Crossdressing at Yoga

By PriyaPatel123.

Alex stood in the dimly lit hallway of the yoga studio, feeling the cool air against his skin as he prepared to change for his evening class. The hallway was filled with a soft hum of chatter from other students, their voices mingling with the distant sound of calming music. He glanced around nervously, hoping to find an empty washroom where he could change in peace. He was already running late, and did not want to be locked out of the class.

As he entered the small co-ed washroom, he breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that it was empty. He quickly began to undress, carefully folding his clothes and setting them on the toilet tank next to his workout clothes. The fluorescent lights overhead cast a harsh glow on his pale skin, making him feel more exposed than ever as he looked at himself in the mirror. He had always been self-conscious about his body. Too skinny. Too short. Not manly enough. Speaking of which, he looked down at his flaccid penis as stripped off his underwear. It looked particularly small in the harsh lighting and cool studio air, not that it was winning any awards even when fully erect. He had always been self-conscious about his size.

Just as he was about to put on his workout clothes, the door to the washroom swung open. Alex’s heart leapt into his throat. Standing in the door was Courtney, the girl he had harboured a secret crush on for years. The door that Alex had forgot to lock in his hurry. Her eyes widened in surprise as she took in the sight before her, and Alex felt his face flush with embarrassment. He was completely naked save for a pair socks.

“Oh, I’m sorry!” Courtney exclaimed, though a hint of amusement flickered in her eyes. She quickly tried to mask it, but Alex could see the corners of her mouth twitching in a barely suppressed grin as her eyes kept glancing down at his limp member. A little snort escaped her mouth, which she quickly turned into a cough.

Alex spun around and quickly grabbed at his clothes to cover himself. He spun too quickly and slipped on the tile floor, pulling his clothes down with him. He landed on his knees with his luckily shirts falling next to him. His jeans, shorts and underwear were not so lucky and fell directly into the toilet bowl. He stared in horror at the soggy mess, momentarily forgetting his nudity.

Courtney stepped forward, her expression softening. “Oh my god, are you ok?”

Alex quickly wrapped his shirt around his waste to cover his modesty, as he looked down at his ruined clothes.

She glanced at the soaked items as he fished them out of the toilet and then back at Alex. “Are those your only pair?”

Alex nodded mutely, unable to find his voice. His mind was racing, trying to figure out what to do. He could maybe try to sneak off to his car after the class started.

Courtney bit her lip, seeming to consider something. Then, with a look that brokered no argument, she reached into her gym bag and pulled out some clothes. “Here, wear these for now,” she offered, holding them out to him, “I always keep a back-up set.”

Alex’s eyes widened in shock. She was holding out a pair of tiny black spandex shorts and a skimpy pink Calvin Klein thong. “I-I can’t wear those,” he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Courtney raised an eyebrow. “Why not? Guys wear these kinds of shorts all the time. Plus it’s so dark in there that no one is going notice anyways.” Alex considered for a second. He was really looking forward to unwind at this class. And, he did need to leave this bathroom at some point and women’s clothes were better than nothing. And there was something oddly thrilling about wearing Courtney’s clothes.

Courtney continued undeterred, “C’mon, class is about to start and we need to get ready.” Alex felt his resistance fade away. He had never really been good at saying no to women. Especially one who looked like Courtney and who could bend in ways that he didn’t think were possible.

“Okay,” he murmured, taking the clothes from her with a trembling hand. He looked at her expecting her to leave, but she merely raised an eyebrow, sighed, and turned her head while gesturing for him to hurry. Alex quickly slipped into her panties, feeling the soft fabric envelop his little babydicl and the thin fabric sink between his butt cheeks.

“Wow! Really fits like a glove,” Courtney remarked. Alex whipped his head around to see she was watching him in the mirror with a grin. “Please. I’ve already seen it. Not that there’s much to see,” she replied playfully.

Alex’s face burned even hotter at her words, and he felt a strange mix of humiliation and arousal as his penis involuntarily twitched. He hurriedly pulled on his gym shirt and shorts, which wedged deeply into his backside showing off each butt cheek entirely. He hoped she hadn’t noticed his growing arousal, but from her knowing looks, he wasn’t so sure. He quickly hurried past her with a mumbled “see you in class” with his gym bag firmly buried in his crotch.

Alex snuck into the yoga room and claimed a mat in the back of the class. The room was dimly lit, just as Courtney had promised, and the other students were already settling onto their mats.

Courtney came in a minute later, wearing a matching turquoise blue sports bra and leggings. She grabbed the last mat right in front of Alex. Before, Alex could even process her proximity to him, the class began.

The yoga instructor, Sarah, began the class with a series of gentle stretches, her soothing voice guiding them through each pose. Alex tried to focus on his breathing and the movements, but the sensation of the thong was impossible to ignore. Every time he shifted, he felt his little package pressed tightly against his body and the thong pulling at his butt, sending a shiver of both discomfort and unexpected pleasure through him. He self-consciously kept pulling up the tiny shorts to hide any trace of the thong peaking out.

More distracting was Courtney, who’s long legs and round ass was right in his line of sight as she bent over and stretched just inches away. She had worn the panties he was wearing around her tight pussy while bending over at yoga, lounging around the house, maybe even while touching herself, while she was soaking wet and…. Alex flushed as he caught himself staring again at her tight butt angled up in downward dog. He needed to focus.

Just as he pushed back out of cobra and into downward dog, he felt a pair of hands on his hips that gently pulled him back. Alex hadn’t even noticed that the instructor had come up right behind him to adjust his pose.

“Just arch your back a little more,” Sarah whispered. “Perfect! Just like that. Cute shorts by the way. I have the same pair.”

Alex flushed again as Sarah gave his butt a little squeeze as she leaned in closer. “Try to keep your eyes off Courtney. Looks like you’re developing a little baby stiffy,” she whispered in a hushed tone, as her hand drifted down to give my tiny bulge a stroke.

Alex was mortified but couldn’t help as his penis throbbed as Sarah went on to adjust Courtney’s posture. He felt his ears burn as he saw Sarah and Courtney whisper something inaudible as Sarah glanced back at him repeatedly with a look of surprise and a smirk. Alex pulled his shorts up again, desperately hoping his bright pink thong was not just on display.

The rest of the class progressed painfully slowly, with several long poses with his butt straight up in the air. For 10 long minutes, the class turned around to face the back wall, putting Alex’s tight shorts on display to everyone with Courtney getting a close-up view.

Alex could not make eye-contact with either Sarah or Courtney for the rest of class. His penis had a mind of its own though, as he furiously had to distract himself from the tiny tent that kept threatening to expose him.

By the time the class ended, Alex was a bundle of nerves and conflicting emotions. He had never felt so humiliated or turned on at the same time. As the other students began to gather their things and leave, Courtney turned around and approached him with a warm smile.

“You did great,” she said, her eyes sparkling with amusement and something else Alex couldn’t quite place. “How did it feel?”

Alex hesitated, unsure how to put his feelings into words. “It was… uh… different,” he finally said, trying to sound unfazed. His red cheeks told a different story as clasped his hands in front of his bulge.

Courtney laughed softly. “Keep the clothes. You looked cute! And you were such a good little boy for staying the whole class.”

Alex’s eyes widened in surprise, as a surge of pleasure coursed through him. After the near constant arousal and teasing of the class, Alex felt his hard-on pressed to its limits as it twitched in the snug cotton panties.

“What?” he managed to gasp out.

Courtney smiled more broadly. “You look adorable when you’re flustered.” She then leaned in to give Alex a one-armed hug, as her other slipped under his and traced the outline of his tiny penis. “But don’t think I didn’t see those glances at my ass and my boobs. I think someone needs to teach you a lesson.”

At that Alex couldn’t help himself. The combination of the constant arousal in the class, her teasing words, and her fingers delicately tracing the underside of his cock was too much. Alex felt his dicklette twitch wildly as he felt three spurts of cummies dribbled out, leaving a wet stain on his panties and his spandex shorts.

Courtney smirked as she withdrew her hand. “See you around, Alex.”

With that, she left the studio, leaving Alex behind with her words echoing in his mind and another pair of soaked underwear.


The End.


*This story has NOT been edited by this site. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

One comment

  • Cucky

    Absokutely awesome!

    Hope to see more…wonder if theull.make him wear a diaper to adress his little problem 😉


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