My Wife gets a Massage

By Luv4hotwives.

“Hey, do you remember my friend Hunter?” Taylor asked.

“Yeah, I remember Hunter. Why do you ask?”

“He was at Sarah’s the other day. We got talking. I guess he is having computer problems. He has this thing with all these movies and TV shows. He remembered that you work with computers.”

“Well, I do cybersecurity. I’m not an IT guy. He can probably just take it into where he got it from and get it serviced.” I replied.

“He said he tried a couple of times, and it still isn’t working. However, if you can look at it, he said I could get a free massage!” Said Taylor.

“Oh yeah, I forgot he was a masseuse.”

“He’s supposed to be one of the best in the area. He normally charges 500 bucks just for a basic massage and I could get one for free. You know how my back has been sore lately. Besides, I’d love to see his house. I’ve heard it’s beautiful!” Taylor said.

“His house?” I asked.

“He runs his business out of a home office.”

Raising a suspicious eyebrow, I asked, “So you would be going to Hunter’s house to get massaged by him?”

“Don’t be getting all jealous, babe. He’s a professional, and it’s not like he will try anything inappropriate,” Taylor assured me.

“I suppose not. I guess fixing a little computer problem in exchange for a free 500 dollar massage isn’t a bad deal.”

Later that week, I was driving on Hunter’s street and talk about upscale. These were big homes. My phone rang, and it was Taylor. “Hey Jordan, Hunter had to run out for an errand but wanted me to tell you he left the door open. So you can just go ahead and start working on the computer. He said go in, head into the hallway that branches from the main entry and first door on the left.”

“Wow, trusting guy, isn’t he?” I asked.

“I think it comes from him being so confident,” Taylor answered.

“Ah, well, it’ll be nice to do it without someone looking over my shoulder.”

The problem took me all if 5 minutes to fix. Looked like a lot of the movies he had saved were actually security camera footage. He seemed to have cameras in nearly every room except for bathrooms and the room I was in. I got a little suspicious. He wouldn’t put a camera in his massage studio, would he?

I did some digging and holy shit. He had not just one pointing at his massage table, but at least a dozen cameras at different angles. And even a microphone. And this guy was going to be massaging my wife! I was running out of time to snoop before Hunter would return. Luckily, I work in cybersecurity. I know a thing or two and setup a hidden backdoor into his system so I’d be able to investigate further when I got home.

I considered telling Taylor, but I figured I should know more. Who knows, maybe there was no creepy intent. It might have been all for liability protection.

Unfortunately, Taylor was getting her massage the very next day. Before even having a moment free to investigate, she was already driving over to Hunter’s house. Fortunately, I could watch the massage session as it took place.

I watched as Hunter greeted Taylor at the front door. The greeting seemed professional enough. Hunter proceeded to give Taylor a tour of his house. Judging by her body language and facial reactions, she was impressed. There weren’t any mics in the other rooms, but whatever Hunter was saying, he sure made Taylor laugh a lot.

It took nearly 10 minutes, but they finally made it to the room where Hunter had his massage studio setup. I was tapped into the mic and could finally hear them. I heard Hunter’s voice first.

“I’ll give you some privacy as you disrobe. You can set your things on the small table over there. There is a towel on the massage table. Simply lie face down with your face in the hole and cover yourself with the towel. When you’re ready, there is a small bell on the cart next to the table. Questions?”

“Should I take all my clothes off?” Taylor asked.

Hunter nodded. “I recommend my clients do fully disrobe to avoid getting the oil on your clothes. I will keep a towel on you during the massage for privacy. Of course, it comes down to your comfort level. Anything else?”

“Thank you, but no, I think I’m good!”

“Ok, great and remember the bell when you are ready for me to come back in the room.” Hunter reminded her before he left.

Taylor took a moment to look around before starting to undress. Even though she was my wife, it was kinda hot watching her undress like this without her knowing. She slipped out of her bra, freeing her breasts. She hooked her thumbs around her panties and paused. It was as if she was thinking about whether to take them off. Finally, she shrugged and pushed her panties down. Taylor has wax strips at home and waxes herself regularly. Judging by her hairless pubic area, she must have waxed very recently.

Taylor went over to the side table and neatly put her clothes on it. She then walked over to the massage table and picked up the towel. She lied down and pulled the towel over herself. Then she rang the bell for Hunter. He returned and swiftly moved the side of the massage table.

“I’m going to start with your shoulders and back. Mind if I fold the towel down?” Hunter asked.

“Not at all,” Taylor answered.

Hunter folded the top of the towel down so that it covered Taylor’s butt and thighs. Nothing unusual so far. I did notice you could see side boob on either side, although I suppose that would be unavoidable.

Hunter grabbed a bottle and squirted oil on Taylor’s skin, then started at her shoulders. I could see her body instantly relax. He spent a good amount of time focusing on her shoulders, back, and even arms. Nothing seemed to be unprofessional. I started to think I had been worrying about nothing. Then Hunter’s hands began moving to Taylor’s sides. His hands moved over the exposed sides of her breasts, but Taylor didn’t seem to react. I suppose it may have been unavoidable, but I could have sworn his fingertips just barely moved under her breasts before he moved on.

Now Hunter moved down, working Taylor’s feet and calves. Once again, everything seemed completely professional once again. He gradually moved up her legs, and I grew more nervous as his hands got closer to the towel. When Hunter reached the towel and his fingertips pushed against it, most likely brushing the bottom of Taylor’s butt cheeks. He paused and said, “I can work your buttocks as well. I can still keep your backside mostly covered. I’d fold over the towel and just do one side at a time.”

“Sounds good,” Taylor replied in a relaxed voice.

Hunter then folded the towel over, exposing one of Taylor’s butt cheeks while leaving the other cheek and her crack covered. He squirted more oil onto the exposed cheek and continued the massage. After a good five minutes, he folded the towel in the opposite direction and repeated with the other cheek.

I wasn’t sure how I felt about this, as nothing I was watching was explicitly sexual. But at the same time, most of Taylor’s backside and all of her curves were on display. And here was Hunter massaging oil onto her exposed skin with a little moans escaping from my wife’s mouth. I know with her crack covered there was no more of her body exposed man if she were a bikini, more or less. There was something very sensual about what I was watching, this man and my wife. Hunter seemed to finish with my wife’s butt and moved the towel back into its original position.

“Now for the front. I’m going to fold the entire towel over you again and hold it while you were all over. If you are OK with that, I’m gonna replace it with two smaller towels. Is that OK?” Hunter asked.

“Yes, that’ll be fine,” my wife said. Hunter held the towel out for my wife. He held it up so that from Taylor’s point of view, Hunter couldn’t see anything. However, she wasn’t aware of the cameras watching her, including one on the side. I watched my wife roll to her side, exposing her bare breasts to the camera. I couldn’t make out much of her pussy, because her legs were mostly together. But because she was waxed, you could see the top of her slit briefly. She finished rolling onto her back and Hunter rested the towel down on her. I was wondering, is it still possible that the cameras are there for liability reasons? Or was I deluding myself with that theory? Did he plan this in just a way that he knew he’d have a video of my nude wife rolling over? Of course, he had already had the video of her undressing earlier any way. Just as he had explained, Hunter slid a smaller towel over Taylor’s breasts, then another one covering her pelvic area and removed the larger towel. She just barely had her chest and crotch area covered. I started to feel uneasy, although she still had more covered than she would with a bikini.

Hunter started at Taylor’s neck and shoulders, then moved down along each arm, finally returning to her upper chest and then moved down below her breasts to her ribcage. With each motion, it appeared that his hands were pushing up on the towel and possibly brushing the underside of Taylor’s breasts. I wasn’t quite sure, but even he was brushing her breasts, it was just barely. This did not last long, as Hunter moved his hands down, massaging her stomach. I always loved Taylor’s belly. It was thin and firm. Hunter’s hands gradually moved closer and closer to the top of the towel covering her lower area. His movements started pushing the towel down lower a little bit at a time. Eventually it was so low that I think any further and the top of her slit would be visible. Before things reached that point, Hunter stopped and moved down to Taylor’s feet.

Hunter moved upwards, starting with Taylor’s feet, then massaging her calves, and finally her quads. He slowly crept higher and higher. Unconciously, Taylor spread her legs a little. It wasn’t enough for Hunter to see from his point of view, but from another hidden camera positioned at the bottom of the table, I could see under the towel. Taylor’s naked pussy could barely be seen in the image. Hunter just barely brushed the edge of the towel with his fingers, and Taylor spread her legs a bit more. Now I had a great view of her pussy on the camera, although I was still fairly sure Hunter couldn’t see it from his position at the side.

Then, the massage came to an end, with Hunter stepping out to give Taylor time to get dressed. I was surprised until I looked at the time. An hour had passed! Oddly, I found myself a bit disappointed. I never considered myself a voyeur, but for some reason I was incredibly turned on watching my wife in this position. Taylor looked flushed as she got dressed.

After getting dressed, Taylor opened the door to let Hunter know it was safe to re-enter. “So what did you think? I hope you found my service satisfactory.” Hunter asked.

“Oh my god Hunter, that was amazing. I don’t think I ever felt so relaxed and my body feels amazing. The back pain is totally gone! It’s like you forced every stress out of my body. Thank you so much, I really appreciate this,” Taylor replied.

“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. I’ll tell you what. Jordan fixing my computer was a huge help. If you are interested in coming back, I’d be happy to give you a big discount.” Hunter said.

Taylor happily agreed and they setup another appointment the same time the following week.

When Taylor got home, I considered what to say. I felt like I should tell her, but considered that she might be mad that I knew about the cameras and let her go anyway. Plus, selfishly, I found myself turned on having watched the entire thing. I decided I’d talk to her first. However, I didn’t get the chance when she came home. The moment she walked through the door, Taylor pounced on me. Within moments we making out, naked, in the living room, and I was furiously slipping on a condom. We fucked right there.

Afterwards, we cuddled. “That was awesome. Not that I’m complaining, but where did that come from?” I said with a little laugh.

“I just felt so energized leaving that massage!” Taylor replied.

“It had you turned on?” I asked.

“Oh no no,” Taylor said, laughing. “It was just such a great massage that it had me feeling physically charged! But don’t worry, there was nothing sexual about it. I had a towel on me the entire time.” After a short pause she added, “I didn’t even take off my bra and panties. Even with the towel over me.”

Taylor caught me off guard lying about being naked under the towel! Combine that with the passionate sex we just had, it was obvious that Taylor had gotten really aroused getting massaged by Hunter. In that moment I decided not to tell Taylor about the cameras. I knew it was wrong to keep it from her, but I told myself we were both being dishonest, so it wasn’t a big deal.

Later that night, I reconnected to Hunter’s video server. I checked some log files and could see that Hunter had watched the videos. Mostly the video segments where Taylor was getting undressed, when she had flipped over under the towel, and near the end from the camera that could see between her legs. Instead of getting angry, I was horny. I was thinking about the wild sex I got from Taylor when we get home. I rewatched all the videos myself and masturbated to them.

I sat at my computer, logged in remotely to Hunter’s setup. I had been pre-occupied all week. Anxious for another show. It was insane. She was my own wife! I could see her naked whenever I wanted, yet I was being some sort of horny voyeur! Just as he did the first time, Hunter started with squirting oil on Taylor’s skin and focusing on her shoulders.

Taylor moaned, “Hmm, that feels so great.”

“That’s good to hear. I’m glad to see you seem a little less nervous this time.” Hunter said.

Taylor laughed softly. “Was it that obvious?”

“Yeah, but don’t be embarrassed. Most people are a little nervous the first time.” He reassured her.

“I have to admit, I was nervous about getting naked. I almost left my panties on the first time, before realizing I was being silly since I’d be covered anyway.” Taylor explained.

“I totally get it. Most of my clients are shy at first, but as time goes on, they get more comfortable. In fact, many of my clients don’t even bother with the towel anymore.” Hunter said casually.

My dick twitched. I couldn’t believe the boldness of what Hunter was saying. I was getting horny thinking of the possibility of Taylor willingly getting naked on the massage table. Of course, that would NEVER happen, but it was fun to fantasize.

“Really? Like they are completely naked and uncovered?” Taylor asked.

Hunter shrugged. “Yeah, absolutely. It’s really not a big deal. I’ve seen so many bodies that I really don’t even notice.”

Little did Taylor know that she had little to hide from Hunter. Thanks to the hidden cameras, Hunter had already seen her naked body.

Hunter was now getting ready to massage my wife’s butt. “I’m going to fold the towel over again like last time, is that ok?”

Taylor nodded, but then said something I had not expected. “You know, it would probably be easier if you just removed the towel entirely.”

“You sure?”

Taylor nodded again. “Yeah, I’m comfortable with you and like you said, you see that all the time.”

With that, Hunter pulled away the towel covering my wife’s ass. She now was lying face down completely naked. Granted, Hunter had already seen more on the videos, but this was different. This was in person. Taylor was purposefully exposing herself, and he was going to be touching her. I had just been fantasizing about this, but now I was panicking a little. I never thought Taylor would allow herself to be naked in front of another man who was massaging her no less. I was still turned on, but my heart was nearly beating out of my chest!

Hunter kneaded the oil into Taylor’s butt cheeks. Deep slow movements. After about 5 minutes of massaging her butt, Hunter changed up his movements so that he was spreading her butt cheeks, exposing her butthole each time. I couldn’t believe Taylor wasn’t saying anything! The final couple times he spread her cheeks I could swear he moved a thumb over her butthole. I’d need to rewatch later to verify, but for the moment I didn’t want to miss anything.

“Ok, time to move to the front.” Hunter said, reaching for the towel.

“It’s ok, you can skip the towel,” Taylor said, before rolling over onto her back.

Holy crap, there was my wife willingly exposing her naked front to another man! I was dumbstruck, staring at my naked wife through the monitor. Hunter standing over Taylor, her body vulnerable and naked. Her perky breasts were on full display and her waxed slit was peaking out from her closed legs. It was hitting me now. I could have prevented this entire thing back when I first discovered the cameras. Now it was too late! “What have I done?” I asked myself.

Hunter applied more oil and continued the massage. The massage started out just the last time, with a focus on Taylor’s shoulders. Her breasts bounced as he rubbed her shoulders and upper chest. Taylor’s nipples were erect. I wondered if the room was cold or if my wife was aroused.

“Do you want a chest massage? Is really good for the chest muscles.” Hunder asked.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! The nerve of this guy!

“Um, yeah. I’ll try it.” Taylor said a bit nervously.

I stared wide eyed as Hunter applied oil to my wife’s chest, then taking his hands spread it generously over her exposed breasts. My shock began to subside as his hands kneaded and massaged her breasts. This was starting to turn me on again, I rubbed my erection through my pants. Hunter massaged my wife’s breasts for several minutes, then was rolling her erect nipples between his fingers. Taylor’s eyes were closed, skin blushed, and breathing heavy. I freed my cock from my pants and started masturbating.

A few minutes later, Hunter moved down to Taylor’s legs. I found myself disappointed that this man was no longer fondling my wife’s breasts. What was I doing? What was wrong with me that I was turned on?

Hunter gradually made his way up Taylor’s legs like before, only this time, she had no towel covering her privates. As he worked his way up, she seemingly unconsciously spread her legs again. Not quite as much as the last massage. However, with no towel on top of her, it was still very easy to see Taylor’s entire pussy. Hunter would have no problem seeing it while he massaged my wife’s thighs. I continued masturbating as he worked with way up. Then just a couple inches shy of Taylor’s crotch, Hunter announced that their time was up!

I could see the disappointment Taylor was feeling through the screen, I felt it too. Once again, time flew by.

This time, Hunter didn’t bother leaving the room as Taylor got off the table. I suppose there was no point in giving her privacy to get dressed when he had just seen every detail of her naked body in perfect detail. They chit chatted as she stood there nude. The casualness of my wife standing there entirely nude while talking with this attractive fully dressed man was hot in and of itself. After a few minutes they setup their next session and then Taylor got dressed.

Of course, Taylor jumped me again the moment she got home. I had to try my hardest not to cum within moments after everything I had watched. After we fucked I asked her about the massage.

“How was the massage? Any different from last time.”

“Oh, wonderful. It was just like last time, though. I had a towel on me and Hunter massaged me for an hour.” It was intriguing that she intentionally covered up that she had gotten naked and not to mention the breast massage. To be fair, I was hiding my voyeurism from her. “If you don’t mind me spending the money, I’d like to do this every week.”

My dick twitched. The thought of Taylor continuing this was already getting me going again. “Seems like you are enjoying yourself and it’s helping you relax. Sure babe!”

Later than night, after Taylor went to bed, I watched the videos again. Checking the log files, apparently so had Hunter. Now that Taylor willingly got naked and allowed another guy to literally massage her bare chest, I no longer felt guilty about watching this and keeping it secret. But was still wondering what I had gotten us into. How far would this go and how far should I let it go? Could I even stop it anymore?

I watched my monitor, eager for Taylor’s next massage to begin. Before she left, Taylor mentioned to me that she would be gone longer this time. Apparently, the massages were so relaxing that she called Hunter during the week and upped her session from an hour to 90 minutes.

Finally, my wait was over. Taylor arrived, and Hunter brought her back to his massage studio. The moment she entered the room, Taylor began to undress!

“I hope you don’t mind,” Taylor said to Hunter. “I figured there was no point in you stepping out since we skipped the towel last time anyway.”

“No problem. Go right ahead.” Hunter said, watching my wife as she stripped naked.

The massage was almost exactly like the last one. Hunter did Taylor’s backside first, including her butt. Then the front, with full breast massage. Things were just like before, until Hunter was working his way up my wife’s thighs. Last time he stopped just short of her pussy, but now with the extra time, I was eager to see what would happen.

Taylor seemed excited as well. This time, whenever Hunter would move his hands up, Taylor parted her legs just a bit more. Eventually, Hunter was massaging her inner thigh, only a couple inches from her crotch. Taylor’s legs were spread wide enough that her visibly wet pussy was on full display.

Hunter then moved higher and just barely grazed Taylor’s pussy with the side of his hand. And she said nothing. A short time after he grazed again, Taylor moaned and raised her hips. Hunter took that as an invitation and moved his finger to her crotch, sliding a finger up and down along her wet pussy lips. Taylor moaned some more. Finally, Hunter moved to her clit and rubbed. Taylor let out a loud, pleasurable moan and arched her back.

While still pleasuring her, Hunter bent down and whispered something into Taylor’s ear that the mic couldn’t quite pick up.

Taylor only nodded, her body slowly writhing in pleasure. Hunter rubbed her clit faster and slid another finger into her vagina. It looked like he was rubbing her G-spot. He must have asked if she wanted to get off, and it certainly appeared as though she was going to do so. Taylor wasn’t the only one. By this time, I had already been rubbing my own hard cock.

Taylor’s body trembled as Hunter gave her a massive orgasm. The very sight of my wife having an orgasm by another man sent me over the edge and I came instantly.

When Taylor got home, we fucked again and it came as no surprise when she told me the same story about her session as last time. That she was covered in a towel, never naked, and simply received a relaxing massage.

By Taylor’s next session with Hunter, things seemed almost routine. I watched remotely through Hunter’s hidden cameras. Taylor got naked, Hunter’s hands left not a single part of my wife’s body untouched, and it all led to him giving her a happy ending. The difference this time, it all happened so much faster. They still had half their time remaining!

Taylor’s body was still recovering from her orgasm, and Hunter’s hands had never left her pussy. Since her privates were still sensitive, he was moving his fingers slowly. He was gently rubbing her clit, enough to prolong her pleasure, but not so much as to overstimulate her while she recovered. Taylor moaned softly, her beautiful naked body spread out for Hunter’s eyes to take in.

Continuing to slowly rub my wife’s clit, Hunter spoke softly. “We still have a lot of time. Do you want to do a deep tissue massage? Basically, get on top of you and get my whole body into it.”

Taylor nodded, “Sounds fun. But your clothes won’t get all oily?”

“No, I’ll be wearing just a swimsuit, so I don’t get my clothes covered in oil. I have it on under my clothes”

Taylor nodded again. Hunter quickly stripped down. His swimsuit was practically a thong. Taylor’s eyes focused on his crotch. I obviously couldn’t see his dick, but judging by the size of the bulge, he must have been fairly large.

“Why don’t you go ahead and flip over on your belly again?” Hunter instructed.

Taylor quickly complied. Hunter squirted large amounts of oil on her naked body and spread more on this body with his hands. Then he got up on the massage table, straddling her legs and massaging her. He eventually lowered his body onto hers, shifting around his weight. I’m not sure what this really did, honestly I think it was just an excuse to physically get closer. Hunter slid his hands under her and massaged her breasts. Then began moving his pelvis, rubbing his crotch against Taylor’s ass. It was difficult to see, but it looked like Hunter’s large bulge was moving between her butt cheeks. The look of pleasure on Taylor’s face suggested he was rubbing it against her asshole.

“Let’s move onto your front,” Hunter instructed as he moved off the table to give her space to flip over.

Taylor flipped over and before getting on top of her again, Hunter placed his hands on my wife’s thighs and pushed them apart. Spreading her legs wide open. He then got up on the table, kneeling between her legs. I watched as Hunter massaged Taylor’s front. Focusing mostly on her breasts, with his large barely covered crotch hanging over her pussy. Finally, he lowered his body down, just like he had earlier, only now he was positioned between Taylor’s legs.

Hunter slowly rotated his hips, rubbing his thong covered bulge on my wife Taylor’s naked pussy. She moaned and moved her own hips, trying desperately to rub herself harder against him. After a few minutes of this, Hunter got back up on his knees to readjust. Taylor looked down and laughed. Hunter had started to get erect. It was pushing the small amount of material he was wearing away from his body. You could now see the tip of his large cock poking partially out the side, about to burst free.

Taylor hooked her finger in the edge of the thong, her finger a fraction of an inch away the head of Hunter’s cock, and gave a little tug on them. “You poor thing! Is it uncomfortable being so constrained?”

“Yeah, these can be a bit snug sometimes.” Hunter replied. Taylor tugged gently on the edge of the thong again, and the head of Hunter’s cock popped free. They both chucked. “As you can see, it can be a challenge to keep it in place.”

Taylor moved her small fingers over, gently touching the tip of Hunter’s cock. “You can go ahead and take them off if you’d be more comfortable.” A smile grew on her face.

“If you say so,” Hunter replied, swiftly removing them. His cock was now totally free, and it was massive. I had been masturbating and was holding my own dick. I felt emasculated in comparison.

Hunter was still kneeling between my wife’s legs. Both were naked, and he resumed massaging her. His growing cock hovering only an inch above her wet pussy. Taylor raised her hips, forcing contact between their privates. Hunter smiled, “you know, there is one last, I guess you could call it deep tissue massage we could do.”

Taylor, my wife, smiled and nodded.

Hunter repositioned his cock at my wife’s waiting vagina and pushed the tip into her. Taylor gasped at the intrusion of the large cock. He paused with just the tip inside of her. “Are you ok?” He asked.

Taylor nodded and replied, “Yeah, you’re just so much bigger than Jordan. Like twice his size. I’m not used to it. Just go in slow.”

Hunter then pushed forward very slowly, gradually sinking inch after inch into my wife. She moaned with a mixture of discomfort and pleasure. There was something else. I had always worn condoms with Taylor throughout the entirety of our relationship. She was on birth control, but she didn’t like cleaning up the cum after we had sex. I didn’t mind really. I had never known any different with Taylor, since we had never done it without them. So I couldn’t help but feel a little jealous as Hunter’s large and bare cock sank into my wife’s wet vagina. Not only reaching places my smaller cock never had, but feeling her more intimately than I ever had.

After giving time for Taylor to adjust to his size, Hunter picked up the pace. Taylor moaned and then screamed in pleasure, making sounds that I had never heard from her before. “I’m cumming!” She yelled, but Hunter kept fucking her through her orgasm. He quickly brought her to another, and yet another. “Oh my god… You’re so fucking good.. Fuck! I love your huge cock!”

That’s all I needed. I came watching my wife get fucked wild. Then watched in amazement as Hunter kept going. My wife was now convulsing and her legs were shaking involuntarily. Her orgasms were so good she was literally losing control of her body. Hunter picked the pace, then pushed in fully. His body tightened as he appeared to cum deep inside my wife’s unprotected pussy. Hunter and Taylor kissed passionately before he pulled out of her and got off the table.

I stared at the monitor, dumbfounded, holding my soft dick as I looked at my wife’s well fucked pussy over the monitor. Hunter’s cum dripping out.


The End.


*This story has NOT been edited by this site. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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