How to Scold a Bad Boy!
By Babydicklover.

“You will do as I say. Get ready. We are going to Dr. Barb today. You are simply getting too fat.” She barked back and overpowered his shameful attitude.
Ryan stomped to his room and slammed the door with strength. Instead of going out after school on a Friday, he would see his pediatrician. His mother rolled her eyes and sat down, waiting impatiently while Ryan did everything to avoid this. For some reason, Ryan wasn’t the biggest fan of Dr. Barb.
He said the cold, white rooms always made him feel uncomfortable, but his mother had another theory, and she wanted to confirm it. The car ride was utterly awkward, with the moans and sighs of a teenage boy who hated the world.
Ryan sped to the office after they parked and acted like a pouty little brat. She shook her head and trailed behind him. They waited in the lobby for the appointment, and due to Ryan’s attitude, she had to reschedule it seven times.
The door opened, and in came Dr. Barb, a beautiful blonde woman with a striking figure. Ryan could see how smooth and firm her body looked – this woman worked out and cared for herself. She was passionate about medicine, but being on the cover of Vogue magazine was more suited for someone like her, Ryan thought.
“Ryan, come with me, please.” They both walked into her office. But his mother wanted to speak to the doctor alone before Ryan could sit down.
“Honey, why don’t you wait outside for a little bit while we chat?”
Ryan grunted and said, “Fine.”
He was a little curious, but his teenage angst overpowered his curiosity. And besides, he couldn’t hear what they were talking about.
Dr. Barb opened the door with a grin and said, “Thank you for waiting, Ryan. Come in.” He walked right past her and sat down. “Your mom told me she’s concerned with your weight.”
“I don’t care,” and Ryan shrugged his shoulders indifferently.
“Ryan, you should care. Your health is important, especially for a young boy your age.” His mother said.
“Get off my case. I am sixteen years old. Pretty soon, I will be old enough to vote and move away from you.”
Dr. Barb and Ryan’s mother looked at each other with annoyance.
“Jake, your mother is just concerned. That’s all.” Jake remained stoic and uninterested in the unendurable conversation. “Anyway, let’s begin by weighing you.”
Ryan removed his shoes and stepped on the scale near him.
The doctor stopped Ryan and declared, “Ryan, it’s been a while since you were last here. We’ve changed a few things. We need accurate data to ensure our patients have the best care and results.” He looked confused at the doctor. “Patients will need to be completely undressed for the appointment. It makes the assessment easier because your body is more accessible.”
Ryan’s face reddened at the thought that he would need to complete the appointment in the nude.
“But I don’t want to do that. It’s embarrassing.”
“Ryan, it’s just the human body. I’ve seen many of my patients in the nude.”
He stomped the floor like a toddler and said, “I’m not doing it.”
His mom shot him a fierce look and shouted, “Ryan, I need you to listen to the doctor right now. I don’t care how embarrassed you are. You’ve treated me like shit for months, and this is the last straw. I will only put up with abuse for so long, and I won’t let you do that to me. Get those clothes off now, mister!”
He’s never seen this side of his mother. She publicly scolded him before the doctor and seemed pleased with herself. Even the doctor held back a smile. But he wasn’t going to give in. He always knew how to get what he wanted. It was simply due to Ryan’s cocky attitude.
“But no. I don’t want to.”
Dr. Barb annoyingly looked at Ryan and told him, “Oh, Ryan, don’t be a silly little boy. All our patients need to follow this protocol.”
Timidly, Ryan said, “OK.”
He slowly lifted his shirt, revealing a soft, smooth, chubby stomach. He pulled down his shorts and kicked them at his mother’s feet.
Ryan looked at the doctor holding a gown. This relieved Ryan. Technically, he wasn’t going to be naked. She draped it over his body. Because he was covered, he had no problem pulling down his underwear.
He crossed his arms and angrily asked, “Can we do this now?” He then kicked them away from his body. He felt the coolness wrap around his legs, causing him to shiver. But he also felt a rush around his scrotum. He looked down and saw his little balls wholly exposed.
He covered them and shouted, “Hey, this hardly covers anything. You lied to me. I don’t want to be in this gown.”
“But you can barely see anything.” The doctor chuckled.
His mom looked away and said, “You’re right, Ryan. I’m sorry for doing this. Come here, put your clothes back on, and we can go home.”
Ryan was satisfied that it worked on his pathetic mother. He walked in front of her to grab his clothes from her feet. It wasn’t until he felt two hands grab his gown from behind and throw it over him that he felt sincerely dumbfounded. He accidentally fell back from her strong pull. They looked right between his legs as his back was on the floor.
He struggled to get up, but he didn’t process what happened and continued shouting, “You lied to me. I said I didn’t want to be in the gown.”
They both looked down at him like they were checking him out.
Ryan’s mom giggled and said, “Yes, little Ryan and I’ve granted that wish for you.”
Her choice of referring to Ryan as little didn’t make sense to him. It didn’t dawn on him that his mother exposed his genitalia for their merriment. He didn’t understand what they were silently chuckling at. Ryan returns from the shock and is smacked with a high dose of reality.
He looked down for the second time for an even worse situation. He was fully nude from head to toe like the day he was born. There wasn’t a single strand of coverage. He was outright humiliated in the presence of his mother and the doctor responsible for bringing baby Ryan into this world.
He matched their eyes and looked down, just like they were. Unbeknownst to anyone, Ryan made it his mission to conceal his little secret. And now, after years of hard work, his mother dismantled his plan in seconds. He knew they were looking right at it, perplexed by the unimaginable size.
Ryan has an extremely tiny penis. Small could range from 2-3 inches soft, but Ryan knew very well he was way below even the small category. His undersized, little pee-pee usually was less than an inch and rarely made it to one inch on a fiery, hot day.
Due to his nerves and the chilly room, it was even smaller than usual. He covered his little nub and felt his face redden. The room was cold, but his body was trembling and nervously hot. Ryan had never felt smaller and under the microscopic spotlight than at that moment.
Dr. Barb said. “Oh, Ryan, dearie, you don’t need to cover it. It’s your body; you should feel proud of it.”
What a ridiculous sentiment. How could he possibly feel proud with nothing but a tiny little nub between his legs? For most people, it was a hilarious sight; he was ashamed of that. She might have been a professional, but she made him feel worse because she didn’t mean his body; she suggested his incredibly small ding-a-ling. And he knew it. He removed his hands, showing two adult women his little penis and flat scrotum.
“OK, Ryan, let’s go.”
“What do you mean?” He questioned.
“The scale here is broken, so we must use the one at the end of the hallway.”
Ryan’s mother sneered at him before he could notice. He shook his head. This was a joke. There was no way it wasn’t. She was going to make him walk through an entire office butt naked with a small penis exposed.
“But I can’t go out there. I’m naked!” Ryan howled.
“Yes, Ryan, we can see you’re a naked boy, but we need to do it this way.”
“But can’t I put my clothes on and take them off down the hallway?”
Ryan’s mom said, “Ryan, quit arguing with the doctor and get your naked behind out there, pronto.”
Ryan felt anxious, and the doctor threw the door open without hesitation. He almost experienced a panic attack, but it didn’t get that far. The doctor whispered something in his mom’s ear. With that, they walked through the office with nurses and physician assistants, treating other patients.
Everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and looked directly at the naked boy with the little penis bouncing back and forth between his legs as he strolled through the hellscape.
There were many shocked faces from kids, parents, and the administrative staff. Some subtly pointed and lightly giggled into their hands as he passed them. While the initial surprise was from the nudity itself, nothing was more shocking than an older teenage boy with the genitals of a toddler.
He was incredibly embarrassed, hoping it was merely a fever dream he would wake up from. He held his head high, avoiding the imminent stares, and tried to walk with confidence. He was genuinely dying from public humiliation.
They finally reached the very back of the office, which felt like an eternity to come.
“OK, Ryan, step on the scale.”
He stepped on the manual scale. She was finagling with it, trying to reach a conclusive weight. She messed up several times, making him stand there longer than he should have. He caught her looking in the direction of his crotch. He ignored it while she tried to determine his weight.
“Ahh. There we go. 233 pounds. Unfortunately, that is pretty overweight for someone your age and height. I will need to make recommendations for your mom. It’s time to go back.”
They walked back to even more shocked faces. To make things worse, he recognized two identical twin sisters from his high school with their mom. He couldn’t believe he faced them. What were the odds?
Well, his bad luck didn’t care. They both looked at him and started laughing without any filter for his feelings. He sped past them to avoid further degradation. She guided him to the restroom.
“Now, I want you to urinate in this cup,” she said, handing it to him. He whined and walked closer to the toilet. “Let me help you,” she said.
He thought she was going to hold the cup for him. But she held his little dicklette with two fingers. Nothing was happening. Finally, after a few minutes, he was peeing into the cup from his baby dick. She wiggled it to get everything out.
They exited the bathroom and reached the original room, where his mother was, without his clothes, and three grinning, young nurses. They all immediately looked down at his nakedness. His tiny cock was the star of the show. He knew they were looking right at it and needed to maintain their professionalism. This was a very hard task for them. It was just too funny. It expanded the minds of many because they never knew a man could have such a small penis.
“Wait. Where are my clothes?” He asked.
“Well, Ryan. You don’t need them for the physical, so I locked them in the car.”
“But I need them. I can’t walk back to the car naked.”
She flipped her hand and said, “Oh, you’ll be fine, big baby. Stop wasting the doctor’s time.”
“Ryan, I will be performing a physical, and here are nursing students. They will be watching and aiding in this process.”
Now, five attractive women were soaking up his naked body. He sat down. They checked his vitals, and everything seemed to be in order.
“Ryan, here, lay on your stomach.”
He saw the door was wide open, and he laid down on his stomach, with his chubby ass sticking out for the office to see. This was so humiliating for Ryan. And to make matters worse, one of the nurses stretched his butt cheeks, and they inserted a rectal thermometer in his scared little hole. He kept squirming, and it wasn’t easy to measure.
The other two nurses had to hold him down while talking with each other and his mother. They spoke about frivolous things like shoes on sale, while Ryan experienced the most embarrassing situation ever. The causality of the situation made it even more humiliating, with the talking and door wide open. Even a few curious mothers were peeping on the boy’s stretched-out anus.
“Okay, I got it. Thanks, Ryan. You’re a good boy.”
The nurse holding his cheeks gave him a little spank. Then the other two nurses flipped him over so his baby penis was sticking up incredibly close to their faces. And without warning, she began to massage his remarkably small pebbles, scientifically known as his testicles.
“I’m not finding any lumps, which is a perfect sign. Ryan, you make sure you check your testicles every single day for lumps or anything irregular.”
The soft touch of the doctor’s hand on his baby balls caused his little dick to rise. It hardly grew, but it was a raging phenomenon. Everyone noticed and studied it with precision. They carefully looked at his baby weenie extending to the ceiling, and some even coughed to cover up their hurtful laughter. They jotted down notes. He covered it the moment he noticed they were staring.
“Ryan, you don’t need to feel ashamed. Many boys your age get erections. I’ve seen many, but yours is unique. Denise, let’s measure him.”
Denise pulled his hands away, and it sprung up.
“No, stop.” He protested.
They ignored him and proceeded. This wasn’t happening. She was going to measure his tiny little hard penis in front of everyone. Denise grabbed and held the cold ruler against his boner.
“I am reading two inches.”
She just confirmed his worst nightmare. This was too embarrassing for Ryan to endure. The doctor pushed down his FUPA, and more of it came out.
“OK, now I am getting 2.5 inches.”
“That’s simply remarkable. I want to measure his flaccid size.”
His little boner wouldn’t calm down, so everyone silently waited for the excitement to disintegrate. It finally reduced back into a useless, little acorn wee-wee. It was so small and almost inside him that they needed to flick it and pull it out.
“I am getting 0.3 inches.”
Denise wrote it down in his file. The state of his tininess burned in the documentation. He could never escape it. No matter what. It was on record how puny his genitals were. He finally sat up with the help of the nurses. He noticed his mother was holding back laughter. Ryan was deeply offended and humiliated.
“So, I recommend finding him a dietitian so he can have a better diet. He is a little too overweight for his age and height.”
“I can find someone.” His mother claimed.
“And I am referring him to a urologist because, if I may be frank, his penis is incredibly smaller than almost 99.9% of boys his age.” Did she have to confirm it like that? “And as a pediatrician, I’ve never seen one so small. He may have low testosterone.”
The doctor finally said the quiet part out loud, confirming his embarrassment.
“Hey, mine will grow more. I am not done growing.” Ryan said.
The room emitted a few giggles from the nurses in training.
“Ryan, I hate to break it to you, but you’re done growing. You might have a micropenis, and an urologist can help.”
“That’s not true. Fuck off.” He screamed.
His mother got up, and without forewarning, she started spanking his bare butt. Everyone in the office could hear the loud slapping noises. It was excruciating. And he even cried from his mother’s brutal licks. He felt like throwing up from the humiliation. He couldn’t take it anymore. His entire butt was bright pink.
“I think you’ve had enough. Apologize, now.”
He looked at Dr. Barb and said, “I am so sorry for saying that.”
“I hope you learned your lesson. I’m just trying to help you. And don’t worry. Even if, unfortunately, you are stuck with that between your legs, I’m sure many girls will still adore your little pee-pee.”
He knew that was the biggest joke but quietly responded, “I understand.”
His mother said, “Well, thank you, doctor. It’s always a pleasure seeing you. I will make sure we find an urologist to examine my son’s little penis.”
“Likewise. Ryan is indeed a good boy when he isn’t being a selfish bratty. But his health is a concern in many areas, and I want to see him grow.”
He knew what she was referring to, which was embarrassing for Ryan. He knew what was coming and dreaded it. Dr. Barb opened the exit door, and they walked into the waiting room. The other side erupted in loud cackling from Dr. Barb and the nurses as the door closed.
This time, he saw several people waiting to see the doctor. He was naked in a room of around 50 people, all directly staring at him. They were not shy with their laughter and verbal discussions about his naked body. Some of them gave him the classic small penis sign. He wanted to cover his baby’s penis so badly, but he couldn’t.
He tried to run for it, but his mother squeezed his ear, forcing him to stay. They couldn’t leave yet without making an appointment. He knew every eye was viewing his chubby behind. It was humiliating knowing they were getting an overt view of his smooth bubble butt. Having a freshly-spanked ass made it even worse. He even noticed some were taking photos and videos. This was the worst day of his life. The humiliation just wouldn’t stop.
His mother was stalling. They finally left after the two women stopped discussing where they got their nails done. The two had to walk past all these people to the hallway, through a crowded elevator, and down the parking garage. They entered the car and drove off. It was physically painful to sit down.
“Mom. I want my clothes back.” Ryan demanded.
“I don’t think so. You aren’t getting your clothes back. You need to learn to respect me more. You will have them back when I decide.” He learned his lesson and didn’t argue back. “And if you do disrespect me, I will make sure everyone in the family knows about how small your little micropenis is.”
She looked at her son’s little tiny micro-nub and started laughing. There was no shaft, just a small head. Poor boy, she thought to herself. She almost felt bad, but that quickly evaporated due to how hilarious his little cock was and how much he deserved this torment.
Ryan lived with three women, didn’t have a father, and was born with a very small penis. Life was so hard for Ryan. And even his father, who abandoned them, had something to work with. Ryan had nothing.
After they got home, some neighbors saw more of Ryan than they ever wanted. After going into the house, he ran to his room. He saw his closet was thoroughly empty. She took away all his clothes. He was going to stay naked the entire weekend.
“Ryan, can you come to the family room?”
He walked to the middle of the room to his two sisters gleefully looking at their older naked brother. His little cock just wiggled around pleasantly. They both began laughing at his very small penis on display for them. It just innocently looked so harmless and cute, which are words you never want to hear about your cock.
“Wow, it’s like a little itty bitty button. I didn’t know little Ryan here was so tiny.” His sister, Charlotte, said.
Rachel, his other sister, said, “Aww. Wow. I can’t wait to tell everyone at school. He’ll be the laughingstock. I can’t believe he’s got a little micro peenie.”
“No wonder he’s always so angry. I would be, too, if I were a man with no penis.”
His mother interrupted their joyful antics, “Now, ladies, I know Ryan’s little predicament is quite amusing. Let’s remember we have the entire weekend to remind him what’s going on down there, haha.”
Ryan stood there, looking like a ripe tomato with embarrassment and shame. He thought he would have gotten used to this from walking in front of strangers in the nude, but this was even more mortifying.
“I can barely see it from here, to be honest.”
“You know, Charlotte, you’re right. Come here, Ryan.”
He walked up to them while they examined his pathetic excuse for a penis. Each one marveled at the size of his penis. It went from blatant laughter to them questioning how it could be so small. Each one had the opportunity to play with it. They flicked it back and forth and saw it “grow” to a measly little boner. His boner was smaller and thinner than their pinky fingers.
He wasn’t going to see those strangers again, but his immediate family would always know about his crippling condition. Throughout the entire evening, he received non-stop references to his little joke of a penis. It was exhausting.
He deserved this for always treating his family horribly. They are returning the favor and have the biggest ammunition against him. His small penis failed him.
Every time he felt humiliated for the absence between his legs, she knew she was doing the right thing. She wanted to teach him a lesson, and lucky for her, his penis was the size of a little acorn. And that was enough to humiliate any man. The whole weekend, he did everything they asked him.
After returning to school, the entire school knew what he was packing. They learned Ryan was less hung than a newborn baby, and everyone relentlessly teased him for it. Everyone joined in on the fun: nerds, band geeks, popular kids, and even a few teachers. But this made him respect his family more, especially his mother.
The humiliating experience humbled him and his micropenis. And a few weeks later, Dr. Walker, the urologist, even got a chuckle in and confirmed it was a medical micropenis. He informed them it was too late to do anything about it.
Ryan’s mom wrote a letter thanking Dr. Bard and her staff for accommodating her request. Zero policies were making Ryan stay in the nude. It was all his mother’s doing. It made her happy knowing she had ultimate control over her son and his bodily autonomy.
Now, he does whatever she says, and she’s made his nudity mandatory. Ryan needs to strip down for their amusement when he steps into the house – no matter who is visiting. She even set up appointments for Charlotte and Rachel. They will be in for a treat, too.
The End.
*This story has been edited with AI to fix spelling, punctuation, formatting errors, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story was submitted directly to this website. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.
10:06 am
Any chance you will continue writing this story with more of his sisters? It’s so hot, i wish my mom was so mean
10:33 am
Yes, I am!
6:12 pm
loved it! Can’t wait to read the sequel!
8:12 pm
Glad to see you are writing again, really liked the story! Still hoping you do a nude beach story soon!
5:34 pm
The one with Jake? Yeah, I need to get on that one!