will call him Ed) was and, in fact, still is a lovely man with a handsome, cuddly physique and a true gentleman. For a long time, I couldn’t work out why he was single. Yes, he had some trauma from previous relationships, but he was great. Then I kind of realized why.

Ed was home alone one week and clearly hadn’t heard me turn up or indeed seen my messages to him because I had visited to pick up some things from my boyfriend’s room. It was a very hot day, so I guess Ed had taken a shower to cool down. He was sprawled across his bed with a large fan blowing across him with windows and doors open everywhere.

I stopped in my tracks, passing his room, as I looked at him, headphones in, sleeping on his bed naked as the day he was born. I was in a trance, staring at him. He had this tiny bald pink pouch where his balls were probably no bigger than one of those soft play plastic balls, and poking out atop was just the head of his penis but smaller. I stared for a while and then decided I couldn’t miss the chance, so I took out my phone and took so many photos.

I then thought it would be funny to film him and his reaction, so I carefully withdrew his headphones, crept in further, and started recording him. I started talking softly to him about how cute his little penis was. Seeing how long it would take to wake him.

Instead of him waking, he clearly was getting turned on in his sleep as I watched on with his little penis popped out, and after twitching four times, three thick streams of cum squirted out his now hard penis, shorter than my thumb, each stream creating a trail up his naked belly, chest and just reaching his chin. He still didn’t wake. I put my hand over my mouth to cover my laughter as I left him to it.

A few months passed, and I’d set up a double date between us and one of my friends. Ed wasn’t sure about the night and I pulled him to one side as we walked up to the restaurant and said to him my friend was perfect for him.

Ed hesitated and said, “I’m not sure I will be what she’s looking for.”

I replied, “Don’t worry, Ed, she knows about your tiny penis and thinks it’s super cute.”

In his shocked state, he tried to bat that off, but I stopped him and showed him a few pics of him I had on my phone and told him the video was a good one to watch, too. He had a great night. My friend did, too. I’m to be her maid of honor at their wedding soon. He is still the smallest I’ve seen, but the stories I’ve heard of how he compensates for it make me wetter than an otter’s pocket. Be proud of your little dicks. They are great!


While this reader shares how his small dick has affected his life…

I saw a question on another site asking what type of humiliation had led to your small penis fetish. It set me down memory lane, which I thought I would post here.

I’m a gold member of the small dick club and have a (circumcised) button when soft. I think I was always aware it was very small, but I tried not to think about it. At 16, my first real girlfriend was older than me and sexually experienced while she was my first. She soon complained that she couldn’t feel much when we had sex and that I kept slipping out and came quickly. She cheated on me and got cross with me because it was my fault because I couldn’t satisfy her, and we broke up.

After that, I went out with girls who hadn’t been with a man before, but they soon became frustrated, disappointed that sex with me wasn’t what they had expected, and found out that I was very small, either from their girlfriends or seeing other guys.

They all slept with other men while we went out, then left me. Even so, I was still in denial through my 20s, and my enthusiastic libido blinded me to my shortcomings. I was small but passionate and cute and kind of stupid, easily flattered, which led me to some very humiliating experiences. I was persuaded to be a nude model for art students who giggled and tittered all through the 2-hour session; some of them were friends of my brother’s girlfriend. I went skinny dipping with friends, and I even got a role in a play where I had to walk naked on stage and endure gasps of shock from the audience.

I moved in with an older woman who had always been a confessed-size queen. She was very open about how small I am compared to other men. She had always been sexually adventurous with previous partners and expected me to act accordingly. We had a threesome with another man, which was the first time I’d seen what a man with a big cock could do to a woman. I didn’t get a look in while they fucked, but she let me go on top of her when they’d finished and poke my dick in her and smiled condescendingly when I came quickly.

They fucked again in the night, but I just lay with my back to them, then went and slept on the sofa. We invited another couple back to swap partners. This wasn’t very good. She and the guy fucked all night while I had to apologize to his disappointed girlfriend. She cheated on me, had affairs, and brought a man home from the pub after her birthday drinks to fuck her as a special birthday treat.

I was becoming aware that the pain and humiliation were intensely erotic, and I began to masturbate to thoughts of my humiliation and cuckoldry. It was when she went on holiday with a girlfriend with a large box of condoms in her suitcase that I really became aware that my reality was developing into a fetish; I spent the week wanking, imagining her with other men. I told some girls at work that she was cheating on me and why. I discovered some stories in porn mags that involved wives cheating with men with bigger cocks. However, it was still painful, and we split up.

When I met my wife, she had come out of a relationship with a guy who was known for his big cock, dominance, and his wild behavior. She said she wanted to settle down with someone gentle like me. When we first had sex, she told me I needed to go deeper and faster if I wanted to make her cum. She didn’t seem to mind and told me I was considerate because I would use my mouth to make her cum after I’d finished. Just before agreeing to get engaged, she spent a weekend with her ex.

She said it was to get her addiction to his big cock out of her system. She never cheated on me, teased me, or mentioned how small I was afterward. We played some femdom games to spice our sex life up before we had kids but never took it up again. Our sex life became increasingly infrequent and awkward. When we did fuck it was only the knowledge that she couldn’t feel me inside her that aroused me to cum. Now I prefer to play all my humiliating experiences in my mind and jerk my little dick to them. I still find the humiliation of my small penis and my cuckoldry intensely erotic, better than the perfunctory ‘real sex’ ever was.

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*These SPH experiences have been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the stories have remained the same. Erect dick sizes have been edited to be either Gold, Silver, Bronze, or Average. The opinions/views expressed in these SPH experiences (and in any comments) are those of the authors and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech.

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