Michael’s Pitstop 2

By sphcmnmguy.

Read Chapter 1 Here
Chapter 2

Michael was still standing there nude and now more so embarrassed, the guys told Michael to get the tractor fixed for them and they would drive him home. Michael was motivated to get home asap so he hurriedly got started looking for the problem. He climbed under again to and was checking everything, nothing, he jumped up into the cabin and was checking the electrical, ah ha, he found it, loose wires. He reconnected them and went to turn the tractor over, success!

Kieran smiled and mark clapped, Michael felt a sense if relief, “will you help get me home now please”? Michael asked. The men responded saying they would get him there very soon as promised. They grab his address and put it in their phones.

The guys grabbed their toolkit and threw it in the trailer and then went around the other side to discuss how they’d get Michael home, they were whispering and smiling, Michael was a bit nervous but more anticipating getting some clothes on. “Ok buddy, let’s get you home, Mark will set you up “mark motioned for Michael to follow him to the trailer of the tractor. “Ok, little guy, jump up for me” Michael scowled at Mark and asked him why he needed to get up there for, “Because, boy, that’s how were getting you home, there is only room for two in the cabin and its hot, I’m not going on the trailer, so you are.”

Michael sat with that for a sec and realised he would be naked and driven all the way home on the back of a trailer. He responded, “you mean, il be up there for all to see, naked?” Mark chuckled and nodded. Mark grabbed some rope from the trailer storage box and motioned Michael to jump up onto the flatbed trailer. Michael sighed and did so.

Mark followed him up and took him to the front of the trailer where the railings were, “ok, take a seat for me Mikey”. Michael sat down and covered his cock. Mark looked down at Michael sitting there in the bright sun, naked and exposed and thought this might be a good time to let him in on how he will be taken home. Mark started “you see this rope Mikey, yeah, we need to secure you to the trailer, it’s the state law that any cargo carried on this trailer be secured and safely tied down” Michael looks puzzled and starts to question Mark on why he would need to be tied down, he can just hang on, can’t he?

‘im afraid not Mikey, here hold this” Mark hands Michael the rope and makes him hold his arms up to start. Mark starts securing him to the rails at the front of the trailer. Michael is sitting down, legs crossed facing the rear of the trailer looking into the paddocks. His heart begins to beat faster and he is getting nervous about this, he isn’t paying much attention, but his little soldier starts to get hard, he is at full mast before he even realises what is happening and its pointed out by Mark “oh boy, look at you, little red rocket down there buddy” Michael realises and goes to cover himself but realises his hands are tied up against the rails. His shiny pink head is pointing straight up and is hard as a rock “liking the ropes, are we? Kinky little fella aren’t we” says Mark as he continues and is chuckling to himself.

Michael is secured, his hands are tied above his head, and he has a rope secured across his muscular toned torse to keep him secure. “Ok, we’re done out here dad, let’s go” Mark yells out to Kieran. Michael realises what’s happened and begs to be untied, he doesn’t want help getting home, he will figure it out. “Oh, don’t stress boy, we will have you home in 15 mins” and mark jumps down and jumps in the front with his dad.

Michael is nervous, he is naked, tied and now boned up, he is praying as its so early he will be home before anyone else is on the road. The tractor starts and they are on their way home. The sun is shining down on Michaels now sweaty body, his hands are tied above his heads, he has uncrossed his legs and his boner is standing proud between his muscular thighs. His big manly low hanging nuts are sitting on the base of the hot metal trailer, he starts the relax, he knows he is close to home, and he will be ok soon. His boner starts to deflate slowly and go back to its tiny self. Michael is replaying all the things that have led him to this point, if only he had his keys, he would have been able to drive home and it would all be ok, instead he is here, naked and embarrassed.

As they get closer to town they begin to slow down, Michael can’t see in front of the tractor but up ahead is a detour sign, the road through the back of town is closed and there is a detour in place. The guys slow down to talk to the roadworkers to understand where they must go. Michael wonders why they’ve stopped, he is trying to see but he can’t really get a clear view, he can hear the guys talking to someone else, he listens intently. “Yeah, just go through town mate, will be the easiest way even with the trailer id say”. Michael panics and starts to sweat “go through town” he thinks.

The tractor starts moving slowly and stops just as they get to the roadworker, he looks up at Michael and starts laughing “oh man, what did you do to deserve this, they’re Gunna love this in town” Michael hangs his head, and the tractor drives off. Michael is really nervous now; aware they’re heading through town he is just hoping it’s a quiet morning, and no one sees him.

A few minutes pass and the tractor rolls down the main street of town, no one sees anything yet until one of the men outside the barber asks his mate, “is that fella naked?” Michael hears this and puts his head down, hoping the guys just continue driving through town and get him home. But they don’t, the slow down and the two guys wander over to take a closer look at the naked guy ties up in the tactor. “What did you do to deserve this big fella?” they ask, Michael keeps his head down and grunts back with anger. The guys laugh and poke fun for a bit, Michael keeps his head down hoping they don’t stick around for long or draw attention.

The boys driving the tractor yell out to the onlookers, “ok boys enough fun, we got to get little Mikey home” the guys smile and move away. Michael is red, he is angry he is embarrassed and so nervous of the rest of the drive now. They continue through town and to matt and Kieran’s disappointment, there are no more onlookers to show Michael off to. They round the last corner and Michael’s house is in view.

Michael feels relived he will be inside and safe soon. The tractor pulls up front and the boys get out and stroll around to the trailer to untie Michael. The jump up and Matt takes a pic of Michael tied up with his legs spread open so his nub is in full view, Matt chuckles and Michael scowls at him and tells him to delete it. “Boy, this is my insurance policy, you tell anyone, and this goes out to the whole town, so you better keep quiet” Michael nods his head and asks to be untied now. The guys agree.

They untie his arms and help him up and off the trailer. Michael runs up to his front door to get inside, he realises, no keys mean no entry, He Sighs. Matt and Kieran laugh and get back in the tractor, “good Luck Little guy”. Michael quickly makes his way around the side of the house; he usually leaves one of the windows open a crack in the laundry, so he wants to try that one. He is in luck, however it’s a bit awkward to get in, he must climb up a bit and then go in headfirst.

He uses a chair from his back deck to get himself up and puts his heads through, he jumps up and is teetering on his belly half in and half out, as he is about to slide in, he hears a voice “come out with your hands up” his heart sinks, is this the police?


Chapter 3

Michael was half in his house, his tight white muscular ass and tiny nut sack on display to the world, halfway to safety and dignity, he paused, just for a second to decide does he fall in his house and grab some shorts and come out or does he just do as the cops say?

“We don’t have all Day” the cops said over the speaker. Michael backed out slowly and planted his big feet on the soft grass again and turned to face the police with his hands above his head. His cock had shrivelled up to about an inch long and he was sweating.

“Sir, you’ve been seen naked in public and obviously we can substantiate those allegations, so you’ll have to come with us for some questioning; please remain where you are and keep your hands on your head”

He did as the officers asked, he was really nervous, as the officers approached he asked if he could grab some shorts first at least to cover up. The officers looked at each other, let out a small laugh and declined his request straight away.

“You seem to enjoy showing off sir, based on the reports we received, so we will let you do so a little longer” the officers handcuffed Michael and led him towards the car. Michael hit a new low, naked in public and now being arrested and handcuffed. How embarrasing.

As Michael was being escorted to the police car one of the officers went to the rear of the car and opened the boot. “Oh shit, they’re not here…” “What?” The other officer who had a tight grip on Michael’s shoulder said. “The bloody seat covers, the old blankets to protect the seats” they both looked at each other, with a grimace on their faces. They weren’t allowed to put certain offenders in the car unless the seats were covered, that was usually drunk guys or really dirty guys. However in this instance it was poor naked Michael.

“We can’t put him in here naked, the chief will have our nuts” they said. Michael was just about to say he could quickly get some shorts when the officer standing at the rear of the car suggested something that made Michael go white as a ghost.

“You just walk him back, its only like 15 minutes, besides the little fella has already been through town” the cops looked at each other and then at Michael, they snickered a little and the officer holding Michael agreed.

Michael went cold from head to toe, “y.. you can’t make me walk naked through town, I’ve already been seen this morning, plus isn’t why you’re arresting me because im naked in public, so you’re just making it worse!”

The two cops just looked at Michael and laughed. “Boy, we will do what we want to get you back to the station, if that’s parading your little fella through town, we’re going to do it.”

Michael tried to struggle but it was useless, he was cuffed and the cop had a good grip on his shoulder. The other officer got in the car and drove away. Here Michael was, nude, cuffed and about be made a spectacle of through town, again. He hung his head and just started walking with the officer guiding him.

About 5 mins into the walk, the cop started up a little conversation, “so, how are you feeling about your current situation?” Michael grunted and didn’t answer. “Boy, I asked you a question, answer me or I’ll make this worse than it already is.

“Annoyed! Is how im feeling. I’m fucking naked and about to be exposed to the whole town again. I don’t see why I couldn’t put some shorts on.”

“Hahaha. It will be so clear when you figure out who I am” said the police officer, as he tightened his grip on Michael’s shoulder. Confused, Michael turned his head and had a proper look at this guy, he was built, like really well, clearly a gym fan. Tanned and handsome actually. Nice beard, blue eyes and an amazingly strong grip.

Michael thought on this but could not place him, Michael found it hard to concentrate on who the police officer was as he was walking barefoot along the side walk, the sun was beating down on him, he was slightly sweating and glistening in the sun as the sweat rolled off his forehead onto his pecs.

“I’ll give you a hint, are you up for some tiny teddies?”

Michael stopped, he looked right around and his heart sank, it was teddy from high school, he was this short red head kid who was thin as a rake and everyone made fun of him. Including Michael…

Teddy had moved just before high school started and we never saw him again. He looked so different. Michael, However looked nearly the same, just older.

“Oh, Teddy. Yeah I mean it’s been ages hasn’t it?”

“Sure has, Michael. I see you’ve still been getting yourself into trouble” as he chuckled to himself.

Michael took a deep breath and nodded. He was going through his memory bank of all the things he did to teddy in school and started getting nervous.

Teddy started slowly walking again directing Michael to move, ” do you remember what you did to me, Michael? How you pushed me out Into the hallway after gym class, naked…”

“Y..Yeah I do Teddy, and man I was young and so angry, I shouldn’t have done it”

“That’s right Mikey, you shouldn’t have, but now were here and I get to be the one in control of your little secret don’t I”

“The good news is Michael, I did hit puberty, just a little later than you guys, and guess what, she was a lot kinder to me than she was to you…” as he slowly reached around and flicked Michaels nub.

Michael gulped, his sweating got worse and he started to get a bit shaky. His feet missed a step and he tripped and ended up on his knees.

“Get up, nub boy” teddy said to Michael. Michael did so, but almost instantly his cock started to rise, he was so embarrassed but his cock was so excited by this. He got to full mast in about 3 seconds.

Teddy saw it but didn’t say a thing, he just smiled and kept walking Michael back to the station. That was almost more uncomfortable than when he was talking, there was this uncomfortable power element that was at play and Michael felt very inferior…

Michael and officer Teddy were about to get to the police station, the walk actually went quite fast, no people around and only a few cars drove past, barely even slowing down.

Michael was still hard up, Shiny pink head pointing to the sky and a drop of pre just sitting a top his piss slit. He felt so exposed.

One last road to cross and they were inside, Michael thought with a sense of relief. They were waiting at the pedestrian crossing for the green walk signal when a car came past and slowed right down to the point they almost stopped right in-front of Michael and Teddy. A man put his head out of the window, it was Michaels boss, Larry.

Oh shit, Michael thought, Why did Larry have to see him nude?

“Heyyyyy Mikey my boy, what happened, you need any help”. Before Michael could answer officer teddy intervened, “Sir, please keep moving, Michael is being detained for indecent exposure here”

Larry laughed and did so, he yelled out the window as he drove away, ” see me in my office when you’re out Mikey, lets chat”

Michael replied that he would and Larry drove off.

They cross the street and Michael felt some relief, weirdly he was happy they got to the police station. Michael expected to be taken round back for some reason, like where the cop cars go, but he was mistaken, Teddy led him straight to the front door.

As they entered, the station was packed, police officers, members of the town (no one he recognised thankfully) and some repairmen hovering around a vending machine in the corner.

Michael was sat in the middle of the waiting room, still painfully erect. He was quickly darting his eyes around the room to see who was looking and who was not. Not a single person was looking and Michael relaxed a little. He was unclenching his jaw, relaxed his shoulders a bit and slumped a little in his seat. He was ok he thought to himself.

Just then the chief barrelled through the door and yelled at the top of his lungs, “who the fuck left that in here” pointing at Michael. He gulped and sat back up again and looked around. “And with that fucking hard on, boy you get that under control or I’ll do it for ya! ”

Michael looked at his cock and it was harder than ever, he willed it to shrink down but nothing, his pre cum even leaked out a little more and was dripping onto his pulled up nut sack.

The chief strolled over and squatted in front of Michael, “I said, get it under control, i don’t want to see that thing pointing at me you hear?”

“Yes, Sir” he responded.”good boy, when I come back out here after getting my coffee, I better see it back to a respectable state”

He quickly got up and went through the door to the kitchen. The next 5 minutes were torture for Michael, he willed his cock to deflate, he thought if all of the nasty images he could think of, all the boring things he could. But what didn’t leave his mind were all the comments shaming him for his size and that’s what was front of mind for poor little mikey, his public exposure and that’s what kept him hard up.

The chief came back out and looked straight at Michael’s penis, and it was still erect and shiny.

“Right boy, get up! Follow me…”

Michael did so, he followed the chief into his office where he watched the chief go into a locked cupboard and pulled out a box.

“This will get that poor excuse for a cock under control”

Michaels eyes widened…


To Be Continued…?


*This story has NOT been edited by this site. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

One comment

  • Smalldicknudist

    This story is so hot, i hope chief just pulled out a chastity cage. Cant wait for the next chapter.


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