Locked out in the Buff


Suzie really was surprised the girl was able to accept the penis. It was very big.

“You can wank if you like Brian. I would understand.” Fascinating to see the couple engaged in coitus. To see the man actually move the girl across the room whilst engaged, the girl thrusting at him before the man turning giving the most perfect sight of his taut buttocks to Suzie. What a manly behind! Tight, small and firm with the muscles bunched and in use. Suzie would have liked to have stroked, patted and fondled before delving between his legs and finding his erection. There was a collapse onto the bed, a controlled collapse with the man on top. His lovely buttocks began to rise and fall with his erection pushing in and out of the girl’s no doubt very wet sex. Suzie was conscious that was not the only very wet sex around!

It was such a disappointment when the light went out.

“Phew!” whispered Suzie, “something for everyone there! Let’s go back to our seat. There’s no way in.”

“Perhaps the first floor.”

In the moonlight Suzie could see Brian’s little erection still standing. Well, she had not heard a little pattering on the ground whilst they were watching the couple, so that was not surprising. It had been a very erotic sight in the room after all.

“How would you reach? I haven’t seen a ladder or anything?

“If you give me a leg up, I might reach. You know, clasp your hands tightly together to give me a foothold. I’ll try that open window there.”

Of course he was heavy, his single naked foot in her hands had all his weight upon them. Even with her legs braced she could barely hold him but awfully, and it had not occurred to her until it happened, but pressed right against her face was his penis. Had she been stupid or what? And as he moved so did his erection, rubbing against her nose, all warm and still hard. Upon her lips the wrinkled flesh of his scrotum. She could have licked his balls if she had wanted to – she did not! Had Brian known this would happen? Had this been his perverted little plan to get as close to an oral pleasuring from her as he had any chance of ever getting? The idea of him suddenly coming and spurting all over her face was not good. Suzie shut her eyes, the little pervert seemed to be trying to fuck her eye sockets.

“No good, Suzie, I’m coming down.”

It was such a relief to her aching hands.

“The window was just as stuck as the ground floor.”

“So that was pointless then.” Or had it been for Brian. Had he deliberately put his erection in her face?

They made their way back.

“He was so fucking big,” Suzie’s admiration got the better of her. No sooner out than she realised Brian might well see it as a jibe at him.

“Yes,” a pause, “well,,, you know my secret.”

They got talking again as they sat in the little bower. Previously it had been about Suzie’s recent breakup and her feelings but now it was about Brian’s feeling of inadequacy. How it affected him with girls, how they reacted. A greater understanding of each other was developing.

It was difficult to know quite what to say about Brian’s penis. It really was small, half size – not half the black man’s, (fuck no!) perhaps a third or less than that – rather half a normal sized penis, whatever that was. It was, in some ways, rather sweet, perfectly formed but small: but that was ‘sweet’ in the same way you might talk about a miniature dog or the like.

“Um, easier on the jaw or in one’s bottom. I mean looking on the positive side!”

She had meant well but it sounded crass. She blundered on, “I think it’s sweet really. Nice shape,” she was blundering on making it all awful. What should she say? “I mean may I touch it?” It was a very different comment from her thoughts when his erection had pressed into her face as Brian had tried to open the first floor window.

Her hand moved and she touched. It really was small; soft and rather tiny at first but it soon grew. “It’s very firm. I mean there really is no give, it stands very well, it is more rigid, doesn’t bend at all – honestly it is firmer, than others I’ve felt.” That was true. ‘Iron hard’ was at least a fair description, there was no flexibility. It was like an iron peg. “I mean do you think that girl could comfortably have sucked on his cock? I don’t think I could have done, could you?”

“I wouldn’t really have wanted to try, Suzie, actually!”

“No, of course not – not that I’d have minded trying I’d admit – but you take my point, and there is no way it would have gone in my bottom, her bottom or yours for that matter!”

“Good. Not my idea of fun.!”

Suzie’s hand was moving Brian’s penis.

“You can come in my hand if you like.” It seemed the right thing to offer. She was feeling rather sorry for Brian. It was not an emotion she had expected to have about him.

“Do you like men to bugger you then?”

A very personal question but she had rather invited it. “I’m not sure about liking but I don’t mind if he is gentle. “Dan, he…” And she began to cry. The worry about being stuck out of the hotel coupled with the recent break up all coming out at once. Brian put his arm around her and they talked.

It was a strange experience. Brian being all kind and considerate, talking very positively and there she was holding his penis. She was no longer wanking it, just holding it like she might hold his hand.

“Sorry. I am a bit emotional at present. I wonder how much longer before they all go to bed.” She sighed. “Thank you for listening.” She realised she was still holding his penis. It had not gone all soft and small in her hand as they talked but was not as firm as it had been. “Sorry, I was meant to be…” She began gently wanking him again and he grew in her hand. “Let’s make you come, You’ve been standing long enough I should think!”

She could not see it well in the moon shadowed summerhouse, but she could feel it warm and sticky when Brian came in and over her hand. She was surprised at the volume. It seemed Brian’s little thing did at least do something in a manly way. Suzie was surprised at that and, in a different way, what she had just done.

Close together, they sat there in silence listening both to the far off sounds of traffic, faint music from the hotel and the occasional sound of the night.

Suzie woke with a start. Where was she? Not tucked up in her bed at home or even in her hotel bedroom but leaning against the naked body of Brian – of all people – out in the hotel garden. She looked at her watch – the only thing she was wearing – five past two in the morning!

“Brian, shall we try reception now?”

Out beyond the little arbour the night was still and silent. They made their way back across the damp grass and stood looking at the reception. It was brightly illuminated and now empty but for a single man at the reception desk watching a television. Of course it was a man. It had to be a man didn’t it? Suzie would have been much happier with a woman. “You go, Brian.”

Suzie watched Brian’s retreating figure, a naked man crossing the car park, weaving between cars until he reached the glass doors of the reception. They were of course locked shut. To open a key card was no doubt needed. The sort of key card sitting back on the desk in her room. She watched as Brian pressed the bell and the man at reception looked up. Suzie breathed a sigh of relief. Perhaps another five minutes and she would be safe in her room. Brian would bring her a large towel and she would be able to walk modestly past the man saying both thank you and wishing him a cheery good night.

But the man did not seem to be opening the door. He had come up to it on the inside and was clearly laughing. It was like watching a scene on the television with the sound turned off. She could not hear what was being said: only see. The man clearly called out back towards the reception desk and from the office behind another man came out. A big fat man and he too came across and stood looking at Brian through the door. It seemed the interview was not going well. Brian turned and looked in her direction and Suzie knew, with an awful sinking feeling, she was going to have to go and join him.

The whole walk, once she stepped out of the shadows and into not just moonlight but the artificial lights around the reception area was watched. The men inside the hotel just stared. Suzie felt so self conscious – as well she might. The grins on the men’s faces, the nudges from one to the other. They were a bit like Laurel and Hardy to look at – at least in build. Suzie was being ogled by the men and they were making no pretence at anything else.

The door slid open. Suzie’s appearance seemed to have done the trick. Brian and she were once more within the hotel.

“Oh, thank you,” gushed Suzie, “we got trapped outside the hotel and…”

“Been fucking?” asked the fat man.

“No! We just accidentally got locked out. Could we have our keys?”

“Have you got your room number?”


“No, I meant on the slip of card you’d have been given.”

“Do I look as if I’m carrying anything like that?” Suzie’s voice indignant. She did not like the way the two men were eyeing her up and down.”

“Not unless you’ve it tucked away… somewhere.” The implication obvious and rude.

“Look, just give us our keys and we can get to bed,”

“No slip, no key. That’s the rules at this time of night. Obvious safety precaution.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

The man shrugged. He was not looking at her face.

“Look, I can give you my name, address, company name – the company paying for my room, 121 – and everything to prove who I am.”

“Sorry. Rules you know.”

“There must be a way around those rules. Be reasonable.” Brian joined in.

“Well…” the fat man looked at the thin man, “there might be. Perhaps if you gave us a show…”

“What! What do you mean?” Suzie’s voice rose.

“Please, no shouting. Remember we have the keys: you don’t. You say you haven’t been fucking, well…”


“Why don’t you now. Give us a bit of a show. These nights can get a bit boring you know. We’d just love to watch. You’re a nice bit of… I mean you’re a pretty girl and we like big boobs, don’t we Ed?”

“Yeah. Big.”

“We’re not romantically involved.”

“Oh, yeah!”

“We’re not.”

“Outside without a stitch on, coming in from the gardens. Pull the other one! Anyways it’s not romance and slushy stuff we want to see but the hardcore stuff.”

It was simply awful. Then Suzie had a bright idea. “OK, OK we have. It was stupid but we’d had a lot to drink and we thought it would be such fun to – err – fuck in the garden but we did not think about how to get in again. So, can we go to our rooms now? We can’t do it again ‘cos, well you know about men.”

“That’s not what your little friend is saying.”

Little friend? What were they talking about?

The men were not looking at her but Brian – and Brian’s penis to boot. And there it was, jerking upwards in the bright light of the reception. Brian (the stupid little prick) was getting an erection just at the suggestion about fucking her. He was as bad as the other men. She could not believe all this was happening. It was as if Brian was joining with the other men against her.

But the men were laughing. Not at her but at Brian’s erection. Laughing and pointing. “Little friend! Never imagined one that small, Ed!”

Her anger at Brian changed. He had not asked to be in this predicament. It was her fault he was here being humiliated. She was merely being ogled: he was being ridiculed.

“This I’ve got to see!”

“No!” said Suzie, “Our keys please.”

“Fuck and we’ll consider it.”

“I’m sorry, Suzie.” Brian was not helping by apologising.

What was she to do? It was not a matter of simply grabbing key 121 off a key board and running for her room. The key card had to be generated by the computer and that would need a password. The men well and truly had the upper hand.

It was awful. Suzie was going to be forced to have sex with Brian, have his little penis in her vagina whilst the men looked on – and probably they would want to be wanked.

“I suppose…”

“Yeah, go on, we’d so like to watch.”

“Come on Brian, let’s get it over with – for these perverts.”

“Good girl, Suzie,” said the fat man, “and make a show of it – remember. Lots of positions and stuff.”

At least the men were not insisting they fucked her. She had at least, already, been a little intimate with Brian – to the extent of bringing him off by hand. This, though, was different

The men ushered them into the bar area with comfortable seats and a carpet. The bar staff had cleared up from the earlier virtual party.

“Go on deep throat him, first – it won’t be difficult! What a tiny cock!”

“Yeah, kneel and do that!”

Being told what to do by men. It was just not something Suzie had envisaged that morning when she had set out for the meeting. She glared at the men but really had no choice. She sank slowly to her knees in front of Brian. She really was going to do what they wanted. Once again she came face to face, or eye to eye, with Brian’s erection. The time before had been by moonlight as Brian had tried to open the first floor window. This time it was in the bright electric light of the hotel and his penis was visible in all its glory – or rather not! Everything right about it except size. The pink shiny head all exposed with its covering pulled back, certainly a fine streamlined shape, taut fraenum, not too much veining and a ramrod straight shaft (only rather short and thin). Sweet really. Suzie could not help herself both thinking and using that epithet. It really was sweet, and with dear little balls to match. Something to pet and play with like a kitten rather than take seriously!

She looked up. The men were leering down at her, she could see bulges in their trousers – they were evidently enjoying what they were seeing. She looked up at Brian. Was his smile meant to be encouraging and supportive or betraying delight in what she was about to do? He shrugged his shoulders and said ‘sorry’ again. It sounded like he meant it but being fellated was hardly going to be torture for him.

She had told Brian his erection would be easy on the jaw, It certainly did not require her to stretch! Her lips slipped easily over the end.

“Yeah, man!”

“All the way.”

It was not even at the back of her throat as her nose nestled in Brian’s curls. She had never done that to a man before – taken him the whole way – but it had not been difficult. Not difficult at all.

The men were chuckling away as she brought her head back and off Brian’s penis. “Do it again. Bet you can get his balls in as well!”

The awful thing for Brian was she found she could. Suzie really had to open her mouth for that but one by one she pushed them in alongside the penis. A bit of a mouthful but there they were, two testes resting on her tongue and the whole of Brian’s genitalia in her mouth. It really was small!

“Fuck me!” said the fat man. “She’s done it!”

With her tongue she pushed first one ball and then the other out of her mouth and moved backwards. “I didn’t hurt you did I,” she asked Brian. His smile did seem to have gone.

“No, You were pretty gentle.”

His pride might have been further hurt though.

“Suck him now, we want to see those lips move.”

“Yeah, lick him.”

The first insertions had been rather mechanical: that was not what the men now wanted to see. Suzie extended her tongue and began to lick like you might a lolly (one of those small, very cheap ones) before sliding her lips over, and up and down it. Her cheeks hollowed as she gave a really good suck.

It was unsurprising to hear the sound of zippers and be confronted by a further two erections when she took her lips from Brian – both of respectable size. The men were wanking as they watched.

“Go on, fondle her tits.”

“Yeah,” said the thin man, “as if you were milking them.”

Suzie had sucked cock before but never with an audience, never than with more than just the single man present – why would she have done.? Certainly never in the middle of a public bar.

“Let’s see you fuck now. Go on lie down and open your legs.”

Sucking Brian to an audience had been one thing but now to have to recline and open her legs and show everything to the three men. She found she could not do it. But the fat man reached and pulled her knees apart. He was stronger than he looked. He stared at her sex whilst the erection sticking out of his fly twitched.

“Are you wet enough, Suzie?”

She hated the fat man using her name.

“Probably doesn’t matter if she is,” said the thin man, “he’ll go in just the same!”

Their laughter was not kind. Not kind to Brian or herself.

He had not asked, he just did it. The fat man’s pudgy fingers went between her thighs – feeling.

“I’ve got some hand cream.” He waddled over to the reception desk and back, his penis waggling as he walked. Suzie wondered if he could see it over his extended stomach.

The man squeezed the tube. The white cream came, squirting out like semen ejaculating onto her sex and curls. His fingers massaged before returning to stroke his own erection with now slippery fingers.

The fat man pushed Brian onto her. A very clear push. He pretty well fell onto her, his naked flesh once more coming into very close contact with her as it had done out in the garden. Moreover his little erection was poking almost perfectly where it should not.

“Just pretend,” she whispered.

Suzie had to admit Brian’s act was good. Up and down went his bottom pretending to do the act and only once did his penis actually slip inside making it rather less of a pretence. The men stood watching stroking their own erections back and forth and grinning. Suzie was sure they were fooled. Unfortunately the pretence could not be maintained.

“Hey, I can’t see properly,” said the fat man.

“I’ve got a torch.”

More laughter and not very nice laughter from the men.

“Hey up you get.”

It was not just Brian who was pulled upwards but Suzie found herself being pulled as well.

“Do it doggie fashion. We can see more like that!”

Suzie knew the pretence was over. If they wanted to get back in their rooms they were going to have to do it for real. She was manoeuvred onto her hands and knees, her legs were spread and she was none too sure it was not the men who pushed Brian’s little erection into her.

“Hey Ed, look at the little thing in there! Off you go!”

There was a hearty slap to Brian’s backside as if someone was setting a horse running and Brian started to fuck. It was not like the feel of Dan at all, such a little unfulfilling thing going not very deep at all. Brian had hardly started moving forward before his thighs were pressed up against her bottom. It was all curiously unsatisfying as a feeling, unfulfilling indeed, and not just because she did not want to be fucking Brian there in the hotel bar with two strangers watching. She did not want to be doing that at all: she could not be so sure about Brian.

“Don’t you dare cum,” she hissed though she was not too worried, Brian had already come that evening. He wouldn’t be able to manage it again.

“Suzie,” he whispered after a time, “it’s going to happen fairly soon. I can’t help it. You still on the Pill?”

Brian’s refraction time was short – at least he has that!

“No – and this would not be a good time. I mean you mustn’t!”

“I’ll try but… I am so sorry about this.”

“Hey, said the fat man, “don’t stop.’

There was another slap to Brian’s rump and the motion started again.

Perhaps it was the look on Brian’s face, something she could not see, but Suzie was sort of saved.

“Hey little guy we want to see the money shot – like in the films!”

Such a crude bloke.

“You pull out when you start cumming. All over her face n’tits.”

“Don’t be stupid, Ed, how’s he going to do that from there?”

“OK, OK over her arse then.”

“Yes,” she whispered, “do that. That would be good – better, I mean. Get it over with.”

And Brian did. His thighs slapping against Suzie’s rump he did what she had told him to do. He pulled himself from her and even though Suzie could not see, she very much felt the ejaculation as a warm pattering all down her back – warm male rain! Brian’s semen falling safely on her back.

“Hey, little guy, that was good!”

“Yeah, well done! Good load.”

Such crude men.

“Now our turn, come on kneel little lady. Let us do what Ed said.”

Suzie knew what they meant. “That wasn’t part of the deal.”

“Don’t be stupid, kneel!”

And Suzie knew she was being stupid. Better to have them cum over her than having to suck or be fucked by them. Two primed erections and balls full of probably fertile semen – the semen of complete strangers. The prospect of having her face and breasts ‘decorated’ so much better than that being injected into her vagina. Suzie did as she was told. She knelt and looked up at the two erections poking out of the men’s flies, looking warily at the two swollen knobs and their twin little holes: little orifices which would, she knew, suddenly open and release their sticky stuff all over her. The men began to wank. It was unnerving, the uncertainty of when it would happen making her heart race. She looked from one to the other. Suzie knew she would literally jump when the first began to shoot.

“Like old times, eh Ed?”

What did he mean? What were those old times. It seemed better not to enquire. The waiting was awful.

The fat man’s pudgy fingers moved on his cock, pulling away at his foreskin, alternately covering and uncovering most of his knob. Suzie looked up, his grin was fixed and none too nice. He gave no warning, no warning at all, intentional or otherwise; as Suzie looked back at his penis it happened. A blur of white and ‘splat’ right on her face and then more male warm rain but this time on her breasts. The ejaculation slowed to just a drip and the fat man lent forward touching his knob to her face, not to her lips but to her nose.

“Fuck, Ed, that was good. Not cum for a week or more. Little lady, you can come here every night for that”

Not fucking likely, she thought!

One down – or with Brian, was it two down and one to go? Perhaps she was lucky there were not more – a visiting football team perhaps, produced from a room behind the reception.

The thin man, Ed, gave warning. Guttural noises and a speeding up of his wanking, “Urgh, Urgh, aaah!”

Just like the fat man a ‘first splat’ to her face and then a second stronger shot going up and over her head before Ed yanked himself downwards and sprayed her breasts. His hand moving at speed.

“Fuck, wow, yeah!” Ed was clearly having a good time: Suzie was not.

“Can we have our keys now. I want to go to my room.” Did she want to go to her room? Did she! Naked and kneeling on the bar floor with one man’s cum on her back and bottom and another two men’s ejaculate on her face and dripping down her breasts she just wanted to get away to the safety of her room. What must she look like?

“Sure,” said the fat man. “Come on.” He headed for the lift, tucking himself away as he did so.

“Hey, our keys?”

He turned, “I’ve got a master. I’ll let you in.”

Brian offered Suzie a hand and she got to her feet and followed the fat man to the lift.

“Bye,” called Ed, “and thanks.”

Suzie neither turned nor answered.

Inside the lift the mirrors revealed the true extent of Suzie’s undoing. The neat, confident power dressed woman who had gone up in the lift on arrival was replaced by something quite different. Her hair was a mess, not at all helped by the ribbon of white semen almost giving her a central parting – evidently Ed’s second spurt had not gone completely over her head but had landed right on top of it. On her face distinct traces, blobs even of translucent semen and on and running down her breasts, bathing her nipples and even hanging, dripping from them was yet more ejaculate. Even a blob right on to[ her nose – she knew that was from the fat man.

It was simply awful, made the worse by the multiple reflections of herself; the mirror on one side of the lift reflecting the other and back again. Almost worse, the reflection of her back showed it covered in as much semen as the front – Brian’s semen even running into the crack of her bottom. It was on the move.

Awful to imagine the lift door opening on the first floor en route for room 121 and finding people standing waiting. Unlikely and so it actually proved. The lobby and the corridor were empty and silent. The fat man lead the way and knocked twice on her room door, the door that had started Suzie’s dreadful evening by closing.

“Just checking,” said the fat man, as he opened the door and switched on the light. There on the table Suzie could see the much desired key card just lying where she had casually dropped it. If only…

“Goodnight to you both.”

“My room?” asked Brian.

“Oh, ask at reception in the morning. Sweet dreams.” And he waddled off down the corridor.

“Come on in,” said Suzie pulling Brian and closing the door. “Let’s go to sleep. Hardly matters sleeping together after all that. “Fuck. What do I look like – and don’t answer that. Oh, to be back in here. May I shower first?”

Suzie awoke to the sun shining behind the curtains. She blinked, immediately remembering the night before. There, beside her on the bed was, indeed, Brian. Duvet thrown aside, lying there naked, fast asleep and with his little penis standing right up in the air. What an awful experience the night before. But it was over – apart from Brian being in her bed. Suzie smiled to herself. What was Brian dreaming?

It was such a funny little thing, his penis, not at all what she had expected of the man. His cocky, often irritating manner hiding a rather embarrassing secret. He had, however, Suzie had to accept, been good to her all through the adventures of the night before. It had not at all been his fault but her own. She had got locked out and had come to him. He had been good at trying to deal with all the problems of the night. She had also found out a lot more about him, about the real Brian as they had talked. She would not, after all, reveal his secret.

And actually his little penis was rather sweet. She moved a little closer, looking at hit. It did rather want to make you pet it rather like a little puppy or kitten. If a penis could be described as ‘pretty’ this was it. Pretty small! She watched it for quite a time and then it twitched. Her hand moved and she lightly grasped it and began moving the skin back and forth over the dear little knob. Small but very hard indeed – like a little iron coat hook! Perhaps her stroking might improve Brian’s dream! Funny if it suddenly fountained. That would be sweet and nice: not like the awful ejaculations in the hotel bar of the night before.

Should she? It was rather a surprising decision for Suzie to make but things had changed. Things had very much changed in the preceding hours in her perception of Brian. Suzie moved and her lips closed over the little erection. That woke Brian!

“Err, oh! Um, good morning Suzie. I… how are you today?”

Her reply was indistinct, she released the penis, “Sorry I had my mouth full.” That was not strictly true – more like half full or a bit less – “I’m fine, what about you?”

“Um, very fine.” His eyes went to his cock, the little standing erection she was still holding. The knob was all wet. “Nice to be woken like…”

He was looking startled.

“Look Brian, I’m sorry. You were so good, Brian, and I was so awful. I feel so bad about laughing at your penis. It’s not your fault and certainly what you lose in the bigness stakes you make up for in stamina and in, um, quantity. I mean how many men can cum as often as you and with such, err, enthusiasm – yeah, I mean, jizz. Hell, that was an awful lot of cum! Would you like to cum again?” Her fingers moved his penis. It was wet with her saliva.

“Why, yes?” There was considerable surprise in his voice. “I like to… um… cum.”

“In my mouth?”

“It’d be lovely but I mean… should I… err, you first?”

“Oh, well, yes, um, please. That would be nice. If you…”

She had been more than exposed to Brian the night before but even so it was a funny feeling pulling back the duvet and then pulling her nightie up. Nice though to see his little cock bounce at the sight. It was a sort of complement. Suzie opened her thighs.

“I’ll start with your breasts – if I may, if you’d like.”

Suzie liked! She pulled the nightie higher.

Suzie was quiet for a moment. Brian had proved adept with his tongue. It was not just talking he was good at! He certainly knew how to use it and had done it very well. She swallowed again. That really had been an awful lot of semen. None of her past boyfriends had ever come like that in her mouth. His little penis had just poured and poured into her mouth. “Look Brian; we have fucked. I’m not currently attached and well, nor are you. My body’s sort of free and… tell you what, to make it up to you I’m giving you a free access pass…”

“What? What do you mean?”

“You have the use of me when you like, how you like for three months.”

“You mean.”

“Yeah, you can fuck me, get me to blow you; you can even bugger me if you like.”

“In your bottom?”

“I believe so.” Where else was he thinking?

She was not proposing going out. This was something different.

“I’d like that very much, Suzie.”

“What, my bottom?”

“Yes, it is a very pretty bottom. I’ve seen quite a bit of it… and the rest!”

“How many times can you cum in a day, Brian?”

“Dunno. But if you are free all next Saturday we shall find out. I shall try for a record, if you like!”

Suzie thought she had better get back on the Pill.

The End.


One comment

  • Anonymous

    this was actually a sweet and not too humiliating story which I prefer much more often than the cuckold and big cock cheating themes that come out more than often on this site


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