Justin’s New Life 4

By Jessek12501.

Read Part 1 Here
Read Part 2 Here
Read Part 3 Here
Part 4…

Justin reached up, wiping the fog from the bathroom mirror, before setting himself back down, flat, on his feet. Looking straight on, only his face was visible. Everything, from the neck down, was out of view. As he looked, he struggled to see the adult man that was supposed to be looking back at him. By every measure, Justin was a full grown adult. By every measure, he was capable of being on his own and taking care of himself. By every measure, he was an grown man. Every measure, except the one between his legs.

His small stature only served to reinforce everything his mother had been telling him since his appointment at Dr. Cecily’s office. With each passing day, the information his mother had been getting, from the book she’d been reading, Dr. Leslie’s videos and from Dr. Cecily had only proved to be more and more true. Who he was, as a person, was slowly being defined by how his body had taken shape and at this point, if there was any growing to take place, it would have happened before now. He was well past puberty. He was done. Every change his body was going to go through, had already occurred. What he saw in the mirror, and when he looked at his naked body, was everything he had and would ever have.

Stepping back from the mirror, Justin peaked outside the bathroom door and down the hall toward his mother’s room. She had insisted on bathing him from now on and as time had passed, he’d become less and less inclined to resist. Sensing she wasn’t coming back in the next minute or two, Justin closed the bathroom door, stepping in behind it, to look at himself in the full length mirror that hung on the reverse side.

Standing as upright and as tall as he could, he took himself in. More and more, he could feel whatever confidence he had, before his appointment with Dr. Cecily, starting to slip away. He certainly didn’t look like any other eighteen year old boys he knew. The boys at his old school, his friends, even the girls, they were all significantly taller than he was. The boys bodies had filled out. Skinny arms replaced by muscle and definition. Skinny legs started to fill out, replaced by hard packed human flesh. Their stomachs weren’t soft and fleshy any more. Not like Justin’s was. Most boys his age, they had abs. Most of their pectorals had filled out. Their necks and jaw lines formed, chiseled and hard, like their fathers. He hadn’t seen for himself, but he’d imagined their cocks had filled out too.

As Justin looked himself over in the mirror, taking in every inch of his body, he couldn’t help but notice that his body had formed very different, if it had taken shape at all. His arms were scrawny and weak. His legs hadn’t developed any definition at all. His chest was still small and undefined. His jaw line and facial features were still remarkably boyish, despite his eighteen years of age. As his eyes took in the shape of his body, he eventually came to the space between his legs.

Where his penis once poked out from, was now encased in a small, steel cage. At the base, a small steel ring secured the cage to his body, encapsulating his impossibly small, and underdeveloped, scrotum as well. He’d seen his father’s testicles and ball sac up close. His father’s balls were like two heavy, jumbo sized chicken eggs inside of a very masculine sack. They were bulbous and thick, covered in a masculine patch of well manicured hair. Comparatively speaking, there was no real comparison.

Justin reached down, cupping his impossibly small balls in his hand. The warmth of the post shower mist still hovering about the room, made his balls a little bit more relaxed and pliable than normal. Despite this, the entire sack fit comfortably in the palm of his tiny hands. Unlike his father, Justin’s balls were like two small marbles you might get out of a gum ball machine, encapsulated in one of those plastic eggs that they come out in, except about as round as a fifty cent piece. The smooth texture of it and petite size of his underdeveloped balls left no definition between where one ball started and the next began. It was smooth and circular. One small, round, shape. And, like the rest of his body, it was completely hairless, but not by design.

Justin had never grown much hair. Not on his face, arms, legs or genitals. Hair removal, and shaving, was never a topic he’d even discussed with his father as the topic never came up. He was sure his father never thought anything of it, until he saw what his mother had showed him at his first lesson. The more his mother relayed the information she was getting from her book and Dr. Cecily, the more Justin was starting to believe it. Looking at himself in the mirror, it was, admittedly, difficult to deny. His body just wasn’t forming like a man’s was supposed to. It was as if all of his features were stuck in time and it was just now starting to set in that, there was nothing he could do about it. This was his life and his mother was taking control of it.

He tried to deny it at first, but the more he thought about her, the more his mother took over his thoughts. He thought about her all day and dreamt about her at night. When he was tucked into his blankets, with the crinkly diaper wrapped around his waist, he squirmed with longing for her. Since that first lesson, when he finally saw her body, exposed and godlike in front of him, he’d been hooked. She had always been kind to him, before Dr. Cecily’s office. Now, her domineering approach toward him was starting to take its toll.

For all of his faults, Justin wasn’t stupid. He knew that. He was very aware of the change in his mental state. He was monitoring it as it happened. The way his mother broke down his confidence was masterly. It took absolutely no effort on her part and, while he was aware it was happening, he had no defense for it. Every word, every suggestion, every insistence that Justin needed to adjust to her new life for him, instantly took effect. In just a matter of days, he knew that he was firmly under her thumb. Maybe at first, he was going with the flow and not letting the information really sink in. Maybe at first, he didn’t believe that any of what she was saying was ACTUALLY true. However, looking at himself in the mirror, it was becoming increasingly difficult to deny.

Justin heard footsteps out in the hallway and took a step back as the bathroom door pushed open. His mother entered a half second later. These days, she hardly got dressed anymore. She knew what she was doing and made sure to present herself in a way that would make Justin long for her. As she stopped in the doorway, Justin scanned her body with his eyes. She had left in a shirt and pants, but came back in a very loose fitting sports bra and panties. Her large, natural breasts bounced and jiggled when she stopped in the doorway. The jiggle ran down her tummy and into her thighs before stopping at her knees.

“Look at my little boy,” she said with a smirk, scanning Justin’s naked body standing in front of her. “I swear, I wish they made a smaller cage. I don’t know what to do. That one you have on is still so loose.”

“I’m sorry Mommy,” Justin replied, careful to remember what she told him to call her. “It does feel loose sometimes. At night it spins a bit.”

“Well,” she replied, placing her hands on her hips. “Mommy will look and see if she can find you a new one. Dr. Cecily says they make some that are flat. Wouldn’t that be nice?”

“Y… yes Mommy,” Justin said, gulping at the thought.

“Well honey, your Aunt Sue wants to FaceTime so follow me and we’ll get ready.”

“Okay Mommy,” Justin said, following his mother, she did an about face and headed down the hall to his room.

The door to his room was only a short walk from the bathroom, but every step sent ripples through the meat in his mother’s back side. Justin was absolutely hypnotized, watching each cheek rock back and forth with each step. He couldn’t help wanting so badly to reach out and squeeze it. The thoughts of burying his face between it invaded his mind. Still, the lessons she’d instilled in him about propriety, and his position in the world as a small dicked beta, reminded him that touching her was off limits. This did nothing to quell the desire for her in his heart.

Justin’s mother stopped in the center of his room, turning back to make sure Justin was standing before her. Her heavy tits shook in the bra as if they were lagging behind and catching up with her abrupt turn. Justin hadn’t noticed, but she was holding a bottle of lotion in her hands.

“Alright honey,” she said. “Hands up and out. We’re gonna get you ready for the FaceTime with your Aunt and cousin.”

“Is mommy going to dress me?” He asked.

“No sweetheart,” she replied. “Mommy is going to lotion you up so your skin is nice and soft. Mommy and Daddy like that and Mommy’s book says that we need to keep your skin healthy.”

“Does Daddy use lotion too?”

“Of course honey,” she replied. “But Daddy uses man lotion. It’s different. Mommy is using baby lotion on you.”

“Then Mommy is going to dress me?” He asked again, shaking at the answer.

“No Justin,” she said. “Aunt Sue wants to see the new you. Mommy told her all about the changes we’ve made around here and she wants to see. So, we’re going to put some lotion on and that’s it.”

“But,” Justin started to protest, not wanting his Aunt to see him this way, but he caught himself and stopped. The obstinance he felt quieted quicker than it had in the past. More and more, his willingness to cooperate with his mother’s demands became second nature. “Okay, Mommy.”

“That’s what I thought,” she said sternly. She glared at him until he submitted to her dominance by averting his eyes to the floor. She put the bottle of lotion on his dresser, squirted some into her hands and started rubbing it into his skin. She worked it into his neck and shoulders, down each skinny, unmuscular arm. She rubbed more into his soft, weak stomach and down to his hips.

“I swear, Justin,” she said. “Your brain must think you’re a girl. Look at your hips. Your hips and your butt. Both have started to form whereas everything else, just stayed trapped in childhood. You have the form of a short eighteen year old girl. Not of an eighteen year old boy.”

She rubbed lotion down his hips, reaching around and talking a firm grip on his butt cheeks. She squeezed and massaged the lotion into his skin and he had a hard time denying that, despite the rest of his body being small and boyish, his more feminine areas were ACTUALLY developing.

“I’ve mentioned this to Dr. Cecily,” she said, turning Justin around to get a look at his soft bubble butt. “She says you might be a femboy. Do you know what that is?”

“N… no Mommy,” he said.

“It’s a boy who is built, and dresses like, a girl. Not quite transgender, although some femboys are. I get the feeling that you’re not transgender, but definitely more feminine than boys who are becoming men are. I mean, we both saw how much you adored your father’s cock during your last lesson. Didn’t we?”

Justin turned his head away in shame as he hadn’t processed that experience yet. He didn’t know what it meant to be gay or straight. He knew he was deeply obsessed with his mother. If that’s the case, why was he so interested in his father too? He did his best to avoid answering the question.

“Come now sweetheart,” she said. “Admit it. Mommy had to practically rip your hand away when you were stroking Daddy’s cock. You liked it, didn’t you?”

Justin turned back to her and nodded. He was ashamed but he didn’t know why. He wasn’t equipped to understand the emotions that he had wrapped up in it.

“I know you did honey,” she replied. “And don’t worry. It’s completely natural to be enamored with a huge cock like Daddy’s. Especially for submissive, feminine boys like you. Your body and mind formed for a certain life and that’s what Mommy and Daddy are trying to prepare you for. We have a lot of work to undo. You’re not like the other boys your age.”

As she said this, she flicked at the cage between Justin’s legs. He winced a bit as the cage bounced up and down, still secured to his body, but loose fitting around the base of his parts.

“Boys your age are out fucking girls, Justin,” she said. “They don’t wear cages like you do. They don’t go to bed wearing a diaper because they’re hung like a newborn. Boys your age are mostly well endowed and are using their man sized dicks to pleasure women. You can’t do that. Right?”

“Right mommy,” he replied. It was a well rehearsed response and one his mother had been prepping for him when she queried him about the value and ability of his penis size.

“What do you have honey?” She asked, prodding for another conditioned response.

“I have a beta nano penis Mommy. I’m not built for sex with girls.”

“That’s right,” she said. “And after our FaceTime with Aunt Sue, we’ll have your next lesson to teach you why.”

Justin’s mother wiped her hands together, working the excess lotion in to her hands. Once she was satisfied, she motioned for Justin to kneel down on the floor.

“Get down on your knees for Mommy, sweetheart,” she said. “Mommy needs you to put some lotion on her butt now.”

Justin felt his throat swell and he had trouble choking down a gulp. He knelt down quickly until he was eye level with the V between her legs.

“Put your hands out,” she said as she reached out with the lotion bottle, pumping a generous amount into the palm of Justin’s tiny hands. Placing the bottle back on the dresser, she turned around presenting her weak son with her huge, soft, maternal ass.

Justin worked the lotion into his hands before reaching up and massaging the lotion into her soft, voluptuous butt. He started with a cheek in each hand at first, before quickly being overwhelmed and using both hands for one. His mouth hung open, goon like, as he worked the lotion into her meat. It was so warm, soft and squishy. The feel of it fired every synapse in his brain at once. As he rubbed it in, he could feel saliva form in his mouth run down his lips and drip freely down onto the floor.

“Do you like Mommy’s big, juicy ass honey?” She asked.

“Y… y… yes Mommy,” Justin replied. “So so much.”

“Tell Mommy what you want to do to her,” she said, looking over her shoulder and smirking at the weak willed man-boy on the floor behind her.

“I,” Justin started but wasn’t able to form the words.

“Come on sweetie,” she said. “Pretend you’re a big dicked man like Daddy. Summon that testosterone, if you have any, and tell Mommy what Justin would do to Mommy if he had a big, hard dick like Daddy has.”

“I would,” he started, furrowing his brow and mustering whatever faux masculinity he could. “I want to… fuck her.”

“Mmmm,” she replied. “My little dicked baby boy wants to FUCK his own mother. Doesn’t he?”

“Ugh,” Justin moaned. Even with his little dick caged up, he could feel himself getting hard inside of it. There was still plenty of room for his erection to reach its full size without causing too much discomfort. Still, this did nothing to detract from the frustration the cage was intended to deliver.

Justin’s mother took a step forward, pulling her voluptuous ass out of her son’s reach, before turning around and bending over to meet Justin’s eyes.

“But you know that can’t happen,” she said. “Don’t you?”

“Yes,” Justin said, gritting his teeth.

“Why can’t that happen baby?”

“Because,” he gulped. “My penis is too tiny.”

“That’s exactly right baby,” she replied. “Now stand up and come to the kitchen so we can call your aunt. When Daddy gets home, which should be soon, we have a new video from Dr. Leslie to watch and a new lesson. Are you excited?!”

“Ye… yes Mommy,” he replied, sheepishly, still gritting his teeth in frustration at the caged erection he was dealing with.

Justin’s mother turned again, sure to snap her hips to maximize the wiggle in her cheeks before walking out the door and down the hallway. Justin stood up and followed her, his eyes still glued to his mother’s delicious ass as she walked down the hall. She stopped at her bedroom door, commanding him to walk down to the kitchen and stand behind the breakfast bar where she had her phone set up for the call.

Justin’s concentrated on his feet as he walked toward the kitchen. Each step made his cage bounce back and forth, the weight of it tugging on his tiny dick and balls, pulling it down, but not enough to give it any sort of hang whatsoever. The more his mother conditioned him, the more he believed in his heart, that this was truly the life he was meant to live. He hadn’t left the house in two weeks. He was homeschooled now, tutoring online and his parents took his driving privileges away so, unless they were taking him somewhere, he hadn’t had any means to leave. This whole thing, the cage, his dominant mother, his insatiable lust for his parents and their molding of him into an object of play and torment, was becoming his entire world.

Justin took his place near the breakfast bar, seeing that his mother had set her ipad up for a video call already. He tried to angle himself outside of where he guessed the shot was going to be. This was a futile gesture for sure, but it was all he had in the moment.

Justin heard his mother’s footsteps as she approached the kitchen and he was instantly filled with anxiety. He had made some form of peace with the way his mother was treating him. He was even starting to believe in the path she had set him on. Somehow, this didn’t translate to his Aunt. He was worried about what she would think.

Justin always had a pleasant relationship with his Aunt. Justin’s mother, his Aunt’s sister, had given birth to Justin after his Aunt gave birth to her daughter. Each woman had only had one child and they always treated each other’s kids as though they were their own. Justin Aunt was there when he was born and adored him his entire life. This revelation would surely throw that relationship into question. He really loved his Aunt and didn’t want anything to change between them.

Just like her sister, Justin’s Aunt was a knockout. She was blonde, to his mother’s brunette, but was built the same. Motherhood had changed her body a bit, but only for the better. She was divorced and raised Justin’s cousin Cheryl by herself. Cheryl, like her mother, was also a blonde bombshell. Justin hadn’t seen her outside of Facebook in years.

Justin’s mother approached the ipad just as it started to ring with an incoming call. She tapped the answer button and on the screen, Justin could see his Aunt’s smiling face. His Mother and Aunt both squealed in lieu of a hello, falling into laughter before finally talking.

“Hi Susan! How are you?!” his mother said.

“Oh, Karen… I’m good! It’s so wonderful to see your face! How is everyone? How’s the family?!”

“We’re FANTASTIC Sue,” she said. “So much has changed around here. How’s Cheryl?”

“Funny you should ask,” Susan said. “Look who’s here!”

Justin’s Aunt shifted in her seat as his cousin’s face came in to the shot. Justin’s heart began to race as his fight or flight response kicked in. He was desperate to leave and while he willed his legs to move, they stayed cemented in place.

“Cheryl!” his mother yelled. “What are you doing home? Shouldn’t you be studying?!”

“We had an off week at college,” Cheryl replied. “So I decided to come home and see mom! Where’s my cousin at?!”

“Justin is here and he’s fine. We will get to him in a moment. Oh Cheryl I’m so glad you’re here and on this call with us. Justin will be so excited to see you!”

“So, Karen,” Susan said. “I haven’t filled your niece in at ALL about what we talked about but I’m eager to see what you’ve done to my nephew.”

Justin felt his throat begin to swell. Why was she so interested? This didn’t sound like her at all. Justin was sure she would be reacting differently. Possibly even in a negative way. This sounded strangely like she was already on board.

“Well, Susan, since Cheryl is here also, I’ll just set the back story,” his mother said, taking a deep breath. “So, we took Justin cup shopping as he was trying out for senior year football but we couldn’t find any cups that would fit. Not because he was too big, but because he couldn’t… fill them out if you catch my drift.”

“Oh, uhm, Okayyy,” Cheryl said, tilting her head to one side.

“So we took him to the doctor. His doctor is an old college friend of mine and what we discovered was that your cousin, my son, has what’s called a Nanopenis. Have you ever heard of that?”

“I think we’ve both heard of micropenises,” his Aunt said, looking at her daughter for confirmation. “We’ve never heard of Nanopenis before.”

“Well it turns out there’s a size beneath micropenis that is actually smaller. It takes volume into account. And my son has one.”

“Wait,” Cheryl said. “Mom always said Uncle Mike was… uhm… big… down there. What happened with Justin?”

“That is a long story,” his mother said. “And I’ll happily fill you in when you come visit next week. Suffice to say, that gene didn’t manifest in your cousin.”

“Well enough foreplay,” Sue said. “Let’s see him!”

“Okay! One second.”

Justin’s mother turned away from the camera for a second, kneeling down and unlocking the cage around Justin’s cock. She effortlessly removed the cage and ring, placing it on the counter next to the ipad.

“Stand up straight honey,” she said, before turning back to the camera.

“Ready girls?” his mother asked, before turning the ipad in Justin’s direction. He watched the screen as his body entered it. From his angle and distance, you couldn’t even tell he had a penis, much less a small one. His Aunt and Cousin both took him in for a second, before letting out audible gasps. Cheryl covered her mouth and bounced out of screen stifling what sounded like a scream.

“Oh Karen,” his Aunt said. “What… I mean… I’m speechless.”

“I know right?” his mother said, looking back at him and then back to the camera.

“It’s the smallest penis I’ve ever seen! What happened?!”

“Like I said Sue, it’s a long story and I’ll happily fill you in when you come visit. In the meantime, I just wanted you to see what I’ve been working with.”

“Cheryl,” Susan said off camera. “Get ahold of yourself. Sorry Karen. I didn’t expect her to react this way.”

“No apology necessary!” Karen said, before shouting into the camera. “Cheryl! Come back. It’s okay! Your cousin knows what he has.”

Cheryl popped back into the shot, breathing heavily between bouts of laughter.

“I’m sorry Aunt Karen. Sorry Mom. I just… wasn’t prepared for that.”

“Neither was I, honestly,” Justin’s mother said back. “That’s why were working on changing Justin’s life and putting him on a new course. Isn’t that right sweetie?”

“Y… Yes Mommy,” Justin said, trying to hide the fact that his entire body was shaking.

“Say Hi to your Aunt and Cousin,” Karen said, lifting the ipad and focusing it on her son until Justin’s naked body was the only thing in the shot.

“Hi… Hi Aunt Sue. Hi Cheryl,” Justin said.

“Ask your Aunt and cousin if they like your tiny pp,” his mother said off camera.

“Mommy… do I have to?”

“Do it,” she mouthed silently, with a stern look in her eye.

“Aunt Susan. Cheryl,” Justin gulped. “Do you like my tiny pp?”

“Awwww,” Susan gasped. “It’s adorable sweetheart. Can you show us how you touch it? Can you touch it like a big strong man?!”

“Mom!” Cheryl gasped.

“What?! This is how your Aunt talks to him. Right Karen?”

“Yes! Exactly Sue! Show your Aunt how you touch it honey,” Justin’s mom replied.

Justin reached down, forming his fingers into a tight pinch and gripped the head of his miniscule cock. He slowly began to stroke it, breathing heavy and shaking. His Aunt and Cousin began to chuckle, their eyes laser focused on the small member between Justin’s legs.

“This is awful Mom,” Cheryl said. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“Cheryl! Be nice,” Susan replied. “Karen?”

Justin’s mom took the ipad off of her son, leaving him in the background, and brought her face back to the screen.

“What have you done to him to make him so… docile?” Susan asked.

“Well,” his mother said. “Again, it’s a long story, but my friend Dr. Cecily has been helping and I’ve been reading a book that really dives into raising a small dicked boy. I’ll send you a link, not that you have any need for it.”

“Well if I’m coming to visit,” Sue replied. “And there’s etiquette to be observed, then I would certainly like to get a running start.”

At that moment, Justin heard the garage door open and his father’s car pull into the garage. The garage door closed behind him before the back door opened and Justin’s father walked in.

“Hey Mike!’ Justin’s mother yelled. “I got Sue and Cheryl on the phone.”

“Oh?” Justin’s father said, setting his briefcase down on the kitchen island. “I see you got your son out to show her.”

“She wanted to see what we’ve been working on!”

Justin’s father stepped past him without saying hello and brought his face into the camera. Justin looked past him, seeing his chiseled jaw and handsome, alpha male features in the screen. He leaned in, kissing Justin’s mother on the mouth before turning back to the screen.

“Hi Sue! Hi Cheryl! How’s college life?!”

“Amazing, Uncle Mike.” Cheryl replied.

“I bet you don’t find many guys like your cousin on campus huh?” Justin’s father said with a giggle.

“No,” she said, letting out a big hearty sigh. “I’ve never seen anything like that.”

“Sue is going to come to visit next week, Mike. Isn’t that great?!” Karen said.

“Absolutely!” Justin’s father replied. “Bring Cheryl! Unless you’ve got some college parties to go to!”

“I think I can do that,” Cheryl replied.

“We’ll see,” replied Susan. “She has some studying to do but I’m DYING to see you with my nephew in person.”

“Well keep in touch this week sis,” Justin’s mother said. “And let me know your travel arrangements so we can meet you.”

“Sounds good,” Susan said. “Bye Karen. Mike. Bye bye my babydick nephew!”

With that, Justin’s mother disconnected the call and the screen went black. She turned her self in her chair to face her son while looking up at her handsome, alpha male of a husband.

“So,” she said. “Should we go into the living room? It’s time for the next lesson.”

“Absolutely honey,” Justin’s father said, taking his wife’s hand and walking her over to the sofa.

“Come on in sweetie,” Justin’s mother beckoned, as he turned toward the living room, doing as he was told. “Kneel down in front of the sofa sweetheart. We’re going to watch Dr. Leslie!”

Justin knelt down, placing his bubble butt on the back of his heels, before shifting has body around to face the television.

“What a good, obedient son we have Mike,” she said, which Justin’s father confirmed with a seemingly sarcastic mmhmm.

“Now watch closely honey,” she said, gently placing a kiss on Justin’s cheek. “We’re learning new things tonight.”

The screen illuminated and Justin was greeted by Dr. Leslie in her familiar white lab coat. She was so striking that Justin couldn’t help but find himself captivated by her whenever she was on screen.

“Hello again. As you know, I’m Dr. Leslie Commings and welcome to Propriety for Submissives. This is the follow up video to our introductory course. In todays lesson, we’ll be teaching your small dicks more about their inadequacies and instilling in them a new sense of worth. As you’ve hopefully been following along in the accompanying handbook, you’ve already spent the entirety of this week regressing your small dick. In doing so, we’re removing whatever trace masculinity might still be inside them. Your small dick is, after all, a grown man. However, it’s important that we undo the work we’ve done already in trying to raise them to be strong, independent Alphas. We all know, this is not the appropriate course for them. Small dicks need structure. They need dependence. And in regressing them in both their mindset and expectations, we remove any independence and self esteem they’ve been wrongfully imbued with.”

Dr. Leslie moves across the room of her office as the camera follows. Soon, she approaches a handful of men all kneeling down on the floor. Each one is wearing a chastity cage and is being careful not to make eye contact with the Dr.

“As you can see,” Dr. Leslie continues. “I have many small dicks in my service. It’s not the goal to employ as many small dicks as possible, not for you and your family. Instead, we’re trying to teach your small dick his place. I am showing my collection here, simply to illustrate how easy it is to bring a small dick under your control. You’ll find, as we progress, that the small dick is very subservient and extremely willing to go to any lengths at all to relinquish control. Control of their lives, dignity and well being are all secondary to the hope and, however remote, possibility that they might receive sexual gratification from the objects of their desire, which is you.”

Dr. Leslie walks back from the direction she came from, sitting on her desk and crossing her legs.

“By including the small dick and providing some temporary sexual satisfaction in our initial lessons, we’re showing our small dicks how wonderful sex can be for them. That way, when we remove it from the equation, they will lust for it that much more. So for today’s lesson, we are going to both teach the small dick that they are unsuited for penetrative sex, while still providing some gratification. We’ll also be encouraging their obvious homosexual desires and encouraging their submissive and subservient nature. Tonight, I want the small dicks mother to open her legs for the small dick and have him thrust toward her without penetration. Take this opportunity to point out the obvious shortcomings of the small dick before moving them aside for your well endowed spouse. If desired, use the small dick to get the well hung spouse aroused for penetration and find the small dick a suitable place to watch. Enjoy yourselves tonight. Start the next chapter for the next video and I will see you next time.”

As always, Dr. Leslie finished the video with a wink and a kiss before the tv screen went black.

“Turn back to us now honey,” Justin’s mother said.

Justin shifted on his knees, turning his body back to his parents. When they came in to view, Justin’s jaw dropped, as his mother was already naked. Her feet wee on the floor and her legs were spread. Justin followed the curves of her thighs, down to the soft tuft of hair between her legs. Almost instantly, he felt his little AA battery begin to tingle. Eyeing up her stomach, his eyes landed on the two heavy, perfect tear drop shaped breasts that rested so gently on her ribs. Justin’s face began to flush as the little reed between his legs began to stiffen.

“Come to momma sweetheart,” his mother said, motioning for him to kneel down between her legs. Justin shuffled himself, eagerly, over to the couch until he was kneeling between her knees.

“Tell Mommy and Daddy what you told me earlier,” she said. “Tell Mommy and Daddy what you want to do to your mother.”

Justin looked timidly at his father and then back to his mother’s face. She returned the look with insistance.

“I want,” he said, still sheepish as if he knew the front he was putting on was a facad. “I want to fuck you Mommy.”

“He wants to fuck you sweetheart,” Justin’s father said, looking down at his wife spread eagle on the couch before their soft, weakling of a son.

“Show Mommy then,” she said, smirking at her son’s tiny cock. “Show Mommy how you would fuck her.”

Justin began to tremble. He couldn’t help wondering if he might actually get the chance if he did something correct. He wasn’t exactly sure what to do and if he could do anything right with the equipment between his legs, but he was determined to try just in the off chance that it paid off.

Justin straightened his legs, pushing his body up on his knees and began thrusting his erect penis toward his mother’s pussy. He bucked his hips back and forth, thrusting the red, tingling little dick attached to his body into nothing. He bucked his hips harder and faster, trying desperately to imitate what he’d seen his father do last week. Justin closed his eyes and tried to imagine his penis being long and powerful, like his fathers. He tried desperately to flex it. To force it to grow. He tried so hard to believe that he had anything other than what he could feel jutting out from between his legs.

“Don’t close your eyes honey,” his mother said. “Look down and see what you’re trying to do.”

Justin gulped, before opening his eyes and looked down. The big, hard, masculine dick he’d had in his imagination had faded away. Instead, he only saw an inch and half little nub jutting out from his body with each pathetic little thrust. The mammoth hulk of a dick he’d pretended to have was replaced with what looked more like a vanilla tootsie roll with a thin, tiny penis head attached to it. Glancing outward from the tip, he must have been less than three inches away from his mother’s lips, but those three inches could just as easily have been a mile. He was nowhere near reaching her from where he was.

“Look at how hard he’s trying Mike,” Justin’s mother said.

“He really wants it,” his father replied.

“But you just can’t reach, can you sweetheart?”

“Ugh,” Justin groaned. “No Mommy, I can’t. Can I get closer?”

“Oh honey,” she said. “If you can’t reach from there, then there’s really no point is there?”

Justin gritted his teeth again in frustration before reluctantly shaking his head no, as he was sure his mother was expecting him to do.

“We’re doing this to show you what Dr. Leslie said in her video sweetheart,” she replied. “You’re not built for penetrating women honey. You know that by now, don’t you? Can’t you see that?”

Justin nodded in agreement, ceasing the hip thrusting and turning his head down toward the floor in shame.

“Let your father show you how a real man does it,” Justin’s mother said. “He’s going to need some help getting started though honey.”

Justin couldn’t deny the excitement in his heart, but that did nothing to stop him from shaking. He looked over at his father, leaning back on the couch and waiting for Justin to slide down to him.

“Go ahead honey,” his mother said. “We all know you want to.”

Justin timidly shifted his knees down until he was between his father’s knees. Justin’s mother watched closely as he assumed the position she had been in just last week.

“Go on,” she said. “Do it just like Mommy did last week. Mommy wants Daddy’s dick big and hard for her. You want to make Mommy feel good don’t you?”

Justin nodded, looking back at his father and reaching up for the button on his trousers. He unclasped it and brought the zipper down as his father raised his hips so his son could pull his pants down to the floor. Justin eyes his father’s strong, hairy, masculine legs as he traced his hands back up to the intimidating bulge in his father’s waist. Justin held his breath as he pressed his hand into the enormous lump he found there. He could feel the outline of his father’s masculine cock in his palm as he pressed his hands around it.

His father leaned back again, as Justin reached up, grabbing his underwear at the waist and pulling them down to meet his trousers on the floor. Justin had to stifle a gasp at the monstrosity in front of him. He’d seen his father’s cock before, but something about it never prepared him for seeing it a second time. It truly was unspeakably large, even in it’s soft state.

Justin clenched his jaw, before reaching out and grabbing it in his hand. He angled it upward, feeling the god tier weight of it, and slowly began pulling at the hulking shaft. The skin slid gently, back and forth in his hand, so easily and he couldn’t help feeling excited. As he stroked, his father’s cock took on a life of it’s own, growing and pulsing in his fist. Justin looked down, seeing his own, comparatively incomparable dick throbbing in it’s own, petite way. Before long, Justin’s father’s cock was so big, he needed to apply a second hand. He slowly jerked it more and more until it reached it’s maximum, towering ten inches.

“He loves stroking you honey,” Justin heard his mother say. “Tell Daddy you love his cock sweetheart.”

“I,” Justin gulped. “I love your cock Daddy.”

“Thank you Justin,” his father replied. “I can tell.”

“It’s my turn,” his mother said, eagerly shaking her hips in anticipation.

Justin had to admit, he was upset to have to let go of his father’s monstrous dick. Again, he wasn’t sure how to process the emotion, but he was being honest when he told him he loved it, even if it sounded like a lie, or something he was being forced to say.

“Come up here honey,” his mother said. “Put your head on Mommy’s tummy so you can get a good view.”

Justin and his father traded places, with his father positioning himself between his mother’s legs. His father was knelt further back than Justin had been and his cock was already splitting her lips open. Justin laid his head down on his mother’s pelvis, resting his head on the soft pillowy pubic hair and watched as his father began to push the tip of his mighty cock inside of her. Justin felt her take a deep breath as it went in just part of the way and could feel her body tremble in pleasure as he forced inch after inch inside.

Before long, he was thrusting all ten inches in and out of her. The hard, wet slapping sounds filled the room and it was all happening just inches in front of Justin’s face. His mother’s body shook and trembled beneath him as his father fucked her. His mother let out sensual, animalistic moans behind each thrust as his father’s cock skyrocketed her toward climax.

Mid way though, he felt his mother’s hand reach down between his legs and grip his tiny nub. She began pinching at it, and gently stroking it as his father did the man’s work, filling her body with pleasure. With a sudden burst, his mother’s body grew tense. She held her breath before letting it out in an accompaniment of screams and bellows of pleasure.

“I’m cumming Mike!” she yelled, as he began thrusting harder and faster. With each thrust, Justin’s mother stroked his nano dick faster until he too could feel a rush at his tip. Justin felt his body tense up, before going limp and feeling wetness between his legs. At that moment, Justin’s father withdrew the magnum alpha cock from his wife and angled it up toward Justin’s face.

“Open up sweetie! It’s your favorite part!”

Justin opened his mouth just in time as his father’s enormous cock head split his lips. Justin’s eyes went wide as his mouth stretched to accommodate the hulking head. In the back of his mind, something clicked. He liked the feeling of the cock in his mouth. In fact, he loved it. More than that, he loved the taste as his mouth filled up with his father’s hot, sticky, delicious cum.

His father slid back, resting on his knees, letting out deep, heavy breaths. Justin’s mother reached down, pulling her son up to get a look at him. She smiled at the cum on his lips and in his mouth.

“Show Mommy! Say Ah!”

Justin opened his mouth for her, revealing the heavy load inside. It covered his tongue completely, reaching from his bottom row of teeth all the way to the back of his throat.

“Swallow it for Mommy,” she said, before Justin closed his mouth and gulped the delicious treat down his throat.


To Be Continued…?


*This story has NOT been edited by this site. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

One comment

  • LeoSmall

    So happy this story continues, hoping for cheryl to be a bit more cruel to justin


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