Are you the ‘KING’ of the Small Dick Club?

We have a lot of amazing tiny dicks here at the small dick club, and it’s time to find out once and for all who has the smallest dick. Who is the “King” of The Small Dick Club? So now you can enter your beautiful little pecker and see where you stand among your peers. The smallest dick will win 12 months of free access to our member content and their own page to declare them the “King” of The Small Dick Club for all to see.

Now a few rules so people are clear what is required.

  • Hard dicks only (small soft dicks & flaccid innies are not indicators of your true size. Only your erection is your true size, and its size is what makes you a member of the small dick club or not.)
  • The picture of your hard dick must have a ruler against it to verify it’s size. Like this: but you can also submit other pictures of it without rulers and soft. But at least one ruler pic must be submitted to verify your size visually. Anyone submitting without the ruler pic will not be considered for this award.
  • No dick pic tricks to make your dick look smaller than it is, like crouching, sitting forward to make it go into your body, pictures from below or strange angles, or sending semi-hard or soft dick pics and claiming it’s hard. We can see right through those, and you will be immediately disqualified.
  • All entries must be of men over 18.
  • We will publish the entries so people can see your tiny dick and comment.
  • This will remain open until 30/01/2025, when the winner will be announced and crowned the “King” of the small dick club!


Submit Your Small Dick Using This Form:

0 / 40
0 / 10
Tell us how small you are here in inches—hard length & Hard girth.
    I agree that I am over 18 years old and I allow The Small Dick Club to publish my image. I accept the rules of this contest. *
    Yes, I have included a picture of my erection with a ruler beside it as the rules stipulate!~ *


    • Hi Guys
      What a great fun idea!

      I wrote The Small Penis Bible because I thought we need more openness about cock size and this is fun too. Love the chance to show you all exactly what I have between my legs.

      I sent 2 pix, honestly it’s tough to get full hard these days so the pic with the ruler is just shy of hard, I do hope its good enough (I even wrapped a hairband round the base of my willy to keep it stiff haha).

      The second pic shows me in full context (face, innie soft, fully hard) so you can fully appreciate my little genitals…
      …I doubt my size will make me ‘The King of the Small Dick Club’ but hopefully its worth an honourable mention 🙂

      Keep up the good work
      Ant Smith

    • Juan N. Chez

      I NEED my crown! I’ve been a Gold Member since 2021, but I lost all my old login stuff! I fantasize all of the time about winning some sort of Tiniest size award & I just happened across this…It is a bit past the end date, but seeing as how I have been a Gold Member for years, & the fact that it DID allow me to upload, my entry should AT LEAST be considered valid!! I don’t need free access, I just want the crown & the constant recognition…PRETTY PLEASE with sugar on top! I hope y’’all will email me with your decision, & I think I remember my old username, just not the login or email…It’s rightfully my crown! Thank You for any consideration possibly given!

      • Anyone can still challenge for the crown if they have a smaller penis than our current king. First, you can always create a new free account if you can’t remember your old username and login details. Once you have done that, you can find the details of how to enter on this page:

        But ensure you follow our entry rules, or else you won’t succeed in toppling Jay24.


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