Gynecomastia Part 2

By Jake.

Read Part 1 Here.


Part 2: A Trip to the Wife’s OBGYN

Wife’s perspective:

The previous night had been shocking. Some part of me was relieved my hubby was growing boobs as I was worried he was cheating, which seems ridiculous given his smaller package. I set him up an appointment when I made it in. Thankfully being a nurse, I had access to set it up myself. Luckily, we had a recent cancelation, and he could be seen the next day. I couldn’t help but tease him when I let him know.

“Got you an appointment with Dr. Sil about your budding boobies tomorrow.”

“Thanks,” was all he replied.


Husband’s Perspective:

As I got to the office, my wife was already at work. This made checking in easier as everyone assumed she had an appointment I was joining. When we got in the back, the nurse told my wife to remove her clothes, put a gown on, and get into the stirrups. My wife giggled when she left and said

“You heard her clothes off, gown on, and into the stirrups,” my wife told me.

“Ha-ha,” I said.

Then Dr. Sil walked in. “Oh, I wasn’t expecting your husband,” she said

My wife replied, “I’m sorry. I put his name in, but everyone keeps reading his last name. It’s his appointment. He has a condition I wanted you to help us with. Go ahead, honey, show her.”

Feeling rather emasculated by the fact that I hadn’t spoken and was again told to strip, I did as I was told and lifted my shirt.

“Oh, I see. Gynecomastia. Looks like nine months of development,” Dr. Sil said.

“No, only about three.”

“That tracks. You might have only noticed in the last three months. So we obviously will need to do bloodwork to figure out the cause. Then we can schedule a follow-up for the next steps. In the meantime, you will want to wear support garments to keep the skin from stretching.”

“What do you mean support garments?” I asked.

My wife chimed in, “She means a bra, sweetie.”

I gasped. “Oh, God.”

Dr. Sil chuckled. “It’s not the end of the world. You might try sports bras, as they will compress everything, but judging by the puffiness of your nipples, those might be unbearable right now. Now I must check below to ensure there are no other symptoms. Drop the pants and hop on the table.”

I hopped up there after stripping. The doctor was making notes and hadn’t seen me yet. When she turned around, I knew I saw her eyes widen. She was too professional to giggle or make a noise, but she noticed. She even made eye contact with my wife.

“I know you’re very nervous and uncomfortable, so I hate to ask, but I will need you to put your feet in the stirrups,” Dr. Sil said.

On the other hand, my wife couldn’t contain herself and snorted, “I’m sorry, babe.”

Given the whole situation, I knew I was practically internal.

“Testicles are receded but seem OK,” the doctor said as she easily palmed my entire sack. To my embarrassment, she turned to my wife and said, “Is his genitalia always this receded?” She turned to me before my wife could answer and said, ” I apologize for asking your wife, but men tend to have a biased opinion of their equipment.”

My wife said, “Yes, his testicles tend to pull up when cold, embarrassed, horny, not horny. Huh, I guess they are like that a lot.”

“Interesting. And what about his penis? Is this his normal flaccid length?”

“Yep, always neatly tucked away in his bush. Unless he’s hard,” my wife said with a giggle.

“That’s a good observation. It is rather neatly tucked back into his pubic hair. Are you uncircumcised? It’s hard to tell given how little is visible.”

My wife snorted. She laughed so hard.

I said, “I am circumcised.”

“It’s a bit hard to say you are all good, considering there’s so little visible.”

Again my wife snorted.

“Well, not like that. I meant because it’s all obscured by your pubic hair. Anyway, I will need a sample to get your current counts. A tech will come to draw blood, and at our follow-up, I’d like you tidied up downstairs so I can get a better view. Can I leave yall to collect a sample?”

“Yes, we’re good, Dr. Sil. I can lend a hand to collect the sample,” my wife said.

And off the doctor went. My wife grabbed a sample cup and said, “OK, it’s important to cum into the cup. Let me help.”

With that, she stood behind me and started rubbing my dick. And then, the Lab tech walked in for blood work.

“Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I thought I was doing mine first,” the Lab tech said.

The shock made me jump, causing a bit of pre-cum to leak into the jar.

“Oh, don’t worry. He appears to be done. Hopefully, that’s enough of a sample,” my wife said while displaying my shame to the tech.

I couldn’t respond. What would I say? “Nah-uh, that’s just pre-cum because I’m already on edge.’ I was beyond soft after this interaction, so that I couldn’t say that either.

The tech drew my blood while I was still naked and left.


To Be Continued…


*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, formatting errors, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story was submitted directly to this website. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.

One comment

  • Lisaraye

    Great story. It’s so close to my reality and my fantasy combined.


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