Jin & Lucy


—Chapter 3: Jin’s Revenge—

It was just past nine o’clock in the morning and Jin was sitting downstairs in the dining room eating a bowl of cereal. He had woken up late that day and was still wearing his Sonic The Hedgehog pajamas. At eighteen Jin was perhaps a little too old to be wearing video game themed pajamas but they were comfy, and he really did like Sonic. His mother, Lynn, had often chided him about it and tried to get him to wear something more “grown up”, but Jin was determined to keep wearing these.

Nearby, his older sister, Lucy, was lounging on the living room sofa casually flipping through the pages of Vogue magazine. She had already eaten her breakfast and showered, and was now dressed in a pair of modest white shorts and a pale, yellow tank top, with her hair casually tied back in a pony tail. She had planned to search for jobs that morning but had gotten a little side tracked when she had found the latest issue of Vogue on the doorstep along with the rest of the mail.

Lucy was having trouble finding a job. The truth was that she wasn’t sure what she wanted to do with her life. At twenty-two it was perhaps a little late to be so undecided, but that was where she found herself. She had completed her MBA a few months ago, but it was never something that had really appealed to her. As with many of the things in her life she had simply done it to please her parents and maintain the high standards of academic achievement that they demanded form their children. Now however, as she found herself slowly growing into an adult, she wanted to make her own choices. That was why, much to her parents’ aggravation, she had rejected her father’s offer to come and intern at his marketing firm. She didn’t want that for herself, the thought of once again submitting to her parent’s wishes was just too much for her.

Suddenly, there was an audible cry from upstairs and Jin froze, his spoonful of Fruit Loops dangling in mid air. Was today the day? He wondered to himself. The day! It had taken so much time and effort to plan everything out, to have it just the way he wanted it, and yet for three consecutive days he had faced nothing but bitter disappointments. None of that mattered now though, if today was indeed the day then he had more important things to think about. He felt excited and nervous at the same time, constantly glancing back and forth from the stairs to his
A few moments later their mother came storming down those stairs with Lucy’s cell phone in her hand. She threw the phone down on the sofa next to Lucy and demanded, “What is the meaning of this?”

Started and confused, Lucy looked up at her mother and then down at her phone. Her mouth dropped open in horror when she saw the picture of Mike Caller’s penis on the screen. It was a picture that he had sent her a few weeks ago, and one that she had proudly flaunted in front of her friends.

“How did you find that?” asked Lucy, sitting up. She knew that her mother liked to snoop through her belongings, including her phone, and so she kept a separate, passport-protected folder on her phone for some of the more questionable things that she had.

“Why did you have this filthy picture on your phone Lucy?” her mother asked again, her voice steadily rising.

At 5’2” Lynn was about the same height as her daughter. She was forty-nine years old with a strict, governess-like face, accentuated by her Asian features. Her voice was sharp and piercing, and still bore just the slightest hint of an accent. She had a slim figure, with small, medium sized breasts and lush, dark hair that fell down over her shoulders. That morning she was wearing a beige turtleneck sweater and dark, blue jeans along with her usual red lipstick and slight touches of make-up.

“It’s…it’s not mine,” said Lucy, unable to think of anything else to say.

“Do not lie to me,” said Lynn. She was not a flamboyant woman, not the type of person to wave her hands about or gesticulate, but instead she expressed herself through her eyes, and at that moment she was glaring down at Lucy.

“I’m not…” said Lucy.

“Do you think I don’t know when you are lying?!”

“Someone sent it to me, okay.”

“Who? Who sent you this filth? Was it Sarah?” asked her mother. Lynn had never really liked Sarah; in her mind the girl, like most American teenagers, lacked discipline. The clothes that Sarah wore and the way that she acted in public was often shameful and Lynn had long feared that she was having a negative influence on her daughter.

The truth, of course, was quite the opposite, it was Lucy who often corrupted and influenced Sarah, but Lynn had not realized that as yet.

“It wasn’t Sarah,” said Lucy, not wanting to get her friend in trouble.

“Then who?”

“Just somebody from university…I don’t know. People send stuff like that all the time.”

“Well I have never received such a thing, your father has never received such things,” she turned towards Jin, “Jin, have you ever gotten perverse images on your phone?”

Jin gulped; he had not wanted to be involved in this conversation. “No,” he said, meekly.

“I’ll be checking your phone later,” said Lynn, “Hopefully I don’t find that both my children are liars.”

Jin looked back down into his cereal bowl thankful that he really did not have anything incriminating on his cell phone. Though part of him was secretly enjoying all of this he knew that he needed to be careful; he was playing with fire. If either his mother or sister got wind of the fact that he was behind this then he risked getting horribly burned.

“I’m not lying,” said Lucy, defiantly. She was staring to get upset. She wasn’t a child anymore and she hated that her mother kept treating her like one. “And so what if I did have that picture on my phone, it’s my phone. You shouldn’t’ be looking through my personal property.”

Lucy reached out to grab her phone but her mother snatched it away before she could.

“Your personal property?” said Lynn, surprised by her daughter’s arrogance. “Did you forget who bought you this phone, and whose house it is in?”

Lucy dug her nails into her palms, trying to control her temper. She knew that if she continued down this road and kept arguing with her mother, it wouldn’t end well for her.

“Answer me,” Lynn demanded.

“You bought me the phone,” said Lucy, swallowing her pride, but she couldn’t swallow it and it stuck in her throat and started to choke her.

“Yes, that’s right. And your father and I didn’t buy it for you so that you could look at pornography.”

“It’s not pornography. I wasn’t looking at porn.”

“Then what exactly to you call this?” questioned Lynn. She switched the phone on again and held it up in front of her daughter so that she could see the lewd image of Mike Caller’s penis.

“I told you it’s nothing,” said Lucy, trying to grab her phone again, but her mother didn’t let her.

“You call this nothing?” said Lynn, turning the screen towards herself. She hurriedly switched the phone off again, “I can’t even look at it, and to think my daughter has such filth on her phone.”

“Then don’t look at it,” yelled Lucy, “and give me back my phone.” She got up and forcibly pulled her phone out of her mother’s hands. “I’m going to delete it and then you won’t have to look and it again and it won’t be on my phone anymore and then we can end all this shit.”

Lynn was a taken a back; she had not expected her daughter to react like this.

Lynn was born and raised in a small, semi-rural town in the interiors China. Children there, girls especially, were expected to behave in a certain way; to always dress modestly, to be virtuous and chaste, and most importantly, to always respect their elders. These were things that were so deeply ingrained into Lynn that they made up the core foundation of who she was. In her late twenties, when she had gotten married and moved to America she had resisted the urge to assimilate to Western culture, finding it to be vulgar and distasteful. The ways of their homeland resonated strongly with her, even more so than they did with her husband, and it was something that she wanted to pass down to her children.

“There, it’s deleted,” said Lucy, tossing her phone down on the sofa. “Are you happy now? The “evil pornographic” picture is gone, and you won’t ever have to look at it again.”

Lynn had reached a boiling point; she could no longer tolerate this insolence from her daughter. She slapped Lucy across the face.

The slap was hard, and the sound of it echoed around the room.

Jin quietly slipped out of his chair and ducked down behind the dining table. This was going better than he had ever imagined.

Lucy stared back at her mother blankly, her cheek slowly turning red. It had been several years since her mother had hit her like this and the sudden shock of it left her feeling stunned, both physically and emotionally.

“Into the study, now!” commanded her mother, pointing towards the little hallway that led beyond the living room.

For a moment Lucy just stood there not knowing what to do. Part of her wanted to fight back but she couldn’t seem to find the courage anymore, it was as if the slap had knocked it right out of her.

Lynn grabbed her daughter by the arm and began leading her towards the study. She was determined to teach Lucy a lesson.

The study was located at the back of the house. As the name implied the room was very literally a study: a place where Jin and Lucy could come and focus on their school or college work without any outside distractions. It was about the size of an average bedroom. There as a bookshelf on one side, next to which was a large study table complete with four chairs. To the far right, by the windows, was a smaller, office desk on which stood an old iMac. The windows looked out onto the flower beds in the backyard and part of the swimming pool.

Lynn closed the door behind them. “Stand here,” she said, making Lucy stand in the center of the room.

Lucy obeyed, there was no other choice. She wanted to run, to shout, to be angry again, she could feel all those urges stirring within her like little embers, but she just couldn’t sum up the energy to ignite them. She felt like a child again, in front of her all-powerful mother. The rational part of her also knew that if she did any of those things, it would only make the situation worse. So, she stood patiently, watching as her mother rummaged around in the desk drawer.

Lucy knew what was going to happen, although it had been many years since she had been in this position, she knew what was to come.

After a few minutes of searching Lynn pulled out a large, wooden ruler from the drawer and turned it over in her hands. Yes, this was indeed the one that she had been looking for. It was an old fabric measure from back in the days when she used to sow. It was three feet long and about as think as a finger; its once polished surface was now faded and worn, giving it a rugged and menacing look.

“Undress,” she said to Lucy.

Lucy didn’t move, she had hoped that she would at least be spared from this part of the ordeal. After all, she was no longer a little girl, she was an adult now, a woman, and she should not have to have her bare bottom spanked by her mother. “Do I have to? Can’t you—”

“I said undress,” Lynn repeated, her voice calm yet firm. She now stood in front of her daughter, the ruler resting in her hands.

Lucy hesitated; now it was no longer just her pride that was holding her back but a true sense of embarrassment. She did not want to do this; she did not want to undress in front of her mother. It had been close to a decade now since her mother had last seen her naked, and during that time her body had blossomed and bloomed, and so had her sexuality.

She opened her mouth again to make a final plea but the glare in her mother’s eyes told her that it was no use. So, she took a deep breath and unbuttoned her shorts. “You can do this,” she whispered to herself. Then, with one swift motion, she lowered both her shorts and her panties, letting them fall to the floor.

Lynn gasped as her eyes fell upon her daughter’s hairless crotch. “What have you done to yourself?” she cried. The concept of shaving one’s genitals was still new to Lynn. She had vaguely heard of it from trite magazine articles and TV show references but she had never before seen it in person.

Lucy hurriedly covered up her crotch with her hands. “Nothing,” she said modestly, unable to look her mother in the eye.

“Keep your hands by your side.”

Lucy did not comply, but stood as she was, her hands desperately covering her nakedness. She did not want her mother to know that she shaved, nor did she want her mother to see at her bare vagina, it was all just too humiliating.

Suddenly, the ruler fell down upon Lucy’s thigh with a hard smack. The blow was so sharp and unexpected that she cried out before she had a chance to stop herself. Lucy hated to cry, even as a child she had always just bitten down on her tongue and taken her punishments in stoic silence, to her, crying was the ultimate sign of defeat.

“I said, hands by your side,” Lynn repeated. Nudity was a part of this, it helped instill a sense of vulnerability and submission, making the punishment resonate even more strongly than it normally would. It was something that Lynn had learned from her childhood days when her own mother, and grandmother had punished her in a similar fashion. On one occasion, when she was eighteen, she had been forced to stand naked in the kitchen for an entire day. Family members bustled in and out as they usually would and women from the neighbourhood came by to chat with her grandmother, and all the while she stood there, with not a stitch of clothing on her body. It was the most traumatic and humbling experience of her life, but it had served its purpose and taught her a valuable lesson.

Reluctantly, Lucy moved her hands to her side, revealing her bare pelvis to her mother. Her hands trembled a little and she dug her fingernails into her palm again. She knew that her mother was staring right at her vagina; she could almost feel her mother’s eyes on her skin.

“Now explain,” said Lynn.

Lucy looked up; despite her current predicament she still had enough of her wits about her to tell a convincing lie. “It just gets hot in the summer, that’s all,” she said, “so I shave it off sometimes.”

Lynn glared down at her daughter, she could usually tell when her children were lying, but this time she wasn’t sure. Lucy’s explanation did seem reasonable to her. After a few minutes of consideration she decided to give Lucy the benefit of the doubt, partly because she wasn’t ready to accept that her daughter had fallen so far from grace and become a “Western whore”.

“Take the rest of your things off.”

Relieved that her mother was no longer questioning her about her pubic hair, Lucy took off her top and then her bra. She folded them both up neatly and put them on the table, then did the same for her shorts, which were still lying on the floor. She then stood, completely naked, in front of her mother.

Lynn slowly walked around her daughter, examining her body from all angles, checking to see if there was anything else that warranted her attention. To her satisfaction, there wasn’t.

Lucy, meanwhile, dug her fingernails further into her palms and took long, measured breaths, in an effort to control her emotions. She was not one to be easily embarrassed, but she felt embarrassed now, more than she ever had been before.

It wasn’t that Lucy was ashamed of her body, in-fact she was somewhat of an exhibitionist who loved flaunting her body in front of others. However, this was different, this was her mother; Lucy couldn’t shock her with her impetuous behaviour, or seduce her with her sexuality, it was as if she had lost all of her powers, she could do nothing but stand there and be judged. It was humiliating.

After what seemed like ages to Lucy, her mother finally came to a stop behind her.

“For your disobedience and disrespect, you shall get twenty hits,” said Lynn. It was important to let a person know why they were being punished, otherwise it was meaningless. Twenty hits was the standard punishment that Lynn dolled out, no matter what the crime. It just felt like the right number to her. The only time she had given more than that was once, when Jin had broken her favourite vase.

For Lucy it felt like she was receiving a court sentence. However, she didn’t really care, she just wished that her mother would get on with it; she couldn’t tolerate standing here anymore.

“Bend forward and touch your toes.”

Lucy did so; she was fairly nimble and could touch her toes easily.

The position was particularly compromising: her bum was sticking up in the air with her vaginal lips partly exposed between her thighs, and she could move neither her arms nor her legs. All she could do was feel the pain and think about what she had done to deserve it. That was the point of this.

The first hit was hard but Lucy maintained her composure. “One,” she counted.

Lynn struck her daughter again and again, noting how the flesh on her bottom turned red. She was careful never to hit in he same place more than twice, nor ever to break the skin. After all, this was not meant to be sadistic, and Lynn took no pleasure in doing it. To her, punishments were a necessary and important evil that served a greater good.

“Seven,” said Lucy. She was now finding it hard to maintain her balance in this position. With each strike of the ruler her body wanted to stumble forward and it took great effort to stay still. She knew that if she moved or let go of her toes her mother would start over again, and that was the last thing she wanted.

Outside, standing quietly in the hallway with his ear pressed to the door, Jin listened. After his mother had dragged Lucy away he had debated on what to do. The safe choice would have been simply to go back up to his room and wait to until the ordeal was over and everything had settled down again, but he didn’t want to do that. He was curious and he felt that he deserved to see the full fruits of his labour. It had taken him a lot of work to set this up: he had had to sneak into his sister’s room while she was in the shower and hack into her phone, then transfer the picture of Mike Caller’s penis from Lucy’s private folder into her regular gallery where he knew his mother would find it, he then had wipe out all traces of what he had done and quickly leave before his sister returned. It had been hard and dangerous, but it all seemed worth it now as he heard his sister being spanked in the next room.

“Sixteen,” said Lucy, through shallow, strained breathes. The skin on her bum was now tender and bruised, making every hit worse than the last.


Just three more, she told herself, just three more and then she was done. She tried to think of something else, something pleasant, but it was hard to get away from the pain, especially since she also had to count.


Two more, she thought, just two more.

“Nineteen,” she cried out. That one was particularly painful, had her resolve been any weaker she would surely have screamed.

As the last stroke hit her she breathed a small sigh of relief. “Twenty.” She remained as she was though, knowing that she had to wait until her mother gave her permission to stand up straight.

However, Lynn wasn’t done as yet. Lucy’s behavior had truly struck a nerve with her because she felt like it had revealed her own failing as a mother. She had long feared that her children would grow up to be spoiled, American brats and she had tried her best to prevent that. To instill in them the values of her homeland just as her parents had done with her. Yet now it seemed that despite her best efforts she had not succeeded.

“What have you learned?” she asked, not allowing her daughter to stand up.

Lucy knew the answer her mother was looking for and though it hurt her pride to say it, she did. “To speak respectfully to my mother and not be arrogant.”

“What else?”

“To not have images like that on my phone.”

“Not just that,” said Lynn, “You must also make sure not to be friends with people that send such things.”

“I will,” said Lucy. “Please may I stand up?”

“Not yet. From now on I shall be checking your phone and you computer regularly to make sure that you are not looking at anything inappropriate. Do you understand?”

“Yes.” Lucy had expected that.

“And from Monday,” continued Lynn, “you will begin the internship at your father’s firm. I will tell him tonight to make arrangements for you.” The job was a natural step forward for Lucy after getting her MBA and would help her get a foothold into the marketing world. Both Lynn and her husband had been greatly vexed by her initial refusal but had decided to give her some time, hoping that she could come to the right conclusion on her own. However, it was clear to Lynn now that that had been a mistake. Lucy’s feeble attempts at searching for a job and her behaviour today were proof that more than anything her children needed discipline.

“No,” begged Lucy. This hurt her more than all the twenty hits put together.

“You will,” said Lynn, firmly, “and that is final.”

Lucy wanted to protest more but she just didn’t have the strength. It had been over fifteen minutes now that she had been in this position and she was close to collapsing.

“Well?” asked Lynn, she wasn’t going to be satisfied until she had a verbal answer.

“Okay,” said Lucy, meekly, finally swallowing down her pride.

“You may stand up now.”

Lucy stood up with a groan; her legs were feeling a little wobbly. She gently ran her hand over her bum and winced as she felt a sharp, stinging pain. It was going to be a while before she could sit down comfortably. “May I get dressed?” she asked.

“You may,” Lynn said, going to put the ruler back in the drawer.

Lucy wished she could just grab her clothes and run out of there, but she knew that her mother wouldn’t let her leave until she was properly dressed, underwear and all.

She put her panties on first, wanting to get the worst of it over with. The soft cotton fabric clung to her skin and made it feel as if her bum was on fire, but she didn’t protest, she was far too busy thinking about the internship. She hated her mother for bringing that up. It was in no way related to what had happened. What did a picture on her phone have to do with her career choices? Did her mother think that she was going to become a porn star or something? What made it even more annoying was that she knew that it was entirely possible that her mother was thinking exactly that.

She felt better after she was dressed; even though her circumstances hadn’t changed she at least didn’t feel as helpless.

“Are you really going to make me do the internship?” she asked.

“Did I not say that,” said Lynn, annoyed that her daughter was still defying her. “Now leave, before I decided to give you twenty more hits. There will be no more protesting, you will do the internship and you will do it well. Do not make me even more displeased with you than I already am.”

Lucy wanted to say more, but she didn’t, there was no use; the battle was lost. So, she balled up her fists and left, resisting the urge to slam the door behind her. Her steady walk down the hallway quickly turned into a jog and by the time she reached the stairs she was running. She needed to get away. She ran up the stairs to the second floor bathroom— since neither Jin nor Lucy’s bedroom had a lock on the door, this was the only place where they could get some privacy. She shut herself inside and, grabbing her bath towel from its rung, she held it up to her face and screamed as loud as she could, pouring out all of her anger, and frustration and pain. It felt so good to just let it all out, even if it was like this. When she was finished she put the towel away and undressed. She stepped into the shower, and very gently began splashing cool water on to her bum.

Jin cautiously stuck his head out from his bedroom door; his sister hadn’t seen him as she rushed past. He had run up to his bedroom after the spanking had ended, afraid that he would either get discovered spying or get caught in the crossfire of emotions. He was pleased with how everything had turned out, he had thought that Lucy would simply get grounded for a week or too, but this was much better.

He himself had been a victim to similar punishments over the years and so he knew how awful they were. However, this was the first time that he had heard somebody else being punished, and to his surprise it felt good. So good in-fact, that he had even got an erection while he was standing outside hearing the smack of the ruler on his sister’s bottom. He wished there was a way he could see her bum now. It was ironic, after all the times that he had been forced to see his sister naked, now, the one time when he did want to see her, he couldn’t. Such is life, he told himself.

Despite that little grievance he was still happy; he couldn’t stop smiling. It just felt so good to get revenge on his sister, and it wasn’t just for what she had done to him in the past few weeks, it was also for the millions of times and had teased and tormented him over the years. As an added bonus, when he had hacked into Lucy’s phone he had also deleted that embarrassing video that she had of him.

“Take that,” he mouthed in Lucy’s direction. He then laughed and closed the door to his bedroom.


The End.


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